Tagged new by devscripts@packages.debian.org

StateBugSourcePackageTitleOther tags
open #205416 devscripts devscripts [new] scripts for mass-mailing to bug reporters list usertags
open #282380 devscripts devscripts [new] include when-dinstall and when-webwml scripts list usertags
open #304502 devscripts devscripts [new] unified way to get changes file name list usertags
open #389061 devscripts devscripts [new] checkdiffs: Helpful wrapper around debdiff list usertags
open #469263 devscripts devscripts [new] Please add a script to access ldap / machines.cgi and login to machines list usertags
open #476585 devscripts devscripts [new] Script to compare the orig tarball for a Debian package to the upstream tarball list usertags
open #494737 devscripts devscripts [new] Debian PTS/BTS/Package Database mozilla search configs list usertags
open #500313 devscripts devscripts please provide a changes manipulation tool list usertags
open #511233 dctrl-tools,devscripts dctrl-tools,devscripts Idiom to specify parts of the archive to grep-dctrl against list usertags
open #517962 devscripts devscripts [new] dlatest -- tool for querying the latest available version of a package list usertags
open #552277 devscripts devscripts devscripts: sponsor-alert/mentors-alert script list usertags
open #558363 devscripts devscripts idea: popcon commandline tool list usertags
open #559697 devscripts devscripts Submitting bugs for manpage improvements list usertags
open #575394 devscripts devscripts [new] deb{review,inspect} showing Debian packaging files and Debian changes list usertags
open #624556 devscripts devscripts devscripts: dquilt for 3.0 (quilt) format list usertags
open #628684 devscripts devscripts devscripts: tool to verify setup.py and debian/changelog have same (upstream) version list usertags
open #660208 devscripts devscripts devscripts: Please consider adding source package backport helper list usertags
open #677792 devscripts devscripts [NEW] please consider including vcs-lint tool in devscripts list usertags
open #696270 devscripts devscripts devscripts: Command-line interface to http://qa.debian.org/developer.php aka DDPO list usertags
open #747412 devscripts devscripts add chk-origtgz script calling uscan/diffoscope/tardiff/cmp. list usertags
open #757529 devscripts devscripts devscripts: script for diffing packages on snapshot.debian.org list usertags
open #765569 devscripts devscripts please add this script to use su instead of sudo (or the reverse) (e.g. for pdebuild) list usertags
open #796961 devscripts,pkg-kde-tools pkg-kde-tools,devscripts pkg-kde-tools, devscripts: please merge pkgkde-{gensymbols, symbolshelper} into devscripts list usertags
open #824912 tracker.debian.org tracker.debian.org tracker.d.o: add an API for action items list usertags
open #832053 devscripts devscripts devscripts: deblog command to display current and former build logs list usertags
open #841270 devscripts devscripts new script: debrequest -- tool to generate RFS and ITP requests mails list usertags
open #848677 devscripts devscripts Script to automatically create upstream git remote list usertags
open #902809 devscripts devscripts New script: smash-working-tree-timestamps list usertags
open #921870 devscripts devscripts dch: Add 'QA upload' entry if Maintainer field contains QA group list usertags
open #940930 devscripts devscripts devscripts: add new script for self-service give-backs list usertags


By Bug
