Tagged watch by csmall@debian.org

StateBugSourcePackageTitleOther tags
open #177065 procps procps [watch] watch(1) man page could give suggestions for dealing with more than the first screen list usertags
open #224533 procps procps [watch] spaces hard to read through in -d view list usertags
open #275541 procps procps [watch] -d doesn't handel lines being removed effectivly(diff -B). list usertags
open #328314 procps procps [watch] watch.1: mention "only good for page 1"? list usertags
open #442204 procps procps [watch] no-clear switch list usertags
open #469156 procps procps [watch] Missing tail option list usertags
open #513995 procps procps [watch] option to not clear screen between invocations list usertags
open #565989 procps procps [watch] add-on for watch: /usr/bin/watchlog list usertags
open #567556 procps procps [watch] tail mode list usertags
open #729569 procps procps [watch] -g only reacts to visible output list usertags


By Bug
