[ { "id": 41794, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage PGP key lookup", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-11-25 13:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 50091, "source": "perl", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "binary-arch target should not build all man pages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-06-06 14:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 63406, "source": "htdig", "severity": "normal", "title": "htdig builds index as root", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2000-05-02 06:18:05 +0000" }, { 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"affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-07-23 16:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 146345, "source": "gnupg2", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[DEBIAN/BLOCKED][gnupg/928] gnupg: build with --enable-selinux-support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2010-10-27 10:24:06 +0000" }, { "id": 150781, "source": "courier", "severity": "normal", "title": "courier-imap-ssl: Should not automatically build certificate", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-25 10:16:04 +0000" }, { "id": 154468, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: Could make building debug releases easier", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-02 16:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 154776, "source": "libgc", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "investigation on how to get built specially-tuned versions of libgc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2002-07-30 21:18:10 +0000" }, { "id": 159570, "source": "glibc", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "glibc: Please document/update building process", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2016-11-15 10:03:08 +0000" }, { "id": 159997, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt-build: doesn't handle well incompatible packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-09-21 06:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 163254, "source": "iputils", "severity": "normal", "title": "iputils won't build on native hurd-i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-10-16 06:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 166198, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dselect: Use apt-build instead of apt-get to install", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2003-04-12 17:27:50 +0000" }, { "id": 168810, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[NEW CODE REQUIRED] would be nice if pbuilder would be using some compressed loopback file image", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2002-12-12 08:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 171928, "source": "emacsen-common", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "emacsen-common: Make build failures automatically file BTS bug reports", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-04 05:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 173829, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[debuild] Option to check for files that aren't cleaned", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-09-08 17:54:06 +0000" }, { "id": 176649, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "important", "title": "apt-build: Problem installing virtual packages as build dependencies.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-01-03 02:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 179697, "source": "synaptic", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "synaptic: please build --with-wings", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2004-07-15 12:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 180413, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt-build: can't detect Crusoe ", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2003-07-14 15:33:15 +0000" }, { "id": 182040, "source": "courier", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "courier: Please build with --with-authvchkpw", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2004-08-12 18:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 182626, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-deb: building some packages fail due to a setgid DEBIAN dir", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-04-21 02:03:15 +0000" }, { "id": 183863, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "allow easy X connection between `pbuilder login` and the outside system", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-10-03 14:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 184812, "source": "release.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[britney] migrations can break build-depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-07-23 16:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 193163, "source": "libtool", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "building in directory names with SPC fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-05-14 03:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 193189, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-build: multiple compiler option \"presets\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-05-24 18:48:13 +0000" }, { "id": 206208, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "[NONTRIVIAL] Need a way to terminate daemons that start up (GNUStep programs start a daemon while build, and not terminated after build.)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-04-12 10:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 211745, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-build: (optionally?) add gcc-wrappers for the gcc-3.x binaries as well", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2003-09-19 20:33:13 +0000" }, { "id": 212233, "source": "glibc", "severity": "normal", "title": "Member named \"__align\" causes conflict with Compaq C builtin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2014-06-26 14:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 213562, "source": "fakeroot", "severity": "normal", "title": "cannot build coreutils in fakeroot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-04-11 07:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 214238, "source": "tse3", "severity": "important", "title": "Only builds static libraries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2003-10-05 16:18:06 +0000" }, { "id": 216160, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-build: continue after error and build/install as much as it cans", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-09-21 06:18:05 +0000" }, { "id": 225318, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: Add support for debsigs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-02 16:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 225682, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Allow pbuilder to create chroots of ancient Debian versions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2004-02-28 00:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 226181, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-build: missing possibility to override/add compiler flags on a compile-by-compile base", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-05-24 18:45:57 +0000" }, { "id": 226332, "source": "debian-keyring", "severity": "normal", "title": "debian-keyring.gpg access is much faster after gpg --rebuild-keydb-cache", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-01-07 07:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 229775, "source": "apt", "severity": "normal", "title": "[apt-get] build-dep can fail if policy selects candidate version that does not satisfy a versioned dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-19 11:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 231764, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-build: Option to only compile when updating given set of packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-01-07 15:18:10 +0000" }, { "id": 232291, "source": "bash", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "bash-builtins: Please add loadable builtins for sort and uniq", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-08 14:24:08 +0000" }, { "id": 233910, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-build: Should detect CPU automatically", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2004-02-20 18:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 234124, "source": "debhelper", "severity": "normal", "title": "debhelper: Breaks builds that happen to sit in any dir whose parent is in DH_ALWAYS_EXCLUDE", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-06-13 15:47:32 +0000" }, { "id": 235237, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pdebuild-internal should use apt-cache etc.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-08-07 14:49:15 +0000" }, { "id": 238824, "source": "synaptic", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Suggestion: builtin non-free filter", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-12-08 11:09:16 +0000" }, { "id": 240574, "source": "cdbs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Please check that cdbs is in build dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-04-10 22:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 241189, "source": "menu", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "general: some WM packages build system menus that don't fit onscreen", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-08-27 20:08:19 +0000" }, { "id": 244289, "source": "xball", "severity": "serious", "title": "xball: Package includes non-free source code.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-31 06:12:07 +0000" }, { "id": 247824, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: Add support for debsigs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-02 16:39:08 +0000" }, { "id": 247825, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[debuild] please consider using dpkg-sig instead of debsign", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-03-23 21:54:09 +0000" }, { "id": 248864, "source": "grub", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Please document grub boot floppy building for diskless clients.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-03-02 12:12:10 +0000" }, { "id": 252498, "source": "dash", "severity": "normal", "title": "dash: doesn't recognize the built in fc command", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2008-09-03 20:45:23 +0000" }, { "id": 255046, "source": "courier", "severity": "normal", "title": "long running build cycles in courier-imap", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2004-06-18 14:18:05 +0000" }, { "id": 257706, "source": "fwbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "fwbuilder: Please provide fwbuilder-init package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-05-24 14:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 258437, "source": "developers-reference", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "developers-reference: wanna-build states & buildd problem resolution", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-11-06 06:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 258832, "source": "argus", "severity": "normal", "title": "argus: Failed build still results in a .deb", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-02-17 17:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 262783, "source": "lintian", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "lintian: Add an optional to check for a package dir before performing a build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-28 12:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 267961, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[CODE CHANGE] Allow pbuilder to incorporate local packages with full-path info only and no dpkg-scanpackages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-12-21 01:36:10 +0000" }, { "id": 268660, "source": "libtool", "severity": "normal", "title": "libtool fails to build and link static libraries when --disable-static is used", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2004-09-04 22:48:05 +0000" }, { "id": 269831, "source": "htdig", "severity": "normal", "title": "htdig: htdig blows out building large db.word files ", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2004-09-05 12:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 271180, "source": "aboot", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "aboot ought to ignore single digit options in favour of built-in args", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-12-07 22:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 272354, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Add an option to add security archives for pbuilder apt.conf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-11-17 15:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 273975, "source": "debian-installer", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debian-installer: Provide prebuilt nbi for etherboot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-02-20 13:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 275674, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[wontfix] trap ctrl-c to remove builddir", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-04-27 14:24:08 +0000" }, { "id": 280639, "source": "d-shlibs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "allow building packages on older debian releases that use some alternative of a -dev package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2004-11-17 08:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 287515, "source": "xutils-dev", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "xutils: [lndir] want new -ignoredirs option that creates symlinks to directories instead of building tree", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-02-18 15:26:11 +0000" }, { "id": 288159, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-build: Should support outputting to a logfile as well", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-01-06 17:33:25 +0000" }, { "id": 291365, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[isteve@bofh.cz: Re: apt-build and configure-time options]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-01-20 10:48:12 +0000" }, { "id": 292751, "source": "bash", "severity": "normal", "title": "bash man page does not mention that \"command -v\" prints names of builtins and functions too", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-04-15 12:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 294632, "source": "jam", "severity": "important", "title": "jam: rebuilds on every invocation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-02-10 20:41:41 +0000" }, { "id": 294637, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-build: Should ask CPU type first and propose deduced GCC options", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-02-10 21:18:07 +0000" }, { "id": 299228, "source": "apt-rdepends", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "reverse build depends would be really useful", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-12-01 09:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 299324, "source": "emacs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "emacs should build a GNUstep flavor", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-02-10 11:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 299678, "source": "aptitude", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "aptitude: build-dep from curses/gtk", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-12-14 14:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 300298, "source": "module-assistant", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "module-assistant: please add an option for easy build of packages in udeb format", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-08-14 22:03:16 +0000" }, { "id": 301041, "source": "apt", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-cache: dependency graph for build dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-03-16 20:17:16 +0000" }, { "id": 303636, "source": "module-assistant", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "module-assistant: build new -source pkgs after (dist-)upgrade", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-04-07 20:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 307575, "source": "courier", "severity": "grave", "title": "cross-site scripting attack via redirect parameter (CAN-2005-1308)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 16:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 309501, "source": "basilisk2", "severity": "important", "title": "FTBFS: fails to build in s390", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-07-28 08:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 310889, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-build: Ability to customize compilation options an a per package basis", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-05-26 18:48:08 +0000" }, { "id": 310941, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: [REQUIRES CODE REWRITE] Should give an error when Build-Depends contains a syntax error.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-08-20 14:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 310991, "source": "libgc", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libgc1: please build with --enable-redirect-malloc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-05-14 04:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 311194, "source": "xletters", "severity": "grave", "title": "xletters: Words with German umlauts cannot be typed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-29 18:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 311675, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "important", "title": "apt-build: Cant build x-window-system core", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-01 18:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 312934, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt-build upgrade says there is no package when apt-get dist-upgrade founds 7 packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-06-12 20:19:22 +0000" }, { "id": 314925, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-build: Add an option to clean obsolete package in repository", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-06-19 13:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 315237, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt-build: xfree86 is rebuilt even though it is already in repository", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-06-21 13:18:08 +0000" }, { "id": 315677, "source": "gnupg2", "severity": "important", "title": "keyring_rebuild_cache: Assertion `keyblock->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY' failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-07-17 10:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 317654, "source": "gnupg2", "severity": "important", "title": "keyring_rebuild_cache: Assertion `keyblock->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY' failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-07-16 12:54:14 +0000" }, { "id": 317734, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt-build install segfaults regardless of package name requested, and even if already installed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-07-11 04:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 319769, "source": "dx", "severity": "important", "title": "[Fwd: Log for failed build of dx_1:4.3.2-4 (dist=unstable)]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-10-14 13:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 321449, "source": "gcc-snapshot", "severity": "serious", "title": "gcc-snapshot should stay in unstable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-25 05:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 323648, "source": "equivs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "equivs-build should build every package described in the control file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-08-11 17:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 332739, "source": "findutils", "severity": "normal", "title": "debian packages are not safe to build on AFS, since find is typically used without -noleaf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-09-11 07:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 333934, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt-build: Unable to find a source package for ", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-10-14 17:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 334120, "source": "glibc", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Patch to include more files from the build tree in libc6-pic: allows Plash to build custom glibc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2014-06-26 14:57:09 +0000" }, { "id": 334836, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt-build: doesn't build some packages that build with 'dpkg-buildpackage'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-08-05 21:03:50 +0000" }, { "id": 334861, "source": "libtool", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "FTBFS when building on directory that contains spaces", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-05-14 03:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 339368, "source": "sqlite3", "severity": "normal", "title": "sqlite3: run tests as part of build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-09-20 05:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 339488, "source": "apt-src", "severity": "important", "title": "apt-src: Needs to install build-deps before clean", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-02-16 04:04:36 +0000" }, { "id": 342468, "source": "tla", "severity": "normal", "title": "tla package build failure in \"make test\" for \"undo\" test", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2005-12-08 21:48:17 +0000" }, { "id": 344930, "source": "gdb", "severity": "normal", "title": "IA64 /build/buildd/gdb-6.3/gdb/doublest.c:662: internal-error: floatformat_from_type: Assertion `TYPE_CODE (type) == TYPE_CODE_FLT' failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-06-01 22:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 346248, "source": "make-dfsg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[regression] make: slow to realize it's unable to build a .SECONDARY target", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-10-09 05:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 347845, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder hooks default operation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-01-12 23:33:36 +0000" }, { "id": 348461, "source": "apt-src", "severity": "normal", "title": "\"apt-src build\" says \"E: Not installed\" instead of downloading and then building source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-01-17 03:33:54 +0000" }, { "id": 349335, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-build: Except some packages from compiling during upgrade", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-01-22 12:03:22 +0000" }, { "id": 350619, "source": "neon27", "severity": "normal", "title": "libneon24-dev: should be built with -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:39:12 +0000" }, { "id": 352104, "source": "debbugs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[pkgreport.cgi] resolve src=foopkg to the source package that builds the binary when there is no source by that name", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-12-13 09:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 353055, "source": "alien", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Please allow building from a directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-02-15 22:03:16 +0000" }, { "id": 358730, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "important", "title": "apt-build: Builds anyway if builddeps aren't satisfied", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-01-03 02:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 359826, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "important", "title": "apt-build: Can't cope with builddeps that are satisfied by virtual packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-01-03 02:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 359827, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-build: Shouldn't update package lists EVERY time it's run", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-03-29 05:33:07 +0000" }, { "id": 359887, "source": "cdbs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "cdbs: Make CDBS depend on latest version when building from control.in", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-03-31 15:06:18 +0000" }, { "id": 360744, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: Make BUILDUSERNAME available during pbuilder login", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-04-09 23:58:37 +0000" }, { "id": 360970, "source": "graphviz", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Please build the graphviz-java plugins and language module", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2014-04-10 13:18:05 +0000" }, { "id": 360977, "source": "graphviz", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Please build the graphviz-sharp plugins and language module", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2006-04-05 18:34:00 +0000" }, { "id": 364561, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: please print modification timestamp of base.tgz on startup", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-04-26 13:03:15 +0000" }, { "id": 364845, "source": "glibc", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "glibc has recursive build-depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2006-08-27 16:48:29 +0000" }, { "id": 365427, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "O: apt-build -- frontend to apt to build, optimize", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-09-17 09:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 370219, "source": "apt", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt: Dependency tree building thrashes small machines", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-10-22 15:48:10 +0000" }, { "id": 370597, "source": "subversion", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "svn-buildpackage: svn-upgrade should sort lists of deleted and added files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-06-06 09:35:30 +0000" }, { "id": 373807, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "simple syntax to support multiple build environments", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-01-07 13:48:06 +0000" }, { "id": 374036, "source": "fwbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "fwbuilder-doc missing example init.d scripts", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-03-28 21:18:35 +0000" }, { "id": 378809, "source": "ksh93u+m", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "please consider building a sfio package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-10-27 07:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 381036, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pdebuild, add missing features of normal debuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-10-24 16:33:30 +0000" }, { "id": 381275, "source": "tracker.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "PTS: add a notice if a removed source package is rebuilt as binary from another source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2015-08-12 12:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 382798, "source": "bash", "severity": "normal", "title": "bash echo builtin fails on EINTR (I think)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-04-05 20:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 386521, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "important", "title": "apt-build: Doesn't apply new Debian diffs to existing sources when Debian updates", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-09-08 11:18:18 +0000" }, { "id": 387908, "source": "perl", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "support building without a configured 'lo' interface", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2010-11-08 10:21:08 +0000" }, { "id": 388141, "source": "www.debian.org", "severity": "serious", "title": "www.debian.org SPI copyright claim not legally valid until all contributors are contacted for relicensing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-12-07 12:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 389847, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-build: make clean or delete sources between building packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-08-07 14:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 389882, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-build: Needs option to install all binary packages built by a source package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-09-28 09:03:17 +0000" }, { "id": 391100, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pdebuild: should allow to keep current source tree untouched", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-10-22 15:03:14 +0000" }, { "id": 391126, "source": "tightvnc", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "TightVNC should have firewall tunneling built in - either NAT-defeating technology or third-party gatewaying", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-11-06 14:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 391326, "source": "cdbs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "cdbs: should have a mode like svn-buildpackage \"mergeWithUpstream\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-03-30 00:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 391715, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: Allow to provide additional available .deb files on the command line", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-12-21 01:36:10 +0000" }, { "id": 394589, "source": "ldp-docbook-stylesheets", "severity": "minor", "title": "Enumerate subsection of pbuilder-doc with the chapter number prefixed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-10-22 05:18:07 +0000" }, { "id": 396054, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "minor", "title": "pdebuild -- --preserve-buildplace always fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-12-30 10:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 396056, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pdebuild: does not tell anything when package build failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-10-29 23:18:29 +0000" }, { "id": 396057, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pdebuild: --logfile unexpectedly interacts with PKGNAME_LOGFILE=yes", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-10-29 22:48:17 +0000" }, { "id": 398404, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "simple syntax to support multiple build environments", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-01-09 01:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 399486, "source": "coreutils", "severity": "minor", "title": "coreutils build depends on groff-base not groff", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2006-11-20 05:04:21 +0000" }, { "id": 405629, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "important", "title": "\"apt-build world\" fails on acroread", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-01-03 02:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 405680, "source": "module-assistant", "severity": "normal", "title": "module-assistant: GUI doesn't display all of alsa's build log", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-02-01 18:40:03 +0000" }, { "id": 409149, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pdebuild: limitation with pdebuild command (debbuildopts and its -a option)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-02-05 23:43:47 +0000" }, { "id": 409453, "source": "posh", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "posh needs a built-in printf(1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-10-12 14:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 410575, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: better document --debootstrapopts arguments with spaces", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-02-15 00:03:11 +0000" }, { "id": 411642, "source": "lpr", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "should be possible to build simple /etc/printcap with dpkg-reconfigure lpr", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-12-20 19:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 419356, "source": "synaptic", "severity": "normal", "title": "synaptic: built-in repository choices are outdated", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-08-24 05:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 419554, "source": "mairix", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "mairix: Asked me to rebuild, but no rebuild option", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-04-17 19:39:30 +0000" }, { "id": 420458, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: if BUILDRESULT is created, it's owned by root:root", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-11-15 18:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 420460, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: creates BUILDRESULT directory even in places where the user has no write permissions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-01-26 06:29:35 +0000" }, { "id": 420890, "source": "maint-guide", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "maint-guide lacks package-build-dir tree as example", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-09-17 16:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 421591, "source": "bash", "severity": "normal", "title": "bash: test builtin (or [) does not behave correctly", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-03-21 10:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 423207, "source": "bash", "severity": "normal", "title": "bash builtins should not kill script when they get SIGPIPE", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-03-25 14:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 423483, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd.sh: hangs \"considering\" packages...", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-05-17 00:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 424846, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "add an option for checking if after clean the source tree is the same as it was before build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-11-10 09:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 428279, "source": "kate", "severity": "minor", "title": "kbuildsyscoca: WARNING: ... undefined mimetype/servicetype", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-01-16 02:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 430375, "source": "apt-src", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-src: Allow to check build dependencies only when compiling", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-06-23 21:57:09 +0000" }, { "id": 431718, "source": "sensors-applet", "severity": "minor", "title": "sensors-applet: NVIDIA plugin not built", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-07-03 12:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 432192, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pdebuild: support cross-arch build (e.g. DEB_{HOST,BUILD,TARGET}_ARCH stuff)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-10-26 11:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 433616, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-build upgrade-world", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-07-18 08:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 433637, "source": "manpages-posix", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "manpages-posix: Please add documentation to sh(P) for shell built-ins", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-07-18 11:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 434362, "source": "fwbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "fwbuilder: iptables, generates wrong script", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-03-28 21:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 434859, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt-build doesn't handles correctly packages revision terminated with \"+b1\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-06-07 21:03:07 +0000" }, { "id": 435242, "source": "htdig", "severity": "normal", "title": "rundig: don't force \"initial\" database rebuild on every run", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-07-30 11:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 436372, "source": "acl2", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "acl2: not handling nostrip build option (policy 10.1) sid/i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-08-07 06:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 436778, "source": "dvi2ps", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dvi2ps: not handling nostrip build option (policy 10.1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-08-08 23:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 436931, "source": "debiandoc-sgml", "severity": "important", "title": "build exit with failure for some locales", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-06-04 03:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 437051, "source": "gnushogi", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "gnushogi: not handling nostrip build option (policy 10.1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-12-16 21:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 437188, "source": "hol88", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "hol88: not handling nostrip build option (policy 10.1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-08-02 17:30:05 +0000" }, { "id": 437196, "source": "icon", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "icon: not handling nostrip build option (policy 10.1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-08-10 23:00:13 +0000" }, { "id": 437306, "source": "lftp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "lftp: not handling nostrip build option (policy 10.1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-08-11 17:24:07 +0000" }, { "id": 437375, "source": "liblip", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "liblip: not handling nostrip build option (policy 10.1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-08-12 07:51:13 +0000" }, { "id": 437477, "source": "linux86", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "linux86: not handling nostrip build option (policy 10.1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-08-12 19:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 437565, "source": "mgetty", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "mgetty: not handling nostrip build option (policy 10.1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-08-13 08:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 437580, "source": "mpack", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "mpack: not handling nostrip build option (policy 10.1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-08-13 08:36:20 +0000" }, { "id": 437620, "source": "netsed", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "netsed: not handling nostrip build option (policy 10.1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-08-13 10:39:10 +0000" }, { "id": 437638, "source": "nkf", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "nkf: not handling nostrip build option (policy 10.1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-08-13 12:27:17 +0000" }, { "id": 437768, "source": "perl-byacc", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "perl-byacc: not handling nostrip build option (policy 10.1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-08-14 06:39:17 +0000" }, { "id": 438044, "source": "ssmtp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ssmtp: not handling nostrip build option (policy 10.1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-08-15 08:33:23 +0000" }, { "id": 438046, "source": "statserial", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "statserial: not handling nostrip build option (policy 10.1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-08-15 08:33:27 +0000" }, { "id": 438232, "source": "uml-utilities", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "uml-utilities: not handling nostrip build option (policy 10.1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-08-16 08:45:22 +0000" }, { "id": 438300, "source": "xdelta", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "xdelta: not handling nostrip build option (policy 10.1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-01-01 13:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 440008, "source": "singularity", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "singularity: Need a way to mass-build or mass-destroy bases and items", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-07-04 09:53:15 +0000" }, { "id": 440555, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "normal", "title": "qemubuilder fails for powerpc arch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-09-13 21:18:07 +0000" }, { "id": 440614, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "support for being a --svn-builder (svn-buildpackage builder)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-11-03 08:48:13 +0000" }, { "id": 443665, "source": "metacity", "severity": "normal", "title": "Lots of files build up in .metacity/sessions/", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-11-09 17:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 448362, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[pbuilder] --debug option should also add --debug to cdebootstrap", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-10-29 00:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 448784, "source": "automake-1.17", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "automake1.10-doc: Please build HTML documentation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-10-16 17:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 448939, "source": "exim4", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "exim4: Please build-depend on libdb-dev instead of the virtual package libdb4.6-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-11-02 19:07:52 +0000" }, { "id": 452554, "source": "geany", "severity": "minor", "title": "Keyboard shortcuts for build do not work", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-08-27 19:18:06 +0000" }, { "id": 453710, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[patch] kill the build if the memory/disk is low", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2007-12-27 14:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 457904, "source": "libept", "severity": "normal", "title": "ept::debtags::DebTags should provide a way to rebuild the tags cache.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-03-25 04:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 458270, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: handle Ctrl+C elegantly", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-22 04:44:27 +0000" }, { "id": 461490, "source": "lintian", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "lintian: Add an optional to check for a package dir before performing a build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-01-29 13:48:16 +0000" }, { "id": 461874, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "invalid $HOME in pbuilder -login session", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-10-03 13:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 465696, "source": "developers-reference", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "developers-reference -- Please document more about the buildd and release processes", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-02-18 14:33:35 +0000" }, { "id": 466912, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: allow to pass options to git-archive (such as --exclude=.gitignore)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-08-17 23:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 468243, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Add %(package)s to {debian,upstream}-tag", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-02-27 22:00:06 +0000" }, { "id": 470671, "source": "imagemagick", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "imagemagick: Please provide a no-X11 built package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-06-30 11:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 472646, "source": "mono", "severity": "normal", "title": "interprets paths relative to current directory rather than build file directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-02-17 03:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 473415, "source": "libtool", "severity": "normal", "title": "disabling building shared libraries shouldn't have as effect that all libraries should get linked.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-03-30 18:45:16 +0000" }, { "id": 473638, "source": "cdbs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "cdbs: Poor support for building haskell libraries/executables in CDBS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-03-31 19:12:08 +0000" }, { "id": 473890, "source": "blends", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "provide hooks for reportbug via dh-buildinfo to ease debugging", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-06-03 14:39:08 +0000" }, { "id": 474185, "source": "git", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-cvsimport fails silently converting cvs-buildpackage repos", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2011-12-16 11:45:24 +0000" }, { "id": 476347, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Should handle empty .orig.tar.gz gracefully", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-06-14 02:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 477790, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "minor", "title": "sbuild: could check if arch is in Architecture list before chroot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 14:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 479764, "source": "zsh", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "shell builtin mv fails to move files across devices", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-23 01:06:05 +0000" }, { "id": 480511, "source": "bugs.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "bugs.debian.org: request for new tag: crossbuilding", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2008-05-10 15:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 482361, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[mk-build-deps] Replace use of equivs?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-03-11 15:12:12 +0000" }, { "id": 482999, "source": "dash", "severity": "normal", "title": "dash: builtin function 'jobs -p' doesn't work as expected", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2016-05-19 01:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 483016, "source": "bash", "severity": "normal", "title": "bash: wait builtin doesn't return immediately after CHLD trap is executed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2008-05-26 14:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 484478, "source": "bash", "severity": "minor", "title": "bash: man page does not mention wait builtin in jobcontrol or pipeline sections", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2008-06-04 09:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 487534, "source": "simple-cdd", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Cannot build a CDD from a Debian CD/DVD", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-04-29 04:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 488827, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: does not fetch orig.tar from archive for -2 package with local dsc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 13:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 493784, "source": "libgc", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libgc: please provide a build with --enable-large-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-04-18 00:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 495023, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt-build: does not handle multilib toolchains", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-09-11 08:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 495994, "source": "dose3", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "edos-builddebcheck: please allow --binary-only", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-17 12:12:42 +0000" }, { "id": 496050, "source": "dose3", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "edos-builddebcheck: please use restrictions from PAS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-17 12:12:42 +0000" }, { "id": 497471, "source": "cdimage.debian.org", "severity": "serious", "title": "sarge images have syslinux binaries without source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-12-07 12:33:07 +0000" }, { "id": 499225, "source": "debhelper", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Wish for waf support in dh_auto_build, dh_auto_clean, dh_auto_configure, dh_auto_install and dh_auto_test", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-04-17 02:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 499612, "source": "alien", "severity": "normal", "title": "alien: option -p to build solaris packages requires missing 'pkgproto' command", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-09-20 19:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 500073, "source": "apt-src", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt-src: should install unmet build dependencies without recommends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-09-24 20:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 500493, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "minor", "title": "pbuilder: Pbuilder doesn't handle directory names with spaces", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-07-19 14:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 500565, "source": "cccc", "severity": "normal", "title": "please replace the build dependency pccts with antlr", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-09-30 22:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 502374, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-build: apt-build-wrapper should display some output if run as is", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2008-10-16 03:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 504341, "source": "lvm2", "severity": "normal", "title": "lvm2-udeb - not built with udev support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-12-03 03:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 507152, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd.debian.org: Split the graph data per architecture; and update wb-graph and graph.R accordingly", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2008-11-28 16:06:05 +0000" }, { "id": 507706, "source": "cdimage.debian.org", "severity": "serious", "title": "Missing sources for d-i components/kernel of etch-n-half images", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-12-07 12:33:07 +0000" }, { "id": 508403, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder-satisfydepends-experimental doesn't always try higher versions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-08-30 12:54:05 +0000" }, { "id": 509100, "source": "aptitude", "severity": "important", "title": "aptitude: build-dep fails when a virtual package is needed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-20 12:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 511160, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-gencontrol: Please auto-add Origin and Bugs fields to packages built", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-02 14:33:13 +0000" }, { "id": 512034, "source": "aptitude", "severity": "important", "title": "aptitude: build-dep sawfish fails; apt-get succeeds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-20 12:54:05 +0000" }, { "id": 512231, "source": "chewmail", "severity": "grave", "title": "If all mail is archived, it deletes the source mailbox before being done writing the archive files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 06:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 513430, "source": "vim", "severity": "normal", "title": "Note that -x requires build-time support in man pages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-12-30 18:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 513491, "source": "zsh", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "zsh: %a support in printf builtin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-01-29 15:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 513968, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "[debuild] -v with a version not in changelog copies whole changelog", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-04-21 22:09:09 +0000" }, { "id": 514979, "source": "glibc", "severity": "minor", "title": "aklog executable built under etch segfaults under lenny", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2009-02-12 19:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 516569, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd-mail-wrapper should retry in case it can't contact wanna-build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2009-02-22 12:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 517885, "source": "neon27", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Please build with SOCKS support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-03-02 18:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 520252, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "cowbuilder: removes build directory even if pbuilder failed to umount bind mounts", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-11-03 08:48:09 +0000" }, { "id": 520937, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: add a flag to actually run a command inside the chroot without copying scripts", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-05-28 22:24:07 +0000" }, { "id": 521166, "source": "cdbs", "severity": "normal", "title": "cdbs: When there is already config.status in tarball, build error", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-03-29 17:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 522906, "source": "topgit", "severity": "normal", "title": "tg2quilt.mk: may cause multiple rebuilds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-04-07 10:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 524547, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "new buildd: binNMUs cannot be retried", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-03-25 21:18:06 +0000" }, { "id": 525144, "source": "fakeroot", "severity": "important", "title": "libfakeroot segfaults when building kernels in parallel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-04-24 00:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 525394, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt-build fails when aptget is set to anything other than apt-get", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-04-24 09:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 525434, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt-build manpage and help option don't list the find command", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-04-24 14:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 526077, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "cowbuilder: non-root support using fakechroot/ptrace/fakeroot-ng", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-11-03 08:48:06 +0000" }, { "id": 526750, "source": "libtool", "severity": "normal", "title": "wrong expansion to top_build_prefix", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-10-04 04:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 528191, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-build: add architecture geode GX/LX", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-05-11 09:48:11 +0000" }, { "id": 528223, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "\"pbuilder login\" leaves HOME to the value outside of pbuilder", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-10-03 13:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 528237, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "add support for comments in world file (/etc/apt/apt-build.list)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-05-11 16:15:11 +0000" }, { "id": 529281, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: Accept .changes on the command-line and auto-detect distribution in that case", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-10-30 23:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 530033, "source": "binutils-mingw-w64", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "mingw32-binutils: libbfd build not 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"svn-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "svn-buildpackage: svn-upgrade does not merge changed files when not maintaining full upstream source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-06-15 20:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 534473, "source": "mairix", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "mairix: Locking db during rebuild prevents access to db.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-08-26 03:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 534754, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: cronjob to remove old cruft from /var/cache/pbuilder", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-06-26 23:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 536386, "source": "conky", "severity": "normal", "title": "conky: uses all my spare CPU cycles unless rebuilt with --disable-xdamage", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-09-02 06:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 537265, "source": "lxml", "severity": "minor", "title": "lxml: FTBFS with parallel build (-j2)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-12-09 23:15:15 +0000" }, { "id": 537587, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: makeup -- The anti-ageing build system", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2016-08-12 08:36:06 +0000" }, { "id": 538024, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "important", "title": "build sanity checks on ia64 should be included into buildd/sbuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2010-07-27 20:12:15 +0000" }, { "id": 538100, "source": "dash", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dash built-in echo expands \\nnn sequences", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-02-26 18:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 538241, "source": "simple-cdd", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "simple-cdd can not build multiple media installers", 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"id": 540441, "source": "xz-utils", "severity": "minor", "title": "xz-utils: floods log with Doxygen warnings during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-04-30 09:12:42 +0000" }, { "id": 540747, "source": "pristine-tar", "severity": "minor", "title": "pristine-tar: cannot reproduce build of *.orig.tar.gz; storing 97% size diff in delta", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-22 04:45:40 +0000" }, { "id": 541713, "source": "automake-1.17", "severity": "important", "title": "automake: generates makefiles that are unsafe for parallel builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": 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"affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-01-31 11:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 547472, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "DEBBUILDOPTS variable nuked by /usr/share/pbuilder/pbuilderrc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-09-22 13:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 547902, "source": "dash", "severity": "important", "title": "dash: 'read' builtin reads only the first character from pipes or /proc files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-05-19 10:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 547906, "source": "dash", "severity": "important", "title": "dash: 'read' builtin reads only the first 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"source": "dash", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dash built-in echo expands \\nnn sequences", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2013-01-20 21:12:19 +0000" }, { "id": 551708, "source": "openmpi", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "openmpi-bin: Please add support to build with alternative compilers", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-02-25 17:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 552435, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: try debian/rules get-orig-source to generate upstream tarball", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-10-26 08:45:16 +0000" }, { "id": 555043, "source": "aptitude", "severity": "important", "title": "aptitude: \"Unable to satisfy the build-depends:\" with virtual build-deps", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-20 12:54:06 +0000" }, { "id": 555507, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: combining lintian postbuild hook with pbuilder", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-11-12 20:18:07 +0000" }, { "id": 555857, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "qemubuilder: Provide option to choose drive interface", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-03-20 13:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 555860, "source": "module-assistant", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "please allow building of a DKMS module via module-assistant", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-02-16 04:12:10 +0000" }, { "id": 557328, "source": "apt", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt: autoremove / build-dep interaction broken by virtual packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-08 10:57:07 +0000" }, { "id": 557606, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Imply --pristine-tar by default it there is already a pristine-tar branch.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-21 07:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 558422, "source": "grub2", "severity": "serious", "title": "grub-pc: upgrade hangs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-08-14 17:57:24 +0000" }, { "id": 558576, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "devscripts: getbuildlog should allow outputting build log to stdout", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-11-29 12:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 558781, "source": "quilt", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Please make quilt buildable as root", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-05-08 15:54:07 +0000" }, { "id": 559656, "source": "autoconf", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "autoconf: please let Debian packages build without install-sh", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2009-12-10 04:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 559767, "source": "java3d", "severity": "important", "title": "java3d: FTBFS on armel: install: cannot stat `j3d-core/build/default/opt/native/libj3dcore-ogl.so': No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:39:20 +0000" }, { "id": 559886, "source": "at", "severity": "normal", "title": "Parallel build is broken", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-08-04 14:18:05 +0000" }, { "id": 560289, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: repackaged upstream tarball's dir should be -.orig", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-02-18 00:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 560678, "source": "xserver-xorg-video-glide", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "xserver-xorg-video-glide: FTBFS: Nonexistent build-dependency: libglide2-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-11-06 23:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 563398, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "minor", "title": "SECURITY: Host user 1234 can tamper with build chroot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-10-03 13:03:07 +0000" }, { "id": 564205, "source": "htdig", "severity": "minor", "title": "htdig: always rebuild endings and synonyms databases", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-08-31 07:39:58 +0000" }, { "id": 564213, "source": "htdig", "severity": "normal", "title": "htdig: error when building endings and synonyms databases", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-08-31 07:40:00 +0000" }, { "id": 564662, "source": "cdbs", "severity": "normal", "title": "autotools configure stamp breaks multi-variant builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-12-11 13:24:07 +0000" }, { "id": 564781, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "minor", "title": "[mk-build-deps] Nudge aptitude towards the proper resolution", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-03-19 18:06:05 +0000" }, { "id": 565436, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "PATH to Debian source in env a var within pdebuild-internal", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-07-07 21:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 565746, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "minor", "title": "pbuilder: please add hooks to be executed just before saving after login-or-execute", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-10-13 20:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 566206, "source": "virtualbox", "severity": "important", "title": "virtualbox-ose: python2.5 package ftbfs when building within virtualbox", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-27 18:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 566318, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "important", "title": "buildd: Don't ship a /etc/cron.d/buildd that's enabled by default.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-01-23 14:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 566319, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd: Don't auto give back packages that will fail anyway.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-01-23 11:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 566324, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd-vlog: Keeps spinning.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ 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"affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-09-12 09:03:09 +0000" }, { "id": 567146, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd-mail causes ssh connection to close.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-01-27 17:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 567581, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd: Can create empty dirs in build dir.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-01-30 13:27:07 +0000" }, { "id": 569568, "source": "aptitude", "severity": "important", "title": "zsh: Missing build dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-20 12:54:07 +0000" }, { "id": 569629, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd: Don't go to next suite if --take fails.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-02-21 15:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 570330, "source": "live-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "support building multiple binary images in a row", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-28 07:58:31 +0000" }, { "id": 570372, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "/usr/bin/pdebuild: pdebuild does not resolve some variable names", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-03-06 18:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 571440, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: please add --save-after-build option", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-05-12 14:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 573835, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: possibility needed to control order of debuild options", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-08-01 23:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 573864, "source": "svn-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "svn-buildpackage: Should patch source before running clean when building source package (3.0 Quilt)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-02-01 23:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 574614, "source": "module-assistant", "severity": "normal", "title": "/usr/bin/module-assistant: fails building nvidia-kernel module and interface gets confused", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-05-24 10:03:08 +0000" }, { "id": 575129, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Should remove remove installed packages from /var/cache/pbuilder/aptcache", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-03-23 17:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 575306, "source": "distcc", "severity": "normal", "title": "distcc breaks some out-of-tree kernel module builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-03-24 20:18:08 +0000" }, { "id": 575748, "source": "automake-1.17", "severity": "normal", "title": "automake: distcheck broken if build crosses midnight", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-03-28 21:27:08 +0000" }, { "id": 576142, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: klee -- symbolic virtual machine built on top of LLVM", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2016-09-19 22:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 576407, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "buildd: It would be nice if NSSDATABASES allowed comments", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-04-04 09:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 576425, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "minor", "title": "pbuilder: fails with cryptic message when $TMPDIR/$TEMP != /tmp (i.e. libpam-tmpdir)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-05-11 12:45:04 +0000" 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"affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-12-24 15:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 577613, "source": "cdbs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "lintian: build-depends-on-python-dev-with-no-arch-any", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-04-13 06:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 578584, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-deb: building a deb fails within a setgid (DEBIAN) dir", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-04-21 02:03:16 +0000" }, { "id": 578597, "source": "debian-policy", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Recommend usage of dpkg-buildflags to initialize CFLAGS and al.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-02-01 16:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 578634, "source": "fontforge", "severity": "normal", "title": "fontforge: unflexible build system wtr dlopened files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-07-26 13:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 582856, "source": "ginac", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libginac-dev: Please build HTML docs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-05-24 08:45:08 +0000" }, { "id": 583265, "source": "ocaml-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "ocaml.m4: cross-compilation still chooses build system tools instead of host tools", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-07-15 12:00:08 +0000" }, { "id": 583988, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd: FTBFS if dh_quilt_patch/dh_quilt_unpatch in override_dh_auto_clean target", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-12-18 14:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 584882, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "devscripts: [build-rdeps] should offer a list-only output of packages, too", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-02-14 22:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 585842, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: save commit id in built packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-07-17 14:18:57 +0000" }, { "id": 586236, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: Use lockfiles to prevent concurrent runs?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-04-14 05:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 586714, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder --debuild aborts without visible error message", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-06-23 15:39:10 +0000" }, { "id": 588016, "source": "fwbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "fwbuilder-doc: example init script lacks INIT INFO", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-11-09 14:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 588414, "source": "choqok", "severity": "minor", "title": "Useless build-time check for libqca", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 01:51:08 +0000" }, { "id": 589541, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd: Remove outdated packages.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-07-18 16:18:05 +0000" }, { "id": 590648, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage calls debuild incorrectly", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-08-01 23:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 590799, "source": "svn-buildpackage", "severity": "minor", "title": "svn-buildpackage: build-dependency checks to strict", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-07-29 10:21:11 +0000" }, { "id": 590911, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: please provide detailed exit codes in buildd-mode", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 14:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 591880, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt-build: lmms fails to build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-08-06 06:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 592007, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: flex-sdk -- Framework for building and maintaining expressive web applications", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2014-09-04 02:48:09 +0000" }, { "id": 592128, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Please support building from remote git:// url", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-08-12 22:27:07 +0000" }, { "id": 592379, "source": "lintian", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "lintian: Check for Python packages with ������except������ overwriting builtins", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-22 04:41:15 +0000" }, { "id": 592650, "source": "svn-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "svn-buildpackage: svn-upgrade should not commit changes from before the invocation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-08-11 19:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 593237, "source": "dash", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dash built-in echo expands \\nnn sequences", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2013-01-20 21:12:18 +0000" }, { "id": 595063, "source": "dash", "severity": "important", "title": "dash: 'read' builtin reads only the first character from pipes or /proc files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-07-15 07:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 596057, "source": "maildrop", "severity": "normal", "title": "build maildrop and SGID-roor courier-maildrop", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-12-24 01:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 596238, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "wanna-build database: last builder is denoted the builder of maintainer-built binaries when state is installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2010-10-23 21:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 597104, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "normal", "title": "qemubuilder: directory for BUILDRESULT is not created if not existent", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-02-04 09:51:23 +0000" }, { "id": 597639, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: reiser4-modules -- reiser4-modules as out-of-tree building package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2016-11-17 18:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 599128, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd.debian.org: binNMUing in !unstable error-prone", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2014-11-28 20:21:10 +0000" }, { "id": 599146, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp-pq should deal with unknown fields more gracefully", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-12-27 14:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 599834, "source": "dash", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dash built-in echo expands \\nnn sequences", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2013-01-20 21:12:19 +0000" }, { "id": 599848, "source": "release.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[britney] migrations can break build-depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-07-23 16:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 600577, "source": "glibc", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "eglibc: libfakeroot not found during build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2014-06-26 14:57:17 +0000" }, { "id": 601692, "source": "evolution", "severity": "normal", "title": "evolution: Please build with gnome-pilot support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-10-28 14:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 602499, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: flex-sdk -- Framework for building and maintaining expressive web applications", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2016-09-25 10:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 602906, "source": "fwbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "[fwbuilder] Init script exemple of fwbuilder is not LSB compliant", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-11-09 14:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 603089, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Add cowbuilder-dist.sh example script", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-11-10 21:21:16 +0000" }, { "id": 604854, "source": "glibc", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Please build Berkeley DB NSS modules", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2014-06-26 14:57:18 +0000" }, { "id": 605704, "source": "seahorse", "severity": "normal", "title": "gir-repository-dev should be a dependency for building seahorse in squeeze", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2010-12-04 14:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 606217, "source": "cdbs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Subject: cdbs: Python cross building not supported", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-01-11 17:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 606530, "source": "cdbs", "severity": "important", "title": "packages build-depending on python-dev should not be built for non-default python version", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-10 11:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 608082, "source": "dash", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dash: build in cat (no arguments case)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2010-12-27 01:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 609404, "source": "stdeb", "severity": "normal", "title": "python-stdeb: Python-stdeb requires python-all to build packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-01-09 08:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 609977, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: should set commit date of upstream imports from tarball(s)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-05 10:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 610731, "source": "meta-kde", "severity": "minor", "title": "kbuildsycoca4(18315) VFolderMenu::loadDoc: Parse error in \"/home/[...]/xdg-desktop-menu-dummy.menu\" , line 1 , col 1 : \"unexpected end of file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-11 23:57:11 +0000" }, { "id": 610836, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-build: Please Add 'AMD Turion(tm) X2 Ultra Dual-Core Mobile ZM-82' Architecture Support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-01-23 04:33:08 +0000" }, { "id": 610997, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "minor", "title": "sbuild: filters PATH even if $path is explicitly set in sbuild.conf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 13:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 611783, "source": "svn-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "svn-bp: please use desktop notification to notify build is completed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-02-02 06:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 612724, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "devscripts: with an svn-buildpackage setup, debsign & debrelease cannot find .changes while debi can", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-02-10 09:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 614497, "source": "doc-debian", "severity": "serious", "title": "doc-debian: The OPL-licensed documents taken from Debian website are non-free", "affected_sources": [ "ftp.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "ftp.debian.org" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-20 12:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 618959, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pdebuild -- --debbuildopts=whatever not propagated to dpkg-buildpackage", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-09-01 05:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 619323, "source": "debootstrap", "severity": "normal", "title": "Can't build debirf rescue", "affected_sources": [ "debirf" ], "affected_packages": [ "debirf" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-04-06 02:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 619836, "source": "ocamlbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ocaml-nox: Add the ocamlbuild plugin API to doc-central", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-03-04 15:51:14 +0000" }, { "id": 621017, "source": "gtk+2.0", "severity": "important", "title": "gtk-builder-convert: illegal property given used for GTKTextView conversion", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-04-05 20:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 621743, "source": "libtool", "severity": "important", "title": "libtool: Failed to build package openldap with base_compile+= error. (shell == dash)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-06-13 15:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 622102, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd does not find any distrubutions after upgrade", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-01-25 09:27:18 +0000" }, { "id": 622819, "source": "ntpsec", "severity": "important", "title": "Please build the ntpsnmpd binary.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-04-14 21:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 623322, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "minor", "title": "pbuilder/cowbuilder should unset APT_CONFIG environment variable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-04-19 10:00:56 +0000" }, { "id": 623746, "source": "schroot", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "add a --bindmounts flag (a la pbuilder)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-04-22 17:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 624383, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt-build: Ignores --remove-builddep option", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-21 08:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 626239, "source": "graphviz", "severity": "normal", "title": "graphviz: fails to build with 'ld --no-copy-dt-needed-entries'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2011-05-10 07:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 627155, "source": "cdbs", "severity": "minor", "title": "dpkg-deb: error: subprocess tar was killed by signal (Broken pipe) on package build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-05-18 08:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 627275, "source": "fwbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "fwbuilder: Fails to recognize IPv4 local broadcast addresses with dynamic interface address", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-05-19 07:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 627506, "source": "buildbot", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildstep SVN with username failed with wrong error buildbot slave too old", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-12-20 19:39:09 +0000" }, { "id": 628518, "source": "lintian", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "lintian: Please add support to scan build logs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-01-29 13:48:33 +0000" }, { "id": 628552, "source": "bugs.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "tracking packages using (temporary) work-arounds to build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2012-07-27 14:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 628565, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Fails to build with dpatch packages (0755 != 0644)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-05-30 09:42:29 +0000" }, { "id": 629212, "source": "cdbs", "severity": "normal", "title": "hbuild.mk assumes that Setup.hs is an executable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-06-04 15:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 629213, "source": "cdbs", "severity": "normal", "title": "hbuild.mk assumes that Setup.hs allclean won't fail.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-06-04 16:09:16 +0000" }, { "id": 629374, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: Support for build-conflicts is broken in pbuilder-satisfydepends-experimental", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-06-06 05:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 630472, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-source: Add Distribution to built .dsc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-02 20:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 630794, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: does not expand paths like /home/gagath/foo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-26 05:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 631079, "source": "boost-defaults", "severity": "normal", "title": "Please build boost.python for pythonX-dbg too", "affected_sources": [ "boost-defaults", "boost1.54" ], "affected_packages": [ "boost1.54", "boost-defaults" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-09-06 17:51:14 +0000" }, { "id": 633428, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debuild: Add an option to unapply patches for \"debuild clean\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-07-12 01:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 633509, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "E: /etc/buildd/wanna-build.conf: Errors found in configuration file:", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-03 18:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 633575, "source": "webtest", "severity": "normal", "title": "webtest: Run test suite during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-07-11 19:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 635194, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Only send failed logs to security builds exploder", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2011-07-23 17:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 635602, "source": "rinse", "severity": "normal", "title": "rinse is building hybrid 32/64 bit systems", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-05-27 15:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 635763, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder-satisfy-depends's use of dpkg-architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-07-28 15:45:08 +0000" }, { "id": 636478, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd: bug in configuration parsing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-08-03 10:45:47 +0000" }, { "id": 636482, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Please support git note for changelog generation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-05-23 12:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 637126, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: git-import-orig fails if it can't cd into the extracted directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-08-09 15:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 637170, "source": "conky", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "conky: Enable hurd build by patching build system?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-08-10 01:45:09 +0000" }, { "id": 637501, "source": "dtc", "severity": "serious", "title": "dtc-common: modifies config files of other packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2011-08-13 06:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 637622, "source": "dtc", "severity": "serious", "title": "dtc-common: places configuration files in /var/lib", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2012-06-14 13:21:19 +0000" }, { "id": 639086, "source": "jhbuild", "severity": "important", "title": "jhbuild: Missing moduleset DTD and schemas", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-30 00:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 639910, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: simple-build-tool -- for scala and java", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-05-29 16:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 640199, "source": "icecc", "severity": "normal", "title": "icecc builds local if building in an i386 pbuilder on amd64 and useing ccache", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-12-07 22:33:08 +0000" }, { "id": 640506, "source": "mesa", "severity": "important", "title": "Searching for hasgeek using inbuilt searchbar and clicking on hasgeek jobs link on the result page, crashes iceweasel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2011-09-05 12:44:15 +0000" }, { "id": 640510, "source": "apt-cdrom-setup", "severity": "normal", "title": "Error installing Debian Weekly build image - 20110905-03:58", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-09-05 12:44:06 +0000" }, { "id": 640605, "source": "dtc", "severity": "serious", "title": "dtc-postfix-courier: installation fails: /var/run/courier/authdaemon/pid.lock: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2011-09-08 02:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 641050, "source": "sphinx", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "python-sphinx: dh_auto_clean should remove build/sphinx when dh --with sphinxdoc is used", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-02-13 23:45:09 +0000" }, { "id": 641317, "source": "pyflakes", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pyflakes: please detect \"except\" overwriting built-in exceptions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-09-13 00:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 641330, "source": "vtgrab", "severity": "normal", "title": "package ftbfs with ld --as-needed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 15:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 641706, "source": "jnettop", "severity": "normal", "title": "package ftbfs with ld --as-needed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-09 18:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 642706, "source": "ocamlbuild", "severity": "important", "title": "ocamlbuild: questionable job control", "affected_sources": [ "bin-prot", "sexplib310" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:bin-prot", "src:sexplib310" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-07-17 09:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 642835, "source": "ocamlbuild", "severity": "important", "title": "sexplib310: FTBFS: E: Command /usr/bin/ocamlbuild terminated with error code 10", "affected_sources": [ "bin-prot", "sexplib310" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:bin-prot", "src:sexplib310" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-03-04 15:51:12 +0000" }, { "id": 644160, "source": "fwbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "fwbuilder: fails vlan config because of bad \"ip link show\" output", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-10-03 13:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 645426, "source": "gnupg2", 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+0000" }, { "id": 645958, "source": "ubuntu-dev-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "mk-sbuild: distro name based files not retrieved for customized sources.list", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-12-21 20:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 646008, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder dependency resolving failing under Etch chroot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-05-30 15:24:06 +0000" }, { "id": 646012, "source": "cdimage.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "cdimage.debian.org: Please encode build date to daily image filename", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2011-10-20 15:03:08 +0000" }, { "id": 646324, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Permit to use several debian branches", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-05-25 23:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 646882, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-pbuilder: ARCH should have a sane default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-02-18 00:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 647892, "source": "hscolour", "severity": "normal", "title": "build-dependency loop in hscolour/haskell-devscripts", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-11-07 18:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 648205, "source": "doc-rfc", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "build bibtex database", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-11-09 15:51:07 +0000" }, { "id": 648734, "source": "tla", "severity": "normal", "title": "tla: builds two times", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-11-14 15:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 650932, "source": "libapache2-mod-perl2", "severity": "minor", "title": "libapache2-mod-perl2: FTBFS if built twice in a row", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-01-07 07:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 650980, "source": "viking", "severity": "important", "title": "viking: fails to build when automake is installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-03-21 21:29:06 +0000" }, { "id": 651286, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "devscripts: getbuildlogs fails to fetch logs for versions with '+'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-26 11:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 651291, "source": "gcc-snapshot", "severity": "serious", "title": "gcc-snapshot contains evil gfdl licensed man pages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-22 20:30:12 +0000" }, { "id": 651446, "source": "dash", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dash builtin read has no -s option for silent", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2011-12-18 21:39:09 +0000" }, { "id": 651780, "source": "sl-modem", "severity": "normal", "title": "Cannot build slamr.ko on 64-bit host", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-25 10:15:31 +0000" }, { "id": 652000, "source": "ubuntu-dev-tools", "severity": "minor", "title": "/usr/bin/pbuilder-dist: pbuilder-dist ignores environment and has no way to set a custom pbuilderrc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2011-12-26 21:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 653498, "source": "rdesktop", "severity": "important", "title": "Please enable hardened build flags", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-03-12 22:51:11 +0000" }, { "id": 654516, "source": "pyicu", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pyicu: run test_LayoutEngine at build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-19 19:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 654531, "source": "ruby-ffi", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ruby-ffi: port this to more (debian, debian-ports) architectures (was Re: Accepted ruby-ffi 1.0.11debian-2 (source all amd64))", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-05-21 21:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 654561, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Make git-pbuilder use debian/changelog to set DIST", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-01-08 09:30:24 +0000" }, { "id": 654773, "source": "trn4", "severity": "normal", "title": "cannot rebuild package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-01-14 23:12:07 +0000" }, { "id": 655664, "source": "debian-timeline", "severity": "serious", "title": "[debian-timeline] Empty timeline in Chromium, Opera and Konqueror", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-19 07:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 657094, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: Please set job-specific schroot session name", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-01-23 23:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 657401, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: support output directory other than ..", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-18 01:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 658379, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: Use dpkg-buildpackage --changes-option option to override distribution", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-12-24 00:09:14 +0000" }, { "id": 658754, "source": "iceweasel", "severity": "normal", "title": "Unused build dependencies on libgnomevfs2-dev and libgnome2-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-02-05 20:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 659129, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-source: use pbzip2 or pigz when building packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-05 10:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 659214, "source": "reportbug", "severity": "normal", "title": "reportbug: does not report build-dependencies of source packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-02-09 08:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 660166, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "devscripts: debuild doesn't seem to honor TMPDIR setting", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-02-17 01:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 660847, "source": "libuser", "severity": "normal", "title": "libuser is built without ldap support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-05-27 12:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 661410, "source": "svn-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "svn-buildpackage: Please add a --version option", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-02-27 00:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 661440, "source": "libexplain", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libexplain FTBFS on Alpha: linux/ac/sys/types.h: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ "tardy" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:tardy" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-24 21:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 661850, "source": "automake-1.17", "severity": "important", "title": "vala build rules not parallel safe", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-07-26 09:33:07 +0000" }, { "id": 663034, "source": "condor", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "condor: Provide and make use of build-time (and install-time) test suite", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-03-08 07:00:05 +0000" }, { "id": 664723, "source": "debianutils", "severity": "important", "title": "debianutils: ischroot returns 0 in cowbuilder chroot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-03-26 12:54:21 +0000" }, { "id": 665334, "source": "fontforge", "severity": "serious", "title": "non-DFSG postscript embedded in fontforge (currently August 2014", "affected_sources": [ "ftp.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "ftp.debian.org" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-07-07 07:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 665351, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: make build_dir and log_dir configurable on command line", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-03-23 10:31:04 +0000" }, { "id": 665818, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: copy orig.tar.gz to build result folder even when not building -1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-11-09 17:03:08 +0000" }, { "id": 666201, "source": "racket", "severity": "normal", "title": "racket: libracket3m.a should be built with -fPIC on x86_64 platforms", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-07-09 21:07:08 +0000" }, { "id": 666717, "source": "debiandoc-sgml", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt in section titles breaks the build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-10-01 14:12:08 +0000" }, { "id": 666772, "source": "apt", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt cross-build-dep handling should be liberal with Arch: all packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-10-28 16:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 666987, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "normal", "title": "dpkg-buildflags: DEB_*_MAINT_* overrides user options.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-04-03 14:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 667042, "source": "svn-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "svn-buildpackage: Commit messages shouldn't be localized", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-04-25 22:15:12 +0000" }, { "id": 670252, "source": "wagon", "severity": "normal", "title": "wagon FTBFS in offline build environment", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-08-25 21:54:05 +0000" }, { "id": 670612, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: git-import-dsc should be able to keep local changes, new git-sync-package command?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-07-31 18:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 670741, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: Provide support for building using a transient tmpfs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-04-28 16:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 670990, "source": "epm", "severity": "normal", "title": "setup/uninst GUI setup programs not built on all archs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-05-01 03:42:06 +0000" }, { "id": 671791, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: configurable debian->upstream branch mappings", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-05-25 23:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 671842, "source": "html5lib", "severity": "normal", "title": "python-html5lib: lxml builder: ValueError: All strings must be XML compatible: Unicode or ASCII, no NULL bytes or control characters", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-18 13:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 672750, "source": "quantlib-swig", "severity": "important", "title": "quantlib-swig: ftbfs on s390 (virtual memory exhausted)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-06-07 20:00:06 +0000" }, { "id": 672897, "source": "blobwars", "severity": "normal", "title": "Blobwars should build-depend on zlib1g-dev (and possibly others)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-20 18:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 673717, "source": "clementine", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "clementine: should build-depend on libprotobuf-dev, protobuf-compiler, libqca2-dev (for Spotify support)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-05-30 11:46:08 +0000" }, { "id": 674912, "source": "debhelper", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debhelper: dh_auto_build should override CPPFLAGS and CFLAGS when building a Makefile project", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-11-09 17:57:21 +0000" }, { "id": 674945, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "detect if code is running after the build is done", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-06-28 21:30:24 +0000" }, { "id": 675068, "source": "alpine", "severity": "normal", "title": "alpine: trouble building from source (i386)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-03-08 23:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 675700, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "deflate support for https://buildd.debian.org/status/fetch.php", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2013-03-04 11:42:11 +0000" }, { "id": 675979, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: --no-unapply-patches should be the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-06-05 10:54:17 +0000" }, { "id": 676185, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: please support building from bare repositories", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-11-09 17:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 676501, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "[apt-build] Problem with package-revision +b2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-06-07 21:07:34 +0000" }, { "id": 676581, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "devscripts: debuild ignores non-zero exit codes from lintian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-06-08 02:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 678407, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: pdebuild --use-pdebuild-internal gets it's knickers into a twist when in symplinked dir", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-11-27 10:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 678831, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: Hardly usable with interactive authentication", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-12-24 00:09:17 +0000" }, { "id": 678984, "source": "gvfs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "gvfs: do not build-depend on src:libbluray", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-06-25 14:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 679271, "source": "sispmctl", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sispmctl: build additional package with enabled webserver", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-11-08 20:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 679645, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "minor", "title": "devscripts: debuild does not properly forward coloured output", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-02-23 12:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 681772, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Do not enforce colon in bug meta tags", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-07-16 12:15:07 +0000" }, { "id": 681776, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Permit to configure the bug number regex", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-07-16 12:33:07 +0000" }, { "id": 681779, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "devscripts: [getbuildlog] please exit with non-zero if a log can't be found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-06-13 17:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 681993, "source": "grub2", "severity": "normal", "title": "dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc does not detect replaced drives or build new device map after hotswap", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-07-18 15:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 682285, "source": "postfix", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "postfix: parallel build not supported", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-03 10:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 682362, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "debuild: please leave $SHELL alone or provide a sane replacement", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-09-15 00:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 682394, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Provide more replacement strings", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-08-10 01:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 682780, "source": "autotools-dev", "severity": "normal", "title": "autotools-dev: misleading information about --build/--host flags", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-07-25 17:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 683917, "source": "apt", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt-get build-dep ignores source package architecture restrictions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-02-04 09:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 687490, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: python-django-mezzanine -- CMS built using the Django framework", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-08-17 13:18:05 +0000" }, { "id": 690097, "source": "dynamips", "severity": "important", "title": "dynamips: Please enable buildd support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-09-20 12:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 690280, "source": "kernel-handbook", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debian-kernel-handbook: Please document building linux-tools package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-07-15 17:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 690282, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "important", "title": "Building of contrib package with non-free build-dependencies not supported", "affected_sources": [ "wcslib-contrib" ], "affected_packages": [ "wcslib-contrib" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-04-15 00:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 690773, "source": "libmodule-build-perl", "severity": "normal", "title": "libmodule-build-perl: creates non group-writable site directories", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-05-31 15:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 692803, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-pbuilder: incorrect quoting with --use-pdebuild-internal", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-05 10:09:16 +0000" }, { "id": 693222, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: set --build-dep-resolver (possibly other options) per chroot or distribution", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-11-14 17:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 693789, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "minor", "title": "buildd: inconsistent documentation regarding buildd-mail-wrapper", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-11-20 11:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 693921, "source": "aptitude", "severity": "important", "title": "Fails to resolve build-dependencies (Signal 6) for empathy,gnome-shell,totem,gnome-contacts and others", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-10-19 10:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 693947, "source": "fwbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "fwbuilder: Generated scripts can't cope with sometimes-present interfaces", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-11-22 02:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 694050, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: Please add support to sbuild-createchroot to easily create LVM based chroot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-11-23 11:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 694308, "source": "general", "severity": "serious", "title": "A lot of type 1 fonts include Adobe all right reserved code", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-09-04 10:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 694323, "source": "lmodern", "severity": "serious", "title": "[gsfonts] Fonts include copyrighted adobe fragment all right reserved", "affected_sources": [ "ftp.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "ftp.debian.org" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-07-07 07:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 694324, "source": "tex-gyre", "severity": "serious", "title": "Fonts include copyrighted adobe fragment all right reserved", "affected_sources": [ "ftp.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "ftp.debian.org" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-07-07 07:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 694834, "source": "gnome-shell-extensions", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "gnome-shell-extensions: add an extensions.gnome.org webapp with epiphany (aka web) built in functionality", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2012-12-01 00:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 695076, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "important", "title": "pbuilder-satisfydepends-classic: does not honour versioning in Build-Conflicts", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-12-04 00:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 695287, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: synthetic cross-build-dependencies for compilers", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-12-25 19:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 695545, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: crosstool-ng -- tool to build toolchains", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-10-27 04:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 696414, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: new option --symlink-orig-name [PATCH]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-09 08:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 696594, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder -f sources.list, please?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2012-12-23 15:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 697273, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[debuild] Support for calling blhc after a build similar to calling lintian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-03-08 23:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 697400, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: Personality support should support flags in addition to personality types", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-01-04 21:00:05 +0000" }, { "id": 698110, "source": "cheese", "severity": "important", "title": "general: built in webcam in laptop not working", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-02-20 18:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 699006, "source": "svn-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "svn-buildpackage: Please support XDG base directory specification", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-01-26 21:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 699074, "source": "aptitude", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "aptitude doesn't support foreign-architecture build-deps", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-17 00:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 699187, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "important", "title": "binNMUs for testing trigger additional rebuild in t-p-u", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2013-01-28 18:06:07 +0000" }, { "id": 699821, "source": "lightdm", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "lightdm: Please build GObject introspection data packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-04-24 20:06:22 +0000" }, { "id": 700196, "source": "javatools", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "jh_build: META-INF/** not included in jar", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-02-09 19:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 700470, "source": "libmouse-perl", "severity": "normal", "title": "libmouse-perl: lack of error handling in the build can lead to broken packages.", "affected_sources": [ "libmodule-install-xsutil-perl" ], "affected_packages": [ "libmodule-install-xsutil-perl" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-02-14 00:00:06 +0000" }, { "id": 701918, "source": "ruby-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ruby-build: Includes definitions for unbuildable versions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-14 07:24:06 +0000" }, { "id": 702687, "source": "ncurses", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ncurses: build shared C++ libraries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-02-09 17:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 702702, "source": "netcfg", "severity": "normal", "title": "Should escape commas in ESSID names before building the list of ESSIDs to choose from", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-08-20 07:54:16 +0000" }, { "id": 703433, "source": "debian-cd", "severity": "normal", "title": "squeeze build can't find debian-tasks.desc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-03-19 15:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 704226, "source": "imagemagick", "severity": "important", "title": "Imagemagick FTBS with parallel build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-03-31 11:33:09 +0000" }, { "id": 704245, "source": "firefox-esr", "severity": "normal", "title": "iceweasel: extremely slow running tests when building from source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-03-30 10:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 704577, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "minor", "title": "pbuilder: please update manual for use alternative compilers", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-04-15 00:54:09 +0000" }, { "id": 705331, "source": "rainbows", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "rainbows: Please build and include documentation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-04-13 08:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 705332, "source": "rainbows", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "rainbows: Please run the test suite at build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-04-13 08:39:10 +0000" }, { "id": 705593, "source": "ode", "severity": "minor", "title": "ode: embeds sourceless binary ./build/premake4.exe", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-04-17 09:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 706174, "source": "svn-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "svn-buildpackage: The commit messages shouldn't localized", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-04-25 22:15:13 +0000" }, { "id": 706429, "source": "equivs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "equivs: add one-shot command to specify field values (e.g. Depends), build, and install package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-04-30 07:15:07 +0000" }, { "id": 706468, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd [buildd.debian.org/wheezy]: Not coinstallable with wheezy schroot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-04-30 14:36:06 +0000" }, { "id": 706487, "source": "awstats", "severity": "normal", "title": "awstats: buildstatic.sh causes incomplete stats for last day of month", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-02-27 19:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 707772, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: allow using something different than the PID as build directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-07-05 00:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 707905, "source": "mjpegtools", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "mjpegtools: please port lavrec to V4L2 or build with libv4l-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-05-21 23:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 708105, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "[buildd.debian.org] binNMUs break multiarch lib packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2013-05-13 16:30:09 +0000" }, { "id": 708472, "source": "cairo", "severity": "important", "title": "cairo: dpkg-source fails after a build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-05-15 22:48:09 +0000" }, { "id": 709053, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "important", "title": "pbuilder over-mounts /dev/shm on host after chroot upgraded from squeeze", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-06-10 01:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 709054, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: support native package for git-import-orig/git-import-dsc --pristine-tar", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-05-20 13:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 710073, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: Please add copy-on-write support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 13:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 710167, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: support non-local sbuild user", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-07-05 14:09:13 +0000" }, { "id": 710407, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd doesn't give-back on abort", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-05-30 14:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 710478, "source": "libapache2-mod-perl2", "severity": "normal", "title": "libapache2-mod-perl2: build looks for /etc/apache2/httpd.conf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-05-31 07:36:06 +0000" }, { "id": 710769, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "normal", "title": "dpkg-checkbuilddeps: unsatisfyable Multi-Arch: none cross build dependencies not listed as missing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-03-12 05:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 710955, "source": "automake-1.17", "severity": "normal", "title": "automake: how to force a verbose build with automake 1.13?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-06-27 15:30:10 +0000" }, { "id": 712031, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: pdebuild --use-pdebuild-internal -- --allow-untrusted does not work as expected", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-06-12 10:18:07 +0000" }, { "id": 714469, "source": "ncftp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ncftp: built in line editor / history doesn't replace readline", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-06-29 17:18:06 +0000" }, { "id": 714698, "source": "pristine-tar", "severity": "normal", "title": "pristine-tar: pristine-bz2 failed to reproduce build of r8168-8.036.00.tar.bz2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-31 10:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 714768, "source": "pkg-kde-tools", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[pkgkde-getbuildlogs] support debian-ports as well", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-06-01 02:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 715401, "source": "qa.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "cloud-scripts: Please add a script to know which packages are currently being built", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-03-18 03:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 716947, "source": "crash", "severity": "normal", "title": "crash: fakeroot apt-get --build source crash: Cannot change ownership to uid 9176, gid 65490: Invalid argument", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-07-21 07:36:12 +0000" }, { "id": 717636, "source": "texlive-lang", "severity": "serious", "title": "[latex-sanskrit] Package contain type1 startlock fragment from black book", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-02-20 18:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 717843, "source": "xfonts-utils", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "please provide a staged build for xfonts-utils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-03 18:24:05 +0000" }, { "id": 718225, "source": "live-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "live-build should authenticate files it downloads", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 10:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 718394, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: buck -- Facebook's build system for large Java projects", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-08-05 20:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 719363, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: core.autocrlf set to input breaks the importing of packages containing CRLF line endings", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-08-11 11:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 719415, "source": "gradle", "severity": "important", "title": "gradle: Please enable code quality plugins during build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-07-08 08:28:49 +0000" }, { "id": 719489, "source": "cdbs", "severity": "normal", "title": "more efficient builds and support for staged builds for cdbs based packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-08-12 12:24:06 +0000" }, { "id": 719626, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "packages in non-free that build-depend on packages in non-free can not be build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2013-08-20 20:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 719872, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debuild: please add support for running piuparts", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-08-16 10:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 720986, "source": "lintian", "severity": "normal", "title": "Correct condition for pecl-package-requires-build-dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-03-23 20:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 721430, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: crosstool-ng -- tool to build toolchains", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-10-27 04:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 721444, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[git-buildpackage] Allow --git-pbuilder-options to set --basepath cowbuilder option", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-08-31 19:15:09 +0000" }, { "id": 721472, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-source: new field Tarsum with a tree hash in .dsc to possibly skip reunpacking the tarballs on build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-09-11 18:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 721678, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: liblenskit-java -- toolkit for building,", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-03-30 07:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 722154, "source": "gem2deb", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "gem2deb: Please use dpkg-buildflags", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-09-08 14:30:12 +0000" }, { "id": 722172, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: include an example of using ccache", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-09-08 18:33:07 +0000" }, { "id": 722586, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "minor", "title": "pbuilder: Document requirement for same partion (and mount options) of various settings", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-09-12 14:33:17 +0000" }, { "id": 722587, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: Please document grsecurity requirements", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-04-11 13:09:08 +0000" }, { "id": 722958, "source": "udt", "severity": "important", "title": "udt: Fails to build with --as-needed linker option (patch)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 02:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 723817, "source": "agedu", "severity": "important", "title": "agedu sometimes fails with: agedu: trie.c:310: triebuild_add: Assertion `ret < 0' failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-09-20 05:45:15 +0000" }, { "id": 724621, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildflags should be versioned", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-08-11 11:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 724676, "source": "graphviz", "severity": "minor", "title": "graphviz: build with parallel/concurrency (buildopts -j) fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2013-09-26 13:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 725232, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: python-cornice -- provides helpers to build & document Web Services with Pyramid", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2014-12-01 16:07:41 +0000" }, { "id": 725434, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "minor", "title": "pbuilder: fails with cryptic message when $TMPDIR/$TEMP != /tmp (i.e. libpam-tmpdir)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-06 16:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 725471, "source": "cglib", "severity": "normal", "title": "cglib: FTBFS using locally rebuilt packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-04-27 12:33:09 +0000" }, { "id": 726459, "source": "samba", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "samba: does samba really need to built again heimdal krb or could MIT be used?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-11-10 18:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 726707, "source": "synaptic", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "synaptic: please support parallel builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-10-19 18:51:15 +0000" }, { "id": 726770, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "O: svn-buildpackage -- helper programs to maintain Debian packages with Subversion", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2013-10-24 02:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 727005, "source": "libhdate", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "please build a python3-hdate package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-08-02 14:22:24 +0000" }, { "id": 727215, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build: --net-root-server and --net-root-path have no effect", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-28 07:57:49 +0000" }, { "id": 727557, "source": "gnome-screensaver", "severity": "normal", "title": "gnome-screensaver: Unlocking crashes Gnome in dual monitor setup (but only when built-in is turned off)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-10-24 09:48:06 +0000" }, { "id": 727610, "source": "debian-policy", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debian-policy: update footnote of section 7.7 once the buildds call ������binary-arch������.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-08-26 06:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 728198, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: Reject ������debian/rules������ actions on unpatched source", "affected_sources": [ "devscripts" ], "affected_packages": [ "devscripts" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-02 16:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 728348, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "minor", "title": "sbuild: sbuild-update spams auth.log (opens lots of PAM sessions)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 13:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 728535, "source": "kernel-handbook", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debian-kernel-handbook: document rebuilding a single kernel module", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-02-22 12:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 728547, "source": "zookeeper", "severity": "important", "title": "Enable build-arch and build-indep to build libzk for", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-11-13 06:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 728752, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[getbuildlog] get compressed buildlogs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-17 14:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 729521, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Allow builds keeping upstream source as a submodule", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-11-13 18:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 729684, "source": "python-coverage", "severity": "minor", "title": "src:python-coverage: Upstream test suite doesn't run during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-01-20 06:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 730685, "source": "trilead-putty-extension", "severity": "important", "title": "missing build-dependency: org.jenkins-ci:trilead-ssh2:jar:debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-02-07 13:15:10 +0000" }, { "id": 731441, "source": "xutils-dev", "severity": "normal", "title": "Templates in xutils-dev cause build-depends on libxp-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-11-22 06:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 731573, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: Please clarify help output of sbuild-adduser", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-12-08 23:27:07 +0000" }, { "id": 732031, "source": "xournal", "severity": "minor", "title": "Debian Package cannot clean itself after build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-12-12 17:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 732148, "source": "genshi", "severity": "normal", "title": "genshi: Rebuild docs at build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-12 18:06:07 +0000" }, { "id": 732240, "source": "qemu", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "qemu: please build guest agent for non-Debian platforms", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2013-12-15 22:57:08 +0000" }, { "id": 732696, "source": "os-prober", "severity": "important", "title": "os-prober: Fails to detect new package-management Haiku builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-10-17 18:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 732835, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: Provide build tools with more information", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-02 20:06:08 +0000" }, { "id": 733029, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: disable signing by default (-us -uc should be the default)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-01 20:45:08 +0000" }, { "id": 734402, "source": "lintian", "severity": "normal", "title": "lintian: [refining a test] take in account man macros existing in the build tree", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-08-24 11:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 734597, "source": "litecoin", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "litecoin: Litecoin still builds with system LevelDB", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-05-19 06:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 734632, "source": "libept", "severity": "normal", "title": "Hardening build flags", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-01-08 17:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 735269, "source": "firefox-esr", "severity": "normal", "title": "iceweasel: PDF files saved via the built-in pdf viewer are corrupted", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-04-17 18:36:08 +0000" }, { "id": 736877, "source": "pulseaudio", "severity": "minor", "title": "Subject: pulseaudio: Pulseaudio fails to build when have oss4 on system", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-04-18 22:33:13 +0000" }, { "id": 737200, "source": "ruby-rmagick", "severity": "normal", "title": "ruby-rmagick: 2 examples for the documentation fail (only) on i386 during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-01-31 10:09:12 +0000" }, { "id": 737382, "source": "tolua++", "severity": "normal", "title": "libtolua++5.1-dev: Please build new package with upstream changes", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-02-05 21:51:19 +0000" }, { "id": 737691, "source": "r-cran-rms", "severity": "normal", "title": "r-cran-rms: inadequately versioned build-depends on r-cran-survival", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-02-05 00:18:11 +0000" }, { "id": 738439, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: debsign does not sign changes and dsc file when building for diverent architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-11-12 14:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 738654, "source": "svn-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "svn-buildpackage cannot deal with directories that have spaces in the name", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-02-11 15:39:12 +0000" }, { "id": 738674, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: nancy -- lightweight framework for building HTTP based services in C#", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2014-11-15 13:42:21 +0000" }, { "id": 738676, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: ruby-albacore -- suite of Rake tasks for building C# projects", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2014-11-15 13:42:19 +0000" }, { "id": 738834, "source": "gcc-defaults-ports", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd.emdebian.org: gcc-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabi can't be installed due to unmet dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-05-08 10:51:08 +0000" }, { "id": 739066, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: vim-automaticlatexplugin -- editing, building and viewing LaTeX files in vim", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2015-06-25 08:36:10 +0000" }, { "id": 739639, "source": "libapr-memcache", "severity": "normal", "title": "libapr-memcache: please use --with autotools-dev for build for beter compatibility with mutliple archs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-02-20 19:24:07 +0000" }, { "id": 739641, "source": "strongswan", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Include build option --enable-kernel-libipsec for userland IPSec", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-02-19 19:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 739885, "source": "rhythmbox", "severity": "important", "title": "rhythmbox-plugins: explicitly Depends on the python3.X that was default at build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-09-24 10:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 740068, "source": "debian-installer", "severity": "important", "title": "debian-installer: segfaults when built against testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-08-15 15:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 740273, "source": "fwbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "fwbuilder: Import of config from CiscoASA device doesn������t work", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-02-27 22:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 740419, "source": "xdotool", "severity": "important", "title": "Unreliable testsuite (\"test_us_symbol_typing\")", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:09:26 +0000" }, { "id": 740588, "source": "qtbase-opensource-src", "severity": "normal", "title": "qtcreator: fails to build if project path contains parenthesis ( like '(' ).", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-05-07 14:30:08 +0000" }, { "id": 740871, "source": "xgks", "severity": "minor", "title": "xgks: fails to build with clang instead of gcc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-03-05 18:03:07 +0000" }, { "id": 741029, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: redo -- a top-down software build system", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-07-28 04:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 741268, "source": "pristine-tar", "severity": "normal", "title": "pristine-bz2: fails to reproduce build of openclonk-5.4.1-src.tar.bz2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-31 10:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 741373, "source": "sdl-mixer1.2", "severity": "minor", "title": "sdl-mixer1.2: fails to build with clang instead of gcc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-03-11 19:54:07 +0000" }, { "id": 741392, "source": "haskell-devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "build \"dyn\" libraries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-03-12 07:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 741741, "source": "wbar", "severity": "minor", "title": "wbar: fails to build with clang instead of gcc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-04-11 03:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 741942, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Provide a configuration file for git-pbuilder", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-03-17 20:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 742465, "source": "ruby-docker-api", "severity": "normal", "title": "ruby-docker-api: Please enable tests during build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-03-24 12:51:22 +0000" }, { "id": 743188, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: siftgpu -- processes pixels parallelly to build Gaussian pyramids and detect DoG Keypoints", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-02-15 16:21:10 +0000" }, { "id": 743553, "source": "rsyslog", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "rsyslog: build omudpspoof module", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-09 11:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 744113, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "don't include uploaded binary packages (build on developer machines) in the archive", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-09-26 09:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 744189, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: fails to --bindmount /home --login", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-04-11 08:45:13 +0000" }, { "id": 744270, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Increase version of native packages on ������upstream-tag������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-04-14 04:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 744309, "source": "texlive-extra", "severity": "important", "title": "FTBFS Please rebuilt from source flash file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-04-12 23:27:12 +0000" }, { "id": 745618, "source": "tracker.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "PTS: Please add cross build dependency satisfaction results to appropriate source packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2015-02-04 09:52:07 +0000" }, { "id": 745685, "source": "rbenv", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "rbenv: should ruby-build be a suggested package?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-04-24 01:42:06 +0000" }, { "id": 746021, "source": "reportbug", "severity": "normal", "title": "reportbug: severity == 'does-not-build' selects severity 'serious' on non release architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-13 18:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 746376, "source": "onetbb", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "tbb support for kfreebsd-* and hurd-i386?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-09 00:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 746394, "source": "docker.io", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Please consider shipping pre-built images in Debian packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-07-15 08:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 747839, "source": "lcms2", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "lcms2: build libiccjpeg packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-06 22:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 747844, "source": "posixtestsuite", "severity": "normal", "title": "Signal handling in conformance/interfaces/pthread_cond_init/1-3 causes process to run beyond package build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-05-12 06:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 748252, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: man pbuilder should mention 'D65various-compiler-support' to build with clang", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-05-15 14:57:11 +0000" }, { "id": 749048, "source": "pkgconf", "severity": "normal", "title": "pkg-config: Use /usr/lib/pkgconfig in cross-builds on Ubuntu", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-03-12 07:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 749094, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: pkg-create-dbgsym -- automatically build debug symbol ddeb packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2016-08-17 04:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 749242, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "autopkgtest: integration with debuild to run tests after build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-04-22 22:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 749289, "source": "tracker", "severity": "normal", "title": "tracker debian packages do not build extra utils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-05-26 00:30:07 +0000" }, { "id": 749507, "source": "mini-buildd", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "mini-buildd: root-equivalent sudoers file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2014-05-27 14:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 749640, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd-uploader doesn't consider architecture when setting package uploaded", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-05-28 19:24:07 +0000" }, { "id": 749739, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "important", "title": "cowbuilder: Cannot distinguish between causes of exit code 1 in load_config_file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-03-19 13:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 749899, "source": "xflip", "severity": "grave", "title": "xflip and meltdown are almost too fast to be noticed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-06 18:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 750828, "source": "efl", "severity": "important", "title": "libedje-bin: edje_cc sometimes triggers SIGILL on buildds", "affected_sources": [ "e17", "libphone-ui-shr" ], "affected_packages": [ "libphone-ui-shr", "e17" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-06-08 12:57:11 +0000" }, { "id": 751528, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "buildd.debian.org: enable verbose build logs by exporting DH_VERBOSE=1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2014-06-13 22:15:15 +0000" }, { "id": 751908, "source": "dh-python", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dh-python: pybuild should treat ${python3:Depends} as python3 even if package name isn't python3-foo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-02-13 23:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 752276, "source": "dose3", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dose-builddebcheck: should work on .dsc files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-07-28 09:54:17 +0000" }, { "id": 752606, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "please show real/sys/user time used in build log", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-06-25 06:36:06 +0000" }, { "id": 752609, "source": "r-base", "severity": "normal", "title": "r-base-dev: Please provide a method to run upstream unit tests at package build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-04-21 12:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 752958, "source": "umockdev", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "umockdev: FTBFS with cowbuilder", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-06-28 00:30:06 +0000" }, { "id": 753276, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "lighttpd: FTBFS when using cowbuilder", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-19 12:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 753446, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "buildd.debian.org: Please display \"FTBFS on \"-titled bugs if any", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2014-07-01 23:51:07 +0000" }, { "id": 753966, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "minor", "title": "pbuilder: lots of warnings from shellcheck", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-22 04:47:17 +0000" }, { "id": 755075, "source": "ikiwiki", "severity": "normal", "title": "ikiwiki: initial wiki build should honour --no-gettime", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-16 12:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 755289, "source": "libmng", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libmng: use dh_autoreconf to update build scripts", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-07 01:38:01 +0000" }, { "id": 755442, "source": "pkg-php-tools", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Running tests at build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-07-21 07:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 756589, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: set DH_VERBOSE to get verbose build logs from buildds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-07-31 18:57:08 +0000" }, { "id": 756997, "source": "critterding", "severity": "grave", "title": "Segfaults on start", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2015-07-31 11:09:18 +0000" }, { "id": 757008, "source": "critterding", "severity": "grave", "title": "Segfaults on start", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2015-07-31 11:09:17 +0000" }, { "id": 757116, "source": "qa.debian.org", "severity": "minor", "title": "cloud-scripts: Stop the build when 0 node available", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-02-20 09:57:21 +0000" }, { "id": 757345, "source": "ubuntu-dev-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "ubuntu-dev-tools: mk-sbuild stable fails on sid system using systemd because of missing /run/shm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-08-07 10:33:12 +0000" }, { "id": 757760, "source": "debian-policy", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debian-policy: please document build profiles", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-01-31 06:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 758856, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "important", "title": "apt-build: repository error when multiarch is enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-08-22 07:18:06 +0000" }, { "id": 759018, "source": "grub2", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "please provide prebuilt grub-xen binaries for host (dom0) use", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-11-06 10:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 759164, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: search for lightweight upstream tags in git-dch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-03-08 19:48:13 +0000" }, { "id": 759190, "source": "stk", "severity": "normal", "title": "csound: The STKSitar opcode can create a buildup of clipped samples as illustrated by the attached csd file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-03-14 17:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 759496, "source": "mono", "severity": "normal", "title": "mono: build kills unrelated processes: pgrep mono | xargs kill -9", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-08-27 17:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 759980, "source": "winff", "severity": "serious", "title": "winff: FTBFS when HOME set to non-existent directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-05 17:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 760297, "source": "mediaelement", "severity": "important", "title": "libjs-mediaelement: should (build and) ship Flash or Silverlight parts", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-09-05 13:45:08 +0000" }, { "id": 761129, "source": "ldapvi", "severity": "important", "title": "Please enable hardened build flags", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-09-10 21:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 761425, "source": "dh-python", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "please teach pybuild how to build docs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2014-09-23 06:15:09 +0000" }, { "id": 762056, "source": "d-i.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "d-i.debian.org: update jenkins job to use daily-build-overview", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2014-10-29 13:39:09 +0000" }, { "id": 762336, "source": "bandwidthd", "severity": "important", "title": "Please enable hardened build flags", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-15 15:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 763021, "source": "di-netboot-assistant", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "di-netboot-assistant: support for use in a build environment", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-09-27 07:39:11 +0000" }, { "id": 763430, "source": "bidentd", "severity": "serious", "title": "bidentd: Conntrack support broken, /proc/net/ip_conntrack uses \"tcp\" instead of \"TCP\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 01:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 763638, "source": "lintian", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "lintian: OpenCL ICD Loader used to built official Debian packages should be the free one", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-10-22 06:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 763822, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "ftp.debian.org: please include .buildinfo file in the archive", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-09-11 12:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 764236, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "normal", "title": "dpkg-checkbuilddeps: satisfyable Multi-Arch: foreign build dependency is listed as missing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-02-04 09:51:51 +0000" }, { "id": 764480, "source": "cdbs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "\"cdbs fails to build in parallel\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-09-08 11:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 764650, "source": "zsh", "severity": "important", "title": "zsh: FTBFS with noatime mounts (e.g. on reproducible builds armhf nodes)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-07-20 15:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 764952, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "autopkgtest: Please add adt-run support for pbuilder/cowbuilder", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-12-17 10:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 764970, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: Should create a build log", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-03-29 00:03:22 +0000" }, { "id": 765111, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd: [PATCH] buildd no longer parses wanna-build debug lines as real output", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-12-23 22:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 765569, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "please add this script to use su instead of sudo (or the reverse) (e.g. for pdebuild)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-01-11 05:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 765662, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Add support for the :target qualifier in build dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-15 13:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 765857, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "normal", "title": "[cowbuilder] Unable to create Jessie i386 environment on amd64 host, pbuilder works on its own", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-03-20 15:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 766375, "source": "lintian", "severity": "normal", "title": "lintian: false positive with arch-qualified build-depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-23 21:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 766460, "source": "ltsp-client-builder", "severity": "important", "title": "ltsp-client-builder: Need to set web proxy environment in postinst", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-10-23 20:33:23 +0000" }, { "id": 766703, "source": "openafs", "severity": "important", "title": "openafs-krb5: sparc build of aklog crashes", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-10-27 21:21:08 +0000" }, { "id": 766939, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "wanna-build: Wanna-build considers alternatives, but buildds don't, causing futile builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-03 18:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 767469, "source": "live-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "support some sort of build UID", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-28 07:58:46 +0000" }, { "id": 767472, "source": "live-boot", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "support some sort of build UID", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-28 13:09:19 +0000" }, { "id": 767509, "source": "webpy", "severity": "important", "title": "please run unit tests when building the package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-16 22:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 767756, "source": "glibc", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "glibc: Consider providing a libc build compiled with -fno-omit-frame-pointer to help with profiling", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-03-19 09:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 767760, "source": "busybox", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "busybox: Please build selinux support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-05-18 12:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 768060, "source": "sysvinit", "severity": "normal", "title": "sysvinit-core doesn't trigger a dracut initrd rebuild if installed after systemd", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-11-04 15:51:07 +0000" }, { "id": 768103, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: dropwizard -- A Java library for building production-ready RESTful web services", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2015-08-28 00:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 768312, "source": "fontconfig", "severity": "normal", "title": "fontconfig: can't build twice without docbook-utils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-11-06 12:18:06 +0000" }, { "id": 768733, "source": "winff", "severity": "serious", "title": "winff: FTBFS when HOME set to non-existent directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-05 17:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 768816, "source": "fwbuilder", "severity": "important", "title": "fwbuilder crashes in libqtgui", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-10-16 20:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 769272, "source": "oasis", "severity": "important", "title": "oasis: FTBFS in jessie/i386: Tests failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:39:50 +0000" }, { "id": 769458, "source": "d-i.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "d-i: mailingliste for notifications, jenkins/build logs, etc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2014-11-13 19:18:11 +0000" }, { "id": 769520, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage lacks an option to run `debian/rules clean' only, after applying patches to source in quilt 3.0 format", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-01-31 00:51:15 +0000" }, { "id": 770171, "source": "fail2ban", "severity": "serious", "title": "sshd jail fails when system solely relies on systemd journal for logging", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-10 23:09:08 +0000" }, { "id": 770729, "source": "fwbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "fwbuilder: uses deprecated constructs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-11-23 17:12:06 +0000" }, { "id": 770734, "source": "intltool", "severity": "important", "title": "systemd: FTBFS in environment with all packages rebuilt locally", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-05-01 09:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 770925, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "wanna-build patches to support foreign-arch Build-Depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2015-08-18 10:30:08 +0000" }, { "id": 771023, "source": "fbi", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "fbi: Make fbi build with libjpeg62-turbo-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-11-25 23:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 771028, "source": "fbi", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "fbi: Enabled HAVE_MOTIF and its build-depends (libxpm-dev)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-11-26 00:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 772437, "source": "xwayland", "severity": "important", "title": "xwayland is very slow launching and drawing windows; my custom build was ok", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-12-07 00:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 773370, "source": "nettle", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "src:nettle: please ship nettle-benchmark as a binary (not buildable without source)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-12-17 15:57:07 +0000" }, { "id": 773388, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debuild: Please add undocumented options to manpage", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-12-18 07:39:08 +0000" }, { "id": 773485, "source": "ruby-debian", "severity": "normal", "title": "Fails to build the index when invalid UTF-8 is met", "affected_sources": [ "dhelp" ], "affected_packages": [ "dhelp" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-12-19 14:27:11 +0000" }, { "id": 773488, "source": "gtk+2.0", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd.debian.org: In many programs (maybe, gtk-like) text in menus, or in interface not visible. Transmission (after upgrade to debian 8 text FULLY not visible, before not all text be invisible), mate-terminal (visible only \"Menu\"), Brasero (not visible all) etc.. gtk-themechanger not helps", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-05-10 13:27:10 +0000" }, { "id": 774079, "source": "dhelp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "build the index also for /usr/local/share/doc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2014-12-28 13:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 774129, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "normal", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: Should set the cross build profile automatically", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-10-25 23:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 774857, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd: crontab entry fails when removed-but-not-purged", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-01-08 12:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 775501, "source": "noweb", "severity": "normal", "title": "noweb: does not fail to build when it should", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-02-23 18:42:15 +0000" }, { "id": 775539, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: overwrites DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS environment variable when cross-building", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-01-05 14:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 775722, "source": "grub2", "severity": "normal", "title": "grub2: fix mips64el build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-10-25 09:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 775940, "source": "perl", "severity": "normal", "title": "Configure: determine sizeof(int) without running host arch code during cross building", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-11-15 00:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 776013, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build: archive configuration issues", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-28 07:57:54 +0000" }, { "id": 776364, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: aptcache option does not work with --execute", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-02-04 09:51:56 +0000" }, { "id": 777078, "source": "mbr-udeb", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "mbr-udeb: please build the udeb on x32", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-02-04 20:03:18 +0000" }, { "id": 777084, "source": "open-iscsi-udeb", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "open-iscsi-udeb: please build the udeb on x32", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 01:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 777441, "source": "unicon", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "unicon: fails to build reproducibly because cin2tab produces output in random order", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-12-12 09:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 777604, "source": "python-elasticsearch", "severity": "normal", "title": "python-elasticsearch: Enable tests during package build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-02-10 16:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 777621, "source": "freespace2", "severity": "minor", "title": "freespace2-data-gog fails to build on case sensitive filesystem", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-02-11 00:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 778317, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build: improve cache support for rebuilds with different arch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-22 17:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 778451, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-deb --build: add progress indicator", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-02-15 07:54:12 +0000" }, { "id": 778478, "source": "libgadu", "severity": "normal", "title": "libgadu should have graphviz in build-depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-02-15 17:18:08 +0000" }, { "id": 778749, "source": "dtc", "severity": "serious", "title": "dtc-cyrus: depends on obsolete cyrus-*-2.2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2015-02-19 09:57:08 +0000" }, { "id": 779542, "source": "st", "severity": "normal", "title": "st: Please add sh4 support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-30 07:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 780233, "source": "fonts-inconsolata", "severity": "important", "title": "fonts-inconsolata: Should be built from source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-05 17:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 780559, "source": "clang", "severity": "normal", "title": "scan-build doesn't handle -isystem compile arguments correctly", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-03-16 02:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 780725, "source": "debian-policy", "severity": "normal", "title": "PATH used for building is not specified", "affected_sources": [ "simutrans-pak128.britain" ], "affected_packages": [ "simutrans-pak128.britain" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-03-12 04:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 780729, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder must define PATH as in debian-policy (and as used on buildds)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-04-24 23:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 781538, "source": "installation-reports", "severity": "critical", "title": "debian-boot: Total trash on reboot of RAID1 partitions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-08-03 17:57:07 +0000" }, { "id": 782186, "source": "atomicparsley", "severity": "normal", "title": "atomicparsley is built without LFS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-04-09 07:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 783103, "source": "perl", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "perl: use pgo and lto in the build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2015-04-22 09:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 783202, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "normal", "title": "[adt-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud] timeout nearly after display \"Net device info\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 19:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 784681, "source": "gcc-defaults", "severity": "normal", "title": "g++ fails to build preprocessed code in mednafen", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-05-11 21:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 785481, "source": "gitpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "gitpkg: Please add sbuild-exit-hook", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-05-16 21:54:05 +0000" }, { "id": 785515, "source": "libcommons-validator-java", "severity": "normal", "title": "libcommons-validator-java: FTBFS with TZ=NZ: testCompare(DateValidatorTest): date EQ expected:<0> but was:<1>", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:10:26 +0000" }, { "id": 785526, "source": "initramfs-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "firmware-linux-nonfree: initramfs trigger only rebuilds initdisk of latest kernel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-01-22 04:06:20 +0000" }, { "id": 785651, "source": "glibc", "severity": "normal", "title": "glibc: test run times out on ci.debian.net; maybe don't force a build every time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-08-26 19:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 785654, "source": "libatomic-ops", "severity": "normal", "title": "ibatomic-ops-dev: switch to gcc atomic builtins on hppa/parisc architecture (with patch)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-05-18 19:03:07 +0000" }, { "id": 785728, "source": "ace", "severity": "important", "title": "libace-dev: ACE_OFF_T is only 32bit by the includes, thus preventing the build of JAWS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-06-03 17:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 785731, "source": "safecat", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "safecat: Fails to build reproducibly when keeping the debug symbols", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-05-19 17:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 786396, "source": "qa.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "[reproducible-builds] Classify issue by \"toolchain\" or \"package\" fix needed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2015-05-25 13:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 786607, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Please make \"gbp pull\" to also fetch git notes (refs/notes/commits)", "affected_sources": [ "gitpkg", "pkg-perl-tools" ], "affected_packages": [ "gitpkg", "pkg-perl-tools" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-06-02 18:12:12 +0000" }, { "id": 786644, "source": "jenkins.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "reproducible builds should vary whether nocheck is added to DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-21 09:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 786669, "source": "ruby-celluloid", "severity": "normal", "title": "ruby-celluloid: tests sometimes fail, causing ftbfs sometimes", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-09 19:39:15 +0000" }, { "id": 786885, "source": "bison", "severity": "normal", "title": "Broken gettext check in the build system of bison", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-17 23:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 786971, "source": "fonts-roboto", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "fonts-roboto: build from source, new upstream", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-04 03:12:05 +0000" }, { "id": 786973, "source": "asterisk", "severity": "normal", "title": "asterisk: Please build-depend on libosptk3-dev for Open Settlement Protocol support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-04 00:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 787259, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "important", "title": "start error with pbuilder-satisfydepends-gdebi", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-05-01 11:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 787427, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt-build is unable to compile mpv package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-06-01 16:24:05 +0000" }, { "id": 787519, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Read config from XDG_CONFIG_HOME/debian/gbp.conf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-01-24 21:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 787621, "source": "mono", "severity": "normal", "title": "build/profiles/basic.make:92: recipe for target 'build/deps/basic-profile-check.exe' failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-04-11 12:18:09 +0000" }, { "id": 787795, "source": "grub2", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "grub2: please build rescue ISO and floppy reproducibly", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-02 11:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 788721, "source": "firefox-esr", "severity": "serious", "title": "firefox-esr: Some sources are missing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-04-27 23:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 788764, "source": "live-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "support building image without root", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-28 07:58:50 +0000" }, { "id": 789225, "source": "git-annex", "severity": "minor", "title": "build-depends on transition package perlmagick", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-03 18:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 789401, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "important", "title": "pbuilder: chroot's /tmp accessible to users when bootstrapping", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-27 21:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 790235, "source": "basemap", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "basemap: [PATCH] please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-27 06:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 790565, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: support https in MIRRORSITE detection", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-07-03 10:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 790860, "source": "live-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "live-build: Extract versions from Release files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-02-13 16:00:06 +0000" }, { "id": 791362, "source": "perl", "severity": "minor", "title": "perl: build timezone affects LOCALTIME_{MIN,MAX}", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-11-16 16:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 792001, "source": "d-i.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "di-autobuild: report broken chroots", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2015-07-09 23:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 792129, "source": "apt", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt fails to build with gcc-snapshot (c++14)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-07-11 19:48:05 +0000" }, { "id": 792818, "source": "tuxtype", "severity": "normal", "title": "tuxtype: chown does not work in build enviroment", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-07-19 08:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 793137, "source": "tulip", "severity": "important", "title": "tulip: FTBFS on armel and armhf - blocks testing migration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-10-19 00:33:23 +0000" }, { "id": 793241, "source": "fwbuilder", "severity": "important", "title": "fwbuilder: change of type in system_error might break with GCC-5", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:39:55 +0000" }, { "id": 793606, "source": "mini-buildd", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "please don't upload build requests to archs that don't need build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2015-07-27 14:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 793619, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: golang-github-jgeewax-cli -- small package for building command line apps in Go", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2016-10-27 16:21:09 +0000" }, { "id": 794246, "source": "libmng", "severity": "normal", "title": "libmng FTCBFS: uses build arch compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-07 01:42:06 +0000" }, { "id": 794466, "source": "virtualbox", "severity": "serious", "title": "virtualbox: might not be suitable for stable releases due to lack of cooperation from upstream on security support for older releases", "affected_sources": [ "virtualbox-guest-additions-iso" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:virtualbox-guest-additions-iso", "virtualbox-guest-additions-iso" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:39:56 +0000" }, { "id": 794669, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: pdebuild ignores --pbuildersatisfydepends without --use-pdebuild-internal", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-01 20:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 794692, "source": "pulseaudio", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pulseaudio: please build pulseaudio-module-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-03-26 14:15:09 +0000" }, { "id": 794869, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "minor", "title": "debuild: Please clean up locale settings if broken", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-08-07 13:03:10 +0000" }, { "id": 795089, "source": "wxhexeditor", "severity": "normal", "title": "wxhexeditor fails to build due to link line ordering on libgomp", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-08-10 13:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 795758, "source": "libmessage-passing-perl", "severity": "important", "title": "libmessage-passing-perl: occationally fails t/role_connectionmanager.t tests 12-13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:11:04 +0000" }, { "id": 795797, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: please ignore .pc folders", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-08-07 13:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 796380, "source": "omake", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "src:omake: embeds build date, makes package non-reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-08-21 15:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 796636, "source": "oss4", "severity": "grave", "title": "oss4-base: Has init script in runlevel S but no matching service file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-23 02:24:05 +0000" }, { "id": 796745, "source": "libhdf4", "severity": "normal", "title": "possibly build additional hdf4-tools-alt (without netcdf support)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-08-24 08:33:14 +0000" }, { "id": 797053, "source": "lua5.1", "severity": "normal", "title": "[PATCH] Always build with -pthread", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-08-29 18:48:05 +0000" }, { "id": 797790, "source": "bsd-mailx", "severity": "normal", "title": "bsd-mailx: List of messages build from (before date) does not work e.g. d (before 02-Jun-2015)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-09-02 14:36:06 +0000" }, { "id": 798000, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "ftp.debian.org: please allow discarding maintainer-built binaries after NEW", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-09-11 12:39:11 +0000" }, { "id": 798004, "source": "xletters", "severity": "grave", "title": "xletters: Non-standard charset makes some characters untypeable and wrongly displayed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-29 18:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 798408, "source": "glew,mesa,qtbase-opensource-src", "severity": "important", "title": "[arm] libgles2-mesa-dev and libglew-dev disagree over GLsizeiptr", "affected_sources": [ "avogadrolibs", "ball", "tulip" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:avogadrolibs", "src:ball", "src:tulip" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-30 00:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 798474, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: dpkg-buildpackage uses build-arch in .{changes,build} filenames", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 13:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 798578, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build: Encrypted derivative system fails to boot due to invalid initramfs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-28 07:57:59 +0000" }, { "id": 798659, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build: /bin/ping gives permission denied as normal user in live system", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-28 07:58:03 +0000" }, { "id": 799927, "source": "pkg-kde-tools", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pkg-kde-tools: fails to handle some buildlogs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-09-24 12:06:06 +0000" }, { "id": 800069, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: please call dpkg-buildflags --status on build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-03-08 01:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 800840, "source": "ecasound", "severity": "important", "title": "ecasound FTBFS on Alpha: use of infinities despite compilation with -ffast-math", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-04-27 11:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 801053, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: add a mean to easily include external packages during builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-12-21 01:36:09 +0000" }, { "id": 801311, "source": "gradle", "severity": "important", "title": "gradle hard-codes -m32 / -m64 for building binaries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-10-08 13:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 801587, "source": "apt-offline", "severity": "serious", "title": "\"apt-offline (old) stable fixes for Wheezy\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-22 04:27:54 +0000" }, { "id": 802105, "source": "iodine", "severity": "important", "title": "iodine: FTBFS: Assertion 'addr_len == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)' failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:39:58 +0000" }, { "id": 802284, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: should assemble overlay before issuing 'debian/rules' commands", "affected_sources": [ "python-coverage" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:python-coverage" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-14 02:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 802688, "source": "mini-buildd", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild does not honor setup.fstab", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2016-10-07 14:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 802850, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: please allow sbuild to run dpkg-buildpackage without network connection besides the loopback interface", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-02-22 20:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 803252, "source": "util-linux", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "util-linux: avoid static build of fdisk-udeb", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-10-28 12:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 803415, "source": "gjs", "severity": "important", "title": "FTBFS: test-suite fails on various architectures in testCallbackTransferFull", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:11:37 +0000" }, { "id": 803880, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: tyrutils -- quake 1 or 2 mod utils for building quake levels and quake file formats", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2015-11-18 15:27:13 +0000" }, { "id": 804404, "source": "libdvd-pkg", "severity": "normal", "title": "libdvd-pkg: dpkg-buildpackage fails on Wheezy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-09-24 00:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 805037, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "qemubuilder: Add qemu machine type overwrite.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-11-13 16:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 805376, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: libjs-react -- JavaScript library for building user interfaces", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-06-12 10:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 805988, "source": "aboot", "severity": "serious", "title": "aboot: FTBFS on amd64 when built with dpkg-buildpackage -A", "affected_sources": [ "aboot" ], "affected_packages": [ "aboot-cross" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-19 15:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 806208, "source": "babl", "severity": "normal", "title": "Unaligned access across babl source provokes crashes on sparc*", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-14 16:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 806542, "source": "liblinux-prctl-perl", "severity": "normal", "title": "liblinux-prctl-perl: autopkgtest failures: seccomp, capbset", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 806639, "source": "nss", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Please allow to run internal test suite during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-16 14:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 806977, "source": "john", "severity": "normal", "title": "john: Provide build with \"jumbo\" patch.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-02-05 08:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 806984, "source": "debian-installer", "severity": "important", "title": "debian-installer: ftbfs because d-i needs network to build������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:12:05 +0000" }, { "id": 807090, "source": "bash", "severity": "minor", "title": "bash-builtins: man page states that it belongs to Bash-2.05a", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-04-15 11:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 807168, "source": "debian-installer-netboot-images", "severity": "serious", "title": "debian-installer-netboot-images: required resources not declared as build-dependencies (fetches via network)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-02-20 18:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 807392, "source": "libsendmail-milter-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libsendmail-milter-perl: intermittent FTBFSes: Segmentation fault (core dumped)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 21:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 807406, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: drop all the 'xenial' hardcoding in debian/rules and make the selection of the distro dynamic", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-12-09 13:39:10 +0000" }, { "id": 807455, "source": "golang-defaults", "severity": "normal", "title": "golang-src: includes race detector runtime files not built from source in the source package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2016-03-22 07:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 807577, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "minor", "title": "git-pbuilder: -backports and -lts variants ignore COMPONENTS setting", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-12-10 13:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 807836, "source": "zsh", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "zshbuiltins: Clarify the meaning of \"hard limit\" in the documentation of 'ulimit' and 'unlimit'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-04-13 18:45:07 +0000" }, { "id": 807954, "source": "debian-live", "severity": "normal", "title": "debian-live: setup automated builds of live-manual", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-03-23 07:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 807957, "source": "debian-live", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debian-live: set up the live-build-cgi server again", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2015-12-14 17:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 808405, "source": "cli-common", "severity": "normal", "title": "cli-common-dev: dh_cligacpolicy looks for a verbatim build-depency and fails to recognise a correct one", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-10-08 04:39:13 +0000" }, { "id": 808457, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: automatically avoid hardlinks or stop after one ln error", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2015-12-20 10:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 809385, "source": "fbi", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "fbi: Please build ida from fbida now that libmotif is free", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-08-02 08:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 809987, "source": "sbcl", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbcl: contrib fasl files #!/build... does not point to installed system sbcl executable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-01-05 07:36:06 +0000" }, { "id": 810145, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: find a way to umount /run/shm even if another process is accessing it", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-01-23 11:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 810871, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: no ccache hits with wiki-suggested setup", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 13:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 811199, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: fails due to syntax error", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-01-16 19:12:11 +0000" }, { "id": 811202, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "minor", "title": "sbuild: order some code differently", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-05 06:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 812202, "source": "dose3", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dose-distcheck, dose-builddebcheck: --exclude option", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-10-05 09:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 812306, "source": "lua5.3", "severity": "normal", "title": "lua5.3: lua5.3 -e \"print(_VERSION)\" dump lots of strange on mips64el+pbuilder chroot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-01-22 05:36:31 +0000" }, { "id": 812544, "source": "r-base", "severity": "normal", "title": "r-base: FTBFS in a clean sid pbuilder enviromwent", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-10-13 11:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 812584, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Support lxc-based build environment", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-01-25 10:18:06 +0000" }, { "id": 812682, "source": "w3m", "severity": "normal", "title": "w3m FTCBFS: uses build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-12-12 16:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 813268, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-dev: debuild clean fails to first apply patches to source in quilt 3.0 format", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-01-31 00:51:13 +0000" }, { "id": 813407, "source": "pristine-tar", "severity": "normal", "title": "pristine-tar: cannot reproduce build of python-llfuse_0.42.1+dfsg.orig.tar.gz, consider filing a bug", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-02-01 16:39:09 +0000" }, { "id": 813538, "source": "dose3", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "please speed up checking multiple build profiles", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-02-03 08:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 813662, "source": "cdimage.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "cdimage.debian.org: weekly builds of live images are stale", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2016-02-04 06:18:06 +0000" }, { "id": 813861, "source": "phpdox", "severity": "serious", "title": "Useless in Debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-02 16:27:07 +0000" }, { "id": 813865, "source": "php-fxsl", "severity": "serious", "title": "Useless in Debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-02 16:27:07 +0000" }, { "id": 813866, "source": "php-fdomdocument", "severity": "serious", "title": "Useless in Debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-02 16:27:07 +0000" }, { "id": 814186, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "dak: accepting binary-only uploads should not add source to build queue", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-09-11 12:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 814613, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Cannot use %(pkg)s in export-dir/tarball-dir", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-02-06 15:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 815172, "source": "build-essential", "severity": "important", "title": "mark build-essentila Multi-Arch: same to have cross builds install libc6-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-08 20:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 815487, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "[live-build] hdd images with squashfs image > 4GB will not build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-28 07:58:09 +0000" }, { "id": 815999, "source": "apt", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt: please add an option to emulate debian buildd behaviour for apt-get build-dep", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-02-26 15:18:23 +0000" }, { "id": 816470, "source": "apt-show-versions", "severity": "grave", "title": "apt-show-versions: wrong output for apt-doc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-21 13:21:09 +0000" }, { "id": 816746, "source": "ruby-cocoon", "severity": "normal", "title": "ruby-cocoon: please reenable the tests when all build-dependencies are available", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-03-04 20:09:14 +0000" }, { "id": 817809, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "important", "title": "sbuild: breaks if the binnmu changelog contains a newline", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-04-06 15:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 817928, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live build 4.0.3 by default destroys settings done in the chroot stage", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-28 07:58:11 +0000" }, { "id": 817954, "source": "firefox", "severity": "serious", "title": "Keep Firefox out of Debian releases", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-06-14 20:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 818377, "source": "maildrop", "severity": "normal", "title": "build maildrop and SGID-roor courier-maildrop", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-02-28 18:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 818432, "source": "espresso", "severity": "important", "title": "espresso: FTBFS on armel: hangs during the build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-02-28 21:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 818507, "source": "pylint-flask", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pylint-flask: run build-time/DEP-8 tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-03-17 17:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 818907, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build: Fails to integrate a binary package whose name contains an uppercase character", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-28 07:58:14 +0000" }, { "id": 818943, "source": "qt4-x11", "severity": "normal", "title": "possibly add -openssl-linked ./conifugre option for building Qt (issue with Mumble)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-05 03:33:13 +0000" }, { "id": 818958, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: enable dpkg-mergechangelogs when initializing/cloning a repository", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-03-22 18:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 819208, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "qemubuilder: Please allow to pass -append arguments to Qemu", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-03-25 00:36:05 +0000" }, { "id": 819341, "source": "meta-unison", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[unison] Please build unison-fsmonitor", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-16 12:12:18 +0000" }, { "id": 819349, "source": "nss", "severity": "important", "title": "libnss3: broken AES on x32 on certain Intel CPUs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-26 20:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 820004, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "genarate pbuilder.8, pdebuild.1 and pbuilderrc.5 from something usable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-13 21:15:08 +0000" }, { "id": 820681, "source": "graphviz", "severity": "minor", "title": "graphviz: please consider build-depend tightened on d-shlibs and drop local overrides", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2016-04-11 11:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 820948, "source": "gitpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "gitpkg: Please add a cowbuilder exit hook", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-03 15:42:14 +0000" }, { "id": 821047, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "normal", "title": "cowbuilder: load_config_file() chokes on \\n e.g. EXTRAPACKAGES='... \\n ...'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-04-14 22:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 821233, "source": "perlbal", "severity": "important", "title": "perlbal: FTBFS: Unable to start socket: Address already in use", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:13:57 +0000" }, { "id": 821315, "source": "liferea", "severity": "normal", "title": "liferea: crash (SIGSEGV) when deleting a search folder that was being rebuilt", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-13 17:39:11 +0000" }, { "id": 821332, "source": "aboot", "severity": "normal", "title": "aboot: dpkg-buildpackage does not generate aboot-base", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-04-17 18:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 821806, "source": "ksh93u+m", "severity": "important", "title": "ksh does not export symbols to loaded \"built-in\" modules", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-06-01 02:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 822659, "source": "gr-osmosdr", "severity": "normal", "title": "gr-osmosdr: Version in jessie-backports built only for amd64 architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-04-26 08:09:08 +0000" }, { "id": 822668, "source": "dh-golang", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Make dh_golang work without --buildsystem golang", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-06-20 07:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 823219, "source": "fwbuilder", "severity": "important", "title": "fwbuilder: iptables xtables lock problem", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-05-04 09:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 823236, "source": "sso.debian.org", "severity": "grave", "title": "login error", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-07 13:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 823274, "source": "sso.debian.org", "severity": "grave", "title": "login error", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-07 13:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 823452, "source": "khronos-opengl-man4", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "opengl-4-html-doc: please make the build reproducible (randomness)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-05-11 07:42:11 +0000" }, { "id": 823651, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "minor", "title": "pbuilder: fails with cryptic message when $TMPDIR/$TEMP != /tmp (i.e. libpam-tmpdir)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-03 22:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 824185, "source": "codeblocks", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "codeblocks: please build with squirrel3 package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-10-30 03:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 824824, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "O: net-luminis-build-plugin -- Wrapper around Bnd to allow easy bundle creation from ant builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2016-07-19 16:39:13 +0000" }, { "id": 825146, "source": "libxdmcp", "severity": "normal", "title": "libxdmcp-dev: Multi-Arch: same file conflict between rebuilds of the package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-01-12 17:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 825176, "source": "maven-debian-helper", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "maven-debian-helper: Generate the .doc-base files at build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-05-24 15:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 825265, "source": "dtc", "severity": "serious", "title": "dtc-common: uninstallable, dependencies php-crypt-cbc, php-net-ipv4, php-xml-serializer are gone", "affected_sources": [ "dtc" ], "affected_packages": [ "dtc-toaster", "dtc-postfix-courier", "dtc-stats-daemon" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-03-05 21:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 825423, "source": "linux", "severity": "normal", "title": "supermin + sbuild + linux-image = broken chroot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2016-06-04 17:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 826747, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: involucro -- build and deliver software with containers", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-09-11 16:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 826858, "source": "ostree", "severity": "important", "title": "ostree: FTBFS on i386, hppa: Opening objects/ directory: openat: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:14:13 +0000" }, { "id": 826942, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: buildd-uploader hangs if a stale lockfile is present", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-10-12 13:54:06 +0000" }, { "id": 827155, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "normal", "title": "dpkg-buildflags: reproducible/fixdebugpath doesn't escape build path", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-06-30 13:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 827482, "source": "symfony", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "symfony: add stage1 build profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-04-18 12:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 827955, "source": "axiom", "severity": "normal", "title": "axiom: Uses too much memory to build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-06-23 10:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 828867, "source": "zephyr", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "zephyr: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-11-27 18:45:09 +0000" }, { "id": 829560, "source": "liblinux-prctl-perl", "severity": "normal", "title": "liblinux-prctl-perl: FTBFS: Failed 2/18 test programs. 50/510 subtests failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 829609, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildpackage: --git-builder=... needs to have higher prio than \"pbuilder = True\" in the config file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-04 17:24:06 +0000" }, { "id": 829751, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: Patch to make pbuilder show current package version while installing the build-deps.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-08-15 08:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 830273, "source": "curl", "severity": "important", "title": "curl: accesses the internet during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-10-06 21:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 830524, "source": "debian-policy", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debian-policy: Allow building only selected flavors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-05-27 13:21:08 +0000" }, { "id": 830673, "source": "golang-github-fluent-fluent-logger-golang", "severity": "normal", "title": "golang-github-fluent-fluent-logger-golang: accesses the internet during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-12-09 01:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 831750, "source": "mini-buildd", "severity": "normal", "title": "mini-buildd: Poor support for reverse proxy when working with apache", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-11-15 23:09:26 +0000" }, { "id": 831993, "source": "libcommons-codec-java", "severity": "important", "title": "libcommons-codec-java: accesses the internet during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-10-06 21:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 832029, "source": "lintian", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "lintian: fails to detect missing build-indep target in 9 packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-07-23 04:12:05 +0000" }, { "id": 832053, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "devscripts: deblog command to display current and former build logs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-21 19:48:05 +0000" }, { "id": 832071, "source": "pristine-tar", "severity": "normal", "title": "pristine-tar: pristine-gz cannot reproduce build of", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-22 00:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 832144, "source": "haskell-cabal-install", "severity": "important", "title": "cabal-install: built inconsistently across different platforms", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-23 10:45:11 +0000" }, { "id": 832444, "source": "gdk-pixbuf", "severity": "normal", "title": "gdk-pixbuf: Needs 11500 MB to build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-26 07:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 832524, "source": "hasciicam", "severity": "normal", "title": "hasciicam: Replace ftplib-dev build dependency by libftp-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-09 19:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 832533, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: check for UTF8 encoded debian/changelog after running 'gbp dch -foo'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-26 15:18:07 +0000" }, { "id": 832549, "source": "xorg", "severity": "important", "title": "xserver-xorg: X now defaults to using built-in modesetting video driver on Intel. X no longer functioned ", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-08-02 18:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 832586, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "/usr/bin/pdebuild: pdebuild hides message from PAM until end of run", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-08-02 12:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 832677, "source": "open-infrastructure-system-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "improve cache support for rebuilds with different arch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-28 11:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 832681, "source": "open-infrastructure-system-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "hdd images with squashfs image > 4GB will not build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-28 11:09:10 +0000" }, { "id": 832690, "source": "open-infrastructure-system-tools", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "support building multiple binary images in a row", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-28 07:58:31 +0000" }, { "id": 832698, "source": "open-infrastructure-system-tools", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "support some sort of build UID", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-28 07:58:47 +0000" }, { "id": 832700, "source": "open-infrastructure-system-tools", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "support building image without root", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-28 07:58:52 +0000" }, { "id": 832733, "source": "open-infrastructure-system-tools", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "support some sort of build UID", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-28 13:09:19 +0000" }, { "id": 832961, "source": "reprotest", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "reprotest: please add support for building simultaneously", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-07-30 06:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 833167, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage-rpm: rpmlint support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-20 09:27:07 +0000" }, { "id": 833277, "source": "scheme48", "severity": "normal", "title": "scheme48: ships HTML files built by unpackaged tex2page program", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-08-02 12:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 833469, "source": "svn-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "svn-buildpackage: Copy .asc file together with tar", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-08-05 01:03:08 +0000" }, { "id": 833503, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "normal", "title": "autopkgtest: accesses the internet during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-08-15 10:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 834059, "source": "dose3", "severity": "important", "title": "dose-builddebcheck: outputs wrong yaml", "affected_sources": [ "dose3" ], "affected_packages": [ "dose-distcheck" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-22 15:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 834457, "source": "gtk+3.0", "severity": "minor", "title": "libgtk-3-0: inconsistent signed/unsigned length parameter in gtk_builder_new_from_string() and gtk_builder_add_from_string()", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-08-16 14:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 834534, "source": "librep", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "librep: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-07 01:53:11 +0000" }, { "id": 834736, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: Being able to choose format for build log filenames", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-04 20:39:08 +0000" }, { "id": 834756, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: powershell -- scripting language interpreter built on .NET", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-07-25 19:51:13 +0000" }, { "id": 835078, "source": "ruby-mini-magick", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-mini-magick: FTBFS: ./spec/lib/mini_magick_spec.rb:34 # MiniMagick.cli_version returns GraphicsMagick's version", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:15:11 +0000" }, { "id": 835146, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildflags: Please enable bindnow hardening flag by default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-06-26 18:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 835452, "source": "debian-policy", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debian-policy: Deprecating dependency of \"binary\" on \"build\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-03 07:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 835865, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: theano-blocks -- deep learning framework built on top of Theano", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-11-25 14:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 835919, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[mk-build-deps] please add \"--extra-packages\" option to install arbitrary extra packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-28 03:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 836451, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "minor", "title": "pbuilder: cdebootstrap: unrecognized option '--force-check-gpg'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-11-10 15:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 836792, "source": "zip", "severity": "normal", "title": "zip FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-02 00:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 836940, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "minor", "title": "pbuilder: APT options not forcefully passed to APT", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-09-11 18:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 837812, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[pbuilder] New hook improving dpkgi", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-11-10 18:12:16 +0000" }, { "id": 837919, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "minor", "title": "cowbuilder: ANSI colour codes in the build log", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-09-15 13:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 837920, "source": "user-mode-linux", "severity": "normal", "title": "user-mode-linux should be built directly by src:linux", "affected_sources": [ "linux" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:linux" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-06-09 17:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 838137, "source": "critterding", "severity": "serious", "title": "critterding: FTBFS in experimental: be_command_system.cpp:13:94: error: '_1' was not declared in this scope", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-09-06 20:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 838244, "source": "hurd", "severity": "serious", "title": "hurd: license incompatibility between ext2fs (GPLv2-only) and libparted (GPLv3-or-later)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-19 16:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 838333, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: libalien-autotools-perl -- Perl module for locating binaries for the, GNU build system", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-12-24 04:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 838447, "source": "gtk+3.0", "severity": "normal", "title": "gtk+3.0: Please build documentation packages in binary-indep target", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-09-21 09:00:17 +0000" }, { "id": 838496, "source": "cgal", "severity": "normal", "title": "cgal: FTBFS on armel: no FPU rounding mode support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-11-11 18:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 838539, "source": "apt", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt-get gives confusing error message when -P or --build-profile is used with unknown operation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-09-22 00:54:06 +0000" }, { "id": 838726, "source": "swish++", "severity": "normal", "title": "swish++: Parallel build does not work", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-02 11:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 838768, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild-createchroot should let me re-create an existing chroot/tarball", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-11-18 11:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 839550, "source": "sofia-sip", "severity": "normal", "title": "sofia-sip FTCBFS: uses build architecture pkg-config and thus fails finding glib", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-10-01 21:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 839555, "source": "apt", "severity": "minor", "title": "apt: build-dep with an non-existent file gives unhelpful error message", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-10-01 22:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 839764, "source": "libept", "severity": "normal", "title": "libept FTCBFS: cmake is confused after invoking the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-10-04 17:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 840150, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: add an option to have pbuilder automatically explain installability problems", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-10-08 21:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 840330, "source": "cdbs", "severity": "normal", "title": "cdbs: licensecheck runs twice during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-10-10 20:06:05 +0000" }, { "id": 840572, "source": "ruby-benchmark-suite", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-benchmark-suite: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:40:02 +0000" }, { "id": 840910, "source": "binutils", "severity": "normal", "title": "binutils: ld.gold Linux kernel 4.9.0-rc1 fails to build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-06-22 18:00:14 +0000" }, { "id": 841644, "source": "enca", "severity": "normal", "title": "enca FTCBFS: build tool make_hash built with host architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-11-02 11:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 841786, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: strange moment of installing build dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-03-13 16:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 842101, "source": "portaudio19", "severity": "normal", "title": "Please revert the change to build static libraries with -fPIC", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-02-27 19:48:38 +0000" }, { "id": 842104, "source": "i2util", "severity": "normal", "title": "Please revert the change to build static libraries with -fPIC", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-02-27 19:48:39 +0000" }, { "id": 842106, "source": "publib", "severity": "normal", "title": "Please revert the change to build static libraries with -fPIC", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-02-27 19:48:40 +0000" }, { "id": 842140, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: obs-signd -- open build service signer client and daemon", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-06-05 10:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 842232, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "Package build cannot chmod files such that they are unreadable or unwriteable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-22 07:39:08 +0000" }, { "id": 842246, "source": "dh-autoreconf", "severity": "normal", "title": "debhelper: autoreconf run even when ---buildsystem=cmake", "affected_sources": [ "debhelper" ], "affected_packages": [ "debhelper" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-03-29 20:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 842449, "source": "libvirt", "severity": "minor", "title": "test suite built and -Werror used iff .git present", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-10-29 11:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 842565, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd.debian.org: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is set but directory does not seem to exist", "affected_sources": [ "schroot" ], "affected_packages": [ "schroot" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-01-04 11:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 842764, "source": "libgdiplus", "severity": "normal", "title": "libgdiplus FTCBFS: uses build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-11-01 05:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 842923, "source": "unburden-home-dir", "severity": "normal", "title": "unburden-home-dir: FTBFS when built with overlayfs (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-11-02 11:54:08 +0000" }, { "id": 843052, "source": "libterm-filter-perl", "severity": "important", "title": "libterm-filter-perl: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-04-15 10:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 843254, "source": "debocker", "severity": "important", "title": "debocker: Use unprivileged account to build packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-11-05 14:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 843325, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: waf -- Tool for configuring, building, and installing projects", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-02-12 22:21:10 +0000" }, { "id": 843351, "source": "mutt", "severity": "normal", "title": "mutt FTCBFS: compiles build tools with the host architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-02 07:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 843486, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: vectis -- build software in a disposable virtual machine", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-02-10 17:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 843794, "source": "libvirt", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[libvirt] tweak build dependencies to allow building for jessie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-11-09 19:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 844083, "source": "openhft-lang", "severity": "important", "title": "openhft-lang: FTBFS randomly (DataValueGeneratorTest.testGenerateInterfaceWithDateNativeInstace fails)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:16:34 +0000" }, { "id": 844088, "source": "conversant-disruptor", "severity": "important", "title": "conversant-disruptor: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:16:36 +0000" }, { "id": 844091, "source": "pyqt5", "severity": "normal", "title": "pyqt5-examples: Could not load description. Ensure that the documentation for Qt is built.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-11-12 11:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 844141, "source": "libsys-cpuaffinity-perl", "severity": "important", "title": "libsys-cpuaffinity-perl: FTBFS: Failed test 'bind to all processors successful 18446744073709551615 == 18446744073709551616-1'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-12-18 22:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 844264, "source": "release.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "release.debian.org: Please clarify \"Packages must autobuild without failure\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-02-19 13:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 844267, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: Support for check-all-the-things", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-22 07:57:07 +0000" }, { "id": 844350, "source": "coreutils", "severity": "normal", "title": "coreutils: unable to chroot in wheezy directory made with git-pbuilder", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-11 02:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 844455, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Use local packages for source build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-19 19:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 844498, "source": "disorderfs", "severity": "normal", "title": "disorderfs: using it for building kills the host (with a 686 kernel)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-04-14 07:21:14 +0000" }, { "id": 844504, "source": "dh-autoreconf", "severity": "normal", "title": "debhelper: please stop doing autoreconf when build system is cmake", "affected_sources": [ "debhelper" ], "affected_packages": [ "debhelper" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-03-11 10:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 845088, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: please provide a way to access a local mirror during build (needed for d-i)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-11-20 10:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 845164, "source": "ruby-spy", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-spy: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:39:09 +0000" }, { "id": 845436, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "minor", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: Leaves spurious debian/files in source tree", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-02 14:33:14 +0000" }, { "id": 845498, "source": "fpc", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "fp-compiler-#: please improve multiarch and cross-building situation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-12 09:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 845621, "source": "libguestfs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "guestfs: please change build-deps for backport/arm64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-11-25 09:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 845712, "source": "dh-virtualenv", "severity": "normal", "title": "dh-virtualenv: generates symbolic link of python3 interpreter to building directory instead of deployment dir", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-11-26 00:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 846021, "source": "ruby-webmock", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-webmock: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:39:11 +0000" }, { "id": 846129, "source": "gcr", "severity": "normal", "title": "gcr: fails to build with unhelpful error message when built with low memory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-11-28 15:45:07 +0000" }, { "id": 846161, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: please filter environement variables by default, using a whitelist", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-22 15:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 846224, "source": "ntpsec", "severity": "normal", "title": "ntp needs ruby for it's unit tests when building", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-03-31 21:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 846300, "source": "ruby-distribution", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-distribution: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:39:13 +0000" }, { "id": 846407, "source": "piglit", "severity": "normal", "title": "piglit: creates files in /tmp during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-01 01:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 846827, "source": "wmctrl", "severity": "normal", "title": "wmctrl FTCBFS: uses build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-03 14:48:05 +0000" }, { "id": 846857, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-pbuilder: does not call pbuilder and no flag to change this", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-03 18:36:05 +0000" }, { "id": 847803, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp dch: Resets urgency with --since", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-11 22:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 847805, "source": "reprotest", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "reprotest: document/support simple reproducibility test with sbuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-11 21:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 847995, "source": "gnuplot", "severity": "important", "title": "gnuplot: segfault on plot, with wxt, and \"Warning: Mismatch between the program and library build versions\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-12 23:36:12 +0000" }, { "id": 848126, "source": "dh-r", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dh-r: should use buildflags from package to be built instead of r-base", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-14 11:18:05 +0000" }, { "id": 848432, "source": "dtc", "severity": "serious", "title": "dtc-common: Should Depends/Recommends the metapackage default-mysql-*", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-01-11 17:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 848433, "source": "dtc", "severity": "serious", "title": "dtc-cyrus: Should Depends/Recommends the metapackage default-mysql-*", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-01-11 17:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 848434, "source": "dtc", "severity": "serious", "title": "dtc-postfix-courier: Should Depends/Recommends the metapackage default-mysql-*", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-01-11 17:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 848435, "source": "dtc", "severity": "serious", "title": "dtc-postfix-dovecot: Should Depends/Recommends the metapackage default-mysql-*", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-01-11 17:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 848513, "source": "tcc", "severity": "normal", "title": "fakechroot fails to build with tcc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-17 21:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 848611, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "normal", "title": "dpkg-source --before-build . rejects some patches", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-18 22:45:07 +0000" }, { "id": 848816, "source": "dgit", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dgit: detect gbp export-dir configuration, and prefill build-products-dir", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-09 04:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 849044, "source": "xstow", "severity": "normal", "title": "xstow: manual page xstow needs customization because of Debian build configuration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-22 03:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 849136, "source": "gdk-pixbuf", "severity": "important", "title": "gdk-pixbuf FTBFS on mips64el: pixbuf-randomly-modified test failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-23 11:57:44 +0000" }, { "id": 849169, "source": "debootstrap", "severity": "minor", "title": "sbuild: Expect programe reported \"no more ptys\" and failed in rebuilding gcc with normal (non-root) user", "affected_sources": [ "sbuild" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:sbuild" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 13:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 849253, "source": "open-infrastructure-system-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "simplify live-build bootstrap code", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-24 08:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 849339, "source": "xcolorsel", "severity": "normal", "title": "xcolorsel: FTBFS on hppa - conflicting HP compiler options", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-12 20:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 849547, "source": "mini-buildd", "severity": "normal", "title": "clicking retry on a failed build will result in an immediate reject", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2016-12-29 18:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 849551, "source": "mini-buildd", "severity": "normal", "title": "spurious \"internal error building\" related to gpg", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-01-05 17:30:05 +0000" }, { "id": 849751, "source": "firefox", "severity": "normal", "title": "firefox: Fix broken m68k build support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2016-12-30 14:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 849822, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Should fail early on missing build-dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-20 17:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 849838, "source": "firefox", "severity": "normal", "title": "firefox: Fix broken hppa build support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-01 14:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 849995, "source": "jenkins.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "[j.d.n] Store coverage report of diffoscope builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-01-17 00:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 850167, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Use pristine-tar branch even if it isn't a local checkout", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-04 16:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 850198, "source": "golang-github-dvsekhvalnov-jose2go", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-dvsekhvalnov-jose2go: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:39:28 +0000" }, { "id": 850200, "source": "golang-github-google-gofuzz", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-google-gofuzz: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:39:28 +0000" }, { "id": 850261, "source": "libmodule-starter-perl", "severity": "important", "title": "libmodule-starter-perl: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:39:29 +0000" }, { "id": 850262, "source": "libtheschwartz-perl", "severity": "important", "title": "libtheschwartz-perl: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:39:30 +0000" }, { "id": 850414, "source": "ruby-ftw", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-ftw: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:39:30 +0000" }, { "id": 850576, "source": "gdb", "severity": "normal", "title": "gdb: print mismatching build-id(s) on \"warning: core file may not match specified executable file.\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-22 04:29:52 +0000" }, { "id": 850856, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "important", "title": "dpkg-source: -b/--build must not apply --tar-ignore on source directory name", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-10 19:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 850916, "source": "xzgv", "severity": "normal", "title": "xzgv FTCBFS: uses build architecture build tools (gcc, pkg-config)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-08-11 12:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 851042, "source": "molds", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "molds: FTBFS: liblapacke.so: undefined reference to `sgemqr_'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-20 16:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 851154, "source": "tracker", "severity": "normal", "title": "tracker: some build-time tests abort on the buildds because LANG is unset", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-07-23 21:12:05 +0000" }, { "id": 851155, "source": "tracker", "severity": "normal", "title": "tracker: build-time tests assume tracker is already installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-05-27 17:30:05 +0000" }, { "id": 851274, "source": "mp3info", "severity": "normal", "title": "mp3info FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-13 16:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 851279, "source": "rp-pppoe", "severity": "normal", "title": "rp-pppoe FTCBFS: configures for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-13 16:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 851291, "source": "pristine-tar", "severity": "important", "title": "Fails to import xz-utils: pristine-xz failed to reproduce build of /tmp/xz-utils_5.2.2.orig.tar.xz", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-02-18 02:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 851299, "source": "nvidia-texture-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "nvidia-texture-tools FTCBFS: uses build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-13 19:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 851554, "source": "open-infrastructure-system-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "building armhf with firmware fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-03-14 22:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 851666, "source": "php-sabre-event", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-sabre-event: PHP 7.0 transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-11-11 17:39:22 +0000" }, { "id": 851682, "source": "emacs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "emacs25: Re-enable xwidgets on selected builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-03 22:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 851868, "source": "intltool", "severity": "important", "title": "patch - fix out-of-tree build (e.g. 'make distcheck') with automake >= 1.15", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:40:02 +0000" }, { "id": 851913, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-build: Perl code should be modernised and made less error-prone", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-19 21:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 851918, "source": "openmpi", "severity": "normal", "title": "openmpi: MPI_Comm_dup error on s390x, ppc64, sparc64 builds of mpgrafic - maybe from openmpi", "affected_sources": [ "fftw" ], "affected_packages": [ "fftw" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-29 13:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 851944, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Easy way to separate gbp-buildpackage options, debbuildopts and pbuilder opts", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-20 09:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 852050, "source": "c-blosc", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "c-blosc: captures build path (doesn't build reproducible)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-21 11:09:09 +0000" }, { "id": 852051, "source": "libvigraimpex", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libvigraimpex: captures build path (doesn't build reproducible)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-03-13 16:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 852057, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: puppet-module-puppetlabs-aws -- manages aws resources to build out cloud", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-04-26 16:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 852438, "source": "open-infrastructure-system-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "lb build soll auto/ Verzeichnis mit Inhalt (build, clean, config) erstellen", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-24 12:48:11 +0000" }, { "id": 852648, "source": "live-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "live-build: The full Live distribution should have a way to install a .deb from a browser directly", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-01 06:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 852649, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build: Mouse speed on the default live distrubution can be too fast without an xorg.conf hack", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-26 01:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 852653, "source": "installation-reports", "severity": "critical", "title": "Grub install failed on encrypted LVM disk", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-02-24 18:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 852964, "source": "golang-github-hashicorp-yamux", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-hashicorp-yamux: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-19 10:39:17 +0000" }, { "id": 852980, "source": "texlive-base", "severity": "important", "title": "texlive-luatex: sbuild prevents luaotfload-tool to create a HOME cache directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-01-28 17:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 853148, "source": "refind", "severity": "important", "title": "refind: accesses the internet during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:39:44 +0000" }, { "id": 854047, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "autopkgtest-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud: Support file:// for --mirror", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 09:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 854084, "source": "binaryornot", "severity": "normal", "title": "binaryornot: Non-determistically FTBFS due to unreliable timing in tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:40:05 +0000" }, { "id": 854221, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "O: epm -- Cross-platform package builder by Easy Software Products", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-02-05 08:33:07 +0000" }, { "id": 854714, "source": "trocla", "severity": "important", "title": "trocla: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-05 17:39:59 +0000" }, { "id": 855231, "source": "wireguard", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "src:wireguard: build haskell userspace variant as separate binary package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-02-15 19:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 855521, "source": "lxpanel", "severity": "grave", "title": "lxpanel: freezes all the desktop environment if started or lauch no matter desktop are used", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-03-28 19:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 855619, "source": "fwbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "fwbuilder: please drop libssl-dev from B-D", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-02-20 20:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 855999, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "Pbuilder hangs until timeout when output is piped", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-02-24 07:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 856434, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "important", "title": "sbuild: Fails to build anything in Debian chroots, Ubuntu ones work fine", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 18:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 856642, "source": "firefox-esr", "severity": "normal", "title": "[firefox-esr] FTBFS with some locales when building with \"debian/rules build\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-03-03 08:54:05 +0000" }, { "id": 856655, "source": "xl2tpd", "severity": "normal", "title": "xl2tpd 1.3.8 fails if built to use kernel, with \"recursion detected\" message from kernel.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-03-03 11:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 856939, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd: broken symlinks: /usr/share/man/man?/buildd-*.?.gz -> /sbuild-*.?.gz", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-04-06 16:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 857047, "source": "live-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "live-build: Submission of patch to enable the building of an HDD live image for ppc64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-03-07 14:30:06 +0000" }, { "id": 857315, "source": "binutils", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "binutils: ld.bfd may introduce FILE entries that capture build path, making builds unreproducible", "affected_sources": [ "dietlibc" ], "affected_packages": [ "dietlibc" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-03-09 23:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 857557, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd.debian.org: aspcud scoring used in experimental can select non-preferred alternative", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-03-14 21:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 857598, "source": "debdelta", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debdelta: enable debian-buildd-deltas for incoming.debian.org", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-03-13 03:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 857629, "source": "ubuntu-dev-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "backportpackage: buildinfo file unknown to PPAs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-03-13 14:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 857763, "source": "busybox", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "udhcpd: Please set FEATURE_UDHCPD_WRITE_LEASES_EARLY in build config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-13 13:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 857784, "source": "audiofile", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "audiofile: rebuild documentation at build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-03-15 21:33:07 +0000" }, { "id": 858254, "source": "ruby-oauth2", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-oauth2: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:40:15 +0000" }, { "id": 858273, "source": "google-perftools", "severity": "important", "title": "google-perftools: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:40:17 +0000" }, { "id": 858320, "source": "golang-github-mesos-mesos-go", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-mesos-mesos-go: accesses the internet during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:40:17 +0000" }, { "id": 858337, "source": "apt-show-versions", "severity": "grave", "title": "apt-show-versions may show incorrect package version for \"Architecture: all\" when a foreign arch is enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-21 13:21:10 +0000" }, { "id": 858694, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: preseed man-db update to false", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-03-25 10:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 859303, "source": "pristine-tar", "severity": "normal", "title": "pristine-tar: failed to reproduce build of freedink-data-1.08.20170401.tar.xz", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-12-05 19:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 860108, "source": "debbugs", "severity": "normal", "title": "Handle removal of architectures from releases while building versions.idx", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-04-11 14:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 860155, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: smith -- fonts and keyboards build and test framework", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-07-16 16:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 860248, "source": "rtmpdump", "severity": "important", "title": "librtmp1 built against GNUTLS results in Segfault when streaming to sources that use username and password authentication", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-04-15 00:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 860364, "source": "fail2ban", "severity": "important", "title": "fail2ban: accesses the internet during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-04-15 09:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 860407, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "minor", "title": "pbuilder: warns about not having pbuilderrc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-04-16 12:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 860408, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: leaves a 0-byte tgz file if creation fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-04-16 12:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 860608, "source": "golang", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang: FTBFS: Go version is \"go1.6.1\", ignoring -next /<>/api/next.txt", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:40:04 +0000" }, { "id": 860648, "source": "gap-radiroot", "severity": "normal", "title": "gap-radiroot: FTBFS on i386: not enough memory during build on i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:40:04 +0000" }, { "id": 860824, "source": "jenkins.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "jenkins.debian.org: switch d-i manual tests to use buildone_ng.sh to easily build manual from po files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-04-20 16:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 860838, "source": "binutils", "severity": "important", "title": "binutils: linux 3.19 built with binutils 2.28 does not boot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-04-20 19:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 861095, "source": "python-ltfatpy", "severity": "important", "title": "python-ltfatpy: FTBFS: ValueError: Little-endian buffer not supported", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-06 13:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 861339, "source": "cdebootstrap", "severity": "normal", "title": "cdebootstrap FTCBFS: uses build architecture strip", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-04-27 17:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 861457, "source": "monkeysphere", "severity": "important", "title": "monkeysphere: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-11-28 18:24:10 +0000" }, { "id": 861765, "source": "papi", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "papi FTBFS on s390x: OVERFLOW_ADDRESS() and _papi_hwd_lock/unlock undefined!", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-04-27 15:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 862022, "source": "jenkins.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "reproducible-builds.org: build log sent uncompressed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-09-16 14:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 862073, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "ftp.debian.org: Please POST .buildinfo files to buildinfo.debian.net", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-09-11 12:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 862112, "source": "r-base", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "r-base-dev: Generate reproducible output independently of the build path", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-05-15 20:09:13 +0000" }, { "id": 862116, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: Set BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP for build tools to generate reproducible output", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-02 20:06:09 +0000" }, { "id": 862378, "source": "check-all-the-things", "severity": "serious", "title": "check-all-the-things: not suitable for Debian stable at this time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-06 17:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 862386, "source": "gnustep-examples", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "incomplete build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-05-12 06:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 862444, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: please do multiple commits when importing multiple tarballs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-05-19 11:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 862495, "source": "liblocale-maketext-gettext-perl", "severity": "important", "title": "liblocale-maketext-gettext-perl: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:40:27 +0000" }, { "id": 862538, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "security.debian.org: Please POST .buildinfo files to buildinfo.debian.net", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-09-11 12:45:07 +0000" }, { "id": 862788, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: import-orig should not normally allow importing an older version", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-05-19 11:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 862789, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: Allow importing an upstream version without an upstream branch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-05-17 06:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 862919, "source": "traildb", "severity": "important", "title": "traildb: FTBFS on non-x86: emmintrin.h absent", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-05-10 20:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 862920, "source": "traildb", "severity": "important", "title": "traildb: FTBFS (32-bit): __uint128_t not defined", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-01-16 23:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 863104, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: Please have PS1 indicate that it's inside a chroot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-05-21 20:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 863158, "source": "perftest", "severity": "important", "title": "perftest FTBFS on mips*/armel/armhf: get_cycles not implemented for this architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-09-05 17:39:12 +0000" }, { "id": 863168, "source": "ismrmrd", "severity": "important", "title": "ismrmrd FTBFS on armhf: 1 failure is detected in the test module \"ISMRMRD Unit Tests\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-30 14:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 863206, "source": "whitedune", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "whitedune: please make the build reproducible (buildpath)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-05-23 14:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 863329, "source": "dgit", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "add option to generate .pc dir before launching build.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-18 14:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 863484, "source": "cdbs", "severity": "normal", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: build error for some package when whitespace in the working directory path", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-05-28 01:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 863551, "source": "genders", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "genders: Please build with C++ and python support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-05-28 12:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 864020, "source": "uclibc", "severity": "normal", "title": "uclibc: enable verbose build logs (again)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-06-03 11:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 864022, "source": "uclibc", "severity": "important", "title": "uclibc: build tries to invoke non-existent d/rules targets", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-06-03 11:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 864501, "source": "faifa", "severity": "normal", "title": "faifa FTCBFS: uses the build architecture strip on host arch elf objects", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-06-09 16:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 864556, "source": "clalsadrv", "severity": "normal", "title": "clalsadrv FTCBFS: hard codes build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-06-10 15:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 864627, "source": "gromit", "severity": "normal", "title": "gromit FTCBFS: uses the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-06-11 19:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 864632, "source": "ksh93u+m", "severity": "normal", "title": "ksh package does not include libraries needed to load \"loadable built-ins\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-06-11 22:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 865130, "source": "bamtools", "severity": "important", "title": "reapr FTBFS on big endian: Error sampling from files '00.Sample/fragCov.gz', '00.assembly.fa.gc.gz'", "affected_sources": [ "reapr" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:reapr" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-23 11:58:40 +0000" }, { "id": 865131, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd.debian.org: Links on -backports(-sloppy) pages point to non-backports pages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-06-19 14:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 865162, "source": "cld2", "severity": "important", "title": "cld2 FTBFS on big endian: checking non-dynamic implementations of dynamic data methods FAIL", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-23 11:57:59 +0000" }, { "id": 865301, "source": "linux", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "linux-image-4.9.0-3-amd64: /vmlinuz and /initrd.img not updated after custom kernel build and install", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-06-21 10:54:06 +0000" }, { "id": 865426, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "minor", "title": "dpkg-source: spurious warnings when building a source directory that is not \".\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-10-10 15:15:11 +0000" }, { "id": 865430, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "normal", "title": "dpkg-source: build should search for .orig in the build directory's parent, as well as cwd", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-06-21 12:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 865490, "source": "installation-reports", "severity": "critical", "title": "installation-reports: debian stretch freezes after install on HP pavilion x2 (cpu atom X5-Z8300)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-06-23 07:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 865541, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild --apt-distupgrade should not remove build-essential", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-06-27 12:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 865573, "source": "pristine-tar", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp import-orig git_2.13.1.orig.tar.xz fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-12-03 06:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 865637, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pdebuild: please allow to clean the environment", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-09 12:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 865887, "source": "libdumb", "severity": "normal", "title": "libdumb FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-06-25 15:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 865932, "source": "dgit", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "want way to run sbuild without origs, quilt nonsense, etc.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-18 14:12:06 +0000" }, { "id": 866070, "source": "ares", "severity": "normal", "title": "ares FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler and pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-03 20:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 866595, "source": "python-async-timeout", "severity": "normal", "title": "src:python-async-timeout: Does not run tests on build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-06-30 10:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 867176, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: Docker backend (prototype)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-07-04 14:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 867376, "source": "uncrustify", "severity": "serious", "title": "uncrustify: fills up buildd disk space", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-10-22 20:00:13 +0000" }, { "id": 867614, "source": "zsh", "severity": "normal", "title": "zsh: endless loop when building under \"apt-get source -b\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-12-30 15:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 867740, "source": "gem2deb", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "gem2deb: support building a deb with bundled dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-07-09 06:06:07 +0000" }, { "id": 867822, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: Breaks with --debbuildopts -S", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-01-21 17:06:05 +0000" }, { "id": 867999, "source": "maxima", "severity": "normal", "title": "maxima: does not reproducibly build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-07-11 00:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 868527, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: better dgit integration ideas", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 13:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 869184, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "important", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: Source uploads including _amd64.buildinfo cause problems", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-02-22 17:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 869232, "source": "dh-lua", "severity": "important", "title": "dh-lua.Makefile.multiple gives FTBFS errors on builddsif package was not built on the same arch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-07-21 18:33:10 +0000" }, { "id": 869318, "source": "libimage-sane-perl", "severity": "important", "title": "libimage-sane-perl: FTBFS randomly: build hangs during tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-04-07 18:00:06 +0000" }, { "id": 869506, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-pbuilder: Please don't drop environment variables", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-28 15:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 869567, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "debsign: doesn't sign multiple .buildinfo in the same changes", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-07-24 12:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 869847, "source": "dh-golang", "severity": "normal", "title": "don't try building packages with only test files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-07-27 02:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 869961, "source": "reprepro", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildinfo support broken: Tracking mode ('keep','all' or 'minimal') expected", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-07-28 06:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 870054, "source": "freefem++", "severity": "normal", "title": "freefem++: scalapack and blacs not found at build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-08-09 07:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 870102, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: document existence of examples/sbuild-update-all", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 13:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 870164, "source": "live-manual", "severity": "important", "title": "live-build: Hooks in config/hooks/ dorectory are not taken into account", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-04-10 00:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 870658, "source": "wmweather", "severity": "normal", "title": "wmweather FTCBFS: uses the build architecture strip", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-08-03 20:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 870662, "source": "newmail", "severity": "normal", "title": "newmail misbuilds when build!=host", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-08-03 21:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 870750, "source": "dpkg-repack", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "reproducibly build packages where possible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-08-04 18:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 870787, "source": "oss4", "severity": "normal", "title": "liboss4-salsa*: please add some snd_{midi,seq}_* functions", "affected_sources": [ "dsmidiwifi", "musescore", "musescore2", "musescore3", "portmidi" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:musescore2", "src:dsmidiwifi", "src:musescore3", "src:musescore", "src:portmidi" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-02-26 01:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 871494, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-genbuildinfo: Include crossbuild-essential-ARCH when cross-building", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-01 23:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 871669, "source": "maven-debian-helper", "severity": "normal", "title": "maven-debian-helper: building the documentation takes too long, dpkg failed to execute successfully", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-08-10 14:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 871737, "source": "ruby-em-synchrony", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-em-synchrony: uses mariadb features at build-time, should build-dep on mariadb directly", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-08-11 00:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 871778, "source": "qa.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "UDD/dmd: provide a summary of the buildd status", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-08-11 13:03:07 +0000" }, { "id": 871806, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "uscan: (dpkg, git-buildpackage) accept/mangle/store signed git tags in cases where upstream does not publish detached sigs on tarballs", "affected_sources": [ "dpkg", "git-buildpackage", "pristine-tar" ], "affected_packages": [ "dpkg", "git-buildpackage", "pristine-tar" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-11-14 05:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 871909, "source": "dgit", "severity": "normal", "title": "dgit gbp-build fails if user specifies --git-builder", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-08-15 22:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 871948, "source": "aptitude", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "aptitude search: please support build-depends et. al. as a depType for ~D, ~R, etc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-11-14 23:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 871956, "source": "lintian", "severity": "normal", "title": "lintian: false positive: binary-file-built-without-LFS-support on x32", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-09-03 22:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 872083, "source": "gaviotatb", "severity": "normal", "title": "gaviotatb FTCBFS: upstream build system forces build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-08-14 10:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 872288, "source": "debian-policy", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debian-policy: document .buildinfo files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-08-15 19:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 872423, "source": "dh-golang", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dh-golang: Please build -dev packages only in stage1 to break build-dependency loops", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-08-17 10:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 872457, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: support a hook to be executed for unsatisfiabled b-d and/or any error that stops a build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-08-17 16:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 872635, "source": "util-linux", "severity": "important", "title": "util-linux: FTBFS on armel: test failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-10 17:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 872691, "source": "worklog", "severity": "normal", "title": "worklog FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-25 10:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 873138, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "normal", "title": "dpkg-genbuildinfo: Does not arch qualify Installed-Build-Depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-08 10:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 873140, "source": "snapd", "severity": "important", "title": "snapd, insane built-using field when built on derivatives.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-08-24 20:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 873622, "source": "shellinabox", "severity": "normal", "title": "shellinabox FTCBFS: binutils build dependency unsatisfiable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-08-30 10:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 874310, "source": "eog-plugins", "severity": "normal", "title": "eog-plugins: postr plugin fails build on non-linux architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-09-05 09:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 874441, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "installing the pbuilder package, complains if sources.list using apt-transport-tor", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-03-27 00:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 874550, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "Please symlink upstream signature file to ../build-area as well", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-28 12:45:11 +0000" }, { "id": 874615, "source": "pristine-tar", "severity": "normal", "title": "pristine-tar: pristine-bz2 failed to reproduce build of /path/to/perl_5.16.0.orig.tar.bz2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-09-08 00:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 874698, "source": "python3-stdlib-extensions", "severity": "normal", "title": "python3-stdlib-extensions FTCBFS: cross building \"changed\" with python3.6", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-09-08 19:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 874720, "source": "python-gnupg", "severity": "normal", "title": "python-gnupg: Blocks on lack of entropy during build with gnupg 2.1 (potential FTBFS on servers etc.)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-09-09 07:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 874774, "source": "live-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "live-build: Use of /var/lib/apt/lists internals", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-03 16:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 874776, "source": "open-infrastructure-system-tools", "severity": "important", "title": "open-infrastructure-system-build: Use of /var/lib/apt/lists internals", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-09-09 14:15:34 +0000" }, { "id": 875386, "source": "phonetisaurus", "severity": "serious", "title": "phonetisaurus: FTBFS: error: 'EncodeTable' does not name a type", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-09-27 06:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 875404, "source": "gridengine", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "cannot build jgdi with recent Java: sun.rmi.server", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-02-05 08:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 875415, "source": "libreoffice", "severity": "important", "title": "predictable /tmp file vulnerability while building libreoffice", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-04-17 14:06:31 +0000" }, { "id": 875439, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "buildd.debian.org: please support ANSI color in HTML output", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-05-27 22:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 875448, "source": "emacs24", "severity": "grave", "title": "emacs24: CVE-2017-14482: enriched text remote code execution", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-24 17:30:54 +0000" }, { "id": 875449, "source": "emacs23", "severity": "grave", "title": "emacs23: CVE-2017-14482: enriched text remote code execution", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-24 17:30:32 +0000" }, { "id": 875852, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: [gbp pull] please add a \"--reset\" option", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-02-03 20:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 875995, "source": "sump-logicanalyzer", "severity": "serious", "title": "sump-logicanalyzer: missing B-D: ant", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-09-17 04:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 876055, "source": "debian-policy", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Environment variable handling for reproducible builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-12-26 02:54:10 +0000" }, { "id": 876073, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "O: bandwidthd -- Tracks usage of TCP/IP and builds html files with graphs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-09-18 08:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 876137, "source": "bzip2", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "bzip2: Please build udeb package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-09-19 08:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 876160, "source": "xfsdump", "severity": "normal", "title": "xfsdump FTCBFS: configures for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-09-19 06:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 876231, "source": "ruby-nmatrix", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-nmatrix: FTBFS with GCC 7: error: call of overloaded 'abs(nm::Rational&)' is ambiguous", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 06:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 876468, "source": "h2o", "severity": "important", "title": "h2o: FTBFS on alpha and hppa: three tests fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-22 01:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 876753, "source": "sa-exim", "severity": "normal", "title": "sa-exim FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 23:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 876812, "source": "peco", "severity": "normal", "title": "peco FTBFS with Go 1.9", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:40:07 +0000" }, { "id": 876828, "source": "postgresql-ocaml", "severity": "normal", "title": "postgresql-ocaml FTBFS with PostgreSQL rc versions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:42:07 +0000" }, { "id": 876862, "source": "golang-go-flags", "severity": "normal", "title": "golang-go-flags FTBFS with Go 1.9", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:42:08 +0000" }, { "id": 876868, "source": "golang-github-odeke-em-ripper", "severity": "normal", "title": "golang-github-odeke-em-ripper FTBFS with Go 1.9", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:40:08 +0000" }, { "id": 876922, "source": "golang-github-approvals-go-approval-tests", "severity": "normal", "title": "golang-github-approvals-go-approval-tests FTBFS with Go 1.9", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:42:13 +0000" }, { "id": 877072, "source": "quantlib", "severity": "normal", "title": "quantlib: build with -g to get debug information in the -dbgsym packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-09-28 13:09:09 +0000" }, { "id": 877317, "source": "golang-golang-x-debug", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-golang-x-debug: FTBFS on i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-09-30 14:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 877319, "source": "golang-github-golang-geo", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-golang-geo: FTBFS on i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-09-27 06:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 877419, "source": "pandas", "severity": "important", "title": "pandas: some I/O tests (hdf5, Stata) fail on non-x86", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-02 20:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 877577, "source": "tmpreaper", "severity": "normal", "title": "tmpreaper FTCBFS: configures for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 00:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 877591, "source": "hfsutils", "severity": "normal", "title": "hfsutils FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-10-03 08:57:08 +0000" }, { "id": 877710, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "important", "title": "sbuild-createchroot: --foreign fails with duplicated sbuild user", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 13:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 877788, "source": "docker", "severity": "normal", "title": "docker FTCBFS: uses the build architecture toolchain", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-10-05 17:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 877917, "source": "release.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "release.debian.org: tool to find packages which need rebuilding in stable due to updates of other packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-05-21 19:33:09 +0000" }, { "id": 877977, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: node-web-ext -- build, run, and test web extensions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-10-16 21:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 878037, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: --arch-all --no-arch-any does not work with jessie chroot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-10-09 01:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 878110, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "minor", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: Generate _arch.changes for all-only packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-10-09 22:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 878117, "source": "checkinstall", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "checkinstall: please strip \"/build\" before guessing package name", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-10-10 07:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 878133, "source": "jenkins.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "reproducible: please report active variations in pbuilder logs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-10-10 10:00:05 +0000" }, { "id": 878387, "source": "gtk-theme-switch", "severity": "normal", "title": "gtk-theme-switch FTCBFS: uses the build architecture toolchain", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-10-13 10:00:05 +0000" }, { "id": 878831, "source": "onetbb", "severity": "important", "title": "tbb: FTBFS on alpha: test_malloc_whitebox fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-09 00:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 878832, "source": "onetbb", "severity": "important", "title": "tbb: FTBFS on hppa: rml::pool_* undefined", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-09 00:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 879076, "source": "libopenshot", "severity": "important", "title": "libopenshot: FTBFS on ppc64(el) and powerpc: several tests report discrepancies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-08-16 10:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 879118, "source": "buffer", "severity": "normal", "title": "buffer FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-10-19 16:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 879197, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "autopkgtest: Please support @testdeps@ i.e. subset of @builddeps@ marked with ", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-10-24 12:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 879459, "source": "git", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git: please build against openssl with OPENSSL_SHA1=1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-10-26 04:03:21 +0000" }, { "id": 879469, "source": "resteasy", "severity": "serious", "title": "Should not enter testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-12-08 22:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 879965, "source": "aptitude", "severity": "normal", "title": "aptitude: build-dep fails with vague (& probably bogus) error", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-10-29 19:33:09 +0000" }, { "id": 880105, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "ftp.debian.org: incoming.debian.org missing (a symlink named?) buildd-stable-proposed-updates", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-10-29 14:33:07 +0000" }, { "id": 880316, "source": "teem", "severity": "minor", "title": "teem: FTBFS: Test failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:40:10 +0000" }, { "id": 880572, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "Order problem in build dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-11-02 15:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 880802, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "normal", "title": "No documented way to pass a command into cowbuilder execute", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-11-04 22:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 880971, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: looking for the equivalent of svn-do", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-11-10 07:36:11 +0000" }, { "id": 881077, "source": "racket", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "racket: please build with shared-library support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-12-23 19:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 881467, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp dch should filter out commits behind upstream-vcs-tag", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-03 07:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 881640, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: --preserve-buildplace is broken with pbuilder-satisfydepends-classic", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-11-13 22:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 881713, "source": "munin", "severity": "serious", "title": "munin: copyright file missing after upgrade (policy 12.5)", "affected_sources": [ "munin" ], "affected_packages": [ "munin", "munin-plugins-core", "munin-node", "munin-plugins-java", "munin-doc", "munin-plugins-extra" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-05-31 13:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 881739, "source": "benchmark", "severity": "important", "title": "benchmark: FTBFS on hurd-i386: clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, ...) failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-14 19:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 881897, "source": "mosh", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Please avoid the unconditional locales build-dependency to support cross-building", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-02-12 17:39:19 +0000" }, { "id": 881949, "source": "pyethash", "severity": "important", "title": "pyethash FTBFS on big endian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-23 11:58:18 +0000" }, { "id": 882098, "source": "schroot", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: Default scratch space for the build should be in /var/cache", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-07-02 11:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 882193, "source": "xauth", "severity": "important", "title": "xauth: FTBFS under pbuilder with output redirected", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-11-20 03:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 882393, "source": "installation-reports", "severity": "grave", "title": "Subject: installation-reports: Buster installer hangs in vgchange", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-11-22 05:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 882451, "source": "ovito", "severity": "important", "title": "ovito: FTBFS on armel: QOpenGLFunctions_* does not name a type", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-12 09:15:09 +0000" }, { "id": 882915, "source": "php-sabre-event", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-sabre-event FTBFS with phpunit 6.4.4-2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-11-11 17:39:22 +0000" }, { "id": 882916, "source": "php-sabre-vobject", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-sabre-vobject FTBFS with phpunit 6.4.4-2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-07-08 08:33:54 +0000" }, { "id": 883044, "source": "ffcall", "severity": "important", "title": "ffcall: FTBFS on m68k and sh4: timeout checking whether code in malloc()ed memory is executable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-28 22:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 883179, "source": "dash", "severity": "normal", "title": "dash: compiles in signals from build architecture when cross-compiled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-02-27 13:12:05 +0000" }, { "id": 883308, "source": "libseccomp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libseccomp2 is missing support for ia64, alpha, sh4, sparc64, m68k", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-03-25 00:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 883520, "source": "release.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "release.debian.org: better Built-Using / rebuild needed tracking for p-u", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-05-21 19:33:09 +0000" }, { "id": 883696, "source": "flip", "severity": "normal", "title": "flip FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler as linker", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-12-06 16:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 883862, "source": "felix-gogo-shell", "severity": "normal", "title": "libfelix-gogo-shell-java: Package unusable after rebuild (eclipse build fails)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-04-18 16:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 884018, "source": "yamcha", "severity": "serious", "title": "yamcha: FTBFS with debhelper >= 10.9.2: dh_systemd_enable is no longer used in compat >= 11, please use dh_installsystemd instead", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-09-27 06:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 884121, "source": "freefem++", "severity": "normal", "title": "Build-Depends: libhypre-dev, but does not build against HYPRE", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-12-11 17:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 884210, "source": "mediagoblin", "severity": "serious", "title": "mediagoblin: fails to clean after build: rm: cannot remove './docs/build': Is a directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2017-12-12 18:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 884220, "source": "pylint-common", "severity": "important", "title": "pylint-common FTBFS: ImportError: cannot import name make_tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-07 17:45:28 +0000" }, { "id": 884468, "source": "qbs", "severity": "important", "title": "qbs: FTBFS on alpha: many tests fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-06-18 12:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 884469, "source": "qbs", "severity": "important", "title": "qbs: FTBFS on hppa: most tests fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-06-18 12:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 884472, "source": "qbs", "severity": "important", "title": "qbs: FTBFS on x32: qbs-setup-qt (qmake?) bus error", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-06-18 12:06:06 +0000" }, { "id": 884659, "source": "glib2.0", "severity": "important", "title": "glib2.0: sometimes FTBFS on reproducible-builds: gwakeup, gwakeup-fallback tests terminated by SIGALRM", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2017-12-21 14:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 885140, "source": "wicd", "severity": "serious", "title": "wicd: Depends on unmaintained pygtk", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-29 23:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 886340, "source": "ovito", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: Could not connect to display :0 during doc build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-12 09:15:07 +0000" }, { "id": 886450, "source": "tracker.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "tracker.debian.org: Separate subscription for official and non-official architectures builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-01-16 10:03:07 +0000" }, { "id": 886490, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Reference generating sbuild chroots using propellor", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-01-07 18:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 886500, "source": "java-package", "severity": "normal", "title": "Fails to build package when libGL.so.1 is not provided by a package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-01-06 20:03:07 +0000" }, { "id": 886706, "source": "motion", "severity": "normal", "title": "motion FTCBFS: uses the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-01-09 05:30:05 +0000" }, { "id": 886870, "source": "ldapvi", "severity": "normal", "title": "ldapvi FTCBFS: uses the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-03-10 21:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 886969, "source": "dgit", "severity": "normal", "title": "Replace 'build-source' with 'export-dsc'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-25 14:45:08 +0000" }, { "id": 886992, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Please make \"gbp clone\" not quieten the \"git clone\" output by default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-02-03 21:03:08 +0000" }, { "id": 887055, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Please word-wrap generated changelog lines", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-01-13 15:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 887139, "source": "installation-reports", "severity": "critical", "title": "d-i daily 2018-01-14 amd64 damages UEFI setup on Fujitsu Lifebook AH532", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-04-14 14:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 887198, "source": "linux", "severity": "minor", "title": "linux-kbuild: ver_linux script could be omitted", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-01-14 19:42:09 +0000" }, { "id": 887299, "source": "haskell-shell-conduit", "severity": "normal", "title": "Captures names of unrelated installed binaries at the build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-01-15 18:12:40 +0000" }, { "id": 887649, "source": "cdebconf-gtk-terminal", "severity": "serious", "title": "cdebconf-gtk-terminal: Please don't depend on unmaintained vte", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-18 18:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 888099, "source": "jenkins.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "reproducible: Please consider doing separate arch/indep builds in build2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-01-23 11:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 888157, "source": "pylint-celery", "severity": "important", "title": "pylint-celery FTBFS and Debci failure: ImportError: cannot import name make_tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-09-26 11:45:07 +0000" }, { "id": 888173, "source": "ruby-sawyer", "severity": "normal", "title": "ruby-sawyer: FTBFS on ruby2.5: can't dump anonymous class", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-07-08 08:36:10 +0000" }, { "id": 888469, "source": "aptitude", "severity": "important", "title": "aptitude: build-dep gmime fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-20 12:54:09 +0000" }, { "id": 888497, "source": "compiz", "severity": "important", "title": "compiz: this build is quite unstable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-05-02 15:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 888566, "source": "glibc", "severity": "important", "title": "vim FTBFS on alpha: vim segfaults in the build", "affected_sources": [ "vim" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:vim" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-02-25 00:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 888662, "source": "xserver-xorg-video-mach64", "severity": "normal", "title": "xserver-xorg-video-mach64 FTCBFS: abuses AC_CHECK_FILE for build system files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-01-28 19:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 888694, "source": "xserver-xorg-video-mga", "severity": "normal", "title": "xserver-xorg-video-mga FTCBFS: abuses AC_CHECK_FILE for build system files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-01-29 04:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 888773, "source": "silly", "severity": "normal", "title": "silly FTCBFS: configures for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-01-29 18:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 888883, "source": "hippomocks", "severity": "important", "title": "hippomocks FTBFS on arm64/armhf/mips*: test failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:43:59 +0000" }, { "id": 888885, "source": "dustrac", "severity": "important", "title": "dustrac FTBFS on armel/armhf:", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:44:01 +0000" }, { "id": 888887, "source": "passwordsafe", "severity": "important", "title": "passwordsafe FTBFS on big endian: test failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-23 11:58:28 +0000" }, { "id": 888942, "source": "node-combine-source-map", "severity": "important", "title": "node-combine-source-map FTBFS with node-source-map 0.7", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 16:44:03 +0000" }, { "id": 888945, "source": "ruby-uglifier", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-uglifier FTBFS with node-source-map 0.7", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-10-08 17:18:01 +0000" }, { "id": 889237, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "O: golang-github-go-xorm-builder -- SQL builder for XORM written in Go", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-02-02 13:39:26 +0000" }, { "id": 889262, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "O: golang-github-bsm-redeo -- Framework for building redis-compatible TCP services", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-02-02 13:39:24 +0000" }, { "id": 889735, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: please allow (more) variables in gbp.conf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-02-06 15:15:11 +0000" }, { "id": 889997, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp create-remote-repo should default to salsa, not git.debian.org", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-18 16:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 890556, "source": "aptitude", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "aptitude: Add build profile to skip documentation packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-11 19:00:07 +0000" }, { "id": 890601, "source": "firmware-free", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "firmware-linux-free uses prebuilt blobs instead of building from source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-16 14:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 890609, "source": "ocaml", "severity": "important", "title": "ocaml-native-compilers: Generates invalid assembly for arm64 when building hhvm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-28 10:33:13 +0000" }, { "id": 890834, "source": "gtk+2.0", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "gtk+2.0: Add build profiles to skip flavors and packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-11 19:00:07 +0000" }, { "id": 890906, "source": "dh-python", "severity": "normal", "title": "dh-python: pybuild does not support specifying global disutils options", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-02-20 13:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 890975, "source": "dbus", "severity": "normal", "title": "dbus: test-server-oom fails on reproducible-builds infrastructure: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AddressInUse", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-02-21 09:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 891033, "source": "dgit", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "on push/build, generate missing orig from pristine-tar", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-08-04 04:48:06 +0000" }, { "id": 891205, "source": "assword", "severity": "serious", "title": "assword FTBFS: assword: command not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-07-31 07:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 891435, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "normal", "title": "dpkg-genbuildinfo: Does not arch qualify Installed-Build-Depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-09-24 22:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 891837, "source": "pioneers", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pioneers: Bots don't build ships", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-03-01 12:36:05 +0000" }, { "id": 892150, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: ghost -- platform for building and running online publications", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-03-06 03:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 892251, "source": "dovecot", "severity": "normal", "title": "dovecot: fails to build from source twice in a row (unclean tree)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-03-07 07:06:05 +0000" }, { "id": 892495, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: aiohttp-swagger -- Swagger API Documentation builder for aiohttp server", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-04-23 20:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 892545, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "--build=any,all and --build=binary are not entirely equivalent: the former does not generate a .changes whereas the latter does", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-03-10 13:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 892593, "source": "libverto", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[PATCH] libverto: FTCBFS / Please add a pkg.libverto.noglib build profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-03-14 16:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 892612, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: conbuilder -- container-based package builder for", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-08-01 15:42:10 +0000" }, { "id": 892649, "source": "powertop", "severity": "normal", "title": "cpufreq_stat is built into Debian kernel, powertop complains about failed modprobe", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-01-03 14:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 893016, "source": "oclgrind", "severity": "normal", "title": "oclgrind FTBFS on big endian: test failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-04 12:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 893164, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: ekam -- ekam build system", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-08-29 16:57:09 +0000" }, { "id": 893265, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd-uploader_0.74.0-1 fails to upload some packages on hppa", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-03-17 16:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 893521, "source": "obsession", "severity": "normal", "title": "obsession FTCBFS: generally uses tools for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-03-19 16:45:15 +0000" }, { "id": 893606, "source": "ntpsec", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ntpsec: Please build with --enable-leap-smear", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-08-09 17:27:07 +0000" }, { "id": 893693, "source": "fail2ban", "severity": "important", "title": "fail2ban: uses pybuild's internal paths", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-03-21 09:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 894242, "source": "coreutils", "severity": "normal", "title": "error on first build related", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-03-27 17:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 894504, "source": "ubuntu-dev-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "backportpackage: sbuild creates .changes for release rather than release-backports", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-12-05 14:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 894532, "source": "node-d3-format", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-d3-format: Duplicates exisitng node-d3-format binary package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-03-31 23:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 894732, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "mk-build-deps: add build profiles support to filter build dependencies to include/install", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-08-27 15:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 894871, "source": "ctorrent", "severity": "normal", "title": "ctorrent FTCBFS: configures for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-04-05 04:45:07 +0000" }, { "id": 895346, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "minor", "title": "devscripts: dcmd --buildinfo is not documented", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-04-19 22:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 895517, "source": "libglade2", "severity": "serious", "title": "libglade2-0: deprecated and unmaintained upstream", "affected_sources": [ "foxtrotgps", "g3dviewer", "gfm", "ghemical", "gtk-sharp2", "mialmpick", "tiemu" ], "affected_packages": [ "libglade2.0-cil", "g3dviewer", "gfm", "tiemu", "foxtrotgps", "ghemical", "mialmpick" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 14:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 895879, "source": "quantlib", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "quantlib: enable parallel builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-04-17 11:57:07 +0000" }, { "id": 896017, "source": "llvm-defaults", "severity": "important", "title": "\"/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lstdc++\" when building with clang", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-18 11:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 896463, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "normal", "title": "autopkgtest-build-lxc times out waiting for network-online.target", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 17:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 896638, "source": "debian-cd", "severity": "normal", "title": "debian-cd: Unable to build CD image with unsigned repository", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-04-23 04:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 897135, "source": "unzip", "severity": "normal", "title": "unzip: Please provide Windows builds or an unzip-src package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-04-28 21:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 897137, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build: man -k and apropos don't work in live system", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-12-27 00:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 897251, "source": "pdf2djvu", "severity": "normal", "title": "pdf2djvu: FTBFS due to test failures if builduser is member of \"staff\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-11-01 14:15:13 +0000" }, { "id": 897272, "source": "gringotts", "severity": "normal", "title": "gringotts FTCBFS: uses the build architecture strip", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-05-01 07:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 897397, "source": "webmagick", "severity": "serious", "title": "webmagick: Use of defined on aggregates is no longer supported", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-05-18 22:57:38 +0000" }, { "id": 897617, "source": "gtk+3.0", "severity": "normal", "title": "gtk+3.0: Should rebuild style files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-05-03 15:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 897927, "source": "equivs", "severity": "important", "title": "equivs builds packages in surprising location", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-16 07:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 898026, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "minor", "title": "git-buildpackage: multiple upstream tarball (mixed tar.gz and tar.xz) with --git-component option", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-16 09:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 898107, "source": "node-source-map-support", "severity": "normal", "title": "Please build browserified", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-05-07 09:57:07 +0000" }, { "id": 898124, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: hackersh -- a shell with built in security commands", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-05-07 17:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 898356, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Multiple --git-pbuilder-options do not stack", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-05-17 21:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 898366, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "normal", "title": "cowbuilder: Does not support multiple --extrapackages options", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-05-10 20:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 898610, "source": "maven-debian-helper", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Should stop running tests during build as they are for `autopkgtest`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-05-14 08:27:10 +0000" }, { "id": 898706, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "devscripts: debuild dpkg-buildpackage option support is buggy or not properly documented", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-23 06:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 898832, "source": "ecere-sdk", "severity": "serious", "title": "ecere-sdk: FTBFS on i386: /usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/7/include/stddef.h:435:78: error: syntax error", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:40:24 +0000" }, { "id": 898961, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "minor", "title": "dscverify: accept .buildinfo from a build with unsigned .dsc which later was signed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-08-03 08:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 899128, "source": "kdepim", "severity": "grave", "title": "Limit CVE-2017-17689 (EFAIL) for kmail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-04-09 19:27:07 +0000" }, { "id": 899219, "source": "gcc-12", "severity": "normal", "title": "gcc: __builtin_ms_va_list missing on arm64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-04 23:57:08 +0000" }, { "id": 899224, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: cannot pass -g in --debbuildopts", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-05-21 05:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 899252, "source": "sloccount", "severity": "normal", "title": "sloccount FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-05-21 16:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 900017, "source": "fil-plugins", "severity": "normal", "title": "fil-plugins FTCBFS: upstream build system hard codes build architecture compiler g++", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-05-24 17:36:46 +0000" }, { "id": 900054, "source": "libpaper", "severity": "normal", "title": "enabling DLL builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-05-25 11:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 900181, "source": "camp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "camp: FTBFS on 32bit big endian: check metaclass->function(\"f4\").call(object, camp::Args(1, 4, 15)).to() == 20 has failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-04 11:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 900322, "source": "nitrokey-app", "severity": "important", "title": "FTBFS if built twice in a row", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-05-29 04:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 900498, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: pypette -- Ridiculously simple flow controller for building complex pipelines", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-05-31 15:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 900632, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd: Please add an option to disable statistics mails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-02 11:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 900830, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: Enable gcc/clang color diagnostics if DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=color", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-09-17 08:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 900837, "source": "release.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "release.debian.org: Mass-rebuild of packages for reproducible builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-12-08 01:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 900905, "source": "lrslib", "severity": "normal", "title": "lrslib FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-06 18:15:10 +0000" }, { "id": 900947, "source": "fwbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "fwbuilder FTCBFS: uses the build architecture qmake", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-07 04:54:05 +0000" }, { "id": 901065, "source": "ninvaders", "severity": "normal", "title": "ninvaders FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-08 15:00:05 +0000" }, { "id": 901269, "source": "radeontop", "severity": "normal", "title": "radeontop FTCBFS: uses the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-10 21:45:07 +0000" }, { "id": 901300, "source": "qa.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "bls: warn about strip-nondeterminism output in build logs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-02-20 10:00:17 +0000" }, { "id": 901303, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp import-orig --uscan skips unrelated files importing repacked tarball", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-07-12 08:30:08 +0000" }, { "id": 901533, "source": "mesa", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "mesa: please build intel_sanitize_gpu tool", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-03-17 13:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 901536, "source": "gkrellweather", "severity": "normal", "title": "gkrellweather FTCBFS: upstream Makefile hard codes build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-14 14:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 901609, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "normal", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: Does not honor noopt from DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-04 21:45:14 +0000" }, { "id": 901720, "source": "openipmi", "severity": "normal", "title": "please build the python3 bindings", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-17 12:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 901723, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "normal", "title": "cowbuilder not working properly under docker", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-06-13 16:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 901887, "source": "glib2.0", "severity": "normal", "title": "build-depend should not list xtem", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-19 21:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 901949, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "normal", "title": "qemubuilder: No information on what KERNEL_IMAGE is about", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-20 16:00:16 +0000" }, { "id": 901995, "source": "ubuntu-dev-tools", "severity": "important", "title": "mk-sbuild: fails with syntax error on stretch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-21 07:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 902030, "source": "vflib3", "severity": "normal", "title": "vflib3 FTCBFS: configure detects the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-21 18:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 902109, "source": "clasp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "clasp: Please install static library (and build with -fPIC)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-23 05:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 902163, "source": "pacman4console", "severity": "normal", "title": "pacman4console FTCBFS: upstream Makefile hard codes build architecture compiler gcc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-22 22:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 902291, "source": "unscd", "severity": "normal", "title": "unscd FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-24 15:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 902302, "source": "connectome-workbench", "severity": "normal", "title": "connectome-workbench FTBFS on armel/armhf: error: conflicting declaration 'typedef khronos_ssize_t GLsizeiptr'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-10-12 00:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 902394, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "normal", "title": "autopkgtest-build-lxc fails with \"invoke-rc.d: could not determine current runlevel\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 16:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 902483, "source": "proot", "severity": "normal", "title": "proot FTCBFS: uses the build architecture strip", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-06-27 04:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 902769, "source": "timidity", "severity": "normal", "title": "timidity FTBFS with DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck: syntax error in debian/rules", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-22 05:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 902992, "source": "live-build", "severity": "minor", "title": "live-build broken due subversion recommends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-07-06 14:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 903125, "source": "exec-maven-plugin", "severity": "important", "title": "exec-maven-plugin: FTBFS: tests fail with (expected:<[mvn] --version> but was:<['mvn'] --version>)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-11 21:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 903211, "source": "release.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "release.debian.org: How to handle unbuildable packages in buster", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-08-01 06:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 903259, "source": "libdatetime-locale-perl", "severity": "normal", "title": "libdatetime-locale-perl: not built from source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-07-08 10:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 903385, "source": "dh-golang", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dh-golang: Allow the \"build\" dh stage to call \"go build\" instead of \"go install\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-07-09 10:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 903505, "source": "macutils", "severity": "normal", "title": "macutils FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-07-10 19:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 903535, "source": "qa.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "bls: warn about -mtune=native in build logs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-07-11 02:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 903781, "source": "schroot", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: Please add /dev/dri to default mounts, to support running GPU-based tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-07-15 14:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 903984, "source": "libmath-calc-units-perl", "severity": "normal", "title": "libmath-calc-units-perl: installs upstream-generated Math::Calc::Units::Grammar instead of (re)building it", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-07-18 11:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 904083, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: unlinks /build/... path on host", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 14:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 904108, "source": "python-fitsio", "severity": "important", "title": "FTBFS: bus error, alignment problems", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-22 04:28:27 +0000" }, { "id": 904248, "source": "debian-policy", "severity": "normal", "title": "Add netbase to build-essential", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-10-24 13:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 904397, "source": "catdoc", "severity": "minor", "title": "man pages: Missing value for a build variable in the manuals", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-07-24 01:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 904472, "source": "pytest-runner", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pytest-runner: Please build a PyPy package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-07-24 15:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 904797, "source": "dgit", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "test suite example package should build both any and all packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-07-28 07:00:05 +0000" }, { "id": 904811, "source": "ubuntu-dev-tools", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "/usr/bin/pbuilder-dist: pbuild-dist fails when /home is in a different partition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-07-28 09:33:08 +0000" }, { "id": 905050, "source": "mpv", "severity": "normal", "title": "mpv: why does mpv tell it's built on unknown", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-12-24 15:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 905401, "source": "debian-policy", "severity": "normal", "title": "permit access to apt repositories during builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-08-06 11:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 906004, "source": "binutils", "severity": "normal", "title": "binutils: ld.gold internal error building linux kernel 4.18", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-08-15 01:18:05 +0000" }, { "id": 906125, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "normal", "title": "please support environment settings or build profiles in autopkg tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-10-18 18:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 906202, "source": "apparmor", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dh-apparmor should check syntax of AppArmor policy at package build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-28 09:06:08 +0000" }, { "id": 906317, "source": "dgit", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dgit: consider demoting git-buildpackage to recommends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-10-05 15:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 906716, "source": "rgbpaint", "severity": "normal", "title": "rgbpaint FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler and pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 13:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 906720, "source": "leiningen-clojure", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "leiningen-clojure: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-08-21 08:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 906747, "source": "mini-buildd", "severity": "normal", "title": "Please keep build data (even if installation finally fails)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-10 10:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 907005, "source": "cssc", "severity": "important", "title": "cssc FTBFS on 32bit big endian: FAIL auto.sh b4 input did not produce an encoded s-file.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-12-04 20:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 907131, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debuild: add --no-sign and --force-sign option in --help output and man page", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-09-24 07:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 907246, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp import-dsc should warn users when changes will be lost", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-08-25 10:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 907323, "source": "mini-buildd", "severity": "normal", "title": "builds arch=all packages on all archs and loses successfully built packages if one arch fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-08-26 13:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 907398, "source": "python-pattern", "severity": "minor", "title": "src:python-pattern: Test suite isn't run at build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-08-27 14:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 907709, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "normal", "title": "cowbuilder should create directory when basepath is given", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-08-31 18:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 907715, "source": "lua-mode", "severity": "important", "title": "lua-mode: FTBFS in buster/sid (\"No buffer named *lua5.3*\")", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-05-04 05:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 907829, "source": "p4est", "severity": "important", "title": "p4est: FTBFS on single CPU machines", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-09 12:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 908004, "source": "quantlib-swig", "severity": "normal", "title": "quantlib-swig: does not build for all supported versions of Python 3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-09-05 11:24:05 +0000" }, { "id": 908010, "source": "fwbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "fwbuilder: xml parser error when trying to open old revision", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-09-05 06:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 908098, "source": "dgit", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dgit: Bulding with \"dgit cowbuilder\" does not allow building source,any,all packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-09-06 20:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 908204, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: cannot use gbp push without tagging a release", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-05 18:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 908217, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: fails to identify compression method when pristine-tar branch is only in the remote repository", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-09-09 15:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 908678, "source": "security-tracker", "severity": "critical", "title": "security-tracker - Breaks salsa.d.o", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-10-02 20:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 908763, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: awx -- web-based task engine built on top of ansible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-01-03 08:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 908862, "source": "neutron", "severity": "important", "title": "neutron: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-10 15:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 908889, "source": "firefox-esr", "severity": "normal", "title": "src:firefox-esr: Fix broken ppc64 build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-09-21 20:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 909014, "source": "pinentry", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pinentry-efl binary package build request", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-31 14:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 909242, "source": "xorg-server", "severity": "important", "title": "Xvfb: segfaults on mips during gtk+3.0 build-time tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-09-20 09:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 909388, "source": "sml-mode", "severity": "serious", "title": "sml-mode: fails to install with xemacs21", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-09-22 20:48:05 +0000" }, { "id": 909397, "source": "ruby-state-machines-activemodel", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-state-machines-activemodel: FTBFS randomly (Expected: \"empty\", Actual: \"nil\")", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-09-22 22:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 909398, "source": "quilt", "severity": "important", "title": "quilt: FTBFS randomly (push_timeskew.test fails at line 37)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-11-08 17:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 909436, "source": "libdrm", "severity": "important", "title": "libdrm: FTBFS on hurd-i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-02-12 09:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 909498, "source": "firefox-esr", "severity": "serious", "title": "firefox-esr: Firefox 60.2.1esr-1~deb9u1 crashes on armhf with or without safemode, without extensions, fresh profile.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-06-27 08:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 909547, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "mk-build-deps: Please support an --exclude option", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-09-25 02:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 909548, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "mk-build-deps: Please support generating a control file without building the package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-09-25 02:27:07 +0000" }, { "id": 909633, "source": "closure-compiler", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "closure-compiler: please build and install standalone closure-compiler-linter", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-09-26 02:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 910468, "source": "pluto-sat-code", "severity": "serious", "title": "pluto-sat-code: FTBFS: dh_installdocs: Cannot find (any matches for) \"README.Debian\" (tried in .)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-10-06 19:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 910560, "source": "choose-mirror", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[choose-mirror] fails to build when parallel build is activated", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-10-15 15:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 910740, "source": "dgit", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dgit: please enable make --include-dirty work with --build-products-dir", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-10-10 15:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 910920, "source": "tinc", "severity": "serious", "title": "tinc: fails to install: tinc.postinst: cannot create /etc/tinc/nets.boot: Directory nonexistent", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-10-18 18:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 911170, "source": "swish++", "severity": "normal", "title": "swish++ FTCBFS: builds for the wrong architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-10-16 17:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 911251, "source": "shhmsg", "severity": "normal", "title": "shhmsg FTCBFS: builds for the wrong architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 00:09:14 +0000" }, { "id": 911312, "source": "firefox-esr", "severity": "serious", "title": "firefox-esr: automatical download of libgmpopenh264.so with default settings", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-19 16:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 911547, "source": "gradle-debian-helper", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debhelper gradle build system could cat hs_err_pid*.log on failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-10-23 15:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 911805, "source": "cdbs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Please support \"multiple flavors\" for cmake builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-10-25 03:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 911854, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "build-rdeps: some (transitive) rdeps are missing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-11-01 02:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 912015, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx", "severity": "normal", "title": "nvidia-legacy-340xx-kernel-dkms: dkms module does not build against kernel 4.19", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-12-11 04:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 913193, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd.debian.org: Assign a mipsel/mips64el builder to *-backports", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-11-07 22:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 913291, "source": "wireless-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "wireless-tools misbuilds: installs to build architecture multiarch directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-11-09 05:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 913358, "source": "bash", "severity": "minor", "title": "bash: should drop 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"2018-11-12 08:45:08 +0000" }, { "id": 913576, "source": "grub2", "severity": "critical", "title": "Update to grub-efi-amd64 2.02~beta3-5 results in \"error: efibootmgr failed to register the boot entry: Operation not permitted.\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-05-13 12:21:09 +0000" }, { "id": 913703, "source": "ola", "severity": "important", "title": "ola: protobuf build-dep requires tighter python-protobuf runtime dep", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-05-21 22:03:21 +0000" }, { "id": 913916, "source": "grub2", "severity": "critical", "title": "grub-efi-amd64: UEFI boot option removed after update to grub2 2.02~beta3-5+deb9u1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-18 20:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 913991, "source": "frogatto", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "frogatto: please enable parallel building", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-11-18 07:36:05 +0000" }, { "id": 914033, "source": "libterralib", "severity": "normal", "title": "libterralib FTCBFS: runs qmake for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-11-18 17:42:10 +0000" }, { "id": 914044, "source": "tuxpaint", "severity": "important", "title": "HOME=/tmp 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914281, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: -Pq suffixes not actually optional", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-11-21 12:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 914283, "source": "boost-defaults", "severity": "normal", "title": "[libboost-context-dev] Provide ucontext_t alternative build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-11-23 21:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 914314, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: import-orig --uscan passes --symlink unconditionally", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-02-02 10:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 914568, "source": "emacs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "emacs25: Please build with xwidget support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-07 15:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 914692, "source": "ldc", "severity": "normal", "title": "ldc fails to build, not finding bash_completion file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-12-04 01:57:13 +0000" }, { "id": 914714, "source": "jenkins.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "reproducible builds: vary binary-arch and binary-indep vs binary builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-05-13 18:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 915225, "source": "apktool", "severity": "important", "title": "apktool fails to rebuild APK after upgrade to Kali Linux 2018.4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-12-07 00:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 915238, "source": "qa.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "bls: Please scan for deprecated LD_LIBRARY_PATH usage during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2018-12-01 23:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 915424, "source": "openfortivpn", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "improve cross 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"git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: submodules vs tarball autogeneration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-12-05 17:21:08 +0000" }, { "id": 915673, "source": "subversion", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libapache2-mod-svn: Embeds buildd FS path in RPATH of usr/lib/apache2/modules/*.so", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 22:18:42 +0000" }, { "id": 916122, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "minor", "title": "pbuilder: misleading warning about missing cgroups", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-10 17:33:07 +0000" }, { "id": 916327, "source": "grpn", "severity": "normal", "title": "grpn FTCBFS: builds for the wrong architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-12-13 05:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 916329, "source": "pngmeta", "severity": "normal", "title": "pngmeta FTCBFS: builds for the wrong architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-12-13 06:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 916405, "source": "vmdb2", "severity": "important", "title": "vmdb2 (called from autopkgtest-build-qemu) fails to unmount loop", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-08-09 08:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 916433, "source": "cups", "severity": "important", "title": "FTBR under reprotest: build-tests fail (domain_host, locales)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-12-14 12:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 916626, "source": "qbs", "severity": "normal", "title": "qbs: FTBFS on hppa: Segmentation fault (core dumped)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-06-18 12:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 916795, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "[live-build] Can't skip keyboard selection of the installer", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-11 21:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 916884, "source": "release.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "[britney] migrations can break build-depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-07-23 16:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 916909, "source": "nvidia-texture-tools", "severity": "serious", "title": "libnvtt2/experimental: nvtt::InputOptions::setTextureLayout(nvtt::TextureType, int, int, int) removed without SONAME bump", "affected_sources": [ "0ad" ], "affected_packages": [ "0ad" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-01-17 13:27:04 +0000" 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"affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-12-31 17:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 917158, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "normal", "title": "qemubuilder mishandles multiple entries in OTHERMIRROR", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-12-23 20:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 917190, "source": "haskell-cryptonite", "severity": "important", "title": "FTBFS building for armel on arm64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-22 04:31:07 +0000" }, { "id": 917201, "source": "libkqueue", "severity": "important", "title": "FTBFS: '%s' directive output may be truncated warning with -Werror", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-09-22 04:31:08 +0000" }, { "id": 917236, "source": "nanomsg", "severity": "important", "title": "nanomsg 1.1.5+dfsg-1: FTBFS, alignment problem", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-04-25 17:54:29 +0000" }, { "id": 917252, "source": "llvmlite", "severity": "normal", "title": "test_binding.TestGlobalConstructors fails on missing symbol if armel/armhf is build on arm64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-09-22 04:48:34 +0000" }, { "id": 917343, "source": "foxeye", "severity": "normal", "title": "Obsolete build dependency on libssl1.0-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-12-26 11:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 917354, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: better systemd check", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-07-16 13:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 917497, "source": "libanyevent-termkey-perl", "severity": "important", "title": "libanyevent-termkey-perl: FTBFS with STDIN as a readable non-tty", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-12-31 21:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 917501, "source": "meson", "severity": "normal", "title": "meson: does not build ok when built with eatmydata + overlayfs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-04-18 08:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 917592, "source": "libterm-termkey-perl", "severity": "important", "title": "libterm-termkey-perl: FTBFS with STDIN as a readable non-tty", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2018-12-31 21:51:07 +0000" }, { "id": 917602, "source": "python-fitsio", "severity": "important", "title": "python-fitsio 0.9.11+dfsg-4: FTBFS, alignment problem", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-26 12:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 917644, "source": "mlton", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: segmentation faults in test suite", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-22 04:31:16 +0000" }, { "id": 917716, "source": "notary", "severity": "important", "title": "notary: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: cd _build && go test -vet=off -v -p 2 [...] returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-05 01:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 917759, "source": "openhft-chronicle-wire", "severity": "serious", "title": "openhft-chronicle-wire: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project net.openhft:chronicle-wire:bundle:1.1.13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-09-13 09:06:08 +0000" }, { "id": 917851, "source": "seqan2", "severity": "important", "title": "seqan2 2.4.0+dfsg-9: FTBFS, alignment problem", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-02-12 22:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 917985, "source": "openfoam", "severity": "normal", "title": "openfoam: Openfoam should not build (nor skip) dummy libraries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-05-11 20:15:10 +0000" }, { "id": 918073, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: please document effect of --git-color, --git-notify tristate options", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-03 01:24:05 +0000" }, { "id": 918316, "source": "nocache", "severity": "serious", "title": "nocache: FTBFS due to test timeout", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-03 12:06:09 +0000" }, { "id": 918334, "source": "sqlite3", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sqlite3: please support parallel builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 18:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 918338, "source": "glib2.0", "severity": "normal", "title": "An error in debian/rules stops the build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-05 09:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 918464, "source": "nocache", "severity": "normal", "title": "nocache.c:148: init_mutexes: Assertion `fds_lock != NULL' failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-04 11:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 918619, "source": "golang-github-go-errors-errors", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-go-errors-errors FTBFS with Go 1.11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-04-16 17:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 918724, "source": "smtube", "severity": "normal", "title": "smtube FTCBFS: runs qmake for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-08 19:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 918883, "source": "debian-installer", "severity": "normal", "title": "debian-installer: does not build custom installer images if debian-security-support is installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-04-29 18:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 918903, "source": "dwz", "severity": "important", "title": "dwz: fails during pocl i386 build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-07-02 10:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 918919, "source": "freefem++", "severity": "normal", "title": "freefem++: build does not detect PETSc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-10 15:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 918984, "source": "fuse3", "severity": "serious", "title": "fuse3: provide upgrade path fuse -> fuse3 for bookworm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-13 18:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 919058, "source": "itstool", "severity": "serious", "title": "its-tools: crashes when freeing xmlDocs", "affected_sources": [ "mate-utils" ], "affected_packages": [ "mate-utils", "src:mate-utils" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-11 15:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 919230, "source": "xserver-xorg-video-nouveau", "severity": "normal", "title": "xserver-xorg-video-nouveau: Fail to retrieve built-in monitor of laptop when detaching external ones", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-13 21:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 919296, "source": "git", "severity": "serious", "title": "git-daemon-run: fails with 'warning: git-daemon: unable to open supervise/ok: file does not exist'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-02 21:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 919362, "source": "lua5.3", "severity": "important", "title": "lua5.3 ftbfs in unstable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:40:32 +0000" }, { "id": 919363, "source": "lua5.2", "severity": "important", "title": "lua5.2 ftbfs in unstable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:40:33 +0000" }, { "id": 919382, "source": "casparcg-server", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "casparcg-server: Should build with HTTP support (Chromium Embedded Framework)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-16 07:36:05 +0000" }, { "id": 919596, "source": "choose-mirror", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "build-dependencies when crossbuilding choose-mirror", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-22 22:48:05 +0000" }, { "id": 919769, "source": "firefox-esr", "severity": "grave", "title": "firefox-esr: OB Firefox 60.4 crashes immediately on amrhf (Raspberry Pi)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-04-29 17:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 919882, "source": "firefox-esr", "severity": "normal", "title": "firefox-esr: linker options under investigation for 32-bit builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-20 18:03:27 +0000" }, { "id": 919926, "source": "radvd", "severity": "normal", "title": "radvd build tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-20 18:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 919949, "source": "virtualbox", "severity": "minor", "title": "virtualbox-dkms: leftover files from previous versions prevent module building with current version", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-04 18:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 920088, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "O: buildtorrent -- command line torrent creation program", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-21 12:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 920147, "source": "sagemath", "severity": "important", "title": "sagemath FTBFS on mipsel and mips64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-04-14 06:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 920282, "source": "abyss", "severity": "minor", "title": "abyss fails to build on hurd - googletest EXPECT_DEATH", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-12-02 17:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 920386, "source": "schroot", "severity": "normal", "title": "build_user configuration crashes with \"uninitialized value $chroot_arch in scalar chomp\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-08 07:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 920410, "source": "ldc", "severity": "important", "title": "ldc ftbfs with ld --as-needed as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-04-25 18:03:13 +0000" }, { "id": 920481, "source": "openhft-chronicle-wire", "severity": "serious", "title": "openhft-chronicle-wire: FTBFS: uses deprecated classes/methods", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-09-27 06:09:11 +0000" }, { "id": 920585, "source": "openfoam", "severity": "important", "title": "openfoam build doesn't respect -j ", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-27 08:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 920694, "source": "apt-rdepends", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt-rdepends: Perl error on == interpreting --build-depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-28 12:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 920898, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp-dch should omit Signed-off-by from the changelog entries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-30 18:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 920902, "source": "firefox", "severity": "normal", "title": "firefox: Please split out Javascript builds into arch:all package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-01-30 14:00:09 +0000" }, { "id": 921291, "source": "openhft-chronicle-bytes", "severity": "serious", "title": "openhft-chronicle-bytes: FTBFS on i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-02-28 16:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 921571, "source": "afnix", "severity": "important", "title": "afnix FTBFS on armhf when built on arm64 hardware", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-12-20 04:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 921609, "source": "gnutls28", "severity": "normal", "title": "gnutls28 does not build with pkcs11 support, breaks certificate pinning in glib-networkign and libgcr", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-02-07 07:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 921648, "source": "vde2", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt-get build-dep -a arm64 qemu fails on multiarch setup due to binary dependancies in -dev packages", "affected_sources": [ "xfsprogs" ], "affected_packages": [ "xfsprogs" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-02-20 18:24:11 +0000" }, { "id": 921672, "source": "auto-complete-el", "severity": "serious", "title": "auto-complete-el: 1.3.1-2+deb9u1 causes regression in gocode-auto-complete-el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-02-07 19:48:07 +0000" }, { "id": 921803, "source": "python-scrapy", "severity": "important", "title": "python-scrapy: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-02-17 11:39:09 +0000" }, { "id": 921878, "source": "libcec", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libcec4: Consider building libcec with Raspberry Pi support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-23 07:54:28 +0000" }, { "id": 922019, "source": "cdimage.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "cdimage.debian.org: Non-free live builds missing contrib and non-free components", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-02-20 02:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 922223, "source": "apt", "severity": "serious", "title": "apt: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error' ... Aborted", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-02 15:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 922251, "source": "live-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "live-build: support syslinux-efi as (additional) bootloader", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-02-13 11:36:05 +0000" }, { "id": 922521, "source": "flake", "severity": "normal", "title": "flake FTCBFS: performs a native build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-02-17 17:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 922601, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "O: jtb -- syntax tree builder and visitors generator for JavaCC", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-02-18 07:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 922621, "source": "www.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Use Salsa's CI capabilities to test-build the Debian website after commits or at will", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-02-05 11:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 922786, "source": "libcacard", "severity": "normal", "title": "[Virtualsquare] Bug#921648: apt-get build-dep -a arm64 qemu fails on multiarch setup due to binary dependancies in -dev packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-02-20 18:24:14 +0000" }, { "id": 923124, "source": "bidiv", "severity": "normal", "title": "bidiv FTCBFS: upstream Makefile hard codes build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-02-24 10:12:08 +0000" }, { "id": 923258, "source": "apt", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder-satisfydepends-apt: fails to consider libpam-systemd installed sometimes", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-02-26 20:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 923263, "source": "mazeofgalious", "severity": "normal", "title": "mazeofglious FTCBFS: upstream Makefile hard codes build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-02-25 15:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 923274, "source": "bfm", "severity": "normal", "title": "bfm FTCBFS: builds for the wrong architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-02-25 18:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 923347, "source": "mysql-connector-python", "severity": "serious", "title": "No sensible security support due to Oracle's policies", "affected_sources": [ "mysql-workbench" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:mysql-workbench" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-11-18 01:15:09 +0000" }, { "id": 923364, "source": "libitext-java", "severity": "important", "title": "FTBS: Can't build against bouncy-castle build with newer jdk", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-13 20:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 923512, "source": "node-sqlite3", "severity": "normal", "title": "node-sqlite3: please build with sqlcipher support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-09-29 21:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 923519, "source": "golang-github-yudai-golcs", "severity": "normal", "title": "golang-github-yudai-golcs: Tries to allocate 70 GB of RAM during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-01 10:39:08 +0000" }, { "id": 923546, "source": "apt-build", "severity": "minor", "title": "inkscape: Unable to build Inkscape via apt-build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-01 23:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 923608, "source": "gnupg2", "severity": "normal", "title": "debsign: signing fails randomly for some packages built with sbuild on hppa", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-03-02 18:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 923638, "source": "mhddfs", "severity": "normal", "title": "mhddfs FTCBFS: builds for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-03 08:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 923821, "source": "golang-github-ivpusic-grpool", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-ivpusic-grpool: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-05 19:12:11 +0000" }, { "id": 923822, "source": "golang-github-posener-complete", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-posener-complete: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-05 19:12:14 +0000" }, { "id": 923824, "source": "libdancer2-plugin-database-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libdancer2-plugin-database-perl: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-13 19:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 923826, "source": "python-blessed", "severity": "important", "title": "python-blessed: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-06-02 17:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 923829, "source": "starlet", "severity": "important", "title": "starlet: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": 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true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-05-13 23:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 924172, "source": "www.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "www.debian.org: differences under english/ between builds in stretch and buster", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-10-03 17:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 924284, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: import-dscs overwrites pre-existing upstream tags", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-29 16:15:22 +0000" }, { "id": 924318, "source": "dtkwidget", "severity": "normal", "title": "dtkcore: Cross-builds incorrectly, 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"affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-09-27 06:09:12 +0000" }, { "id": 925080, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "important", "title": "git-buildpackage: exporting fails in overlay mode if .../-tmp exists", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-19 18:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 925122, "source": "qtbase-opensource-src-gles", "severity": "important", "title": "qtbase-opensource-src-gles: fails to clean after build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-03-19 23:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 925134, "source": "grub2", "severity": "critical", "title": "grub-efi-amd64-signed: doesn't mount cryptodisk", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-04 17:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 925149, "source": "emacs", "severity": "normal", "title": "emacs-gtk: next-error painfully slow on glibc build logs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-19 16:51:16 +0000" }, { "id": 925366, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: node-watchify -- watch mode for browserify builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-03-23 20:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 925498, "source": "afterstep", "severity": "normal", "title": "afterstep: v2.2.12-12 FTBFS due to patch#57 generates libAfterImage/Makefile incorrectly.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-04-06 15:12:07 +0000" }, { "id": 925523, "source": "openhft-chronicle-bytes", "severity": "serious", "title": "openhft-chronicle-bytes: FTBFS package net.openhft.chronicle.core.cleaner does not exist", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-09-27 06:09:12 +0000" }, { "id": 925763, "source": "libusrsctp", "severity": "important", "title": "libusrsctp: ftbfs with GCC-9", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", 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"severity": "normal", "title": "www.debian.org: please reduce entropy / make build more deterministic", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-04-06 19:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 926553, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "minor", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp-dch resets the urgency when updating a changelog entry", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-29 16:15:22 +0000" }, { "id": 926689, "source": "grub2", "severity": "grave", "title": "cryptsetup-initramfs: config lines in grub.cfg for cryptodisk/luks and other modules missing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-04 17:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 926757, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild doesn't use installed keys for archive verification", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-11-23 20:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 926932, "source": "libdbd-mysql-perl", "severity": "important", "title": "libdbd-mysql-perl: lower mysql/mariadb memory consumption during tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-10-10 14:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 927001, "source": "www.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "www.debian.org: build process - check for symbols within html markup that are not using html character codes", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-04-13 09:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 927724, "source": "rsyslog", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Please build with --enable-imdocker", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-04-23 08:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 927725, "source": "rsyslog", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Please build with --enable-mmdblookup", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-04-24 10:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 927756, "source": "pygithub", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Run provided tests at package built time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-04-24 12:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 927773, "source": "wmnet", "severity": "normal", "title": "wmnet FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-04-23 02:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 927774, "source": "jaxws", "severity": "normal", "title": "bad build time dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-04-23 04:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 927785, "source": "pyparted", "severity": "important", "title": "pyparted: FTBFS randomly (Floating point exception)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-04-29 19:30:14 +0000" }, { "id": 927843, "source": "wmwave", "severity": "normal", "title": "wmwave FTCBFS: hard codes build architecture compiler, uses build architecture strip", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-04-24 03:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 927936, "source": "c3p0", "severity": "grave", "title": "c3p0: CVE-2019-5427", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 19:30:01 +0000" }, { 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true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-06-10 16:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 928242, "source": "fpgatools", "severity": "normal", "title": "fpgatools FTCBFS: builds for the wrong architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-04-30 14:57:08 +0000" }, { "id": 928422, "source": "rustc", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-doc: unsatisfiable Depends: fonts-open-sans in jessie, stretch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-14 09:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 928458, "source": "scrollz", "severity": "normal", "title": "scrollz FTCBFS: configures for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-05-05 07:51:08 +0000" }, { "id": 928460, "source": "fatsort", "severity": "normal", "title": "fatsort FTCBFS: builds for the wrong architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-09 09:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 928646, "source": "libguestfs", "severity": "normal", "title": "libguestfs-tools: virt-builder --ssh-inject does not accept public keys with cardno:NNNN", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-05-08 08:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 928784, "source": "wm2", "severity": "normal", "title": "wm2 FTCBFS: uses the 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"normal", "title": "weex: use dh autoreconf to update configure, so that support new architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-23 22:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 929237, "source": "fuzz", "severity": "normal", "title": "fuzz FTCBFS: configures for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-07-31 21:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 929247, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp import-ref does not play well will gbp dch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-05-19 21:33:11 +0000" }, { "id": 929253, "source": "smtube", "severity": "grave", "title": "smtube: Cannot download videos (ex. with uget)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 13:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 929364, "source": "live-manual", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-manual out of sync with lasted bug#929271 and live-build changes", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-05-22 12:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 929383, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build fails if there's some updates for same kernel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-05-22 17:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 929397, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "ftp.d.o: please upload LTS .buildinfo files to ftp-master", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-09-11 12:45:08 +0000" }, { "id": 929682, "source": "qtdeclarative-opensource-src", "severity": "important", "title": "libqt5qml5: QQmlEngine segfaults on ia64", "affected_sources": [ "gsettings-qt", "qtwebsockets-opensource-src" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:qtwebsockets-opensource-src", "src:gsettings-qt" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-05-01 20:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 929702, "source": "bash", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "bash-builtins: Please add loadables 'rm' and 'cat'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-03-23 23:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 929713, "source": "openhft-chronicle-bytes", "severity": "serious", "title": "openhft-chronicle-bytes: FTBFS: [ERROR] /<>/src/main/java/net/openhft/chronicle/bytes/NativeBytesStore.java:[78,48] cannot find symbol", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:40:40 +0000" }, { "id": 929716, "source": "notary", "severity": "normal", "title": "notary: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: cd _build && go test -vet=off -v -p 4 github.com/theupdateframework/notary [...] github.com/theupdateframework/notary/version returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-05 01:51:09 +0000" }, { "id": 929747, "source": "qa.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "qa.debian.org: Please add cross-buildability in summary", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-02-19 12:42:19 +0000" }, { "id": 929932, "source": "qa.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "qa.debian.org: Please add cross build satisfiability in summary", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-06-05 07:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 930207, "source": "sfst", "severity": "normal", "title": "sfst FTCBFS: passes -mtune=nocona when building for mipsel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-13 10:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 930412, "source": "zram-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "Please use patches from zram-config for /tmp mounting and utilize zram built-in multi-threading", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-06-12 10:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 930422, "source": "qa.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "qa.debian.org: please sort buildd archs by release status", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-02-19 12:42:22 +0000" }, { "id": 930483, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "devscripts: debuild: please warn about improbable build targets", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-06-13 14:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 930518, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: ssb-patchwork -- A decentralized messaging and sharing app built on top of the SSB protocol", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-06-14 11:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 930786, "source": "apt", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt-get with -b (--compile, --build) should sanitize the environment, like debuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-06-20 15:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 931151, "source": "bwbasic", "severity": "normal", "title": "bwbasic FTCBFS: build for the wrong architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-06-27 08:18:06 +0000" }, { "id": 931232, "source": "spout", "severity": "normal", "title": "spout FTCBFS: upstream Makefile hard codes build architecture build tools", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 00:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 931281, "source": "gnome-shell", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnome-shell: Session cannot be unlocked when audio dialog for plugged in speaker is active", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-06-30 12:45:17 +0000" }, { "id": 932085, "source": "grub2", "severity": "critical", "title": "grub-common: Grub can't load initrd for Xen after upgrade to Buster", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-04-22 19:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 932184, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: ADDITIONAL_BUILDRESULTS handling might iterate over debug output", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-07-16 15:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 932357, "source": "debootstrap", "severity": "normal", "title": "debootstrap: failed to create a pbuilder base.tgz inside a systemd-nspawn unprevilledged container", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-03-09 17:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 932631, "source": "argus-client", "severity": "serious", "title": "argus-client ftbfs in unstable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:40:41 +0000" }, { "id": 933055, "source": "aptitude", "severity": "important", "title": "aptitude: Unable to satisfy the build-depends: Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-20 12:54:10 +0000" }, { "id": 933103, "source": "vdr-plugin-remote", "severity": "normal", "title": "vdr-plugin-remote FTCBFS: uses the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-07-26 18:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 933942, "source": "qtbase-opensource-src", "severity": "normal", "title": "qtbase-opensource-src won't build a second time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-08-05 10:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 933981, "source": "cdrom", "severity": "grave", "title": "cdrom: USB, KVM create connect/disconnect loop in level1 (repair) install", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-01-08 07:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 934127, "source": "qtxmlpatterns-opensource-src", "severity": "important", "title": "qtxmlpatterns5-examples: examples fail to build - w/solution", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-08-07 10:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 934346, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: No need to install fakeroot for source packages with Rules-Requires-Root: no", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-21 10:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 934619, "source": "libmaus2", "severity": "normal", "title": "libmaus2 FTBFS (mostly 32bit): error: no matching function for call", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-07-01 17:21:08 +0000" }, { "id": 934916, "source": "libss7", "severity": "minor", "title": "libss7: FTBFS on x32 (time_t sprintf format mismatch)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-08-07 19:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 934920, "source": "lua-luaossl", "severity": "normal", "title": "lua-luaossl: FTBFS on x32 (sysctl unsupported on x32 kernel)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-08-17 02:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 934977, "source": "verilog-mode", "severity": "serious", "title": "verilog-mode: unbuildable in testing due to missing B-D emacs25", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-19 17:21:12 +0000" }, { "id": 934978, "source": "mini-buildd", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "mini-buildd: Does not function behind a NAT router", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-08-26 16:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 935064, "source": "embree", "severity": "normal", "title": "embree: FTBFS on x32 (assumes 64-bit size_t for __X86_64__)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-08-18 20:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 935111, "source": "binutils", "severity": "normal", "title": "ld: linuxinfo builds fine in stable but ftbfs in sid", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-08-19 14:45:07 +0000" }, { "id": 935182, "source": "libreoffice", "severity": "grave", "title": "Concurrent file open on the same host results file deletion", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-04-17 14:06:49 +0000" }, { "id": 935365, "source": "buildd.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd.debian.org: allowing self-service givebacks for Failed packages?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-08-22 20:03:17 +0000" }, { "id": 935630, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "minor", "title": "devscripts: documentation for --rebuild is incorrect", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-08-24 16:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 935828, "source": "u-boot", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "u-boot-sunxi: Please build firmware for A13-OLinuXino_MICRO", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-12 22:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 935892, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp import-dsc ignores epoch when importing native packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-08-27 11:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 935923, "source": "libmodbus", "severity": "normal", "title": "libmodbus: FTBFS on hppa - unit-test-server: no process found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-19 13:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 935992, "source": "gnome-builder", "severity": "important", "title": "gnome-builder crashes trying to install missing flatpak platform/runtime/sdk", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-03-20 19:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 936451, "source": "node-regenerator", "severity": "important", "title": "node-regenerator-transform is not built from sources", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-08-30 07:39:33 +0000" }, { "id": 936854, "source": "libewf", "severity": "serious", "title": "libewf: Python2 removal in sid/bullseye", "affected_sources": [ "libewf" ], "affected_packages": [ "python3-libewf", "libewf3" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-05-08 12:45:12 +0000" }, { "id": 938981, "source": "vrfy", "severity": "normal", "title": "vrfy FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler as a make default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-08-30 18:45:07 +0000" }, { "id": 939099, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: copies /etc/hostname, but /etc/hosts doesn't resolve it", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-01 16:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 939147, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "serious", "title": "gcc-7-source 7.4.0-11 vanished from the archive", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-12-07 12:33:07 +0000" }, { "id": 939383, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp pq import ignores From lines with name and empty email address", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-04 10:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 939467, "source": "sbcl", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbcl: Please make the package cross-buildable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-05 09:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 939584, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "important", "title": "mk-build-deps: does not exit with non-zero exit code on failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-06 07:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 939686, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "import-orig handles a .tar.gz that's actually a tar without warning, but git-pbuilder is then unable to read it", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-07 19:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 939778, "source": "tua", "severity": "normal", "title": "tua FTCBFS: configures for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-06 15:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 939810, "source": "dkopp", "severity": "normal", "title": "dkopp FTCBFS: uses the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-09 04:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 939909, "source": "libxml2", "severity": "important", "title": "libxml2: Cannot build asterisk using this version of libxml2 (similar bug as #776724)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-09-10 02:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 939911, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "cross-building: only add nocheck when host arch binaries cannot be run (using arch-test)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-10 03:09:10 +0000" }, { "id": 939912, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "cross-building: only add nocheck when host arch binaries cannot be run (using arch-test)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-10 03:09:13 +0000" }, { "id": 940035, "source": "indigo", "severity": "normal", "title": "libindigo-java: Absolute build paths in the MANIFEST.MF files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-11 13:06:05 +0000" }, { "id": 940079, "source": "glbsp", "severity": "normal", "title": "glbsp FTCBFS: debian/rules explicitly selects the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-12 04:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 940090, "source": "binutils", "severity": "normal", "title": "binutils: Bogus build dependency on libc6-deb on alpha and ia64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-09-12 14:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 940110, "source": "das-watchdog", "severity": "normal", "title": "das-watchdog FTCBFS: upstream Makefile hard codes build architecture build tools", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-12 13:39:08 +0000" }, { "id": 940144, "source": "developers-reference", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "developers-reference: document self-service givebacks in wanna-build section", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-11-06 06:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 940319, "source": "backintime", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "backintime: run test suite during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-30 11:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 940466, "source": "qbrew", "severity": "normal", "title": "qbrew FTCBFS: uses the build architecture qmake", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-16 04:36:08 +0000" }, { "id": 940583, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "mk-build-deps: misses some build dependencies for linux", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-17 14:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 940690, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers", "severity": "normal", "title": "nvidia-kernel-dkms: build fails with kernel built with different gcc version", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-10-02 20:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 940723, "source": "java-package", "severity": "normal", "title": "java-package requires libgtk-3-0 and libcairo-gobject2 to build java8 221", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-27 06:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 940728, "source": "dh-python", "severity": "normal", "title": "pybuild does not copy all files in setup.py install", "affected_sources": [ "python-asdf", "python-can" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:python-can", "src:python-asdf" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-08-18 16:51:08 +0000" }, { "id": 941111, "source": "curl", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Please provide libraries built with wolfSSL", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-12-27 23:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 941142, "source": "gexec", "severity": "normal", "title": "gexec FTCBFS: uses the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-25 16:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 941313, "source": "windowlab", "severity": "normal", "title": "windowlab FTCBFS: upstream Makefile hard codes the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-28 14:27:13 +0000" }, { "id": 941400, "source": "rbootd", "severity": "normal", "title": "rbootd FTCBFS: builds for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 17:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 941438, "source": "dh-lua", "severity": "important", "title": "lua-create-gitbuildpackage-layout references alioth", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-09-30 15:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 941462, "source": "logtool", "severity": "normal", "title": "logtool FTCBFS: configures for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-10-01 04:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 941531, "source": "gsl-doc", "severity": "serious", "title": "gsl-doc: build-depend on texlive-plain-generic, not obsolete texlive-generic-recommended", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:40:46 +0000" }, { "id": 941754, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "minor", "title": "git-buildpackage: doesn't accept MUT with different compressions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-10-04 20:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 941842, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: vimoutliner -- script for building an outline editor on top of Vim", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-10-06 10:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 942007, "source": "softhsm2", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "please rebuild with GOST support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-10-09 12:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 942208, "source": "xorg-server", "severity": "normal", "title": "Login GUI build up & interaction in slow motion (2-3secs to complete)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-07-16 19:24:05 +0000" }, { "id": 942372, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: Allow configuring vendor for dch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-10-15 14:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 942474, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: kati -- Makefile to build.ninja converter", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-10-17 17:39:15 +0000" }, { "id": 942475, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: premake5 -- A Lua-based build system", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-09-27 21:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 942477, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: bake -- a minimalistic build system", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-10-17 17:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 942673, "source": "lintian", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "warn about b-d on python3-all-dev and package not building for all supported python versions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-10-21 21:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 942742, "source": "apt-cacher-ng", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Simplify package rebuild with custom set of optional features", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-10-20 20:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 942743, "source": "tor", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Simplify package rebuild with custom set of optional features", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-10-20 20:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 942898, "source": "rust-debcargo", "severity": "normal", "title": "debcargo: reduce the impact of debcargo-built crates on the package index, and facilitate debian packaging of crates", "affected_sources": [ "ftp.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "ftp.debian.org" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:40:47 +0000" }, { "id": 943340, "source": "qtscript-opensource-src", "severity": "important", "title": "qtscript-opensource-src: FTBFS on x32: segfaults in the testsuite", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-08 20:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 943366, "source": "lintian", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "please add an error for any (build) dependency or autopkg test dependency on python/python-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-10-24 17:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 943616, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "devscripts: debuild does not realise --build=source means .changes will be named _source.changes", "affected_sources": [ "git-buildpackage" ], "affected_packages": [ "git-buildpackage" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-02-03 09:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 943865, "source": "mesa", "severity": "normal", "title": "src:mesa: Please build Mesa SWR rasterizer on amd64 and i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-08-14 15:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 944275, "source": "hollywood", "severity": "serious", "title": "hollywood: contains non-free music", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-03-31 08:48:06 +0000" }, { "id": 944337, "source": "debhelper", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debhelper: makefile buildsystem: pass cross tools for all targets", "affected_sources": [ "baresip" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:baresip" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-11-08 05:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 944386, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "autopkgtest: can autopkgtest-build-qemu create a QEMU/KVM image without requiring superuser privileges?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-10 23:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 944620, "source": "qa.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "qa.debian.org: build log scanner reports stale data", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-07-31 23:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 944635, "source": "jack-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "jack-tools FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-11-13 05:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 944706, "source": "firefox-esr", "severity": "grave", "title": "firefox-esr: Tab crashes immediately after start up and Firefox ESR was unusable.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-02-03 17:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 944707, "source": "lintian", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "lintian: check for missing and unsigned .buildinfo files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-20 10:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 944871, "source": "docbook-xsl", "severity": "serious", "title": "docbook-xsl: readds catalogs to the super catalog on every upgrade", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-05 19:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 945001, "source": "grub2", "severity": "critical", "title": "grub-efi-amd64: GRUB-EFI messes up boot variables", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 06:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 945057, "source": "libnet-dbus-perl", "severity": "normal", "title": "libnet-dbus-perl FTCBFS: uses the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-12-15 17:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 945211, "source": "ruby-mail-room", "severity": "normal", "title": "ruby-mail-room ftbfs with ruby-redis 4 in experimental", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-01-07 20:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 945506, "source": "openafs", "severity": "important", "title": "openafs-modules-dkms: module wants to build with gcc instead of kernel's compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-11 20:18:06 +0000" }, { "id": 945527, "source": "cachefilesd", "severity": "normal", "title": "cachefilesd: if statement nr_in_(ready|build)_table underflow causes segfault", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-06-03 12:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 945958, "source": "gnome-builder", "severity": "important", "title": "gnome-builder: Changes to modified&unsaved files are when closing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-12-01 18:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 946002, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "important", "title": "git-buildpackage: import-orig into current branch or warn if current branch is not master", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-16 19:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 946054, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Please support \"Gbp-Dch: skip\" as alternative to \"Gbp-Dch: ignore\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-12-03 14:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 946132, "source": "fparserc++", "severity": "normal", "title": "fparserc++ FTCBFS: runs cmake for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-12-04 04:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 946152, "source": "collectd", "severity": "normal", "title": "please update build-deps on iptables", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-01-19 20:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 946278, "source": "lpc21isp", "severity": "normal", "title": "lpc21isp FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler as a make default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-12-06 15:51:11 +0000" }, { "id": 946380, "source": "wicd", "severity": "grave", "title": "wicd-gtk does not find gtk modules", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-29 00:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 946385, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build: \"lb build\" fails to install linux-image-4.19.0-6-amd64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-12-08 16:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 946519, "source": "iptables", "severity": "important", "title": "iptables fails to update rules from fwbuilder", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-04-23 01:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 946846, "source": "ruby-rails-assets-highlightjs", "severity": "serious", "title": "The autopkgtests are failing with the current rails version", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:54:24 +0000" }, { "id": 946879, "source": "git", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git: please build package with libsecret credential helper", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-06-21 17:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 946909, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: build2 -- C++ Build Tool from build2 toolchain", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-12-20 18:57:23 +0000" }, { "id": 947272, "source": "blt", "severity": "important", "title": "blt: FTBFS with Tcl/Tk 8.7 (>= 8.7.0~a3): error: argument 'argv' doesn't match prototype", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-01 10:24:06 +0000" }, { "id": 947443, "source": "nvidia-texture-tools", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-texture-tools: FTBFS: undefined reference to symbol '_ZN2nv3Fit37computePrincipalComponent_EigenSolverEiPKNS_7Vector4E'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2019-12-26 22:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 947491, "source": "xwpe", "severity": "normal", "title": "xwpe FTCBFS: configures for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-12-27 16:51:09 +0000" }, { "id": 947589, "source": "wicd", "severity": "grave", "title": "wicd-gtk: [experimental] wicd-gtk probably broken: no GTK dependency, still uses 'import gtk'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-29 00:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 947624, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "O: tup -- fast build system", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-06-26 08:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 947790, "source": "openscenegraph-3.4", "severity": "normal", "title": "openscenegraph-3.4: osgPlugins-3.4.1/osgdb_png.so not build on ARM", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2019-12-31 12:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 947800, "source": "dh-python", "severity": "normal", "title": "dh-python: pybuild copying of testfiles loses directory structure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-03 15:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 947948, "source": "boinc", "severity": "important", "title": "boinc: dpkg-buildpackage fails building packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-10-25 19:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 947967, "source": "xbattbar", "severity": "normal", "title": "xbattbar FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-01-02 20:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 948013, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "ftp.debian.org: please remove long expired keys from the buildd keyrings", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-01-03 10:33:10 +0000" }, { 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true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-01-12 12:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 948778, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: makisu -- unprivileged Docker image builder", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-01-13 09:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 948784, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Provide easy default options/presets for building for backports and experimental", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-01-13 11:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 948947, "source": "xdg-desktop-portal", "severity": "important", "title": "gnome-builder: fails to run built application", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-02-24 09:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 949352, "source": "x2goclient", "severity": "normal", "title": "x2goclient FTCBFS: builds for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-01-20 05:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 949415, "source": "modsecurity-apache", "severity": "important", "title": "modsecurity-apache: FTBFS with libxml2 not shipping xml2-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-30 15:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 949471, "source": "open-infrastructure-system-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "open-infrastructure-system-build: Attempting to build a live debian fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-01-21 09:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 949532, "source": "medialibrary", "severity": "serious", "title": "medialibrary: keep out of testing until vlc uses it", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-01-21 18:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 949533, "source": "gmotionlive", "severity": "normal", "title": "gmotionlive FTCBFS: uses the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-01-21 18:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 949537, "source": "elfeed", "severity": "serious", "title": "elpa-elfeed-web: depends on CSS and JavaScript not in Debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-05-06 16:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 949547, "source": "jenkins.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "find a nicer way than `tail -c +0 -f` to autoscroll build logs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-01-22 19:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 949767, "source": "clblas", "severity": "serious", "title": "clblas: *gemm wrong answers in out-of-order queues", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-10 13:51:25 +0000" }, { "id": 949788, "source": "s390-dasd", "severity": "normal", "title": "s390-dasd FTCBFS: strips with the build architecture strip", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-01-25 13:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 949843, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: add systemd-nspawn chroot mode", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-04-18 17:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 949848, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: Support running just apt-get under eatmydata", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-01-25 20:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 949902, "source": "qtwebsockets-opensource-src", "severity": "important", "title": "qtwebsockets-opensource-src ftbfs on s390x: timeout too short", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:40:56 +0000" }, { "id": 949937, "source": "dirspec", "severity": "serious", "title": "dirspec build depends on the removed pep8 transitional package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 01:45:11 +0000" }, { "id": 949985, "source": "qtbase-opensource-src", "severity": "normal", "title": "Missing build 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"qtcreator", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Create a separate package libqtcreator-plugin-dev for the files needed for building plugins", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-07-29 06:36:06 +0000" }, { "id": 950509, "source": "pristine-tar", "severity": "important", "title": "pristine-tar: pristine-xz failed to reproduce build of ../digikam_7.0.0~b1.orig.tar.xz", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-02-02 19:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 950689, "source": "perl", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Please provide a makefile snippet with common variables used during building perl modules", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-05-25 15:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 950699, "source": "ubuntu-dev-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "ubuntu-dev-tools: mk-sbuild --type=file creates a root directory owned by $USER", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-02-04 23:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 950790, "source": "qtdeclarative-opensource-src", "severity": "normal", "title": "libqt5qml5: Do a double build with SSE2 enabled on i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-04-20 13:57:08 +0000" }, { "id": 950889, "source": "debootstrap", "severity": "normal", "title": "debootstrap: chroot no longer builds with user-owned target dir", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-02-13 14:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 951002, "source": "open-infrastructure-system-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "open-infrastructure-system-build: \"lb chroot_devpts remove\" gets chroot/dev/pts: target is busy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-02-12 12:00:05 +0000" }, { "id": 951128, "source": "emacs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "emacs: Please build Emacs with modules support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-04-04 21:54:07 +0000" }, { "id": 951256, "source": "iptables", "severity": "important", "title": "iptables fails to update rules from fwbuilder", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-04-23 01:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 951786, "source": "care", "severity": "normal", "title": "care FTCBFS: uses the build architecture objdump and objcopy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-02-21 19:03:11 +0000" }, { "id": 952692, "source": "xcffib", "severity": "important", "title": "xcffib: tests sometimes timeout on s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-05 14:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 952741, "source": "puma", "severity": "important", "title": "[RFH] FTBFS: Tests sometimes get stuck and the build gets forcefully terminated", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-02-17 19:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 952854, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "[live-build] disks handling for netboot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-03-17 03:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 953068, "source": "bossa", "severity": "minor", "title": "bossa: patch to initialize variables (needed when building with -O3)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-12 14:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 953070, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: source-to-image -- toolkit for building reproducible container images from source code", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-03-04 01:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 953200, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: tales-of-maj-eyal -- Roguelike RPG with turn-based tactical combat and advanced character building", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-03-13 00:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 953285, "source": "rust-mach-o-sys", "severity": "normal", "title": "rust-mach-o-sys fails on architectures with unsigned char", "affected_sources": [ "rust-memsec" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:rust-memsec" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-31 22:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 953764, "source": "gnome-builder", "severity": "normal", "title": "gnome-builder: Problem reading Devices text on high contrast theme", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-03-13 07:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 953861, "source": "debootstrap", "severity": "normal", "title": "debootstrap: buildd variant uselessly includes libgcc1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-14 15:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 953919, "source": "mhddfs", "severity": "serious", "title": "mhddfs: Switch from deprecated to ", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-29 19:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 954189, "source": "acmetool", "severity": "grave", "title": "acmetool: Buster acmetool stops working in June 1, 2020", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-10-06 16:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 954216, "source": "gegl", "severity": "normal", "title": "gegl: FTBFS on ia64: tests_ff_load_save.sh: Segmentation fault", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ 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"last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:41:03 +0000" }, { "id": 954698, "source": "serf", "severity": "normal", "title": "serf: FTBFS: 1) test_ssltunnel_basic_auth_server_has_keepalive_off: test/test_context.c:2138: expected <0> but was <120199>", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-04-04 00:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 954749, "source": "cmus", "severity": "normal", "title": "cmus FTCBFS: build/host confusion", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-03-22 21:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 955186, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: please have --login run the default login shell, when not bash", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-03-28 10:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 955260, "source": "libkqueue", "severity": "serious", "title": "libkqueue: FTBFS: tests fail with ERROR: Program received signal 6", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-04-27 10:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 955263, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: add --extra-depends option", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-04-02 13:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 955345, "source": "gcc-defaults-ports", "severity": "important", "title": "gcc-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu: incorrect dynamic-linker when building with -m32", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-03-30 10:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 955353, "source": "actiona", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "actiona: please enable parallel building", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-03-30 12:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 955434, "source": "tracker.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "tracker.d.o: please integrate information from buildinfos.debian.net", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-04-30 19:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 955472, "source": "xnee", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "xnee: Please build the GUI components", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-04-01 13:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 955551, "source": "openmsx", "severity": "normal", "title": "openmsx ftbfs on ppc64el and s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-04-22 09:12:07 +0000" }, { "id": 955642, "source": "libretro-desmume", "severity": "important", "title": "libretro-desmume FTBFS for mipsen: missing #include for struct timeval", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-27 18:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 956079, "source": "fathom", "severity": "normal", "title": "fathom FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-04-07 00:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 956086, "source": "obs-studio", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "obs-studio: Please build the obs-browser plugin somehow", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-06 13:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 956095, "source": "ghc", "severity": "normal", "title": "ghc panics when building ghc-lib-parser on armhf (raspberry)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-12 10:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 956097, "source": "node-clean-css", "severity": "normal", "title": "Fwd: Bug#956093 closed by Julian Andres Klode (Re: Bug#956093: apt build-dep cannot resolve package in `all` architecture with `-a arm64` param)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-04-07 11:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 956194, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: streamlit -- fast way to build custom ML tools", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-04-29 14:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 956370, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp does not produce changelog files compatible with the debian policy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-04-10 12:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 956423, "source": "node-request", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-request: deprecated upstream: should not be part of next stable Debian release", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 16:03:07 +0000" }, { "id": 956438, "source": "dbus-python", "severity": "important", "title": "Tests failures on kfreebsd architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-04-11 12:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 956783, "source": "dh-golang", "severity": "normal", "title": "Please support go buildtags", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-06-13 12:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 956880, "source": "golang-github-libvirt-libvirt-go", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-libvirt-libvirt-go doesn't build on 32bit", "affected_sources": [ "prometheus-libvirt-exporter" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:prometheus-libvirt-exporter" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-04-24 11:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 957392, "source": "juman", "severity": "important", "title": "juman: ftbfs with GCC-10", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:41:39 +0000" }, { "id": 957775, "source": "sawfish", "severity": "serious", "title": "sawfish: ftbfs with GCC-10", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-01-06 03:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 958029, "source": "imip-agent", "severity": "serious", "title": "imip-agent: build-depends on removed packages: python-babel python-psycopg2", "affected_sources": [ "imip-agent" ], "affected_packages": [ "python-imipweb", "python-imiptools" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-03-06 12:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 958117, "source": "uglifyjs", "severity": "grave", "title": "uglifyjs: dead code: keep away from bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-19 17:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 958132, "source": "simpleproxy", "severity": "normal", "title": "simpleproxy FTCBFS: builds for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-04-18 19:39:09 +0000" }, { "id": 958133, "source": "bucklespring", "severity": "normal", "title": "bucklespring FTCBFS: hard codes build architecture build tools", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-04-18 19:39:11 +0000" }, { "id": 958410, "source": "lintian", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "lintian: please warn about duplicated debhelper build-deps", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-04-26 08:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 958647, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build: becoming root requires 'su -'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-02-18 07:45:09 +0000" }, { "id": 958774, "source": "node-puka", "severity": "important", "title": "node-puka: Package fail to build with node-rollup-plugin-babel 4.4.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-04-25 09:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 958867, "source": "pkg-js-tools", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "add an option to add-node-component to embed build only modules in debian/build_modules", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-12-17 18:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 958989, "source": "dgit", "severity": "normal", "title": "dgit-user(7): building instructions don't work", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-26 15:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 959043, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: msbuild -- build platform for .NET and Visual Studio", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 15:06:01 +0000" }, { "id": 959045, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: msbuild -- build platform for .NET and Visual Studio", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-04-29 10:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 959046, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: img -- unprivileged OCI-compatible container image builder", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-11-14 21:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 959082, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: msbuild -- build platform for .NET and Visual Studio", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-04-29 10:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 959099, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: core-setup -- Helper library for MSbuild .NET Core support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-04-29 13:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 959384, "source": "similarity-tester", "severity": "normal", "title": "similarity-tester: Fix compilation warnings and enable reproductible builds.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-05-01 18:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 959540, "source": "scamp", "severity": "normal", "title": "scamp FTBFS on 32bit: test failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-05-16 20:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 959649, "source": "node-retry", "severity": "important", "title": "node-retry: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: /bin/sh -ex debian/tests/pkg-js/test returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-14 11:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 959665, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: please put a full stop after \"New upstrem version X.\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-03 10:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 959938, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: packageurl-python -- Parser and builder for purl Package URLs for Python", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-06-27 23:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 960001, "source": "node-preact", "severity": "important", "title": "node-preact: build with rollup using upstream rollup.config.*", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-05-08 06:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 960215, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "cowbuilder: please make / a mountpoint", "affected_sources": [ "util-linux" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:util-linux" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-05-10 17:57:07 +0000" }, { "id": 960295, "source": "ltpanel", "severity": "normal", "title": "ltpanel FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-05-11 15:15:18 +0000" }, { "id": 960510, "source": "paxtest", "severity": "normal", "title": "paxtest FTCBFS: builds for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-05-13 12:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 960540, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: Documentation unclear about pristine-tar when upstream source comes from git", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-05-14 07:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 960612, "source": "tika", "severity": "normal", "title": "src:tika: Please add support to build against libjson-simple-java >= 3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-05-14 15:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 960645, "source": "firefox", "severity": "normal", "title": "firefox: Please build with WebRTC pipewire support for GNOME Wayland", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-07-30 16:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 960750, "source": "chasen", "severity": "normal", "title": "chasen: build failure with clang", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-05-17 06:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 960769, "source": "swt4-gtk", "severity": "important", "title": "swt4-gtk FTBFS on 32bit", "affected_sources": [ "openjfx" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:openjfx" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-23 13:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 960867, "source": "fs-uae", "severity": "grave", "title": "fs-uae-launcher: The application crash every time at the beginning", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-04-20 09:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 960897, "source": "android-platform-external-libunwind", "severity": "normal", "title": "Update android-platform-external-libunwind and build for ppc64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-05-20 11:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 960903, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "dch: --rebuild increments the Debian portion of the version instead of appending \"build1\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-05-18 04:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 961183, "source": "metis", "severity": "normal", "title": "metis: providing a 64-bit build", "affected_sources": [ "deal.ii", "freefem++", "gmsh", "netgen", "parmetis", "scotch", "superlu-dist", "syrthes" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:syrthes", "src:netgen", "src:superlu-dist", "src:freefem++", "src:parmetis", "libparmetis-dev", "src:gmsh", "libdeal.ii-dev", "libscotchmetis-dev", "src:deal.ii" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-05-28 10:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 961184, "source": "scotch", "severity": "normal", "title": "scotch: provide 64-bit build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-05-21 04:57:08 +0000" }, { "id": 961206, "source": "sphinx", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "improve sphinx usage for cross building", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-06-13 09:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 961234, "source": "r-cran-treescape", "severity": "important", "title": "r-cran-treescape: FTBFS on ppc64el:Segmentation fault", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-03 23:39:09 +0000" }, { "id": 961686, "source": "lintian", "severity": "normal", "title": "lintian: false positive: runtime-test-file-uses-supported-python-versions-without-python-all-build-depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-05-31 05:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 961771, "source": "tilde", "severity": "normal", "title": "tilde FTCBFS: strips with the build architecture strip", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-05-29 04:00:06 +0000" }, { "id": 961834, "source": "clearlooks-phenix-theme", "severity": "serious", "title": "clearlooks-phenix-theme: Theme look distorted possibly due to recent GTK3 upgrade", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-21 02:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 961916, "source": "golang-defaults", "severity": "important", "title": "gccgo-go fails to build golang-github-cloudflare-tableflip", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-08-29 18:51:09 +0000" }, { "id": 961948, "source": "daa2iso", "severity": "normal", "title": "daa2iso FTCBFS: builds for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-05-31 20:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 961976, "source": "mumps", "severity": "normal", "title": "mumps: provide 64-bit build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-06-14 04:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 962273, "source": "vault", "severity": "serious", "title": "vault: FTBFS due to failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-06-05 13:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 962560, "source": "code-saturne", "severity": "normal", "title": "code-saturne built-in file editor fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-06-17 10:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 962604, "source": "golang-github-elazarl-go-bindata-assetfs", "severity": "important", "title": "bindata-assetfs should build the utility as a binary package of its own", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-06-10 17:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 962708, "source": "linux", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Please build dummy_hcd and g_mass_storage modules", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-06-28 15:03:07 +0000" }, { "id": 963054, "source": "gringo", "severity": "important", "title": "Mark two more symbols as optional when building with -march=z13 on s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-03 19:24:13 +0000" }, { "id": 963083, "source": "equivs", "severity": "normal", "title": "equivs-build ignores package Version \"0\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-06-18 17:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 963151, "source": "tor", "severity": "minor", "title": "suboptimal libzstd usage due to different build/runtime versions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-13 16:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 963180, "source": "automake-1.17", "severity": "normal", "title": "automake-1.16 could NOT build with DEB_BUILD_PROFILE=stage1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-07-05 00:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 963250, "source": "openblas", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "openblas: Please build on armel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-06-22 07:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 963688, "source": "neovim-qt", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "neovim-qt: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-06 19:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 963756, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: Better enforce incompatibility between '--arch-all --no-arch-any' vs '--append-to-version'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-06-26 14:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 964077, "source": "liburing", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Fix build-time and autopkg tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-18 21:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 964082, "source": "parsinsert", "severity": "important", "title": "parsinsert fails it's tests when built with -O2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-29 08:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 964171, "source": "meson", "severity": "normal", "title": "meson build triggers blhc compiler-flags-hidden warning", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-07-03 07:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 964206, "source": "node-http-signature", "severity": "important", "title": "node-http-signature: ftbfs with node-uuid 8.2 in experimental - Cannot read property 'on' of null", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-07-03 16:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 964214, "source": "debhelper", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libdebhelper-perl: dh_auto_configure cannot do out-of-tree builds for qmake buildsystem", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-21 15:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 964548, "source": "vuls", "severity": "serious", "title": "vuls: FTBFS: cannot find package \"golang.org/x/oauth2\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-07-08 14:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 964756, "source": "v4l-utils", "severity": "important", "title": "v4l-utils: please consider using clang in arch:all part only", "affected_sources": [ "v4l-utils" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:v4l-utils" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-07-10 01:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 964863, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: check if branch is in packed state and use it instead of failing or throwing a warning", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-07-11 12:06:05 +0000" }, { "id": 964899, "source": "ruby-net-dns", "severity": "normal", "title": "FTBFS: test suites fails with 1 failures, 8 errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:41:50 +0000" }, { "id": 964985, "source": "libpcap", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libpcap0.8: build with rpcap support (--enable-remote)", "affected_sources": [ "wireshark" ], "affected_packages": [ "wireshark" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 11:06:01 +0000" }, { "id": 965009, "source": "ratt", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ratt: Please allow passing through options to sbuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-09 21:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 965026, "source": "grub2", "severity": "critical", "title": "grub-emu hangs linux console when run as root", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-09 08:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 965067, "source": "googler", "severity": "grave", "title": "googler: \"No results\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "fixed", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-08-18 07:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 965239, "source": "musescore-snapshot", "severity": "serious", "title": "musescore-snapshot: FTBFS against Qt 5.14: error: ambiguous overload for ������operator<<������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-07-17 23:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 965245, "source": "xen", "severity": "normal", "title": "Cross-build issues", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-12-05 19:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 965758, "source": "onetime", "severity": "serious", "title": "onetime: Removal of obsolete debhelper compat 5 and 6 in bookworm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:00 +0000" }, { "id": 965952, "source": "grub2", "severity": "normal", "title": "FTBFS when parallel-building (-j32)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-07-21 11:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 966084, "source": "reprepro", "severity": "normal", "title": "Implemented building using CMake. Refactored repo structure. Eliminated some global state. Optimized build. Added hardening.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-07-12 22:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 966333, "source": "reprotest", "severity": "important", "title": "reprotest: Tests not run during build and fail with python 3.8", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-11-18 22:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 966446, "source": "node-solid-jose", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-solid-jose: FTBFS Error: Cannot find module 'babel-helper-function-name'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-07-28 15:27:09 +0000" }, { "id": 966447, "source": "node-trust-jwa", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-trust-jwa: FTBFS: Error: Cannot find module 'babel-helper-function-name'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-07-28 15:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 966462, "source": "apt", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt: apt build-dep --download ... installs packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-07-28 19:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 966485, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: [gbp pull] git merge invoked without --ff", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-07-29 08:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 966640, "source": "aptitude", "severity": "important", "title": "build-depends: debhelper-compat (= 13) cannot be satisfied", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-20 12:54:13 +0000" }, { "id": 966707, "source": "debhelper", "severity": "normal", "title": "debhelper: dh not keeping command log results in package rebuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-04-11 11:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 966841, "source": "radium-compressor", "severity": "normal", "title": "radium-compressor FTCBFS: builds for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-08-03 07:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 967075, "source": "ghc", "severity": "important", "title": "haskell-ghc-lib-parser: FTBFS on mips* and s390x: /usr/lib/ghc/include/stg/SMP.h:390:2: error: #error memory barriers unimplemented on this architecture", "affected_sources": [ "haskell-ghc-lib-parser" ], "affected_packages": [ "haskell-ghc-lib-parser" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 17:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 967485, "source": "gtkam", "severity": "normal", "title": "gtkam: depends on deprecated GTK 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:07 +0000" }, { "id": 967861, "source": "foxtrotgps", "severity": "serious", "title": "foxtrotgps: depends on deprecated libglade2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 21:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 967865, "source": "ghemical", "severity": "serious", "title": "ghemical: depends on deprecated libglade2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-21 07:00:01 +0000" }, { "id": 967880, "source": "mialmpick", "severity": "serious", "title": "mialmpick: depends on deprecated libglade2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-21 06:36:01 +0000" }, { "id": 967954, "source": "rust-debcargo", "severity": "normal", "title": "debcargo: generated ranged build-deps result in \"BD-uninstallable\" on debian buildd network", "affected_sources": [ "rust-buffered-reader" ], "affected_packages": [ "rust-buffered-reader" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-10-26 16:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 967976, "source": "obs-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "obs-build: update to the latest upstream version", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:08 +0000" }, { "id": 968019, "source": "enhanceio", "severity": "serious", "title": "enhanceio: Unversioned Python removal in sid/bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-08-06 20:12:06 +0000" }, { "id": 968157, "source": "haskell-cborg", "severity": "important", "title": "src:haskell-cborg: testsuite fails due to bus errors on armhf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-10-03 09:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 968388, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "build-rdeps: with dose-extra, lists too many rdeps", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-04 19:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 968415, "source": "sus", "severity": "serious", "title": "susv4: downloaded tarball no longer matches recorded checksum", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 11:03:11 +0000" }, { "id": 968480, "source": "oflib", "severity": "normal", "title": "oflib FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-08-16 06:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 968554, "source": "live-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "live-build: install in uefi mode without internet", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-08-17 10:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 968604, "source": "acpi-override", "severity": "serious", "title": "acpi-override-initramfs makes update-initramfs fail when /var/lib/acpi-override/ is empty", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-24 20:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 968660, "source": "virtualbox", "severity": "normal", "title": "virtualbox-dkms: Doesn't build with kernel 5.8.2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-09-06 07:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 968670, "source": "dwz", "severity": "normal", "title": "dwz: Fails with \"Unknown DWARF DW_OP_1\"", "affected_sources": [ "olive-editor" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:olive-editor" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-12 21:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 968710, "source": "debhelper", "severity": "normal", "title": "dh_strip: build-ID-based debug symbols have file conflicts for duplicate private shared libraries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-02-05 11:30:05 +0000" }, { "id": 968762, "source": "matchbox-desktop", "severity": "normal", "title": "matchbox-desktop FTCBFS: configures for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-08-21 05:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 968837, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: ruby-toys -- configurable command line tool for builds and workflows", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-08-22 00:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 969182, "source": "debhelper", "severity": "minor", "title": "debhelper: compat 11 adds install --strip-program=true which generates annoying warnings during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-08-29 07:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 969188, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: duplicati -- user-friendly remote, encrypted, incremental backups; capable GUI via built-in local server", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-02-04 16:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 969201, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: When tarball-dir configuation option is set but no orig.tar.gz exists extracting the source fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-08-29 09:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 969243, "source": "mpdas", "severity": "normal", "title": "mpdas FTCBFS: uses the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-08-30 11:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 969249, "source": "ukopp", "severity": "normal", "title": "ulopp FTCBFS: uses the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-08-30 05:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 969382, "source": "xssproxy", "severity": "normal", "title": "xssproxy FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 23:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 969454, "source": "apktool", "severity": "normal", "title": "apktool: unable to rebuild Trebuchet", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-09-03 08:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 969470, "source": "virtualbox", "severity": "normal", "title": "virtualbox dkms build fails against kernel 5.8.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-09-05 09:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 969644, "source": "kcc", "severity": "normal", "title": "kcc FTCBFS: builds for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-09-06 12:30:08 +0000" }, { "id": 969907, "source": "poppler", "severity": "grave", "title": "inkscape, etc. crashing with mismatched libpoppler102 and libpoppler-glib8", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-10 10:15:07 +0000" }, { "id": 969952, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "provide a way to export the source tree (without building)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-07-31 07:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 970051, "source": "gr-gsm", "severity": "important", "title": "gr-gsm: FTBFS on mips64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:11 +0000" }, { "id": 970128, "source": "brp-pacu", "severity": "normal", "title": "brp-pacu FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-09-12 07:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 970278, "source": "smartlist", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "smartlist: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-07 20:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 970659, "source": "nspr", "severity": "important", "title": "nspr: FTBFS on hurd-i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-30 17:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 970720, "source": "reprepro", "severity": "normal", "title": "reprepro: Processing of changes file produced with sbuild's --dpkg-file-suffix fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-09-22 12:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 970928, "source": "firefox", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "firefox: please run js regression test suite at build-time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-09-25 18:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 970986, "source": "materia-gtk-theme", "severity": "serious", "title": "materia-gtk-theme: does not define @text_view_bg named colour", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-24 13:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 971051, "source": "ratmenu", "severity": "normal", "title": "ratmenu FTCBFS: strips with the build architecture strip", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-09-26 20:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 971082, "source": "libxslt", "severity": "normal", "title": "libxslt FTCBFS: fails running the built xsltproc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-09-27 14:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 971673, "source": "node-jquery", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "node-jquery: build jquery.slim.js", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-21 21:54:05 +0000" }, { "id": 971718, "source": "dvdtape", "severity": "normal", "title": "dvdtape FTCBFS: builds for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-10-05 19:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 971756, "source": "virt-manager", "severity": "normal", "title": "virt-manager: Could not build storage pool: unable to control COW flag, not btrfs: Function not implemented", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-10-06 14:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 971758, "source": "tss2", "severity": "serious", "title": "tss2: New upstream version 1.5.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-21 20:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 971825, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: ruby-fixture-builder -- build Rails fixtures using object mother factories", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-10-08 06:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 972069, "source": "slepc", "severity": "normal", "title": "slepc64-dev: enable ARPACK support in 64-bit build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-11 12:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 972085, "source": "gtkam", "severity": "normal", "title": "gtkam: Build-Depends on libexif-gtk, which is moving to GTK3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:07 +0000" }, { "id": 972129, "source": "vino", "severity": "serious", "title": "vino: unmaintained upstream", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 14:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 972222, "source": "debhelper", "severity": "normal", "title": "Unexpected dh_missing error when building for arch \"all\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-10-14 18:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 972287, "source": "libcoverart", "severity": "normal", "title": "libcoverart FTCBFS: does not build IMPORT_EXECUTABLES", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-10-15 20:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 972363, "source": "etesync-dav", "severity": "serious", "title": "etesync-dav: unsatisfiable build dependencies: python3-radicale (< 3.1)", "affected_sources": [ "etesync-dav" ], "affected_packages": [ "python3-etesync-dav" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-07-03 17:21:08 +0000" }, { "id": 972525, "source": "gnupg2", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd: sbuild randomly fails to sign changes file despite valid signature keys", "affected_sources": [ "sbuild" ], "affected_packages": [ "sbuild" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-02-05 15:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 972645, "source": "gnome-builder", "severity": "normal", "title": "gnome-builder does not start without flatpak package installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-12-09 22:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 972706, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder-satisfydepends-classic cannot parse version restrictions <= and << correctly", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-11-09 12:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 972829, "source": "rustc", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-lldb: depends on nonexistent package python3-lldb-7 in buster", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-27 08:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 973204, "source": "python-gnupg", "severity": "normal", "title": "python-gnupg: FTBFS: AssertionError: Failed doctest test for gnupg.GPG.encrypt", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:13 +0000" }, { "id": 973233, "source": "tinc", "severity": "serious", "title": "tinc: FTBFS: configure: error: VDE plug header files not found.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:13 +0000" }, { "id": 973260, "source": "apt", "severity": "normal", "title": "apt --mark-auto build-dep hello sets packages as manually installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-04-26 14:45:08 +0000" }, { "id": 973387, "source": "rust-bindgen", "severity": "normal", "title": "rust-bindgen cannot be built with \"static\" feature.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-11-01 21:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 973414, "source": "rustc", "severity": "important", "title": "rustc: produces non-baseline opcodes for compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4 on i386", "affected_sources": [ "librsvg", "mozjs78" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:librsvg", "libmozjs-78-0", "librsvg2-2", "src:mozjs78" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 22:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 973457, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "autopkgtest-build-qemu: New option \"variant\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-11 13:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 973599, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx: EoL driver should not be released with bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-07-26 21:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 973969, "source": "gramadoir", "severity": "important", "title": "gramadoir: please rebuild with dh_elpa 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-12-06 11:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 974004, "source": "perl", "severity": "important", "title": "perl: FTBFS on m68k and sh4: qemu-user trashes argv[0] breaking multi-call binaries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-11-24 19:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 974901, "source": "php7.3", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "php7.3-cli: Add ZTS build for PHP Cli", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-11-16 10:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 974960, "source": "libforms", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libforms: reproducible-builds: example Makefile contains embedded paths", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 22:18:23 +0000" }, { "id": 975094, "source": "reprotest", "severity": "important", "title": "reprotest: tox testsuite is not run during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-11-18 22:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 975199, "source": "pulseview", "severity": "important", "title": "pulseview: FTBFS: dh_auto_configure: error: cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None -DCMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR=/etc -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALSTATEDIR=/var -DCMAKE_EXPORT_NO_PACKAGE_REGISTRY=ON -DCMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NO_PACKAGE_REGISTRY=ON \"-GUnix Makefiles\" -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib/x86_64-linux-gnu .. returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:16 +0000" }, { "id": 975405, "source": "wabt", "severity": "important", "title": "wabt: Please build wabt.js", "affected_sources": [ "node-jest", "node-webassemblyjs", "node-webpack" ], "affected_packages": [ "webpack", "node-webassemblyjs", "jest" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-03-16 22:33:10 +0000" }, { "id": 975490, "source": "u-boot", "severity": "critical", "title": "u-boot-sunxi: A64-Olinuxino-eMMC boot stuck at \"Starting kernel ...\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-19 11:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 975677, "source": "sawfish", "severity": "serious", "title": "sawfish: requires gdk-pixbuf-xlib-2.0.pc but does not build-depend on a package containing it", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-01-06 03:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 975708, "source": "installation-reports", "severity": "grave", "title": "installation-reports: Many disk start/stop with daily-image installer on LS-XHL", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-11-25 12:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 975802, "source": "gitano", "severity": "serious", "title": "gitano: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j1 test returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:16 +0000" }, { "id": 976017, "source": "binutils", "severity": "important", "title": "gold linker crashing where ld doesn't", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-11-28 10:54:06 +0000" }, { "id": 976050, "source": "mailutils", "severity": "important", "title": "mailutils: FTBFS with emacs installed in build environment", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-04-03 00:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 976073, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: support \"podman\" as chroot mode and provide a sbuild-create-oci command (built on top of buildah)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-11-29 15:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 976148, "source": "lxml", "severity": "normal", "title": "lxml: enable test suite during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-06-08 12:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 976175, "source": "blhc", "severity": "normal", "title": "blhc: false positive \"NONVERBOSE BUILD\" for waf-builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-07 17:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 976374, "source": "rustc", "severity": "important", "title": "rustc: produces non-baseline opcodes for compiler_builtins::int::udiv::__udivmoddi4 on i386", "affected_sources": [ "librsvg", "mozjs78" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:librsvg", "libmozjs-78-0", "librsvg2-2", "src:mozjs78" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-26 20:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 976468, "source": "python-ptrace", "severity": "important", "title": "python-ptrace: FTBFS on arm64,ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test -i python{version} -p 3.9 returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-09 07:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 976469, "source": "haskell-xml-html-qq", "severity": "important", "title": "haskell-xml-html-qq: FTBFS: tests failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-09 12:57:08 +0000" }, { "id": 976471, "source": "xfonts-75dpi", "severity": "important", "title": "xfonts-75dpi: FTBFS on arm64: configure: error: /bin/bash ../font-adobe-75dpi/config.sub aarch64-linux-gnu failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-03 12:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 976473, "source": "r-cran-s2", "severity": "important", "title": "r-cran-s2: FTBFS: ../inst/include/s2/third_party/absl/base/internal/unaligned_access.h:289:8: error: ������uint64������ does not name a type; did you mean ������uint64_t������?", "affected_sources": [ "r-cran-sf" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:r-cran-sf" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-10-05 11:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 976483, "source": "libosl", "severity": "important", "title": "libosl: FTBFS on arm64: lightMutex.h:64:2: error: impossible constraint in ������asm������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:20 +0000" }, { "id": 976484, "source": "rust-mach-o-sys", "severity": "normal", "title": "rust-mach-o-sys: unsigned values cannot be negated", "affected_sources": [ "rust-memsec" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:rust-memsec" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:41:00 +0000" }, { "id": 976491, "source": "openstructure", "severity": "important", "title": "openstructure: FTBFS on arm64: E: Build killed with signal TERM after 150 minutes of inactivity", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:20 +0000" }, { "id": 976494, "source": "blastem", "severity": "important", "title": "blastem: FTBFS on arm64: z80_to_x86.c:634:21: error: invalid operands to binary - (have ������code_ptr������ {aka ������unsigned int *������} and ������uint8_t *������ {aka ������unsigned char *������})", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 17:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 976496, "source": "embree", "severity": "important", "title": "embree: FTBFS on arm64: ./build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/./build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp/src.c:11: undefined reference to `pthread_create'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-27 06:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 976500, "source": "helpful-el", "severity": "important", "title": "helpful-el: FTBFS randomly on arm64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:22 +0000" }, { "id": 976505, "source": "gkl", "severity": "important", "title": "gkl: FTBFS on arm64: deflate.c:995:36: error: ������x86_cpu_has_sse42������ undeclared (first use in this function)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:22 +0000" }, { "id": 976507, "source": "golang-google-cloud", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-google-cloud: FTBFS on arm64,ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): dh_auto_test: error: cd build && go test -vet=off -v -p 4 -short cloud.google.com/go cloud.google.com/go/asset/apiv1 [..] returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-07-29 17:21:09 +0000" }, { "id": 976511, "source": "vg", "severity": "important", "title": "vg: FTBFS on arm64: configure: error: Could not find a version of the library!", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:23 +0000" }, { "id": 976514, "source": "tinyarray", "severity": "important", "title": "tinyarray: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.8 3.9\" --test-pytest --test-args=../../../test_tinyarray.py returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-08-21 13:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 976515, "source": "dwz", "severity": "normal", "title": "olive-editor: FTBFS: dh_dwz: error: dwz -mdebian/olive-editor/usr/lib/debug/.dwz/aarch64-linux-gnu/olive-editor.debug -M/usr/lib/debug/.dwz/aarch64-linux-gnu/olive-editor.debug -- debian/olive-editor/usr/bin/olive-crashhandler debian/olive-editor/usr/bin/olive-editor returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ "olive-editor" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:olive-editor" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-12 21:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 976517, "source": "bmagic", "severity": "important", "title": "bmagic: FTBFS on arm64,ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): cc1plus: error: unknown value ������core2������ for ������-march������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:24 +0000" }, { "id": 976521, "source": "jnr-ffi", "severity": "important", "title": "jnr-ffi: FTBFS on arm64,ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): dh_auto_test: error: /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/bin/java -noverify -cp /usr/share/maven/boot/plexus-classworlds-2.x.jar -Dmaven.home=/usr/share/maven -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory=/<> -Dclassworlds.conf=/etc/maven/m2-debian.conf org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher -s/etc/maven/settings-debian.xml -Ddebian.dir=/<>/debian -Dmaven.repo.local=/<>/debian/maven-repo --batch-mode test returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-04 22:06:07 +0000" }, { "id": 976523, "source": "spades", "severity": "important", "title": "spades: FTBFS: jemalloc_internal.h:292:6: error: #error \"No LG_QUANTUM definition for architecture; specify via CPPFLAGS\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-09 13:21:46 +0000" }, { "id": 976534, "source": "jctools", "severity": "important", "title": "jctools: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/bin/java -noverify -cp /usr/share/maven/boot/plexus-classworlds-2.x.jar -Dmaven.home=/usr/share/maven -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory=/<> -Dclassworlds.conf=/etc/maven/m2-debian.conf -Dproperties.file.manual=/<>/debian/maven.properties org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher -s/etc/maven/settings-debian.xml -Ddebian.dir=/<>/debian -Dmaven.repo.local=/<>/debian/maven-repo --batch-mode test returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 17:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 976540, "source": "clippoly", "severity": "serious", "title": "clippoly: FTBFS on arm64,ppc64el: dh_auto_test: error: make -j4 check VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-10 13:51:25 +0000" }, { "id": 976545, "source": "ufoai-maps", "severity": "normal", "title": "ufoai-maps: FTBFS [arm64]: SubdivideFace: didn't split the polygon (texture: 'tex_misc/container001')", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:26 +0000" }, { "id": 976548, "source": "akuma", "severity": "important", "title": "akuma: FTBFS on arm64,ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): dh_auto_test: error: /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/bin/java -noverify -cp /usr/share/maven/boot/plexus-classworlds-2.x.jar -Dmaven.home=/usr/share/maven -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory=/<> -Dclassworlds.conf=/etc/maven/m2-debian.conf -Dproperties.file.manual=/<>/debian/maven.properties org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher -s/etc/maven/settings-debian.xml -Ddebian.dir=/<>/debian -Dmaven.repo.local=/<>/debian/maven-repo --batch-mode test returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:26 +0000" }, { "id": 976552, "source": "dune-localfunctions", "severity": "important", "title": "dune-localfunctions: FTBFS on arm64,ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): tests failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-10-22 09:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 976553, "source": "mojoshader", "severity": "important", "title": "mojoshader: FTBFS on architectures with unsigned char: segfaults", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-04-18 17:54:07 +0000" }, { "id": 976557, "source": "kafs-client", "severity": "important", "title": "kafs-client: FTBFS: cc: error: unrecognized command-line option ������-m64������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-09 02:39:12 +0000" }, { "id": 976564, "source": "golang-github-linuxkit-virtsock", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-linuxkit-virtsock: FTBFS: dh_auto_build: error: cd obj-aarch64-linux-gnu && go install -trimpath -v -p 4 github.com/linuxkit/virtsock/cmd/sock_stress github.com/linuxkit/virtsock/cmd/vsudd github.com/linuxkit/virtsock/pkg/hvsock github.com/linuxkit/virtsock/pkg/vsock returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-03 22:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 976571, "source": "xfonts-100dpi", "severity": "important", "title": "xfonts-100dpi on arm64: FTBFS: configure: error: /bin/bash ../font-bh-100dpi/config.sub aarch64-linux-gnu failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-03 10:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 976576, "source": "spring", "severity": "minor", "title": "spring: FTBFS on arm64 (when trying to build arch:all)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:28 +0000" }, { "id": 976582, "source": "backward-cpp", "severity": "important", "title": "backward-cpp: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-aarch64-linux-gnu && make -j4 test ARGS\\+=-j4 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:28 +0000" }, { "id": 976584, "source": "rust-generator", "severity": "important", "title": "rust-generator: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: /usr/share/cargo/bin/cargo test --all returned exit code 101", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-22 13:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 976587, "source": "tarantool", "severity": "important", "title": "tarantool: FTBFS on arm64: fiber.c:47:10: fatal error: x86intrin.h: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-09-15 17:39:09 +0000" }, { "id": 976588, "source": "rapmap", "severity": "minor", "title": "rapmap: FTBFS on arm64 (when trying to build arch:all)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:29 +0000" }, { "id": 976625, "source": "linux", "severity": "normal", "title": "linux-image-5.9.0-4-amd64: nvidia dkms fails to build on kernel 5.9.11-1 amd64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2020-12-06 03:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 976669, "source": "lintian", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "lintian: please warn about autopkgtests that test rebuilt source, not as-installed, where possible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-08 20:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 976907, "source": "golang-github-boltdb-bolt", "severity": "normal", "title": "golang-github-boltdb-bolt: FTBFS on ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-powerpc64le-linux-gnu && go test -vet=off -v -p 160 -short github.com/boltdb/bolt github.com/boltdb/bolt/cmd/bolt returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-02-01 19:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 976909, "source": "h2o", "severity": "normal", "title": "h2o: FTBFS on ppc64el: ld: /usr/lib/gcc/powerpc64le-linux-gnu/10/../../../powerpc64le-linux-gnu/Scrt1.o:(.data.rel.ro.local+0x8): undefined reference to `main'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:29 +0000" }, { "id": 976912, "source": "gnudatalanguage", "severity": "important", "title": "coyote: FTBFS on ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): Magick: abort due to signal 6 (SIGABRT) \"Abort\"...", "affected_sources": [ "coyote" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:coyote" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-12-09 09:45:45 +0000" }, { "id": 976913, "source": "golang-github-henrydcase-nobs", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-henrydcase-nobs: FTBFS on ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): dh_auto_build: error: cd obj-powerpc64le-linux-gnu && go install -trimpath -v -p 160 github.com/henrydcase/nobs/dh/csidh github.com/henrydcase/nobs/dh/sidh github.com/henrydcase/nobs/dh/sidh/internal/isogeny github.com/henrydcase/nobs/dh/sidh/p503 github.com/henrydcase/nobs/dh/sidh/p751 github.com/henrydcase/nobs/drbg github.com/henrydcase/nobs/drbg/internal/aes github.com/henrydcase/nobs/hash/sha3 github.com/henrydcase/nobs/hash/shake github.com/henrydcase/nobs/hash/sm3 github.com/henrydcase/nobs/kem/sike github.com/henrydcase/nobs/utils returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-26 09:03:07 +0000" }, { "id": 976916, "source": "dune-functions", "severity": "minor", "title": "dune-functions: FTBFS on ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): Dune reported error: Dune::Exception [testScalarBasisConst:/<>/dune/functions/functionspacebases/test/gridviewfunctionspacebasistest.cc:233]: Error: integral value is wrong!", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-10-22 09:42:07 +0000" }, { "id": 976919, "source": "edk2", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "edk2: FTBFS on ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): Could not detected HOST_ARCH from uname results", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:30 +0000" }, { "id": 976924, "source": "golang-github-hashicorp-raft", "severity": "normal", "title": "golang-github-hashicorp-raft: FTBFS on ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-powerpc64le-linux-gnu && go test -vet=off -v -p 160 github.com/hashicorp/raft github.com/hashicorp/raft/bench returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:30 +0000" }, { "id": 976926, "source": "golang-github-coreos-bbolt", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-coreos-bbolt: FTBFS on ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-powerpc64le-linux-gnu && go test -vet=off -v -p 160 -short go.etcd.io/bbolt returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:31 +0000" }, { "id": 976931, "source": "backward-cpp", "severity": "important", "title": "backward-cpp: FTBFS on ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-powerpc64le-linux-gnu && make -j160 test ARGS\\+=-j160 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:31 +0000" }, { "id": 976933, "source": "libsys-cpuaffinity-perl", "severity": "important", "title": "libsys-cpuaffinity-perl: Failed test 'setCpuAffinity set affinity to 18446744073709551615 == 1267650600228229401496703205376 != 18446744073709551615'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-12-24 13:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 976937, "source": "python-trio", "severity": "normal", "title": "python-trio: FTBFS on ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): E: Build killed with signal TERM after 150 minutes of inactivity", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-14 21:36:05 +0000" }, { "id": 976940, "source": "golang-refraction-networking-utls", "severity": "normal", "title": "golang-refraction-networking-utls: FTBFS on ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-powerpc64le-linux-gnu && go test -vet=off -v -p 160 github.com/refraction-networking/utls github.com/refraction-networking/utls/cpu github.com/refraction-networking/utls/testenv returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:32 +0000" }, { "id": 976943, "source": "golang-github-seccomp-libseccomp-golang", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-seccomp-libseccomp-golang: FTBFS on ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-powerpc64le-linux-gnu && go test -vet=off -v -p 160 github.com/seccomp/libseccomp-golang returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-06-14 03:03:07 +0000" }, { "id": 976945, "source": "ruby-awesome-print", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-awesome-print: FTBFS on ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): ERROR: Test \"ruby2.7\" failed: \u001b[31mFailure/Error: expect(my.ai(plain: true)).to eq(\"#{my.inspect}\\n\" << `ls -alF #{my.path}`.chop)\u001b[0m", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:32 +0000" }, { "id": 976948, "source": "jnr-unixsocket", "severity": "normal", "title": "jnr-unixsocket: FTBFS on ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): dh_auto_test: error: /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/bin/java -noverify -cp /usr/share/maven/boot/plexus-classworlds-2.x.jar -Dmaven.home=/usr/share/maven -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory=/<> -Dclassworlds.conf=/etc/maven/m2-debian.conf org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher -s/etc/maven/settings-debian.xml -Ddebian.dir=/<>/debian -Dmaven.repo.local=/<>/debian/maven-repo --batch-mode test returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:33 +0000" }, { "id": 976951, "source": "ospd-openvas", "severity": "minor", "title": "ospd-openvas: FTBFS on ppc64el (arch:all-only src pkg): dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test -i python{version} -p 3.9 returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:33 +0000" }, { "id": 976991, "source": "openldap", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libldap-2.4-2:amd64: Please consider building with openssl instead of gnutls", "affected_sources": [ "freeradius" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:freeradius" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 08:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 977136, "source": "libwebsockets", "severity": "important", "title": "libwebsockets: please build with -DLWS_MAX_SMP=0 to avoid deadlocks in janus", "affected_sources": [ "janus" ], "affected_packages": [ "janus" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-12-11 15:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 977321, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "O: autoconf2.13 -- automatic configure script builder (obsolete version)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-08-10 17:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 977322, "source": "lintian", "severity": "normal", "title": "Following advice of cute-field tag for X-DhRuby-Root breaks build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-22 14:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 977491, "source": "rust-debcargo", "severity": "normal", "title": "debcargo: no clear way to indicate that a \"feature\" is actually a build-dep for a binary crate", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-12-15 17:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 977509, "source": "clips", "severity": "normal", "title": "clips FTCBFS: builds for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-12-15 21:54:07 +0000" }, { "id": 977591, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "devscripts: debuild supports \"-aarch\" but not \"-a arch\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-04 15:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 977611, "source": "apt-cacher-ng", "severity": "serious", "title": "apt-cacher-ng: Daily cron job frequently hangs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-28 12:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 977634, "source": "id-utils", "severity": "normal", "title": "id-utils FTCBFS: forces the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-12-17 21:57:08 +0000" }, { "id": 977674, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "important", "title": "Corrupt changes file when built with --source-only-changes", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-28 16:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 977692, "source": "node-babel7", "severity": "important", "title": "src:node-babel7: build-dependency loop with node-regenerator-transform", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-12-19 01:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 978012, "source": "xsddiagram", "severity": "grave", "title": "xsddiagram: No diagram is shown", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-04 04:33:20 +0000" }, { "id": 978172, "source": "evolution-data-server,libphonenumber", "severity": "normal", "title": "Decide whether libphonenumber or its users should B-D against libboost dev packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:34 +0000" }, { "id": 978436, "source": "rustc", "severity": "important", "title": "rustc: generates invalid DWARF with LTO enabled (dwz: Couldn't find DIE referenced by DW_AT_abstract_origin)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-12-27 13:03:07 +0000" }, { "id": 978454, "source": "eviacam", "severity": "normal", "title": "eviacam FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-12-27 19:24:05 +0000" }, { "id": 978467, "source": "libfsxfs", "severity": "normal", "title": "libfsxfs: memory tests fundamentally broken, please disable them on riscv64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2020-12-27 19:51:24 +0000" }, { "id": 978595, "source": "edk2", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Package Xen builds", "affected_sources": [ "xen" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:xen" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-19 12:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 978665, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: bazel-rules-pkg -- Bazel package building & fetching rules", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-12-03 01:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 978729, "source": "debian-cd", "severity": "important", "title": "ERROR build/debian-cd: E: The value 'unstable' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a release is not available in the sources when building buster image", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-02-05 03:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 978946, "source": "gfxboot", "severity": "normal", "title": "gfxboot: reproducible builds: Embeds user id, group id and timestamps in cpio files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-27 07:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 979151, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build: installer_debian-installer script needs to support xz compression", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-26 22:33:07 +0000" }, { "id": 979332, "source": "simplepie", "severity": "serious", "title": "New upstream version", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-09 04:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 979450, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "important", "title": "autopkgest-build-lxc uses old lxc configuration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-03-28 19:51:08 +0000" }, { "id": 979455, "source": "virtualjaguar", "severity": "normal", "title": "virtualjaguar FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-06 21:57:12 +0000" }, { "id": 979467, "source": "flightgear", "severity": "normal", "title": "flightgear: new fgfs-compositor binary is not built", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-06 23:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 979501, "source": "apache2", "severity": "normal", "title": "apache2: Please build against lua5.3 instead of lua5.2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-20 10:31:40 +0000" }, { "id": 979545, "source": "courier", "severity": "grave", "title": "the stretch-pu: package courier/0.76.3-5+deb9u1 still are broken", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 23:36:01 +0000" }, { "id": 979548, "source": "u-boot", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "u-boot: Package Xen build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-14 19:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 979637, "source": "ddd", "severity": "normal", "title": "ddd: FTBFS in a build directory containing \"ddd-O\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-10 00:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 979655, "source": "llvm-toolchain-6.0", "severity": "serious", "title": "llvm-toolchain-6.0: Test suite hangs the autobuilder on single-CPU systems", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-09 19:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 979656, "source": "llvm-toolchain-7", "severity": "serious", "title": "llvm-toolchain-7: Test suite hangs the autobuilder on single-CPU systems", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-09 19:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 979668, "source": "pulseeffects", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pulseeffects: please build with rnnoise plugin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-05-06 00:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 979671, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx: CVE-2021-1056", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-19 10:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 979699, "source": "bazel-bootstrap", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "bazel-bootstrap: Please enable building of Debian packages using Bazel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-06-05 20:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 979833, "source": "tiff", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libtiff4: Document that Debian build is GPL due to dependency on libjbig0 (?)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-22 20:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 979846, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: bazel -- Tool to automate software builds and tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-12-16 10:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 980058, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "mk-build-deps: provide a way to generate B-Ds for arch-independent builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-13 15:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 980099, "source": "aptitude,aspcud", "severity": "important", "title": "virtual packages are failing to resolve when older versions of real packages are present when building buster-backports", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-14 16:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 980100, "source": "automake-1.17", "severity": "normal", "title": "Problem on sh4 in Debian auto-building of Gnuastro", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-14 14:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 980372, "source": "libldac", "severity": "important", "title": "libldac: FTBFS on all big-endian architectures: #error unsupported byte order", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-18 11:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 980405, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "O: zc.buildout -- system for managing development buildouts", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-01-18 19:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 980406, "source": "node-xterm", "severity": "important", "title": "node-xterm: likely broken build - JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data Resource", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-04 05:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 980411, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "O: glbsp -- node builder library for OpenGL-based Doom-style games (headers)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-01-18 20:00:12 +0000" }, { "id": 980548, "source": "libphonenumber", "severity": "normal", "title": "libphonenumber build issues", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-20 12:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 980723, "source": "rust-debcargo", "severity": "normal", "title": "debcargo-built binary crates have no way to run upstream tests", "affected_sources": [ "rust-sequoia-keyring-linter", "rust-sequoia-sop", "rust-sequoia-sqv" ], "affected_packages": [ "rust-sequoia-keyring-linter", "rust-sequoia-sop", "rust-sequoia-sqv" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-21 22:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 980923, "source": "apt-cacher-ng", "severity": "serious", "title": "acngtools eats all the CPU and doesn������t finish daily cron with merged pdiffs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-28 12:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 980951, "source": "erlang-ranch", "severity": "serious", "title": "erlang-ranch: FTBFS: ssl:cipher_suites/0 is deprecated", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-30 06:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 980964, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "important", "title": "autopkgest-build-lxc uses old lxc configuration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-03-28 19:51:07 +0000" }, { "id": 980965, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "important", "title": "autopkgest-build-lxc uses old lxc configuration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-03-28 19:51:08 +0000" }, { "id": 981013, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "minor", "title": "git-buildpackage: dch: Please don't capture stderr on debchange run", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-25 16:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 981021, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "devscripts: debsign fails to sign dsc if buildinfo was already signed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-25 16:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 981043, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "minor", "title": "git-buildpackage: dch: Please support --distribution for snapshots (or at least properly document --distribution)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-25 17:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 981173, "source": "gem2deb", "severity": "important", "title": "gem2deb: FTBFS on ia64, can't find gem rake with executable rake", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-01-27 12:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 981224, "source": "ruby-uglifier", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-uglifier: FTBFS: tests fail: uglifier_spec.rb:383, uglifier_spec.rb:751", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-25 22:42:16 +0000" }, { "id": 981307, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "minor", "title": "pbuilder: Still refers to Alioth and git.debian.org a lot in documentation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-02-01 15:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 981536, "source": "google-cloud-print-connector", "severity": "serious", "title": "google-cloud-print-connector: Service has been shutdown", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-02-01 08:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 981600, "source": "nghttp2", "severity": "serious", "title": "nghttp2: missing build-depends on tzdata (in arch-only build)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-14 10:24:09 +0000" }, { "id": 981643, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "debootstrap: variant=buildd: Drop apt.conf.d snippet to set APT::Get::Always-Include-Phased-Updates to true", "affected_sources": [ "sbuild", "ubuntu-dev-tools" ], "affected_packages": [ "ubuntu-dev-tools", "sbuild" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-02-02 17:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 981659, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "normal", "title": "debootstrap: variant=buildd: Drop apt.conf.d snippet to set APT::Get::Always-Include-Phased-Updates to true", "affected_sources": [ "sbuild", "ubuntu-dev-tools" ], "affected_packages": [ "ubuntu-dev-tools", "sbuild" 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"id": 981893, "source": "libcacard", "severity": "normal", "title": "libcacard FTCBFS: fails running building tests despite DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-17 16:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 981937, "source": "dh-sysuser", "severity": "serious", "title": "dh-sysuser: Reduce negative impact and assess overall utility", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 21:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 982062, "source": "chromium", "severity": "minor", "title": "chromium: Google is limiting private api availability for all chromium builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-18 15:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 982189, "source": "android-platform-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "android-platform-build: unsatisfiable cross Build-Depends: javahelper", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 21:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 982199, "source": "ruby-graphlient", "severity": "important", "title": "enable tests (fails only on buildd)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-02-07 11:12:06 +0000" }, { "id": 982345, "source": "dewalls", "severity": "normal", "title": "dewalls: Segfault during build on ppc64el", "affected_sources": [ ], 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"title": "RoM: win32-loader must not migrate automatically", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-03-23 06:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 982869, "source": "datamash", "severity": "important", "title": "datamash FTBFS on !x86 32bit: FAIL: tests/decorate-errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-02-19 19:09:08 +0000" }, { "id": 983072, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libdpkg-perl: Add ability to update build profiles from vendor hooks", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-15 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true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-02-22 12:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 983320, "source": "xorg-server", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "allow to build the package without udeb", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-02-22 12:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 983333, "source": "stellarium", "severity": "normal", "title": "stellarium should re-enable parallel building", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-02-22 14:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 983388, "source": "console-setup", "severity": "normal", "title": "allow to build the package without udebs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-02-23 13:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 983439, "source": "libdebian-installer", "severity": "normal", "title": "allow to build the package without udebs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-27 21:04:29 +0000" }, { "id": 983518, "source": "cdebconf", "severity": "normal", "title": "allow to build without udeb packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-05-16 14:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 983615, "source": "enhanceio", "severity": "serious", "title": "enhanceio-dkms: module FTBFS for Linux 5.10: unknown type name 'make_request_fn'", "affected_sources": [ ], 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983926, "source": "gatb-core", "severity": "minor", "title": "gatb-core: ftbfs with -march=x86-64-v2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-03 15:15:08 +0000" }, { "id": 983928, "source": "libntru", "severity": "minor", "title": "libntru: ftbfs with -march=x86-64-v2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-03 15:15:13 +0000" }, { "id": 983937, "source": "connectome-workbench", "severity": "minor", "title": "connectome-workbench: ftbfs with -march=x86-64-v3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-03 15:45:08 +0000" }, { "id": 983938, "source": "dart", "severity": "minor", "title": "dart: ftbfs with -march=x86-64-v3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 19:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 983940, "source": "gf-complete", "severity": "minor", "title": "gf-complete: ftbfs with -march=x86-64-v3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-12-30 18:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 983942, "source": "gromacs", "severity": "minor", "title": "gromacs: ftbfs with -march=x86-64-v3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-11-28 01:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 983943, "source": "libint2", "severity": "minor", "title": "libint2: ftbfs with -march=x86-64-v3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-03 15:45:22 +0000" }, { "id": 983944, "source": "libguestfs", "severity": "minor", "title": "libguestfs: ftbfs with -march=x86-64-v3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-03 15:45:24 +0000" }, { "id": 983945, "source": "libreoffice", "severity": "minor", "title": "libreoffice: ftbfs with -march=x86-64-v3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-17 14:07:05 +0000" }, { "id": 983946, "source": "openstructure", "severity": "minor", "title": "openstructure: ftbfs with -march=x86-64-v3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-03 15:45:29 +0000" }, { "id": 983947, "source": "libsharp", "severity": "minor", "title": "libsharp: ftbfs with -march=x86-64-v3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-03 15:45:31 +0000" }, { "id": 983949, "source": "nbdkit", "severity": "minor", "title": "nbdkit: ftbfs with -march=x86-64-v3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, 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"affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:54 +0000" }, { "id": 984027, "source": "darkice", "severity": "serious", "title": "darkice: ftbfs with GCC-11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:42:55 +0000" }, { "id": 984331, "source": "sipxtapi", "severity": "serious", "title": "sipxtapi: ftbfs with GCC-11", "affected_sources": [ "sipxtapi" ], "affected_packages": [ "libsipxtapi-dev", "libsipxtapi" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 984462, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "RFH: open-build-service", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-06-05 18:45:11 +0000" }, { "id": 984520, "source": "grub2", "severity": "critical", "title": "'error: symbol \"grub_register_command_lockdown\" not found' and then lightdm fails to start", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-07 06:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 984548, "source": "movim", "severity": "serious", "title": "movim: fails to upgrade from 'buster': package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-04 20:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 984627, "source": "rust-debcargo", "severity": "normal", "title": "debcargo: should ignore build-dependencies that are marked cfg(target_env = \"msvc\")", "affected_sources": [ "rust-nettle-sys" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:rust-nettle-sys" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-06 00:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 984685, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: quicknav -- Quicknav is a command line tool that allows you to easily jump to specific locations in your filesystem from a simple command. Quicknav is built for terminal navigation on Unix operating systems.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-03-07 02:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 984760, "source": "grub2", "severity": "critical", "title": "grub-efi-amd64: upgrade works, boot fails (error: symbol `grub_is_lockdown` not found)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-07-20 20:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 984767, "source": "dh-virtualenv", "severity": "normal", "title": "dh-virtualenv: Can't build packages with compat >= 12 as --buildsystem doesn't work", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-04-26 12:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 984810, "source": "courier-authlib", "severity": "serious", "title": "courier-authlib: CVE-2021-28374: /run/courier/authdaemon directory with weak permissions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-15 06:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 984845, "source": "sofia-sip", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sofia-sip: reproducible builds: Embeds build path in binaries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-10 16:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 984982, "source": "plexus-languages", "severity": "serious", "title": "plexus-languages: Build-Depends on no longer available libsisu-maven-plugin-java", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-11 14:36:25 +0000" }, { "id": 985011, "source": "golang-github-go-redis-redis", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-go-redis-redis: autopkgtest regression", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-01-20 14:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 985076, "source": "aptitude", "severity": "normal", "title": "aptitude fails to resolve build dependencies for node-mermaid buster-backports build but aspcud resolved it correctly", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-12 16:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 985184, "source": "reminiscence", "severity": "serious", "title": "reminiscence: New upstream version is not licensed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-18 06:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 985254, "source": "openafs", "severity": "normal", "title": "openafs-modules-dkms: Fails to build on -rt / non-HIGHMEM kernels", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-19 02:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 985266, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: golang-github-huandu-go-sqlbuilder -- A flexible and powerful SQL string builder library plus a zero-config ORM.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-03-15 09:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 985335, "source": "cdebootstrap", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "cdebootstrap: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-16 09:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 985452, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "normal", "title": "cowbuilder: leaves around stray /var/cache/pbuilder/build/cow.[0-9]+", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-22 18:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 985553, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildflags: RFC use gcc .spec files for fixfilepath/fixdebugpath", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-12 17:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 985725, "source": "slurm-wlm", "severity": "serious", "title": "slurm-wlm: flaky autopkgtest: srun: Required node not available (down, drained or reserved)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-10 15:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 985796, "source": "freediameter", "severity": "normal", "title": "freediameter FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture strip", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 08:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 985798, "source": "nvidia-cuda-toolkit", "severity": "normal", "title": "Cannot build TensorFlow using the Debian CUDA packages because of directory layout", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-23 21:15:13 +0000" }, { "id": 985946, "source": "tomboy-ng", "severity": "normal", "title": "tomboy-ng: FTBFS on ppc64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 07:00:01 +0000" }, { "id": 985980, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "minor", "title": "dpkg-buildflags: Allow to query for a specific feature", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-14 23:18:05 +0000" }, { "id": 985999, "source": "lm4tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "lm4tools FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-27 17:00:25 +0000" }, { "id": 986000, "source": "integrit", "severity": "normal", "title": "integrit FTCBFS: debian/rules forces build architecture build tools", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-03-27 17:00:27 +0000" }, { "id": 986130, "source": "fetchmail", "severity": "grave", "title": "fetchmailconf: No update/upgrade possible due to error", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-04-30 20:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 986195, "source": "linux-signed-amd64", "severity": "important", "title": "linux-image-amd64: Building linux-image from the source is failed because of error \"bfd is unknown type\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-06-07 14:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 986234, "source": "calcurse", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "calcurse: ftbfs at the second run of dpkg-buildpackage", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-04-01 10:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 986494, "source": "sipxtapi", "severity": "serious", "title": "sipxtapi: FTBFS with glibc >= 2.32", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 986527, "source": "sagemath", "severity": "serious", "title": "testsuite is too fragile - FTBFS randomly", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-12-23 19:03:47 +0000" }, { "id": 986529, "source": "gvm-libs", "severity": "serious", "title": "gvm-libs: gvm packages not suitable for stable Debian release", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-01 08:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 986530, "source": "routine-update", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "routine-update: Add deb-fix-build from ognibuild package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-04-07 07:01:31 +0000" }, { "id": 986575, "source": "mdbtools", "severity": "normal", "title": "mdbtools ftbfs with -O3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-29 13:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 986578, "source": "nethack", "severity": "normal", "title": "nethack-console: ncurses not enabled in build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-04-07 19:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 986690, "source": "triplane", "severity": "normal", "title": "triplane FTCBFS -- executes dksbuild during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-04-09 20:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 986746, "source": "llvm-defaults", "severity": "normal", "title": "systemd: Symbols are missing when building systemd by Clang", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-01 10:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 986873, "source": "librsvg", "severity": "serious", "title": "librsvg: FTFBS with current rustc in Buster (1.41.1+dfsg1-1~deb10u1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 08:36:05 +0000" }, { "id": 986916, "source": "golang-gopkg-square-go-jose.v2", "severity": "normal", "title": "golang-gopkg-square-go-jose.v2-dev: build-time tests fail on armhf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-31 21:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 986990, "source": "lyskom-server", "severity": "normal", "title": "lyskom-server FTCBFS: configures for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-04-15 06:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 987009, "source": "courier-authlib", "severity": "critical", "title": "courier-authlib: the purported fix for #984810 breaks maildrop \"delivery mode\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-05-29 19:00:05 +0000" }, { "id": 987184, "source": "vg", "severity": "normal", "title": "vg -- excessive variants built, and not tested", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-04-19 10:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 987217, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx: CVE-2021-1076", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-04-19 20:06:05 +0000" }, { "id": 987248, "source": "highlight.js", "severity": "normal", "title": "highlight.js: FTBFS due to a test timeout", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-06-11 09:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 987269, "source": "dh-make-golang", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dh-make-golang: Support building a binary package from a sub directory of source package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-04-20 17:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 987475, "source": "linux", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd.debian.org: fails to poweroff", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-04-24 18:21:10 +0000" }, { "id": 987570, "source": "openjdk-11", "severity": "serious", "title": "openjdk-11-jre-headless: libawt_xawt.so still listed as part of this package instead of openjdk-11-jre", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-05-29 20:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 987602, "source": "ca-certificates", "severity": "serious", "title": "ca-certificates-java,default-jre-headless,openjdk-11-jre-headless: get rid of the circular dependency", "affected_sources": [ "debian-astro" ], "affected_packages": [ "astro-all" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-11 20:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 987606, "source": "sift", "severity": "important", "title": "sift: does not autobuild on buildds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-04-26 15:21:21 +0000" }, { "id": 987714, "source": "dh-r", "severity": "normal", "title": "Depends/Suggests/Recommends are generate from the apt-cache avail list which is unpredictable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-18 20:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 987889, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers", "severity": "normal", "title": "Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 5.10.0-5-amd64 (x86_64)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-05-01 19:30:16 +0000" }, { "id": 988076, "source": "libtorrent", "severity": "important", "title": "libtorrent: FTBFS on hurd-i386: error: 'IPV6_TCLASS' was not declared in this scope.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-05-09 00:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 988094, "source": "chkservice", "severity": "grave", "title": "reportbug: chkservice fails to control certain services", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-05 22:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 988246, "source": "wine-development", "severity": "serious", "title": "wine-development: not intended for a stable release", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:43:06 +0000" }, { "id": 988261, "source": "librsvg", "severity": "important", "title": "librsvg2-2: Please drop libcroco3 dependency on alpha, hppa, m68k, sh4, x32", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-05-18 19:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 988266, "source": "wrapsrv", "severity": "normal", "title": "wrapsrv FTCBFS: builds for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 18:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 988395, "source": "u-boot", "severity": "normal", "title": "u-boot: can't crossbuild with arch:all from amd64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-05-11 21:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 988419, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: please allow building given only a source package name", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-05-12 13:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 988477, "source": "xen", "severity": "critical", "title": "xen-hypervisor-4.14-amd64: xen dmesg shows (XEN) AMD-Vi: IO_PAGE_FAULT on sata pci device", "affected_sources": [ "linux" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:linux" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-03 22:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 988509, "source": "virtualbox", "severity": "normal", "title": "building kernel modules on a multiarch host fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-20 11:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 988512, "source": "ca-cacert", "severity": "grave", "title": "ca-cacert: class3 certificate will expire soon (on May 20 17:48:02 2021 GMT)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-20 19:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 988733, "source": "ruby-twitter-stream", "severity": "grave", "title": "CVE-2020-24392", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:54:25 +0000" }, { "id": 988817, "source": "fwupd", "severity": "serious", "title": "fwupd: Recommends on nonexistent package secureboot-db", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-10 11:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 988900, "source": "perl", "severity": "normal", "title": "perl/experimental: FTBFS on x32: t/io/msg.t failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-05-20 20:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 989033, "source": "equivs", "severity": "normal", "title": "equivs-build fails when multiple 'Links:' have the same filename", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-05-24 05:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 989103, "source": "pulseaudio", "severity": "grave", "title": "pulseaudio regressed on control=Wave configuration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-10-10 20:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 989173, "source": "libuninameslist", "severity": "important", "title": "libuninameslist: FTBFS with -O0: nameslist.c:216: undefined reference to uniNamesList_NamesListVersionFR", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-05-27 13:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 989375, "source": "courier", "severity": "grave", "title": "courier: CVE-2021-38084", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 00:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 989392, "source": "wmmatrix", "severity": "normal", "title": "wmmatrix FTCBFS -- uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-08 15:30:18 +0000" }, { "id": 989395, "source": "wmcpu", "severity": "normal", "title": "wmcpu FTCBFS -- uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-08 15:30:19 +0000" }, { "id": 989497, "source": "superlu-dist", "severity": "normal", "title": "superlu-dist: provide 64-bit build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-06-05 11:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 989533, "source": "xsysinfo", "severity": "normal", "title": "xsysinfo FTCBFS -- uses build compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-08 15:30:22 +0000" }, { "id": 989723, "source": "build-essential", "severity": "normal", "title": "build-essential: resolve conflict around essential-package-list to prepare for Multi-Arch: same", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-08 20:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 989736, "source": "openjdk-8", "severity": "serious", "title": "openjdk-8: keep out of testing and stable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-12 10:33:07 +0000" }, { "id": 989752, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: kms-cmake-utils -- Custom CMake modules, required to build Kurento software components", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-06-11 20:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 989775, "source": "openjpeg2", "severity": "serious", "title": "openjpeg2: CVE-2021-3575", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 21:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 989804, "source": "jamnntpd", "severity": "normal", "title": "jamnntpd FTCBFS -- uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-08 15:30:23 +0000" }, { "id": 989852, "source": "xorg-server", "severity": "serious", "title": "xorg-server-source: Cannot build X from provided source tarball", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-21 09:18:07 +0000" }, { "id": 989917, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: docker-buildx -- docker CLI plugin for BuildKit", "affected_sources": [ "docker.io" ], "affected_packages": [ "docker.io" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 12:00:01 +0000" }, { "id": 989941, "source": "libapache2-mod-ldap-userdir", "severity": "normal", "title": "libapache2-mod-ldap-userdir FTCBFS: configures for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-06-16 11:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 990017, "source": "grub2", "severity": "grave", "title": "[REGRESSION] Bullseye CD installer images fail to install GRUB on OpenPOWER machines", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-08-14 17:57:31 +0000" }, { "id": 990196, "source": "spymemcached", "severity": "normal", "title": "spymemcached: testLibKetamaWeightedCompatLibmemcached test fails on reverse lookup on", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-06-22 14:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 990244, "source": "clisp", "severity": "important", "title": "tests/streams: Failing test on pipe stdout file descriptor", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-12-10 20:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 990247, "source": "vlc", "severity": "normal", "title": "vlc: reproducible builds: Fix passing sort order to tar when generating default.vlt", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-07-17 01:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 990248, "source": "vlc", "severity": "normal", "title": "vlc: reproducible builds: builds different default.vlt file depending on umask", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-06-23 20:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 990264, "source": "ksh93u+m", "severity": "normal", "title": "ksh: output error is not checked for some builtins", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-20 11:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 990270, "source": "zsh", "severity": "normal", "title": "zsh: incorrect handling of EBADF for builtins", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-06-24 10:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 990271, "source": "policykit-1-gnome", "severity": "serious", "title": "policykit-1-gnome: unmaintained upstream, should not be included in trixie", "affected_sources": [ "cinnamon", "cinnamon-control-center" ], "affected_packages": [ "cinnamon-control-center", "cinnamon" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 16:24:08 +0000" }, { "id": 990285, "source": "libapache2-mod-lookup-identity", "severity": "normal", "title": "libapache2-mod-lookup-identity FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-06-24 15:48:05 +0000" }, { "id": 990291, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: nftfw -- an nftables firewall builder for Debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-06-28 12:57:07 +0000" }, { "id": 990334, "source": "schroot", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: Make usage of zfs snapshot/rollback and clone", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-09-25 10:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 990362, "source": "debian-policy", "severity": "normal", "title": "debian-policy: Obsolete advice on multiple builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-06-27 10:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 990409, "source": "ca-cacert", "severity": "serious", "title": "ca-cacert: should this package be removed?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-16 05:45:09 +0000" }, { "id": 990496, "source": "gcc-mingw-w64", "severity": "important", "title": "gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64-win32-runtime: libgcc_s_seh-1.dll built without NX and without ASLR", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-07-01 09:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 990514, "source": "guile-3.0", "severity": "normal", "title": "guile-2.2 FTBFS on musl: dh_missing complains about charset.alias", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-07-01 06:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 990713, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: cargo-c -- cargo applet to build and install C-ABI-compatible dynamic and static libraries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-07-05 11:15:07 +0000" }, { "id": 990760, "source": "linux", "severity": "normal", "title": "Provide asn1_compiler in linux-kbuild-*", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-07-06 11:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 990842, "source": "gcc-11", "severity": "normal", "title": "gcc-11: ftbfs on mips64el on Cavium machine", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-07-09 02:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 990985, "source": "zsh", "severity": "normal", "title": "zsh: SIGPIPE trap not executed when the builtin that generates it is the last command", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-07-12 09:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 991003, "source": "kpatch", "severity": "important", "title": "kpatch-dkms: fails to build module for Linux 4.19.0-17 or newer: find_symbol is no longer exported by the kernel", "affected_sources": [ "kpatch" ], "affected_packages": [ "kpatch" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-15 22:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 991214, "source": "git", "severity": "normal", "title": "segfault while building git", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-07-19 14:15:07 +0000" }, { "id": 991329, "source": "vsftpd", "severity": "grave", "title": "vsftpd: CVE-2021-3618", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 12:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 991343, "source": "mojoshader", "severity": "important", "title": "mojoshader: FTBFS if libsdl2-dev is installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-07-21 09:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 991352, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx: CVE-2021-1093, CVE-2021-1094, CVE-2021-1095", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-07-21 12:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 991391, "source": "metrohash", "severity": "normal", "title": "metrohash FTCBFS: builds for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-07-22 13:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 991638, "source": "nodejs", "severity": "normal", "title": "nodejs: Please enable build on 32-bit PowerPC (powerpc)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-10-19 23:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 991647, "source": "libisocodes", "severity": "serious", "title": "libisocodes: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:43:07 +0000" }, { "id": 991655, "source": "weresync", "severity": "serious", "title": "weresync: FTBFS: dpkg-buildpackage: error: dpkg-source -b . subprocess returned exit status 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-08-29 22:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 991794, "source": "duperemove", "severity": "normal", "title": "duperemove FTCBFS: uses the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-08-02 04:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 991879, "source": "prometheus-pgbouncer-exporter", "severity": "grave", "title": "Non-working prometheus-pgbouncer-exporter", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-20 18:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 991897, "source": "cross-toolchain-base-ports", "severity": "serious", "title": "removal of the any/local-rtlddir-cross.diff patch broke cross builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-08-24 11:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 991926, "source": "grub2", "severity": "normal", "title": "grub2: reproducible builds: timestamps in info pages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-08-05 22:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 991927, "source": "grub2", "severity": "normal", "title": "grub2: reproducible builds: embeds /bin/sh or /bin/bash depending on /bin/sh symlink", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-08-05 22:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 991928, "source": "grub2", "severity": "minor", "title": "grub2: reproducible builds: embeds different strings depending on (obscure) locales", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-10 21:06:01 +0000" }, { "id": 992049, "source": "zbar", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "please build an API documentation package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-08-10 00:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 992061, "source": "surgescript", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "surgescript: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-09-26 11:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 992087, "source": "libfonts-java", "severity": "serious", "title": "libfonts-java: contains a file with a non-free \"disparaging to Sun\" license", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-08-30 12:36:07 +0000" }, { "id": 992088, "source": "wims", "severity": "serious", "title": "wims: contains two files with a non-free \"disparaging to Sun\" license", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-08-13 14:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 992089, "source": "xemacs21-packages", "severity": "serious", "title": "xemacs21-packages: contains a file with a non-free \"disparaging to Sun\" license", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-03-18 03:21:08 +0000" }, { "id": 992090, "source": "libskinlf-java", "severity": "serious", "title": "libskinlf-java: contains a file with a non-free \"disparaging to Sun\" license", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-25 00:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 992092, "source": "king", "severity": "serious", "title": "king: contains a file with a non-free \"disparaging to Sun\" license", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-08-26 15:21:09 +0000" }, { "id": 992093, "source": "cccc", "severity": "serious", "title": "cccc: contains a file with a non-free \"disparaging to Sun\" license", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-08-11 15:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 992377, "source": "manpages", "severity": "normal", "title": "manpages-dev: add_key(2) example program fails to build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-24 12:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 992457, "source": "console-setup", "severity": "important", "title": "FTBFS: uses tempfile in build, appears to use deprecated which(1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-08-19 07:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 992478, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "important", "title": "autopkgtest: Possible race condition leading to build-needed being ignored", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-02-05 22:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 992494, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: pytest-ordering -- order execution of build-tests with pytest", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-12-13 13:15:07 +0000" }, { "id": 992506, "source": "libmusicbrainz5", "severity": "normal", "title": "libmusicbrainz5 FTCBFS: needs a native build pass", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-08-19 13:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 992862, "source": "xorg-server", "severity": "important", "title": "libbsd-dev: Overlay mode breaks compilation of xorg server", "affected_sources": [ "xorg-server" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:xorg-server" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-03-07 08:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 992916, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "[live-build] broken sysvinit support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-26 21:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 993003, "source": "hydroffice.bag", "severity": "serious", "title": "hydroffice.bag: tests fail with h5py 3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-31 15:57:11 +0000" }, { "id": 993012, "source": "zxing-cpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "zxing-cpp: please build the example programs into a package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-04 03:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 993123, "source": "frog", "severity": "normal", "title": "frog FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-06 16:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 993205, "source": "gcc-snapshot", "severity": "important", "title": "GCC trunk (12) ftbfs on armel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:43:08 +0000" }, { "id": 993301, "source": "prototypejs", "severity": "normal", "title": "prototypejs: not built from source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-03 09:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 993382, "source": "iagno", "severity": "normal", "title": "meson fails cross building iagno: requires an exe_wrapper for no reason", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-08-31 15:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 993435, "source": "etesync-dav", "severity": "serious", "title": "unsatisfied installation dependencies: python3-flask-wtf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-09-01 09:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 993521, "source": "buildbot", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildbot-worker: Setting WORKER_OPTIONS to any non-empty value doesn't work", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-02 14:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 993522, "source": "buildbot", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildbot-worker: Setting WORKER_OPTIONS to any non-empty value doesn't work", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-02 14:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 993659, "source": "firefox", "severity": "serious", "title": "firefox-esr: FTBFS and embeded copy of code", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-18 23:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 993660, "source": "firefox", "severity": "serious", "title": "firefox-esr: FTBFS and embeded copy of code", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-18 23:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 993673, "source": "clazy", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "clazy: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 22:19:23 +0000" }, { "id": 993857, "source": "gnupg2", "severity": "important", "title": "gnupg2: gnupg-module-overview.png is not built from source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-01-09 01:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 993960, "source": "emacs", "severity": "normal", "title": "emacs: Please build with '--with-dumping=unexec' on m68k", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-12 07:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 994096, "source": "dbus", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "/var/lib/dbus/machine-id breaks reproducible builds of OS images", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-11 20:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 994229, "source": "deepin-qt5dxcb-plugin", "severity": "normal", "title": "deepin-qt5dxcb-plugin FTCBFS: uses the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-14 08:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 994274, "source": "syslinux", "severity": "serious", "title": "syslinux: FTBFS with gnu-efi 3.0.13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-03 11:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 994423, "source": "pytorch", "severity": "serious", "title": "pytorch: Baseline violation on armhf", "affected_sources": [ "pytorch", "pytorch-vision" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:pytorch-vision", "python3-torch" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-16 00:15:16 +0000" }, { "id": 994456, "source": "ruby-stackprof", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-stackprof: flaky autopkgtests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-11 18:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 994510, "source": "libunwind", "severity": "grave", "title": "libunwind8 abuses setcontext() causing SIGSEGV on i386 with glibc >= 2.32", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-06 22:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 994595, "source": "libuser", "severity": "serious", "title": "libuser1-dev: Missing dependencies against libglib2.0-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-10-10 01:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 994733, "source": "unoconv", "severity": "normal", "title": "unoconv: Add a build dependency to python3-uno", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-20 08:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 994767, "source": "dose3", "severity": "important", "title": "rails ftbfs in experimental with The following packages have unmet dependencies: node-debbundle-acorn : Depends: nodejs:any (>= 10.12.0~dfsg~)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-20 16:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 994796, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: please add a includeIf-like config option, for path-specific configurations", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-09-21 03:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 995015, "source": "dnsdiag", "severity": "grave", "title": "dnsdiag: Error when running: DeprecationWarning", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-23 16:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 995016, "source": "dnsdiag", "severity": "grave", "title": "dnsdiag: Error when running: DeprecationWarning", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-23 16:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 995050, "source": "ecere-sdk", "severity": "serious", "title": "ecere-sdk FTBFS with gcc 10", "affected_sources": [ "ecere-sdk" ], "affected_packages": [ "libedasqlite0" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-05-02 14:57:24 +0000" }, { "id": 995092, "source": "guile-3.0", "severity": "normal", "title": "guile-3.0: reproducible builds: parallelism triggers differences", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-12-02 17:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 995333, "source": "polyml", "severity": "important", "title": "polyml: Intermittent FTBFS on arm64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:43:15 +0000" }, { "id": 995700, "source": "phlipple", "severity": "normal", "title": "phlipple: Please update the build-depends to libglew-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-10-04 11:51:08 +0000" }, { "id": 995936, "source": "dh-elpa", "severity": "minor", "title": "dh-elpa doesn't work on package versions with buildN or ubuntuN suffixes", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-10-09 14:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 996042, "source": "ttyd", "severity": "serious", "title": "rebuild inline html from source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-14 17:39:12 +0000" }, { "id": 996170, "source": "linux", "severity": "important", "title": "linux: FTBFS if bpftool detects clang-bpf-co-re", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:43:17 +0000" }, { "id": 996297, "source": "ruby-ice-nine", "severity": "normal", "title": "ruby-ice-nine: FTBFS with ruby3.0: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.0\" failed: Failure/Error: expect(subject.end).to be_frozen", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-09 08:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 996319, "source": "ruby-mini-magick", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-mini-magick: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby2.7\" failed: Failure/Error: expect(described_class.new(output_path.to_s)).to be_valid", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:43:17 +0000" }, { "id": 996361, "source": "iitalian", "severity": "grave", "title": "iitalian: Italian hash file not compatible with current version of ispell", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-21 12:54:12 +0000" }, { "id": 996368, "source": "ruby-remcached", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-remcached: FTBFS with ruby3.0: build blocks until timeout if tests fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:43:18 +0000" }, { "id": 996555, "source": "node-zrender", "severity": "important", "title": "build: minification failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-10-15 12:12:51 +0000" }, { "id": 997057, "source": "tdbcodbc", "severity": "important", "title": "tdbcodbc: Build-Depend on unixodbc-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-10-25 10:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 997089, "source": "libreoffice", "severity": "minor", "title": "libreoffice: FTBFS: segfault in '/<>/instdir/sdk/examples/java/Inspector'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-17 14:07:08 +0000" }, { "id": 997182, "source": "tiptop", "severity": "serious", "title": "tiptop: FTBFS: helpwin.c:64:3: error: format not a string literal and no format arguments [-Werror=format-security]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:43:26 +0000" }, { "id": 997353, "source": "python-pyramid-zcml", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-pyramid-zcml: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test -i python{version} -p 3.9 returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-31 15:57:12 +0000" }, { "id": 997383, "source": "dh-virtualenv", "severity": "minor", "title": "dh-virtualenv: FTBFS: AttributeError: 'Sphinx' object has no attribute 'add_stylesheet'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:43:32 +0000" }, { "id": 997401, "source": "lvm2", "severity": "serious", "title": "lvm2: FTBFS: dh_install: error: missing files, aborting", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-14 15:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 997495, "source": "todoman", "severity": "serious", "title": "todoman: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p 3.9 returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:43:35 +0000" }, { "id": 997521, "source": "freedict", "severity": "normal", "title": "freedict: FTBFS: Failed to create secure directory (/sbuild-nonexistent/.config/pulse): No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:43:37 +0000" }, { "id": 997580, "source": "libpicocontainer1-java", "severity": "serious", "title": "libpicocontainer1-java: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/bin/java -noverify -cp /usr/share/maven/boot/plexus-classworlds-2.x.jar -Dmaven.home=/usr/share/maven -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory=/<> -Dclassworlds.conf=/etc/maven/m2-debian.conf org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher -s/etc/maven/settings-debian.xml -Ddebian.dir=/<>/debian -Dmaven.repo.local=/<>/debian/maven-repo --batch-mode test returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-14 10:24:05 +0000" }, { "id": 997715, "source": "libapache-poi-java", "severity": "serious", "title": "libapache-poi-java: FTBFS: tests failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-14 10:24:06 +0000" }, { "id": 997805, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "gbp buildpackage: wrongly thinks sbuild -A option means changes file will always be called \"_all.changes\" which breaks lintian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-29 08:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 998021, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: node-cssnano -- A modular minifier, built on top of the PostCSS ecosystem", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-10-28 16:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 998038, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: makedeb-makepkg -- Arch Linux build utility, modified for use with makedeb", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-10-28 22:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 998080, "source": "glib2.0", "severity": "normal", "title": "libglib2.0-doc: package is marked 'Arch: all' but has different contents if built on 32-bit or 64-bit host", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-10-29 20:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 998097, "source": "ruby-eventmachine", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-eventmachine: FTBFS on IPV6-only buildds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-31 14:06:10 +0000" }, { "id": 998156, "source": "mlton", "severity": "serious", "title": "contains non-DFSG-free files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-01-04 17:51:15 +0000" }, { "id": 998182, "source": "birdfont", "severity": "normal", "title": "birdfont FTCBFS: builds for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-10-31 15:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 998258, "source": "node-fined", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-liftoff: FTBFS: TypeError: isPlainObject is not a function", "affected_sources": [ "node-liftoff" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:node-liftoff" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-22 09:48:36 +0000" }, { "id": 998369, "source": "aspcud", "severity": "normal", "title": "aspcud: fails to resolve rust-mdbook build dependencies in debcargo integration test", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-03 01:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 998391, "source": "libverto", "severity": "normal", "title": "libverto: FTBFS with dash from experimental due to bashisms in configure.ac", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-03 14:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 998527, "source": "dfvfs", "severity": "serious", "title": "dfvfs: FTBFS: TypeError: _GetNumberOfSecondsFromElements() takes 7 positional arguments but 8 were given", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 20:00:09 +0000" }, { "id": 998553, "source": "libdbi-drivers", "severity": "serious", "title": "libdbi-drivers: FTBFS: 211104 9:49:12 [ERROR] mysqld got signal 11 ;", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-02-27 12:24:06 +0000" }, { "id": 998644, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: cannot clone upstream git repository over HTTPS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-05 13:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 998645, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage.zsh-completion: duplicated functions, leading to bogus completion", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-28 10:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 998683, "source": "freedict", "severity": "minor", "title": "Fails to build without sufficient RAM", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-06 10:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 998734, "source": "buzztrax", "severity": "normal", "title": "buzztrax: bashism in configure script", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-07 10:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 998765, "source": "adonthell", "severity": "normal", "title": "adonthell: bashism in configure script", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-07 19:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 998769, "source": "apertium-eo-en", "severity": "normal", "title": "apertium-eo-en: bashism in configure script", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-07 19:30:10 +0000" }, { "id": 998770, "source": "apertium-eu-en", "severity": "normal", "title": "apertium-eu-en: bashism in configure script", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-07 19:30:12 +0000" }, { "id": 998773, "source": "apertium-oc-ca", "severity": "normal", "title": "apertium-oc-ca: bashism in configure script", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-07 19:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 998774, "source": "apertium-oc-es", "severity": "normal", "title": "apertium-oc-es: bashism in configure script", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-07 19:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 998776, "source": "apertium-pt-gl", "severity": "normal", "title": "apertium-pt-gl: bashism in configure script", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-07 19:33:12 +0000" }, { "id": 998778, "source": "asterisk", "severity": "normal", "title": "asterisk: bashism in configure script", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-07 19:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 998780, "source": "caml-crush", "severity": "normal", "title": "caml-crush: bashism in configure script", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-07 19:39:08 +0000" }, { "id": 998783, "source": "ckon", "severity": "normal", "title": "ckon: bashism in configure script", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-07 19:39:16 +0000" }, { "id": 998784, "source": "comedilib", "severity": "normal", "title": "comedilib: bashism in configure script", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-07 19:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 999353, "source": "gkrelluim", "severity": "grave", "title": "gkrelluim: broken rebuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-17 14:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 999379, "source": "amoebax", "severity": "normal", "title": "amoebax: bashism in configure script", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-10 15:30:06 +0000" }, { "id": 999384, "source": "atool", "severity": "normal", "title": "atool: bashism in configure script", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-10 15:36:09 +0000" }, { "id": 999387, "source": "cdebootstrap", "severity": "normal", "title": "cdebootstrap: bashism in configure script", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-10 15:36:16 +0000" }, { "id": 999388, "source": "c-icap-modules", "severity": "normal", "title": "c-icap-modules: bashism in configure script", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-10 15:36:18 +0000" }, { "id": 999390, "source": "code-saturne", "severity": "normal", "title": "code-saturne: bashism in configure script", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-14 23:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 999671, "source": "build-essential", "severity": "important", "title": "build-essential: I installed (and also did apt install --reinstall ) build-essential. However there is a problem that cc1,.. can not be found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-18 10:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 999724, "source": "ruby-omniauth-salesforce", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-omniauth-salesforce: FTBFS with ruby-omniauth 2.0.x: ERROR: Test \"ruby2.7\" failed: /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/rubygems/specification.rb:1404:in `rescue in block in activate_dependencies': Could not find 'omniauth' (~> 1.0) among 85 total gem(s) (Gem::MissingSpecError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-12-19 23:33:29 +0000" }, { "id": 999785, "source": "lintian", "severity": "normal", "title": "built-using-field-on-arch-all-package emitted for some Arch: all packages that require it", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-26 06:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 999847, "source": "debugedit", "severity": "important", "title": "debugedit test failures on mips64el", "affected_sources": [ "rpm" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:rpm" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-20 22:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 999886, "source": "dtkgui", "severity": "normal", "title": "dtkgui FTBFS: hard codes the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-18 05:24:21 +0000" }, { "id": 999919, "source": "zoneminder", "severity": "serious", "title": "zoneminder: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-15 09:27:07 +0000" }, { "id": 999924, "source": "renderdoc", "severity": "serious", "title": "renderdoc: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-15 09:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 999930, "source": "watchman", "severity": "serious", "title": "watchman: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-15 09:27:13 +0000" }, { "id": 999938, "source": "trafficserver", "severity": "serious", "title": "trafficserver: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-04 19:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 999939, "source": "trafficserver", "severity": "serious", "title": "trafficserver: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-04 19:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 999960, "source": "sipxtapi", "severity": "serious", "title": "sipxtapi: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 999964, "source": "shush", "severity": "serious", "title": "shush: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-15 09:27:11 +0000" }, { "id": 999965, "source": "shadowsocks-libev", "severity": "serious", "title": "shadowsocks-libev: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-10 02:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 999984, "source": "prads", "severity": "serious", "title": "prads: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-15 09:27:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1000004, "source": "pcre-ocaml", "severity": "serious", "title": "pcre-ocaml: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 01:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1000014, "source": "mydumper", "severity": "serious", "title": "mydumper: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-15 09:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1000047, "source": "libsynthesis", "severity": "serious", "title": "libsynthesis: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-15 09:27:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1000053, "source": "courier", "severity": "serious", "title": "courier: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 00:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1000054, "source": "courier", "severity": "serious", "title": "courier: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 00:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1000058, "source": "libr3", "severity": "serious", "title": "libr3: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-30 10:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1000065, "source": "grok", "severity": "serious", "title": "grok: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-06-15 09:27:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1000067, "source": "haskell-regex-pcre", "severity": "serious", "title": "haskell-regex-pcre: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ "haskell-regex" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:haskell-regex" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 12:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1000072, "source": "libapache2-mod-qos", "severity": "critical", "title": "libapache2-mod-qos: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-18 19:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1000093, "source": "mysql-workbench", "severity": "serious", "title": "mysql-workbench: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-15 09:27:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1000129, "source": "maildrop", "severity": "serious", "title": "maildrop: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 05:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1000140, "source": "ruby-moneta", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-moneta: FTBFS: mysqld fails to start on tmpfs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:43:53 +0000" }, { "id": 1000301, "source": "warzone2100", "severity": "minor", "title": "warzone2100: Should run flex/bison as part of the build process", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-21 05:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1000303, "source": "liboqs", "severity": "serious", "title": "liboqs: not yet ready for testing or stable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-04 17:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1000383, "source": "debhelper", "severity": "normal", "title": "dh_installexamples installs built files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-12-11 13:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1000563, "source": "iverilog", "severity": "normal", "title": "iverilog FTCBFS: fails checking for the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-19 17:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1000649, "source": "ruby-jaeger-client", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-jaeger-client: FTBFS (requires network interfaces)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-20 18:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1000718, "source": "armadillo", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Request: Enable cross-build Multi-Arch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-15 12:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1000724, "source": "apr", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libapr1-dev: Enable cross-build Multi-Arch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-27 22:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1000744, "source": "emacs", "severity": "important", "title": "emacs: FTBFS on mipsel: Ran 3873 tests, 3786 results as expected, 1 unexpected, 86 skipped", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-25 16:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1000818, "source": "python-ulmo", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-ulmo: if rebuilt now, missing python3-suds dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-01-26 00:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1000821, "source": "openldap", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "openldap: Please consider building with openssl instead of gnutls", "affected_sources": [ "freeradius" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:freeradius" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 01:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1000836, "source": "libu2f-host", "severity": "normal", "title": "libu2f-host: reproducible builds: Embedded timestamp in u2f-host.pdf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-29 23:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1000837, "source": "krb5", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "krb5: differing build paths trigger different documentation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 22:18:25 +0000" }, { "id": 1000865, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp pq: should export non-ASCII authors as UTF-8, without quoted-printable or base64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-03-19 01:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1000921, "source": "syncevolution", "severity": "normal", "title": "syncevolution: reproducible builds: Embedded build timestamps in README and manpage", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-11-30 23:12:30 +0000" }, { "id": 1000934, "source": "clazy", "severity": "important", "title": "clazy: FTBFS on i386 with llvm-toolchain-13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 18:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1001074, "source": "ldns", "severity": "normal", "title": "ldns FTCBFS: python uses the build architecture library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-04-26 15:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1001163, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp push: tries to overwrite upstream and pristine-tar branches with older content (and fails)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-16 09:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1001329, "source": "rubocop", "severity": "important", "title": "rubocop: ftbfs with ruby-regexp-parser 2.1.1 in experimental", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-12-08 17:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1001456, "source": "debspawn", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debspawn-build, please support autopkgtests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-12-10 13:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1001592, "source": "prosody", "severity": "serious", "title": "prosody: changes certs/localhost.{crt,key} back to snakeoil on upgrade", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-12 00:00:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1001616, "source": "opencc", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "\"opencc: FTBR of build_path_identifiers_in_documentation_generated_by_doxygen\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-12-14 08:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1001628, "source": "scap-workbench", "severity": "serious", "title": "scap-workbench: FTBFS: error: ������QString::SkipEmptyParts������ is deprecated [-Werror=deprecated-declarations]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-07-02 07:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1001643, "source": "sdaps", "severity": "grave", "title": "sdaps: fails to setup a project with texlive-latex-extra/unstable (2021.2021127-1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-17 02:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1001661, "source": "notcurses", "severity": "serious", "title": "notcurses: flaky autopkgtests on armhf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-21 06:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1001682, "source": "doxygen", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "\"opencc: FTBR of build_path_identifiers_in_documentation_generated_by_doxygen\"", "affected_sources": [ "opencc" ], "affected_packages": [ "opencc" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-07-16 14:21:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1001714, "source": "debian-live", "severity": "grave", "title": "debian-live: \"Unable to install GRUB in dummy\" if RAID is configured", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2021-12-18 07:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1001854, "source": "freediameter", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "freediameter: reproducible-builds: BuildId differences triggered by RPATH", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 08:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1001857, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "normal", "title": "autopkgtest: running autopkgtest-build-lxc while testing may fail the test", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-12-17 20:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1001872, "source": "eiskaltdcpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "eiskaltdcpp: reproducible-builds: BuildId differences triggered by RPATH", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 22:18:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1002262, "source": "node-trust-webcrypto", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-trust-webcrypto: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:18: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:43:58 +0000" }, { "id": 1002451, "source": "lintian", "severity": "normal", "title": "lintian: False positive file-references-package-build-path", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-12-27 13:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1002462, "source": "tracker.debian.org", "severity": "minor", "title": "\"build log checks report 1 warning\" dated a year and 9 uploads ago", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-07-30 15:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1002487, "source": "buildstream", "severity": "normal", "title": "python3-buildstream should depend on gir1.2-ostree-1.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-12-23 03:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1002628, "source": "live-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Support build images under Windows WSL", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-03 17:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1002673, "source": "sphinx-copybutton", "severity": "normal", "title": "sphinx-copybutton: reproducible builds: html documentation contains translated content", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-12-27 03:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1002690, "source": "clutter-1.0", "severity": "important", "title": "clutter-1.0: unit tests fail on mips64el: segmentation fault in an llvmpipe thread with swrast_dri.so driver", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-12-27 14:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1002713, "source": "dvtm", "severity": "normal", "title": "dvtm: FTBFS on the Hurd (undefined PATH_MAX)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2021-12-27 23:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1002789, "source": "python-pycdlib", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-pycdlib: FTBFS during tests if /tmp is not a tmpfs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 18:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1002865, "source": "node-trust-json-document", "severity": "important", "title": "Error: Configuration object don't match the API schema", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-01-21 20:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1002944, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "build-rdeps: Shows unfriendly errors when deb-src lines are missing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-01-01 17:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1002952, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "build-rdeps: Inconsistent defaults on Ubuntu (or other non-Debian systems)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-01-01 17:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1002974, "source": "dtc", "severity": "serious", "title": "dtc: Removal of obsolete debhelper compat 5 and 6 in bookworm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-01-01 23:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1003056, "source": "debhelper", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debhelper: Improve build system support for third-parties", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-01-03 13:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1003070, "source": "rust-generator", "severity": "normal", "title": "rust-generator should not claim to build on \"any\" as upstream only supports amd64/arm64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-01 10:45:37 +0000" }, { "id": 1003179, "source": "freeipa", "severity": "important", "title": "freeipa: fails to clean after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 19:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1003223, "source": "linux", "severity": "important", "title": "buildd.debian.org: exFAT do no work on internal hard drives.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-01-06 22:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1003240, "source": "mlton", "severity": "normal", "title": "mlton cannot rebuild itself on hppa or i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-01-09 18:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1003430, "source": "gkrellm-leds", "severity": "normal", "title": "gkrellm-leds: reproducible-builds: /bin/sh dependent behavior in Makefile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-01-14 19:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1003455, "source": "blt", "severity": "important", "title": "blt: FTBFS with -j4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-01-10 13:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1003660, "source": "daq", "severity": "serious", "title": "daq: FTBFS: undefined reference to `__wrap_stat'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-01-13 11:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1003802, "source": "upb", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "upb: reproducible-builds: BuildId differences triggered by RPATH", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 22:18:49 +0000" }, { "id": 1003878, "source": "sogo", "severity": "normal", "title": "SOGo package README.Debian states built with GnuTLS while it is being built with openssl", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-01-17 14:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1003883, "source": "suitesparse-graphblas", "severity": "normal", "title": "Tests aren't part of the package build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-01-29 18:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1003891, "source": "runit", "severity": "important", "title": "runit: Runit FTBFS on Hurd: sv test takes too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 11:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1003914, "source": "kget", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "kget: reproducible-builds: BuildId differences triggered by RPATH", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 22:18:51 +0000" }, { "id": 1003922, "source": "recastnavigation", "severity": "normal", "title": "recastnavigation: reproducible-builds: BuildId differences triggered by RPATH", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-27 16:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1003924, "source": "indi", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "indi: reproducible-builds: BuildId differences triggered by RPATH", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 22:18:31 +0000" }, { "id": 1003978, "source": "akonadi-mime", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "akonadi-mime: reproducible-builds: BuildId differences triggered by RPATH", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 22:18:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1003980, "source": "akonadi-import-wizard", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "akonadi-import-wizard: reproducible-builds: BuildId differences triggered by RPATH", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 22:18:18 +0000" }, { "id": 1003992, "source": "akonadi-contacts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "akonadi-contacts: reproducible-builds: BuildId differences triggered by RPATH", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 22:18:36 +0000" }, { "id": 1003999, "source": "leatherman", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "leatherman: reproducible-builds: BuildId differences triggered by RPATH", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 22:18:38 +0000" }, { "id": 1004002, "source": "segyio", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "segyio: reproducible-builds: BuildId differences triggered by RPATH", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 22:18:53 +0000" }, { "id": 1004066, "source": "groestlcoin", "severity": "serious", "title": "groestlcoin: FTBFS pubkey.cpp:181:96: error: invalid conversion from 'secp256k1_xonly_pubkey*' to 'size_t'", "affected_sources": [ "groestlcoin" ], "affected_packages": [ "groestlcoin-qt", "groestlcoin-tx", "groestlcoind" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-10-26 00:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1004103, "source": "calcurse", "severity": "important", "title": "calcurse FTBFS on big endian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-10 22:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1004184, "source": "gcc-11", "severity": "serious", "title": "gcc-11: generate bad code for matplotlib with -O1/-O2 on mips64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-25 14:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1004253, "source": "prometheus-bind-exporter", "severity": "grave", "title": "broken for BIND in stable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-12 13:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1004303, "source": "golang-github-hashicorp-raft-boltdb", "severity": "normal", "title": "raft-boltdb FTBFS with riscv", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-06-29 09:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1004344, "source": "buildbot", "severity": "important", "title": "buildbot: Fails to load the web interface", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-06-21 06:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1004525, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "normal", "title": "autopkgtest doesn't look up build-needed in all cases", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-01-29 21:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1004634, "source": "openscenegraph", "severity": "important", "title": "openscenegraph: FTBFS with ffmpeg 5.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-24 12:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1004816, "source": "performous-composer", "severity": "serious", "title": "performous-composer: FTBFS with ffmpeg 5.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-02 12:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1004848, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx: CVE-2022-21813, CVE-2022-21814", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-02-02 10:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1004872, "source": "sagemath", "severity": "normal", "title": "sagemath FTBFS on armhf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-04-14 06:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1004908, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: faber -- software build system", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-02-03 13:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1005019, "source": "rust-nitrocli", "severity": "normal", "title": "rust-nitrocli fails to build with debhelper compat 12.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-02-05 15:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1005164, "source": "nss", "severity": "normal", "title": "nss: Please build with NSS_DISABLE_CRYPTO_VSX=1 on powerpc and ppc64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-05 03:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1005266, "source": "libxcvt", "severity": "serious", "title": "xserver-xorg-core-udeb: uninstallable: depends on non-udeb libxcvt0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-02-15 17:30:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1005317, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: Make it easier to support an extra packaging branch (for derivatives)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-02-15 09:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1005338, "source": "pydoctor", "severity": "normal", "title": "Fails on non breaking space", "affected_sources": [ "git-buildpackage" ], "affected_packages": [ "git-buildpackage" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-03-23 05:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1005468, "source": "pydoctor", "severity": "normal", "title": "Fails on non breaking space", "affected_sources": [ "git-buildpackage" ], "affected_packages": [ "git-buildpackage" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-03-23 05:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1005629, "source": "zurl", "severity": "normal", "title": "zurl: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j1 check VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-06-13 17:36:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1005713, "source": "tensorflow", "severity": "serious", "title": "tensorflow FTBFS; bazel still tries to download during build.", "affected_sources": [ "tensorflow" ], "affected_packages": [ "libtensorflow-framework2" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-05-08 12:45:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1005726, "source": "ruby-github-markup", "severity": "normal", "title": "ruby-github-markup: reproducible builds: Embedded timestamps in documentation file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-02-14 00:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1005802, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "autopkgtest-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud does not use SMP", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 08:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1005930, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418: incompatible with xorg-server video ABI 25", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-13 22:27:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1005961, "source": "nq", "severity": "serious", "title": "nq,fq: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/fq', which is also in package nq 0.3.1-4", "affected_sources": [ "fq" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:fq" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-03 12:06:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1006288, "source": "bugs.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "prebuild and/or cache pages of some packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-02-22 21:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1006359, "source": "node-eslint-utils", "severity": "important", "title": "node-eslint-utils: Update to node-dot-prop 7", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-02-25 17:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1006369, "source": "grub2", "severity": "grave", "title": "mini-NAS v1 currently not system-upgradable to Buster", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-07 12:33:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1006385, "source": "krita", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "krita: reproducible-builds: build path embedded in binaries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 22:18:40 +0000" }, { "id": 1006523, "source": "blender", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "blender: please build with Intel Open Image Denoise support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-02-28 21:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1006529, "source": "mariadb", "severity": "normal", "title": "mariadb: FTBFS on hppa: builds, but test suite crashes immediately, previously also main.func_json_notembedded crash and anon_inode:io_uring warning (regression from 10.11.1-3 with only 2/1021 tests failed and 10.5.12-1 all 792 tests passed)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-21 17:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1006612, "source": "live-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "live-build: netboot IPv6 only and NFSv4 ������ dracut", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-09 10:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1006718, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418: EoL (03/2022) driver should not be released with bookworm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:44:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1006719, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx: EoL (12/2022) driver should not be released with bookworm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:44:18 +0000" }, { "id": 1006837, "source": "filament", "severity": "normal", "title": "Segmentation fault in material compiler on mips64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-03-06 14:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1006858, "source": "libao", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libao: reproducible-builds: build path embedded in various libraries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 22:18:55 +0000" }, { "id": 1006938, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: docker-buildx -- docker CLI plugin for BuildKit", "affected_sources": [ "docker.io" ], "affected_packages": [ "docker.io" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 10:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1007016, "source": "mlton", "severity": "normal", "title": "FTBFS on ppc64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-03-11 16:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1007026, "source": "rust-weedle", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-weedle - needs nom 5", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-21 08:42:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1007233, "source": "nss", "severity": "important", "title": "nss: FTBFS on x32 architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-26 20:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1007974, "source": "polyml", "severity": "serious", "title": "polyml: autopkgtest regression on amd64: relocation in read-only section `.text'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-02-03 01:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1007993, "source": "epiphany-browser", "severity": "normal", "title": "epiphany-browser: missing build-dependency on x11proto-dev >= 2021.5-1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-03-20 04:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1008004, "source": "firefox", "severity": "normal", "title": "build error with firefox", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-03-20 13:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1008025, "source": "fwupd-efi", "severity": "normal", "title": "fwupd-efi FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler for efi components", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-28 14:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1008061, "source": "node-builtins", "severity": "important", "title": "node-builtins: Returns a wrong list of builtins module", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-03-21 20:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1008107, "source": "e2fsprogs", "severity": "normal", "title": "\"mke2fs -E android_sparse\" yields: \"Unimplemented ext2 library function while setting up superblock\" (not built against libsparse?)", "affected_sources": [ "android-platform-tools", "android-sdk-meta" ], "affected_packages": [ "android-sdk-platform-tools", "fastboot" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-03-23 03:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1008193, "source": "lintian", "severity": "normal", "title": "libmojolicious-perl: Recommends of libmojolicious-perl contains build profile syntax", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-03-24 07:54:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1008199, "source": "pristine-tar", "severity": "normal", "title": "pristine-tar: failed to generate delta / pristine-xz failed to reproduce build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-03-24 09:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1008369, "source": "scikit-learn", "severity": "important", "title": "scikit-learn: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test -i python{version} -p \"3.10 3.9\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-18 00:45:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1008502, "source": "python-click-threading", "severity": "grave", "title": "vdirsyncer: Fix \"Unknown error occured: unmatched ')'\" on bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-15 17:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1008568, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: r-bioc-annotationforge -- Tools for building SQLite-based annotation data packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-03-28 18:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1008687, "source": "appstream", "severity": "important", "title": "FTBFS: as-test_pool FAIL killed by signal 6 SIGABRT", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-17 23:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1008802, "source": "chemps2", "severity": "important", "title": "chemps2: FTBFS on armel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:46:50 +0000" }, { "id": 1008979, "source": "asis", "severity": "serious", "title": "asis: depends on gnat-util, almost orphaned upstream", "affected_sources": [ "asis" ], "affected_packages": [ "libasis2019.1", "libasis2019.1-dev" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:46:50 +0000" }, { "id": 1008980, "source": "adabrowse", "severity": "serious", "title": "adabrowse: depends on unavailable asis", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-22 09:48:31 +0000" }, { "id": 1009038, "source": "newmat", "severity": "important", "title": "newmat: build-depends on removed libltdl7-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-25 17:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1009252, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "gbp buildpackage fails silently if pristine-tar is requested but not installed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-04-10 00:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1009483, "source": "pychromecast", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:pychromecast: fails to migrate to testing for too long: autopkgtest regression", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-04-13 13:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1009908, "source": "critterding", "severity": "normal", "title": "critterding build depends on qt4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-09-06 20:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1009934, "source": "openssl", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "openssl: reproducible-builds: Embeded compiler flags contain build paths", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 22:18:58 +0000" }, { "id": 1009942, "source": "gitlab", "severity": "grave", "title": "gitlab: textEncoding is not defined", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-10-08 17:27:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1010008, "source": "node-fd-slicer", "severity": "important", "title": "Stream behavior changed with Node.js 14, error are no more reported", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:46:57 +0000" }, { "id": 1010120, "source": "thrift", "severity": "serious", "title": "thrift: FTBFS in bullseye (expired certificates in test suite)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-10 15:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1010181, "source": "xevil", "severity": "normal", "title": "xevil FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-04-25 19:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1010387, "source": "golang-github-google-wire", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-google-wire: FTBFS on armhf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-12 09:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1010398, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: Confusing description of --upstream-signatures in gbp import-orig manpage", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-02 14:36:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1010421, "source": "ldc", "severity": "important", "title": "gir-to-d: FTBFS with ldc 1.29", "affected_sources": [ "gir-to-d" ], "affected_packages": [ "gir-to-d" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-19 14:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1010437, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "normal", "title": "autopkgtest-build-lxc: eatmydata gives lots of LD_PRELOAD warnings", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-06 11:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1010457, "source": "node-browserify-zlib", "severity": "important", "title": "ftbfs: test failure will prevent nodejs 16 migration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-01 22:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1010608, "source": "openldap", "severity": "important", "title": "openldap: Flaky test test063-delta-multiprovider", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-14 19:06:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1010665, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild-createchroot should not hardcode a default mirror", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-11 13:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1010685, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "normal", "title": "dpkg-buildflags: Please enable -ftrivial-auto-var-init=zero", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-12 15:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1010686, "source": "golang-github-boltdb-bolt", "severity": "normal", "title": "golang-github-boltdb-bolt: ftbfs issue on riscv64 arch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-12 13:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1010687, "source": "live-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-tools: error building initramfs on kernel-update from live-system to remounted (rw) boot-device", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-07 07:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1010740, "source": "ruby-bootsnap", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-bootsnap: FTBFS on ppc64el: test suite hangs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-09 10:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1010838, "source": "mesa", "severity": "important", "title": "Mesa 22.x regression on mipsel: GTK4 test segfaults with llvmpipe", "affected_sources": [ "gtk4" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:gtk4" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-05 10:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1010854, "source": "mono", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "mono: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-11 17:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1010992, "source": "sstp-client", "severity": "serious", "title": "sstp-client FTBFS on IPV6-only buildds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-09 07:21:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1011060, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "normal", "title": "autopkgtest-build-lxc: searches for bridge at lxc.network.link not current lxc.net.0.link", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-17 07:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1011141, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx: CVE-2022-28181, CVE-2022-28185", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-17 13:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1011143, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418: CVE-2022-28181, CVE-2022-28185, CVE-2022-28192", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-17 13:21:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1011274, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "RFP: php-amphp-http-client -- Asynchronous concurrent HTTP/2 and HTTP/1.1 client built on the Amp concurrency framework", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-11-26 20:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1011348, "source": "proot", "severity": "important", "title": "proot: Segmentation fault and bad address with proot trying to build wayland", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": 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"status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 22:19:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1011491, "source": "getstream", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "getstream: reproducible-builds: embedded build paths in /usr/bin/getstream", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 22:19:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1011492, "source": "tika", "severity": "serious", "title": "tika: FTBFS cannot find symbols", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-19 17:21:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1011498, "source": "parprouted", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "parprouted: reproducible-builds: embedded 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"2024-02-22 09:48:30 +0000" }, { "id": 1011637, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild-qemu: fails to fail with missing dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-26 17:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1011739, "source": "ldc", "severity": "important", "title": "gir-to-d: FTBFS: LinkedHasMap.d:27: undefined reference to `_D6object__T8opEqualsTxC3gtd11GirFunctionQnTxQwZQBkFxQBexQBiZb'", "affected_sources": [ "gir-to-d" ], "affected_packages": [ "gir-to-d" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-19 14:54:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1011780, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild-qemu: optimise boot and teardown times", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-26 21:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1011900, "source": "monkeysphere", "severity": "serious", "title": "monkeysphere: FTBFS: ...Could not chdir to home directory /home/user42: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-11-28 18:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1012008, "source": "build-essential-mipsen", "severity": "minor", "title": "Updating the build-essential-mipsen Uploaders list", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-05-28 18:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1012074, "source": "python-rocksdb", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-rocksdb: FTBFS with rocksdb 7.2+", "affected_sources": [ "python-rocksdb" ], "affected_packages": [ "python3-rocksdb" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-10 16:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1012083, "source": "quickfix", "severity": "important", "title": "quickfix FTBFS on riscv64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-18 18:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1012103, "source": "android-platform-external-doclava", "severity": "serious", "title": "android-platform-external-doclava: FTBFS with OpenJDK 17 due to com.sun.javadoc removal", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:47:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1012220, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx", "severity": "important", "title": "linux-headers-5.16.0-0.bpo4-amd64: package nvidia-kernel can not be build with this kernel version", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-06-02 20:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1012281, "source": "vlc-plugin-pipewire", "severity": "normal", "title": "vlc-plugin-pipewire FTCBFS: fails make clean due to using the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-06-02 21:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1012320, "source": "materialize", "severity": "serious", "title": "materialize: build-depends on non-existing libjs-anime", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-19 17:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1012413, "source": "golang-github-emersion-go-pgpmail", "severity": "normal", "title": "golang-github-emersion-go-pgpmail: Incompatible with newer versions of go-crypto", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-19 17:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1012474, "source": "xorg", "severity": "normal", "title": "[PATCH] Xsession does not recognise shell builtins as session-type", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-09-23 21:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1012532, "source": "poppler", "severity": "grave", "title": "inkscape: PDF import no longer works", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-10 10:15:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1012623, "source": "golang-github-micromdm-scep", "severity": "normal", "title": "Update golang-github-micromdm-scep dependency to bbolt", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-06-10 15:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1012791, "source": "x264", "severity": "important", "title": "x264: armhf build of libx264.so has executable stack enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-04 14:03:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1012859, "source": "installation-reports", "severity": "grave", "title": "installation-reports: Ethernet firmware module failure - no LAN / internet access during or after install", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-08-04 09:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1012893, "source": "anfo", "severity": "serious", "title": "anfo: ftbfs with GCC-12", "affected_sources": [ "anfo" ], "affected_packages": [ "libanfo0" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-19 09:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1012950, "source": "insighttoolkit4", "severity": "important", "title": "insighttoolkit4: ftbfs with GCC-12", 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"wishlist", "title": "gftools: version outdated, blocks build of various fonts", "affected_sources": [ "fonts-cascadia-code" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:fonts-cascadia-code" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-05 11:27:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1013252, "source": "lvm2", "severity": "normal", "title": "FTBS: source package format '3.0 (gitarchive)' is not supported", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-06-20 11:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1013294, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "minor", "title": "git-buildpackage: improvement to doc to import NMUs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-06-21 14:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1013350, "source": "vuls", "severity": "normal", "title": "Update vuls dependency to bbolt", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-06-22 13:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1013414, "source": "lintian", "severity": "important", "title": "lintian: spurious unknown-field Autobuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-06-23 08:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1013606, "source": "freeart", "severity": "serious", "title": "freeart: FTBFS: error: each element of 'ext_modules' option must be an Extension instance or 2-tuple", "affected_sources": [ "freeart" ], "affected_packages": [ "python3-freeart" 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(create_csr_test TIMEOUT 30.10s killed by signal 15 SIGTERM)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-07-18 18:03:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1014286, "source": "perl", "severity": "normal", "title": "perl/experimental: FTBFS on mips64el: test failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-07-11 18:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1014304, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-450", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-450: EoL (07/2023) driver should not be released with bookworm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, 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"sbuild-debian-developer-setup: Add option to use a specific mirror instead of apt-cacher-ng", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-09-16 03:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1014605, "source": "node-functional.js", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-functional.js: FTBFS, missing build-dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-19 17:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1014729, "source": "wcc", "severity": "serious", "title": "glibc 2.34 breaks wcc autopkgtest on amd64: open: Invalid argument", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": 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"affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 14:09:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1015373, "source": "coinor-vol", "severity": "minor", "title": "coinor-vol: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 14:09:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1015374, "source": "colobot", "severity": "minor", "title": "colobot: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 14:09:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1015375, "source": "comedilib", "severity": "minor", "title": "comedilib: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", 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"severity": "minor", "title": "diagnostics: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 14:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1015387, "source": "dmalloc", "severity": "minor", "title": "dmalloc: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 13:57:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1015390, "source": "dtkcore", "severity": "minor", "title": "dtkcore: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 10:30:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1015392, "source": "dune-common", "severity": "minor", "title": "dune-common: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 10:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1015393, "source": "efivar", "severity": "minor", "title": "efivar: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 13:57:21 +0000" }, { "id": 1015394, "source": "elinks", "severity": "minor", "title": "elinks: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, 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"status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 13:57:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1015400, "source": "farstream-0.2", "severity": "minor", "title": "farstream-0.2: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 13:57:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1015401, "source": "ferret-vis", "severity": "minor", "title": "ferret-vis: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 13:57:19 +0000" }, { "id": 1015402, "source": "ffmpeg", "severity": "minor", "title": "ffmpeg: ftbfs with LTO (link 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], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 11:15:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1015695, "source": "tua", "severity": "minor", "title": "tua: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 11:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1015696, "source": "ucommon", "severity": "minor", "title": "ucommon: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 11:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1015699, "source": "vg", "severity": "minor", "title": "vg: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 11:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1015700, "source": "valgrind", "severity": "minor", "title": "valgrind: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 10:30:18 +0000" }, { "id": 1015701, "source": "webcamoid", "severity": "minor", "title": "webcamoid: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 11:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1015706, "source": "wireshark", "severity": "minor", "title": "wireshark: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-12 17:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1015708, "source": "wsjtx", "severity": "minor", "title": "wsjtx: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 11:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1015711, "source": "xorg-server", "severity": "minor", "title": "xorg-server: ftbfs with LTO (link time optimization) enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 11:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1015747, "source": "notcurses", "severity": "serious", "title": "libnotcurses-core-dev: missing dependency on libtinfo-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-20 19:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1016062, "source": "haskell-cborg", "severity": "important", "title": "haskell-cborg FTBFS on 32bit: error: Couldn't match expected type ������Int64#������ with actual type ������Int#������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-04 20:12:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1016072, "source": "unhide", "severity": "important", "title": "unhide: build static binaries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-07-26 11:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1016098, "source": "live-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "live-build: Add support for building bookworm ISOs in Debian/Buster?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-07-27 06:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1016129, "source": "ipv6toolkit", "severity": "grave", "title": "ipv6toolkit: Error while performing Neighbor Discovery for the Destination Address", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-14 23:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1016433, "source": "ldc", "severity": "important", "title": "FTBFS: undefined reference during linking", "affected_sources": [ "gir-to-d" ], "affected_packages": [ "gir-to-d" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-19 14:54:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1016532, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: jina -- jina is a framework that empowers anyone to build cross-modal and multi-modal applications on the cloud.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-08-16 22:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1016545, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "minor", "title": "autopkgtest: installation stalls if newly-built deb causes a conffile prompt", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-03 08:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1016615, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx: CVE-2022-31607, CVE-2022-31608, CVE-2022-31615", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-04 01:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1016617, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418: CVE-2022-31607, CVE-2022-31608, CVE-2022-31615", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-04 01:51:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1016627, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: confusing behavior with --release and --dist", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-14 06:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1016730, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: netbird -- VPN management platform built on top of WireGuard", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-01-07 21:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1016903, "source": "gcc-12", "severity": "grave", "title": "tree-vectorize: Wrong code at O2 level (-fno-tree-vectorize is working)", "affected_sources": [ "highway", "jpeg-xl" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:jpeg-xl", "src:highway" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-06 13:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1016936, "source": "dwz", "severity": "serious", "title": "dwz: Unknown debugging section .debug_addr causes some builds to fail", "affected_sources": [ "faust" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:faust" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-04 15:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1016999, "source": "libgdiplus", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libgdiplus: please add support for riscv64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-11 05:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1017051, "source": "tinyarray", "severity": "important", "title": "tinyarray: FTBFS on i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-08 17:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1017068, "source": "gnome-calls", "severity": "normal", "title": "gnome-calls: sip test fails when builds are running on machines without network", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-12 23:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1017475, "source": "sphinx-panels", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sphinx-panels: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 00:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1017537, "source": "dietlibc", "severity": "normal", "title": "dietlibc: may FTBFS on armel due to buildd misconfiguration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-06 16:06:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1017540, "source": "cdimage.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "cdimage.debian.org: i386 DVD 1 iso fails to install - md5 file integrity", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-08-17 18:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1017544, "source": "golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-anacrolix-missinggo: FTBFS: test failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-19 22:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1017552, "source": "alertmanager-irc-relay", "severity": "important", "title": "alertmanager-irc-relay: FTBFS on armel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-19 20:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1017553, "source": "nvidia-texture-tools", "severity": "important", "title": "libnvtt2 silently loses OpenEXR support when built with openexr 3.1.5", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-17 19:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1017572, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "important", "title": "git-buildpackage: pq export shouldn't run when on wrong branch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-17 21:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1017652, "source": "golang-github-pelletier-go-toml", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-pelletier-go-toml: FTBFS on mips64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-19 22:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1017681, "source": "dh-cargo", "severity": "normal", "title": "dh-cargo and debcargo cannot effectively build a cdylib crate", "affected_sources": [ "rust-sequoia-octopus-librnp" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:rust-sequoia-octopus-librnp" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-18 23:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1017682, "source": "rust-debcargo", "severity": "normal", "title": "dh-cargo and debcargo cannot effectively build a cdylib crate", "affected_sources": [ "rust-fips203-ffi", "rust-sequoia-octopus-librnp" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:rust-fips203-ffi", "src:rust-sequoia-octopus-librnp" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-09 09:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1017718, "source": "tomcat9", "severity": "minor", "title": "tomcat9: version.sh shows wrong built date", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-09-28 14:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1017731, "source": "iem-plugin-suite", "severity": "serious", "title": "iem-plugin-suite: fails to build with JUCE-7.0.2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-11-08 10:39:52 +0000" }, { "id": 1017733, "source": "emacs", "severity": "normal", "title": "emacs: Newest version makes elisp packages builts fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-19 19:51:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1017756, "source": "iem-plugin-suite", "severity": "serious", "title": "iem-plugin-suite FTBFS: error: no matching function for call to ������juce::Matrix3D::Matrix3D(juce::Vector3D)������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-11-08 10:39:52 +0000" }, { "id": 1017834, "source": "cider", "severity": "serious", "title": "elpa-cider: emacs 28.1 upgrade fails with byte compiling elpa-cider", "affected_sources": [ "emacs" ], "affected_packages": [ "emacs-gtk", "emacs" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-23 11:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1017891, "source": "vala", "severity": "serious", "title": "Ships autogenerated files that can't be renegerated with the code in Debian main", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-22 07:12:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1017893, "source": "gtk-sharp2", "severity": "serious", "title": "Ships autogenerated files that can't be renegerated with the code in Debian main", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-23 18:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1017897, "source": "gtk-sharp3", "severity": "serious", "title": "Ships autogenerated files that can't be renegerated with the code in Debian main", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-04 04:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1017906, "source": "librsvg", "severity": "serious", "title": "librsvg: Contains generated files whose source is not necessarily the same version that's in main", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-16 19:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1017916, "source": "lintian", "severity": "normal", "title": "lintian: false positive: runtime-test-file-uses-supported-python-versions-without-test-depends does not expand @builddeps@", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-22 13:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1017919, "source": "firefox", "severity": "grave", "title": "firefox: All firefox tabs crash at startup and cannot be restored", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-23 17:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1017958, "source": "tiff", "severity": "minor", "title": "tiff: Don't build with LERC on i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-11-16 20:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1018243, "source": "libhash-sharedmem-perl", "severity": "important", "title": "libhash-sharedmem-perl: FTBFS on mipsel: undefined symbol: __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_8", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-08-27 18:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1018305, "source": "amp", "severity": "serious", "title": "amp: build-depends on python3-nose or uses it for autopkgtest", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-28 08:30:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1018312, "source": "bcbio", "severity": "serious", "title": "bcbio: build-depends on python3-nose or uses it for autopkgtest", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-28 08:30:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1018448, "source": "pynn", "severity": "serious", "title": "pynn: build-depends on python3-nose or uses it for autopkgtest", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-28 08:30:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1018615, "source": "ripe-atlas-tools", "severity": "serious", "title": "ripe-atlas-tools: build-depends on python3-nose or uses it for autopkgtest", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-28 08:30:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1018616, "source": "rmlint", "severity": "serious", "title": "rmlint: build-depends on python3-nose or uses it for autopkgtest", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-28 08:30:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1018666, "source": "x2gobroker", "severity": "serious", "title": "x2gobroker: build-depends on python3-nose or uses it for autopkgtest", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-28 08:30:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1018724, "source": "rust-jemalloc-sys", "severity": "important", "title": "rust-jemalloc-sys FTBFS on riscv64(gc)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-10 18:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1018810, "source": "irssi", "severity": "normal", "title": "irssi 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"affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-09-05 15:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1019225, "source": "s390-dasd", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "s390-dasd: fix cross-plattform build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-09-06 03:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1019254, "source": "kexec-tools", "severity": "important", "title": "kexec-tools: FTBFS on riscv64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-07 16:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1019477, "source": "diet-ng", "severity": "important", "title": "diet-ng: FTBFS on riscv64 and s390x (unrecognized command line option ������-main������)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-06 19:18:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1019488, "source": "bouncycastle", "severity": "serious", "title": "bouncycastle: incomplete information in the manifest files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-30 13:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1019564, "source": "grub2", "severity": "grave", "title": "(during upgrade) grub-install: warning: Attempting to install GRUB to a disk with multiple partition labels. This is not supported yet..", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-09-12 05:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1019642, "source": "ruby-omniauth-kerberos", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-omniauth-kerberos: FTBFS with ruby3.1: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.0\" failed: NoMethodError:", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:49:58 +0000" }, { "id": 1019643, "source": "ruby-omniauth-oauth2-generic", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-omniauth-oauth2-generic: FTBFS with ruby3.1: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.0\" failed: Failure/Error: expect(last_response.headers[\"Location\"]).to match(%r{redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fmy_server.com%2Foauth%2Fcallback&})", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-22 15:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1019644, "source": "ruby-omniauth-openid-connect", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-omniauth-openid-connect: FTBFS with ruby3.1: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: /usr/share/rubygems-integration/all/gems/simplecov-0.21.2/lib/simplecov.rb:354:in `start': coverage measurement is already setup (RuntimeError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:49:59 +0000" }, { "id": 1019649, "source": "ruby-bson", "severity": "important", "title": "FTBFS: tests fail with 'NameError occurred, uninitialized constant BSON", "affected_sources": [ "ruby-rabl" ], "affected_packages": [ "ruby-rabl" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:49:59 +0000" }, { "id": 1020160, "source": "dh-elpa", "severity": "serious", "title": "emacs-helm-ag: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:4: build] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ "ebib", "elfeed", "elisp-refs", "emacs-web-server", "emacs-webserver", "emacs-websocket", "markdown-toc-el", "package-lint-el", "paredit-everywhere", "seq-el", "use-package" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:use-package", "src:emacs-webserver", "src:seq-el", "src:ebib", "src:paredit-everywhere", "src:package-lint-el", "src:emacs-web-server", "src:elisp-refs", "src:emacs-websocket", "src:markdown-toc-el", "src:elfeed" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-08 15:30:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1020161, "source": "golang-golang-x-net", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-golang-x-net: FTBFS in bullseye (text offset 32797 is too large, or nodeBitsTextOffset is too small)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-18 03:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1020167, "source": "dh-elpa", "severity": "serious", "title": "seq-el: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:4: build] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ "ebib", "elfeed", "elisp-refs", "emacs-helm-ag", "emacs-web-server", "emacs-webserver", "emacs-websocket", "markdown-toc-el", "package-lint-el", "paredit-everywhere", "seq-el", "use-package" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:markdown-toc-el", "src:elfeed", "src:emacs-websocket", "src:package-lint-el", "src:paredit-everywhere", "src:ebib", "src:emacs-web-server", "src:use-package", "src:emacs-helm-ag", "src:elisp-refs", "src:seq-el", "src:emacs-webserver" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": 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"source": "dh-elpa", "severity": "serious", "title": "markdown-toc-el: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:4: binary] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ "ebib", "elfeed", "elisp-refs", "emacs-helm-ag", "emacs-web-server", "emacs-webserver", "emacs-websocket", "markdown-toc-el", "package-lint-el", "paredit-everywhere", "seq-el", "use-package" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:markdown-toc-el", "src:elfeed", "src:emacs-websocket", "src:package-lint-el", "src:paredit-everywhere", "src:ebib", "src:emacs-web-server", "src:use-package", "src:emacs-helm-ag", "src:elisp-refs", "src:seq-el", "src:emacs-webserver" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-22 09:48:24 +0000" }, { "id": 1020191, "source": "dh-elpa", "severity": "serious", "title": "ebib: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:4: build] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ "ebib", "elfeed", "elisp-refs", "emacs-helm-ag", 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"source": "dh-elpa", "severity": "serious", "title": "use-package: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:4: binary] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ "ebib", "elfeed", "elisp-refs", "emacs-helm-ag", "emacs-web-server", "emacs-webserver", "emacs-websocket", "markdown-toc-el", "package-lint-el", "paredit-everywhere", "seq-el", "use-package" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:elisp-refs", "src:seq-el", "src:emacs-webserver", "src:emacs-helm-ag", "src:use-package", "src:emacs-web-server", "src:ebib", "src:paredit-everywhere", "src:elfeed", "src:package-lint-el", "src:emacs-websocket", "src:markdown-toc-el" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-22 09:48:25 +0000" }, { "id": 1020203, "source": "dh-elpa", "severity": "serious", "title": "package-lint-el: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:4: binary] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ "ebib", "elfeed", "elisp-refs", "emacs-helm-ag", "emacs-web-server", "emacs-webserver", "emacs-websocket", "markdown-toc-el", "package-lint-el", "paredit-everywhere", "seq-el", "use-package" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:emacs-helm-ag", "src:use-package", "src:emacs-webserver", "src:seq-el", "src:elisp-refs", "src:emacs-web-server", "src:paredit-everywhere", "src:ebib", "src:markdown-toc-el", "src:package-lint-el", "src:emacs-websocket", "src:elfeed" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-22 09:48:25 +0000" }, { "id": 1020204, "source": "dh-elpa", "severity": "serious", "title": "elisp-refs: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:4: binary] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ "ebib", "elfeed", "elisp-refs", "emacs-helm-ag", "emacs-web-server", "emacs-webserver", "emacs-websocket", "markdown-toc-el", "package-lint-el", "paredit-everywhere", "seq-el", "use-package" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:emacs-web-server", 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"src:emacs-web-server" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-22 09:48:26 +0000" }, { "id": 1020264, "source": "polyml", "severity": "serious", "title": "polyml FTBFS with glibc 2.34", "affected_sources": [ "polyml" ], "affected_packages": [ "libpolyml11" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:50:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1020275, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildflags: Please add support for -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 hardening build flag", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-12 17:21:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1020284, "source": "git", "severity": "serious", "title": "git-daemon-run: fails to purge: deluser -f: Unknown option: f", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-02 13:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1020299, "source": "equinox-p2", "severity": "serious", "title": "equinox-p2: wrong information in the manifest files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-29 23:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1020321, "source": "glib2.0", "severity": "normal", "title": "glib2.0: FTBFS on hppa - test simple-construction1 fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 10:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1020322, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "important", "title": "devscripts: current directory rename by dch makes build fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-09-21 13:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1020445, "source": "numba", "severity": "serious", "title": "numba: autopkgtest regression on ppc64el: inf != 0.625", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 19:34:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1020494, "source": "openjdk-11", "severity": "normal", "title": "openjdk-11: add server JVM variant support for risc-v platform", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-06 14:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1020500, "source": "glibc", "severity": "serious", "title": "glibc: flaky autopkgtest on armel: multiple different failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 14:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1020544, "source": "siconos", "severity": "important", "title": "siconos: FTBFS on s390x: Cholesky solve kNM_test failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-08 10:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1020572, "source": "debmutate", "severity": "important", "title": "lintian-brush shouldn't add a build dependency to pkg-js-tools", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-02 15:54:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1020580, "source": "ruby3.1", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: ruby3.1 needs network/DNS during tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-25 15:09:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1020609, "source": "lintian", "severity": "minor", "title": "lintian: unknown-field Autobuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 07:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1020648, "source": "extrepo-data", "severity": "normal", "title": "extrepo-data: reproducible builds: \"testing\" suite resolves differently depending on build date", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-09 00:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1020650, "source": "tmpreaper", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "tmpreaper: reproducible-builds: Embedded build path in /usr/sbin/tmpreaper", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1020656, "source": "nvram-wakeup", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "nvram-wakeup: reproducible-builds: Embedded build path in /usr/sbin/nvram-wakeup", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1020660, "source": "logtools", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "logtools: reproducible-builds: Embedded build paths in binaries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:21:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1020670, "source": "gwaei", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "gwaei: reproducible-builds: Embedded build path in /usr/bin/gwaei", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:21:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1020673, "source": "w3cam", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "w3cam: reproducible-builds: Embedded build path in /usr/bin/vidcat", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:21:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1020696, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "normal", "title": "autopkgtest-{build,virt}-lxc: use system-independent default locale", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-09-25 13:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1020715, "source": "xserver-xorg-input-joystick", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "xserver-xorg-input-joystick: reproducible-builds: Embedded build path in joystick_drv.so", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:21:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1020724, "source": "snapper", "severity": "normal", "title": "snapper: 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"last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:21:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1020749, "source": "gigalomania", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "gigalomania: reproducible-builds: Embedded build path in /usr/games/gigalomania", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:21:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1020750, "source": "xjump", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "xjump: reproducible-builds: differing buildid in in /usr/games/xjump", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:21:24 +0000" }, { "id": 1020755, "source": "rotter", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "rotter: reproducible-builds: Embedded build path in /usr/bin/rotter", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": 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"last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:21:38 +0000" }, { "id": 1020866, "source": "wrapsrv", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "wrapsrv: reproducible-builds: build path embedded in /usr/bin/wrapsrv", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 18:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1020867, "source": "uclibc", "severity": "normal", "title": "uclibc: reproducible builds: tarball includes user, group and file mode of build user", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-09-27 19:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1020870, "source": "xppaut", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "xppaut: reproducible-builds: buildid differences in /usr/bin/xppaut", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], 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"last_modified": "2022-12-15 22:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1021452, "source": "libdv", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libdv: reproducible-builds: build path embedded in libdv.so.4.0.3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:21:56 +0000" }, { "id": 1021456, "source": "bwbasic", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "bwbasic: reproducible-builds: build path embedded in /usr/bin/bwbasic", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:21:57 +0000" }, { "id": 1021458, "source": "o3dgc", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "o3dgc: reproducible-builds: build path embedded in libo3dgc_common_lib.a", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", 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"source": "jakarta-jmeter", "severity": "normal", "title": "jakarta-jmeter: reproducible-builds: year in documentation files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-09 23:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1021656, "source": "tt-rss", "severity": "serious", "title": "please package new upstream release", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-05 08:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1021702, "source": "debian-cd", "severity": "normal", "title": "debian-cd: Take constraints into account while building the cd packages pool", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-13 10:24:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1021860, "source": "libsx", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libsx: reproducible-builds: Embedded build path and usrmerge paths in Makefile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:22:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1021881, "source": "build-essential", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "build-essential: please include debhelper", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-16 14:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1021894, "source": "openjfx", "severity": "serious", "title": "openjfx: FTBFS on arm64 and armhf", "affected_sources": [ "beast2-mcmc", "libjogl2-java" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:libjogl2-java", "src:beast2-mcmc" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-16 05:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1021922, "source": "console-setup", "severity": "important", "title": "console-setup: FTBFS make: *** [Fonts/Makefile:338: /<>/Fonts/Arabic-VGA16.psf] Error 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-18 22:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1021939, "source": "mediasoup", "severity": "serious", "title": "mediasoup: FTBFS error: no matching function for call to 'max(long int, int)'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-10-17 16:21:04 +0000" }, { 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"last_modified": "2022-10-18 14:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1022031, "source": "perl", "severity": "normal", "title": "perl: FTBFS on sparc64: test failures in t/re", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-10-20 18:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1022050, "source": "ukui-control-center", "severity": "normal", "title": "ukui-control-center: FTBFS on hppa - stub table overflow", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-19 13:51:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1022164, "source": "ruby-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ruby-build fails to build 2.7.6 ruby version due to Sid libssl version", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-14 07:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1022182, "source": "prads", "severity": "important", "title": "prads: FTBFS on riscv64 (undefined reference to `_res_opcodes')", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-21 14:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1022222, "source": "valgrind-if-available", "severity": "normal", "title": "valgrind-if-available shouldn't stop providing valgrind on mipsel", "affected_sources": [ "python3.10", "python3.11", "qtmir" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:python3.10", "src:python3.11", "src:qtmir" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-03-09 22:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1022294, "source": "eclipse-cdt", "severity": "serious", "title": "eclipse-cdt: FTBFS: [ERROR] Caused by: Cannot access central (https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2) in offline mode and the artifact org.eclipse.tycho.extras:tycho-pomless:jar:1.4.0 has not been downloaded from it before.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:50:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1022611, "source": "node-d3-hierarchy", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-d3-hierarchy: Unable to build with rollup 3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-02-06 12:24:19 +0000" }, { "id": 1022623, "source": "node-d3-time", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-d3-time: Unable to build with rollup 3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-02-06 12:24:21 +0000" }, { "id": 1022772, "source": "btllib", "severity": "minor", "title": "btllib: fails to build on 32-bit archs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-04 17:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1022854, "source": "debuerreotype", "severity": "important", "title": "debuerreotype: autopkgtest rebuilds with different toolchain and expects the same result", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-08 15:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1022881, "source": "swt4-gtk", "severity": "serious", "title": "swt4-gtk FTBFS due to default encoding", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-03 12:06:24 +0000" }, { "id": 1022895, "source": "rust-rusty-pool", "severity": "important", "title": "rust-rusty-pool FTBFS on 32bit", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-27 14:42:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1022959, "source": "fastchunking", "severity": "normal", "title": "fastchunking FTCBFS: sphinx dependencies unsatisfiable during cross builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-28 12:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1022984, "source": "vulkan-loader", "severity": "normal", "title": "vulkan-loader FTCBFS: python3 build dependency not installable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-28 18:03:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1023021, "source": "gitit", "severity": "serious", "title": "gitit: FTBFS on mipsel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-02 19:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1023058, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp dch refuses to work with $[DEB]EMAIL unset, doesn't use either at all?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-10-29 19:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1023237, "source": "openjdk-11", "severity": "serious", "title": "openjdk-11: Keep out of testing and stable", "affected_sources": [ "fastddsgen" ], "affected_packages": [ "fastddsgen" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-17 09:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1023281, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: package-rebuilder -- package-rebuilder: orchestration tool for rebuilding packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-11-01 17:12:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1023282, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: debrebuild-fepitre -- yet another package rebuilder tool", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-02 15:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1023333, "source": "qt6-webengine", "severity": "important", "title": "qt6-webengine: Fail to build with rollup 3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-27 18:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1023383, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp pull shows empty error message on failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-15 05:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1023438, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "normal", "title": "dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Allow satisfying :native Build-Depends with Multi-Arch: foreign packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 10:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1023446, "source": "hdf5", "severity": "normal", "title": "libhdf5-openmpi-dev: h5pcc configured as static build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-27 12:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1023481, "source": "elm-compiler", "severity": "important", "title": "elm-compiler: Core package library fails to build on Raspberry Pi (armv7l)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-01 14:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1023488, "source": "aspcud", "severity": "normal", "title": "aspcud FTCBFS: needs a native build pass for lemon", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-19 09:51:23 +0000" }, { "id": 1023603, "source": "virtualbox", "severity": "normal", "title": "virtualbox-dkms: virtualbox dkms fails to build with vmlinuz-5.19.0-0.deb11.2-amd64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-07 13:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1023614, "source": "libdvd-pkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libdvd-pkg: split builder from provider package and more", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-07 17:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1023615, "source": "libdvd-pkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libdvd-pkg: remove build-dir after build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-07 17:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1023619, "source": "libx86emu", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libx86emu: Add riscv64 support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-09 15:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1023690, "source": "gcc-11", "severity": "serious", "title": "gcc-11 should not be shipped in trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-02 18:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1023721, "source": "libx86emu", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libx86emu: enable upstream tests at build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-08 23:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1023742, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "important", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp import-orig corrupts image files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-09 13:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1023769, "source": "efi-reader", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "efi-reader: Please add support for \"riscv64\" arch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 10:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1023779, "source": "linux", "severity": "normal", "title": "linux: deleting the kernel image package leaves back /lib/modules/ when a kernel package was built", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-11-10 13:18:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1023811, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "grave", "title": "golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-go-grpc-middleware_1.3.0-1 sources changed in the archive?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-12-07 12:33:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1023922, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Please add an option to print the list of packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-07 09:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1024079, "source": "uvloop", "severity": "serious", "title": "uvloop FTBFS on IPV6-only buildds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-16 12:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1024131, "source": "python-fissix", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "python-fissix: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:22:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1024182, "source": "ogre-1.9", "severity": "serious", "title": "ogre-1.9: Do not include in release \"bookworm\", out of date", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-10 13:51:24 +0000" }, { "id": 1024216, "source": "mkchromecast", "severity": "serious", "title": "mkchromecast: please change dependency from youtube-dl to yt-dlp", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-18 10:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1024242, "source": "isc-dhcp", "severity": "normal", "title": "isc-dhcp FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-16 10:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1024279, "source": "tolua++", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "tolua++: reproducible-builds: build path embedded in tolua++5.1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:22:18 +0000" }, { "id": 1024413, "source": "presage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "presage: reproducible-builds: build path embedded in .html files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:22:21 +0000" }, { "id": 1024475, "source": "basket", "severity": "important", "title": "basket: Loses gpgme integration when rebuilt against gpgme 1.18.0-2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-10 15:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1024506, "source": "docker.io", "severity": "serious", "title": "docker.io: FTBFS: FAIL: builder/remotecontext/git TestCheckoutGit", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-16 00:15:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1024526, "source": "simbody", "severity": "important", "title": "simbody: FTBFS on ppc64el, mips64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-05 06:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1024575, "source": "node-har-validator", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-har-validator: Unmaintained upstream and useless", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-23 12:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1024579, "source": "mcabber", "severity": "important", "title": "mcabber: Loses gpgme integration when rebuilt against gpgme 1.18.0-2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-21 17:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1024630, "source": "gnuplot", "severity": "normal", "title": "gnuplot should not build-depend on emacs-nox only", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-22 13:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1024642, "source": "pgcharts", "severity": "serious", "title": "pgcharts: FTBFS: Fatal NAME-CONFLICT: [...] PGCHARTS.SQL:READ-QUERIES, POSTMODERN:READ-QUERIES", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-05 22:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1024691, "source": "eslint", "severity": "important", "title": "eslint: Please update node-ajv dependency to version 8", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-14 15:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1024699, "source": "gpgme1.0", "severity": "normal", "title": "volume-key: Testsuite error on local rebuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-26 08:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1024765, "source": "apt-show-versions", "severity": "grave", "title": "apt-show-versions is confused when versions from different architectures disagree", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-21 13:21:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1024897, "source": "welcome2l", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "welcome2l: Enable build on all architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-28 07:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1024917, "source": "xft", "severity": "minor", "title": "xft: support the noudeb build profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-27 21:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1024921, "source": "gnupg2", "severity": "minor", "title": "gnupg2: support the noudeb build profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-25 12:03:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1024924, "source": "libxext", "severity": "minor", "title": "libxext: support the noudeb build profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-27 21:03:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1024925, "source": "libx11", "severity": "minor", "title": "libx11: support the noudeb build profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-01 18:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1024928, "source": "libtirpc", "severity": "minor", "title": "libtirpc: support the noudeb build profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-27 21:03:30 +0000" }, { "id": 1024931, "source": "textdraw", "severity": "normal", "title": "textdraw FTCBFS: debian/rules hard codes the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-27 21:03:38 +0000" }, { "id": 1024934, "source": "slang2", "severity": "minor", "title": "slang2: support the noudeb build profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-27 21:03:45 +0000" }, { "id": 1024935, "source": "libxau", "severity": "minor", "title": "libxau: support the noudeb build profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-27 21:03:47 +0000" }, { "id": 1024936, "source": "zlib", "severity": "minor", "title": "zlib: support the noudeb build profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-27 21:03:50 +0000" }, { "id": 1024946, "source": "libxdmcp", "severity": "minor", "title": "libxdmcp: support the noudeb build profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-27 21:04:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1024947, "source": "libxrender", "severity": "minor", "title": "libxrender: support the noudeb build profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-27 21:04:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1024984, "source": "jamulus", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "jamulus: Please add support for \"riscv64\" arch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-28 14:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1025045, "source": "r-bioc-structuralvariantannotation", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-bioc-structuralvariantannotation: Test failures in autopkgtest", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-28 04:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1025072, "source": "ruby-signet", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-signet fails to rebuild after updating ruby-farday to new upstream version", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-29 16:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1025082, "source": "ruby-oauth2", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-oauth2 rebuild fails after new upstream of ruby-faraday", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-11-29 17:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1025090, "source": "ruby-gh", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-gh fails to rebuild on updating ruby-faraday", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 16:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1025092, "source": "ruby-faraday-middleware", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-faraday-middleware fails to rebuild after updating ruby-faraday", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 03:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1025094, "source": "ruby-behance", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-behance fails to rebuild after new upstream of ruby-faraday", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1025096, "source": "nanoc", "severity": "serious", "title": "nanoc: FTBFS in bullseye, and will also FTBFS in bookworm next year", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-07 15:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1025097, "source": "ruby-asana", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-asana fails to rebuild after new upstream of ruby-faraday", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 00:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1025280, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx: CVE-2022-34670, CVE-2022-34674, CVE-2022-34675, CVE-2022-34677, CVE-2022-34680, CVE-2022-42257, CVE-2022-42258, CVE-2022-42259", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-01 23:00:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1025282, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418: CVE-2022-34670, CVE-2022-34674, CVE-2022-34675, CVE-2022-34677, CVE-2022-34679, CVE-2022-34680, CVE-2022-34682, CVE-2022-42254, CVE-2022-42256, CVE-2022-42257, CVE-2022-42258, CVE-2022-42259, CVE-2022-42260, CVE-2022-42261, CVE-2022-42262, CVE-2022-42263, CVE-2022-42264", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-01 23:00:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1025300, "source": "octocatalog-diff", "severity": "grave", "title": "octocatalog-diff crashes when the diff changes existing resources", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-17 20:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1025360, "source": "guetzli", "severity": "normal", "title": "guetzli FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-03 07:42:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1025370, "source": "ntcard", "severity": "important", "title": "ntcard: ftbfs with nthash 2.3.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-19 15:39:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1025444, "source": "vdr-plugin-femon", "severity": "normal", "title": "vdr-plugin-femon FTCBFS: misses compiler flags due to using the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-04 20:06:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1025532, "source": "ostree", "severity": "important", "title": "ostree: often FTBFS on s390x: tests/test-sysroot.js:96: deploymentPath.query_exists(null) should be false", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-06 10:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1025573, "source": "hotspot", "severity": "serious", "title": "hotspot: dependency on transitional policykit-1 package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-02 12:03:33 +0000" }, { "id": 1025650, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "serious", "title": "ftp.debian.org: Nmap Public Source License Version 0.94 - Is it DFSG-compliant?", "affected_sources": [ "nmap" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:nmap" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-12-07 12:33:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1025894, "source": "python3-nibabel", "severity": "serious", "title": "breaks the autopkgtest of nipype", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-11 13:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1026002, "source": "xutils-dev", "severity": "important", "title": "xutils-dev: imake support for riscv64 vanished?", "affected_sources": [ "xlax" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:xlax" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-09 15:57:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1026023, "source": "xmltoman", "severity": "important", "title": "xmltoman: FTBFS randomly in bullseye (./xmltoman: Permission denied)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-13 12:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1026046, "source": "libdevel-mat-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libdevel-mat-perl: FTBFS: test failures on some architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-12 00:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1026085, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "O: cdbs -- common build system for Debian packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-12-14 17:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1026109, "source": "firejail", "severity": "normal", "title": "firejail: ������Error fbuilder: invalid program������ when pairing --build & --env options together", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-07 18:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1026116, "source": "xorg-server", "severity": "serious", "title": "Patches not applied in security release deb10u6, FTBFS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-21 09:18:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1026120, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: issues with upstreams LFS files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-06 18:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1026138, "source": "rust-nitrokey-sys", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-nitrokey-sys: B-D on no longer available librust-bindgen-0.59+default-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-12-15 11:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1026223, "source": "golang-github-google-cel-spec", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-google-cel-spec: switch B-D to golang-github-golang-protobuf-1-5-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-12-16 16:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1026224, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build: Option \"-b netboot\" fails on arm64 architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-04 15:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1026230, "source": "debhelper", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debhelper: Unable to successfully build in read-only source directory.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-24 17:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1026235, "source": "libc6", "severity": "normal", "title": "tar: ftbfs with recent glibc", "affected_sources": [ "tar" ], "affected_packages": [ "tar" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-17 10:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1026319, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-dev: Please mention DEB_BUILD_PROFILES in dpkg-buildflags(1), too.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-21 12:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1026339, "source": "go-gir-generator", "severity": "serious", "title": "go-gir-generator: FTBFS randomly because of Makefile bug", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2022-12-25 21:54:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1026445, "source": "mutter", "severity": "important", "title": "mutter: test failure on armhf and sometimes armel: ../../src/xcb_io.c:626: _XAllocID: Assertion `ret != inval_id' failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-07-27 15:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1026837, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "debuild: fatal error at line 359", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-21 23:00:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1026876, "source": "jamin", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "jamin: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-23 05:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1026877, "source": "opari2", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "opari2: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 23:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1026946, "source": "ruby-omniauth-auth0", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-omniauth-auth0: FTBFS with ruby-sinatra >= 3.0: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: ArgumentError:", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:50:38 +0000" }, { "id": 1026973, "source": "rrdtool", "severity": "important", "title": "rrdtool FTBFS on 32-bit arches (may fail in testcase)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-02 22:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1027019, "source": "chroma", "severity": "normal", "title": "src:chroma cannot build because inkscape is not installable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-26 13:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1027082, "source": "ruby-mysql2", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-mysql2: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: mysqld crashes at startup", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:50:39 +0000" }, { "id": 1027203, "source": "qiskit-terra", "severity": "serious", "title": "qiskit-terra: autopkgtest fail with numpy/1.24.1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-22 17:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1027266, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "dpkg-genbuilddeps does not find package for /usr/bin/gzip, /usr/lib/... on unified /usr systems", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-29 08:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1027290, "source": "lintian", "severity": "normal", "title": "lintian: false positive missing-build-dependency-for-dh_-command dh_nodejs_autodocs when build-depends on dh-sequence-nodejs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-29 22:06:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1027295, "source": "gnome-control-center", "severity": "important", "title": "test-network-panel times out on riscv64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-31 21:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1027297, "source": "u-boot", "severity": "serious", "title": "u-boot: guruplug/sheevaplug: FDT and ATAGS support not compiled in", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2022-12-29 23:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1027304, "source": "linux", "severity": "important", "title": "linux-kbuild-6.0: missing `resolve_btfids` and some scripts", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 19:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1027306, "source": "linux", "severity": "important", "title": "linux-kbuild-6.0: missing `resolve_btfids` and some scripts", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 19:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1027339, "source": "ruby-rackup", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rackup: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: ruby-rack (>= 3.0.0~)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 16:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1027350, "source": "ruby-rack-session", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rack-session: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: ruby-rack (>= 3.0.0~)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 17:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1027375, "source": "golang-gopkg-libgit2-git2go.v31", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-gopkg-libgit2-git2go.v31: FTBFS in bullseye (missing build-depends on tzdata)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-28 20:12:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1027378, "source": "mu-editor", "severity": "important", "title": "mu-editor: FTBFS (missing build-depends on mount)", "affected_sources": [ "mu-editor" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:mu-editor" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-10 18:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1027472, "source": "ledgersmb", "severity": "grave", "title": "ledgersmb: upstram says 1.6 is unsupported and insecure. Newer upstream version 1.10 available", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-31 13:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1027473, "source": "fwbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "fwbuilder: Link to Quick Start Guide does not work, no alternatives found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-01 11:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1027509, "source": "commons-vfs", "severity": "serious", "title": "commons-vfs: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: libcommons-net-java-doc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:50:44 +0000" }, { "id": 1027704, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-460", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-460: transitional packages should not be released with bookworm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-02 09:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1027739, "source": "live-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "live-build: Please add systemd-timesyncd in the live image", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-08 08:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1027825, "source": "bind-dyndb-ldap", "severity": "serious", "title": "bind-dyndb-ldap: FTBFS in bullseye (������dns_dyndbctx_t������ has no member named ������refvar������)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-03 20:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1027827, "source": "litecoin", "severity": "serious", "title": "litecoin: FTBFS in bullseye (expired certificates in test suite)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-29 20:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1027865, "source": "node-jasmine", "severity": "normal", "title": "Cannot build for backports: fails test \"npm package contains only the expected entries in the package dir\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-04 11:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1027920, "source": "cyrus-common", "severity": "normal", "title": "cyrus-common: Restrict libclamav-dev build-depend to archs with rust", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-04 14:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1028041, "source": "php-excimer", "severity": "normal", "title": "php-excimer: FTBFS on mipsel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-02 20:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1028104, "source": "boost-defaults", "severity": "serious", "title": "libboost-dev: Boost with C++20 uses unavailable std functions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-23 09:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1028125, "source": "file", "severity": "important", "title": "wrong source-contains-prebuilt-windows-binary for GB18030-encoded text file", "affected_sources": [ "lintian" ], "affected_packages": [ "lintian" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-21 13:09:19 +0000" }, { "id": 1028163, "source": "sshfs-fuse", "severity": "serious", "title": "sshfs-fuse: FTBFS (tries to use the ssh service from the host machine)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-29 20:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1028165, "source": "fltk1.3", "severity": "serious", "title": "libfltk1.3-dev: Missing dependency on fluid?", "affected_sources": [ "giada" 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"wishlist", "title": "/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage: Feature Request: custom version flag support.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-10 20:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1028434, "source": "kodi", "severity": "serious", "title": "kodi: FTBFS in bullseye (fatal error: date/tz.h: No such file or directory)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-26 16:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1028521, "source": "openscap", "severity": "normal", "title": "libopenscap8: openscap 1.2.16 not able to build ComplianceAsCode", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-22 09:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1028587, "source": "datefudge", "severity": "serious", "title": "datefudge: 64-bit time_t functions are not implemented/exposed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-13 12:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1028615, "source": "tracker.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "tracker.debian.org: tracker.d.o should display results of reproducible rebuilds, not just reproducible CI results", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-04-17 13:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1028634, "source": "btas", "severity": "serious", "title": "libbtas-dev requires blaspp", "affected_sources": [ "tiledarray" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:tiledarray" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-23 19:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1028722, "source": "prody", "severity": "important", "title": "prody: FTBFS: AssertionError: 3205 != 3211 : selection 'abs(x) == sqrt(sq(x))' for Selection 'all' failed, expected 3211, selected 3205", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-13 07:39:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1028987, "source": "linux-signed-amd64", "severity": "normal", "title": "linux-image-amd64: Does not build with rtlwifi", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-01-15 20:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1029057, "source": "llvm-toolchain-15", "severity": "normal", "title": "llvm-toolchain-15 cannot be built without git", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-17 03:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1029188, "source": "node-readable-stream", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-readable-stream: FTBFS: Cannot find module 'fs'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-01-19 16:21:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1029204, "source": "zeroc-ice", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "zeroc-ice - consider building for all supported python 3 versions.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-09 09:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1029218, "source": "dkms", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dkms should perform reproducible build of modules", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-06 09:54:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1029288, "source": "tracker-miners", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "please build tracker-miners with fanotify support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-29 08:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1029295, "source": "python-miio", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "python-miio: Compatibility with python3-click > 8.0 (& make the build reproducible)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:22:24 +0000" }, { "id": 1029307, "source": "node-katex", "severity": "normal", "title": "node-katex: reproducible-builds: build path in .mjs files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-21 02:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1029374, "source": "mariadb", "severity": "normal", "title": "mariadb: FTBFS on ppc64: main.func_json_notembedded very long output and crash, also main.mysql_upgrade complains about mysql.proc column count (3/1031 tests failed, regression from 1:10.11.1-3 where all 1029 tests passed)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-19 04:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1029423, "source": "python3.11", "severity": "important", "title": "libpython3.11-stdlib: missing dependency on tzdata", "affected_sources": [ "gnucash", "jc", "kopeninghours", "python-pycdlib", "reposurgeon" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:gnucash", "src:kopeninghours", "src:reposurgeon", "src:jc", "src:python-pycdlib" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-14 12:57:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1029424, "source": "python3.11", "severity": "important", "title": "libpython3.11-stdlib: missing dependency on tzdata", "affected_sources": [ "gnucash", "jc", "kopeninghours", "python-pycdlib", "reposurgeon" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:gnucash", "src:kopeninghours", "src:reposurgeon", "src:jc", "src:python-pycdlib" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-14 12:57:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1029430, "source": "python3.11", "severity": "important", "title": "libpython3.11-stdlib: missing dependency on tzdata", "affected_sources": [ "gnucash", "jc", "kopeninghours", "python-pycdlib", "reposurgeon" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:gnucash", "src:kopeninghours", "src:reposurgeon", "src:jc", "src:python-pycdlib" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-14 12:57:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1029571, "source": "nageru", "severity": "normal", "title": "nageru: please build with sha1 to let lld link correctly", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-24 22:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1029614, "source": "blueprint-compiler", "severity": "important", "title": "blueprint-compiler: crashes when run on s390x", "affected_sources": [ "dialect", "gnome-shell-extension-manager" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:dialect", "src:gnome-shell-extension-manager" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-13 16:06:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1029669, "source": "singularity-container", "severity": "serious", "title": "singularity-container not suitable for Debian stable releases", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-26 09:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1029701, "source": "scikit-learn", "severity": "serious", "title": "scikit-learn: tests fail with scipy 1.10", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-18 00:45:18 +0000" }, { "id": 1029702, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "minor", "title": "sbuild: Buildd::Uploader->uploaded calling convention mismatch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-31 09:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1029734, "source": "kraft", "severity": "serious", "title": "pypdf2 is deprecated, please move from python3-pypdf2 to python3-pypdf", "affected_sources": [ "pypdf" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:pypdf" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-01 23:15:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1029735, "source": "krop", "severity": "serious", "title": "pypdf2 is deprecated, please move from python3-pypdf2 to python3-pypdf", "affected_sources": [ "pypdf" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:pypdf" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-01 23:15:21 +0000" }, { "id": 1029738, "source": "pdfposter", "severity": "serious", "title": "pypdf2 is deprecated, please move from python3-pypdf2 to python3-pypdf", "affected_sources": [ "pypdf" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:pypdf" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 01:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1029780, "source": "greenbone-security-assistant", "severity": "serious", "title": "greenbone-security-assistant: gvm packages not suitable for stable Debian release", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-27 15:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1029800, "source": "aribas", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "aribas: reproducible-builds: build id differences in /usr/bin/aribas", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:22:25 +0000" }, { "id": 1029831, "source": "debian-policy", "severity": "normal", "title": "debian-policy: Make required packages build-essential", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-29 13:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1029832, "source": "ruby-rack", "severity": "grave", "title": "ruby-rack: CVE-2022-44570 CVE-2022-44571 CVE-2022-44572", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 13:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1029845, "source": "harfbuzz", "severity": "serious", "title": "harfbuzz: non-distributable font included in source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-01 20:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1029931, "source": "pushpin", "severity": "important", "title": "pushpin: build-dependencies unsatisfiable on mips*, ppc64el and s390x.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-30 08:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1029944, "source": "neon27", "severity": "serious", "title": "neon27 FTBFS on IPV6-only buildds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-03 22:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1029971, "source": "gcc-sh-elf", "severity": "normal", "title": "gcc-sh-elf: Rebuild takes 100 times what it used to take", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-02 14:12:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1030001, "source": "gcc-xtensa", "severity": "normal", "title": "reproducible-builds: temporary filenames and full build paths embedded in output", "affected_sources": [ "picolibc" ], "affected_packages": [ "picolibc" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-30 02:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1030130, "source": "gnome-bluetooth", "severity": "serious", "title": "libgnome-bluetooth13: superseded version of gnome-bluetooth3, should be removed eventually", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 01:48:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1030137, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "build-rdeps: does not notice when dose-ceve is killed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-01-31 14:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1030168, "source": "pesign", "severity": "grave", "title": "pesign: CVE-2022-3560: Local privilege escalation on pesign systemd service", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-01 23:09:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1030290, "source": "gtts", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-gtts: Outdated, no longer works", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-06 15:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1030311, "source": "python-grpc-tools", "severity": "important", "title": "python3-grpc-tools: undefined symbol: _ZN6google8protobuf8internal22Release_CompareAndSwapEPVlll building opensnitch", "affected_sources": [ "bpftrace", "opensnitch" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:opensnitch", "src:bpftrace" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-17 18:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1030395, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "mk-build-deps: adds bogus arch qualifiers", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-04 02:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1030442, "source": "ruby-rack", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rack: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: ArgumentError: invalid domain: \".test.com\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 13:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1030491, "source": "prody", "severity": "important", "title": "prody: FTBFS: AssertionError: 3205 != 3211 : selection 'abs(x) == sqrt(sq(x))' for Selection 'all' failed, expected 3211, selected 3205", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-13 07:39:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1030586, "source": "lintian", "severity": "important", "title": "lintian: Testsuite failure on some systems: 1h time offset in test ancient-source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-05 21:03:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1030600, "source": "redis", "severity": "serious", "title": "redis breaks python-fakeredis autopkgtest: Connection refused", "affected_sources": [ "beaker", "python-fakeredis" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:python-fakeredis", "src:beaker" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:50:58 +0000" }, { "id": 1030630, "source": "mariadb", "severity": "normal", "title": "mariadb: FTBFS on sparc64: main.func_json_notembedded very long output and crash, anon_inode:io_uring warning (10/1026 tests failed, so far best result in all reviewed build logs for MariaDB 5.5-10.11)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-19 04:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1030706, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "minor", "title": "sbuild should not purge packages for autopkgtest-virt-server=docker", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-06 16:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1030717, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder doesn't work with libpam-tmpdir", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-12 09:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1030726, "source": "intelrdfpmath", "severity": "normal", "title": "intelrdfpmath: FTBFS on mips", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-13 12:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1030737, "source": "ruby", "severity": "normal", "title": "ruby: please include 'gem' in the DEBIAN_RUBY_PROGRAMS env var when building", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-07 00:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1030772, "source": "hyperspy", "severity": "important", "title": "arm64 build failure", 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"severity": "serious", "title": "libgovirt: FTBFS randomly (Could not connect to localhost: Connection refused)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-03 22:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1030916, "source": "qtwebengine-opensource-src", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "qtwebengine-opensource-src: Enable riscv64 build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-06 20:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1030931, "source": "golang-google-grpc", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-google-grpc: FTBFS on mipsel: test failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-09 20:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1031024, "source": "trompeloeil-cpp", "severity": "important", "title": "trompeloeil-cpp: FTBFS (The value requires a positive integer argument.)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-19 14:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1031046, "source": "asterisk", "severity": "serious", "title": "Only include in Bookworm with commitment to stable updates", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 14:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1031056, "source": "ceilometer", "severity": "important", "title": "ceilometer: FTBFS randomly (autobuilder hangs)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-10 11:42:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1031058, "source": "golang-github-pion-dtls.v2", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-pion-dtls.v2: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-10 23:45:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1031059, "source": "golang-github-pion-sctp", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-pion-sctp: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-10 23:45:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1031060, "source": "knewstuff", "severity": "important", "title": "knewstuff: FTBFS randomly (test \"knewstuff-installationtest\" fails)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-10 23:45:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1031061, "source": "kpackage", "severity": "important", "title": "kpackage: FTBFS randomly (test \"plasma-querytest\" fails)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-10 23:45:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1031062, "source": "rclone", "severity": "important", "title": "rclone: FTBFS randomly (autobuilder hangs)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-12 18:39:03 +0000" 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"src:reposurgeon", "src:jc", "src:python-pycdlib" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-14 12:57:18 +0000" }, { "id": 1031402, "source": "mutt-wizard", "severity": "grave", "title": "mutt-wizard: ships and generates invalid neomutt rc files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-17 04:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1031414, "source": "libgpuarray", "severity": "serious", "title": "libgpuarray: i386 test fail with new pocl", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-14 17:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1031419, "source": "llvm-toolchain-14", "severity": "normal", "title": "libclang-rt-14-dev: trying to overwrite '.../libclang_rt.builtins-wasm32.a', which is also in package libclang-rt-14-dev-wasm32", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-18 20:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1031468, "source": "ruby-rubydns", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rubydns: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/rubygems/specification.rb:1413:in `rescue in block in activate_dependencies': Could not find 'celluloid' (= 0.16.0) among 111 total gem(s) (Gem::MissingSpecError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-02 09:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1031471, "source": "guestfs-tools", "severity": "serious", "title": "guestfs-tools: FTBFS: make[5]: *** [Makefile:1073: test-suite.log] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-19 21:57:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1031476, "source": "ruby-celluloid-io", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-celluloid-io: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: Failure/Error:", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-17 13:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1031506, "source": "darktable", "severity": "normal", "title": "darktable: Please adjust the architectures on which darktable is built", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-05 19:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1031523, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: iqmol -- molecular builder and visualization package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-03-05 14:09:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1031546, "source": "qa.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "qa.debian.org: Package summary for buildd log scanner lacks crucial information", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-02-18 10:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1031602, "source": "gnutls28", "severity": "important", "title": "gnutls28/3.7.1-5+deb11u3 FTBFS on armel", "affected_sources": [ "security.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "security.debian.org" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-11-02 11:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1031655, "source": "lutris", "severity": "normal", "title": "Lutris: \"The wine build you have selected does not support Esync/Fsync\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-09 15:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1031673, "source": "cpufetch", "severity": "normal", "title": "cpufetch: Modify the control file to build only on supported architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-20 09:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1031715, "source": "godot", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "godot3: Please upload 3.5 to BPO (build on bullseye succeeds without modifications)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-05-31 06:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1031716, "source": "protobuf", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-protobuf: Do reverse dependencies need stricter version constraints?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-03-30 20:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1031724, "source": "fava", "severity": "serious", "title": "fava: frontend is not built from source; missing source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-21 14:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1031797, "source": "libsemanage", "severity": "serious", "title": "libsemanage: Inaccurate copyright file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-10 19:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1031815, "source": "dogtag-pki", "severity": "serious", "title": "pki-server: Migrate to Tomcat 10", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-24 10:12:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1031816, "source": "tomcatjss", "severity": "serious", "title": "tomcatjss: Migrate to Tomcat 10", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-05-25 13:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1031829, "source": "gawk", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "gawk: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-19 20:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1031884, "source": "pytango", "severity": "important", "title": "pytango FTBFS on big endian architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-24 17:39:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1031889, "source": "openjdk-20", "severity": "serious", "title": "openjdk-20 should not be in stable releases", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-24 18:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1031902, "source": "dh-python", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dh-python: Generate cpython3_fallback during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-02-25 21:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1031903, "source": "live-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "live-build: add dracut support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-25 11:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1031964, "source": "trilinos", "severity": "serious", "title": "libtrilinos-{globi,opti}pack-{13.2,dev} are empty", "affected_sources": [ "libtrilinos-globipack-13.2", "libtrilinos-optipack-13.2", "trilinos" ], "affected_packages": [ "libtrilinos-globipack-dev", "libtrilinos-globipack-13.2", "libtrilinos-optipack-dev", "libtrilinos-optipack-13.2" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-03-10 13:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1031965, "source": "pyodc", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-pyodc-docs is empty", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-16 11:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1032046, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: unshare mode uses wrong user for \"Check disk space\" commands when $build_user is set", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-26 23:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1032108, "source": "golang-github-jesseduffield-asciigraph", "severity": "serious", "title": "Don't release with bookworm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-23 17:45:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1032111, "source": "golang-github-jesseduffield-pty", "severity": "serious", "title": "Don't release with bookworm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-23 17:45:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1032121, "source": "python-packaging", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Please build and ship the packaging's documentation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-28 08:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1032153, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: noninteractive pbuilder install loops infinitely when system has no sources.list file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-28 19:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1032167, "source": "gcc-11-cross-mipsen", "severity": "serious", "title": "gcc-11-cross-mipsen: not binNMU-safe", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-28 21:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1032170, "source": "libdrm", "severity": "important", "title": "libdrm: FTBFS on arm64 when only arch-independent packages are built", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-02-28 22:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1032177, "source": "faketime", "severity": "grave", "title": "faketime doesn't fake time (on i386)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 09:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1032240, "source": "akonadi", "severity": "serious", "title": "akonadi server fails to start since it cannot connect to mysql database", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-27 09:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1032262, "source": "linux", "severity": "normal", "title": "Kernel builds past 5.3 seem to interfere with AMD dedicated GPU performance on Acer Nitro 5 AN515-42 laptop (almost certainly kernel config related)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-03-04 16:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1032283, "source": "sphinx", "severity": "normal", "title": "python3-sphinx: sphinx-build ignores virtual env", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-03 10:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1032302, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: Lintian exit status confusion", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-03 09:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1032449, "source": "sparse", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sparse: support building sparse with LLVM 15", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-26 04:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1032458, "source": "rssguard", "severity": "normal", "title": "rssguard FTCBFS: uses the build architecture qmake", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-07 06:33:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1032499, "source": "ukui-interface", "severity": "normal", "title": "ukui-interface FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture qmake", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-08 08:45:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1032555, "source": "nvda2speechd", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "nvda2speechd fails to build due to the external network access", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-03 07:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1032602, "source": "calligra", "severity": "normal", "title": "calligra: FTBFS on hppa - please enable LFS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-09 20:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1032603, "source": "umbrello", "severity": "normal", "title": "umbrello: FTBFS on hppa - Please enable LFS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-09 20:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1032829, "source": "zsh", "severity": "normal", "title": "zsh: error completing \"sbuild --extra-package=\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 14:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1032898, "source": "wxastrocapture", "severity": "normal", "title": "wxastrocapture: FTBFS on hppa - no sa_restorer field", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-13 17:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1032934, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build: Package systemd-resolved breaks name resolution, because of /etc/resolv.conf being linked to /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-14 11:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1033032, "source": "buddy", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "buddy: reproducible-builds: Embedded build path and usrmerge paths in example Makefile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:22:26 +0000" }, { "id": 1033047, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "minor", "title": "is gbp buildpackage supposed to find the signature in tarball-dir?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-16 10:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1033052, "source": "eviacam", "severity": "serious", "title": "eviacam quits with \"cvCreateCameraCapture doesn't support legacy API anymore\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-03 22:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1033087, "source": "llvm-toolchain-14", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "llvm-toolchain-14: missing nodoc build profile support (for bootstrapping)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-17 02:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1033124, "source": "linux", "severity": "important", "title": "kernel: Fails to rebuild initrd.img after firmware is purged.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-03-21 11:06:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1033187, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-dev: dpkg-buildpackage bissect will be helpful for regression testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-09 02:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1033217, "source": "gnome-builder", "severity": "normal", "title": "gnome-builder does not require clang", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-20 07:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1033306, "source": "tor", "severity": "grave", "title": "tor: Tor relays running will soon be cut off from the network", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 10:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1033316, "source": "ruby-moneta", "severity": "serious", "title": "Autopkgtest is flaky", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-02 22:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1033340, "source": "redis", "severity": "grave", "title": "redis: CVE-2023-28425", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-03-25 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true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-23 13:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1033369, "source": "ruby-riddle", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-riddle: autopkgtest timeouts on 32 bit archs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-23 19:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1033395, "source": "ruby3.1", "severity": "serious", "title": "ftbfs on bookworm with test failure - SocketError: getnameinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-25 15:09:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1033417, "source": "newt", "severity": "normal", "title": "newt: missing Build-Depends docbook", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-25 12:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1033421, "source": "newt", "severity": "normal", "title": "newt: nopython not full respected", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-25 14:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1033480, "source": "gitlab-ci-multi-runner", "severity": "important", "title": "gitlab-ci-multi-runner: FTBFS on 32 bit archs: src/gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/common/buildtest/masking.go:48:32: cannot use math.MaxInt64 (untyped int constant 9223372036854775807) as int value in argument to buf.Bytes (overflows)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-25 19:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1033510, "source": "vim-ultisnips", "severity": "serious", "title": "vim-ultisnips: flaky autopkgtest: Invalid multiword trigger", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-26 13:48:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1033512, "source": "zc.buildout", "severity": "serious", "title": "zc.buildout: autopkgtest fails: cannot open /usr/share/python3-zope.testing/test_helper", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-05 12:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1033514, "source": "xchain", "severity": "serious", "title": "xchain: autopkgtest fails: xvfb-run: command not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-22 10:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1033516, "source": "twisted", "severity": "serious", "title": "twisted: autopkgtest fails: failures=21, errors=35", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-25 15:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1033526, "source": "svn-load", "severity": "serious", "title": "svn-load: autopkgtest fails: No module named 'pysvn'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-26 18:51:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1033528, "source": "apbs", "severity": "serious", "title": "apbs: autopkgtest regression: apbs_tester.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-06 14:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1033553, "source": "libprelude", "severity": "normal", "title": "libprelude failing to build from source on bookworm with python 3.11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-27 11:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1033575, "source": "digikam", "severity": "important", "title": "digikam: bookworm build: No 16-bit color in jpeg2000 and heif, missing gmic-qt", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-03-27 17:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1033582, "source": "bonnie++", "severity": "serious", "title": "bonnie++: autopkgtest fails: Syntax error: \"then\" unexpected", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-29 10:09:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1033590, "source": "ruby-mongo", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-mongo: autopkgtest failure since removal of mongodb-server in 2020", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 18:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1033626, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: Dependencies should not be required outside the chroot (--no-clean should be the default)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-10 22:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1033633, "source": "newsboat", "severity": "normal", "title": "newsboat: ftbfs with -Werror", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-29 06:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1033698, "source": "fonts-rit-sundar", "severity": "serious", "title": "fonts-rit-sundar: autopkgtest fails: output on stderr: Program root: /usr", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-12 14:36:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1033703, "source": "gffread", "severity": "serious", "title": "gffread: autopkgtest regression: test dependency not in testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-20 19:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1033705, "source": "golang-gitaly-proto", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-gitaly-proto: autopkgtest regression: test dependency ruby-gitaly-proto doesn't exist", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-28 16:40:35 +0000" }, { "id": 1033710, "source": "kel-agent", "severity": "serious", "title": "kel-agent: autopkgtest regression: panic: test timed out after 10m0s", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-11 18:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1033711, "source": "kore", "severity": "serious", "title": "kore: autopkgtest regression: Killing leaked background processes", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-30 19:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1033748, "source": "tar", "severity": "minor", "title": "source: build should not need extra option for user root", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-03-31 18:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1033761, "source": "nautilus-scripts-manager", "severity": "grave", "title": "nautilus-scripts-manager: nautilus-script-manager throws exception under bookworm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-06 14:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1033775, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx: CVE-2023-0184, CVE-2023-0189, CVE-2023-0180, CVE-2023-0185, CVE-2023-0198, CVE-2023-0199, CVE-2023-0188, CVE-2023-0190, CVE-2023-0194, CVE-2023-0195, CVE-2023-0191", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-01 08:06:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1033776, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx: CVE-2023-0184, CVE-2023-0189, CVE-2023-0180, CVE-2023-0185, CVE-2023-0198, CVE-2023-0199, CVE-2023-0188, CVE-2023-0190, CVE-2023-0194, CVE-2023-0195, CVE-2023-0191", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-01 08:06:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1033777, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418: CVE-2023-0184, CVE-2023-0189, CVE-2023-0180, CVE-2023-0185, CVE-2023-0198, CVE-2023-0199, CVE-2023-0188, CVE-2023-0190, CVE-2023-0194, CVE-2023-0195, CVE-2023-0191", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-01 08:06:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1033817, "source": "node-mongodb", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-mongodb: autopkgtest regression: warning on stderr", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-26 16:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1033828, "source": "mono", "severity": "important", "title": "mono-xbuild: Mono packages should provide msbuild instead of xbuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 15:06:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1033832, "source": "php-db", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-db: autopkgtest regression: FAIL DB::DB_Error[DB-1.11.0/tests/db_error.phpt]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 21:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1033835, "source": "polyml", "severity": "serious", "title": "polyml: autopkgtest regression: output on stderr", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-05-14 14:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1033841, "source": "pypi2deb", "severity": "normal", "title": "pypi2deb: py2dsp error when building a package for debops", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-02 16:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1033848, "source": "hotspot", "severity": "grave", "title": "hotspot: CVE-2023-28144", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-03 16:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1033851, "source": "python-pyepsg", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-pyepsg: autopkgtest regression: xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError: not well-formed (invalid token)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-02 21:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1033852, "source": "racket-mode", "severity": "serious", "title": "racket-mode: autopkgtest regression: Process *Racket REPL* connection broken by remote peer", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-29 08:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1033853, "source": "r-bioc-megadepth", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-bioc-megadepth: autopkgtest regression: different output", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-21 16:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1033854, "source": "r-bioc-rhdf5lib", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-bioc-rhdf5lib: autopkgtest regression: Expected '1.10.7', got '1.10.8'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-20 15:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1033857, "source": "ruby-selenium-webdriver", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-chromedriver-helper: autopkgtest regression: cannot load such file -- zip (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ "ruby-chromedriver-helper" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:ruby-chromedriver-helper" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 15:03:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1033907, "source": "numba", "severity": "serious", "title": "numba: autopkgtest regression: segmentation fault on arm64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-14 17:36:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1033908, "source": "ruby-font-awesome-rails", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-font-awesome-rails: autopkgtest regression: Don't know how to build task 'assets:precompile'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-22 18:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1033914, "source": "ruby-rails-assets-blueimp-gallery", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rails-assets-blueimp-gallery: autopkgtest regression: Don't know how to build task 'assets:precompile'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-03 19:57:27 +0000" }, { "id": 1033954, "source": "pike8.0", "severity": "normal", "title": "pike8.0: reproducible builds: timestamp embedded in .html documentation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-04 23:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1033955, "source": "pike8.0", "severity": "normal", "title": "pike8.0: reproducible builds: kernel version affects buildid", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-04 22:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1033957, "source": "pike8.0", "severity": "normal", "title": "pike8.0: reproducible-builds: machine.h includes non-deterministic value for FB_CPU_TIME_IS_THREAD_LOCAL", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-05 05:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1034027, "source": "ruby-rails-assets-fine-uploader", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rails-assets-fine-uploader: autopkgtest regression: Don't know how to build task 'assets:precompile'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:51:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1034028, "source": "ruby-rails-assets-jquery", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rails-assets-jquery: autopkgtest regression: Don't know how to build task 'assets:precompile'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-08 12:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1034128, "source": "cachelib", "severity": "serious", "title": "memcached breaks cachelib autopkgtest: TimeoutError", "affected_sources": [ "memcached" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:memcached" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-18 20:18:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1034129, "source": "lomiri-action-api", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "lomiri-action-api: reproducible-builds: build paths trigger differences", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:22:29 +0000" }, { "id": 1034147, "source": "ruby-regexp-parser", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ruby-regexp-parser: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-10 11:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1034311, "source": "reprotest", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "reprotest: make it easier to compare against an existing build (eg from ftp.d.o)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-11 23:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1034369, "source": "libcereal", "severity": "serious", "title": "libcereal: autopkgtest regression on non x86: cc1plus: all warnings being treated as errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-14 19:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1034416, "source": "coreutils", "severity": "minor", "title": "coreutils: stat.1: are there any shells which actually provide stat as a built-in?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-14 20:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1034503, "source": "telegram-desktop", "severity": "grave", "title": "telegram-desktop: segmentation fault at ../sysdeps/x86_64/dl-machine.h:463", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-17 09:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1034528, "source": "pyethash", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pyethash: Switch to GitHub source and build libethash", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-17 17:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1034560, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: juicefs -- A distributed POSIX file system built on top of Redis and S3.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-04-18 09:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1034644, "source": "fbterm", "severity": "normal", "title": "fbterm: FTBFS if ncurses is configured with \"--disable-root-env\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-20 18:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1034708, "source": "lintian", "severity": "normal", "title": "lintian: false positive \"build-depends-on-versioned-berkeley-db Build-Depends:libdb5.3-sql-dev\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-22 09:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1034752, "source": "gluegen2", "severity": "serious", "title": "embeds non-free headers", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-18 14:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1034848, "source": "slic3r", "severity": "grave", "title": "slic3r: CVE-2022-36788", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-29 21:12:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1034851, "source": "node-nodemailer", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-nodemailer: autopkgtest regression: ipv4.single.dev.ethereal.email changed IP", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-12 13:57:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1034852, "source": "r-bioc-annotationhub", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-bioc-annotationhub: autopkgtest regression: download failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-22 12:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1034856, "source": "dstat", "severity": "serious", "title": "dstat: autopkgtest regression on multiple archs: TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'dict' and 'int'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-16 12:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1034860, "source": "console-setup", "severity": "important", "title": "console-setup: building the source package is a mess", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-04-25 23:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1035043, "source": "alex4", "severity": "serious", "title": "alex4-data: please request assets be explictly licensed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-03 21:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1035606, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build fails because firmware-nvidia-gsp and firmware-nvidia-tesla-gsp conflict with each other", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-26 20:30:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1035798, "source": "php8.2", "severity": "serious", "title": "libphp8.2-embed: does not ship SONAME link /usr/lib/libphp.so -> libphp8.2.so", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-02 17:12:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1035857, "source": "texlive-extra", "severity": "serious", "title": "texlive-fonts-extra: broken font symlinks for junicode", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-12 09:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1035867, "source": "mousepad", "severity": "normal", "title": "mousepad: Deprecated build dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-05-10 10:18:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1035871, "source": "flare-engine", "severity": "serious", "title": "flare-engine: broken symlink: /usr/share/games/flare/mods/default/fonts/unifont-10.0.06.ttf -> ../../../../../fonts/truetype/unifont/unifont.ttf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-01 16:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1035947, "source": "firefox", "severity": "normal", "title": "fresh build from git fails with cannot access local variable 'new_file'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-05-11 20:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1035983, "source": "libsoup3", "severity": "grave", "title": "libsoup3 (and libsoup2) autopkgtests are flaky: Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 12:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1036041, "source": "grub2", "severity": "serious", "title": "upgrade-reports: Dell XPS 9550 fails to boot after bullseye to bookworm upgrade - grub/bios interaction bug?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-05-22 10:27:09 +0000" }, 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"affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-05-17 09:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1036255, "source": "python3-onelogin-saml2", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-onelogin-saml2: FTBFS in bookworm and above: AssertionError: \"Invalid issuer in the Logout Request\" does not match \"Could not validate timestamp: expired. Check system clock.)\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-12 18:57:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1036256, "source": "golang-github-pin-tftp", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-pin-tftp: FTBFS in testing: dh_auto_test: error: cd _build && go test -vet=off -v -p 8 github.com/pin/tftp github.com/pin/tftp/netascii returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-13 01:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1036263, "source": "guestfs-tools", "severity": "serious", "title": "guestfs-tools: FTBFS in testing: make[6]: *** [Makefile:1716: test-suite.log] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-19 21:57:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1036272, "source": "youtube-dl", "severity": "serious", "title": "youtube-dl - Should this be released with Bookworm?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-26 16:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1036359, "source": "markdown-toc-el", "severity": "grave", "title": "crashes with (wrong-type-argument consp nil)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-13 19:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1036369, "source": "ruby-rest-client", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rest-client: network-dependent tests fail", "affected_sources": [ ], 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"affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:22:31 +0000" }, { "id": 1036578, "source": "yade", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-yade: does not ship a python module", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-05-27 07:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1036596, "source": "llvm-toolchain-14", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-lldb-14: broken symlinks: /usr/lib/llvm-14/lib/python3/dist-packages/lldb/libLLVM-14.so.1 etc.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-15 08:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1036601, "source": "xen", "severity": "serious", "title": "xenstore-utils: broken symlink /usr/bin/xenstore-control", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 11:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1036611, "source": "llvm-toolchain-13", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-lldb-13: broken symlinks: /usr/lib/llvm-13/lib/python3/dist-packages/lldb/libLLVM-13*.so.1 -> ../../../../..//libLLVM-13.0.1.so.1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-28 04:54:23 +0000" }, { "id": 1036614, "source": "llvm-toolchain-15", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-lldb-15: broken symlinks: /usr/lib/llvm-15/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/lldb/_lldb.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-gnu.so, /usr/lib/llvm-15/lib/python3/dist-packages/lldb/libLLVM-15.so.1, ...", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-07 14:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1036641, "source": "gcc-12", "severity": "serious", "title": "gcc-12-base: please bump the Breaks: gnat (<< 12) for smoother upgrades from bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-12 14:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1036680, "source": "pyhst2", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyhst2: FTBFS with CUDA 12: error: texture is not a template", "affected_sources": [ "pyhst2" ], "affected_packages": [ "python3-pyhst2-cuda" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-13 22:27:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1036681, "source": "relion-cuda", "severity": "serious", "title": "relion-cuda: FTBFS with CUDA 12: nvcc fatal : Value 'sm_35' is not defined for option 'gpu-architecture'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 15:51:28 +0000" }, { "id": 1036783, "source": "wmbusmeters", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "wmbusmeters: Fail to build on hurd-i386 - undefined reference to `SerialCommunicationManagerImp::listSerialTTYs[abi:cxx11]()'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-05-26 04:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1036784, "source": "wmbusmeters", "severity": "serious", "title": "wmbusmeters: Fail to build on several archs - xxd: command not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-05-26 05:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1036873, "source": "gv", "severity": "grave", "title": "Don't Depend on transitional package ghostscript-x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 18:24:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1036881, "source": "whitedune", "severity": "serious", "title": "whitedune: segfaults", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-14 20:48:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1036929, "source": "mmdebstrap", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "mmdebstrap: Feature request: \"mmdebstrap --anything-failed-commands '%s'\" should exist, like in sbuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-01 07:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1036935, "source": "autoconf", "severity": "normal", "title": "autoconf: uses deprecated stage1 build profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-05-29 19:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1036963, "source": "argparse-manpage", "severity": "important", "title": "argparse-manpage doesn't run unless python3-setuptools is installed", "affected_sources": [ "osm2pgsql", "sasl-xoauth2" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:sasl-xoauth2", "src:osm2pgsql" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-15 05:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1036988, "source": "cycle", "severity": "grave", "title": "crashes with TypeError: _ScrolledWindowBase.SetScrollbars(): argument 3 has unexpected type 'float'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-30 01:06:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1036998, "source": "emacs", "severity": "normal", "title": "emacs contains tests that will fail on builders with restricted networks", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-05-31 20:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1037016, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "mk-build-deps fails if the package version is 0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-01 16:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1037031, "source": "gdb", "severity": "normal", "title": "gdb: std::length_error with tab-completion on Meson-built Rust program", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-06 12:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1037064, "source": "maven-verifier", "severity": "serious", "title": "maven-verifier depends on downloading sources at build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-16 04:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1037094, "source": "gzip", "severity": "minor", "title": "gzip: Build for linux should not depend on mingw64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 05:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1037168, "source": "python3.11", "severity": "important", "title": "libpython3.11-stdlib: missing dependency on tzdata", "affected_sources": [ "gnucash", "jc", "kopeninghours", "python-pycdlib", "reposurgeon" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:gnucash", "src:kopeninghours", "src:reposurgeon", "src:jc", "src:python-pycdlib" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-14 12:57:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1037213, "source": "awstats", "severity": "serious", "title": "awstats: prompting due to modified conffiles which were not modified by the user: /etc/logrotate.d/httpd-prerotate/awstats", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-22 13:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1037235, "source": "gradle-kotlin-dsl", "severity": "normal", "title": "gradle-kotlin-dsl: reproducible-builds: generated classpath files differ when /bin/sh -> bash", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-08 22:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1037258, "source": "curl", "severity": "serious", "title": "curl -I (HEAD request) fails with HTTP/2 against a Debian Apache instance", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 20:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1037267, "source": "kawari8", "severity": "normal", "title": "kawari8: reproducible-builds: timezone-dependent timestamps on files in documentation files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 22:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1037269, "source": "freetds", "severity": "normal", "title": "freetds: reproducible-builds: time derived build number embedded in documentation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-09 21:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1037276, "source": "bglibs", "severity": "serious", "title": "bglibs: reproducible-builds: Different path to perl in cli-generate", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-17 18:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1037277, "source": "advi", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "advi: reproducible-builds: Embedded build path and usrmerge paths in example Makefile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:22:32 +0000" }, { "id": 1037279, "source": "angelfish", "severity": "normal", "title": "Angelfish built-in ad blocker not built due to missing Rust Build-Depends (Corrosion etc.)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 23:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1037280, "source": "simstring", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "simstring: reproducible-builds: Embedded build path and usrmerge paths in example Makefile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:22:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1037296, "source": "manderlbot", "severity": "serious", "title": "manderlbot: reproducible-builds: Different path to erl in /usr/bin/manderlbot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-10 07:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1037298, "source": "erlang-proper", "severity": "normal", "title": "erlang-proper: reproducible-builds: timestamps embedded in documentation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-10 15:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1037300, "source": "comedilib", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "comedilib: reproducible-builds: Embedded buildpaths and usrmerge paths in various files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:22:36 +0000" }, { "id": 1037309, "source": "libint", "severity": "normal", "title": "libint: reproducible-builds: build date in PDF file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-11 00:36:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1037322, "source": "librabbitmq", "severity": "grave", "title": "amqp-tools: CVE-2023-35789: Process leaks authentication data", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 17:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1037409, "source": "golang-golang-x-exp", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-golang-x-exp ftbfs with gccgo-go (both gccgo-12 and gccgo-13)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-23 22:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1037411, "source": "owncloud-client-desktop-shell-integration-nautilus", "severity": "grave", "title": "nautilus-owncloud: menu doesn't appear due to nautilus API changes", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-26 15:51:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1037414, "source": "gcc-13", "severity": "important", "title": "gcc-13 ftbfs on mipsel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-22 12:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1037435, "source": "ojalgo", "severity": "serious", "title": "ojalgo tests using the network at build time (again)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-17 13:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1037437, "source": "fail2ban", "severity": "serious", "title": "From fresh bookworm install default sshd jail in fail2ban won������t work without rsyslog installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-02 19:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1037453, "source": "libmail-dmarc-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libmail-dmarc-perl: FTBFS with test failures when there's no network", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-17 05:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1037469, "source": "ruby-kramdown-parser-gfm", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-kramdown-parser-gfm ftbfs with ruby-rouge 4.1 in experimental", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-14 13:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1037510, "source": "texlive-lang", "severity": "serious", "title": "texlive-lang-japanese: dangling symlinks due to missing dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-19 11:30:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1037523, "source": "gnome-shell-extension-pixelsaver", "severity": "grave", "title": "gnome-shell-extension-pixelsaver doesn't work at all", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-29 12:28:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1037529, "source": "ruby-jekyll-github-metadata", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-jekyll-github-metadata: FTBFS with test failures when there's no network", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-17 11:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1037540, "source": "thunar", "severity": "grave", "title": "Thunar (4.18.4-1) Segfaults If Using Tab Key While Using Split View", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-18 14:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1037567, "source": "abseil", "severity": "serious", "title": "abseil: ftbfs with GCC-13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-08 10:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1037597, "source": "broker", "severity": "serious", "title": "broker: ftbfs with GCC-13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-19 02:12:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1037682, "source": "gr-gsm", "severity": "important", "title": "gr-gsm: ftbfs with GCC-13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-17 20:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1037809, "source": "opm-material", "severity": "serious", "title": "opm-material: ftbfs with GCC-13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-20 21:30:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1037840, "source": "regina-normal", "severity": "serious", "title": "regina-normal: ftbfs with GCC-13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-07 03:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1037882, "source": "vart", "severity": "serious", "title": "vart: ftbfs with GCC-13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-30 16:18:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1037883, "source": "vimix", "severity": "serious", "title": "vimix: ftbfs with GCC-13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-01-12 15:39:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1037901, "source": "xir", "severity": "serious", "title": "xir: ftbfs with GCC-13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-06 18:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1037964, "source": "live-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "live-build: create english only isos", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-14 19:54:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1037982, "source": "libnet-route-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libnet-route-perl needs dependency net-tools for system route command.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-15 15:24:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1037987, "source": "virt-p2v", "severity": "important", "title": "virt-p2v: The script virt-p2v-make-disk attempts to call the redhat package manager 'dnf' during build.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-15 08:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1038031, "source": "migrate", "severity": "grave", "title": "python3-migrate: python 3.11 compatiblity", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-29 08:42:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1038066, "source": "mygui", "severity": "normal", "title": "mygui FTCBFS: confuses build architecture and host architecture in the build directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-15 12:27:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1038111, "source": "haproxy-log-analysis", "severity": "grave", "title": "haproxy-log-analysis: current version not usable, new upstream release available", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-19 15:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1038117, "source": "util-linux", "severity": "normal", "title": "util-linux: resume building of static libs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-17 20:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1038156, "source": "dkms", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dkms: add directive to ignore module build failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-06 09:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1038252, "source": "librsvg", "severity": "important", "title": "librsvg: FTBFS on i386: transform::tests::parses_transform_list, transform::tests::parses_valid_transform failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-18 23:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1038389, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "serious", "title": "devscripts: dch --bpo should reference bpo12 and bookworm-backports, not bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-29 20:30:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1038426, "source": "renpy", "severity": "grave", "title": "renpy: Uncaught exception occurred when attempting to start", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-28 21:51:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1038441, "source": "php-horde-imp", "severity": "grave", "title": "Horde uses obsolete each() function throughout its code.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-01 14:18:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1038447, "source": "pixman", "severity": "important", "title": "librsvg: FTBFS on big-endian architectures: multiple test regressions since September 2022", "affected_sources": [ "librsvg" ], "affected_packages": [ "librsvg" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-07 22:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1038630, "source": "cinnamon", "severity": "serious", "title": "cinnamon: depends on obsolete policykit-1-gnome", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 18:09:24 +0000" }, { "id": 1038648, "source": "xserver-xorg-video-qxl", "severity": "grave", "title": "Xspice crashes on start", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-28 01:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1038689, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: creates /etc/pbuilderrc with invalid (debug repo) MIRRORSITE -- does not parse *.sources files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-21 04:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1038715, "source": "simutrans", "severity": "normal", "title": "simutrans FTCBFS: uses build architecture build tools", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 15:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1038747, "source": "software-properties", "severity": "critical", "title": "software-properties-gtk: may overwrite debian-security with non-working entry", "affected_sources": [ "gnome-software" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:gnome-software", "gnome-software" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-26 13:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1038793, "source": "golang-github-form3tech-oss-jwt-go", "severity": "serious", "title": "unmaintained fork for jwt-go", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-21 13:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1038833, "source": "android-framework-23", "severity": "serious", "title": "android-framework-23: transition from /etc/timezone to /etc/localtime", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-24 21:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1038835, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "serious", "title": "autopkgtest: transition from /etc/timezone to /etc/localtime", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 09:36:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1038839, "source": "ganeti-instance-debootstrap", "severity": "serious", "title": "ganeti-instance-debootstrap: transition from /etc/timezone to /etc/localtime", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1038842, "source": "ntopng", "severity": "serious", "title": "ntopng: transition from /etc/timezone to /etc/localtime", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-23 17:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1038843, "source": "phabricator", "severity": "serious", "title": "phabricator: transition from /etc/timezone to /etc/localtime", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-24 21:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1038848, "source": "samizdat", "severity": "serious", "title": "samizdat: transition from /etc/timezone to /etc/localtime", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-24 21:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1038851, "source": "tz-converter", "severity": "serious", "title": "tz-converter: transition from /etc/timezone to /etc/localtime", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-24 21:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1038873, "source": "rust-shellexpand", "severity": "grave", "title": "rust-shellexpand: copyright file not in machine-readable format", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-16 11:03:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1038920, "source": "python-certbot-dns-gandi", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-certbot-dns-gandi: Update from Debian 11 -> 12 leaves certificate updates broken", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 03:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1038955, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd: please depends on \"cron | cron-daemon\" to allow for alternative cron-daemon", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-23 16:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1039022, "source": "golang-github-elisescu-pty", "severity": "serious", "title": "obsoleted fork, can be replaced by golang-github-creack-pty-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-21 16:15:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1039054, "source": "miniupnpd", "severity": "grave", "title": "miniupnpd-nftables: Fails to start: /etc/miniupnpd/nft_init.sh: 75: -f: not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-15 03:09:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1039363, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "important", "title": "sbuild: ships sysv-init script without systemd unit", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 13:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1039439, "source": "berusky", "severity": "minor", "title": "berusky: FTBFS with libsdl1.2-compat-dev: did you forget to '#include '?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-24 15:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1039501, "source": "r-bioc-biomart", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-bioc-biomart: autopkgtest regression: Failure ('test_ensembl_ssl_settings.R:71')", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-22 12:30:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1039574, "source": "asc", "severity": "minor", "title": "asc: FTBFS with libsdl1.2-compat-dev: pointless accessor for struct private_hwdata", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-12 22:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1039591, "source": "logcheck", "severity": "serious", "title": "logcheck: prompting due to modified conffiles which were not modified by the user: /etc/logcheck/header.txt", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-16 21:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1039592, "source": "piglit", "severity": "normal", "title": "spirv-llvm-translator-15 fails to build using the new spirv-as", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-27 14:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1039610, "source": "pnetcdf", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pnetcdf: reproducible-builds: timestamp and build path embedded pnetcdf-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:22:37 +0000" }, { "id": 1039619, "source": "wcc", "severity": "normal", "title": "wcc: reproducible-builds: embedded build path in various binaries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-27 21:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1039623, "source": "shotcut", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "shotcut: reproducible-builds: build paths trigger differences, embedded date-based version", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 09:22:39 +0000" }, { "id": 1039668, "source": "apparmor", "severity": "serious", "title": "apparmor: prompting due to modified conffiles which were not modified by the user: /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/ubuntu-browsers.d/chromium-browser", "affected_sources": [ "apparmor" ], "affected_packages": [ "apparmor-profiles" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-25 15:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1039679, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx: CVE-2023-25515, CVE-2023-25516", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-28 07:15:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1039680, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx: CVE-2023-25515, CVE-2023-25516", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-28 07:15:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1039681, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418: CVE-2023-25515, CVE-2023-25516", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-28 07:15:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1039689, "source": "netkit-rsh", "severity": "grave", "title": "rsh-client: CVE-2023-38336: Command injection in netkit-rcp", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-31 18:39:23 +0000" }, { "id": 1039714, "source": "gobject-introspection", "severity": "serious", "title": "gobject-introspection: dh_girepository does not fetch all symbols from GIR files", "affected_sources": [ "gobject-introspection", "harfbuzz" ], "affected_packages": [ "gir1.2-harfbuzz-0.0", "gir1.2-freedesktop" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-22 12:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1039731, "source": "php-laravel-lumen-framework", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-laravel-lumen-framework: FTBFS with symfony 6: unsatisfiable build-dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-28 08:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1039742, "source": "awl", "severity": "important", "title": "awl: FTBFS with phpunit 10", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 12:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1039746, "source": "davical", "severity": "serious", "title": "davical: FTBFS with phpunit 10", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 13:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1039751, "source": "kanboard", "severity": "important", "title": "kanboard: FTBFS with phpunit 10: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:42: override_dh_auto_test] Error 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-18 13:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1039752, "source": "libphp-swiftmailer", "severity": "serious", "title": "libphp-swiftmailer: FTBFS with phpunit 10: PHP Fatal error: Trait \"PHPUnit\\Framework\\TestListenerDefaultImplementation\" not found in /usr/share/php/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit/Legacy/SymfonyTestsListenerForV7.php on line 26", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 17:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1039755, "source": "pdepend", "severity": "serious", "title": "pdepend: FTBFS with phpunit 10: PHP Fatal error: Declaration of PDepend\\AbstractTest::runTest() must be compatible with PHPUnit\\Framework\\TestCase::runTest(): mixed in /<>/build/src/test/php/PDepend/AbstractTest.php on line 132", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 07:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1039769, "source": "php-doctrine-dbal", "severity": "normal", "title": "php-doctrine-dbal: FTBFS with phpunit 10: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:30: override_dh_auto_test] Error 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-04 13:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1039774, "source": "phpdox", "severity": "important", "title": "phpdox: FTBFS with phpunit 10: unsatisfiable build-dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-29 18:03:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1039776, "source": "php-fdomdocument", "severity": "important", "title": "php-fdomdocument: FTBFS with phpunit 10: unsatisfiable build-dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-29 18:03:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1039785, "source": "php-laravel-framework", "severity": "important", "title": "php-laravel-lumen-framework: FTBFS with phpunit 10: Fatal error: Cannot override final method PHPUnit\\Framework\\Assert::assertDirectoryDoesNotExist() in /usr/share/php/Illuminate/Testing/Assert.php on line 62", "affected_sources": [ "php-laravel-lumen-framework" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:php-laravel-lumen-framework" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-10 01:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1039787, "source": "php-league-csv", "severity": "important", "title": "php-league-csv: FTBFS with phpunit 10: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:42: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-27 15:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1039788, "source": "php-league-flysystem", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-league-flysystem: FTBFS with phpunit 10: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:14: override_dh_auto_test] Error 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 11:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1039792, "source": "php-malkusch-lock", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-malkusch-lock: FTBFS with phpunit 10: PHP Fatal error: Trait \"PHPUnit\\Framework\\TestListenerDefaultImplementation\" not found in /usr/share/php/phpmock/phpunit/compatibility/BaseTestListener.php on line 10", "affected_sources": [ ], 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"severity": "important", "title": "php-sabredav: FTBFS with phpunit 10: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:20: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-29 18:03:36 +0000" }, { "id": 1039830, "source": "php-sabre-vobject", "severity": "important", "title": "php-sabre-vobject: FTBFS with phpunit 10: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:13: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-29 18:03:36 +0000" }, { "id": 1039841, "source": "php-twig", "severity": "important", "title": "php-twig: FTBFS with phpunit 10: PHP Fatal error: Trait \"PHPUnit\\Framework\\TestListenerDefaultImplementation\" not found in /usr/share/php/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit/Legacy/SymfonyTestsListenerForV7.php on line 26", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 21:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1039855, "source": "shaarli", "severity": "serious", "title": "shaarli: FTBFS with phpunit 10: dh_auto_test: error: make -j1 test returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 11:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1039856, "source": "symfony", "severity": "important", "title": "symfony: FTBFS with phpunit 10: PHP Fatal error: Trait \"PHPUnit\\Framework\\TestListenerDefaultImplementation\" not found in /<>/src/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit/Legacy/SymfonyTestsListenerForV7.php on line 26", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 10:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1039865, "source": "valgrind", "severity": "normal", "title": "valgrind: reproducible-builds: differing permissions on debian.supp", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-06-28 22:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1039898, "source": "libapache2-mod-qos", "severity": "serious", "title": "mod-qos can not be enabled correctly for apache2 in Debian 12", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-17 03:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1039968, "source": "tvdb-api", "severity": 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1040128, "source": "relion-cuda", "severity": "serious", "title": "relion-cuda: FTBFS with cub 2.0.1: error: function \"cub::Debug\" has already been defined", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-02 07:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1040141, "source": "docker.io", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: FAIL: TestCheckoutGit", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-16 00:15:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1040187, "source": "ratt", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ratt: Add a -shallow option to only build immediate reverse deps", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-03 01:30:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1040191, "source": "libnest2d", "severity": "serious", "title": "libnest2d-dev: Binary-all package that is now architecture specific", "affected_sources": [ "pynest2d" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:pynest2d" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-05 15:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1040319, "source": "kodi", "severity": "serious", "title": "kodi-addons-dev: undeclared file conflict with kodi-addons-dev-common", "affected_sources": [ "kodi" ], "affected_packages": [ "kodi-addons-dev-common" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-29 05:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1040332, "source": "hyperspy", "severity": "serious", "title": "hyperspy - build-depends on removed package.", 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"affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 00:00:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1040475, "source": "apache-directory-server", "severity": "serious", "title": "apacheds: broken symlinks: /usr/share/apacheds/lib/*.jar -> ../../java/*.jar", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-01 12:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1040478, "source": "multipath-tools", "severity": "critical", "title": "multipath-tools: devices from extern FC-Raid only map if the have no partitions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-05 11:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1040479, "source": "multipath-tools", "severity": "critical", "title": "multipath-tools: devices from extern FC-Raid only map if the have no partitions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-05 11:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1040496, "source": "qt6-virtualkeyboard", "severity": "important", "title": "qt6-virtualkeyboard FTBFS with parallel=1: qmlcachegen segfaults", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-02 21:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1040774, "source": "msolve", "severity": "important", "title": "msolve FTBFS on 32bit: test failure and hang", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-13 16:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1040848, "source": "pyethash", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyethash autopkg test fail with setuptools 68", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-19 07:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1040901, "source": "linux", "severity": "grave", "title": "linux modules must not be signed with CA key, bump ABI every upload", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-27 05:45:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1041017, "source": "fonts-kacst", "severity": "serious", "title": "fonts-kacst: unclear licensing status, possibly non-free", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-14 06:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1041060, "source": "stlink", "severity": "grave", "title": "stlink-tools: flashing to STM32L151RET consistently fails with timeout", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-08 20:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1041097, "source": "cmark-gfm", "severity": "grave", "title": "cmark-gfm: CVE-2023-37463", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-05 11:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1041169, "source": "naev", "severity": "normal", "title": "FTBFS when doxygen is installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-15 12:00:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1041187, "source": "python-escript", "severity": "normal", "title": "does not respect compilation flags from dpkg-buildflags", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-15 12:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1041188, "source": "rheolef", "severity": "normal", "title": "does not respect compilation flags from dpkg-buildflags", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-15 12:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1041201, "source": "freefem++", "severity": "normal", "title": "FTBFS when libscotchparmetis-dev is installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-15 15:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1041249, "source": "cpp-httplib", "severity": "important", "title": "cpp-httplib: FTBFS on s390x, armhf due to flaky tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-09-02 11:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1041275, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: Using eatmydata with the unshare backend", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-23 14:33:01 +0000" 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"affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-04 15:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1041436, "source": "firmware-brcm80211", "severity": "grave", "title": "[debian bookworm] brcmfmac mmc0:0001:1: firmware: failed to load brcm/brcmfmac43430-sdio.friendlyarm,nanopi-r1.bin (-2)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-18 20:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1041465, "source": "pristine-tar", "severity": "important", "title": "pristine-tar: pristine-xz failed to reproduce build of ../libxml2-2.11.4.tar.xz", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-19 09:24:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1041477, "source": "php-net-ftp", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-net-ftp: PHP Fatal error with Bookworm PHP 8.2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 23:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1041497, "source": "vmm", "severity": "grave", "title": "vmm: fails to run with python3 >= 3.10", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-08 10:30:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1041511, "source": "ntfs-3g", "severity": "normal", "title": "ntfs-3g: Undocumented dependency on libbrotli-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-22 18:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1041547, "source": "util-linux", "severity": "serious", "title": "login: I can login as root without password despite it being forbidden", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-02 17:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1041559, "source": "musl", "severity": "serious", "title": "Recommends non-existent package linux-musl-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-09 22:51:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1041792, "source": "httpie", "severity": "serious", "title": "httpie: phones home for version check", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 00:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1041803, "source": "hyperspy", "severity": "serious", "title": "hyperspy: FTBFS test_image fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-21 08:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1041814, "source": "python-mechanicalsoup", "severity": "grave", "title": "python-mechanicalsoup: CVE-2023-34457", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-05 10:54:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1041840, "source": "ruby-babosa", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ruby-babosa: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-24 08:36:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1041884, "source": "setcolortemperature", "severity": "grave", "title": "sct: segfault at e0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-24 20:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1042037, "source": "syslinux", "severity": "serious", "title": "syslinux: FTBFS: main.c:33:8: error: unknown type name ������jmp_buf������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-03 11:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1042042, "source": "android-platform-build", "severity": "serious", "title": "android-platform-build: FTBFS: Vector.h:259:28: error: cannot convert ������const android::Vector*������ to ������android::VectorImpl*������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 21:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1042048, "source": "python-ase", "severity": "important", "title": "python-ase: FTBFS: E: Build killed with signal TERM after 150 minutes of inactivity", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-26 06:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1042067, "source": "rubygems", "severity": "normal", "title": "rubygems: test_self_build fails with assert_contains_make_command", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-26 02:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1042212, "source": "psychtoolbox-3", "severity": "serious", "title": "psychtoolbox-3: FTBFS: Common/PsychVulkanCore/PsychVulkan.c:63:10: fatal error: vulkan/vk_sdk_platform.h: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-04 13:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1042213, "source": "pep8", "severity": "serious", "title": "pep8: FTBFS: AssertionError: False is not true : Output 'stdin:1:1: E901 SyntaxError: source code string cannot contain null bytes\\n' does not start with 'stdin:1:2: E901 SyntaxError'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 06:09:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1042239, "source": "python-aioxmpp", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-aioxmpp: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:8: override_dh_auto_test] Error 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-26 20:30:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1042262, "source": "cumin", "severity": "serious", "title": "cumin: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test -i python{version} -p 3.11 returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 12:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1042264, "source": "ganeti", "severity": "serious", "title": "ganeti: FTBFS: make[2]: *** [Makefile:4529: man/ganeti-cleaner.8.in] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-01 18:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1042298, "source": "node-wikibase-cli", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-wikibase-cli: FTBFS: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Q11')", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-23 09:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1042341, "source": "gstreamer-editing-services1.0", "severity": "important", "title": "gstreamer-editing-services: tests failing with glib 2.76", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-23 19:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1042355, "source": "subdownloader", "severity": "serious", "title": "subdownloader: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:9: clean] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-26 20:34:56 +0000" }, { "id": 1042392, "source": "wireguard-linux-compat", "severity": "important", "title": "wireguard-dkms refuses to build on kernel 6.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-27 16:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1042457, "source": "php-net-dns2", "severity": "grave", "title": "php-net-dns2: incompatible with PHP 8.x: Uncaught ValueError: fread()", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-27 08:09:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1042476, "source": "gimp", "severity": "normal", "title": "gimp: Crash when applying color filters/effects and choosing \"Convert pixels to built-in sRGB (slow)\" - happens only sometimes.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-11 18:39:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1042528, "source": "ldap-account-manager", "severity": "serious", "title": "ldap-account-manager: Multiple embeded and minified javascript library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-26 18:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1042529, "source": "sogo", "severity": "serious", "title": "sogo: Multiple embdeded and minified javascript library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-19 15:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1042530, "source": "request-tracker4", "severity": "normal", "title": "request-tracker5: Include ckeditor minimified", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-09 22:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1042533, "source": "netdata", "severity": "serious", "title": "netdata-dashboard: embedded pako", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-25 18:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1042570, "source": "ippsample", "severity": "grave", "title": "ippsample: ippserver and ippfind are non-functional", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-07-30 14:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1042679, "source": "quark-sphinx-theme", "severity": "serious", "title": "quark-sphinx-theme: FTBFS with Sphinx 7.1, docutils 0.20: AssertionError: no elements", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-31 15:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1042683, "source": "sagemath", "severity": "serious", "title": "sagemath: FTBFS with Sphinx 7.1, docutils 0.20: [reference] RuntimeError: This function shouldn't be called in \"inventory\" builder", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-29 21:21:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1042710, "source": "medialibrary", "severity": "serious", "title": "medialibrary FTBFS with gcc 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-13 21:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1042715, "source": "php-horde-editor", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-horde-editor: Please drop ckeditor3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-19 14:54:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1042736, "source": "golang-github-form3tech-oss-jwt-go", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-dgrijalva-jwt-go-dev: Broken transitional package", "affected_sources": [ "go-cve-dictionary", "go-exploitdb", "golang-github-labstack-echo.v2", "golang-github-labstack-echo.v3", "gost", "goval-dictionary" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:go-exploitdb", "src:goval-dictionary", "src:golang-github-labstack-echo.v2", "src:go-cve-dictionary", "src:gost", "src:golang-github-labstack-echo.v3" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 12:18:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1042757, "source": "ublock-origin", "severity": "serious", "title": "ublock-origin: embded javascript lib", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-19 09:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1042769, "source": "provean", "severity": "serious", "title": "provean: incompatible with cd-hit >= 4.8.1-4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-18 05:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1042816, "source": "x2goclient", "severity": "grave", "title": "x2goclient segfaults during connect under Wayland", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-29 22:39:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1042845, "source": "libembperl-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libembperl-perl: FTBFS with Perl 5.38: test failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-12 07:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1042930, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: --profiles does not work", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-03 01:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1042931, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "normal", "title": "dpkg-dev: dpkg-buildpackage -P option does not work", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-03 20:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1042935, "source": "sagemath", "severity": "serious", "title": "sagemath autopkg tests fail on i386 in unstable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-11 21:30:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1042953, "source": "smokeping", "severity": "serious", "title": "smokeping: Recommends non-existing package 'echoping'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-07 12:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1042964, "source": "shim-signed", "severity": "serious", "title": "shim-signed: policy violation: Recommends a package that is not in debian main", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-04 12:15:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1042967, "source": "nheko", "severity": "grave", "title": "nheko crashes on first launch in arm64 (librem 5)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-04 20:39:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1042969, "source": "vsftpd", "severity": "critical", "title": "vsftpd: Deletes the ftp user on remove, breaking other packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-14 13:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1042993, "source": "linux", "severity": "normal", "title": "dkms: DKMS fails to build amd64 kernel module in i386 userland", "affected_sources": [ "dkms" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:dkms" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-09-14 16:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1043076, "source": "gcc-13", "severity": "important", "title": "gcc-13: kodi ftbfs on s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-05 18:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1043108, "source": "libevent", "severity": "important", "title": "libevent: fails to build against glibc 2.38", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-11 11:48:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1043122, "source": "rust-cargo-outdated", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-cargo-outdated FTBFS on i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-15 16:30:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1043123, "source": "llvm-toolchain-13", "severity": "serious", "title": "llvm-toolchain-13: do not release with trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-28 04:54:25 +0000" }, { "id": 1043142, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "important", "title": "git-buildpackage: import-dscs importing upstream branches out-of-order", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-06 16:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1043232, "source": "gimp-plugin-registry", "severity": "serious", "title": "gimp-plugin-registry: Incompatible with gimp 3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 10:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1043258, "source": "texlive-extra", "severity": "normal", "title": "texlive-latex-extra-doc: moderncv.tex fails to build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-08 02:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1043299, "source": "xterm", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "xterm: build with ReGIS support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-09 16:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1043306, "source": "mp3info", "severity": "serious", "title": "mp3info: Includes Windows binaries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-08 21:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1043324, "source": "dh-python", "severity": "normal", "title": "pybuild-plugin-pyproject: always copy pytest.ini (if present)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-25 16:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1043333, "source": "sugar-toolkit-gtk3", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-sugar3: Recommends unavailable package 'telepathy-salut'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-31 17:36:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1043335, "source": "dgit", "severity": "normal", "title": "dgit-user(7) should note where dgit build is inappropriate (e.g. CI)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-21 14:57:29 +0000" }, { "id": 1043393, "source": "strace", "severity": 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"2023-08-13 13:57:44 +0000" }, { "id": 1044026, "source": "btrbk", "severity": "minor", "title": "btrbk: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 13:57:46 +0000" }, { "id": 1044029, "source": "autoconf2.69", "severity": "minor", "title": "autoconf2.69: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 14:00:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1044030, "source": "bam", "severity": "minor", "title": "bam: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": 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"2023-08-13 17:00:30 +0000" }, { "id": 1044150, "source": "deepin-screen-recorder", "severity": "minor", "title": "deepin-screen-recorder: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:00:32 +0000" }, { "id": 1044155, "source": "dwdiff", "severity": "minor", "title": "dwdiff: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:00:46 +0000" }, { "id": 1044157, "source": "dataclasses-json", "severity": "minor", "title": "dataclasses-json: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": 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"2023-08-13 17:05:45 +0000" }, { "id": 1044264, "source": "haskell-resolv", "severity": "minor", "title": "haskell-resolv: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ "haskell-resolv" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:haskell-resolv" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-12 00:21:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1044266, "source": "haskell-gi-gobject", "severity": "minor", "title": "haskell-gi-gobject: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ "haskell-gi-gobject" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:haskell-gi-gobject" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-12 00:21:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1044269, "source": "gitaly", "severity": "minor", "title": "gitaly: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ 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"pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:08:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1044327, "source": "ferret-vis", "severity": "minor", "title": "ferret-vis: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:08:38 +0000" }, { "id": 1044328, "source": "faenza-icon-theme", "severity": "minor", "title": "faenza-icon-theme: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:08:41 +0000" }, { "id": 1044336, "source": "golang-github-brentp-irelate", "severity": "minor", "title": 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"2023-08-13 17:09:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1044341, "source": "espresso", "severity": "minor", "title": "espresso: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:09:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1044347, "source": "haskell-x11", "severity": "minor", "title": "haskell-x11: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ "haskell-x11" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:haskell-x11" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-12 00:21:23 +0000" }, { "id": 1044351, "source": "evil-el", "severity": "minor", "title": "evil-el: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, 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"affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:10:54 +0000" }, { "id": 1044379, "source": "crrcsim", "severity": "minor", "title": "crrcsim: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:11:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1044380, "source": "cubature", "severity": "minor", "title": "cubature: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:11:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1044382, "source": "glibmm2.68", "severity": "minor", "title": "glibmm2.68: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", 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"last_modified": "2024-01-12 00:21:42 +0000" }, { "id": 1044410, "source": "core-async-clojure", "severity": "minor", "title": "core-async-clojure: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:12:27 +0000" }, { "id": 1044412, "source": "haskell-gi-freetype2", "severity": "minor", "title": "haskell-gi-freetype2: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ "haskell-gi-freetype2" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:haskell-gi-freetype2" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-12 00:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1044415, "source": "gnucobol3", "severity": "minor", "title": "gnucobol3: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ 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"affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:15:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1044464, "source": "gromit", "severity": "minor", "title": "gromit: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:15:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1044469, "source": "elasticsearch-curator", "severity": "minor", "title": "elasticsearch-curator: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:15:30 +0000" }, { "id": 1044475, "source": "eclipse-jdt-ui", "severity": "minor", "title": "eclipse-jdt-ui: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], 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"2023-08-13 17:32:45 +0000" }, { "id": 1044644, "source": "esys-particle", "severity": "minor", "title": "esys-particle: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:32:48 +0000" }, { "id": 1044645, "source": "forge", "severity": "minor", "title": "forge: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:32:51 +0000" }, { "id": 1044646, "source": "gringotts", "severity": "minor", "title": "gringotts: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, 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"affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:37:39 +0000" }, { "id": 1044691, "source": "haskell-commonmark", "severity": "minor", "title": "haskell-commonmark: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ "haskell-commonmark" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:haskell-commonmark" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-12 00:21:39 +0000" }, { "id": 1044692, "source": "gddrescue", "severity": "minor", "title": "gddrescue: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:37:53 +0000" }, { "id": 1044695, "source": "fonts-navilu", "severity": "minor", "title": "fonts-navilu: Fails to build source after successful build", 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"affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:41:59 +0000" }, { "id": 1044784, "source": "fonts-train", "severity": "minor", "title": "fonts-train: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1044786, "source": "genparse", "severity": "minor", "title": "genparse: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:42:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1044791, "source": "fonts-levien-typoscript", "severity": "minor", "title": "fonts-levien-typoscript: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:42:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1044793, "source": "gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast", "severity": "minor", "title": "gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:42:26 +0000" }, { "id": 1044794, "source": "flintqs", "severity": "minor", "title": "flintqs: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:42:28 +0000" }, { "id": 1044796, "source": "healpy", "severity": "minor", 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"affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 21:07:28 +0000" }, { "id": 1044817, "source": "gnome-shell-extension-freon", "severity": "minor", "title": "gnome-shell-extension-freon: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:43:33 +0000" }, { "id": 1044818, "source": "haskell-gi-gdk", "severity": "minor", "title": "haskell-gi-gdk: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ "haskell-gi-gdk" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:haskell-gi-gdk" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-12 00:21:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1044822, "source": "haskell-unix-time", "severity": "minor", "title": "haskell-unix-time: Fails to build source after 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"last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:58:54 +0000" }, { "id": 1044973, "source": "devicexlib", "severity": "minor", "title": "devicexlib: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:58:57 +0000" }, { "id": 1044977, "source": "datamash", "severity": "minor", "title": "datamash: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 17:59:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1044982, "source": "deepin-log-viewer", "severity": "minor", "title": "deepin-log-viewer: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": 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"last_modified": "2023-08-18 08:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1045379, "source": "jupyter-console", "severity": "minor", "title": "jupyter-console: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 19:40:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1045380, "source": "node-merge", "severity": "minor", "title": "node-merge: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 19:40:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1045382, "source": "libwmf", "severity": "minor", "title": "libwmf: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, 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"2023-08-13 21:31:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1047002, "source": "libxc", "severity": "minor", "title": "libxc: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 21:32:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1047006, "source": "pinball-table-gnu", "severity": "minor", "title": "pinball-table-gnu: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-13 21:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1047007, "source": "libcoap3", "severity": "minor", "title": "libcoap3: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, 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"2023-08-14 00:30:25 +0000" }, { "id": 1048637, "source": "ocaml-cpu", "severity": "minor", "title": "ocaml-cpu: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-14 00:30:28 +0000" }, { "id": 1048639, "source": "pmacct", "severity": "minor", "title": "pmacct: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-14 00:30:35 +0000" }, { "id": 1048641, "source": "ufo-tofu", "severity": "minor", "title": "ufo-tofu: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, 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"2023-08-14 01:55:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1049280, "source": "rhino", "severity": "minor", "title": "rhino: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-14 01:55:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1049284, "source": "javacc5", "severity": "minor", "title": "javacc5: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-14 02:00:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1049285, "source": "mutagen", "severity": "minor", "title": "mutagen: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": 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"severity": "minor", "title": "ledger: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-20 19:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1049318, "source": "ruby-jekyll-seo-tag", "severity": "minor", "title": "ruby-jekyll-seo-tag: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-20 13:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1049320, "source": "python-flask-seeder", "severity": "minor", "title": "python-flask-seeder: Fails to build source after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-14 02:01:52 +0000" }, { "id": 1049350, "source": "virtualbox", "severity": "important", "title": "virtualbox-dkms: DKMS cannot build the module with Linux kernel 6.4.10 (and perhaps higher 6.4.x)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-14 14:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1049407, "source": "gnome-shell", "severity": "normal", "title": "gnome-shell: build-time tests crash when using Mesa softpipe", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-08-15 10:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1049421, "source": "python-certbot-dns-linode", "severity": "grave", "title": "python3-certbot-dns-linode: Severe - Unable to renew certs. 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Use API v4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-16 21:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1049467, "source": "plume-util-java", "severity": "minor", "title": "plume-util-java: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:45:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1049468, "source": "ocaml-mccs", "severity": "minor", "title": "ocaml-mccs: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:45:12 +0000" }, { 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"severity": "minor", "title": "rheolef: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:45:53 +0000" }, { "id": 1049486, "source": "sagemath-database-graphs", "severity": "minor", "title": "sagemath-database-graphs: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:46:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1049487, "source": "netw-ib-ox-ag", "severity": "minor", "title": "netw-ib-ox-ag: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": 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"libsylph", "severity": "minor", "title": "libsylph: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:46:40 +0000" }, { "id": 1049500, "source": "libcec", "severity": "minor", "title": "libcec: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:46:46 +0000" }, { "id": 1049505, "source": "cpptest", "severity": "minor", "title": "cpptest: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:47:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1049506, "source": "barrier", "severity": "minor", "title": "barrier: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:47:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1049507, "source": "lua-geoip", "severity": "minor", "title": "lua-geoip: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:47:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1049508, "source": "gst-plugins-good1.0", "severity": "minor", "title": "gst-plugins-good1.0: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:47:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1049510, "source": "google-flogger", "severity": "minor", "title": "google-flogger: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:47:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1049513, "source": "maxima-sage", "severity": "minor", "title": "maxima-sage: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:47:24 +0000" }, { "id": 1049516, "source": "quantlib", "severity": "minor", "title": "quantlib: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:47:33 +0000" }, { "id": 1049517, "source": "node-eventemitter2", "severity": "minor", "title": "node-eventemitter2: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:47:36 +0000" }, { "id": 1049519, "source": "tweeny", "severity": "minor", "title": "tweeny: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": 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after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:51:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1049591, "source": "nuntius-linux", "severity": "minor", "title": "nuntius-linux: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:51:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1049592, "source": "dhcp-probe", "severity": "minor", "title": "dhcp-probe: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:51:15 +0000" 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"affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:51:42 +0000" }, { "id": 1049604, "source": "sylph-searcher", "severity": "minor", "title": "sylph-searcher: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:51:51 +0000" }, { "id": 1049605, "source": "oas", "severity": "minor", "title": "oas: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:51:54 +0000" }, { "id": 1049606, "source": "ggobi", "severity": "minor", "title": "ggobi: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:51:57 +0000" }, { "id": 1049607, "source": "apparmor", "severity": "minor", "title": "apparmor: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:52:00 +0000" }, { "id": 1049610, "source": "spooles", "severity": "minor", "title": "spooles: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:52:09 +0000" }, { 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"affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:52:29 +0000" }, { "id": 1049618, "source": "feh", "severity": "minor", "title": "feh: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:52:32 +0000" }, { "id": 1049620, "source": "aprsdigi", "severity": "minor", "title": "aprsdigi: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:52:38 +0000" }, { "id": 1049621, "source": "node-react-highlighter", "severity": "minor", "title": "node-react-highlighter: Fails to 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"2023-08-16 07:52:49 +0000" }, { "id": 1049625, "source": "membernator", "severity": "minor", "title": "membernator: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:52:52 +0000" }, { "id": 1049630, "source": "japi-compliance-checker", "severity": "minor", "title": "japi-compliance-checker: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:53:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1049631, "source": "gnomekiss", "severity": "minor", "title": "gnomekiss: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:53:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1049632, "source": "paps", "severity": "minor", "title": "paps: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:53:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1049633, "source": "libmsv", "severity": "minor", "title": "libmsv: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:53:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1049634, "source": "db5.3", "severity": "minor", "title": "db5.3: Fails to build binary 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"last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:53:36 +0000" }, { "id": 1049642, "source": "libwiki-toolkit-plugin-ping-perl", "severity": "minor", "title": "libwiki-toolkit-plugin-ping-perl: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:53:42 +0000" }, { "id": 1049643, "source": "leafnode", "severity": "minor", "title": "leafnode: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:53:45 +0000" }, { "id": 1049644, "source": "haskell-old-time", "severity": "minor", "title": "haskell-old-time: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", 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"2023-08-16 07:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1049650, "source": "haskell-unix-time", "severity": "minor", "title": "haskell-unix-time: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ "haskell-unix-time" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:haskell-unix-time" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-12 00:21:44 +0000" }, { "id": 1049652, "source": "node-babel-plugin-lodash", "severity": "minor", "title": "node-babel-plugin-lodash: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:54:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1049658, "source": "raphael", "severity": "minor", "title": "raphael: Fails to build binary packages again after successful 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"openipmi", "severity": "minor", "title": "openipmi: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:54:47 +0000" }, { "id": 1049665, "source": "systraq", "severity": "minor", "title": "systraq: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:54:50 +0000" }, { "id": 1049668, "source": "restfuldb", "severity": "minor", "title": "restfuldb: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:54:59 +0000" }, { "id": 1049670, "source": "openmpi", "severity": "minor", "title": "openmpi: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:55:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1049674, "source": "foomatic-filters", "severity": "minor", "title": "foomatic-filters: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:55:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1049677, "source": "libjt400-java", "severity": "minor", "title": "libjt400-java: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:55:26 +0000" }, { "id": 1049678, "source": "rust-csv", "severity": "minor", "title": "rust-csv: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:55:29 +0000" }, { "id": 1049681, "source": "folks", "severity": "minor", "title": "folks: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 07:55:38 +0000" }, { "id": 1049683, "source": "t50", "severity": "minor", "title": "t50: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-29 12:57:24 +0000" }, { "id": 1049684, "source": "casacore-data-igrf", "severity": "minor", "title": "casacore-data-igrf: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:06:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1049685, "source": "sagemath", "severity": "minor", "title": "sagemath: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:06:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1049687, "source": "bazel-bootstrap", "severity": "minor", "title": "bazel-bootstrap: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:06:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1049688, "source": "google-auto-value-java", "severity": "minor", "title": "google-auto-value-java: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:06:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1049692, "source": "makedepf90", "severity": "minor", "title": "makedepf90: Fails to build binary packages 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"affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:12:33 +0000" }, { "id": 1049701, "source": "namazu2", "severity": "minor", "title": "namazu2: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:12:39 +0000" }, { "id": 1049702, "source": "apertium-lex-tools", "severity": "minor", "title": "apertium-lex-tools: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:12:42 +0000" }, { "id": 1049703, "source": "mecab-naist-jdic", "severity": "minor", "title": "mecab-naist-jdic: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:12:45 +0000" }, { "id": 1049704, "source": "pipes.sh", "severity": "minor", "title": "pipes.sh: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:12:50 +0000" }, { "id": 1049705, "source": "libchado-perl", "severity": "minor", "title": "libchado-perl: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:12:53 +0000" }, { "id": 1049706, "source": "maint-guide", "severity": "minor", "title": "maint-guide: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:12:55 +0000" }, { "id": 1049707, "source": "gource", "severity": "minor", "title": "gource: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:12:58 +0000" }, { "id": 1049708, "source": "openfst", "severity": "minor", "title": "openfst: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:13:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1049711, "source": "prometheus-frr-exporter", "severity": "minor", "title": "prometheus-frr-exporter: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-14 00:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1049712, "source": "node-d3-time-format", "severity": "minor", "title": "node-d3-time-format: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:13:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1049713, "source": "libglade2", "severity": "minor", "title": "libglade2: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1049714, "source": "gwaei", "severity": "minor", "title": "gwaei: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:15:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1049716, "source": "debian-edu-doc", "severity": "minor", "title": "debian-edu-doc: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-11 10:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1049718, "source": "eigenbase-farrago", "severity": "minor", "title": "eigenbase-farrago: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:15:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1049721, "source": "carbon-c-relay", "severity": "minor", "title": "carbon-c-relay: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:15:28 +0000" }, { "id": 1049722, "source": "libapache2-mod-auth-gssapi", "severity": "minor", "title": "libapache2-mod-auth-gssapi: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:15:31 +0000" }, { "id": 1049724, "source": "ocaml-uucp", "severity": "minor", "title": "ocaml-uucp: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:18:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1049725, "source": "blis", "severity": "minor", "title": "blis: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:18:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1049727, "source": "flamerobin", "severity": "minor", "title": "flamerobin: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:18:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1049732, "source": "libapache-mod-encoding", "severity": "minor", "title": "libapache-mod-encoding: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:18:31 +0000" }, { "id": 1049734, "source": "ecflow", "severity": "minor", "title": "ecflow: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1049737, "source": "plume-reflection-util-java", "severity": "minor", "title": "plume-reflection-util-java: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:21:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1049741, "source": "uhttpmock", "severity": "minor", "title": "uhttpmock: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1049743, "source": "west-chamber", "severity": "minor", "title": "west-chamber: Fails 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false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 14:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1049747, "source": "dicelab", "severity": "minor", "title": "dicelab: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:27:19 +0000" }, { "id": 1049750, "source": "quvi", "severity": "minor", "title": "quvi: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:27:28 +0000" }, { "id": 1049751, "source": "libf2c2", "severity": "minor", "title": "libf2c2: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:27:31 +0000" }, { "id": 1049752, "source": "lbzip2", "severity": "minor", "title": "lbzip2: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:27:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1049753, "source": "parcimonie", "severity": "minor", "title": "parcimonie: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:27:37 +0000" }, { "id": 1049756, "source": "util-linux", "severity": "minor", "title": "util-linux: Fails to build binary 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"2023-08-16 08:27:59 +0000" }, { "id": 1049763, "source": "got", "severity": "minor", "title": "got: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-01 13:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1049764, "source": "ocamlnet", "severity": "minor", "title": "ocamlnet: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:28:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1049765, "source": "parole", "severity": "minor", "title": "parole: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:28:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1049766, "source": "freedink", "severity": "minor", "title": "freedink: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:28:18 +0000" }, { "id": 1049769, "source": "libslow5lib", "severity": "minor", "title": "libslow5lib: Fails to build binary packages again after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-16 08:28:27 +0000" }, { "id": 1049772, "source": "network-manager-openconnect", "severity": "minor", "title": "network-manager-openconnect: Fails to 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"severity": "important", "title": "mutter: FTBFS: override-redirect test timed out", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-18 09:36:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1050009, "source": "mutter", "severity": "important", "title": "mutter: FTBFS: set-parent-exported test: Failed to find mocked color manager system service, Timeout was reached", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-18 09:36:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1050056, "source": "libz-mingw-w64", "severity": "normal", "title": "libz-mingw-w64 build-depends on pev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1050087, "source": "rust-microformats", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-microformats: Fails to build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-10-28 18:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1050097, "source": "scrcpy", "severity": "serious", "title": "scrcpy: fails to build from source on arch:indep", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 13:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1050103, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp import-orig --uscan --upstream-version drops repack suffix from tag", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-19 19:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1050123, "source": "libssh", "severity": "normal", "title": "libssh FTBFS on hppa", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 18:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1050147, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: Allow hiding output sections (e.g., Changes, Buildinfo)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-07 00:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1050157, "source": "printrun", "severity": "serious", "title": "printrun: broken 3D view due to pyglet 2+", "affected_sources": [ "printrun" ], 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"severity": "wishlist", "title": "pytds: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-23 16:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1050437, "source": "android-platform-build", "severity": "serious", "title": "zipalign: undefined symbol: _ZN11zip_archive7InflateERKNS_6ReaderEjjPNS_6WriterEPm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 16:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1050506, "source": "vtk9", "severity": "important", "title": "vtk9: shipped FindEXPAT.cmake is broken with CMake 3.27+", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": 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"affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-27 01:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1050652, "source": "bison", "severity": "normal", "title": "bison: sub-standard build quality with many warnings", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-29 01:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1050667, "source": "nbconvert", "severity": "serious", "title": "DSA for jupyter-core in oldstable triggers nbconvert autopkgtest", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-27 20:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1050676, "source": "graphviz", "severity": "serious", "title": "enblend-enfuse: FTBFS: dot: maze.c:311: chkSgraph: Assertion `np->cells[0]' failed.", "affected_sources": [ "enblend-enfuse" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:enblend-enfuse" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-02-06 12:24:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1050733, "source": "nautilus", "severity": "normal", "title": "nautilus: tracker build test failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-12 01:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1050765, "source": "gammaray", "severity": "normal", "title": "gammaray: Drop unused libproj-dev build dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-25 22:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1050772, "source": "mysql-workbench", "severity": "normal", "title": "mysql-workbench: Drop unused libproj-dev build dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-30 10:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1050778, "source": "libterralib", "severity": "normal", "title": "libterralib: Drop unused libshp-dev build dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-29 08:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1050779, "source": "coda", "severity": "normal", "title": "coda: Drop unused libnetcdf-dev build dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-29 08:15:04 +0000" }, { 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"last_modified": "2023-08-29 09:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1050792, "source": "metkit", "severity": "normal", "title": "metkit: Drop unused libnetcdf-dev build dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-29 09:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1050890, "source": "firefox", "severity": "normal", "title": "Firefox LTO build breakage (and fixage)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-08-30 23:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1050896, "source": "packagesearch", "severity": "serious", "title": "packagesearch: Incomplete/Misleading copyright file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-07 12:36:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1050968, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: rkbin -- Pre-built Rockchip bootloader firmware binaries (for embedded targets)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-12-08 09:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1050995, "source": "zlib", "severity": "important", "title": "zlib FTCBFS: minizip build performed for build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-17 22:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1051003, "source": "gdbm", "severity": "critical", "title": "libgdbm6: trap divide error in libgdbm.so.6.0.0", "affected_sources": [ ], 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"affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-26 13:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1051291, "source": "farpd", "severity": "serious", "title": "farpd: FTBFS on i386, uses GNU host to find libevent.a", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-05 20:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1051353, "source": "freecad", "severity": "grave", "title": "freecad: Can't create window in arch workbench", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-09 06:12:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1051370, "source": "howdoi", "severity": "grave", "title": "howdoi: Fails to find help on any topic", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-06 21:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1051383, "source": "phpcpd", "severity": "important", "title": "Unsatisfiable dependencies with PHPUnit 10", "affected_sources": [ "php-fxsl" ], "affected_packages": [ "php-fxsl" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-13 15:21:21 +0000" }, { "id": 1051392, "source": "victoriametrics", "severity": "grave", "title": "Crash on unaligned reads on 32-bit arm architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-04 15:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1051398, "source": "collada2gltf", "severity": "serious", "title": "collada2gltf: Missing source in 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"fbreader", "severity": "normal", "title": "fbreader FTCBFS: strips with the build architecture strip", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-08 09:42:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1051470, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: esbuild-sass-plugin -- Plugin for esbuild to handle Sass & SCSS files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-02-12 07:42:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1051475, "source": "ledit", "severity": "serious", "title": "ledit: can't be built with arch:all+any", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-08 15:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1051480, "source": "cowdancer", "severity": "normal", "title": "cowbuilder: permission denied with resulting base.cow with umask 027 on host system", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-08 14:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1051510, "source": "searx", "severity": "serious", "title": "searx: SearX upstream is no longer maintained", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-17 11:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1051547, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "Regression: live-build 20230502 generates corrupted images when using bookworm-backports APT pinning for kernel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-09 16:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1051557, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: siso -- experimental build tool that aims to replace ninja", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-09-09 18:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1051586, "source": "dh-python", "severity": "normal", "title": "dh-python: build fails with DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=\"check parallel=1\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-10-14 09:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1051661, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "serious", "title": "/usr/bin/qemu-system-ppc: Package not installable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-12-07 12:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1051721, "source": "simple-cdd", "severity": "normal", "title": "simple-cdd: Missing package zstd for default image build on bookworm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-11 19:48:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1051753, "source": "dosbox-x", "severity": "normal", "title": "dosbox-x: FTBFS on big-endian architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-12 06:51:03 +0000" 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"affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-10 01:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1051986, "source": "scalapack", "severity": "serious", "title": "scalapack: cmake files miss multiarch, referencing missing file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-26 00:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1051989, "source": "kanboard", "severity": "serious", "title": "kanboard: FTBFS with php-psr-log >= 3, needed for the symfony 6 transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-02 09:21:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1051998, "source": "chromium", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "chromium: please to add support for riscv64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-01 09:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1052018, "source": "fortran-language-server", "severity": "serious", "title": "package contains license CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-25 19:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1052044, "source": "python-build", "severity": "important", "title": "Without git, pybuild does not include data files into wheel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-16 13:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1052051, "source": "sagemath", "severity": "grave", "title": "sagemath: Sagemath 9.5-6 expects libsingular-Singular-4.3.1.so but libsingular-Singular-4.3.2.so is installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-08 16:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1052072, "source": "ontospy", "severity": "serious", "title": "package ontospy contains license CC-BY-1.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-18 05:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1052110, "source": "gnome-shell-extension-vertical-overview", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnome-shell-extension-vertical-overview: needs update for GNOME Shell 46", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-13 09:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1052135, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: check-build -- Check whether some example programs can be compiled and built", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-09-17 21:51:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1052165, "source": "foo-yc20", "severity": "serious", "title": "foo-yc20: Terminates directly", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-31 20:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1052176, "source": "rust-bcder", "severity": "grave", "title": "rust-bcder: CVE-2023-39914: BER/CER/DER decoder panics on invalid input (RUSTSEC-2023-0062)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-26 17:21:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1052220, "source": "gcc-mingw-w64", "severity": "serious", "title": "unrecognized option '--insert-timestamp=1686475264'", "affected_sources": [ "gcc-mingw-w64", "libgcrypt20" ], "affected_packages": [ "libgcrypt20", "gcc-mingw-w64" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-21 05:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1052224, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: libalien-base-modulebuild-perl -- subclass of Module::Build for building Alien:: modules and their libraries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-09-20 14:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1052231, "source": "gmetadom", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with OCaml 4.14.1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-07 21:33:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1052236, "source": "otags", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with OCaml 4.14.1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-07 21:33:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1052237, "source": "xmlrpc-light", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with OCaml 4.14.1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-07 21:33:36 +0000" }, { "id": 1052285, "source": "pdm", "severity": "minor", "title": "pdm: Please consider including test artifacts in source build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-19 19:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1052292, "source": "inkscape", "severity": "serious", "title": "inkscape: missing Breaks+Replaces: inkscape-open-symbols (<< 1.3)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-09 23:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1052371, "source": "game-data-packager", "severity": "normal", "title": "game-data-packager: a crash while rebuilding quake2-full-data deb package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-02-07 11:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1052376, "source": "lxpanel", "severity": "grave", "title": "lxpanel: no longer obeys its geometry settings", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-16 06:03:46 +0000" }, { "id": 1052382, "source": "sysprof", "severity": "normal", "title": "sysprof: Should not build-depend on libunwind-dev on unsupported architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-21 10:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1052572, "source": "hoteldruid", "severity": "grave", "title": "hoteldruid: CVE-2023-43371 CVE-2023-43373 CVE-2023-43374 CVE-2023-43375 CVE-2023-43376 CVE-2023-43377", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-26 15:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1052638, "source": "kanboard", "severity": "serious", "title": "kanboard FTBFS with nocheck build profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-25 14:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1052660, "source": "gst-plugins-bad1.0", "severity": "important", "title": "gst-plugins-bad1.0: Fails to build: netsim build test failing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 17:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1052671, "source": "minetest", "severity": "serious", "title": "minetest FTBFS with nocheck build profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-11 11:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1052673, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: golang-github-bazelbuild-bazelisk -- A user-friendly launcher for Bazel.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-09-25 21:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1052721, "source": "ruby-xmlrpc", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-xmlrpc: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 15:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1052722, "source": "ruby-puppetserver-ca-cli", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-puppetserver-ca-cli: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: Failure/Error: csr.add_attribute(extension_attribute(extensions))", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-09 21:15:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1052747, "source": "ortp", "severity": "serious", "title": "ortp: FTBFS: b64.h:293: error: unable to resolve link to 'b64::b64_encode2' for \\link command (warning treated as error, aborting now)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-31 05:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1052792, "source": "php-sabre-vobject", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-sabre-vobject: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:13: override_dh_auto_test] Error 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-26 20:39:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1052796, "source": "python-django-ical", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-django-ical: FTBFS: KeyError: 'TZID'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-09 15:33:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1052811, "source": "mercurial", "severity": "important", "title": "mercurial: test-http-bad-server.t intermittent failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-09 12:39:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1052818, "source": "djangorestframework-filters", "severity": "serious", "title": "djangorestframework-filters: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p 3.11 returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-11 19:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1052838, "source": "mariadb", "severity": "normal", "title": "mariadb: FTBFS multiple archs: Post-build tests randomly fail on reserved port due to lacking builder isolation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-21 04:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1052863, "source": "krb5", "severity": "normal", "title": "krb5: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: cd build && make -j1 check \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j1 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-15 11:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1052867, "source": "diskcache", "severity": "serious", "title": "diskcache: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-tox -i python{version} -p 3.11 returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-26 13:31:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1052942, "source": "insserv", "severity": "serious", "title": "Upstream testsuite fails to produce deterministic results", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-12 17:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1052970, "source": "mkdocs-material", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "mkdocs-material: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-26 14:15:23 +0000" }, { "id": 1052989, "source": "apophenia", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apophenia: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 00:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1052996, "source": "radicale", "severity": "serious", "title": "radicale FTBFS with the nocheck build profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-09 05:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1053044, "source": "jzmq", "severity": "serious", "title": "jzmq: FTBFS with OpenJDK 21 due to unsupported javac source/target level 7", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-11 16:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1053089, "source": "lxdm", "severity": "critical", "title": "lxdm: LXDM boots to a blank black screen with no options", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-30 01:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1053245, "source": "fluidsynth", "severity": "critical", "title": "fluidsynth: Fluidsynth starts at boot and blocks the sound device, no obvious way to disable it", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-29 17:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1053251, "source": "linuxcnc", "severity": "grave", "title": "linuxcnc-uspace: Uncommanded axis movement in MDI mode with some UIs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 18:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1053275, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "devscripts: mk-build-deps failed to build i386 packages on amd64 host", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-30 18:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1053287, "source": "lxappearance-obconf", "severity": "grave", "title": "lxappearance-obconf: segfault in lxappearance since upgrade to gtk3(?)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-09-30 20:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1053291, "source": "libffi-platypus-perl", "severity": "normal", "title": "libffi-platypus-perl: FTBFS on hppa - broken integer support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-01 00:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1053345, "source": "firmware-brcm80211", "severity": "grave", "title": "[debian bookworm] brcmfmac mmc2:0001:1: firmware: failed to load brcm/brcmfmac4330-sdio.cubietech,cubietruck-plus.bin (-2)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-02 09:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1053457, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build: Building live image fails when unmounting /sys: 'target is busy'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-05 19:30:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1053485, "source": "mariadb", "severity": "normal", "title": "mariadb: FTBFS on sparc64: Post-build test suite fails on main.ctype_binary main.ctype_latin1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-19 04:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1053486, "source": "mariadb", "severity": "normal", "title": "mariadb: FTBFS on ppc64: Post-build test suite fails on main.mysql_upgrade", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-19 04:39:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1053487, "source": "mariadb", "severity": "normal", "title": "mariadb: FTBFS on hppa: Post-build test suite fails on multiple tests showing unexpected optimizer debug info", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-30 21:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1053499, "source": "hilive", "severity": "serious", "title": "hilive: flaky autopkgtest on several archs: segfault", 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"severity": "serious", "title": "gnome-subtitles: Ships autogenerated files that can't be renegerated with the code in Debian main", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-05 18:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1053540, "source": "libhtmlcleaner-java", "severity": "serious", "title": "package contains license CC-BY-SA-2.0-uk", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-06 09:09:55 +0000" }, { "id": 1053545, "source": "netatalk", "severity": "critical", "title": "CVE-2022-22995: netatalk afpd vulnerable to symlink spoofing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-14 07:36:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1053551, "source": "gcc-12", "severity": "normal", "title": "ftbfs on amd64 when building binary-arch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-14 13:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1053554, "source": "cecil", "severity": "serious", "title": "cecil: Missing licenses/copyright in debian/copyright", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-30 12:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1053556, "source": "dh-cargo", "severity": "important", "title": "dh-cargo: should provide a build() method", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-08 20:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1053593, "source": "polyml", "severity": "normal", "title": "polyml: Please support for loongarch64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-17 01:36:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1053602, "source": "harden-doc", "severity": "serious", "title": "low qualitiy of content", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 13:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1053625, "source": "rust-extprim", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-extprim: Remove from Debian?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": 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"done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-27 23:09:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1053789, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: should support --env=VAR=VALUE command line option like autopkgtest", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-05 11:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1053799, "source": "golang-github-libgit2-git2go", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-libgit2-git2go: no upstream support for latest libgit2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-04 18:30:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1053808, "source": "webcamoid", "severity": "grave", "title": "webcamoid-plugins: MultiSink_ffmpeg plugin crashes webcamoid at startup", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-17 02:30:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1053819, "source": "recutils", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "recutils: Please install bash-builtin into default load path", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-29 15:18:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1053870, "source": "libspf2", "severity": "grave", "title": "CVE-2023-42118: integer underflow in libspf2 resulting in RCE", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-05 15:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1053877, "source": "zabbix", "severity": "grave", "title": "zabbix: CVE-2023-32721 CVE-2023-32722 CVE-2023-32723 CVE-2023-32724", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-04 07:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1053980, "source": "haskell-raaz", "severity": "serious", "title": "haskell-raaz: Cannot update this package to newer version", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-16 10:15:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1053982, "source": "haskell-hindent", "severity": "serious", "title": "haskell-hindent: Cannot update this package to newer version", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-16 10:15:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1053993, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: emacs-eask -- CLI for building, running, testing, and managing your Emacs Lisp dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-10-16 20:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1054007, "source": "gertty", "severity": "grave", "title": "gertty crashes with \"AttributeError: module 'alembic' has no attribute 'migration'\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-16 10:15:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1054125, "source": "dh-builtusing", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dh-builtusing: Please backport dh-builtusing to bookworm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-20 02:30:31 +0000" }, { "id": 1054150, "source": "surf", "severity": "grave", "title": "surf: no longer display web pages after webkitgtk upgrades", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-09 12:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1054156, "source": "rust-env-logger-0.7", "severity": "serious", "title": "librust-env-logger-0.7+default-dev shouldn't provide librust-env-logger+default-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-24 17:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1054164, "source": "libowasp-antisamy-java", "severity": "grave", "title": "libowasp-antisamy-java: CVE-2023-43643", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-03 11:15:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1054166, "source": "ruby-appraiser-rubocop", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-appraiser-rubocop 1.0.1-2 has invalid dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-18 13:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1054204, "source": "mariadb", "severity": "normal", "title": "mariadb: FTBFS on alpha: build passes but server instantly crashes/timeouts on post-build test", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-19 04:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1054241, "source": "nastran", "severity": "grave", "title": "nastran: Demonstration problems fail.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-13 13:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1054249, "source": "python-certbot-dns-gandi", "severity": "grave", "title": "python3-certbot-dns-gandi: Break with API key deprecation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-28 14:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1054261, "source": "tint2", "severity": "grave", "title": "tint2 coredumps on startup", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-03 13:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1054368, "source": "debhelper", "severity": "minor", "title": "debhelper: Does not support double build (possible violation of Policy 4.9)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-25 17:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1054372, "source": "django-macaddress", "severity": "grave", "title": "python3-django-macaddress: incompatible with python3-django in bookworm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-02 12:39:18 +0000" }, { "id": 1054392, "source": "gtkglext", "severity": "serious", "title": "gtkglext: obsolete and unmaintained upstream", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-28 08:54:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1054398, "source": "bing", "severity": "grave", "title": "bing: error \"not enough hosts were found to perform the bandwidth analysis\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-27 07:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1054412, "source": "cross-toolchain-base-ports", "severity": "serious", "title": "cross-toolchain-base-ports: Stable update request to include latest glibc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-23 08:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1054426, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: docusaurus -- Docusaurus is a project for building, deploying, and maintaining open source project websites easily", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-10-23 19:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1054432, "source": "node-katex", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "node-katex: website is build with Docusaurus not packaged for debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-01 05:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1054433, "source": "fasttext", "severity": "important", "title": "fasttext: website is build with Docusaurus not packaged for debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-05 15:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1054435, "source": "node-react-redux", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "node-react-redux: website is build with Docusaurus not packaged for debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-25 17:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1054439, "source": "node-rjsf", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "node-rjsf: website is build with Docusaurus not packaged for debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-25 17:12:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1054440, "source": "ts-node", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ts-node: website is build with Docusaurus not packaged for debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-26 07:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1054441, "source": "node-ts-jest", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "node-ts-jest: website is build with Docusaurus not packaged for debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-25 17:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1054443, "source": "node-graphql", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "node-graphql: website is build with Docusaurus not packaged for debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-25 17:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1054444, "source": "golang-github-facebook-ent", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-facebook-ent: include non free font Calibre", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-30 18:54:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1054480, "source": "dogtag-pki", "severity": "serious", "title": "dogtag-pki: installs a systemd unit twice once dh_installsystemd installs to /usr", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-18 09:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1054531, "source": "php-horde-kronolith", "severity": "grave", "title": "php-horde-kronolith: incompatible with PHP 8.2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-25 08:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1054591, "source": "python-pyflow", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-pyflow: ${VERSION} not expanded in package metadata, causing PEP-440 validation failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-27 09:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1054608, "source": "tt-rss", "severity": "serious", "title": "tt-rss: New entries always marked as read even if the unread counter is not null", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-04 19:18:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1054635, "source": "python-certbot-dns-ovh", "severity": "grave", "title": "python3-certbot-dns-ovh: fails with Error adding TXT record: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-16 21:15:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1054654, "source": "liblwp-protocol-http-socketunix-perl", "severity": "grave", "title": "Uses LWP::Debug::trace without explicit 'use LWP::Debug;'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-25 11:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1054661, "source": "blastem", "severity": "grave", "title": "blastem: Segfault when trying to open rom or access system settings", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-08 17:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1054698, "source": "pixmap", "severity": "serious", "title": "pixmap: FTBFS: ././Pixmap.c:1145:(.text+0xe631): undefined reference to `xpmReadRgbNames'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-09 13:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1054720, "source": "jhbuild", "severity": "serious", "title": "jhbuild: FTBFS: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'hello'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-22 04:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1054721, "source": "python-igraph", "severity": "normal", "title": "python-igraph: random FTBFS caused by ARPACK", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-02 17:36:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1054730, "source": "trac", "severity": "normal", "title": "trac: FTBFS: ValueError: (\"Missing 'Version:' header and/or PKG-INFO file at path: /<>/Trac.egg-info/PKG-INFO\", Trac [unknown version] (/<>))", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-19 16:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1054733, "source": "ruby-gruff", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-gruff: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: NoMethodError: undefined method `background_color=' for [...]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-27 19:33:48 +0000" }, { "id": 1054740, "source": "ruby-shoulda-context", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-shoulda-context: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: :86:in `require': cannot load such file -- pry-byebug (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-27 19:34:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1054771, "source": "pgpainless", "severity": "serious", "title": "pgpainless: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:40: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-25 17:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1054832, "source": "pyhoca-gui", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyhoca-gui: FTBFS: dpkg-buildpackage: error: dpkg-source -b . subprocess returned exit status 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-27 20:03:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1054849, "source": "haskell-clash-prelude", "severity": "serious", "title": "haskell-clash-prelude: FTBFS: make: *** [/usr/share/cdbs/1/class/hlibrary.mk:158: build-ghc-stamp] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-16 03:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1054922, "source": "libengine-gost-openssl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libengine-gost-openssl: FTBFS on s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-28 21:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1054978, "source": "haskell-raaz", "severity": "serious", "title": "haskell-raaz: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependency: libghc-vector-dev (< 0.13) but is to be installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-28 21:56:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1054993, "source": "haskell-ghc-lib-parser", "severity": "normal", "title": "haskell-ghc-lib-parser: FTBFS on hppa - needs memory barriers and rules update", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-10-29 03:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1055043, "source": "qa.debian.org", "severity": "serious", "title": "Debian carnivore: port from Python 2 to 3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-06-29 08:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1055067, "source": "isc-dhcp", "severity": "serious", "title": "isc-dhcp-client: network-manager 1.44.2-3 changed path to nm-dhcp-helper, apparmor need update", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-04 18:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1055137, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx: CVE-2023-31022", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-01 08:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1055138, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx: CVE-2023-31022", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-01 08:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1055139, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418: CVE-2023-31022", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-01 08:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1055144, "source": "nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules: 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"android-platform-build", "severity": "serious", "title": "zipalign: undefined symbol: _ZN11zip_archive6WriterD2Ev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 16:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1055175, "source": "zabbix", "severity": "grave", "title": "zabbix: CVE-2023-29449 CVE-2023-29450 CVE-2023-29451 CVE-2023-29452 CVE-2023-29453 CVE-2023-29454 CVE-2023-29455 CVE-2023-29456 CVE-2023-29457 CVE-2023-29458", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-04 07:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1055228, "source": "plplot", "severity": "important", "title": "plplot: FTBFS on armhf (test segfault)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-20 13:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1055257, "source": "tcpdump", "severity": "normal", "title": "tcpdump fails to change ownership of savefile if built with libcap-ng", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-18 16:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1055345, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Please document how to build against a package from experimental", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-06 10:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1055352, "source": "ruby3.1", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby3.1: 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"libxtst", "severity": "normal", "title": "libxtst: Separate out documentation build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 08:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1055411, "source": "kubernetes", "severity": "serious", "title": "kubernetes: Verison 1.20 has reached EOL (maintenance support)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 22:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1055420, "source": "libxi", "severity": "normal", "title": "libxi: Separate out documentation build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-05 17:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1055436, "source": "openjpeg2", "severity": "normal", "title": "openjpeg2: openjpeg / apache build-dep loop", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 18:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1055447, "source": "htsjdk", "severity": "serious", "title": "htsjdk: FTBFS: 35741 tests completed, 9 failed, 10 skipped", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-06 14:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1055452, "source": "fapolicyd", "severity": "normal", "title": "fapolicyd: FTBFS on hppa - ld returned 1 exit status", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-06 16:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1055517, "source": "opensysusers", "severity": "grave", "title": "opensysusers: modifies host system instead of target environment", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-16 10:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1055519, "source": "libsass", "severity": "important", "title": "libsass: Fix hurd-amd64 build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-07 19:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1055525, "source": "cryptojs", "severity": "grave", "title": "cryptojs: CVE-2023-46233", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-16 18:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1055580, "source": "dlt-daemon", "severity": "serious", "title": "dlt-daemon: Runs daemon as user nobody with owned files on fsys", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-21 16:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1055605, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "fstack-clash-protection hardening change breaks building packages with clang on arm64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-24 00:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1055607, "source": "gmemusage", "severity": "serious", "title": "gmemusage crashes immediately", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-12 08:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1055679, "source": "python-nvchecker", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvchecker and python3-nvchecker have an undeclared file conflict on 56 files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-23 05:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1055728, "source": "segyio", "severity": "serious", "title": "segyio ftbfs with Python 3.12", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-21 15:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1055750, "source": "plplot", "severity": "important", "title": "gfortran: [armhf] Yield SIGBUS when compiling with -fstack-clash-protection", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-01 21:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1055758, "source": "opensmtpd", "severity": "grave", "title": "opensmtpd: OpenSMTPD release in stable (bookworm) is useless due to #1037359", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-07 16:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1055801, "source": "pandas", "severity": "normal", "title": "pandas/pytables: ignored test fails with Python 3.12", "affected_sources": [ "pint-xarray", "pyninjotiff", "pyresample", "python-geotiepoints", "sarsen", "trollimage", "xarray-sentinel" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:pyresample", "src:pyninjotiff", "src:pint-xarray", "src:python-geotiepoints", "src:trollimage", "src:xarray-sentinel", "src:sarsen" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-08 19:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1055816, "source": "schroot", "severity": "normal", "title": "schroot: Duplicated lines in buildd profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-11 23:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1055847, "source": "python-sparse", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-sparse: autopkgtest regression on arm64 and s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-24 18:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1055877, "source": "ndcube", "severity": "serious", "title": "ndcube: FTBFS in bookworm: leap-second file is expired", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 11:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1055892, "source": "sunpy", "severity": "serious", "title": "sunpy: FTBFS in bookworm: leap-second file is expired.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 12:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1055904, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: liblouvre -- C++ library for building Wayland compositors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-11-14 18:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1055915, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "important", "title": "sbuild-debian-developer-setup: Can not create an unstable chroot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-14 09:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1055980, "source": "pandoc-sidenote", "severity": "serious", "title": "pandoc-sidenote needs a source upload for ghc 9.4", "affected_sources": [ "pandoc-sidenote" ], "affected_packages": [ "libghc-pandoc-sidenote-doc" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-20 15:57:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1055981, "source": "libgweather4", "severity": "grave", "title": "wmforecast: Does not retrieve data; shows error", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-15 13:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1056007, "source": "0ad", "severity": "normal", "title": "0ad: Please enable riscv64 build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 09:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1056014, "source": "cryptojs", "severity": "serious", "title": "cryptojs: Library no more maintained, please keep out of next Debian stable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-20 15:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1056084, "source": "cpp-hocon", "severity": "normal", "title": "cpp-hocon: FTBFS: boost1.83 transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-18 11:21:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1056095, "source": "gridtools", "severity": "normal", "title": "gridtools: FTBFS: boost1.83 transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-18 11:21:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1056107, "source": "nettle", "severity": "normal", "title": "Nettle: please run valgrind tests during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-21 02:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1056111, "source": "bpfcc", "severity": "important", "title": "bpfcc ftbfs with LLVM 17", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-17 04:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1056146, "source": "xsok", "severity": "serious", "title": "xsok possibly contains non-DFSG-free data files ", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-28 07:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1056339, "source": "graphicsmagick", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "graphicsmagick: providing graphicsmagick build with alternative quantum-depth", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-21 11:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1056360, "source": "wikitrans", "severity": "grave", "title": "python3-wikitrans: [wikimarkup.py] 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'", "affected_sources": [ "dico" ], "affected_packages": [ "dico-module-mediawiki" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-11 10:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1056435, "source": "ponyorm", "severity": "serious", "title": "ponyorm's autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-02 17:36:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1056469, "source": "python-docformatter", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-docformatter's autopkg tests fail with Python 3.12", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 22:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1056608, "source": "timeshift", "severity": "grave", "title": "timeshift: Timeshift cant restore RSYNC snapshots if your system installed on BTRFS with wrong subvolume", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-09 13:00:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1056699, "source": "node-wikibase-cli", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-wikibase-cli fails to build from source without Internet access", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-24 21:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1056705, "source": "node-mqtt", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-mqtt: 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"severity": "serious", "title": "freeart: ftbfs with cython 3.0.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-25 21:21:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1056832, "source": "pplpy", "severity": "serious", "title": "pplpy: ftbfs with cython 3.0.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-14 11:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1056840, "source": "pyhst2", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyhst2: ftbfs with cython 3.0.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-14 11:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1056870, "source": 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"affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-26 21:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1056951, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: elpa-lin -- Lin is a stylistic enhancement for Emacs������ built-in hl-line-mode", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-11-30 19:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1057023, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "devscripts: 'debclean --cleandebs' should also remove .buildinfo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-11-28 07:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1057114, "source": "seriousproton", "severity": "serious", "title": "seriousproton: Does not link against or depend on all needed 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"severity": "serious", "title": "python3-diagrams: depends on no longer available python3-typed-ast", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-01 14:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1057238, "source": "debian-policy", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debian-policy: Take dpkg-build-api into account for Rules-Requires-Root", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-25 07:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1057290, "source": "linux", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "bpftool: please build from https://github.com/libbpf/bpftool", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-07-17 20:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1057298, "source": "nodejs", "severity": "normal", "title": "nodejs: improve passing of --dest-* options for cross builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-12-02 21:45:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1057347, "source": "vips", "severity": "serious", "title": "vips: increase the timeout further and make it unconditional", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-03 06:36:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1057355, "source": "mpfr4", "severity": "grave", "title": "libmpfr6: major formatted output function bugs with %c and the value 0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-15 03:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1057357, "source": "qtremoteobjects-everywhere-src", "severity": "serious", "title": "qtremoteobjects-everywhere-src: FTBFS in bullseye and bookworm because of expired SSL certificates, will also FTBFS in trixie/sid eventually", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-05 22:27:28 +0000" }, { "id": 1057462, "source": "syslinux", "severity": "serious", "title": "syslinux: FTBFS: error: ������-fcf-protection������ is not compatible with this target", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-02 11:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1057469, "source": "gcc-12", "severity": "normal", "title": "gcc-12: Please build with -mbranch-protection=standard to enable PAC/BTI support on arm64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-08 15:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1057490, "source": "bazel-bootstrap", "severity": "serious", "title": "bazel-bootstrap: FTBFS with default Java 21", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 06:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1057513, "source": "kotlin", "severity": "serious", "title": "kotlin: FTBFS with default Java 21", "affected_sources": [ "asm", "intellij-community-idea" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:asm", "src:intellij-community-idea" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 07:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1057522, "source": "libsvm", "severity": "serious", "title": "libsvm: FTBFS with default Java 21", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-14 09:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1057544, "source": "barrier", "severity": "serious", "title": "barrier: FTBFS: failing test on hosts with one or two CPUs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-17 14:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1057547, "source": "cclib-data", "severity": "serious", "title": "cclib-data: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-14 09:51:26 +0000" }, { "id": 1057551, "source": "d1x-rebirth", "severity": "serious", "title": "d1x-rebirth: FTBFS: TypeError: sequence index must be integer, not 'slice'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-11 14:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1057552, "source": "d2x-rebirth", "severity": "serious", "title": "d2x-rebirth: FTBFS: TypeError: sequence index must be integer, not 'slice'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-14 09:51:25 +0000" }, { "id": 1057554, "source": "dradio", "severity": "serious", "title": "dradio: FTBFS: invalid use of incomplete typedef ������ITEM������ {aka ������struct tagITEM������}", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-20 16:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1057556, "source": "elpa", "severity": "important", "title": "elpa: FTBFS unless machine has more than one vcore", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 11:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1057557, "source": "emacs-helm-ag", "severity": "serious", "title": "emacs-helm-ag: FTBFS: FAILED visited-buffers", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-13 22:36:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1057560, "source": "gcc-11-doc", "severity": "serious", "title": "gcc-11-doc: FTBFS: extend.texi:2490: @itemx should not begin @table", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-14 09:51:24 +0000" }, { "id": 1057562, "source": "gcr4", "severity": "important", "title": "gcr4: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ "gcr" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:gcr" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-07 11:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1057563, "source": "gdb-doc", "severity": "serious", "title": "gdb-doc: FTBFS: /usr/bin/install: cannot stat '../../../gdb/doc/stabs': No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-14 09:51:23 +0000" }, { "id": 1057581, "source": "node-get-stream", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-clipanion: FTBFS: error TS2307: Cannot find module 'get-stream' or its corresponding type declarations.", "affected_sources": [ "node-clipanion" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:node-clipanion" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-30 07:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1057586, "source": "nvda2speechd", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvda2speechd: FTBFS: error: failed to run custom build command for `speech-dispatcher-sys v0.7.0`", "affected_sources": [ "nvda2speechd" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:nvda2speechd" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-16 04:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1057608, "source": "python-discord", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-discord: FTBFS: Could not import extension builder (exception: cannot import name 'ltz' from 'sphinx.builders.gettext' (/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sphinx/builders/gettext.py))", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-05 22:39:38 +0000" }, { "id": 1057621, "source": "valgrind", "severity": "serious", "title": "valgrind should not drop valgrind-dbg", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-06 00:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1057630, "source": "slic3r-prusa", "severity": "normal", "title": "slic3r-prusa: Uninitialized memory in GravityKernel.hpp causes FTBFS on multiple architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-06 17:54:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1057644, "source": "pytorch", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pytorch: build for all supported Python versions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-01-02 08:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1057652, "source": "haskell-base64", "severity": "grave", "title": "libghc-base64-dev: Segfaults on 32-bit architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-06 16:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1057664, "source": "unshield", "severity": "normal", "title": "unshield: FTBFS on hppa - md5/libmd5.a(md5c.c.o) needs to compiled with -fPIC", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-14 17:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1057669, "source": "docbook-xsl-saxon", "severity": "important", "title": "docbook-xsl-saxon: FTBFS due to unexpected element \"{}HTML\" {antlib:org.apache.tools.ant}HTML", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-06 22:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1057696, "source": "ca-certificates-java", "severity": "serious", "title": "ca-certificates-java: autopkgtest \"depends\" on openjdk-8-jre-headless which only is in unstable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-18 10:51:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1057707, "source": "eslint", "severity": "important", "title": "eslint is incompatible with node-ajv >= 8", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-14 15:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1057710, "source": "python-aiostream", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "python-aiostream: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-07 12:33:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1057712, "source": "collectd", "severity": "serious", "title": "collectd: FTBFS on i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-07 23:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1057725, "source": "android-platform-system-extras", "severity": "normal", "title": "android-platform-system-extras FTCBFS: uses the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-07 15:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1057729, "source": "pam", "severity": "important", "title": "pam FTCBFS: passes host flags to build compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 21:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1057733, "source": "libprelude", "severity": "normal", "title": "libprelude FTCBFS: confuses build and host compiler flags", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-07 16:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1057763, "source": "qt5-style-kvantum", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "qt5-style-kvantum: add Qt 6 build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-08 05:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1057784, "source": "ifplugd", "severity": "serious", "title": "ifplugd: RM for trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-19 18:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1057876, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: import-orig error when using a zipped URL", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-10 00:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1057936, "source": "odpic", "severity": "serious", "title": "odpic: FTBFS: UndefinedError(\"'style' is undefined\")", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-14 09:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1057939, "source": "recommonmark", "severity": "serious", "title": "recommonmark: FTBFS: FAIL: test_headings (tests.test_sphinx.GenericTests.test_headings)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-02 01:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1057941, "source": "ycm-cmake-modules", "severity": "serious", "title": "ycm-cmake-modules: FTBFS: TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-10 19:21:35 +0000" }, { "id": 1057947, "source": "hp48cc", "severity": "serious", "title": "hp48cc: missing error trapping in Makefile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-22 07:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1057951, "source": "promod3", "severity": "serious", "title": "promod3: FTBFS: tests may fail to run in parallel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-14 09:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1058037, "source": "gzip", "severity": "normal", "title": "gzip fails to build due to outdated patch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 05:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1058049, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "[mk-build-deps] \"arch all\" packages are architecture-specific", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-11 18:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1058189, "source": "python-mockupdb", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-mockupdb: FTBFS: AttributeError: module 'ssl' has no attribute 'wrap_socket'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-31 15:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1058246, "source": "qreator", "severity": "serious", "title": "qreator: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cairo._cairo'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-12 08:28:26 +0000" }, { "id": 1058262, "source": "debtags", "severity": "serious", "title": "debtags: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imp'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-12 08:29:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1058292, "source": "aioredis", "severity": "serious", "title": "aioredis: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.11\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-12 08:48:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1058327, "source": "protobuf", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-limits: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.11\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ "python-limits" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:python-limits" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-10-13 13:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1058329, "source": "ipxe", "severity": "serious", "title": "ipxe: FTBFS: arch/x86/core/patch_cf.S:26: Error: 64bit mode not supported on `i386'.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-11 11:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1058333, "source": "python-docformatter", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-docformatter: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.11\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 22:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1058338, "source": "ufo2ft", "severity": "normal", "title": "ufo2ft: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.11\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-29 15:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1058392, "source": "python-oauth2client", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-oauth2client: FTBFS: failed tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 15:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1058436, "source": "py-rnp", "severity": "serious", "title": "py-rnp: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.11\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-12 18:51:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1058454, "source": "prody", "severity": "serious", "title": "prody: autopkgtest regression on i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-01 13:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1058455, "source": "btllib", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "btllib: add build support for loongarch64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-12 11:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1058538, "source": "hg-git", "severity": "serious", "title": "hg-git: FTBFS: not_readable: Permission denied", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-12 20:58:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1058664, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildflags: add support for building with frame pointers enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-07 09:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1058665, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildflags: add support for building with frame pointers enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-07 09:15:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1058702, "source": "pius", "severity": "grave", "title": "pius fails completely on bookworm and up", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-07 04:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1058707, "source": "accountsservice", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "accountsservice: run build-time testsuite in verbose mode", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-08 09:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1058812, "source": "llvm-toolchain-15", "severity": "serious", "title": "llvm-toolchain-15: do not release with trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-17 03:15:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1058815, "source": "calcium", "severity": "serious", "title": "calcium: FTBFS: /usr/include/fmpz_extras.h:208:1: error: static declaration of ������fmpz_ui_pow_ui������ follows non-static declaration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-21 17:51:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1058822, "source": "llvm-toolchain-14", "severity": "serious", "title": "llvm-toolchain-14: do not release with trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-16 21:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1058868, "source": "gemmi", "severity": "important", "title": "gemmi: Please build shared library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-19 09:00:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1058927, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build doesn't create tftpboot under arm64 and fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-04 15:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1058941, "source": "sipxtapi", "severity": "serious", "title": "sipxtapi: FTBFS: PlgSpeex.c:21:10: fatal error: speex/speex.h: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1059013, "source": "wxmplot", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "wxmplot: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-19 10:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1059037, "source": "debian-live", "severity": "grave", "title": "debian-live: Unable to boot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-12-21 05:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1059069, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "RFP: redshift-gui -- Redshift GUI without geolocation built-in, put your color temp and press button", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-02-01 21:45:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1059088, "source": "whizzytex", "severity": "grave", "title": "whizzytex 1.3.7 is incompatible with texlive >= 2021", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-02 16:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1059095, "source": "general", "severity": "grave", "title": "general: Unable to boot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-12-21 05:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1059167, "source": "installation-reports", "severity": "grave", "title": "installation-reports: installer hangs while recognizing network hardware", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2023-12-21 05:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1059201, "source": "nng", "severity": "normal", "title": "libnng-dev 1.6.0 break cmake build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-21 07:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1059227, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "Firmware Missing from recent live builds (I think due to usr transition)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-21 15:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1059228, "source": "s2geometry", "severity": "serious", "title": "build system hard-codes -std=c++11", "affected_sources": [ "s2geometry" ], "affected_packages": [ "libs2-0t64" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-24 08:51:04 +0000" 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"2023-12-22 20:09:32 +0000" }, { "id": 1059300, "source": "ruby-sidekiq", "severity": "grave", "title": "ruby-sidekiq: CVE-2023-26141", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-08 04:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1059342, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build: Can we please install net-tools?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-22 22:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1059360, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: How to use it in combination with faketime?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 18:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1059391, "source": "tgt", "severity": "normal", "title": "tgt FTCBFS: debian/rules hard codes the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-24 11:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1059436, "source": "lxappearance", "severity": "grave", "title": "lxappearance segmentation fault", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-26 13:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1059451, "source": "opennds", "severity": "grave", "title": "opennds: CVE-2023-38313 CVE-2023-38314 CVE-2023-38315 CVE-2023-38316 CVE-2023-38320 CVE-2023-38322 CVE-2023-38324", "affected_sources": [ ], 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"pkg-js-tools: Tests (autopkgtests) uses `fakeroot` without dependency", "affected_sources": [ "devscripts" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:devscripts" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-28 15:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1059588, "source": "lintian", "severity": "normal", "title": "lintian: false positive missing-build-dependency-for-dh_-command for B-D-Indep", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2023-12-28 20:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1059642, "source": "python-duckpy", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-duckpy: autopkgtest failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-08 15:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1059648, "source": "sip4", "severity": "serious", "title": "sip4: autopkgtest failure with Python 3.12", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-13 16:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1059676, "source": "linux", "severity": "normal", "title": "kernel FTBFS on hppa", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-04 13:09:23 +0000" }, { "id": 1059697, "source": "ruby-github-pages-health-check", "severity": "serious", "title": "[ruby-octokit 6 transition] ruby-github-pages-health-check : Depends: ruby-octokit (< 5~) but 6.1.1-1 is to be installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", 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1060101, "source": "boost1.81", "severity": "serious", "title": "boost1.81: do not release with trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-31 18:39:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1060102, "source": "boost1.74", "severity": "serious", "title": "boost1.74: do not release with trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 18:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1060107, "source": "urweb", "severity": "serious", "title": "urweb: FTBFS: http.c:119:32: error: pointer ������buf������ may be used after ������realloc������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, 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"status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-14 10:54:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1060226, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build: binary_grub_cfg cannot handle more than two kernels", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-07 21:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1060320, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildpackage: PERL_UNICODE variable causes bad encoding in output", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-19 00:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1060371, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: feature request: gbp sync", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-30 20:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1060397, "source": "libsys-syscall-perl", "severity": "important", "title": "libsys-syscall-perl: FTBFS on riscv64: t/01-epoll.t failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-11 02:24:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1060399, "source": "libbson-xs-perl", "severity": "important", "title": "libbson-xs-perl: FTBFS on riscv64: double.t failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-11 14:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1060420, "source": "less", "severity": "important", "title": "less: Fix build failure on GNU/Hurd", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-25 18:00:24 +0000" }, { "id": 1060427, "source": "appdirs", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-appdirs: Do not release with trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 12:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1060434, "source": "jansi1", "severity": "serious", "title": "ftbfs: usr/share/java/jansi1.jar is a symlink of a non-exist file jansi1-1.18.jar", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 13:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1060435, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild-qemu-create shows error because \"zerofree\" not installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-20 19:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1060451, "source": "jamin", "severity": "important", "title": "jamin: build-depends (unnecessarily?) on unmaintained libclutter-gtk-1.0-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-11 20:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1060459, "source": "scalpel", "severity": "grave", "title": "scalpel: Scalpel not working on Apple Silicon", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-27 03:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1060659, "source": "pgmodeler", "severity": "normal", "title": "pgmodeler FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture qmake6", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-12 11:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1060712, "source": "libextutils-cbuilder-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libextutils-cbuilder-perl: current version superseded by Perl 5.38", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-13 11:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1060726, "source": "valgrind", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "valgrind: Test 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1060764, "source": "gulkan", "severity": "normal", "title": "gulkan FTCBFS: passes host compiler flags to the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-13 20:12:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1060766, "source": "dumpasn1", "severity": "serious", "title": "dumpasn1: FTBFS with stack-clash-protection on armhf due to valgrind segfault", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-15 21:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1060773, "source": "netatalk", "severity": "critical", "title": "CVE-2022-22995: afpd daemon vulnerable to symlink redirection", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-14 13:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1060786, "source": "graph-tool", "severity": "important", "title": "graph-tool: FTBFS on ppc64el: /usr/include/boost/math/tools/promotion.hpp:267:27: error: static assertion failed: Sorry, but this platform does not have sufficient long double support for the special functions to be reliably implemented.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-29 06:30:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1060833, "source": "git-annex", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-annex: Please add build dep for loong64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-15 09:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1060850, "source": "jtdx", "severity": "serious", "title": "jtdx: FTBFS on armel: Error: bad immediate value for offset (4096)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-16 16:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1060866, "source": "rust-quote", "severity": "important", "title": "librust-quote-dev: fails to build as transitive dependency of tailspin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-15 20:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1060895, "source": "liblsl", "severity": "serious", "title": "liblsl: missing #include for uint32_t", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-01-25 09:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1060905, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "serious", "title": "deb.debian.org: netboot.tar.gz for trixie is actually bookworm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-01-16 11:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1060915, "source": "golang-entgo-ent", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-entgo-ent: Flaky tests due to relying on default result ordering", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-14 04:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1060930, "source": "node-eslint-plugin-requirejs", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-eslint-plugin-requirejs: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:22: override_dh_auto_test] Error 22", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-16 19:48:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1060939, "source": "python-workalendar", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-workalendar: FTBFS: CalendarError: Need configure 2024 for China.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-26 04:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1060956, "source": "apertium-oc-es", "severity": "serious", "title": "apertium-oc-es: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 test \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-16 19:49:25 +0000" }, { "id": 1060960, "source": "libcommons-logging-java", "severity": "serious", "title": "libslf4j-java: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:4: build] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ "httpcomponents-client", "libslf4j-java" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:libslf4j-java", "src:httpcomponents-client" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-23 12:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1060962, "source": "bmusb", "severity": "serious", "title": "bmusb: FTBFS: dh_install: error: missing files, aborting", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-16 21:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1060969, "source": "android-platform-external-libunwind", "severity": "serious", "title": "android-platform-external-libunwind: FTBFS: ld: cannot find -l7z: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-12 21:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1060980, "source": "apertium-es-ro", "severity": "serious", "title": "apertium-es-ro: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 test \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-16 19:50:27 +0000" }, { "id": 1060984, "source": "apertium-eo-en", "severity": "serious", "title": "apertium-eo-en: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 test \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-16 19:50:37 +0000" }, { "id": 1061014, "source": "apertium-isl-eng", "severity": "serious", "title": "apertium-isl-eng: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 test \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-16 19:51:56 +0000" }, { "id": 1061019, "source": "xdg-desktop-portal", "severity": "important", "title": "xdg-desktop-portal: FTBFS: test_inputcapture: Timed out waiting for response from SetPointerBarriers", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": 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"apertium-eu-en", "severity": "serious", "title": "apertium-eu-en: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 test \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-16 19:53:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1061042, "source": "flask-mongoengine", "severity": "serious", "title": "flask-mongoengine: FTBFS: tests failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-16 19:53:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1061044, "source": "nagvis", "severity": "serious", "title": "nagvis: Website only response with a PHP-Deprecation Error.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": 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"affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-02 07:12:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1061185, "source": "apt-verify", "severity": "serious", "title": "apt-verify: unsupportable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 08:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1061212, "source": "emscripten", "severity": "serious", "title": "emscripten: Please upgrade to llvm-toolchain-18", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-14 14:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1061213, "source": "intel-graphics-compiler", "severity": "serious", "title": "intel-graphics-compiler: Please upgrade to llvm-toolchain-18", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-05-04 10:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1061214, "source": "llvmlite", "severity": "serious", "title": "llvmlite: Please upgrade to llvm-toolchain-18", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 11:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1061215, "source": "oclgrind", "severity": "serious", "title": "oclgrind: Please upgrade to llvm-toolchain-18", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-04 10:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1061219, "source": "triton", "severity": "serious", "title": "titron: Please upgrade to llvm-toolchain-18", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-04 10:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1061223, "source": "tree-sitter-vimdoc", "severity": "important", "title": "tree-sitter-vimdoc: fails to clean after successful build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-30 19:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1061241, "source": "endless-sky", "severity": "serious", "title": "endless-sky: debian/copyright incomplete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-05 18:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1061247, "source": "libgsf", "severity": "normal", "title": "libgsf 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"source": "avfs", "severity": "serious", "title": "avfs: identified for time_t transition but no ABI in shlibs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 14:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1061340, "source": "pelican", "severity": "important", "title": "pelican: Please run tests (during build and in an autopkgtest)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-30 15:36:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1061388, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild doesn't support autotpkgest-virt-incus: Error: mkdir /sbuild-nonexistent: permission denied", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-26 15:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1061393, "source": "runescape", "severity": "grave", "title": "runescape: Runescape launcher won't start because of missing dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-21 12:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1061431, "source": "u-boot", "severity": "normal", "title": "Do not act on packages for subarchs excluded by build profiles", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-24 11:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1061450, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage: dpkg-buildpackage does not have tab completion", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-02 11:18:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1061496, "source": "valgrind", "severity": "important", "title": "valgrind: Segmentation fault on armhf checking programs built with -fstack-clash-protection or -fstack-check", "affected_sources": [ "libvorbis" ], "affected_packages": [ "libvorbis-dev" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-10 09:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1061501, "source": "libvorbis", "severity": "serious", "title": "libvorbis: Please disable test-coupling-segfault autopkgtest on armhf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-10 08:54:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1061519, "source": "shim", "severity": "grave", "title": "shim: CVE-2023-40546 CVE-2023-40547 CVE-2023-40548 CVE-2023-40549 CVE-2023-40550 CVE-2023-40551", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-18 13:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1061551, "source": "sndfile-tools", "severity": "serious", "title": "sndfile-tools: Please disable autopkgtest on armhf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-29 22:15:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1061618, "source": "haskell-misfortune", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:haskell-misfortune: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: libghc-regex-pcre-doc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-07 19:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1061686, "source": "kmscon", "severity": "serious", "title": "kmscon: The removal of the kmscon package does not bring back the classical linux consoles", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-15 17:06:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1061689, "source": "kdevelop512-libs", "severity": "serious", "title": "kdevelop512-libs: identified for time_t transition but no ABI in shlibs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 15:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1061729, "source": "clips", "severity": "serious", "title": "libclips: identified for time_t transition but no ABI in shlibs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-02 07:12:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1061758, "source": "python-xmlrunner", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-xmlrunner ftbfs with Python 3.12 as default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-29 12:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1061785, "source": "automake-1.17", "severity": "important", "title": "automake-1.16 fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 05:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1061817, "source": "pymodbus", "severity": "important", "title": "pymodbus autopkg tests time out with Python 3.12", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-28 15:03:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1061818, "source": "pytest-openfiles", "severity": "important", "title": "pytest-openfiles fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-15 15:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1061826, "source": "openmm", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-pdbfixer fails its autopkg tests with Python 3.12", "affected_sources": [ "python-pdbfixer" ], "affected_packages": [ "python-pdbfixer" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 16:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1061864, "source": "actor-framework", "severity": "serious", "title": "actor-framework: NMU diff for 64-bit time_t transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-05-08 11:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1061880, "source": "s-tui", "severity": "grave", "title": "s-tui: Selecting Graphs raises a ValueError exception", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-04 18:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1061888, "source": "anfo", "severity": "serious", "title": "anfo: NMU diff for 64-bit time_t transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-28 23:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1061963, "source": "guix", "severity": "minor", "title": "guix: Add comment in the README.Debian on the interest of the locally build guix binary generated by \"guix pull\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-30 13:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1062011, "source": "janitor", "severity": "serious", "title": "janitor: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: No module named pip", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-01-30 21:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1062029, "source": "broker", "severity": "serious", "title": "broker: NMU diff for 64-bit time_t transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-19 02:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1062190, "source": "packagekit", "severity": "critical", "title": "packagekit: locks the dpkg frontened in the middle of a running update by synaptic package manager", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-31 16:18:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1062267, "source": "android-platform-frameworks-native", "severity": "serious", "title": "android-platform-frameworks-native_10.0.0+r36-1.1~exp1_all-buildd.changes REJECTED", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-01-31 22:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1062392, "source": "libkiwix", "severity": "serious", "title": "libkiwix: NMU diff for 64-bit time_t transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 22:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1062397, "source": "editorconfig-core", "severity": "serious", "title": "editorconfig-core: flaky autopkgtest: dh_auto_build fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 15:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1062641, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build Removes User Packages Installed via Hooks", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-05 10:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1062790, "source": "keybinder-3.0", "severity": "normal", "title": "keybinder-3.0 FTCBFS: fails to configure for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-03 10:15:32 +0000" }, { "id": 1062792, "source": "libmatekbd", "severity": "normal", "title": "libmatekbd FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-03 10:15:37 +0000" }, { "id": 1062941, "source": "llvm-toolchain-15", "severity": "serious", "title": "llvm-toolchain-15: NMU diff for 64-bit time_t transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-17 03:15:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1063019, "source": "kylin-burner", "severity": "normal", "title": "kylin-burner FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture pkg-config in upstream Makefile.am", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-04 13:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1063025, "source": "routine-update", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "add --clean-build option for building with sbuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-12 11:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1063027, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "important", "title": "devscripts: [build-rdeps] does not work anymore", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-04 14:24:21 +0000" }, { "id": 1063040, "source": "uw-imap", "severity": "serious", "title": "uw-imap: NMU diff for 64-bit time_t transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-18 12:03:18 +0000" }, { "id": 1063135, "source": "libselinux", "severity": "serious", "title": "libselinux: NMU diff for 64-bit time_t transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 17:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1063195, "source": "vtk-dicom", "severity": "serious", "title": "vtk-dicom: NMU diff for 64-bit time_t transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-28 23:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1063232, "source": "gamehub", "severity": "serious", "title": "gamehub: Stop using webkit2gtk 4.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-23 22:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1063302, "source": "sagemath", "severity": "grave", "title": "libsingular4-dev: libsingular 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"id": 1063414, "source": "openexr", "severity": "grave", "title": "openexr: CVE-2023-5841", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-03 16:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1063450, "source": "compartment", "severity": "normal", "title": "compartment FTCBFS: strips with the build architecture strip", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-08 13:33:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1063452, "source": "tty-clock", "severity": "normal", "title": "tty-clock FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-08 13:33:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1063478, "source": "gem2deb", "severity": "important", "title": "gem2deb rails assets smoke test should handle links or skip the test during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-09 13:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1063501, "source": "less", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "building less from source fails the island test", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-28 17:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1063527, "source": "einsteinpy", "severity": "serious", "title": "einsteinpy: test_plotting fails to converge with scipy 1.11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-19 17:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1063530, "source": "node-undici", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-undici: FTBFS with nodejs 18.19.0+dfsg-6~deb12u1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-02 17:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1063562, "source": "dt-schema", "severity": "grave", "title": "dt-schema: broken with python3-jsonschema 4.18+", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-05 21:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1063571, "source": "pcre3", "severity": "serious", "title": "libpcre3: move libraries to /usr (DEP17)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 03:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1063573, "source": "flatpak-builder", "severity": "normal", "title": "flatpak-builder: transition from p7zip to 7zip", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-09 16:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1063599, "source": "mathgl", "severity": "important", "title": "mathgl: FTBFS on amd64: tests seg fault", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 11:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1063605, "source": "debian-policy", "severity": "important", "title": "debian-policy: mandate use of `dpkg-buildflags` for all software compilation on Debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-10 11:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1063644, "source": "atitvout", "severity": "serious", "title": "atitvout: missing required debian/rules targets build-arch and/or build-indep", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-10 12:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1063645, "source": "markdown", "severity": "serious", "title": "markdown: missing required debian/rules targets build-arch and/or build-indep", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-13 21:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1063648, "source": "krb5", "severity": "serious", "title": "krb5: FTBFS on IPv6-only buildds: \"Can't resolve hostname\" in dh_auto_test", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-28 09:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1063649, "source": "maint-guide", "severity": "important", "title": "maint-guide: synatx error in setup instructions for sbuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-10 14:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1063700, "source": "kxd", "severity": "grave", "title": "kxc fails to install because /etc/kxc is missing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-24 20:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1063708, "source": "torbrowser-launcher", "severity": "serious", "title": "torbrowser-launcher is broken, needs update to 0.3.7", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-09 19:06:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1063745, "source": "srt", "severity": "important", "title": "srt: FTBFS on i386: build-gnutls/test-srt failed in Transmission.FileUpload: srt_close(accepted_sock) -> SRT_ERROR", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-07 09:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1063782, "source": "python-oauth2client", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-oauth2client: FTBFS with flask 3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 15:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1063825, "source": "rust-ognibuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "ognibuild: crashes when building hexchat due to parsing meson stderr as JSON", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-13 04:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1063878, "source": "di-utils", "severity": "serious", "title": "di-utils: chroot-setup.sh creates ineffective diversions (DEP17)", "affected_sources": [ "dpkg" ], "affected_packages": [ "dpkg" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-06 11:43:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1063925, "source": "victoriametrics", "severity": "normal", "title": "victoriametrics: Occasional FTBFS: VictoriaMetrics/lib/storage/inmemory_part.go:37 BUG: Inmemory.InitFromRows must accept at least one row", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-16 02:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1063953, "source": "intake", "severity": "serious", "title": "intake: autopkgtest regression with pytest 8", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-15 10:27:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1064003, "source": "cross-toolchain-base", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:cross-toolchain-base: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: linux-source-6.5 (>= 6.5.8)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-28 08:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1064010, "source": "installation-reports", "severity": "normal", "title": "Kernel not compiling missing file drm_irq.h", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-02-16 13:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1064024, "source": "juce", "severity": "important", "title": "juce: FTBFS on mips64el: Failed to build juceaide", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-29 22:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1064086, "source": "ocamlnet", "severity": "grave", "title": "libapache2-mod-netcgi-apache: breaks apache (undefined symbols)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-19 10:39:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1064135, "source": "r-cran-bigmemory", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:r-cran-bigmemory: fails to migrate to testing for too long: autopkgtest fails on arm*, ppc64el and s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-27 09:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1064137, "source": "procdump", "severity": "serious", "title": "procdump no longer builds on mips64el/ppc64el/riscv64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-25 17:57:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1064170, "source": "mediastreamer2", "severity": "serious", "title": "mediastreamer2: NMU diff for 64-bit time_t transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-05-02 21:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1064234, "source": "rust-palette", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-palette: Fails to build from source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-18 20:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1064294, "source": "bind-dyndb-ldap", "severity": "serious", "title": "bind-dyndb-ldap: FTBFS: error: Install BIND9 development files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-20 14:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1064301, "source": "oss4", "severity": "serious", "title": "oss4: NMU diff for 64-bit time_t transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-02 05:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1064389, "source": "php-horde-nag", "severity": "grave", "title": "php-horde-nag: Cannot add new task", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-21 18:51:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1064391, "source": "php-horde-imp", "severity": "grave", "title": "php-horde-imp: Cannot open \"New Message\" window to send mail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-21 18:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1064392, "source": "php-horde-turba", "severity": "grave", "title": "php-horde-turba: Cannot add new contact", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-21 18:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1064398, "source": "docker-compose", "severity": "normal", "title": "docker-compose: please remove obsolete build-dependency python3-mock", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-21 13:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1064417, "source": "jansi1", "severity": "important", "title": "jansi1 misses actual jar with the library after rebuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-21 20:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1064476, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildflags: add support for building with frame pointers enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-07 09:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1064486, "source": "rnp", "severity": "serious", "title": "rnp: FTBFS: Errors while running CTest", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-10 22:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1064488, "source": "protobuf", "severity": "normal", "title": "protobuf: please remove python3-six from the build dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-10 05:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1064516, "source": "ruby-rack", "severity": "grave", "title": "ruby-rack: CVE-2024-26141 CVE-2024-25126 CVE-2024-26146", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 13:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1064538, "source": "perftest", "severity": "normal", "title": "perftest FTBFS on hppa: get_cycles not implemented", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-23 22:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1064555, "source": "faketime", "severity": "serious", "title": "faketime: FTBFS on 32 bit architectures: Test Suites summary: 3 succeeded, 1 failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 13:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1064556, "source": "hepmc3", "severity": "serious", "title": "hepmc3: FTBFS on i386: 86% tests passed, 2 tests failed out of 14", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-27 09:45:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1064558, "source": "node-leveldown", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-leveldown: FTBFS on mips64el: not ok 1397 Error: batch(array) element must be an object and not `null`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-03 17:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1064559, "source": "pmdk", "severity": "serious", "title": "pmdk: FTBFS on ppc64el: RUNTESTS: stopping: obj_basic_integration/TEST5 failed, TEST=check FS=pmem BUILD=debug", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 21:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1064598, "source": "yagv", "severity": "grave", "title": "yagv: crashes with \"module 'pyglet.graphics' has no attribute 'vertex_list'\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-02 04:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1064607, "source": "python-vispy", "severity": "important", "title": "python-vispy-doc: unhandled failures to build documentation can occur", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-24 23:39:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1064613, "source": "vtun", "severity": "grave", "title": "vtun: Segmentation fault with default config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 18:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1064638, "source": "python-x2go", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "python-x2go-doc: please make the build reproducible.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-25 13:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1064641, "source": "php-sql-formatter", "severity": "serious", "title": "Useless in Debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-25 14:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1064648, "source": "allegro5", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "allegro5-doc: please make the build reproducible.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-02 21:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1064670, "source": "nut", "severity": "serious", "title": "nut: flaky autopkgtest: Test daemons using PID files ... FAIL", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-09 10:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1064676, "source": "android-platform-tools-apksig", "severity": "serious", "title": "android-platform-tools-apksig: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: gradle --info --console plain --offline --stacktrace --no-daemon --refresh-dependencies --gradle-user-home .gradle -Duser.home=. -Duser.name=debian -Ddebian.package=android-platform-tools-apksig -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 --parallel --max-workers=8 test returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-29 20:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1064678, "source": "salt-pylint", "severity": "serious", "title": "salt-pylint: FTBFS: ImportError: cannot import name 'IRawChecker' from 'pylint.interfaces' (/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pylint/interfaces.py)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-25 19:51:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1064679, "source": "ruby-vcr", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-vcr: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: Failure/Error: require 'typhoeus/adapters/faraday'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 18:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1064685, "source": "ruby3.2", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby3.2: FTBFS: Errno::EADDRINUSE: Address already in use - listen(2)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:54:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1064696, "source": "node-node-rsa", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-node-rsa: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:19: override_dh_auto_test] Error 14", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-25 19:52:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1064707, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "serious", "title": "devscripts: FTBFS: AssertionError: black found code that needs reformatting:", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-08 11:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1064712, "source": "node-public-encrypt", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-public-encrypt: FTBFS: TypeError: RSA_PKCS1_PADDING is no longer supported for private decryption, this can be reverted with --security-revert=CVE-2023-46809", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-25 19:52:52 +0000" }, { "id": 1064714, "source": "codraft", "severity": "serious", "title": "codraft: FTBFS: ImportError: cannot import name 'update_dataset' from 'guidata.dataset' (/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/guidata/dataset/__init__.py)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-25 19:52:59 +0000" }, { "id": 1064719, "source": "buildlog-consultant", "severity": "serious", "title": "buildlog-consultant: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:18: override_dh_auto_build] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-25 19:53:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1064748, "source": "guix", "severity": "serious", "title": "guix: FTBFS: In procedure canonicalize-path: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-22 21:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1064751, "source": "ruby-elasticsearch-model", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-elasticsearch-model: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/rubygems/specification.rb:1477:in `rescue in block in activate_dependencies': Could not find 'faraday' (~> 1) among 110 total gem(s) (Gem::MissingSpecError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 15:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1064752, "source": "intake", "severity": "serious", "title": "intake: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.11\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-25 19:54:39 +0000" }, { "id": 1064767, "source": "ruby-faraday-middleware-multi-json", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-faraday-middleware-multi-json: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: NoMethodError:", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:54:25 +0000" }, { "id": 1064858, "source": "astroplan", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "python-astroplan-doc: please make the package build reproducible.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-29 22:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1064886, "source": "sqlite-utils", "severity": "grave", "title": "sqlite-utils: missing Depends: python3-click-default-group", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-18 13:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1064914, "source": "rshim-user-space", "severity": "minor", "title": "build-depends on superseded package pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-27 17:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1064921, "source": "r-cran-estimatr", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:r-cran-estimatr: fails to migrate to testing for too long: autopkgtest regression on i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-11 20:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1064922, "source": "r-cran-gbm", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:r-cran-gbm: fails to migrate to testing for too long: autopkgtest regression", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-11 19:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1064984, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx: CVE-2024-0074, CVE-2022-42265, CVE-2024-0078", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-28 19:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1064985, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx: CVE-2024-0074, CVE-2022-42265, CVE-2024-0078", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-28 19:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1064986, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418: CVE-2024-0074, CVE-2022-42265, CVE-2024-0078", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-28 19:09:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1064991, "source": "nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules: CVE-2024-0074, CVE-2024-0075, CVE-2024-0078", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-05-05 19:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1064992, "source": "sigil", "severity": "serious", "title": "sigil <= 2.1.0 plugin support broken by Python 3.12", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-28 02:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1064997, "source": "tdfsb", "severity": "serious", "title": "tdfsb: fails to trap errors from ./compile.sh", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-09 13:12:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1065054, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: Allow manual umount'ing after login", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-02-29 17:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1065132, "source": "rakudo", "severity": "normal", "title": "rakudo: Please allow build on any architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-01 00:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1065147, "source": "htpdate", "severity": "normal", "title": "htpdate FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-01 07:15:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1065310, "source": "deborphan", "severity": "serious", "title": "deborphan should take \"Provides:\" into account", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-08 15:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1065357, "source": "parsedatetime", "severity": "important", "title": "parsedatetime: testNextMonth fails around February 29", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-03 11:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1065439, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildflags: add HIPFLAGS to supported flags", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-08 15:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1065441, "source": "dh-python", "severity": "normal", "title": "dh-python: pybuild's pyproject plugin puts data files in different directory than the distutils plugin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-04-01 17:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1065445, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "important", "title": "git-buildpackage: --pristine-tar fails if upstream tarball top directory name is not -", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 11:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1065446, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: --pristine-tar fails if upstream tarball contains an empty directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-05 17:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1065448, "source": "libreoffice", "severity": "normal", "title": "libreoffice-common: soffice builds of pdf files are unreproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-04-17 14:07:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1065450, "source": "glibmm2.68", "severity": "important", "title": "glibmm2.68: Correct dpkg-dev build dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 21:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1065451, "source": "glibmm2.4", "severity": "important", "title": "glibmm2.4: Correct dpkg-dev build dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 21:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1065452, "source": "gtkmm3.0", "severity": "important", "title": "gtkmm3.0: Correct dpkg-dev build dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-04 21:54:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1065484, "source": "libatasmart", "severity": "normal", "title": "libatasmart4: Please rebuild to avoid overly huge ELF segment alignment", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-05 11:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1065511, "source": "dwarfutils", "severity": "grave", "title": "dwarfutils: CVE-2024-2002", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 19:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1065522, "source": "android-platform-external-nist-sip", "severity": "serious", "title": "android-platform-external-nist-sip: FTBFS with default Java 21", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-11 16:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1065540, "source": "libxdmcp", "severity": "normal", "title": "libxdmcp6: Please rebuild to avoid overly huge ELF segment alignment", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-07 09:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1065541, "source": "libxshmfence", "severity": "normal", "title": "libxshmfence1: Please rebuild to avoid overly huge ELF segment alignment", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-06 12:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1065542, "source": "libxxf86vm", "severity": "normal", "title": "libxxf86vm1: Please rebuild to avoid overly huge ELF segment alignment", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-06 12:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1065556, "source": "grok", "severity": "serious", "title": "grok: FTBFS on armhf and armel: implicit declaration of function ������asprintf������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-06 16:24:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1065595, "source": "cyrus-sasl2", "severity": "normal", "title": "cyrus-sasl2: Please add nodoc build profile to allow disabling documentation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-08 15:30:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1065606, "source": "lvm2", "severity": "serious", "title": "lvm2: lvresize --resizefs fails due to missing /usr/libexec/lvresize_fs_helper", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-03 18:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1065642, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers", "severity": "normal", "title": "nvidia-driver: Fails to build module due to outdated *nvidia-settings*", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-03-28 09:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1065643, "source": "debian-policy", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "debian-policy: Refer to ����dpkg-buildtree clean���� for dpkg generated files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-28 11:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1065666, "source": "mesa", "severity": "serious", "title": "mesa: Upgrading to mesa from testing breaks compiz", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-03-08 15:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1065680, "source": "cattle-1.0", "severity": "normal", "title": "cattle-1.0: skip gtk-doc in arch-only build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-08 20:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1065705, "source": "php-mdb2", "severity": "serious", "title": "Useless in Debian nowadays", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", 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[-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 00:48:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1065953, "source": "sagemath", "severity": "serious", "title": "sagemath: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-29 20:51:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1066012, "source": "zfs-dkms", "severity": "serious", "title": "zfs-dkms: Please drop dependencies on python3-distutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-29 20:51:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1066015, "source": "patroni", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "patroni-doc: please make the build reproducible.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 18:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1066016, "source": "rdflib", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "python-rdflib-doc: please make the build reproducible.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-14 14:45:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1066017, "source": "xonsh", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "xonsh-doc: please make the build reproducible.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-17 11:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1066019, "source": "mariadb", "severity": "normal", "title": "mariadb: FTBFS on hurd-i386: information_schema_disks.cc:69:31: error: ������PATH_MAX������ was not declared in this scope", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-30 23:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1066021, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder: debconf crashes while configuring pbuilder in debian:12.5 docker container", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-08 13:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1066042, "source": "python-quantities", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "python-quantities: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-11 15:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1066062, "source": "libmath-int128-perl", "severity": "normal", "title": "libmath-int128-perl: FTBFS on i386 \"your compiler doesn't support a 128-bit integer type\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-11 23:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1066132, "source": "python-oauth2client", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-oauth2client: please remove python3-unittest2 build dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-24 21:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1066183, "source": "mate-equake-applet", "severity": "serious", "title": "mate-equake-applet FTBFS due to -Werror=implicit-function-declaration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 06:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1066191, "source": "modsecurity-apache", "severity": "important", "title": "libapache2-mod-security2: when building an apache2 docker image with sid packages for armhf the build fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-21 16:03:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1066205, "source": "speech-dispatcher", "severity": "serious", "title": "speech-dispatcher: FTBFS: run_test.c:93:21: error: implicit declaration of function ������strcasestr������; did you mean ������strcasecmp������? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 21:45:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1066206, "source": "asmix", "severity": "serious", "title": "asmix: FTBFS: asmix.c:193:61: error: implicit declaration of function ������aToVol������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-16 10:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1066218, "source": "ippl", "severity": "serious", "title": "ippl: FTBFS: main.c:167:3: error: implicit declaration of function ������initgroups������; did you mean ������getgroups������? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 11:52:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1066219, "source": "golang-github-linuxkit-virtsock", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-linuxkit-virtsock: FTBFS: src/github.com/linuxkit/virtsock/pkg/hvsock/hvsock_linux.go:33:12: error: implicit declaration of function ������accept4������; did you mean ������accept������? 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[-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 17:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1066265, "source": "ccd2iso", "severity": "serious", "title": "ccd2iso: FTBFS: ccd2iso.c:61:22: error: implicit declaration of function ������strcmp������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 11:54:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1066282, "source": "wmmatrix", "severity": "serious", "title": "wmmatrix: FTBFS: wmMatrix.c:248:9: error: implicit declaration of function ������short_uusleep������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 11:54:56 +0000" }, { "id": 1066293, "source": "similarity-tester", "severity": "serious", "title": "similarity-tester: FTBFS: textlang.l:32:13: error: implicit declaration of function ������is_set_option������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 11:55:25 +0000" }, { "id": 1066294, "source": "kcc", "severity": "serious", "title": "kcc: FTBFS: kcc.c:181:25: error: implicit declaration of function ������atoi������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-21 20:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1066301, "source": "cdde", "severity": "serious", "title": "cdde: FTBFS: cdde.c:172:9: error: implicit declaration of function ������read������; did you mean ������fread������? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 11:55:46 +0000" }, { "id": 1066316, "source": "siconos", "severity": "serious", "title": "siconos: FTBFS: lcp_nsqp.c:139:3: error: implicit declaration of function ������numerics_error������; did you mean ������numerics_EXPORTS������? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 11:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1066334, "source": "acedb", "severity": "serious", "title": "acedb: FTBFS: acein.c:2045:15: error: implicit declaration of function ������add_history������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-08 08:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1066339, "source": "catimg", "severity": "serious", "title": "catimg: FTBFS: catimg.c:181:21: error: implicit declaration of function ������usleep������; did you mean ������sleep������? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 11:57:23 +0000" }, { "id": 1066362, "source": "dvi2ps", "severity": "serious", "title": "dvi2ps: FTBFS: dvi2.c:142:5: error: implicit declaration of function ������fix_default������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 11:58:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1066364, "source": "gwc", "severity": "serious", "title": "gwc: FTBFS: tap_reverb.c:161:17: error: implicit declaration of function ������warning������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": 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"affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-04-17 21:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1066450, "source": "opensearch", "severity": "serious", "title": "opensearch: FTBFS with lucene9/9.10.0+dfsg", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-23 00:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1066458, "source": "rmlint", "severity": "serious", "title": "rmlint: FTBFS: ./lib/session.c:227:(.text+0x701): undefined reference to `rm_xattr_is_deduplicated'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-21 14:09:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1066467, "source": "opensmtpd-extras", "severity": "serious", "title": "opensmtpd-extras: FTBFS: configure: error: *** compiler cannot create working executables, check config.log ***", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 12:15:21 +0000" }, { "id": 1066474, "source": "freedroid", "severity": "serious", "title": "freedroid: FTBFS: init.c:937:3: error: implicit declaration of function ������Load_Fonts������; did you mean ������LoadFont������? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 12:15:41 +0000" }, { "id": 1066483, "source": "scrollz", "severity": "serious", "title": "scrollz: FTBFS: configure: error: Fatal: You must get working getaddrinfo() function.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-19 21:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1066487, "source": "libgpiv", "severity": "serious", "title": "libgpiv: FTBFS: ../../lib/img.c:939:16: error: implicit declaration of function ������gets������; did you mean ������fgets������? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-25 18:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1066488, "source": "qrouter", "severity": "serious", "title": "qrouter: FTBFS: qrouter.c:880:4: error: implicit declaration of function ������find_free_antenna_taps������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 12:18:36 +0000" }, { "id": 1066505, "source": "epic5", "severity": "serious", "title": "epic5: FTBFS: functions.c:7547:15: error: implicit declaration of function ������strptime������; did you mean ������strftime������? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-10 21:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1066525, "source": "mlv-smile", "severity": "serious", "title": "mlv-smile: FTBFS: src/allocateurs.c:45:39: error: implicit declaration of function ������getpagesize������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-28 15:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1066528, "source": "dino-im", "severity": "serious", "title": "dino-im: FTBFS: encrypt.vala:60:3: error: implicit declaration of function ������xmpp_xep_omemo_encrypt_state_set_encrypted������; did you mean ������xmpp_xep_omemo_encrypt_state_get_encrypted������? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 23:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1066538, "source": "netrw", "severity": "serious", "title": "netrw: FTBFS: netread.c:69:5: error: implicit declaration of function ������fprintf������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 12:39:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1066540, "source": "dapl", "severity": "serious", "title": "dapl: FTBFS: dapl/openib_scm/cm.c:576:23: error: implicit declaration of function ������writev������; did you mean ������write������? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 12:39:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1066545, "source": "xserver-xorg-video-openchrome", "severity": "serious", "title": "xserver-xorg-video-openchrome: FTBFS: ../../src/via_driver.c:1678:45: error: implicit declaration of function ������shadowUpdatePackedWeak������; did you mean ������shadowUpdatePacked������? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 12:39:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1066561, "source": "tf", "severity": "serious", "title": "tf: FTBFS: tfio.c:719:9: error: implicit declaration of function ������main_loop������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 12:45:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1066565, "source": "fvwm1", "severity": "serious", "title": "fvwm1: FTBFS: configure.c:2119:5: error: implicit declaration of function ������mygetostype������; did you mean ������mygethostname������? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 12:48:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1066582, "source": "xshogi", "severity": "serious", "title": "xshogi: FTBFS: parser.c:1250:16: error: implicit declaration of function ������yylex������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 14:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1066598, "source": "micropolis-activity", "severity": "serious", "title": "micropolis-activity: FTBFS: tkevent.c:682:17: error: implicit declaration of function ������TkWmProtocolEventProc������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-09 21:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1066600, "source": "xcircuit", "severity": "serious", "title": "xcircuit: FTBFS: functions.c:1977:4: error: implicit declaration of function ������UDrawXAt������; did you mean ������UDrawX������? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 13:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1066603, "source": "hashcash", "severity": "serious", "title": "hashcash: FTBFS: fastmint_library.c:92:17: error: implicit declaration of function ������SHA1_Transform������; did you mean ������SHA1_Xform������? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-07 21:03:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1066631, "source": "pfqueue", "severity": "serious", "title": "pfqueue: FTBFS: pfq_socket.c:145:15: error: implicit declaration of function ������pfb_retr_to������; did you mean ������pfb_retr_body������? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 13:18:31 +0000" }, { "id": 1066655, "source": "matchbox-window-manager", "severity": "serious", "title": "matchbox-window-manager: FTBFS: ../../src/misc.c:66:11: error: implicit declaration of function ������wait������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 13:27:32 +0000" }, { "id": 1066666, "source": "postmark", "severity": "serious", "title": "postmark: FTBFS: postmark-1.53.c:622:7: error: implicit declaration of function ������write������; did you mean ������fwrite������? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 12:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1066679, "source": "jh7100-bootloader-recovery", "severity": "serious", "title": "jh7100-bootloader-recovery: FTBFS: src/boot/bootmain.c:94:11: error: implicit declaration of function 'xmodemReceive' [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 13:45:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1066698, "source": "squeak-vm", "severity": "serious", "title": "squeak-vm: FTBFS: CroquetPlugin.c:531:18: error: implicit declaration of function ������triBoxOverlap������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 13:51:37 +0000" }, { "id": 1066704, "source": "libcgns", "severity": "serious", "title": "libcgns: FTBFS: tkogl.c:602:8: error: implicit declaration of function ������TkWmAddToColormapWindows������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-10 19:21:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1066730, "source": "ruby-clockwork", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-clockwork: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 15:03:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1066758, "source": "golang-github-k0swe-wsjtx-go", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-k0swe-wsjtx-go: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-08 00:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1066762, "source": "pypdf2", "severity": "serious", "title": "pypdf2: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:35: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 15:04:40 +0000" }, { "id": 1066769, "source": "ormar", "severity": "serious", "title": "ormar: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.11\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 15:04:59 +0000" }, { "id": 1066774, "source": "ostree-push", "severity": "serious", "title": "ostree-push: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.11\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-13 15:05:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1066778, "source": "golang-github-containerd-go-runc", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-containerd-go-runc: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && go test -vet=off -v -p 8 github.com/containerd/go-runc returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-10 07:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1066825, "source": "alsa-oss", "severity": "serious", "title": "alsa-oss: FTBFS on arm{el,hf}: error: ������__open������ aliased to undefined symbol ������open������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-16 23:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1066886, "source": "python-certbot-nginx", "severity": "normal", "title": "python-certbot-nginx: please remove python3-mock from the build dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-14 23:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1066890, "source": "rdma-core", "severity": "normal", "title": "rdma-core: don't build docs on minor arches (-DNO_MAN_PAGES=1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-29 11:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1066891, "source": "gcc-13", "severity": "important", "title": "gcc-13: ICE compiling OpenSSH: in change_address_1", "affected_sources": [ "openssh" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:openssh" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-25 17:39:31 +0000" }, { "id": 1066893, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: vale -- A markup-aware linter for prose built with speed and extensibility in mind.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-04-15 09:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1066938, "source": "libfiu", "severity": "important", "title": "libfiu: FTBFS on arm{el,hf}: /tmp/cc54dEva.s:726: Error: symbol `open64' is already defined", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-22 16:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1066941, "source": "coz-profiler", "severity": "serious", "title": "coz-profiler: FTBFS: what(): unknown compilation unit version 5", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-09 14:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1066949, "source": "slic3r-prusa", "severity": "minor", "title": "slic3r-prusa: Unneeded build dependencies on xvfb, xauth", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-15 22:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1066953, "source": "pvpgn", "severity": "serious", "title": "pvpgn: FTBFS with -Werror=implicit-function-declaration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-16 01:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1066955, "source": "metis-edf", "severity": "serious", "title": "metis-edf: FTBFS with -Werror=implicit-function-declaration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-16 01:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1066959, "source": "sysdig", "severity": "serious", "title": "sysdig: wrong runtime dependency on old falcosecurity binary", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-19 00:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1066960, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: tdlib -- cross-platform library for building Telegram clients", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-03-16 06:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1066968, "source": "xserver-xorg-video-nouveau", "severity": "normal", "title": "xserver-xorg-video-nouveau: does not build with -Werror=implicit-function-declaration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 18:30:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1066975, "source": "linux", "severity": "minor", "title": "linux-source-6.6 fails to build if pahole is not installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-16 11:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1066984, "source": "gabedit", "severity": "serious", "title": "gabedit: FTBFS: Preferences.c:2254:23: error: implicit declaration of function ������selectionOfDir������; did you mean ������selctionOfDir������? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-16 23:39:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1066985, "source": "gdis", "severity": "serious", "title": "gdis: FTBFS: crystal_graph.c:180:3: error: implicit declaration of function ������type_dreiding_gasteiger������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-16 23:39:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1066986, "source": "ghemical", "severity": "serious", "title": "ghemical: FTBFS: /usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/13/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/libghemical.so: undefined reference to `sc::RenderedBallMolecule::RenderedBallMolecule(sc::Ref const&)'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-16 23:39:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1066987, "source": "clickhouse", "severity": "serious", "title": "clickhouse: FTBFS: flaky tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-04 18:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1066998, "source": "sift", "severity": "serious", "title": "sift: FTBFS with -Werror=implicit-function-declaration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 20:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1067012, "source": "renderdoc", "severity": "serious", "title": "renderdoc: FTBFS with glslang 14: fatal error: glslang/Include/Types.h: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-16 21:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1067016, "source": "faketime", "severity": "grave", "title": "osslsigncode: FTBFS on arm{el,hf}: test failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 09:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1067024, "source": "wap-wml-tools", "severity": "serious", "title": "wap-wml-tools: FTBFS with -Werror=implicit-function-declaration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-17 00:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1067026, "source": "graphviz", "severity": "normal", "title": "graphviz: please build without librsvg except on rust platforms", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-06 19:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1067045, "source": "libsendmail-pmilter-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libsendmail-pmilter-perl: Includes non-free document", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-17 16:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1067069, "source": "ruby3.2", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby3.2: circular dependency between libruby3.2 and ruby-sdbm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:54:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1067087, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dpkg-buildflags: Enable frame pointers by default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-07 09:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1067108, "source": "alien-arena", "severity": "serious", "title": "alien-arena: FTBFS with -Werror=implicit-function-declaration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 16:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1067150, "source": "bash", "severity": "normal", "title": "bash: FTBFS when building with ", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-03-19 11:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1067173, "source": "clearlooks-phenix-theme", "severity": "serious", "title": "clearlooks-phenix-theme: hard-coded dependency on libgtk-3-0 will become uninstallable on armel/armhf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-23 19:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1067191, "source": "gnome-subtitles", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnome-subtitles: hard-coded dependency on libgtk-3-0 will become uninstallable on armel/armhf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-19 23:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1067230, "source": "python-certbot-dns-rfc2136", "severity": "normal", "title": "python-certbot-dns-rfc2136: please remove extraneous python3-mock build dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-20 16:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1067242, "source": "dh-builtusing", "severity": "normal", "title": "dh-builtusing: Broken \"Built-Using\" field with architecture-specific invocations", "affected_sources": [ "u-boot" ], "affected_packages": [ "u-boot" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-29 20:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1067271, "source": "freebayes", "severity": "serious", "title": "freebayes: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: cd build && DEB_PYTHON_INSTALL_LAYOUT=deb LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 MESON_TESTTHREADS=8 meson test -v --timeout-multiplier 100 returned exit code 5", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-11 21:03:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1067285, "source": "whitakers-words", "severity": "serious", "title": "whitakers-words: FTBFS: make[2]: *** [Makefile:40: commands] Error 4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-07 19:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1067313, "source": "lsh-utils", "severity": "serious", "title": "lsh-utils: FTBFS: E: Build killed with signal TERM after 150 minutes of inactivity", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-20 21:11:42 +0000" }, { "id": 1067334, "source": "node-iconv-lite", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-iconv-lite: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: /bin/sh -ex debian/tests/pkg-js/test returned exit code 134", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-20 21:12:38 +0000" }, { "id": 1067335, "source": "gnucap-python", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnucap-python: FTBFS: _gnucap_swig.cxx:4535:10: fatal error: numpy/arrayobject.h: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 11:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1067370, "source": "cross-toolchain-base", "severity": "serious", "title": "cross-toolchain-base: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-28 08:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1067375, "source": "amp", "severity": "serious", "title": "amp: FTBFS: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'meson'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-20 21:14:23 +0000" }, { "id": 1067376, "source": "gforth", "severity": "serious", "title": "gforth: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [Makefile:655: build-libcc-named] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-31 00:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1067388, "source": "pmdk", "severity": "serious", "title": "pmdk: FTBFS: make[4]: *** [Makefile:380: check] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 16:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1067400, "source": "bash", "severity": "normal", "title": "bash should build with standard shell", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-20 08:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1067445, "source": "whitakers-words", "severity": "serious", "title": "whitakers-words ftbfs with gnat-13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-29 11:30:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1067447, "source": "jackd2", "severity": "important", "title": "jackd2: patch to fix ftbfs on m68k; jack{1,2}: unneeded libffado-dev B-D on some arches", "affected_sources": [ "jack-audio-connection-kit" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:jack-audio-connection-kit" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-25 00:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1067462, "source": "taskd", "severity": "grave", "title": "ERROR: Failed to create organization", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-19 18:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1067465, "source": "yosys-plugin-ghdl", "severity": "serious", "title": "yosys-plugin-ghdl builds on x86 only, but built on other architectures before", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-24 16:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1067478, "source": "texinfo", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "texinfo build does not respect user set terminal CFLAGS or CXXFLAGS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-03-22 08:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1067479, "source": "texinfo", "severity": "normal", "title": "texinfo build does not run the test suite", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-03-22 08:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1067484, "source": "node-function-bind", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "node-function-bind: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-22 09:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1067498, "source": "lintian", "severity": "normal", "title": "lintian: overly generic filename /usr/include/meson.build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-22 14:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1067499, "source": "consensuscore", "severity": "serious", "title": "libconsensuscore-dev: ships /usr/include/meson.build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-24 17:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1067546, "source": "kluppe", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: ������struct input_event������ has no member named ������time������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 10:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1067577, "source": "sysprof", "severity": "important", "title": "sysprof: B-D on libunwind-dev which is not generally available", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-16 18:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1067587, "source": "elpa-exec-path-from-shell", "severity": "normal", "title": "src:exec-path-from-shell-el: Fails to build during reproducibility testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-24 06:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1067618, "source": "whitedune", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: error: implicit declaration of function 'yyerror'; did you mean 'yyerrok'? [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-15 19:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1067619, "source": "falcosecurity-libs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "FTBFS: tests segfault on i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 14:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1067621, "source": "berkeley-abc", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS on 32-bit time64 architectures: error: implicit declaration of function ������gzopen64������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-16 03:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1067627, "source": "xpra", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: error: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: ������long unsigned int������ and ������long int������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-04 12:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1067644, "source": "gcc-12", "severity": "normal", "title": "gcc-12: BD-Uninstallable on m68k due to gnat-11 vs gnat-12", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-25 00:57:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1067647, "source": "google-perftools", "severity": "important", "title": "google-perftools: FTBFS: #error Could not determine cache line length - unknown architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-25 00:57:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1067665, "source": "cvise", "severity": "normal", "title": "cvise 2.10.0-1 still build-depends on python-pytest-flake8 (broken with recent flake8)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 19:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1067709, "source": "dante", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS in armel/armhf: some symbols disappeared", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 14:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1067724, "source": "openvr", "severity": "serious", "title": "openvr: Please upgrade to version 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-06 06:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1067755, "source": "ifuse", "severity": "important", "title": "ifuse ftbfs from source, not finding the libplist configuration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-04 06:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1067795, "source": "libcommons-logging-java", "severity": "serious", "title": "httpcomponents-client: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ "httpcomponents-client", "libslf4j-java" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:httpcomponents-client", "src:libslf4j-java" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-23 12:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1067828, "source": "tlog", "severity": "serious", "title": "tlog: FTBFS on arm{el,hf}: FAIL: 3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-27 09:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1067839, "source": "triton", "severity": "serious", "title": "triton: FTBFS on armel (undefined reference to symbol '__atomic_compare_exchange_4@@LIBATO)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-28 05:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1067841, "source": "libopenshot-audio", "severity": "important", "title": "libopenshot-audio: FTBFS on armel (error: static assertion failed)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-27 13:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1067913, "source": "linssid", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: error: cannot convert ������long int*������ to ������const time_t*������ {aka ������const long long int*������}", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-23 18:00:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1067921, "source": "aplus-fsf", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: error: call of overloaded ������MSString(const time_t&)������ is ambiguous", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-28 20:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1067952, "source": "mes", "severity": "serious", "title": "mes: FTBFS on armhf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-30 13:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1067956, "source": "rocalution", "severity": "important", "title": "rocalution: FTBFS on armhf (test failure with memory allocation)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-07 22:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1067957, "source": "maude", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "FTBFS: error: call of overloaded ������__gmp_expr(__time64_t&)������ is ambiguous", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-12 08:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1067958, "source": "ruy", "severity": "important", "title": "ruy: FTBFS on armel, armhf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-29 13:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1067982, "source": "printrun", "severity": "serious", "title": "printrun: Please replace python3-appdirs dependency with platformdirs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-22 16:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1068031, "source": "maildrop", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: checking for locking method... configure: error: fcntl test failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 05:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1068032, "source": "stimfit", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: error: implicit declaration of function ������FreeTextEvent������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 20:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1068051, "source": "tilix", "severity": "serious", "title": "tilix: FTBFS: linking error during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-22 15:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1068052, "source": "openms", "severity": "important", "title": "openms: FTBFS on armel,armhf (error: ������QOpenGLFunctions_2_0������ does not name a type)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-14 11:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1068053, "source": "postsrsd", "severity": "important", "title": "postsrsd: FTBFS on armel, armhf (bats run_postsrsd_tests.bats failure)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-22 16:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1068055, "source": "ccls", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ccls: FTBFS on armel (undefined reference to symbol '__atomic_load_8@@LIBATOMIC_1.0')", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-30 12:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1068056, "source": "ccls", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ccls: FTBFS on armhf,i386 (test_response failures)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-03-30 12:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1068081, "source": "rust-dns-lookup", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "rust-dns-lookup: \"lookup::test_rev_localhost' panicked at 'assertion failed\" on loong64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-03 13:51:19 +0000" }, { "id": 1068095, "source": "python-botocore", "severity": "normal", "title": "python-botocore: please drop python3-mock from the build-dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 16:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1068100, "source": "armci-mpi", "severity": "serious", "title": "armci-mpi: autopkgtest spuriously fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-06 20:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1068153, "source": "cimg", "severity": "grave", "title": "cimg: CVE-2024-26540", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 13:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1068187, "source": "phosh", "severity": "grave", "title": "Session fails to start with gnome-session >= 46", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], 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+0000" }, { "id": 1068202, "source": "bazel-bootstrap", "severity": "serious", "title": "bazel-bootstrap: FTBFS: /usr/include/absl/base/policy_checks.h:79:2: error: #error \"C++ versions less than C++14 are not supported.\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 06:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1068223, "source": "cyrus-imapd", "severity": "serious", "title": "cyrus-imapd - FTBFS on 32-bit non-i386 architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 08:48:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1068264, "source": "avfs", "severity": "serious", "title": "avfs: FTBFS on armel: ./src/xzread.c:185:(.text+0x1b0): undefined reference to `__atomic_fetch_add_8'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 09:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1068318, "source": "code-saturne", "severity": "serious", "title": "code-saturne: Build against mpich for MPI on 32-bit systems", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-11-21 20:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1068329, "source": "snapshot.debian.org", "severity": "grave", "title": "seems xz-utils 5.6.0 and 5.6.1 deb files has the backdoor, please remove both", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-04-03 23:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1068359, "source": "keybinder", "severity": "grave", "title": "gir1.2-keybinder-0.0 still depends on libkeybinder0 on most architectures.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-10 16:39:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1068375, "source": "ludevit", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ludevit: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-04 09:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1068391, "source": "ruby-asana", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:ruby-asana: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: ruby-faraday-middleware (>= 1.0~)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 00:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1068458, "source": "netdata", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "netdata: build and ship netdata-plugin-systemd-journal", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-04-05 14:54:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1068463, "source": "procyon", "severity": "grave", "title": "procyon: Untrusted code execution via cwd in classpath", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-06 09:24:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1068500, "source": "python-xmlrunner", "severity": "serious", "title": "Installs /usr/LICENSE", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-16 21:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1068502, "source": "python-pytest-flake8", "severity": "serious", "title": "Dead upstream and broken, remove or switch to a fork?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-24 09:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1068503, "source": "mlterm", "severity": "normal", "title": "mlterm: Please stop building against freewnn", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-30 12:48:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1068522, "source": "icmake", "severity": "normal", "title": "icmake: cross-build support for icmake", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-06 22:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1068583, "source": "libgav1", "severity": "important", "title": "libgav1: FTBFS on s390x: test failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-04 17:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1068615, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "important", "title": "pbuilder will overwrite LANG/LC_ALL if they are set via config file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-08 14:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1068714, "source": "www.debian.org", "severity": "serious", "title": "packages.debian.org: Please make links to deb.debian.org use HTTPS instead of HTTP", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-04-09 15:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1068733, "source": "lvm2", "severity": "serious", "title": "lvm2: resize lv error \"/usr/libexec/lvresize_fs_helper: execvp failed\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-03 18:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1068745, "source": "coinor-symphony", "severity": "serious", "title": "coinor-symphony: FTBFS with coinutils 2.11.10", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 18:42:01 +0000" 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"affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-12 21:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1068795, "source": "pympress", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pympress: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 23:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1068818, "source": "sngrep", "severity": "grave", "title": "sngrep: CVE-2024-3119 CVE-2024-3120", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-22 07:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1068840, "source": "llvm-toolchain-14", "severity": "serious", "title": "llvm-toolchain-14: FTBFS on mips64el: /<>/compiler-rt/lib/builtins/clear_cache.c:97:3: error: implicit declaration of function 'syscall' is invalid in C99 [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-11 19:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1068845, "source": "fwbuilder", "severity": "normal", "title": "fwbuilder: fwbuilder crashes when trying to create almost any type of new object", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-11 22:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1068893, "source": "python-elgato-streamdeck", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "python-elgato-streamdeck: Please build -doc package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-12 23:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1068923, "source": "heat-cfntools", "severity": "serious", "title": "heat-cfntools: Remove from Debian?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-01 12:09:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1068935, "source": "debootstrap", "severity": "normal", "title": "debootstrap: Creating buildd chroots of trixie/sid from bookworm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-13 17:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1068939, "source": "openexr", "severity": "grave", "title": "openexr: CVE-2024-31047", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-03 16:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1068972, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build: Live-buiild doesn����t make the ISO.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-04 15:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069051, "source": "r-cran-spatstat.model", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-cran-spatstat.model: autopkgtest regression in testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 09:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1069052, "source": "gertty", "severity": "serious", "title": "gertty: FTBFS with SQLAlchemy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-11 22:36:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1069059, "source": "cockpit", "severity": "serious", "title": "cockpit update from DSA-5655-1 without binary builds (build failures)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-20 11:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1069065, "source": "gcc-14", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "gcc-14: should -for-host builds move from cross-toolchain build to DEB_STAGE=rtlibs?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-19 08:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069068, "source": "pantalaimon", "severity": "serious", "title": "pantalaimon: FTBFS some tests fail with asyncio CancelledError", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 16:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069074, "source": "totalopenstation", "severity": "serious", "title": "totalopenstation: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-29 16:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069089, "source": "rubygems", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rubygems: Broken platform detection which lead to unability to install sass-embedded", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-13 12:18:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1069101, "source": "libdbd-oracle-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libdbd-oracle-perl: requires rebuild for time_t transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-09 21:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069119, "source": "gpsshogi", "severity": "serious", "title": "gpsshogi: EPL missing from debian/copyright", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-16 20:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069128, "source": "haskell-aeson", "severity": "normal", "title": "haskell-aeson: FTBFS from source - out of memory in SomeType2ElemArray test", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-16 19:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1069142, "source": "emboss", "severity": "important", "title": "emboss: build time testsuite is failing silently", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-17 07:51:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1069155, "source": "libreswan", "severity": "normal", "title": "libreswan: TCP encapsulation fails for lack of support in kernel build config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-17 08:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069158, "source": "jack-mixer", "severity": "serious", "title": "jack-mixer: Missing Depends on python3-gi, gir1.2-gtk-3.0, and python3-cairo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-11 23:24:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1069199, "source": "kamailio", "severity": "serious", "title": "kamailio: FTBFS: /usr/include/absl/base/policy_checks.h:79:2: error: #error \"C++ versions less than C++14 are not supported.\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-18 06:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1069216, "source": "rust-futures-rustls", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-futures-rustls: Fails to build from source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 07:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1069226, "source": "tomogui", "severity": "serious", "title": "tomogui: FTBFS: RuntimeError: Sphinx is required to build or test the documentation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-18 06:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069307, "source": "courier", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: configure: error: must specify --with-locking-method option", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 00:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1069308, "source": "gnome-subtitles", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: tests failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-21 08:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1069315, "source": "openjdk-20", "severity": "serious", "title": "Update Build-Depends for the time64 library renames", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-19 19:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069318, "source": "wine-development", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: error: unknown type name ������StdVideoH264LevelIdc������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-19 19:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069322, "source": "diffoscope", "severity": "normal", "title": "diffoscope crashes when trying to compare unreproducible src:dasel build artifacts", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-14 15:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1069333, "source": "ippsample", "severity": "grave", "title": "Not installable due to hardcoded pre-t64 library deps", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-21 08:21:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1069335, "source": "prads", "severity": "grave", "title": "Not installable due to hardcoded pre-t64 library deps", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-21 08:21:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1069340, "source": "xbase64", "severity": "grave", "title": "Wrong symbols file causes depends on the pre-t64 name", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-20 08:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1069345, "source": "qwinff", "severity": "important", "title": "qwinff : FTBFS on armel,armhf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-20 10:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069362, "source": "debputy", "severity": "serious", "title": "libcleri: FTBFS on arm64: make: *** [debian/rules:7: binary] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ "libcleri" ], "affected_packages": [ "libcleri" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-28 14:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1069367, "source": "qemu", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "qemu: arch:all packages can only be built on amd64 (cross-compilers not available on all architectures)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 21:18:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1069386, "source": "pykwalify", "severity": "serious", "title": "pykwalify: FTBFS: \"safe_load_all()\" has been removed, use YAML(typ='safe', pure=True) instead", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-17 16:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1069400, "source": "dqlite", "severity": "important", "title": "dqlite: FTBFS on arm64: dh_auto_test: error: make -j4 check \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j4 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 20:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1069402, "source": "gcr", "severity": "important", "title": "gcr: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-20 20:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069407, "source": "mercurial", "severity": "important", "title": "mercurial: FTBFS on arm64: dh_auto_test: error: make -j4 check PYTHON=python3 \"TESTFLAGS=--verbose --timeout 1800 --jobs 4 --blacklist /<>/debian/mercurial.test_blacklist\" returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-09 12:39:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1069410, "source": "efitools", "severity": "serious", "title": "efitools: FTBFS on arm64: make[1]: *** [Make.rules:130: HelloWorld-signed.efi] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-15 07:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1069427, "source": "macaulay2", "severity": "important", "title": "macaulay2: FTBFS on armhf: make[4]: *** [Makefile:50: check-ForeignFunctions] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-29 14:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1069434, "source": "jinput", "severity": "serious", "title": "jinput: FTBFS on armhf: [apply] /<>/plugins/linux/src/native/net_java_games_input_LinuxEventDevice.c:176:86: error: ������struct input_event������ has no member named ������time������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-20 13:18:44 +0000" }, { "id": 1069447, "source": "gpaw", "severity": "important", "title": "gpaw: FTBFS on armhf: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.11\" --test-pytest \"--test-args=-v -m ci\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-16 12:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069449, "source": "firejail", "severity": "serious", "title": "firejail: FTBFS on armhf: ccnMX2lv.s:1765: Error: symbol `fopen64' is already defined", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-06 09:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069466, "source": "holes", "severity": "serious", "title": "holes: FTBFS on armhf: dh_auto_test: error: make -j4 check returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-20 13:20:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069480, "source": "bochs", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "bochs: FTBFS on armhf: build-dependency not installable: gcc-i686-linux-gnu", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-12 19:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069485, "source": "ydotool", "severity": "serious", "title": "ydotool: FTBFS: InputEvent.hpp:23:39: error: ������struct input_event������ has no member named ������time������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-17 16:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1069487, "source": "pseudo", "severity": "serious", "title": "pseudo: FTBFS on armhf: {standard input}:26700: Error: symbol `open64' is already defined", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-20 13:21:00 +0000" }, { "id": 1069488, "source": "parsinsert", "severity": "normal", "title": "parsinsert: FTBFS on armhf: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:30: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-11 18:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069505, "source": "tmperamental", "severity": "serious", "title": "tmperamental: FTBFS on armhf: features-time64.h:26:5: error: #error \"_TIME_BITS=64 is allowed only with _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-20 13:21:46 +0000" }, { "id": 1069510, "source": "elpa", "severity": "important", "title": "elpa: FTBFS on armhf: make[5]: *** [Makefile:84371: test-suite.log] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-16 12:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1069513, "source": "isochron", "severity": "serious", "title": "isochron: FTBFS on armhf: src/common.c:91:43: error: format ������%ld������ expects argument of type ������long int������, but argument 4 has type ������__time64_t������ {aka ������long long int������} [-Werror=format=]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-20 13:22:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1069515, "source": "eclib", "severity": "serious", "title": "eclib: FTBFS on armhf: dh_auto_test: error: make -j4 check \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j4 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-06-19 12:48:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1069520, "source": "sbcl", "severity": "important", "title": "sbcl: FTBFS on armhf: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:53: override_dh_auto_build] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 17:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069523, "source": "libss7", "severity": "serious", "title": "libss7: FTBFS on armhf: ss7.c:654:56: error: format ������%li������ expects argument of type ������long int������, but argument 3 has type ������long long int������ [-Werror=format=]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-20 13:22:36 +0000" }, { "id": 1069539, "source": "softhsm2", "severity": "important", "title": "softhsm2: FTBFS randomly (failing tests)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-20 00:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1069546, "source": "ktorrent", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ktorrent: FTBFS on arches without QtWebEngine", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-22 17:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1069547, "source": "libkolabxml", "severity": "serious", "title": "libkolabxml: FTBFS on armel: make[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/generate_bindings.dir/build.make:89: bindings/kolabformat.cxx] Error 132", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-20 13:27:37 +0000" }, { "id": 1069553, "source": "xsd", "severity": "serious", "title": "xsd: FTBFS on armel: dh_auto_test: error: make -j4 test returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-20 13:27:53 +0000" }, { "id": 1069574, "source": "qtwebkit-opensource-src", "severity": "serious", "title": "age-old and insecure webkit package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 11:48:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1069614, "source": "erfs", "severity": "serious", "title": "erfs: no longer functional, should be removed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-03 10:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1069663, "source": "dub", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dub: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-22 10:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1069679, "source": "ofono", "severity": "grave", "title": "ofono: CVE-2023-2794", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-24 09:06:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1069691, "source": "libmaus2", "severity": "normal", "title": "libmaus2: FTBFS on arm64: what(): AutoArray failed to allocate 1398102 elements (11184816 bytes)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-05 11:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1069693, "source": "network-manager-fortisslvpn", "severity": "grave", "title": "ppp >=2.5.0 breaks network-manager-fortisslvpn", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 15:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069715, "source": "rust-opendal", "severity": "grave", "title": "librust-opendal-dev: package is impossible to install", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-23 13:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069771, "source": "libslow5lib", "severity": "normal", "title": "libslow5lib FTBFS on big endian architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-25 18:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069788, "source": "automake-1.17", "severity": "serious", "title": "Autopkgtests fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 02:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1069838, "source": "khard", "severity": "serious", "title": "khard: FTBFS: ImportError: cannot import name 'AnyQuery' from partially initialized module 'khard.query' (most likely due to a circular import) (/<>/khard/query.py)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-21 11:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1069839, "source": "libcommons-fileupload-java", "severity": "serious", "title": "libcommons-fileupload-java: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-25 16:30:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1069844, "source": "grub2", "severity": "serious", "title": "grub-efi-arm64: grub fails to load Xen hypervisor on arm64 EFI systems (AVA & QEMU)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-26 16:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069848, "source": "vonsh", "severity": "normal", "title": "vonsh FTCBFS: strips with the build architecture strip", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-25 18:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1069853, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: add support for '--debootstrap mmdebstrap'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-25 20:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1069945, "source": "rapiddisk", "severity": "serious", "title": "rapiddisk-dkms: module fails to build for Linux 6.7.12, 6.1.85: rapiddisk-cache.c:198:16: error: too few arguments to function 'dm_io'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 14:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069959, "source": "libcbor", "severity": "serious", "title": "libcbor FTBFS on hppa and mips to due different NaN encoding", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-11 17:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1069966, "source": "ruby3.1", "severity": "grave", "title": "ruby3.1: CVE-2024-27280: Buffer overread vulnerability in StringIO", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-03 20:57:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1069968, "source": "ruby3.2", "severity": "grave", "title": "ruby3.2: CVE-2024-27282", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:54:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1069969, "source": "ruby3.1", "severity": "grave", "title": "ruby3.1: CVE-2024-27282", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 17:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1069971, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: import-dsc/import-dscs fail with TypeError: Parser must be a string or character stream, not NoneType", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-27 21:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1069979, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: please make APTGETOPT available to hook scripts", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-13 06:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1070003, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild/unshare: bind mounting individual /dev entries causes inconsistent readdir results", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-13 21:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1070012, "source": "keyutils", "severity": "serious", "title": "keyutils: testsuite wrongly assumes that user 0 always exists", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-20 18:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1070013, "source": "atlas", "severity": "serious", "title": "should not ship with trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-29 18:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1070021, "source": "libretro-beetle-pce-fast", "severity": "serious", "title": "libretro-beetle-pce-fast FTBFS on mips64el with -Werror=implicit-function-declaration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-28 17:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1070022, "source": "libretro-beetle-psx", "severity": "serious", "title": "libretro-beetle-psx FTBFS on mips64el with -Werror=implicit-function-declaration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-11 03:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1070063, "source": "remmina", "severity": "serious", "title": "Remmina fails to connect with Windows systems: Protocol Security Negotiation Failure (older release works)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-06 10:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1070069, "source": "fossil", "severity": "serious", "title": "fossil: CVE-2024-24795 unreleated breakage", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-06 23:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1070077, "source": "onionprobe", "severity": "serious", "title": "ships files directly in /usr/onionprobe", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-22 17:06:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1070111, "source": "mini-buildd", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "mini-buildd wishlist: configurable periodic jobs (or: don't keep complete build results for a full year)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-06 11:45:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1070124, "source": "gpm", "severity": "important", "title": "gpm FTBFS: -Werror=implicit-function-declaration makes missing #includes fatal", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-30 15:39:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1070125, "source": "dmucs", "severity": "normal", "title": "dmucs FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-04-30 15:39:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1070134, "source": "photoqt", "severity": "serious", "title": "photoqt: FTBFS: Missing Build-Depends and Depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 15:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1070166, "source": "google-compute-engine-oslogin", "severity": "normal", "title": "google-compute-engine-oslogin FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-01 08:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1070168, "source": "libzstd", "severity": "normal", "title": "zstd: Poor performance of Debian build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-01 09:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1070255, "source": "midish", "severity": "normal", "title": "midish FTCBFS: builds for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-02 19:09:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1070288, "source": "pplatex", "severity": "serious", "title": "pplatex: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-15 09:27:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1070295, "source": "cgroupfs-mount", "severity": "serious", "title": "cgroupfs-mount: Fails to upgrade or remove if elogind is running: \"umount: /sys/fs/cgroup/elogind: target is busy.\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-26 13:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1070304, "source": "util-linux", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "util-linux: Please build and provide the cal binary", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-04 15:51:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1070317, "source": "golang-github-likexian-gokit", "severity": "serious", "title": "fails to build without a non lo IP address", "affected_sources": [ "buildd.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "buildd.debian.org" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-17 18:09:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1070319, "source": "google-guest-agent", "severity": "serious", "title": "fails to build without a non lo IP address", "affected_sources": [ "buildd.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "buildd.debian.org" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-11 16:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1070325, "source": "servefile", "severity": "serious", "title": "fails to build without a non local IP", "affected_sources": [ "buildd.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "buildd.debian.org" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-20 15:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1070334, "source": "libnet-frame-device-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libnet-frame-device-perl needs network access during build", "affected_sources": [ "buildd.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "buildd.debian.org" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-04 15:51:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1070341, "source": "dublin-traceroute", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dublin-traceroute: Please remove build-dependency on libtins4.5", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-03 21:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1070387, "source": "gdcm", "severity": "grave", "title": "gdcm: CVE-2024-25569 CVE-2024-22373 CVE-2024-22391", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-05 20:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1070388, "source": "jupyterhub", "severity": "grave", "title": "jupyterhub: CVE-2024-28233", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-09 15:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1070397, "source": "pistache", "severity": "serious", "title": "pistache: Please disable network tests in bookworm as well", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-05 08:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1070409, "source": "golang-github-pion-ice.v2", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-pion-ice.v2: accesses the internet during build", "affected_sources": [ "buildd.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "buildd.debian.org" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 13:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1070410, "source": "golang-github-pion-webrtc.v3", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-pion-webrtc.v3 accesses the internet during build", "affected_sources": [ "buildd.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "buildd.debian.org" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 13:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1070411, "source": "containerd", "severity": "serious", "title": "containerd fails to build as a normal user due to sysctl", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 20:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1070413, "source": "sogo", "severity": "important", "title": "sogo fails to build when test succeeds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-29 17:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1070414, "source": "kel-agent", "severity": "serious", "title": "fails to build when not build inside schroot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-20 18:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1070415, "source": "runc", "severity": "serious", "title": "runc fails to build as a normal user due to cgroups access", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-17 11:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1070418, "source": "rapiddisk", "severity": "serious", "title": "rapiddisk: autopkgtest regression: Bad return status for module build on kernel: 6.7.12-rt-amd64 (x86_64)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 14:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1070422, "source": "intel-vc-intrinsics", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:intel-vc-intrinsics: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: llvm-14-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-02 11:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1070434, "source": "python-guizero", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-guizero-doc: unhandled symlink to directory conversion: /usr/share/doc/python3-guizero/html", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 16:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1070472, "source": "miniupnpd", "severity": "serious", "title": "Uses the obsolete /sbin/route without a dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-01 18:09:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1070495, "source": "qbe", "severity": "important", "title": "Should qbe be Architecture: amd64 arm64 riscv64 ?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-06 20:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1070497, "source": "webrtc-audio-processing", "severity": "serious", "title": "webrtc-audio-processing/experimental FTBFS with gcc 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 12:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1070506, "source": "davical", "severity": "serious", "title": "davical: FTBFS with phpunit 11: Test errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 13:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1070510, "source": "kanboard", "severity": "normal", "title": "kanboard: FTBFS with phpunit 11: Unknown option \"--verbose\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-06 14:06:28 +0000" }, { "id": 1070511, "source": "libphp-swiftmailer", "severity": "serious", "title": "libphp-swiftmailer: FTBFS with phpunit 11: Unknown option \"-v\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 17:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1070514, "source": "pdepend", "severity": "serious", "title": "pdepend: FTBFS with phpunit 11: PHP Fatal error: Cannot override final method PHPUnit\\Framework\\TestCase::runTest() in /<>/build/src/test/php/PDepend/AbstractTest.php on line 132", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 07:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1070534, "source": "php-doctrine-dbal", "severity": "normal", "title": "php-doctrine-dbal: FTBFS with phpunit 11: There were 11 PHPUnit errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-04 13:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1070543, "source": "php-fdomdocument", "severity": "normal", "title": "php-fdomdocument: FTBFS with phpunit 11: unsatisfiable build-dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-06 14:18:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1070546, "source": "php-fxsl", "severity": "normal", "title": "php-fxsl: FTBFS with phpunit 11: unsatisfiable build-dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-06 14:18:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1070559, "source": "php-laravel-lumen-framework", "severity": "normal", "title": "php-laravel-lumen-framework: FTBFS with phpunit 11: unsatisfiable build-dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-06 14:18:45 +0000" }, { "id": 1070561, "source": "php-league-csv", "severity": "important", "title": "php-league-csv: FTBFS with phpunit 11: There were 23 PHPUnit errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-27 15:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1070566, "source": "php-league-uri-src", "severity": "important", "title": "php-league-uri-src: FTBFS with phpunit 11: There were 45 errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-26 13:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1070567, "source": "php-malkusch-lock", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-malkusch-lock: FTBFS with phpunit 11: PHP Fatal error: Trait \"PHPUnit\\Framework\\TestListenerDefaultImplementation\" not found in /usr/share/php/phpmock/phpunit/compatibility/BaseTestListener.php on line 10", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 10:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1070595, "source": "php-sabre-vobject", "severity": "normal", "title": "php-sabre-vobject: FTBFS with phpunit 11: There were 7 PHPUnit errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-06 14:30:48 +0000" }, { "id": 1070597, "source": "php-sabredav", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-sabredav: FTBFS with phpunit 11: There were 10 PHPUnit errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 17:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1070601, "source": "php-sql-formatter", "severity": "normal", "title": "php-sql-formatter: FTBFS with phpunit 11: There were 5 PHPUnit errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-06 14:31:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1070608, "source": "php-twig", "severity": "important", "title": "php-twig: FTBFS with phpunit 11: PHP Fatal error: Trait \"PHPUnit\\Framework\\TestListenerDefaultImplementation\" not found in /usr/share/php/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit/Legacy/SymfonyTestsListenerForV7.php on line 26", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 21:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1070618, "source": "phpcpd", "severity": "serious", "title": "phpcpd: FTBFS with phpunit 11: There were 7 PHPUnit errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-28 10:03:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1070619, "source": "phpdox", "severity": "normal", "title": "phpdox: FTBFS with phpunit 11: unsatisfiable build-dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-06 14:33:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1070621, "source": "phpmd", "severity": "serious", "title": "phpmd: FTBFS with phpunit 11: There were 9 PHPUnit errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 07:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1070639, "source": "shaarli", "severity": "serious", "title": "shaarli: FTBFS with phpunit 11: There were 11 PHPUnit errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 11:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1070640, "source": "symfony", "severity": "important", "title": "symfony: FTBFS with phpunit 11: PHP Fatal error: Trait \"PHPUnit\\Framework\\TestListenerDefaultImplementation\" not found in /<>/build/Symfony/Bridge/PhpUnit/Legacy/SymfonyTestsListenerForV7.php on line 26", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 10:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1070641, "source": "php-twig", "severity": "important", "title": "twig-i18n-extension: phpunit 11: getTests() is not static", "affected_sources": [ "twig-i18n-extension" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:twig-i18n-extension" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 08:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1070652, "source": "how-can-i-help", "severity": "grave", "title": "how-can-i-help: explicitly require 'ostruct'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-07 08:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1070653, "source": "cdparanoia", "severity": "normal", "title": "cdparanoia: Please build with hardening flags", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-06 15:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1070658, "source": "clickhouse", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: error: expected ������)������ before ������maxLength������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-04 18:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1070663, "source": "xautolock", "severity": "critical", "title": "Unable to lock an existing session", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": 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"affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-08 13:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1070777, "source": "onscripter", "severity": "normal", "title": "onscripter: Please use the same build dependencies on all architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-08 22:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1070823, "source": "xorg-gtest", "severity": "important", "title": "xorg-gtest: fix FTBFS on Debian sid", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-09 20:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1070824, "source": "lenovolegionlinux", "severity": "serious", "title": "legiond: depends on lenovolegionlinux-dkms which is in contrib", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-13 10:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1070900, "source": "valentina", "severity": "serious", "title": "valentina: FTBFS: Error copying /<>/src/app/tape/bin/tape to /<>/debian/tmp/usr/bin/tape: Cannot create /<>/debian/tmp/usr/bin/tape for output", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-10 01:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1070904, "source": "bitlbee", "severity": "serious", "title": "bitlbee: Please use pkg-config instead of libgcrypt-config to locate libgcrypt", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, 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"affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 19:51:44 +0000" }, { "id": 1070930, "source": "haskell-githash", "severity": "serious", "title": "haskell-githash: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 19:51:47 +0000" }, { "id": 1070932, "source": "horizon", "severity": "serious", "title": "horizon: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 19:54:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1070933, "source": "khal", "severity": "serious", "title": "khal: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 19:54:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1070934, "source": "libgit-repository-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libgit-repository-perl: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 19:54:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1070935, "source": "libical3", "severity": "serious", "title": "libical3: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 19:54:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1070936, "source": "libmateweather", "severity": "serious", "title": "libmateweather: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 19:54:18 +0000" }, { "id": 1070937, "source": "magit", "severity": "serious", "title": "magit: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-24 00:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1070938, "source": "minilla", "severity": "serious", "title": "minilla: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 19:54:25 +0000" }, { "id": 1070939, "source": "node-domutils", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-domutils: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 19:54:28 +0000" }, { "id": 1070940, "source": "node-follow-redirects", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-follow-redirects: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 19:54:32 +0000" }, { "id": 1070941, "source": "node-htmlparser2", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-htmlparser2: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 19:54:35 +0000" }, { "id": 1070942, "source": "node-jest", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-jest: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 19:54:39 +0000" }, { "id": 1070943, "source": "node-jschardet", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-jschardet: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 19:54:42 +0000" }, { "id": 1070944, "source": "node-multiparty", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-multiparty: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 19:54:46 +0000" }, { "id": 1070945, "source": "node-recast", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-recast: FTBFS in bullseye", 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"title": "rbac-client-clojure: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 19:55:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1070952, "source": "ros-vcstools", "severity": "serious", "title": "ros-vcstools: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-12 08:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1070953, "source": "ruby-sinatra", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-sinatra: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 19:55:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1070954, "source": "trapperkeeper-metrics-clojure", "severity": "serious", "title": "trapperkeeper-metrics-clojure: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 19:55:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1070955, "source": "yelp", "severity": "serious", "title": "yelp: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 19:55:24 +0000" }, { "id": 1070961, "source": "git-sizer", "severity": "serious", "title": "git-sizer: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-11 23:24:09 +0000" }, { 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"affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-11 18:30:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1070986, "source": "linux", "severity": "normal", "title": "linux-source-6.7: Signing error building 6.7 custom kernel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-15 09:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1071043, "source": "libpsml", "severity": "serious", "title": "libpsml-dev: unsatisfiable (Build-)Depends: libxmlf90-dev", "affected_sources": [ "libpsml" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:libpsml" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-17 09:45:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1071103, "source": "pcp", "severity": "serious", "title": "pcp: fails to install: chown: cannot access '/var/run/pcp': No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 05:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1071104, "source": "r-cran-performance", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-cran-performance: autopkgtest regression in testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-14 12:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1071106, "source": "r-cran-sf", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-cran-sf: autopkgtest regression in testing", "affected_sources": [ "r-cran-lwgeom" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:r-cran-lwgeom" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 15:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1071116, "source": "libkkc", "severity": "normal", "title": "libkkc: likely shouldn't add recursive dependencies to Marisa_gir_SCANNERFLAGS", "affected_sources": [ "ibus-anthy", "libkkc" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:ibus-anthy", "src:libkkc" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-14 19:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1071118, "source": "openjdk-11", "severity": "serious", "title": "openjdk-11: Mssing builds on armel and armhf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-29 08:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1071130, "source": "pyopencl", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyopencl: FTBFS in bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-14 20:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1071132, "source": "ovito", "severity": "serious", "title": "ovito accesses the internet during the build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-05-14 20:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1071137, "source": "pytorch-audio", "severity": "serious", "title": "pytorch-audio FTBFS with pytorch 2.1.2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-14 21:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1071171, "source": "r-cran-mertools", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-cran-mertools: autopkgtest regression on i386 with rmatrix 1.7-0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-02 12:39:19 +0000" }, { "id": 1071200, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp import-orig: support filtering based on debian/clean", "affected_sources": [ "gnupg2" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:gnupg2" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-22 12:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1071301, "source": "concurrent-log-handler", "severity": "serious", "title": "concurrent-log-handler: FTBFS: tests/test_stresstest.py:186: AssertionError", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-17 20:39:21 +0000" }, { "id": 1071316, "source": "infinipath-psm", "severity": "serious", "title": "infinipath-psm: FTBFS: ips_proto_dump.c:142:15: error: static declaration of ������strlcat������ follows non-static declaration", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-17 20:39:57 +0000" }, { "id": 1071318, "source": "jack-capture", "severity": "serious", "title": "jack-capture: FTBFS: jack_capture.c:912:5: error: conflicting types for ������asprintf������; have ������int(char **, char *, ...)������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-17 20:40:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1071337, "source": "pynn", "severity": "serious", "title": "pynn: FTBFS: ERROR: unittests.test_recording.test_get", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-17 20:40:47 +0000" }, { "id": 1071355, "source": "r-cran-maptools", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-cran-maptools: FTBFS: Rgshhs.c:101:23: error: format not a string literal and no format arguments", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-27 18:39:39 +0000" }, { "id": 1071358, "source": "r-cran-rgeos", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-cran-rgeos: FTBFS: geos.c:102:13: error: format not a string literal and no format arguments", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-19 15:45:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1071359, "source": "r-cran-rniftilib", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-cran-rniftilib: FTBFS: nifti1_io.c:472:8: error: format not a string literal and no format arguments", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-28 15:00:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1071364, "source": "sooperlooper", "severity": "serious", "title": "sooperlooper: FTBFS: control_osc.cpp:148:37: error: invalid conversion from ������int (*)(const char*, const char*, lo_arg**, int, void*, void*)������ to ������lo_method_handler������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-22 17:06:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1071370, "source": "bash", "severity": "minor", "title": "bash: Errors during generation of documentation files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-05-17 21:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1071371, "source": "bash", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "bash-builtins: Please add support for multiarch", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-05-22 06:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1071396, "source": "apt-move", "severity": "important", "title": "apt-move does not include the component 'non-free-firmware' when building the dists \"Release\" file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-18 16:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1071401, "source": "cross-toolchain-base-mipsen", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:cross-toolchain-base-mipsen: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: linux-source-6.6 (>= 6.6.11)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 23:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1071428, "source": "mariadb", "severity": "normal", "title": "mariadb: FTBFS on x32: size of array compile_time_assert is negative", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-30 22:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1071505, "source": "kconfig", "severity": "normal", "title": "Resolve kconfig@x32 build failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-20 09:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1071520, "source": "tp-smapi", "severity": "serious", "title": "tp-smapi-dkms: (regression) breaks kernel versions 6.6.13-1~bpo12+1", "affected_sources": [ "linux-image-6.6.13+bpo-amd64" ], "affected_packages": [ "linux-image-6.6.13+bpo-amd64" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-22 17:06:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1071521, "source": "ukui-screensaver", "severity": "grave", "title": "ukui-screensaver: predictable filenames under /tmp with system()", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-24 09:06:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1071554, "source": "lintian-brush", "severity": "important", "title": "lintian-brush: removal of autotools-dev debhelper causes FTBFS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-07 13:09:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1071558, "source": "gst-plugins-bad1.0-contrib", "severity": "normal", "title": "gst-plugins-bad1.0-contrib: rebuild against t64 libraries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-21 07:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1071563, "source": "emacs", "severity": "normal", "title": "emacs: Don't let test suite failures block the build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-28 17:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1071567, "source": "libssh", "severity": "serious", "title": "libssh: ISC license missing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-03 05:54:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1071568, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-kernel-dkms: module (from backports) fails to build with 5.10.216-1 (ABI 29 kernel) in Debian bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-05-22 17:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1071569, "source": "llvmlite", "severity": "important", "title": "llvmlite:FTBFS:compile failed(test: plugin distutils failed with: exit code=134)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-05-21 12:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1071640, "source": "mitmproxy", "severity": "grave", "title": "mitmproxy: Error prevents the program to starts", "affected_sources": [ "httpcore" ], "affected_packages": [ "httpcore" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-20 07:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1071677, "source": "cpl-plugin-amber", "severity": "serious", "title": "cpl-plugin-amber-calib: amber-kit-4.4.3*.tar.gz is no longer downloadable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-23 17:57:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1071679, "source": "eclipse-titan", "severity": "serious", "title": "eclipse-titan: depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-15 09:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1071682, "source": "cpl-plugin-muse", "severity": "serious", "title": "cpl-plugin-muse-calib: muse-kit-2.8.7*.tar.gz is no longer downloadable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-23 17:57:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1071685, "source": "cpl-plugin-uves", "severity": "serious", "title": "cpl-plugin-uves-calib: uves-kit-6.1.8*.tar.gz is no longer downloadable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-23 17:57:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1071688, "source": "cpl-plugin-vimos", "severity": "serious", "title": "cpl-plugin-vimos-calib: vimos-kit-4.1.7*.tar.gz is no longer downloadable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-23 17:57:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1071689, "source": "cpl-plugin-visir", "severity": "serious", "title": "cpl-plugin-visir-calib: visir-kit-4.4.2*.tar.gz is no longer downloadable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-23 17:57:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1071691, "source": "nim", "severity": "serious", "title": "nim: (build)-depends on obsolete pcre3 library", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-15 09:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1071721, "source": "mosquitto", "severity": "grave", "title": "[mosquitto] mosquittostart-stop-daemon: unable to open pidfile '/run/mosquitto/mosquitto.pid' for writing (No such file or directory)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-12 15:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1071736, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild --chroot-mode=unshare fails when /etc/resolv.conf is a symlink /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-26 18:42:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1071771, "source": "jupyter-ydoc", "severity": "serious", "title": "jupyter-ydoc: FTBFS: ImportError: Failed to import test module: jupyter_ydoc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-24 19:39:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1071772, "source": "ktx", "severity": "serious", "title": "ktx: FTBFS: include/q_shared.h:101:8: error: conflicting types for ������strlcpy������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-27 15:12:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1071773, "source": "node-socks-proxy-agent", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-socks-proxy-agent: FTBFS: error TS2305: Module '\"agent-base\"' has no exported member 'ClientRequest'.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-24 19:39:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1071777, "source": "python-array-api-compat", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-array-api-compat: FTBFS: ImportError: Failed to load PyTorch C extensions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 13:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1071781, "source": "smlsharp", "severity": "serious", "title": "smlsharp: FTBFS: configure: error: Specify --with-incompatible-llvm if you really want to build SML# with it.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-24 19:39:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1071791, "source": "bing", "severity": "serious", "title": "bing: FTBFS: bing_probes.c:259:17: error: implicit declaration of function ������memcpy������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-27 15:12:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1071792, "source": "check-all-the-things", "severity": "serious", "title": "check-all-the-things: FTBFS: /bin/sh: 1: register-python-argcomplete3: not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 21:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1071793, "source": "cider", "severity": "serious", "title": "cider: FTBFS: Eager macro-expansion failure: (buttercup-dynamic-binding-error . \"buttercup requires `lexical-binding' to be t\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-25 00:36:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1071795, "source": "fava", "severity": "serious", "title": "fava: FTBFS: help2man: can't get `--help' info from PYTHONPATH=\"/<>/src\" python3 -m fava.cli", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-13 13:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1071803, "source": "node-solid-keychain", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-solid-keychain: FTBFS: Exception during run: Error: Cannot find module '@trust/webcrypto'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-25 00:36:33 +0000" }, { "id": 1071807, "source": "prody", "severity": "serious", "title": "prody: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy.testing.decorators'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 08:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1071810, "source": "pyfftw", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyfftw: FTBFS: /tmp/pyfftw-l6u29tyw/fftw_plan_dft.c:2:17: error: implicit declaration of function ������fftw_plan_dft������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 21:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1071811, "source": "python-sparse", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-sparse: FTBFS: INTERNALERROR> pluggy._manager.PluginValidationError: unknown hook 'pytest_cmdline_preparse' in plugin >/.pybuild/cpython3_3.12_sparse/build/tests/conftest.py'>", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-25 17:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1071816, "source": "umap-learn", "severity": "serious", "title": "umap-learn: FTBFS: E TypeError: exceptions must be derived from Warning, not ", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-25 00:37:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1071882, "source": "q2-feature-classifier", "severity": "serious", "title": "q2-feature-classifier: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-25 17:24:30 +0000" }, { "id": 1071886, "source": "rust-gtk-sys", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-gtk-sys: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-28 18:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1071896, "source": "tree-style-tab", "severity": "serious", "title": "tree-style-tab: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-27 15:12:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1071899, "source": "ypy", "severity": "serious", "title": "ypy: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-25 17:25:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1071922, "source": "python-proboscis", "severity": "serious", "title": "RM: python-proboscis", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-13 10:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1071929, "source": "kwallet-kf5", "severity": "normal", "title": "kwallet-kf5: unused build-dependency on libgcrypt20-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-26 05:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1071935, "source": "libprelude", "severity": "normal", "title": "libprelude: unused build-dependency on libgcrypt20-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-26 06:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1071937, "source": "libxslt", "severity": "serious", "title": "libxslt: FTBFS against libgcrypt 1.11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-07-09 12:27:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1071941, "source": "monkeysphere", "severity": "serious", "title": "monkeysphere: FTBFS against libgcrypt 1.11 (and next libassuan)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-28 18:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1071942, "source": "mcabber", "severity": "normal", "title": "mcabber: unused build-dependency on libgcrypt20-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-26 09:57:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1071958, "source": "tpm2-initramfs-tool", "severity": "normal", "title": "tpm2-initramfs-tool: unused build-dependency on libgcrypt20-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-26 14:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1071970, "source": "pcre3", "severity": "serious", "title": "pcre3 should not be part of trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 03:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1071994, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Please document the --no-sign option in man pages or gbp buildpackage --help", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-27 10:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1072005, "source": "coz-profiler", "severity": "important", "title": "coz-profiler:FTBFS:build failed������dwarf::format_error������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-27 12:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1072067, "source": "golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter", "severity": "minor", "title": "golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter fails to build on non tmpfs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-08 09:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1072094, "source": "ruby-pgplot", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ruby-pgplot: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-29 03:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1072123, "source": "jayway-jsonpath", "severity": "grave", "title": "jayway-jsonpath: CVE-2023-51074", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 19:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1072135, "source": "plotsauce", "severity": "serious", "title": "plotsauce: FTBFS: plotsauce.qbs:11:5 Dependency 'zlib' not found for product 'plotsauce'.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-29 17:33:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1072151, "source": "golang-github-containerd-cgroups", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:golang-github-containerd-cgroups tries to access /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages in tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-22 10:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1072167, "source": "grub2", "severity": "grave", "title": "grub-pc-dbg: newly-added symbol file \"...\" does not provide any symbols", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-29 14:00:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1072185, "source": "farpd", "severity": "serious", "title": "farpd: Missing licenses", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-29 23:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1072194, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "O: librepfunc -- set of C++ classes and utilities for building multimedia tools", "affected_sources": [ "librepfunc" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:librepfunc" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-19 01:48:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1072227, "source": "minissdpd", "severity": "important", "title": "minissdpd: drop freebsd-glue from build-depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-05-30 18:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1072337, "source": "gst-plugins-good1.0", "severity": "important", "title": "gst-plugins-good1.0: Missing build-dep for non-linux", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 12:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1072347, "source": "luajit2", "severity": "serious", "title": "luajit2: should not be shipped with trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-07 17:54:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1072388, "source": "rust-ognibuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "ognibuild: python3-requirement-parser dep was renamed as \"python3-requirements\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-02 10:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1072406, "source": "comskip", "severity": "serious", "title": "comskip: FTBFS with ffmpeg 7.0: mpeg2dec.c:563:48: error: ������AVCodecParameters������ has no member named ������channels������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-13 16:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1072409, "source": "ddnet", "severity": "serious", "title": "ddnet: FTBFS with ffmpeg 7.0: video.cpp:555:115: error: ������AVCodecContext������ {aka ������struct AVCodecContext������} has no member named ������frame_number������; did you mean ������frame_num������?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-28 17:57:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1072411, "source": "dvbcut", "severity": "serious", "title": "dvbcut: FTBFS with ffmpeg 7.0: avframe.cpp:64:6: error: ������AVFrame������ {aka ������struct AVFrame������} has no member named ������coded_picture_number������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-28 17:57:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1072424, "source": "janus", "severity": "serious", "title": "janus: FTBFS with ffmpeg 7.0: postprocessing/pp-g722.c:215:61: error: ������AVCodecContext������ has no member named ������channels������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-09 18:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1072430, "source": "libonvif", "severity": "serious", "title": "libonvif: FTBFS with ffmpeg 7.0: Decoder.h:42:42: error: ������AVCodecContext������ {aka ������struct AVCodecContext������} has no member named ������channels������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-13 20:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1072431, "source": "libopenshot", "severity": "serious", "title": "libopenshot: FTBFS with ffmpeg 7.0: FFmpegReader.cpp:674:58: error: ������AVCodecParameters������ {aka ������struct AVCodecParameters������} has no member named ������channel_layout������; did you mean ������ch_layout������?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 11:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1072432, "source": "liquidsoap", "severity": "serious", "title": "liquidsoap: FTBFS with ffmpeg 7.0: (.text+0x4b60): undefined reference to `av_get_channel_name'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 12:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1072436, "source": "moc", "severity": "serious", "title": "moc: FTBFS with ffmpeg 7.0: ffmpeg.c:565:13: error: implicit declaration of function ������av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-24 02:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1072441, "source": "olive-editor", "severity": "serious", "title": "olive-editor: FTBFS with ffmpeg 7.0: audioparams.cpp:162:20: error: ������av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels������ was not declared in this scope", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-28 17:57:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1072442, "source": "openboard", "severity": "serious", "title": "openboard: FTBFS with ffmpeg 7.0: src/podcast/ffmpeg/UBFFmpegVideoEncoder.cpp:523:65: error: ������AVCodecContext������ {aka ������struct AVCodecContext������} has no member named ������channels������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-15 18:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1072443, "source": "openmw", "severity": "serious", "title": "openmw: FTBFS with ffmpeg 7.0: videostate.cpp:730:44: error: invalid conversion from ������int (*)(void*, uint8_t*, int)������ {aka ������int (*)(void*, unsigned char*, int)������} to ������int (*)(void*, const uint8_t*, int)������ {aka ������int (*)(void*, const unsigned char*, int)������} [-fpermissive]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-22 04:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1072450, "source": "jami", "severity": "serious", "title": "ring: FTBFS with ffmpeg 7.0: media/media_decoder.cpp:349:40: error: ������const struct AVInputFormat������ has no member named ������read_header������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 01:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1072463, "source": "xpra", "severity": "serious", "title": "xpra: FTBFS with ffmpeg 7.0: xpra/codecs/enc_ffmpeg/encoder.c:11208:115: error: passing argument 6 of ������avio_alloc_context������ from incompatible pointer type [-Werror=incompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-28 17:57:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1072464, "source": "zoneminder", "severity": "serious", "title": "zoneminder: FTBFS with ffmpeg 7.0: zm_camera.h:111:51: error: ������AVCodecParameters������ {aka ������struct AVCodecParameters������} has no member named ������channels������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-28 17:57:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1072469, "source": "shc", "severity": "serious", "title": "shc: FTBFS: build-depends on ash which does no longer exist", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-16 12:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1072473, "source": "rkward", "severity": "important", "title": "rkward: FTBFS on riscv64 due to timeout on test", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 08:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1072478, "source": "litecoin", "severity": "serious", "title": "litecoin: FTBFS on ppc64el: src/tests_exhaustive.c:57: test condition failed: secp256k1_fe_equal_var(&u1, &u2)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 01:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1072518, "source": "sponsorship-requests", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFS: debpic/1.0.0 [ITP] -- build Debian packages in an isolated Docker environment", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 17:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1072535, "source": "puma", "severity": "serious", "title": "puma: flaky autopkgtest", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 08:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1072601, "source": "node-mock-fs", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-mock-fs: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-07 23:45:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1072609, "source": "uglifyjs", "severity": "serious", "title": "uglifyjs: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-05 00:21:47 +0000" }, { "id": 1072617, "source": "confget", "severity": "serious", "title": "confget: autopkgtest: invokes feature-check in a partly unsupported way", "affected_sources": [ "confget" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:confget" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-05 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"status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-06-20 18:33:51 +0000" }, { "id": 1072809, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "mk-build-deps: When --host-arch is specified, build dependencies with the \"all\" arch don't work", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-08 06:36:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1072834, "source": "between", "severity": "grave", "title": "between: Game no longer works due to server error", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-13 16:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1072844, "source": "heimdal", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "heimdal: Please build heimdal with openssl", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-09 08:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1072846, "source": "asio", "severity": "normal", "title": "asio breaks the widelands package on hurd-i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-08 21:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1072858, "source": "django-simple-redis-admin", "severity": "grave", "title": "python3-django-redis-admin: incompatible with django 4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-11 22:36:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1072944, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: option --repo-user: manpages incorrectly reference environment variable DEBUSER", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-11 07:33:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1072950, "source": "qtwayland-opensource-src", "severity": "normal", "title": "qtwayland-opensource-src: FTBFS on hppa - tst_xdgdecorationv1 fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-10 20:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1072951, "source": "racket", "severity": "normal", "title": "racket: FTBFS on hppa - illegal pb instruction", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-11 10:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1072954, "source": "python-ijson", "severity": "normal", "title": "python-ijson: FTBFS on hppa - ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-10 21:06:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1072982, "source": "lime", "severity": "serious", "title": "lime - build-depends on package that is not in testing.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-06-30 22:21:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1073046, "source": "cups", "severity": "important", "title": "FTBFS with huge file number limit due to testsuite timeouts", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-29 00:36:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1073088, "source": "abinit", "severity": "normal", "title": "abinit: build-depends on markdown", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-14 12:51:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1073092, "source": "erlang-cowlib", "severity": "normal", "title": "erlang-cowlib: build-depends on markdown", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-14 12:51:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1073098, "source": "libvcflib", "severity": "normal", "title": "math-numeric-tower-clojure: build-depends on markdown", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-14 12:51:19 +0000" }, { "id": 1073099, "source": "markdown-mode", "severity": "important", "title": "markdown-mode: replace to-be-removed markdown build-dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-12 20:36:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1073114, "source": "unburden-home-dir", "severity": "serious", "title": "unburden-home-dir: stop build-depending on pcre3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-09 12:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1073143, "source": "lua-vips", "severity": "serious", "title": "lua-vips: Bus error in lua jit during tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-17 09:45:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1073146, "source": "rust-zerofrom", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-zerofrom: unsatisfiable dependency librust-zerofrom-derive-0.1-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-13 14:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1073151, "source": "rust-yoke", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-yoke: unsatisfiable dependency librust-yoke-derive-0.7-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-13 14:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1073164, "source": "logrotate", "severity": "normal", "title": "pbuilder build --twice, stray process that requires manual intervention", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-23 13:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1073250, "source": "liboqs", "severity": "grave", "title": "liboqs: CVE-2024-36405", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-15 07:18:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1073270, "source": "mercurial", "severity": "normal", "title": "mercurial: FTBFS on hppa - test-bundle.t output changed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-15 13:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1073304, "source": "firmware-microbit-micropython", "severity": "serious", "title": "firmware-microbit-micropython: FTBFS: cc1plus: error: '-fcf-protection=full' is not supported for this target", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-29 14:00:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1073307, "source": "eclipse-titan", "severity": "important", "title": "eclipse-titan: FTBFS: XMLParser.cc:193:38: error: invalid conversion from ������const xmlError*������ {aka ������const _xmlError*������} to ������xmlErrorPtr������ {aka ������_xmlError*������} [-fpermissive]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-07 00:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1073309, "source": "cegui-mk2", "severity": "important", "title": "cegui-mk2: FTBFS: XMLParser.cpp:102:40: error: invalid conversion from ������const xmlError*������ {aka ������const _xmlError*������} to ������xmlError*������ {aka ������_xmlError*������} [-fpermissive]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-07 00:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1073312, "source": "libxslt", "severity": "serious", "title": "libxslt: FTBFS: extensions.c:392:33: error: implicit declaration of function ������getenv������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-07-09 12:27:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1073324, "source": "gmerlin-avdecoder", "severity": "serious", "title": "gmerlin-avdecoder: FTBFS: options.c:46:45: error: implicit declaration of function ������atoi������ [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-06-25 09:21:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1073328, "source": "scram", "severity": "important", "title": "scram: FTBFS: xml.cc:31:42: error: invalid conversion from ������const xmlError*������ {aka ������const _xmlError*������} to ������xmlErrorPtr������ {aka ������_xmlError*������} [-fpermissive]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-07 00:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1073348, "source": "inkscape", "severity": "serious", "title": "inkscape: FTBFS: uri.cpp:86:9: error: ������xmlFree������ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ������xmlFreeURI������?", "affected_sources": [ "linuxcnc" ], "affected_packages": [ "linuxcnc-uspace" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-02 07:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1073358, "source": "toil", "severity": "serious", "title": "toil: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'boto'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-16 13:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1073370, "source": "ruby-premailer", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-premailer: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-16 13:09:36 +0000" }, { "id": 1073400, "source": "gtk-doc", "severity": "important", "title": "gtk-doc: FTBFS with libxml2 2.12.x: XInclude error : could not load ../../examples/gobject.c", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-08 14:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1073401, "source": "python-digitalocean", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-digitalocean: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.11\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-16 13:34:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1073406, "source": "python-cattrs", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-cattrs: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.11\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-16 13:34:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1073471, "source": "quickml", "severity": "serious", "title": "quickml: FTBFS: lib/quickml/gettext.rb:30:in `load': messages.ja:5: invalid multibyte char (EUC-JP) (SyntaxError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-23 19:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1073475, "source": "fortunes-mario", "severity": "serious", "title": "fortunes-mario: FTBFS: make[2]: *** [Makefile:39: pdf] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-16 13:57:54 +0000" }, { "id": 1073480, "source": "llvm-toolchain-17", "severity": "important", "title": "llvm-17-dev: shipped Findzstd.cmake conflicts with cmake module provided by libzstd-dev", "affected_sources": [ "qt6-tools" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:qt6-tools" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-16 19:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1073483, "source": "apt-src", "severity": "serious", "title": "apt-src: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:23: clean] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 17:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1073508, "source": "libxml2", "severity": "serious", "title": "libxml2: just another API+ABI break; please bump soname", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 15:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1073520, "source": "coyote", "severity": "serious", "title": "coyote: autopkgtest regression: times out", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-16 18:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1073525, "source": "firmware-free", "severity": "serious", "title": "firmware-free: Incomplete source for carl9170-1.fw", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-16 22:24:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1073561, "source": "openbabel", "severity": "normal", "title": "openbabel: FTBFS: failing tests test_tautomer_2[27]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-01 06:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1073571, "source": "php-sql-formatter", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-sql-formatter: FTBFS with pkg-php-tools_1.45+nmu1: PHP Warning: require_once(/usr/share/php/Doctrine/SqlFormatter/autoload.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /<>/vendor/autoload.php on line 4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-07 23:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1073595, "source": "libuv1", "severity": "serious", "title": "Missing symbols in the library file compared to the headers", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 18:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1073906, "source": "orpie", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with OCaml 5.2.0 (Missing dependency on camlp-streams)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 03:30:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1073907, "source": "pa-ounit", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with OCaml 5.2.0 (Uses String.lowercase)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-24 21:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1073911, "source": "sks", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with OCaml 5.2.0 (Uses C functions without caml_ prefix)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-09 18:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1073942, "source": "jami", "severity": "serious", "title": "jami: Fails to build with webrtc-audio-processing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 00:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1073997, "source": "giada", "severity": "serious", "title": "giada FTBFS with RtAudio 6", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-21 10:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1074104, "source": "rust-criterion-0.3", "severity": "grave", "title": "rust-criterion-0.3: drop package: outdated branch unmaintained upstream", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 04:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1074159, "source": "matplotlib", "severity": "normal", "title": "matplotlib: old system version blocks doc build for new version", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-23 23:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1074166, "source": "erlang", "severity": "serious", "title": "erlang-dialyzer has an undeclared file conflict on /usr/bin/typer", "affected_sources": [ "typer" ], "affected_packages": [ "typer" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-03 14:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1074212, "source": "matplotlib", "severity": "normal", "title": "matplotlib: build-time test failure is ignored", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-24 14:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1074229, "source": "avrdude", "severity": "normal", "title": "Consider building with parallel interface enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-24 20:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1074239, "source": "uranium", "severity": "grave", "title": "cura: Cura fails to start", "affected_sources": [ "cura" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:cura" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-09 08:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1074250, "source": "ifupdown2", "severity": "grave", "title": "ifupdown2 not working with python3.12", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-23 08:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1074261, "source": "pocl", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pocl: FTBFS on several arches due to failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-12 05:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1074275, "source": "ogmrip", "severity": "serious", "title": "Depends on gpac", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-25 18:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1074277, "source": "softether-vpn", "severity": "normal", "title": "softether-vpnserver: Please package upstream 5.02.5184. The current package version is no longer compatible with Windows 11 built-in VPN client when using SSTP as a protocol.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-25 19:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1074288, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pbuilder: Please add \"bind-mount in read-only mode\" (patch attached)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-26 01:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1074294, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp-pull running git with --quiet hides relevant information", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-26 11:36:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1074332, "source": "openboard", "severity": "serious", "title": "openboard: Fails to build with poppler 24.06", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-14 12:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1074355, "source": "libmina-sshd-java", "severity": "serious", "title": "libmina-sshd-java: FTBFS: Build-time tests fails in some chroots", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 16:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1074427, "source": "geoclue-2.0", "severity": "serious", "title": "geoclue-2.0: Geoclue does not work anymore", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-30 22:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1074430, "source": "adminer", "severity": "grave", "title": "adminer: CVE-2023-45196 CVE-2023-45195", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-31 20:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1074472, "source": "gourmand", "severity": "grave", "title": "sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: expected schema argument to be a string", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-13 10:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1074483, "source": "dcmtk", "severity": "grave", "title": "dcmtk: CVE-2024-27628", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-08 11:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1074515, "source": "apt-clone", "severity": "serious", "title": "apt-clone: autopkgtest failure with Python 3.12 (armhf)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-30 10:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1074533, "source": "eclipse-titan", "severity": "normal", "title": "eclipse build or other task realy slow", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-30 13:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1074539, "source": "coreutils", "severity": "normal", "title": "coreutils: ls -R chokes when it builds up a long path (File name too long)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-30 19:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1074545, "source": "caml-crush", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with OCaml 5.2.0 (Uses C functions without caml_ prefix)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-07 12:27:19 +0000" }, { "id": 1074546, "source": "pplacer", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with OCaml 5.2.0 (Uses C functions without caml_ prefix)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-07 12:27:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1074558, "source": "mariadb", "severity": "normal", "title": "mariadb: FTBFS on sparc64: Multiple tests crash / time out", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-29 21:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1074561, "source": "mariadb", "severity": "normal", "title": "mariadb: FTBFS on hurd-i386: Multiple tests fail network connection issues", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-30 22:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1074563, "source": "mysql-workbench", "severity": "serious", "title": "mysql-workbench FTBFS with libxml2 2.12", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-06-30 23:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1074603, "source": "gstreamer1.0", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "gstreamer1.0: properly build the Rust code", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-07-01 23:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1074620, "source": "golang-refraction-networking-utls", "severity": "normal", "title": "golang-refraction-networking-utls: FTBFS on loong64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 01:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1074632, "source": "ubuntu-dev-tools", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: requires functional MTA by default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-02 13:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1074641, "source": "lapackpp", "severity": "serious", "title": "lapackpp: FTBFS: device.hh:67:30: error: invalid conversion from ������int64_t������ {aka ������long int������} to ������blas::Queue::stream_t������ {aka ������void*������} [-fpermissive]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-02 13:21:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1074646, "source": "ocrfeeder", "severity": "serious", "title": "ocrfeeder: FTBFS: configure: error: failed to find required module enchant", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-02 13:21:27 +0000" }, { "id": 1074649, "source": "gau2grid", "severity": "serious", "title": "gau2grid: FTBFS: AttributeError: module 'configparser' has no attribute 'SafeConfigParser'. Did you mean: 'RawConfigParser'?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-02 13:21:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1074666, "source": "gnome-packagekit", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnome-packagekit: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && DEB_PYTHON_INSTALL_LAYOUT=deb LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 MESON_TESTTHREADS=8 meson test returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-02 13:22:35 +0000" }, { "id": 1074674, "source": "buildstream", "severity": "serious", "title": "buildstream: FTBFS: AttributeError: module 'configparser' has no attribute 'SafeConfigParser'. Did you mean: 'RawConfigParser'?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 23:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1074675, "source": "polib", "severity": "serious", "title": "polib: FTBFS: AssertionError: b\"\\xd[276 chars]0\\x001\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x06\\x01\\x00\\x00&\\x00\\x00\\x0[789 chars]\\x00\" != b\"\\xd[276 chars]0\\x00,\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x06\\x01\\x00\\x00&\\x00\\x00\\x0[807 chars]\\x00\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-21 08:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1074678, "source": "mercurial", "severity": "important", "title": "mercurial: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 check PYTHON=python3 \"TESTFLAGS=--verbose --timeout 1800 --jobs 8 --blacklist /<>/debian/mercurial.test_blacklist\" returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-09 12:39:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1074682, "source": "pytest-salt", "severity": "serious", "title": "pytest-salt: FTBFS: AttributeError: module 'configparser' has no attribute 'SafeConfigParser'. Did you mean: 'RawConfigParser'?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-02 13:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1074711, "source": "rootskel", "severity": "important", "title": "rootskel: FTBFS randomly: ln: failed to create symbolic link '/<>/debian/rootskel//etc/mtab': No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-20 23:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1074734, "source": "ruff", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruff: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:14: override_dh_auto_build] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 17:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1074735, "source": "node-chokidar", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-chokidar: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: /bin/sh -ex debian/tests/pkg-js/test returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-02 13:40:29 +0000" }, { "id": 1074743, "source": "nautilus-image-converter", "severity": "serious", "title": "nautilus-image-converter: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:7: binary] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-02 13:40:49 +0000" }, { "id": 1074747, "source": "mate-panel", "severity": "serious", "title": "mate-panel: FTBFS: make[4]: *** [Makefile:1040: org.mate.panel.TestApplet.mate-panel-applet] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-02 13:41:00 +0000" }, { "id": 1074750, "source": "vanguards", "severity": "serious", "title": "vanguards: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.11 3.12\" --system=custom \"--test-args=cd {build_dir}; python3 -m pytest /<>/tests\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-02 13:41:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1074756, "source": "guile-3.0", "severity": "serious", "title": "theme-d: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 check \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", 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disappeared in the symbols file: see diff output below", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-09-30 11:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1076026, "source": "elpa", "severity": "important", "title": "elpa: FTBFS with mpich as default MPI on i386: FAIL validate_complex_2stage_banded_default.sh (exit status: 15)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-18 14:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1076027, "source": "abinit", "severity": "serious", "title": "abinit: FTBFS with mpich as default MPI implementation on 32 bit architectures: Error: Type mismatch in argument ������block_displ������ at (1); passed INTEGER(8) to INTEGER(4)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-09 17:45:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1076048, "source": "golang-github-mvo5-goconfigparser", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-mvo5-goconfigparser: Two Maintainers", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-30 21:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1076079, "source": "rust-prost-build", "severity": "important", "title": "rust-prost-build: please provide feature cleanup-markdown", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-12 17:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1076080, "source": "q2cli", "severity": "serious", "title": "q2cli: FTBFS in sid (python3.12)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-07 23:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1076081, "source": "mercurial-evolve", "severity": "grave", "title": "mercurial-evolve: incompatible with mercurial 6.8", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-10 12:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1076104, "source": "meson", "severity": "normal", "title": "Fails to build twice - sudo pbuilder build --twice .dsc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-10 20:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1076167, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "RFP: waveterm -- AI-native terminal built for seamless workflows", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-07-11 22:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1076200, "source": "simple-scan", "severity": "minor", "title": "simple-scan: Please run appstream build test", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-12 12:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1076204, "source": "pybj", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-bjdata: C extension silently not built with recent numpy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-12 12:51:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1076206, "source": "pybj", "severity": "serious", "title": "pybj: fails to build extension but build still succeeds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-12 14:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1076236, "source": "numpy", "severity": "normal", "title": "python3-numpy: python3-numpy doesn't support cross-building well", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 21:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1076250, "source": "gcc-xtensa", "severity": "normal", "title": "gcc-xtensa: Unused build-dependency on GNU autogen", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-13 08:30:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1076254, "source": "gcc-arm-none-eabi", "severity": "normal", "title": "gcc-arm-none-eabi: Unused build-dependency on GNU autogen", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-13 09:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1076256, "source": "cross-toolchain-base-mipsen", "severity": "normal", "title": "cross-toolchain-base-mipsen: Unused build-dependency on GNU autogen", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-13 09:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1076280, "source": "meep", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-meep: Missing dependency on python3-matplotlib", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-28 11:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1076281, "source": "quickemu", "severity": "serious", "title": "quickemu is not installable on armel/armhf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-13 16:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1076314, "source": "qiime", "severity": "serious", "title": "qiime hard-codes python 3.11 without depending on it", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-02 19:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1076315, "source": "q2-demux", "severity": "serious", "title": "q2-demux hard-codes python 3.11 without depending on it", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-14 09:00:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1076316, "source": "q2-types", "severity": "serious", "title": "q2-types hard-codes python 3.11 without depending on it", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-14 09:00:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1076317, "source": "q2-phylogeny", "severity": "serious", "title": "q2-phylogeny hard-codes python 3.11 without depending on it", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-02 12:39:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1076318, "source": "q2-alignment", "severity": "serious", "title": "q2-alignment hard-codes python 3.11 without depending on it", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-14 09:00:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1076350, "source": "nodejs", "severity": "serious", "title": "nodejs: segfault in node when running browserify script on i386 when building node-chai", "affected_sources": [ "node-chai" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:node-chai" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-17 09:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1076351, "source": "dkms", "severity": "important", "title": "dkms: modules are built twice for no reason", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 19:06:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1076372, "source": "linux", "severity": "grave", "title": "Corruption of Longsys/Kingston NVMe drive", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-03 20:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1076382, "source": "ptouch-driver", "severity": "normal", "title": "printer-driver-ptouch: Fix build problem in git on salsa", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-15 12:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1076388, "source": "node-inwasm", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-xterm: Unable to build package node-xterm in Debian Trixie i386 due to LinkError in WebAssembly.Instance()", "affected_sources": [ "node-xterm" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:node-xterm" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-17 09:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1076410, "source": "llvm-toolchain-16", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with OCaml 5.2.0 (Uses C functions without caml_ prefix)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-06 18:24:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1076411, "source": "llvm-toolchain-15", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with OCaml 5.2.0 (Uses C functions without caml_ prefix)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-17 03:15:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1076412, "source": "llvm-toolchain-14", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with OCaml 5.2.0 (Uses C functions without caml_ prefix)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-17 09:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1076425, "source": "node-inwasm", "severity": "serious", "title": "inwasm: Estimated memorySettings.descriptor.maximum is wrong on i386", "affected_sources": [ "node-xterm" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:node-xterm" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-17 09:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1076456, "source": "iptables-netflow", "severity": "grave", "title": "iptables-netflow-dkms: No more builds on Debian 11 Bullseye since kernel linux-image-5.10.0-31-amd64 (5.10.221-1) due to \"unexport find_module\" kernel backport from 5.12", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-16 18:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1076522, "source": "unoconv", "severity": "grave", "title": "unoconv: Broken with Python 3.12 because of usage of distutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-26 11:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1076529, "source": "golang-github-containers-buildah", "severity": "normal", "title": "golang-github-containers-image-dev: buildah is unable to push non-default platform images", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-06 23:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1076558, "source": "gitlab", "severity": "important", "title": "gitlab: install fails to build tree-sitter because of missing g++", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-07-18 19:06:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1076559, "source": "gitlab", "severity": "important", "title": "gitlab: install fails to build cssbundling-rails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-10-31 11:18:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1076563, "source": "gtk+2.0", "severity": "important", "title": "gtk+2.0: FTBFS on hurd-any", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-18 21:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1076564, "source": "dwarves", "severity": "normal", "title": "pahole BTF processing seems flaky on powerpc", "affected_sources": [ "linux" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:linux" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-05 19:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1076569, "source": "pkg-kde-tools", "severity": "serious", "title": "When called for dh-sequence-kf6 (or --with=kf6) CMAKE Qt6 should be enforced", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-19 02:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1076614, "source": "camljava", "severity": "serious", "title": "libcamljava-ocaml-dev lost its OCaml Depends+Provides", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-20 08:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1076651, "source": "sagemath", "severity": "grave", "title": "python3-sage: Package python3-sage, version 9.5-6, has UNAVAILABLE dependecies", "affected_sources": [ "sagetex" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:sagetex" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-23 20:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1076659, "source": "ruby-gsl", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-gsl: FTBFS with gsl/2.8: bspline.c:101:37: error: ������gsl_bspline_workspace������ has no member named ������k������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-25 14:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1076683, "source": "rustc-web", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-web-doc: missing Conflicts: rust-mozilla-doc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-28 18:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1076686, "source": "classified-ads", "severity": "serious", "title": "classified-ads: FTBFS with miniupnpc 2.2.8", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-25 16:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1076689, "source": "litecoin", "severity": "serious", "title": "litecoin: FTBFS with miniupnpc 2.2.8", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 05:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1076691, "source": "opengnb", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "opengnb: FTBFS with miniupnpc 2.2.8", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-22 10:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1076693, "source": "simutrans", "severity": "serious", "title": "simutrans: FTBFS with miniupnpc 2.2.8", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 15:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1076706, "source": "lintian-brush", "severity": "normal", "title": "lintian-brush: please rebuild against python 3.12", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 16:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1076713, "source": "nspr", "severity": "normal", "title": "nspr: Please use non-hardening flags from dpkg-buildflags", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-22 11:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1076730, "source": "dart", "severity": "serious", "title": "dart: autopkgtest regression with CMake 3.30+", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 19:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1076742, "source": "sphinxsearch", "severity": "serious", "title": "sphinxsearch: FTBFS with abseil 20230802: -std=c++11 unsupported", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-07-22 21:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1076754, "source": "python-semantic-release", "severity": "minor", "title": "python-semantic-release: the build will fail if launched just before midnight", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-23 00:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1076775, "source": "gpscorrelate", "severity": "serious", "title": "gpscorrelate: autopkgtest failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-23 06:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1076826, "source": "lexicon", "severity": "serious", "title": "lexicon: FTBFS: Tries to access Internet during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-26 07:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1076869, "source": "caml-crush", "severity": "serious", "title": "caml-crush: FTBFS: error: redeclaration of ������tmp������ with no linkage", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-24 10:48:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1076871, "source": "cura", "severity": "serious", "title": "cura: FTBFS: AttributeError: 'called_with' is not a valid assertion. Use a spec for the mock if 'called_with' is meant to be an attribute.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 22:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1076885, "source": "gss", "severity": "serious", "title": "gss: FTBFS: FAIL krb5context (exit status: 1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 11:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1076888, "source": "hexchat-otr", "severity": "serious", "title": "hexchat-otr: FTBFS: checking for GCRYPT... configure: error: no", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-08 17:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1076895, "source": "mercurial-evolve", "severity": "serious", "title": "mercurial-evolve: FTBFS: AttributeError: module 'mercurial.scmutil' has no attribute 'filteredhash'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-24 10:49:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1076902, "source": "php-mock-phpunit", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-mock-phpunit: FTBFS: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class \"phpmockAbstractMockTest\" not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 17:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1076914, "source": "q2-quality-control", "severity": "serious", "title": "q2-quality-control: FTBFS: rm: cannot remove '/<>/debian/*/usr/lib/python3*/dist-packages/run_decontam.R': No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-24 10:50:00 +0000" }, { "id": 1076919, "source": "ruby-influxdb", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-influxdb: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-03 12:06:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1076925, "source": "pytools", "severity": "normal", "title": "pytools.persistent_dict fails in multithread", "affected_sources": [ "snakemake" ], "affected_packages": [ "snakemake" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-31 18:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1076930, "source": "ubertooth", "severity": "serious", "title": "ubertooth: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-24 10:51:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1076957, "source": "basemap", "severity": "serious", "title": "basemap: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy.distutils'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-12 01:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1076958, "source": "mmh", "severity": "serious", "title": "mmh: FTBFS: /usr/bin/ld: mhparse.o:./uip/./uip/mhparse.c:32: multiple definition of `tmp'; mhbuild.o:./uip/./uip/mhbuild.c:54: first defined here", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-24 17:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1077037, "source": "pbuilder", "severity": "serious", "title": "pbuilder: missing dependency on non-essential package mount", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-06 22:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1077047, "source": "numba", "severity": "serious", "title": "numba: FTBFS when running tests: Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault [arm64, mips64el]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-13 22:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1077054, "source": "zip", "severity": "minor", "title": "Charset conversion fails when zip is built with _FORTIFY_SOURCE", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-25 16:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1077087, "source": "bpfcc", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "bpfcc: please enable build for ppc64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-02 15:15:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1077097, "source": "clues-emacs", "severity": "serious", "title": "clues-emacs: needs rebuild against dh-elpa >=2.1.5", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-25 08:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1077105, "source": "emacs-lintian", "severity": "serious", "title": "emacs-lintian: needs rebuild against dh-elpa >=2.1.5", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-26 11:30:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1077110, "source": "liquidsoap", "severity": "serious", "title": "liquidsoap: needs rebuild against dh-elpa >=2.1.5", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 12:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1077111, "source": "inform-mode", "severity": "serious", "title": "inform-mode: needs rebuild against dh-elpa >=2.1.5", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-26 11:30:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1077120, "source": "mpqc", "severity": "serious", "title": "mpqc: needs rebuild against dh-elpa >=2.1.5", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-26 11:30:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1077125, "source": "tpp", "severity": "serious", "title": "tpp: needs rebuild against dh-elpa >=2.1.5", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-26 11:30:19 +0000" }, { "id": 1077129, "source": "verbiste", "severity": "serious", "title": "verbiste: needs rebuild against dh-elpa >=2.1.5", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-10 10:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1077217, "source": "adv-17v35x", "severity": "serious", "title": "adv-17v35x-dkms: module fails to build for Linux 6.10: error: 'struct uart_state' has no member named 'xmit'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-10 00:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1077227, "source": "cwiid", "severity": "serious", "title": "libcwiid1: Unintentionally libcwiid1t64 --> libcwiid1 changes ?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-27 07:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1077292, "source": "coremltools", "severity": "grave", "title": "coremltools: Upstream Python 3.12 support not ready yet (by 2024-07)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-21 17:36:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1077327, "source": "rust-async-channel", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-async-channel: test failures on armel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-28 14:51:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1077340, "source": "libcbor", "severity": "serious", "title": "libcbor fails to build on mips64el: testsuite failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-11 17:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1077349, "source": "bibcursed", "severity": "serious", "title": "bibcursed: FTBFS: bibcursed.c:1204:1: error: return type defaults to ������int������ [-Wimplicit-int]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-28 17:03:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1077359, "source": "classified-ads", "severity": "serious", "title": "classified-ads: FTBFS: net/networklistener.cpp:294:46: error: too few arguments to function ������int UPNP_GetValidIGD(UPNPDev*, UPNPUrls*, IGDdatas*, char*, int, char*, int)������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-28 17:03:37 +0000" }, { "id": 1077368, "source": "dnsjava", "severity": "grave", "title": "dnsjava: CVE-2024-25638", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 20:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1077394, "source": "gtk-layer-shell", "severity": "serious", "title": "gtk-layer-shell: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && DEB_PYTHON_INSTALL_LAYOUT=deb LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 MESON_TESTTHREADS=8 meson test returned exit code 16", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 20:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1077400, "source": "pyfai", "severity": "normal", "title": "pyfai: FTBFS: src/pyFAI/ext/sparse_utils.cpython-312-x86_64-linux-gnu.so.p/src/pyFAI/ext/sparse_utils.pyx.c:45695:17: error: assignment to ������struct __pyx_obj_5pyFAI_3ext_12sparse_utils_Vector *������ from incompatible pointer type ������PyObject *������ {aka ������struct _object *������} [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-06 07:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1077413, "source": "libdfp", "severity": "serious", "title": "libdfp: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 check \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-29 05:52:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1077422, "source": "prelude-manager", "severity": "important", "title": "prelude-manager: FTBFS: xmlmod.c:51:1: error: implicit declaration of function 'free' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-07 00:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1077423, "source": "fortunes-es", "severity": "serious", "title": "fortunes-es: FTBFS: rot.c:23:5: error: implicit declaration of function ������exit������ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 22:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1077425, "source": "calculix-cgx", "severity": "serious", "title": "calculix-cgx: FTBFS: ptrList.h:218:21: error: assignment of member ������delObj������ in read-only object", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-29 05:52:41 +0000" }, { "id": 1077429, "source": "yad", "severity": "serious", "title": "yad: FTBFS: main.c:673:73: error: passing argument 2 of ������gtk_style_context_add_provider������ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 12:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1077431, "source": "ruby-gon", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-gon: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: NoMethodError:", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-25 21:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1077434, "source": "unittest2", "severity": "serious", "title": "unittest2: FTBFS: TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object, got 'late_version'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-10 09:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1077441, "source": "cmtk", "severity": "serious", "title": "cmtk: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && make -j8 test ARGS\\+=--verbose ARGS\\+=-j8 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-02 15:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1077460, "source": "python-refurb", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-refurb: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p 3.12 returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-29 06:00:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1077504, "source": "casparcg-server", "severity": "serious", "title": "casparcg-server FTBFS with ffmpeg 7", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-10 18:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1077524, "source": "mariadb", "severity": "normal", "title": "mariadb: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:146: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-21 04:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1077527, "source": "abseil", "severity": "serious", "title": "abseil: FTBFS: civil_time_test.cc:875:29: error: ������setfill������ is not a member of ������std������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-16 11:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1077602, "source": "js-of-ocaml", "severity": "normal", "title": "js-of-ocaml: build fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-31 06:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1077604, "source": "debhelper", "severity": "normal", "title": "debhelper: Remove qmake-qt4 build system (qmake-qt4 was removed in Bullseye)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-30 12:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1077605, "source": "pinfo", "severity": "grave", "title": "pinfo: copies a file from the current directory to /tmp", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-30 11:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1077607, "source": "devicexlib", "severity": "serious", "title": "devicexlib fails to build on armel/armhf/hppa/m68k/sh4 - invalid memory reference in dp_r4d", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-08 21:51:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1077608, "source": "devicexlib", "severity": "serious", "title": "devicexlib fails to build on ppc64el: MPIF90 not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-08 21:51:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1077617, "source": "rust-ahash-0.7", "severity": "serious", "title": "will not be maintained in trixie: please migrate to ahash v0.8", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-30 15:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1077629, "source": "safeeyes", "severity": "serious", "title": "safeeyes: safeeyes crashes immediately", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-10 23:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1077633, "source": "libgd2", "severity": "important", "title": "libgd2: Please add pkg.libgd2.noheif build profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-31 07:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1077645, "source": "autodep8", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "autodep8: should make it possible to have the coverage of both -pkg-python and -pkg-pybuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-01 05:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1077647, "source": "lprng", "severity": "normal", "title": "lprng: Drop redundant build-dependency on mawk | gawk", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-31 09:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1077650, "source": "curl", "severity": "serious", "title": "Binary build patching insanity", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-10 13:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1077651, "source": "vgabios", "severity": "normal", "title": "vgabios: Drop redundant build-dependency on gawk | awk", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-31 11:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1077674, "source": "spacenavd", "severity": "normal", "title": "spacenavd FTCBFS: builds for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-07-31 19:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1077701, "source": "pyroma", "severity": "grave", "title": "pyroma: Source code depends on removed python3-distutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-01 00:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1077750, "source": "dnsjava", "severity": "grave", "title": "dnsjava: CVE-2023-50387", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 20:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1077751, "source": "dnsjava", "severity": "grave", "title": "dnsjava: CVE-2023-50868", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 20:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1077766, "source": "certmonger", "severity": "serious", "title": "certmonger FTBFS with gcc 14", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 09:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1077800, "source": "mutter", "severity": "important", "title": "mutter: flaky test basic-x11: In pixman_region32_init_rect: Invalid rectangle passed; cogl_texture_2d_new_from_data: assertion 'data != NULL' failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-22 10:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1077808, "source": "jquery", "severity": "serious", "title": "jquery: FTBFS on amd64/unstable: Error: Cannot find module '/usr/lib/nodejs/requirejs/r.js'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-02 15:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1077824, "source": "python-amqplib", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-amqplib: Produced binary package is Python2 only", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-13 09:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1077845, "source": "release.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "release.debian.org: Should non-free-firmware require being built on buildd?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-04 12:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1077855, "source": "jami", "severity": "serious", "title": "jami FTBFS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-03 12:48:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1077867, "source": "etcd", "severity": "serious", "title": "etcd: autopkgtest issues: appears flaky and fails on amd64 since August 2023", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-09 00:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1077895, "source": "spellcast", "severity": "serious", "title": "spellcast: FTBFS: engine.c:114:5: error: implicit declaration of function 'clear_round'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-08 21:51:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1077909, "source": "meep-openmpi", "severity": "serious", "title": "meep-openmpi: Does this package still make sense?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-24 22:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1077912, "source": "live-tasks-non-free-firmware", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-tasks-non-free-firmware: please build on buildds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-04 11:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1077920, "source": "libcvd", "severity": "important", "title": "libcvd FTBFS on mips64el/alpha due to tests built with -O0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-04 14:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1077937, "source": "avahi", "severity": "serious", "title": "avahi-daemon: WARNING: Detected another IPv4 mDNS stack running on this host. This makes mDNS unreliable and is thus not recommended.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 16:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1077938, "source": "lintian", "severity": "normal", "title": "lintian: Fails to emit `debian-build-system` for packages not using `debian/rules`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-04 19:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1077946, "source": "gitlab", "severity": "serious", "title": "gitlab: FTBFS: cannot find package \"github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 13:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1077952, "source": "rust-packed-simd", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-packed-simd: FTBFS: error[E0557]: feature has been removed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-04 23:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1078015, "source": "gnome-shell-mailnag", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnome-shell-mailnag: works poorly", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-04 04:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1078055, "source": "refind", "severity": "grave", "title": "refind: ext4 driver in outdated debian version of refind (3.12) doesn't work", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-16 04:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1078138, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "git-buildpackage: Please automatically accept 'main' instead of 'master'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-07 11:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1078156, "source": "bart-cuda", "severity": "serious", "title": "bart-cuda: FTBFS in sid: ./test_convcorr segfaults", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-17 09:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1078159, "source": "r-cran-bayestestr", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-cran-bayestestr: autopkgtest regression in testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 10:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1078161, "source": "nvidia-settings-tesla", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-settings-tesla: should not be released with trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-07 14:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1078192, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: pbs-installer -- An installer for @indygreg's python-build-standalone", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-08 04:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1078229, "source": "xserver-xorg-video-ivtvdev", "severity": "serious", "title": "xserver-xorg-video-ivtvdev: FTBFS with GCC 14: error: assignment ... from incompatible pointer type ...", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-08 19:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1078231, "source": "kcemu", "severity": "serious", "title": "kcemu: FTBFS with GCC 14: assignment to ... from incompatible pointer type ...", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-08 20:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1078233, "source": "llvm-toolchain-18", "severity": "serious", "title": "libllvm-18-ocaml-dev: Missing OCaml Depends+Provides", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-27 15:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1078241, "source": "reiser4progs", "severity": "serious", "title": "reiser4progs: FTBFS with GCC 14: error: initialization of ... from incompatible pointer type ...", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-09-05 03:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1078268, "source": "pyfai", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pyfai: please make the package build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-11 15:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1078274, "source": "clamav", "severity": "serious", "title": "clamav: FTBFS: clamscan/assorted_test.py::TC::test_pe_cert_trust FAILED", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-29 08:18:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1078336, "source": "code-saturne", "severity": "serious", "title": "code-saturne: FTBFS with GCC 14: error: assignment to 'const cs_real_t *' {aka 'const double *'} from incompatible pointer type 'float *'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-09 16:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1078358, "source": "thin", "severity": "serious", "title": "thin: flaky build do to test with (short) timeout", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-15 10:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1078361, "source": "glib-networking", "severity": "serious", "title": "glib-networking test failure: /tls/gnutls/connection/verified-chain-with-alternative-ca-cert: assertion failed: (callback_was_not_called)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 16:36:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1078362, "source": "python-measurement", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-measurement: FTBFS: AssertionError: 294.261111111111 != 294.261111100000 within 7 places (1.11110693978844e-8 difference)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-10 05:54:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1078365, "source": "geophar", "severity": "serious", "title": "geophar: FTBFS: TypeError: Fonction(variable = x, expression = x^2+3x-1, ensemble = ]-oo;+oo[) should be of type (, , , , ), and not .", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-10 05:54:23 +0000" }, { "id": 1078380, "source": "gradle-kotlin-dsl", "severity": "serious", "title": "gradle-kotlin-dsl: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:10: override_dh_auto_build] Error 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-10 06:15:25 +0000" }, { "id": 1078386, "source": "gnome-chemistry-utils", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnome-chemistry-utils: FTBFS: gunicode.h:809:34: error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'char*' [-fpermissive]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-10 06:15:41 +0000" }, { "id": 1078395, "source": "kotlinx-atomicfu", "severity": "serious", "title": "kotlinx-atomicfu: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:7: override_dh_auto_build] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-10 06:16:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1078397, "source": "android-platform-tools-base", "severity": "serious", "title": "android-platform-tools-base: FTBFS: ExternalAnnotationRepository.java:65: error: package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup does not exist", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 08:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1078401, "source": "r-cran-psychtools", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-cran-psychtools: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: r-cran-rtf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-10 06:16:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1078404, "source": "sdcv", "severity": "normal", "title": "sdcv: FTBFS: gunicode.h:809:34: error: invalid conversion from ������const gchar*������ {aka ������const char*������} to ������gchar*������ {aka ������char*������} [-fpermissive]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 17:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1078414, "source": "kotlinx-coroutines", "severity": "serious", "title": "kotlinx-coroutines: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:10: override_dh_auto_build] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-10 06:16:57 +0000" }, { "id": 1078417, "source": "symfit", "severity": "serious", "title": "symfit: FTBFS: with pytest.raises(NameError):", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-10 06:17:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1078423, "source": "grub2", "severity": "grave", "title": "GRUB randomly breaks and no more boots", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-10 07:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1078437, "source": "tinc", "severity": "serious", "title": "tinc: FTBFS with current miniupnpc: error: too few arguments to function 'UPNP_GetValidIGD'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-10 11:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1078438, "source": "inotifyrecursive", "severity": "serious", "title": "inotifyrecursive: build-depends on no longer available python3-distutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-10-08 21:51:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1078444, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "autopkgtest-build-docker: should ideally use docker buildx", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-10 14:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1078460, "source": "cython-legacy", "severity": "serious", "title": "cython-legacy: Keep out of testing", "affected_sources": [ "cython-legacy" ], "affected_packages": [ "cython-legacy" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 17:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1078496, "source": "badger", "severity": "important", "title": "badger: FTBFS on ppc64el: --- FAIL: TestTableBigValues (0.81s)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-11-11 20:03:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1078519, "source": "iem-plugin-suite", "severity": "serious", "title": "iem-plugin-suite: FTBFS: /<>/resources/Standalone/MyStandaloneFilterWindow.h:70:14: fatal error: juce_audio_plugin_client/utility/juce_CreatePluginFilter.h: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-11 19:30:28 +0000" }, { "id": 1078528, "source": "python-thriftpy", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-thriftpy: RM? upstream archived", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-24 21:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1078553, "source": "zabbix", "severity": "grave", "title": "zabbix: CVE-2024-22114 CVE-2024-22116 CVE-2024-22121 CVE-2024-22122 CVE-2024-22123 CVE-2024-36460 CVE-2024-36461 CVE-2024-36462", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 16:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1078555, "source": "ofono", "severity": "grave", "title": "ofono: CVE-2024-7537 CVE-2024-7538 CVE-2024-7539 CVE-2024-7540 CVE-2024-7541 CVE-2024-7542 CVE-2024-7543 CVE-2024-7544 CVE-2024-7545 CVE-2024-7546 CVE-2024-7547", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-12 12:36:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1078556, "source": "bash", "severity": "grave", "title": "bash: 5.2.21-2.1 to 5.2.21-2.1+b1 breaks printf %.2f .1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-06 08:15:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1078583, "source": "bash", "severity": "grave", "title": "bash: printf '%5.1f' 1.498 prints multiple lines of numbers", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-06 08:15:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1078584, "source": "prime-phylo", "severity": "important", "title": "prime-phylo fails to build with mpi-defaults 1.17 on armhf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-25 07:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1078611, "source": "astropy", "severity": "important", "title": "astropy: will FTBFS during trixie support period", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 23:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1078613, "source": "dput-ng", "severity": "important", "title": "dput-ng: will FTBFS during trixie support period", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 23:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1078614, "source": "extrepo-data", "severity": "important", "title": "extrepo-data: will FTBFS during trixie support period", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 23:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1078616, "source": "golang-1.22", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-1.22: FTBFS because of expired certificate", "affected_sources": [ ], 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"node-tough-cookie", "severity": "important", "title": "node-tough-cookie: will FTBFS during trixie support period", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 23:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1078632, "source": "notary", "severity": "important", "title": "notary: will FTBFS during trixie support period", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 23:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1078635, "source": "puppetserver", "severity": "serious", "title": "puppetserver: will FTBFS during trixie support period", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": 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true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 23:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1078642, "source": "ruby3.1", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby3.1: will FTBFS during trixie support period", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 23:27:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1078643, "source": "rubygems", "severity": "important", "title": "rubygems: will FTBFS during trixie support period", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 23:27:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1078644, "source": "ssl-utils-clojure", "severity": "important", "title": "ssl-utils-clojure: will FTBFS during trixie support period", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 23:27:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1078645, "source": "stunnel4", "severity": "important", "title": "stunnel4: will FTBFS during trixie support period", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 15:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1078646, "source": "ruby-atlassian-jwt", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-atlassian-jwt: will FTBFS during trixie support period", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 23:27:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1078673, "source": "libxml2", "severity": "normal", "title": "libxml2: FTBFS with nopython build profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-14 08:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1078691, "source": "r4d", "severity": "serious", "title": "r4d: please move away from pysimplesoap that is Orphaned & slated for removal", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 17:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1078694, "source": "openctm", "severity": "normal", "title": "openctm FTCBFS: native build picks up host flags such as -mbranch-protection=standard when cross compiling for arm64 on amd64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-14 12:13:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1078703, "source": "tracy", "severity": "grave", "title": "tracy: Fail to compile on most architectures: try to FetchContent from internet", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-14 14:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1078735, "source": "xserver-xorg-video-vesa", "severity": "normal", "title": "xserver-xorg-video-vesa: fix FTBFS on multiple platforms with newer GCC", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 08:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1078793, "source": "dh-golang", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Provide environment variables as file like /usr/share/dpkg/buildflags.mk", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-19 21:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1078811, "source": "gitlab-shell", "severity": "serious", "title": "gitaly: FTBFS: cannot find package \"github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-23 17:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1078836, "source": "php-doctrine-bundle", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-doctrine-bundle: FTBFS: PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/usr/share/php/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/../HttpClient/autoload.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /usr/share/php/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/autoload.php on line 6", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-21 20:36:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1078837, "source": "php-laravel-lumen-framework", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-laravel-lumen-framework: FTBFS: PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/usr/share/php/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/../HttpClient/autoload.php' (include_path='src:.:/usr/share/php') in /usr/share/php/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/autoload.php on line 6", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-21 20:36:18 +0000" }, { "id": 1078838, "source": "php-twig", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-twig: FTBFS: PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/usr/share/php/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/../HttpClient/autoload.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /usr/share/php/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/autoload.php on line 6", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-21 20:36:19 +0000" }, { "id": 1078839, "source": "user-mode-linux", "severity": "serious", "title": "user-mode-linux: FTBFS: Patch /<>/debian/patches/07-remove-rpath.patch does not apply", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-16 23:21:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1078840, "source": "libflickr-api-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libflickr-api-perl: FTBFS: Failed test 'checking the error code for \"method not found\"'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-16 23:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1078841, "source": "puppetlabs-ring-middleware-clojure", "severity": "serious", "title": "puppetlabs-ring-middleware-clojure: FTBFS: java.security.cert.CertificateExpiredException: NotAfter: Sat Jun 08 20:56:16 UTC 2024", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-16 23:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1078842, "source": "strace", "severity": "serious", "title": "strace: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-17 23:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1078844, "source": "trapperkeeper-status-clojure", "severity": "serious", "title": "trapperkeeper-status-clojure: FTBFS: java.security.cert.CertificateExpiredException: NotAfter: Sat Jun 08 21:21:40 UTC 2024", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-16 23:45:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1078845, "source": "uvloop", "severity": "serious", "title": "uvloop: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-16 23:45:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1078861, "source": "numpy", "severity": "normal", "title": "python3-numpy: f2py does not link object files correctly when building extension modules", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-19 10:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1078868, "source": "doxygen", "severity": "normal", "title": "Reproducible builds failing in other packages due to a regression in Doxygen", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-20 06:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1078879, "source": "python-webob", "severity": "grave", "title": "python-webob: CVE-2024-42353", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 18:09:23 +0000" }, { "id": 1078884, "source": "node-csstype", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-csstype: FTBFS: Argument of type 'Timer' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string | number | Timeout | undefined'.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-17 13:45:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1078886, "source": "node-fstream-ignore", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-fstream-ignore: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-10 19:36:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1078887, "source": "node-jest", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-jest: FTBFS: error TS2578: Unused '@ts-expect-error' directive.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-17 13:45:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1078888, "source": "node-jschardet", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-jschardet: FTBFS: error TS2307: Cannot find module 'undici-types' or its corresponding type declarations.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-17 13:45:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1078889, "source": "node-js-sdsl", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-js-sdsl: FTBFS: TypeError: Cannot set property constructor of [object Object] which has only a getter", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-17 13:45:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1078891, "source": "node-recast", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-recast: FTBFS: error TS2307: Cannot find module 'undici-types' or its corresponding type declarations.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-17 13:45:25 +0000" }, { "id": 1078892, "source": "node-redis", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-redis: FTBFS: Type 'Timer' is not assignable to type 'string | number | Timeout | undefined'.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-17 13:45:27 +0000" }, { "id": 1078893, "source": "node-regexpp", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-regexpp: FTBFS: Cannot find module 'undici-types' or its corresponding type declarations.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-17 13:45:30 +0000" }, { "id": 1078894, "source": "node-resolve", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-resolve: FTBFS: test/index.js wasi not supported; requiring throws", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-17 13:45:33 +0000" }, { "id": 1078895, "source": "node-rollup", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-rollup: FTBFS: @rollup/plugin-typescript TS2769: No overload matches this call.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-17 13:45:35 +0000" }, { "id": 1078901, "source": "nvda2speechd", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvda2speechd: FTBFS: error: failed to select a version for the requirement `rmp-serde = \"=1.1.0\"`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-20 11:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1078902, "source": "science.js", "severity": "serious", "title": "science.js: FTBFS: Error parsing /<>/package.json: Unexpected end of JSON input", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-17 13:45:54 +0000" }, { "id": 1078903, "source": "symfony", "severity": "serious", "title": "symfony: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-29 08:18:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1078927, "source": "libxt", "severity": "normal", "title": "libxt: make the libglib2.0-dev build dependency optional", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-17 20:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1078928, "source": "udns", "severity": "normal", "title": "udns FTCBFS: does not pass any cross tools to the build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-17 20:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1078936, "source": "cdebconf", "severity": "normal", "title": "cdebconf: allow building without libglib2.0-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-17 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"affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-21 23:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1079105, "source": "bash", "severity": "grave", "title": "coreutils: printf \"%.8f\" outputs huge random looking number when read from a variable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-06 21:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1079177, "source": "folks", "severity": "important", "title": "folks: build tests failing with glib >= 2.80", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-20 21:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1079184, "source": "wine", "severity": "important", "title": "wine: Removes and generates debian/control at build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-21 02:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1079185, "source": "wine-development", "severity": "important", "title": "wine-development: Removes and generates debian/control at build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-21 02:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1079199, "source": "gtimelog", "severity": "serious", "title": "gtimelog: Fails to build from source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 12:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1079226, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "O: yotta -- 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+0000" }, { "id": 1079292, "source": "gtk+3.0", "severity": "serious", "title": "libgtk-3-0t64: segfault in gdk_window_get_toplevel() crashes waybar when clicking any tray icon", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 11:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1079335, "source": "synfig", "severity": "serious", "title": "synfig FTBFS with autoconf 2.72", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-22 16:12:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1079336, "source": "vdr-plugin-skinenigmang", "severity": "serious", "title": "vdr-plugin-skinenigmang: FTBFS with newer imagemagick7", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 13:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1079338, "source": "rss-glx", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with newer imagemagick7", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-29 01:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1079346, "source": "faketime", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:faketime: fails to migrate to testing for too long: FTBFS on 32 bit archs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 09:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1079489, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "normal", "title": "dpkg-dev: buildflags.mk messes with string double quoting", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-28 22:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1079516, "source": "libreswan", "severity": "serious", "title": "libreswan/experimental FTBFS with gcc 14", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-24 08:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1079523, "source": "firebird4.0", "severity": "serious", "title": "firebird4.0 FTBFS with autoconf 2.72", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 19:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1079524, "source": "hasl", "severity": "serious", "title": "hasl FTBFS: FAILED: hasl/reference/hasl", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-08-24 09:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1079531, "source": "ezquake", "severity": "normal", "title": "ezquake FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-12 18:04:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1079553, "source": "zziplib", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:zziplib: fails to migrate to testing for too long: FTBFS on s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-24 13:57:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1079578, "source": "gnome-control-center", "severity": "grave", "title": "Secure Shell is disabled after being enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-01 19:00:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1079588, "source": "mandos", "severity": "serious", "title": "mandos-client postrm purge can mysteriously fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-12 17:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1079604, "source": "epics-base", "severity": "normal", "title": "epics-base:FTBFS:build failure (not support riscv64)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-05 09:12:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1079612, "source": "rauc", "severity": "normal", "title": "rauc: Please don't build-depend on dbus-x11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 10:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1079720, "source": "arctica-greeter", "severity": "normal", "title": "arctica-greeter: Please don't build-depend on dbus-x11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 19:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1079741, "source": "linux", "severity": "important", "title": "buildd.debian.org: Keyboard not work on Debian 12/13 over Asus Vivobook Go 14 E1404GAB_E1404GA notebook", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 19:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1079756, "source": "symfit", "severity": "serious", "title": "setuptools test command is removed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-27 07:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1079810, "source": "peony", "severity": "serious", "title": "peony: Plasma 6 transition - libkscreen", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-25 22:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1079811, "source": "ukui-control-center", "severity": "serious", "title": "ukui-control-center: Plasma 6 transition - libkscreen", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-25 22:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1079812, "source": "ukui-settings-daemon", "severity": "serious", "title": "ukui-settings-daemon: Plasma 6 transition - libkscreen", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-25 22:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1079813, "source": "ukui-panel", "severity": "serious", "title": "ukui-panel: Plasma 6 transition - libkscreen", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-25 22:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1079826, "source": "python-eventlet", "severity": "normal", "title": "python-eventlet: please remove the extraneous python3-six build dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-24 11:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1079852, "source": "protobuf", "severity": "grave", "title": "ruby-google-protobuf: no longer builds protobuf_c.so", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-10-09 18:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1079874, "source": "valgrind", "severity": "serious", "title": "valgrind: FTBFS with mpich instead of openmpi", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-17 11:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1079936, "source": "plexus-build-api", "severity": "normal", "title": "plexus-build-api: new version available", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-28 18:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1079938, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild-createchroot creates unmerged /usr for bookworm by default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 14:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1079963, "source": "hydroffice.bag", "severity": "serious", "title": "Should hydroffice.bag be removed from unstable?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-28 08:30:21 +0000" }, { "id": 1080000, "source": "mozjs128", "severity": "important", "title": "mozjs128: SharedArrayBuffer feature unavailable on armel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-29 09:49:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1080012, "source": "git-delta", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-delta: FTBFS: error: test failed, to rerun pass `--bin delta`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 22:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1080062, "source": "gitlab-ci-multi-runner", "severity": "serious", "title": "gitlab-ci-multi-runner FTBFS: go install fails mysteriously", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-30 09:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1080122, "source": "powerline", "severity": "serious", "title": "powerline: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'zsh'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 21:24:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1080123, "source": "pycollada", "severity": "serious", "title": "pycollada: FTBFS: FAIL: test_cimage_data_loading (collada.tests.test_material.TestMaterial.test_cimage_data_loading)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 21:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1080127, "source": "python-bitcoinlib", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-bitcoinlib: FTBFS: ERROR: test_tx_invalid (bitcoin.tests.test_transactions.Test_CTransaction.test_tx_invalid)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-01 17:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1080136, "source": "pyzbar", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyzbar: FTBFS: ERROR: test_read_qrcode (pyzbar.tests.test_read_zbar.TestReadZbar.test_read_qrcode)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-31 15:57:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1080143, "source": "urfkill", "severity": "serious", "title": "urfkill: FTBFS: checking Session tracking support... ./configure: line 15715: syntax error near unexpected token `;;'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 21:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1080148, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: add option to run `dh clean` inside the chroot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-06 23:48:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1080187, "source": "toulbar2", "severity": "minor", "title": "toulbar2: FTBFS with doxygen 1.12.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-17 09:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1080194, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "minor", "title": "sbuild: Please rewrite \"wall of text\" manpage synopsis", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-08-31 11:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1080199, "source": "parmetis", "severity": "serious", "title": "parmetis: autopkgtest regressions with mpich as default provider on 32 bit architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-09-28 08:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1080225, "source": "protobuf", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with setuptools 72: error: invalid command 'test'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-10-13 13:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1080277, "source": "pyemd", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with setuptools >= 72: error: invalid command 'test'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-01 16:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1080301, "source": "rubygems-integration", "severity": "normal", "title": "rubygems-integration: FTBFS with Ruby 3.3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-01 17:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1080327, "source": "gtk4", "severity": "important", "title": "gtk4: intermittent test failure in gsk/scaling test: generated texture for r16g16b16a16-float* doesn't match reference", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-09-02 12:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1080401, "source": "nbd", "severity": "important", "title": "\"make check\" is flaky, regularly FTBFS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-04 11:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1080420, "source": "selinux-python", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-sepolicy has an undeclared file conflict", "affected_sources": [ "selinux-gui" ], "affected_packages": [ "policycoreutils-gui" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 10:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1080433, "source": "golang-github-coreos-pkg", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-coreos-pkg: autopkgtest fails: TestCopyOne iocopy_test.go:73: unexpected output", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 12:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1080480, "source": "rust-merge", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-merge: most autopkgtests fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-10 15:36:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1080515, "source": "ddcutil", "severity": "serious", "title": "ddcutil: FTBFS on arm{el,hf}: passing argument 2 of 'str_to_long' from incompatible pointer type", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-06 13:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1080577, "source": "debgpt", "severity": "serious", "title": "Missing Build-Depends on python3-setuptools", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 19:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1080821, "source": "turbocase", "severity": "serious", "title": "Missing Build-Depends on python3-setuptools", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 17:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1080883, "source": "organize", "severity": "serious", "title": "Missing Build-Depends on python3-setuptools", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-22 13:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1080931, "source": "numberstation", "severity": "serious", "title": "Missing Build-Depends on python3-setuptools", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 11:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1080980, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build still depends on bullseye", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-30 21:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081000, "source": "dwz", "severity": "normal", "title": "dwz: Fails with \"DWARF CU type DW_UT_type unhandled\" when building wpewebkit", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-06 15:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081015, "source": "wcc", "severity": "serious", "title": "wcc: Built-Using field incorrectly used", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-06 20:45:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1081041, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build: GRUB should reliable detect Live media in case multiple Live medias is present (UEFI, secure boot)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-11 10:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081047, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "devscripts: debrebuild from branch debrebuild fails to download .dsc file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-15 23:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1081048, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "devscripts: debrebuild from main branch does not work with a proxy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-13 15:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1081050, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "normal", "title": "devscripts: debrebuild from main branch fails to create a debrebuild.tar", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-07 16:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081074, "source": "debian-design", "severity": "serious", "title": "debian-design: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-29 08:18:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1081075, "source": "debian-parl", "severity": "serious", "title": "debian-parl: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-07 23:58:24 +0000" }, { "id": 1081077, "source": "gcc-h8300-hms", "severity": "serious", "title": "gcc-h8300-hms: FTBFS: ../../../libiberty/regex.c:2310:11: error: implicit declaration of function ������free������ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-28 08:30:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1081081, "source": "kore", "severity": "serious", "title": "kore: FTBFS: src/pgsql.c:774:9: error: enumeration value ������PGRES_TUPLES_CHUNK������ not handled in switch [-Werror=switch]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-29 08:18:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1081085, "source": "nim-docopt", "severity": "serious", "title": "nim-docopt: FTBFS: src/docopt.nim:237:18: error: assignment to ������tyObject_PatterncolonObjectType___PCofIhTSzvWNUhpfrBhs0w *������ from incompatible pointer type ������tyObject_ArgumentcolonObjectType___dYdIF3WfZnSQVqfaNmhqRg *������ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-29 08:18:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1081087, "source": "ognibuild", "severity": "serious", "title": "ognibuild: FTBFS: error: failed to select a version for the requirement `pyo3 = \"^0.20\"`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-07 23:58:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1081089, "source": "oregano", "severity": "serious", "title": "oregano: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imp'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-29 08:18:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1081090, "source": "pcb", "severity": "serious", "title": "pcb: FTBFS: Please ensure all strings marked for translation are UTF-8 encoded.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 12:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1081091, "source": "prads", "severity": "serious", "title": "prads: FTBFS: mac.c:335:6: error: type of ������eth_hdr������ defaults to ������int������ [-Wimplicit-int]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-28 08:30:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1081093, "source": "python-aiortc", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-aiortc: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-07 23:58:39 +0000" }, { "id": 1081100, "source": "intel-compute-runtime", "severity": "serious", "title": "satdump: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-depends", "affected_sources": [ "satdump" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:satdump" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-08 21:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1081108, "source": "xcb", "severity": "serious", "title": "xcb: FTBFS: xcb.c:1353:1: error: return type defaults to ������int������ [-Wimplicit-int]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-28 08:30:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1081185, "source": "gnome-authenticator", "severity": "grave", "title": "gnome-authenticator: Upgrading from oldstable to unstable breaks application", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-24 01:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081193, "source": "apt", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "apt: please implement purge-build-dep", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-11 08:58:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1081196, "source": "crowdsec", "severity": "critical", "title": "crowdsec ssh log monitoring broken by latest \"openssh-server\" package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-29 08:18:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1081223, "source": "node-microsoft-fast", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-microsoft-fast: FTBFS: error TS2307: Cannot find module '@microsoft/fast-element' or its corresponding type declarations.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-09 16:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081227, "source": "zeal", "severity": "serious", "title": "zeal: FTBFS against Qt 6.7.2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-29 21:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081243, "source": "python-pyflow", "severity": "grave", "title": "python3-pyflow: helloWorld and other examples not runnable, possibly since python2 dropped", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-29 18:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1081267, "source": "mir", "severity": "serious", "title": "mir: FTBFS on several architectures: undefined reference to std::__cxx11::basic_string", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 18:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1081275, "source": "gtk4", "severity": "important", "title": "gtk4: gdk/memorytexture test failing in r16g16b16-float/ngl on mips64el only", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-11-06 17:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1081276, "source": "sqlalchemy", "severity": "normal", "title": "sqlalchemy: Align autopkgtest test exclusion list with package build tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-10 09:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081336, "source": "bmap-tools", "severity": "important", "title": "Intermittent FTBFS due to hang in tests/test_api_base.py", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 00:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081357, "source": "oz", "severity": "serious", "title": "oz: Needs explicit Depends on libvirt-daemon-driver-qemu", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-15 14:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081369, "source": "haskell-libxml-sax", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-11 07:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081373, "source": "haskell-argon2", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-06 23:03:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1081377, "source": "iptables-netflow", "severity": "serious", "title": "iptables-netflow-dkms: module fails to build with gcc-14 due to -Werror=incompatible-pointer-types", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-08 02:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081386, "source": "haskell-gsasl", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-11 10:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081387, "source": "haskell-set-extra", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-11 10:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081417, "source": "gnome-settings-daemon", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "gnome-settings-daemon: should ideally run additional build-time tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-18 13:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081424, "source": "bash", "severity": "grave", "title": "Bash built-in printf produces garbage number output in current Debian Testing (2024-09-11)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-06 08:15:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1081436, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: should escape indented diffs somehow", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-09 18:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1081437, "source": "gnome-settings-daemon", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "gnome-settings-daemon: frequent test failure: timed out waiting for a reader on klass.display_name_fifo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-18 13:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081439, "source": "gnome-settings-daemon", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "gnome-settings-daemon: test failure on ppc64el: timeout and segfault in BrightnessStep test", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-18 13:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1081440, "source": "gnome-settings-daemon", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "gnome-settings-daemon: test failure on arm64: Lid: timed out waiting for unblank", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-18 13:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1081445, "source": "gcc-11-cross", "severity": "important", "title": "gcc-11-cross: FTBFS because of Makefile bug: ../../gnatbind: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-13 05:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081446, "source": "gcc-12-cross", "severity": "important", "title": "gcc-12-cross: FTBFS because of Makefile bug: ../../gnatbind: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-13 05:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081447, "source": "gcc-13-cross", "severity": "important", "title": "gcc-13-cross: FTBFS because of Makefile bug: ../../gnatbind: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-13 05:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1081448, "source": "gcc-14-cross", "severity": "important", "title": "gcc-14-cross: FTBFS because of Makefile bug: ../../gnatbind: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-13 05:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1081473, "source": "libprelude", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with Python 3.13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-25 00:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081475, "source": "vertx-docgen", "severity": "serious", "title": "vertx-docgen: the package fails to build with default-jdk", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-23 18:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081520, "source": "rust-dbus-secret-service", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-dbus-secret-service: autopkgtest failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-12 11:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081525, "source": "libpam-freerdp2", "severity": "serious", "title": "libpam-freerdp2: Stop using freerdp2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 01:48:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1081528, "source": "krdp", "severity": "serious", "title": "krdp: Stop using freerdp2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 21:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1081529, "source": "debian-edu", "severity": "serious", "title": "education-desktop-other: Stop recommending freerdp2-x11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 10:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081532, "source": "autoconf2.13", "severity": "serious", "title": "autoconf2.13: Keep out of trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-28 08:30:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1081548, "source": "aptitude", "severity": "normal", "title": "aptitude: build-dep does recognize packages using debhelper-compat", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-12 16:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1081564, "source": "xsane", "severity": "normal", "title": "xsane: Consider build-depends on libjpeg-dev rather than libjpeg62-turbo-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 14:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1081606, "source": "cdk", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "cdk: run upstream tests during 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incompatible pointer type", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 00:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1082284, "source": "libunwind", "severity": "serious", "title": "libunwind: FTBFS on arm64: expected 'unw_tdep_context_t *' but argument is of type 'ucontext_t *'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 22:00:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1082301, "source": "lhs2tex", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: orphaned", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-06 23:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1082313, 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"severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-06 23:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1082407, "source": "haskell-crypto-random-api", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-20 19:06:44 +0000" }, { "id": 1082408, "source": "haskell-csv-conduit", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-22 16:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1082409, "source": 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1082413, "source": "haskell-reform", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-06 23:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1082414, "source": "haskell-reform-happstack", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-20 19:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082416, "source": "haskell-regex-applicative-text", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-20 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false, "last_modified": "2024-09-20 19:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082438, "source": "eluceo-ical", "severity": "normal", "title": "eluceo-ical: FTBFS with php8.4_8.4.0~beta4-1: unsatisfiable build-dependency: php-pcov (versioned dep on a virtual pkg?)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-21 02:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082441, "source": "matthiasmullie-minify", "severity": "normal", "title": "matthiasmullie-minify: FTBFS with php8.4_8.4.0~beta4-1: unsatisfiable build-dependency: php-pcov (versioned dep on a virtual pkg?)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-21 02:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1082442, "source": "php-ast", "severity": "normal", "title": "php-ast: FTBFS with php8.4_8.4.0~beta4-1: ast.c:1518:62: error: 'ZEND_DIM_ALTERNATIVE_SYNTAX' undeclared (first use in this function)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-16 07:34:39 +0000" }, { "id": 1082444, "source": "php-di", "severity": "normal", "title": "php-di: FTBFS with php8.4_8.4.0~beta4-1: ParseError: syntax error, unexpected token \"\\\", expecting \";\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 18:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082446, "source": "php-easyrdf", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-easyrdf: FTBFS with php8.4_8.4.0~beta4-1: E: Build killed with signal TERM after 150 minutes of inactivity", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 17:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082448, "source": "php-fdomdocument", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-fdomdocument: FTBFS with php8.4_8.4.0~beta4-1: [exec] PHP Fatal error: Cannot make static method DOMXPath::quote() non static in class TheSeer\\fDOM\\fDOMXPath in /<>/src/fDOMXPath.php on line 153", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 17:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082452, "source": "php-mcrypt", "severity": "normal", "title": "php-mcrypt: FTBFS with php8.4_8.4.0~beta4-1: dpkg-buildpackage: error: fakeroot debian/rules clean subprocess returned exit status 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-16 07:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1082457, "source": "php-nesbot-carbon", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-nesbot-carbon: FTBFS with php8.4_8.4.0~beta4-1: .....................................................PHP Fatal error: Declaration of DateTime::createFromTimestamp(int|float $timestamp): PHPUnit\\Util\\FileLoader must be compatible with Carbon\\CarbonInterface::createFromTimestamp($timestamp, $tz = null) in /<>/tests/CarbonPeriod/Fixtures/AbstractCarbon.php on line 0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-05 13:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082458, "source": "php-net-publicsuffix", "severity": "normal", "title": "php-net-publicsuffix: FTBFS with php8.4_8.4.0~beta4-1: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: idn_to_ascii(): Argument #1 ($domain) must not be empty in /<>/Net/PublicSuffix.php:89", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-21 02:18:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1082467, "source": "php-psr", "severity": "normal", "title": "php-psr: FTBFS with php8.4_8.4.0~beta4-1: dh_auto_test: error: cd build-8.4 && make -j1 test \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j1 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 INSTALL_ROOT=/<>/debian/php8.4-psr returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-16 07:34:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1082473, "source": "php-sabre-vobject", "severity": "normal", "title": "php-sabre-vobject: FTBFS with php8.4_8.4.0~beta4-1: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:13: override_dh_auto_test] Error 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-21 02:21:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1082476, "source": "php-sql-formatter", "severity": "normal", "title": "php-sql-formatter: FTBFS with php8.4_8.4.0~beta4-1: PHP Warning: require_once(/usr/share/php/Doctrine/SqlFormatter/autoload.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /<>/vendor/autoload.php on line 4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-21 02:21:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1082479, "source": "php-uopz", "severity": "normal", "title": "php-uopz: FTBFS with php8.4_8.4.0~beta4-1: handlers.c:127:27: error: 'ZEND_EXIT' undeclared here (not in a function); did you mean 'ZEND_CAST'?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-16 07:33:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1082480, "source": "php-uploadprogress", "severity": "normal", "title": "php-uploadprogress: FTBFS with php8.4_8.4.0~beta4-1: dh_auto_test: error: cd build-8.4 && make -j1 test \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j1 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 INSTALL_ROOT=/<>/php-uploadprogress-2.0.2\\+1.1.4/debian/php8.4-uploadprogress returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-16 07:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1082482, "source": "php-yaml", "severity": "normal", "title": "php-yaml: FTBFS with php8.4_8.4.0~beta4-1: parse.c:534:39: error: passing argument 1 of 'zval_ptr_dtor' from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-16 07:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082485, "source": "phpdox", "severity": "serious", "title": "phpdox: FTBFS with php8.4_8.4.0~beta4-1: [exec] PHP Fatal error: Cannot make static method DOMXPath::quote() non static in class TheSeer\\fDOM\\fDOMXPath in /usr/share/php/TheSeer/fDOMDocument/fDOMXPath.php on line 153", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 17:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082486, "source": "phpmyadmin", "severity": "serious", "title": "phpmyadmin: FTBFS with php8.4_8.4.0~beta4-1: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:17: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 21:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082490, "source": "xdebug", "severity": "normal", "title": "xdebug: FTBFS with php8.4_8.4.0~beta4-1: cc: error: unrecognized command-line option '-V'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-02 21:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082524, "source": "python-parsl", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:python-parsl: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: python3-ipyparallel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-21 16:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082534, "source": "haskell-mime", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-21 17:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082535, "source": "haskell-mtlparse", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-21 17:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082536, "source": "haskell-regexpr", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-22 16:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1082555, "source": "sslh", "severity": "serious", "title": "sslh blocks when reading data in some systems", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 03:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082560, "source": "haskell-cryptohash-conduit", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-22 10:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082561, "source": "haskell-cryptohash-cryptoapi", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-22 10:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082562, "source": "dyssol", "severity": "serious", "title": "dyssol: FTBFS build fails with sundials 7", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-30 17:36:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1082563, "source": "haskell-qrencode", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-22 11:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1082564, "source": "haskell-readline", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-22 11:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1082565, "source": "haskell-tagshare", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-06 23:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1082566, "source": "ldap-haskell", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-22 11:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082569, "source": "haxe", "severity": "serious", "title": "haxe: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 22:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082570, "source": "libportal", "severity": "serious", "title": "libportal: FTBFS with segfault during TestInputCapture, reliably on AWS but rarely elsewhere", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 17:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1082579, "source": "organize", "severity": "serious", "title": "organize: please update to 3.2.5 and drop dependency on deprecated python3-fs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-28 08:30:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1082628, "source": "nvchecker", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvchecker has an undeclared file conflict", "affected_sources": [ "python-nvchecker" ], "affected_packages": [ "python3-nvchecker" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-23 15:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1082647, "source": "initramfs-tools", "severity": "serious", "title": "copy_exec: [regression] ignores trailing slash, installs file as directory name", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 14:03:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1082659, "source": "libunwind", "severity": "serious", "title": "libunwind8: 1.7 regression: Xvfb segfaults on armhf", "affected_sources": [ "gnome-bluetooth", "gnome-bluetooth3", "libadwaita-1", "libhandy-1" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:gnome-bluetooth", "src:gnome-bluetooth3", "src:libhandy-1", "src:libadwaita-1" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 22:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082680, "source": "gnome-control-center", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnome-control-center: FTBFS: /usr/include/glib-2.0/gobject/gtype.h:2656:42: error: passing argument 4 of ������goa_provider_show_account������ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-05 02:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1082696, "source": "python-openstackclient", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-openstackclient: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'simplejson'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-09-25 08:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1082699, "source": "tint2", "severity": "serious", "title": "tint2: FTBFS: /usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/tint2conf.dir/__/util/common.c.o: undefined reference to symbol 'sqrt@@GLIBC_2.2.5'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-18 21:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082702, "source": "magic-wormhole-transit-relay", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "magic-wormhole-transit-relay: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-24 18:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1082707, "source": "lomiri-content-hub", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "lomiri-content-hub: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-24 19:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082721, "source": "khmer", "severity": "serious", "title": "khmer: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 03:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1082725, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers", "severity": "normal", "title": "Failed dkms autoinstall build upgrading", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-24 23:12:28 +0000" }, { "id": 1082751, "source": "nbdkit", "severity": "serious", "title": "nbdkit: FTBFS on mips64el: Segmentation fault nbdkit $1 --help", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-27 00:18:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1082754, "source": "ruby-redis", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:ruby-redis: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-25 18:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1082763, "source": "flatpak-builder", "severity": "normal", "title": "flatpak-builder: Unable to build apps using the 24.08 SDK", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-04 16:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082784, "source": "emscripten", "severity": "serious", "title": "emscripten: src:wabt FTBFS after 3.1.66~dfsg-2 upload", "affected_sources": [ "wabt" ], "affected_packages": [ "wabt", "src:wabt" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 11:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1082796, "source": "python-mt-940", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "python-mt-940: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-26 14:03:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1082804, "source": "ledgersmb", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ledgersmb: FTBFS (test failure) if building as root", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-27 17:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1082810, "source": "gscan2pdf", "severity": "normal", "title": "gscan2pdf: deadlock in tests if building as root", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-05 07:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1082815, "source": "analizo", "severity": "important", "title": "analizo: FTBFS (tests fail) on sid if building as root", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-28 14:43:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1082826, "source": "dh-python", "severity": "minor", "title": "dh-python: allow using cmake+ninja as buildsystem", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-10-29 11:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1082868, "source": "dogtag-pki", "severity": "grave", "title": "dogtag-pki: CVE-2023-4727", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-27 15:24:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1082881, "source": "x2gobroker", "severity": "serious", "title": "Fails to start: No module named 'asyncore'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-27 17:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082883, "source": "x2gobroker", "severity": "serious", "title": "Doesn't start: No module named 'distutils'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-27 17:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1082884, "source": "x2gobroker", "severity": "serious", "title": "Fails to start: No module named 'asyncore'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-27 17:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1082921, "source": "ksyntax-highlighting", "severity": "normal", "title": "ksyntax-highlighting FTCBFS: passes host compiler flags to the build compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-28 10:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082922, "source": "haskell-x509-util", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-29 08:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1082927, "source": "flatpak", "severity": "grave", "title": "flatpak [LTS]: CVE-2024-42472: sandbox escape for apps with --persist=DIR permission", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-30 09:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1082974, "source": "golang-golang-x-tools", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-golang-x-tools: FTBFS: diagnostic \"types.Alias requires go1.22 or later (module is go1.21)\" does not match pattern `types.Alias requires go1.22 or later (file is go1.16)`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-29 11:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1082975, "source": "node-kew", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-kew: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: /bin/sh -ex debian/tests/pkg-js/test returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-01 19:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1082991, "source": "dpaste", "severity": "serious", "title": "dpaste: FTBFS: /usr/include/curlpp/Options.hpp:281:74: error: invalid conversion from ������int������ to ������CURLoption������ [-fpermissive]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-01 19:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1082992, "source": "node-http-server", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-http-server: FTBFS: TypeError: util.puts is not a function", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-29 18:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1083011, "source": "lenovolegionlinux", "severity": "serious", "title": "lenovolegionlinux-dkms: module fails to build with gcc-14 due to -Werror=incompatible-pointer-types", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-09 18:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1083016, "source": "lomiri-online-accounts", "severity": "normal", "title": "lomiri-online-accounts: fails to build on Ubuntu", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-09-30 00:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1083022, "source": "tumbler", "severity": "serious", "title": "tumbler fails to coinstall: trying to overwrite shared '/usr/lib/systemd/user/tumblerd.service'", "affected_sources": [ "debian-crossgrader" ], "affected_packages": [ "crossgrader" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 15:03:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1083024, "source": "teg", "severity": "serious", "title": "teg: new upstream release fixes frequent segfault", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-06 07:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1083030, "source": "shoogle", "severity": "serious", "title": "shoogle: please replace old deprecated python3-oauth2client with python3-google-auth", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-14 08:06:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1083031, "source": "pydrive2", "severity": "serious", "title": "pydrive2: please replace old deprecated python3-oauth2client with python3-google-auth", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-17 14:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1083059, "source": "hfsplus", "severity": "normal", "title": "hfsplus: FTBFS with gcc-14", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-08 21:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1083075, "source": "openshot-qt", "severity": "grave", "title": "openshot-qt: fails to start: AttributeError: module 'eventlet.green.select' has no attribute 'epoll'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-01 05:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1083076, "source": "rdkit", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-rdkit: SEGFAULT on import on armhf and armel", "affected_sources": [ "coot", "votca" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:coot", "src:votca" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 11:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1083087, "source": "nss-pem", "severity": "important", "title": "nss FTBFS on 32bit arm userland and 64bit kernel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-01 11:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1083105, "source": "typecatcher", "severity": "grave", "title": "typecatcher: program will not start", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-09 15:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1083120, "source": "viagee", "severity": "grave", "title": "Viagee permanently disabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 15:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1083142, "source": "pg-bsd-indent", "severity": "serious", "title": "pg-bsd-indent: FTBFS: indent.c:1220:(.text.startup+0xc07): undefined reference to `pg_sprintf'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-19 18:48:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1083145, "source": "prove6", "severity": "serious", "title": "prove6: FTBFS: Missing or wrong version of dependency 'gen/moar/BOOTSTRAP/v6c.nqp'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 22:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1083146, "source": "raku-hash-merge", "severity": "serious", "title": "raku-hash-merge: FTBFS: Missing or wrong version of dependency 'gen/moar/BOOTSTRAP/v6c.nqp'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 22:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1083147, "source": "raku-json-class", "severity": "serious", "title": "raku-json-class: FTBFS: Missing or wrong version of dependency 'gen/moar/BOOTSTRAP/v6c.nqp'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 22:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1083148, "source": "raku-json-marshal", "severity": "serious", "title": "raku-json-marshal: FTBFS: Missing or wrong version of dependency 'gen/moar/BOOTSTRAP/v6c.nqp'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 22:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1083151, "source": "raku-json-unmarshal", "severity": "serious", "title": "raku-json-unmarshal: FTBFS: Missing or wrong version of dependency 'gen/moar/BOOTSTRAP/v6c.nqp'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 22:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1083152, "source": "raku-license-spdx", "severity": "serious", "title": "raku-license-spdx: FTBFS: Missing or wrong version of dependency 'gen/moar/BOOTSTRAP/v6c.nqp'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 22:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1083154, "source": "raku-zef", "severity": "serious", "title": "raku-zef: FTBFS: Missing or wrong version of dependency 'gen/moar/BOOTSTRAP/v6c.nqp'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 22:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1083160, "source": "pytorch-text", "severity": "serious", "title": "pytorch-text FTBFS: py3versions: empty set of versions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-11 17:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1083163, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "normal", "title": "autopkgtest-build-docker: fails to build Buster container", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-02 14:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1083184, "source": "golang-github-hashicorp-go-getter", "severity": "grave", "title": "golang-github-hashicorp-go-getter: CVE-2024-3817", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-03 07:12:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1083200, "source": "apt", "severity": "minor", "title": "incorrect error message for 'apt satisfy' suggesting relationship with build dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-03 03:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1083230, "source": "rust-secret-service", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-secret-service: autopkgtest failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-10-03 13:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1083254, "source": "djinn", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-07 02:27:33 +0000" }, { "id": 1083255, "source": "haskell-prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-09 06:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1083258, "source": "haskell-soap", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 14:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1083259, "source": "haskell-xml-conduit-writer", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], 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"last_modified": "2024-10-05 02:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1084020, "source": "zope.testrunner", "severity": "normal", "title": "zope.testrunner: (build-)depends on deprecated module python3-pkg-resources", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-05 02:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1084021, "source": "cups", "severity": "serious", "title": "produces invalid media-supported values, rejected by 2.4.2-3+deb12u8 clients", "affected_sources": [ "release.debian.org", "security.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "security.debian.org", "release.debian.org" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 15:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1084066, "source": "amdgcn-tools", "severity": "important", "title": "amdgcn-tools: Please 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1084072, "source": "rocm-compilersupport", "severity": "important", "title": "rocm-compilersupport: Please upgrade build-dep to llvm/clang 18 or 19", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-06 13:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1084073, "source": "rocm-device-libs", "severity": "important", "title": "rocm-device-libs: Please upgrade build-dep to llvm/clang 18 or 19", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 23:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1084074, "source": "rocm-hipamd", "severity": "important", "title": "rocm-hipamd: Please upgrade build-dep to llvm/clang 18 or 19", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-06 13:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1084075, "source": "rocr-runtime", "severity": "important", "title": "rocr-runtime: Please upgrade build-dep to llvm/clang 18 or 19", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-06 13:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1084078, "source": "xgks", "severity": "important", "title": "xgks: Please upgrade build-dep to flang 18 or 19", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-04 17:06:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1084089, "source": "llvm-toolchain-17", "severity": "serious", "title": "llvm-toolchain-17: do not release with trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-04 22:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1084090, "source": "llvm-toolchain-16", "severity": "serious", "title": "llvm-toolchain-16: do not release with trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-06 18:24:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1084124, "source": "haskell-connection", "severity": "serious", "title": "haskell-connection: FTBFS: Couldn't match expected type", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-05 12:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1084129, "source": "haskell-web-routes", "severity": "serious", "title": "haskell-web-routes: FTBFS: Could not find module ������Control.Monad.Error������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-05 13:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1084148, "source": "pysph", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: tests abort in pysph/base/tests/test_nnps.py", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-05 17:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1084154, "source": "libdatetime-format-flexible-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libdatetime-format-flexible-perl: Test failures with libdatetime-timezone-perl 1:2.63-1+2024b / DateTime::TimeZone 2.63 - Olson DB 2024b", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-06 14:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1084155, "source": "libdatetimex-easy-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libdatetimex-easy-perl: Test failures with libdatetime-timezone-perl 1:2.63-1+2024b / DateTime::TimeZone 2.63 - Olson DB 2024b", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-06 14:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1084166, "source": "lomiri-telephony-service", "severity": "serious", "title": "lomiri-telephony-service: FTBFS: fatal error: indicator/NotificationsInterface.h: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-30 22:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1084243, "source": "bustle", "severity": "serious", "title": "bustle: FTBFS: Bustle/Loader/Pcap.hs:107:5: error: [GHC-88464]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-09 15:36:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1084259, "source": "gitless", "severity": "serious", "title": "gitless: FTBFS: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'stdout'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 21:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1084277, "source": "imexam", "severity": "serious", "title": "imexam: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-16 19:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1084282, "source": "khal", "severity": "serious", "title": "khal: FTBFS: FAILED tests/event_test.py::test_event_no_dst - AssertionError", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 11:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1084286, "source": "lektor", "severity": "serious", "title": "lektor: FTBFS: AssertionError: assert is ", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-11 12:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1084289, "source": "libpod", "severity": "serious", "title": "libpod: FTBFS: cannot find package \"github.com/shirou/gopsutil/v3/mem\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-19 18:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1084293, "source": "mariadb", "severity": "normal", "title": "mariadb: FTBFS: Failing test(s): main.timezone", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-10 02:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1084296, "source": "massxpert", "severity": "serious", "title": "massxpert: FTBFS: rror: static assertion failed: No Q_OBJECT in the class passed to QObject::findChildren", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-09 15:36:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1084307, "source": "node-quickjs-emscripten", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-quickjs-emscripten: FTBFS: error: undefined symbol: qts_host_call_function (referenced by root reference (e.g. compiled C/C++ code))", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-07 08:39:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1084308, "source": "node-sixel", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-sixel: FTBFS: emcc: error: legacy setting used in strict mode: TOTAL_STACK", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-07 08:39:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1084309, "source": "node-webfont", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-webfont: FTBFS: Failed to fetch Emscripten version information", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-07 08:39:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1084310, "source": "node-yarnpkg", "severity": "grave", "title": "node-yarnpkg: FTBFS: packages/yarnpkg-libzip/artifacts/zlib-ng-2.1.2/deflate.h:212:34: error: expected parameter declarator", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 11:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1084318, "source": "pixelmed", "severity": "serious", "title": "pixelmed: FTBFS: make[3]: *** [../../../Makefile.common.mk:87: ApplicationEntityConfigurationDialog_cs.properties] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-07 08:39:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1084319, "source": "plover", "severity": "serious", "title": "plover: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-07 08:39:18 +0000" }, { "id": 1084325, "source": "python-aioinflux", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-aioinflux: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-09 15:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1084326, "source": "python-aiomodernforms", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-aiomodernforms: FTBFS: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'prepare'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-07 08:39:23 +0000" }, { "id": 1084327, "source": "python-aiowithings", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-aiowithings: FTBFS: E aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectionError: Connection refused: POST https://wbsapi.withings.net/v2/measure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-07 08:39:24 +0000" }, { "id": 1084331, "source": "python-directv", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-directv: FTBFS: ValueError: Host '#' cannot contain '#' (at position 0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-07 08:39:28 +0000" }, { "id": 1084336, "source": "python-homeassistant-analytics", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-homeassistant-analytics: FTBFS: E aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectionError: Connection refused: GET https://analytics.home-assistant.io/custom_integrations.json", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-07 08:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1084343, "source": "python-open-meteo", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-open-meteo: FTBFS: E open_meteo.exceptions.OpenMeteoError: (500, {'message': '500: Internal Server Error'})", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-07 08:42:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1084348, "source": "python-synologydsm-api", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-synologydsm-api: FTBFS: E synology_dsm.exceptions.SynologyDSMRequestException: {'api': None, 'code': -1, 'reason': 'Unknown', 'details': 'ClientError = [SSL: WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER] wrong version number (_ssl.c:1076)'}", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-07 08:42:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1084352, "source": "r-cran-git2r", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-cran-git2r: FTBFS: git2r_deprecated.h:54:30: error: implicit declaration of function ������git_error_set_str������; did you mean ������giterr_set_str������? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-07 08:42:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1084354, "source": "raku-test-meta", "severity": "serious", "title": "raku-test-meta: FTBFS: Missing or wrong version of dependency 'gen/moar/BOOTSTRAP/v6c.nqp'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 22:42:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1084355, "source": "ros-geometry", "severity": "serious", "title": "ros-geometry: FTBFS: Summary: 129 tests, 0 errors, 3 failures, 0 skipped", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-15 20:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1084360, "source": "ruby-devise-two-factor", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-devise-two-factor: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 18:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1084361, "source": "ruby-fakeredis", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-fakeredis: FTBFS: Failure/Error: require 'redis/connection/registry'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-09 15:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1084362, "source": "ruby-feature", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-feature: FTBFS: Failure/Error: require 'fakeredis/rspec'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-09 15:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1084364, "source": "ruby-redis-activesupport", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-redis-activesupport: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-09 15:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1084365, "source": "ruby-redis-rack", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-redis-rack: FTBFS: Expected / against DB 0$/ to match \"Redis Client connected to localhost:6379 against DB 0\".", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-09 15:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1084366, "source": "ruby-rollout", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rollout: FTBFS: Failure/Error: require 'fakeredis'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-09 15:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1084379, "source": "sklearn-pandas", "severity": "serious", "title": "sklearn-pandas: FTBFS: NameError: name 'mapper5' is not defined", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-11 17:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1084389, "source": "emscripten", "severity": "serious", "title": "wabt: FTBFS: CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to \"Ninja\". CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM is not set. You probably need to select a different build tool.", "affected_sources": [ "wabt" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:wabt", "wabt" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 11:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1084512, "source": "bustle", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ "dbus-test-runner" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:dbus-test-runner" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-02 20:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1084517, "source": "pushpin", "severity": "serious", "title": "pushpin: FTBFS: failed to select a version for the requirement `base64 = \"^0.21\"`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-03 22:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1084529, "source": "ocrfeeder", "severity": "serious", "title": "ocrfeeder: removal of Python standard libraries in Python 3.13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-21 01:06:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1084539, "source": "scribus", "severity": "serious", "title": "scribus: removal of Python standard libraries in Python 3.13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 17:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1084546, "source": "pympler", "severity": "serious", "title": "pympler: removal of Python standard libraries in Python 3.13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], 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"last_modified": "2024-10-14 17:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1085109, "source": "pgbouncer", "severity": "normal", "title": "pgbouncer: The main pytest suite does not run during debbuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-14 19:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085113, "source": "libphp-swiftmailer", "severity": "serious", "title": "libphp-swiftmailer: Abandoned upstream", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-03 12:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085117, "source": "ldc", "severity": "important", "title": "ldc: Fails to build with llvm 19", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 23:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085120, "source": "ghostscript", "severity": "important", "title": "ghostscript: gs generates invalid PDF files on armel", "affected_sources": [ "asymptote" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:asymptote" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 10:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1085141, "source": "haskell-github", "severity": "serious", "title": "haskell-github: FTBFS on 32-bit architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-15 10:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085142, "source": "hplip", "severity": "serious", "title": "Produces PPD files with invalid hash character in size names.", "affected_sources": [ "release.debian.org", "security.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "security.debian.org", "release.debian.org" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1085165, "source": "libgrokj2k", "severity": "serious", "title": "libgrokj2k: FTBFS on armhf: ������vreinterpret_f16_u16������ was not declared in this scope", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-14 12:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1085167, "source": "libmemcached-libmemcached-perl", "severity": "important", "title": "libmemcached-libmemcached-perl: FTBFS on riscv64: t/11-set-get-by-key.t failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-29 20:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085171, "source": "kamailio", "severity": "important", "title": "kamailio: nondeterministic FTBFS on arm64: parallel build issue?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-15 17:36:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1085179, "source": "qa.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "debcheck: Wrongly parse build profile restrictions with several terms", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 15:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085228, "source": "zutty", "severity": "serious", "title": "zutty should not Provides: x-terminal-emulator", "affected_sources": [ ], 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"libgexiv2-2:amd64: libgexiv2.so.2.14.3 still links to libexiv2.so.27, but only libexiv2.so.28 is present", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 19:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085253, "source": "pike8.0", "severity": "normal", "title": "pike8.0 FTCBFS: links the build architecture libgcc.a", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-17 09:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085289, "source": "backuppc", "severity": "serious", "title": "Please set net.ipv4.ping_group_range sysctl in autopkgtests", "affected_sources": [ "perl" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:perl" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-09 17:42:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1085294, "source": "mysql-8.0", "severity": "grave", "title": "mysql-8.0: CVE-2024-21247 CVE-2024-21241 CVE-2024-21239 CVE-2024-21238 CVE-2024-21237 CVE-2024-21236 CVE-2024-21231 CVE-2024-21230 CVE-2024-21219 CVE-2024-21218 CVE-2024-21213 CVE-2024-21212 CVE-2024-21203 CVE-2024-21201 CVE-2024-21199 CVE-2024-21198 CVE-2024-21197 CVE-2024-21196 CVE-2024-21194 CVE-2024-21193", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-19 14:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1085301, "source": "gnome-dictionary", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnome-dictionary: unmaintained upstream", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 01:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085314, "source": "libdrm", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libdrm-intel1: enable build for riscv64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-18 09:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085320, "source": "mysql-workbench", "severity": "serious", "title": "mysql-workbench: FTBFS (error: template-id not allowed for constructor in C++20 [-Werror=template-id-cdtor]).", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-18 16:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085348, "source": "upstream-ontologist", "severity": "normal", "title": "upstream-ontologist: FTBFS: error[E0432]: unresolved import `debian_copyright::lossless`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-18 14:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085353, "source": "cdparanoia", "severity": "minor", "title": "cdparanoia does not build with distro build flags", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-18 14:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1085368, "source": "buildstream", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildstream: Python SyntaxWarning", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-18 16:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085390, "source": "gkrellm-thinkbat", "severity": "normal", "title": "gkrellm-thinkbat FTCBFS: 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"haskell-presburger", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-19 14:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085440, "source": "virtualbox", "severity": "grave", "title": "virtualbox: CVE-2024-21248 CVE-2024-21253 CVE-2024-21259 CVE-2024-21263 CVE-2024-21273", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-19 14:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1085450, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "serious", "title": "mmdebootstrap: sbuild autopkgtest for unshare backend fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-11 23:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1085453, "source": "mediawiki", "severity": "serious", "title": "mediawiki: embedded copy of dompurify, affected by CVE-2024-47875", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-23 01:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085455, "source": "form-history-control", "severity": "serious", "title": "form-history-control: embedded copy of dompurify, affected by CVE-2024-47875", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-19 23:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1085468, "source": "emscripten", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:emscripten: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-19 18:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085471, "source": "goval-dictionary", "severity": "serious", "title": "goval-dictionary: Migration blocked for 429 days, consider RM'ing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-19 19:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085472, "source": "golang-github-go-redis-redis", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-go-redis-redis: Migration stuck for 1015 days, consider RM'ing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-19 18:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1085476, "source": "go-cve-dictionary", "severity": "serious", "title": "go-cve-dictionary: Migration blocked for 429 days, consider RM'ing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-19 19:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1085477, "source": "vuls", "severity": "serious", "title": "vuls: Migration blocked for 408 days, consider RM'ing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-19 19:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085478, "source": "go-exploitdb", "severity": "serious", "title": "go-exploitdb: Migration blocked for 430 days, consider RM'ing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-19 19:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085479, "source": "gost", "severity": "serious", "title": "gost: Migration blocked for 429 days, consider RM'ing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-19 19:36:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1085490, "source": "net-acct", "severity": "normal", "title": "net-acct FTCBFS: builds for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-20 05:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1085500, "source": "libunwind", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:libunwind: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-20 07:03:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1085518, "source": "haskell-xml-conduit-writer", "severity": "serious", "title": "haskell-xml-conduit-writer:FTBFS:build failure (The variable when is not in scope)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 08:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1085522, "source": "arduino-builder", "severity": "serious", "title": "arduino-builder: FTBFS: FAIL arduino.cc/timeutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-25 11:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085552, "source": "arduino-builder", "severity": "normal", "title": "arduino-builder: deprecated upstream", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-22 18:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1085571, "source": "ruby-em-socksify", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-em-socksify: drop hpsockd build-depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-18 23:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1085646, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "minor", "title": "sbuild: Assumes UNSHARE_TMPDIR_TEMPLATE is mode 4777", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-21 11:30:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1085702, "source": "libapache-mod-removeip", "severity": "serious", "title": "libapache-mod-removeip: Invalid maintainer address mod_removeip@lists.riseup.net", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-12 09:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085792, "source": "pyvo", "severity": "normal", "title": "pyvo: Fail to build after successful build - sudo pbuilder build --twice", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 09:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1085869, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "live-build: ISO build crashes when an environment.chroot variable's value contains spaces", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-23 05:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1085947, "source": "sphinx-book-theme", "severity": "serious", "title": "sphinx-book-theme: generate_nav_html no longer exists", "affected_sources": [ "dask-sphinx-theme", "dask.distributed", "md-toc", "onetbb", "python-contextily", "python-h5netcdf", "python-pint", "python-soxr", "python-xarray", "sphinx-copybutton" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:python-soxr", "src:onetbb", "src:dask.distributed", "src:md-toc", "src:python-contextily", "src:sphinx-copybutton", "src:python-pint", "python3-dask-sphinx-theme", "src:python-h5netcdf", "src:python-xarray" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-24 10:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1085968, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers: CVE-2024-0126", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 12:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1085969, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx: CVE-2024-0126", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-24 07:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1085970, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx: CVE-2024-0126", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-24 07:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1085971, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418: CVE-2024-0126", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-24 07:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1085976, "source": "nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules: CVE-2024-0126", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-11-25 17:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1085992, "source": "gtklock", "severity": "grave", "title": "gtklock: fails to run \"Your compositor doesn't support wlr-input-inhibitor\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 13:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1086015, "source": "spades", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "build for all supported python3", "affected_sources": [ "ariba" ], "affected_packages": [ "ariba" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-11-03 17:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1086028, "source": "linux", "severity": "serious", "title": "loupe: FTBFS on mips64el: failed to acquire jobserver token: Bad address (os error 14)", "affected_sources": [ "erlang", "firefox-esr", "git", "golang-1.22", "golang-1.23", "librsvg", "loupe", "mupdf", "rustc", "swayosd", "wings3d" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:wings3d", "src:erlang", "src:mupdf", "src:firefox-esr", "src:git", "src:swayosd", "src:golang-1.23", "src:loupe", "cargo", "src:librsvg", "src:golang-1.22", "rustc" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": 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], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-13 09:45:43 +0000" }, { "id": 1086096, "source": "courier", "severity": "serious", "title": "Replace obsolete Build-Depends: libidn11-dev with libidn-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 00:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1086097, "source": "courier-authlib", "severity": "serious", "title": "Replace obsolete Build-Depends: libidn11-dev with libidn-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-29 18:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1086098, "source": "eiskaltdcpp", "severity": "serious", "title": "Replace obsolete Build-Depends: libidn11-dev with libidn-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-26 22:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086099, "source": "foxeye", "severity": "serious", "title": "Replace obsolete Build-Depends: libidn11-dev with libidn-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-26 22:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086105, "source": "nextepc", "severity": "serious", "title": "Replace obsolete Build-Depends: libidn11-dev with libidn-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-29 18:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1086117, "source": "rust-slog", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-slog: autopkgtest fails: could not compile `slog` (lib test) due to 6 previous errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-27 05:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086122, "source": "xpra", "severity": "serious", "title": "xpra FTBFS with Python 3.13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-13 09:45:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1086127, "source": "roct-thunk-interface", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:roct-thunk-interface: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-27 07:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1086132, "source": "binutils-avr", "severity": "normal", "title": "binutils-avr FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 11:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1086141, "source": "ocserv", "severity": "normal", "title": "ocserv: don't build-depend on libsocket-wrapper on armhf/armel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-27 10:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1086145, "source": "sysprof", "severity": "grave", "title": "sysprof: error \"Failure: Failed to authorize user credentials\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 20:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086208, "source": "gulkan", "severity": "serious", "title": "gulkan FTBFS on 32-bit with gcc 14", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 21:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086209, "source": "openmpi", "severity": "serious", "title": "mpif90.openmpi: Cannot open module file 'mpi.mod' for reading at (1): No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ "dbcsr", "hdf5", "prime-phylo" ], "affected_packages": [ "prime-phylo", "src:hdf5", "src:dbcsr" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 01:18:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1086210, "source": "psycopg3", "severity": "normal", "title": "FTBFS on Debusine: psycopg.errors.InvalidTextRepresentation: unrecognized key word: \"debusine\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-28 22:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086214, "source": "mmdebstrap", "severity": "important", "title": "mmdebstrap-autopkgtest-build-qemu generates a VM image that fails to work with autopkgtest", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 23:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086226, "source": "rdkit", "severity": "serious", "title": "rdkit: autopkgtests fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-26 23:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1086231, "source": "libchamplain", "severity": "important", "title": "libchamplain: FTBFS on 32-bit with 64-bit time_t: passing argument 1 of ������gmtime������ from incompatible pointer type", "affected_sources": [ "eog", "evolution", "fotoxx" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:eog", "src:evolution", "src:fotoxx" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 22:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086236, "source": "bsdmainutils", "severity": "normal", "title": "bsdmainutils FTBFS on musl-linux-any: sys/cdefs.h does not exist", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-29 12:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086237, "source": "libpst", "severity": "serious", "title": "libpst FTBFS on 32-bit with gcc 14", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 12:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086252, "source": "zstd-jni-java", "severity": "serious", "title": "zstd-jni-java FTBFS with libmaven-resources-plugin-java all 3.3.1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-01 19:57:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1086256, "source": "arduino-core-avr", "severity": "serious", "title": "arduino-core-avr: FTBFS: /usr/lib/gcc/avr/14.2.0/../../../avr/bin/ld: ATmegaBOOT.elf section `.data' will not fit in region `text'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 20:12:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1086259, "source": "calcurse", "severity": "serious", "title": "calcurse: FTBFS: FAIL: ical-007.sh", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-29 18:27:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1086262, "source": "dx", "severity": "important", "title": "dx: FTBFS: _im_image.c:81:10: fatal error: magick/api.h: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-24 13:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1086277, "source": "jarchivelib", "severity": "serious", "title": "jarchivelib: FTBFS: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke \"java.io.OutputStream.flush()\" because \"this.out\" is null", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-29 19:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1086278, "source": "jdeb", "severity": "serious", "title": "jdeb: FTBFS: reference to getZipEncoding is ambiguous", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-29 18:48:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1086282, "source": "libghemical", "severity": "serious", "title": "libghemical: FTBFS: fatal error: mpi.h: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-29 18:48:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1086284, "source": "libmbim", "severity": "serious", "title": "parallel builds FTBFS - gtkdoc run too early", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-18 21:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1086286, "source": "libqmi", "severity": "serious", "title": "parallel builds FTBFS - gtkdoc run too early", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-18 21:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1086296, "source": "mhddfs", "severity": "serious", "title": "mhddfs: FTBFS: src/main.c:37:10: fatal error: attr/xattr.h: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-29 19:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086314, "source": "ruby-timeliness", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-timeliness: FTBFS: Failure/Error: expect(value).to eq Time.use_zone('Perth') { Time.zone.local(2000,6,1,18,0,0) }", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-29 20:09:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1086315, "source": "rust-allocator-api2", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-allocator-api2: FTBFS: error[E0658]: use of unstable library feature 'new_zeroed_alloc'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-29 20:09:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1086322, "source": "tycho", "severity": "serious", "title": "tycho: FTBFS: org.eclipse.tycho.compiler.jdt.JDTCompiler is not abstract", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-29 20:09:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1086323, "source": "upstream-ontologist", "severity": "serious", "title": "upstream-ontologist: FTBFS: error: failed to select a version for the requirement `debian-changelog = \"^0.1\"`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-17 18:18:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1086355, "source": "gscan2pdf", "severity": "important", "title": "gscan2pdf: FTBFS: t/113_save_pdf_with_downsample.t fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-13 18:06:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1086360, "source": "libjavaewah-java", "severity": "serious", "title": "libjavaewah-java: FTBFS: autobuilder hangs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-30 11:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1086384, "source": "sdml", "severity": "serious", "title": "sdml: FTBFS: error: 1 target failed: `-p sdml-parse --test test_examples`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-30 11:24:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1086388, "source": "dhcp-helper", "severity": "normal", "title": "dhcp-helper FTCBFS: builds for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 16:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1086444, "source": "openbox", "severity": "normal", "title": "Openbox build problem with .po files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-30 19:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1086450, "source": "pandoc-filter-diagram", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:pandoc-filter-diagram: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: librust-base64-0.21+default-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 16:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086452, "source": "rust-rustls-webpki", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:rust-rustls-webpki: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: librust-base64-0.21+default-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-01 15:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1086460, "source": "pocl", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:pocl: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-18 13:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1086462, "source": "gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086464, "source": "mate-desktop", "severity": "serious", "title": "mate-desktop FTBFS on 32-bit with 64-bit time_t with gcc 14", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-30 21:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086467, "source": "waitress", "severity": "grave", "title": "waitress: CVE-2024-49768: Request processing race condition in HTTP pipelining with invalid first request", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-31 08:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086472, "source": "marco", "severity": "serious", "title": "marco FTBFS on 32-bit with 64-bit time_t with gcc 14", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-30 23:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086473, "source": "nx-libs", "severity": "serious", "title": "nx-libs FTBFS on 32-bit with gcc 14", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 22:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086474, "source": "liboobs", "severity": "serious", "title": "liboobs FTBFS on 32-bit with 64-bit time_t with gcc 14", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-10-30 23:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1086478, "source": "kmymoney", "severity": "serious", "title": "kmymoney: kdiagram transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 14:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1086479, "source": "heaptrack", "severity": "serious", "title": "heaptrack: kdiagram transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 06:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086480, "source": "calligra", "severity": "serious", "title": "calligra: kdiagram transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 19:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1086481, "source": "calligraplan", "severity": "serious", "title": "calligraplan: kdiagram transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-18 23:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086501, "source": "atril", "severity": "grave", "title": "atril: Missing symbol in libwebkit2gtk-4.1: drmGetFormatModifierName", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-04 17:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086531, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: python-pbs-installer -- Installer library for python-build-standalone", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-11-01 01:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086555, "source": "moarvm", "severity": "serious", "title": "on ARM, spesh arg guard interpreter can enter an infinite loop", "affected_sources": [ "rakudo" ], "affected_packages": [ "rakudo" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 18:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086576, "source": "boost1.74", "severity": "serious", "title": "boost1.74 FTBFS with Python 3.13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 18:39:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1086577, "source": "amp", "severity": "serious", "title": "amp FTBFS with python >= 3.12: No module named 'numpy.distutils'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 11:39:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1086578, "source": "sfepy", "severity": "serious", "title": "sfepy FTBFS with Python >= 3.12: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy.distutils'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 11:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1086614, "source": "python-cattrs", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-cattrs: autopkgtest needs update for new version of python-attrs", "affected_sources": [ "python-attrs" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:python-attrs" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 20:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1086620, "source": "yash", "severity": "serious", "title": "yash: FTBFS on arm64: failed test", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-02 12:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086623, "source": "liblopsub", "severity": "serious", "title": "liblopsub: FTBFS: Syntax error: \")\" unexpected", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-11-15 20:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086624, "source": "scrypt", "severity": "normal", "title": "scrypt: FTBFS: 04-force-resources... FAILED!", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-21 03:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086635, "source": "qmenumodel", "severity": "important", "title": "qmenumodel: FTBFS on riscv64 due to timing issue in the testsuite", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-02 17:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086640, "source": "python-pytest-asyncio", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:python-pytest-asyncio: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-02 19:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086645, "source": "dbus-test-runner", "severity": "serious", "title": "dbus-test-runner: autopkgtest regression: test depends on obsolete package bustle", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-06 14:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086650, "source": "delve", "severity": "serious", "title": "delve: FTBFS: FAIL github.com/go-delve/delve/service/test", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-03 00:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1086651, "source": "jc", "severity": "serious", "title": "jc: FTBFS: FAIL: test_ip_address_ipv6_6to4 (tests.test_ip_address.MyTests.test_ip_address_ipv6_6to4)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-03 00:18:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1086652, "source": "nodejs", "severity": "serious", "title": "nodejs: FTBFS: AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Expected values to be strictly equal", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-04 08:36:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1086653, "source": "openvpn", "severity": "serious", "title": "openvpn: FTBFS: FAIL: t_cltsrv.sh", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 18:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086654, "source": "python-django-storages", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-django-storages: FTBFS: E django.core.exceptions.SuspiciousFileOperation: Detected path traversal attempt in '/foo'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-03 00:18:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1086655, "source": "libgeo-libproj-ffi-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libgeo-libproj-ffi-perl: (autopkg)test failures on armel and armhf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-03 01:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086672, "source": "gitlab-ci-multi-runner", "severity": "serious", "title": "gitlab-runner: installs a systemd unit into /lib (DEP17)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-03 16:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1086686, "source": "uhd", "severity": "normal", "title": "uhd: Please build with -g1 on sh4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 19:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1086699, "source": "ruby-em-socksify", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-eventmachine: please drop hpsockd from build-depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-18 23:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086703, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: sbuild-update does not use chroot-mode from configuration file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-17 18:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086720, "source": "libsdl3", "severity": "serious", "title": "libsdl3: not ready to include in a stable release", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 20:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1086753, "source": "spandsp", "severity": "serious", "title": "spandsp: FTBFS on armhf and armel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 10:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1086755, "source": "krank", "severity": "serious", "title": "krank fails to start", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-15 13:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1086771, "source": "xfce4-sntray-plugin", "severity": "grave", "title": "vala-sntray-plugin: Wrong placement of the library file prevents detection of the plugin by vala-panel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-05 17:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1086783, "source": "kxmlrpcclient", "severity": "important", "title": "kxmlrpcclient FTBFS with nocheck build profile: missing symbols", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 10:12:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1086786, "source": "wlroots", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:wlroots: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-26 14:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086791, "source": "gcc-14", "severity": "important", "title": "gcc: riscv64 backend emits large relocations due to loop strength reduction", "affected_sources": [ "lziprecover" ], "affected_packages": [ "lziprecover" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-11 17:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1086830, "source": "ghc", "severity": "important", "title": "ghc FTBFS on alpha with gcc 14", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-06 12:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086834, "source": "elkcode", "severity": "important", "title": "elkcode: FTBFS on arm64: Nonexistent include directory ������/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openmpi/lib������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 07:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086868, "source": "build-essential", "severity": "normal", "title": "build-essential FTCBFS: g++ dependency not satisfiable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-06 19:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1086870, "source": "cryfs", "severity": "minor", "title": "cryfs: Please build in parallel / support nocheck", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-06 20:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1086887, "source": "python-adb-shell", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:python-adb-shell: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: python3-libusb1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 15:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1086890, "source": "petsc", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:petsc: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-07 07:42:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1086930, "source": "dx", "severity": "important", "title": "dx: build against imagemagick 7", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-24 12:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086933, "source": "libopenshot", "severity": "serious", "title": "libopenshot: build against imagemagick 7", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 11:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1086935, "source": "synfig", "severity": "serious", "title": "synfig: build against imagemagick 7", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-07 20:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1086940, "source": "photoqt", "severity": "serious", "title": "photoqt: build against imagemagick 7", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 15:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1086944, "source": "sauce", "severity": "serious", "title": "sauce: Please be explicit about need for fakeroot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 23:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1087008, "source": "raku-license-spdx,raku-test-meta", "severity": "serious", "title": "raku-test-meta, raku-license-spdx: File conflict causes unpack failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 17:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1087010, "source": "openmpi", "severity": "serious", "title": "prime-phylo:FTBFS:build failure (Imported target \"MPI::MPI_Fortran\" includes non-existent path )", "affected_sources": [ "dbcsr", "hdf5", "prime-phylo" ], "affected_packages": [ "prime-phylo", "src:hdf5", "src:dbcsr" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 01:18:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1087016, "source": "libselinux", "severity": "normal", "title": "libselinux FTBFS for musl: lstat64 undeclared", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 11:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087036, "source": "xserver-xorg-video-tdfx", "severity": "serious", "title": "xserver-xorg-video-tdfx: FTBFS on arm64: implicit declaration of function 'outw'; did you mean 'putw'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-08 13:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087037, "source": "xserver-xorg-video-trident", "severity": "serious", "title": "xserver-xorg-video-trident: FTBFS on arm64: implicit declaration of function 'outw'; did you mean 'putw'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-08 13:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087038, "source": "pango1.0", "severity": "serious", "title": "libpango-1.0-0: Pango 1.52+ API+ABI breakage (affecting gnuplot in particular)", "affected_sources": [ "gnuplot" ], "affected_packages": [ "gnuplot-x11", "gnuplot-qt" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 19:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087058, "source": "lxqt-build-tools-qt5", "severity": "serious", "title": "lxqt-build-tools-qt5 has an undeclared file conflict on /usr/bin/lxqt-transupdate", "affected_sources": [ "lxqt-build-tools" ], "affected_packages": [ "lxqt-build-tools" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-08 14:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087060, "source": "raku-license-spdx,raku-test-meta", "severity": "serious", "title": "raku-license-spdx and raku-test-meta have an undeclared file conflict on /usr/lib/perl6/vendor/precomp/B202134926643267DBA87C686CDAE403DD76376F/80/80E2CAF60F18D4F341D4A4741326757276A5A121 and /usr/lib/perl6/vendor/precomp/B202134926643267DBA87C686CDAE403DD76376F/80/80E2CAF60F18D4F341D4A4741326757276A5A121.repo-id", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 17:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1087136, "source": "mpi4py", "severity": "minor", "title": "mpi4py: Warning at build time: \"A requested component was not found\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-17 20:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087142, "source": "tgl", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: auto-static-fetch.c:50:13: error: ������print_escaped_string������ defined but not used", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-09 10:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087147, "source": "libusb-1.0", "severity": "important", "title": "libusb-1.0: FTBFS on hurd", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 21:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1087240, "source": "r-cran-spacetime", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-cran-spacetime: autopkgtest regression in testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 09:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1087241, "source": "r-cran-ggstats", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-cran-ggstats: autopkgtest regression in testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 19:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087279, "source": "xserver-xorg-video-vesa", "severity": "serious", "title": "xserver-xorg-video-vesa FTBFS: error: implicit declaration of function 'outb'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 09:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1087285, "source": "python-rosettasciio", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-10 18:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087299, "source": "fonts-arapey", "severity": "serious", "title": "fonts-arapey: FTBFS: fontTools.varLib.errors.VariationModelError: Locations must be unique.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-09 17:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1087306, "source": "fonts-sahel", "severity": "serious", "title": "fonts-sahel: FTBFS: fontmake: Error: In 'Sahel.designspace': Compatibility check failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 14:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1087324, "source": "haveged", "severity": "serious", "title": "haveged-udeb: fails to start: haveged_sem error: ENOENT", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 07:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087330, "source": "python-pydash", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "python-pydash: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-11 17:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1087334, "source": "vcr.py", "severity": "serious", "title": "vcr.py: FTBFS: E BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 14:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1087362, "source": "how-can-i-help", "severity": "serious", "title": "how-can-i-help: /usr/bin/how-can-i-help script returns a \"no implicit conversion\" error", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-10 00:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087370, "source": "docker.io", "severity": "important", "title": "docker-cli: no buildx in debian testing any more", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 13:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1087373, "source": "seqan3", "severity": "important", "title": "seqan3: FTBFS: Some parallel tests fail on single-cpu systems", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 12:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087385, "source": "qt6-declarative", "severity": "serious", "title": "qt6-declarative-dev depends on qt6-declarative-private-dev", "affected_sources": [ "alligator", "analitza", "kf6-bluez-qt", "kf6-kconfig", "kf6-purpose", "kirigami-addons", "qt6-declarative" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:kirigami-addons", "src:alligator", "src:kf6-purpose", "src:analitza", "src:kf6-kconfig", "src:kf6-bluez-qt", "qt6-declarative-dev" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-11-23 21:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087407, "source": "openafs", "severity": "serious", "title": "OpenAFS 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"severity": "serious", "title": "coccinelle: FTBFS: Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 19:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1087439, "source": "openmpi", "severity": "serious", "title": "dbcsr: FTBFS on arm64: Imported target \"MPI::MPI_Fortran\" includes non-existent path /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/fortran/gfortran-mod-15/openmpi", "affected_sources": [ "dbcsr", "hdf5", "prime-phylo" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:dbcsr", "src:hdf5", "prime-phylo" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 01:18:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1087443, "source": "x2gobroker", "severity": "serious", "title": "x2gobroker: please remove extraneous dependency on to-be-removed python3-wsgilog", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-14 08:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087469, "source": "gnome-system-tools", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "gnome-system-tools fails to build in Ubuntu due to enabled -Wincompatible-pointer-types", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-14 01:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087470, "source": "live-build", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "live-build: Binary stage runs apt commands, breaking certain image build workflows", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-21 15:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1087485, "source": "fritzconnection", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "fritzconnection: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-14 09:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087486, "source": "tracy", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "tracy: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-14 09:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1087494, "source": "accountsservice", "severity": "normal", "title": "accountsservice: FTBFS when build directory is not named accountsservice-VERSION", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-14 10:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087531, "source": "trafficserver", "severity": "grave", "title": "trafficserver: CVE-2024-38479 CVE-2024-50305 CVE-2024-50306", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-14 19:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087556, "source": "singularity-container", "severity": "serious", "title": "singularity-container: FTBFS: undefined: errdefs.ToGRPC", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-15 09:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087560, "source": "tiledarray", "severity": "serious", "title": "tiledarray: FTBFS: Expected Boost config file at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/Boost-1.74.0/BoostConfig.cmake", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-15 10:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087588, "source": "python-ptrace", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS on riscv64: OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 04:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1087610, "source": "opendht", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS on armhf: test: test::DhtRunnerTester::testListen (F)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-16 09:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1087611, "source": "thrift", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS on ppc64el: FAIL: TestNoHangDuringStopFromClientNoDataSendDuringAcceptLoop", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 23:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087622, "source": "nrpe-ng", "severity": "serious", "title": "nrpe-ng: Abandoned upstream", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-16 12:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1087643, "source": "pybik", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with Python 3.13: AssertionError", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-16 16:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087647, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp import-orig --uscan --upstream-version=x fails to match actual upstream versions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-07 13:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1087687, "source": "openjfx", "severity": "grave", "title": "mediathekview: Fatal error in Java Runtime Environment/SIGSEV", "affected_sources": [ "mediathekview" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:mediathekview" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 11:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087699, "source": "cmdtest", "severity": "serious", "title": "cmdtest: remove from Debian?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-09 18:09:18 +0000" }, { "id": 1087710, "source": "valentina", "severity": "serious", "title": "valentina: failing autopkgtest", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-17 15:06:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1087727, "source": "python-orjson", "severity": "important", "title": "Not buildable on some ports architectures due to missing rustc / cargo", "affected_sources": [ "mypy", "numpy" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:numpy", "src:mypy" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-17 20:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1087738, "source": "hkl", "severity": "serious", "title": "hkl: FTBFS against HDF5 1.14: Module ������Bindings.HDF5.Raw������ does not export ������H5L_info_t������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 17:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087770, "source": "sphinx-book-theme", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-soxr ftbfs, sphinx error", "affected_sources": [ "dask-sphinx-theme", "dask.distributed", "md-toc", "onetbb", "python-contextily", "python-h5netcdf", "python-pint", "python-soxr", "python-xarray", "sphinx-copybutton" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:python-contextily", "src:sphinx-copybutton", "python3-dask-sphinx-theme", "src:python-pint", "src:python-h5netcdf", "src:python-xarray", "src:python-soxr", "src:onetbb", "src:dask.distributed", "src:md-toc" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-24 10:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1087781, "source": "aiomysql", "severity": "serious", "title": "aiomysql: FTBFS: dh_sphinxdoc: error: debian/python-aiomysql-doc/usr/share/doc/python-aiomysql-doc/html/_static/js/versions.js is missing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-19 15:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1087807, "source": "linux", "severity": "critical", "title": "linux-image-6.1.0-27-amd64: Unable to boot: i40e swiotlb buffer is full", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 10:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087809, "source": "linux", "severity": "serious", "title": "cargo: [mipsel64] failed to acquire jobserver token/Bad address (os error 14)", "affected_sources": [ "erlang", "firefox-esr", "git", "golang-1.22", "golang-1.23", "librsvg", "loupe", "mupdf", "rustc", "swayosd", "wings3d" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:golang-1.22", "rustc", "src:librsvg", "cargo", "src:loupe", "src:golang-1.23", "src:swayosd", "src:git", "src:firefox-esr", "src:mupdf", "src:wings3d", "src:erlang" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 19:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087816, "source": "lsdvd", "severity": "serious", "title": "lsdvd: misrepresents location of upstream source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-10 06:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087850, "source": "abseil", "severity": "serious", "title": "abseil: autopkgtest regression due to new CMake deprecation warning", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-11-25 13:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087851, "source": "ignition-plugin", "severity": "serious", "title": "ignition-plugin: autopkgtest regression due to new CMake deprecation warning", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-06 18:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087852, "source": "ignition-cmake", "severity": "serious", "title": "ignition-cmake: autopkgtest regression due to new CMake deprecation warning", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-06 19:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087857, "source": "urdfdom", "severity": "serious", "title": "urdfdom: autopkgtest regression due to new CMake deprecation warning", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 15:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087858, "source": "ignition-fuel-tools", "severity": "serious", "title": "ignition-fuel-tools: autopkgtest regression due to new CMake deprecation warning", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-06 18:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087863, "source": "ignition-utils", "severity": "serious", "title": "ignition-utils: autopkgtest regression due to new CMake deprecation warning", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-06 18:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087867, "source": "llvm-toolchain-15", "severity": "serious", "title": "llvm-toolchain-15: autopkgtest regression due to new CMake deprecation warning", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 09:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1087869, "source": "rocm-hipamd", "severity": "serious", "title": "rocm-hipamd: autopkgtest regression due to new CMake deprecation warning", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-19 16:21:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1087870, "source": "llvm-toolchain-16", "severity": "serious", "title": "llvm-toolchain-16: autopkgtest regression due to new CMake deprecation warning", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-06 18:24:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1087879, "source": "linux", "severity": "important", "title": "linux-kbuild-6.12-rc6 doesn't provide module-common.c", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-07 11:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1087899, "source": "litecoin", "severity": "serious", "title": "litecoin:FTBFS:build failure (error: too few arguments to function)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 05:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1087903, "source": "debian-live", "severity": "grave", "title": "debian-live: Kernel panick occured after successful Live-build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-11-20 02:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087904, "source": "makepp", "severity": "serious", "title": "makepp: d/copyright doesn't say where the software came from", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-20 02:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1087920, "source": "jami", "severity": "grave", "title": "jami: Doesn't start", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-11-20 09:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1087943, "source": "halide", "severity": "normal", "title": "halide: FTBFS on arm64 with SVE: Unhandled exception: Error: For SVE/SVE2 support, target_vector_bits= must be set in target", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-20 17:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087952, "source": "ruby-dataobjects", "severity": "normal", "title": "ruby-dataobjects: fix FTBFS with Ruby 3.2+", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-20 19:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087954, "source": "ruby3.3", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby3.3: Fix FTBFS against openssl 3.4", "affected_sources": [ "openssl" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:openssl" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 22:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1087960, "source": "ruby3.1", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby3.1: Fix FTBFS against openssl 3.4", "affected_sources": [ "openssl" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:openssl" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 17:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1087970, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "serious", "title": "RM: pep8 -- ROM; was renamed pycodestyle many years ago", "affected_sources": [ "custodia", "lava", "pep8" ], "affected_packages": [ "custodia", "pep8", "src:pep8", "lava" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 21:06:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1087987, "source": "cp2k", "severity": "serious", "title": "cp2k: build-depends on libelpa-dev which is no longer available on 32-bit architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 07:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088035, "source": "opm-models", "severity": "serious", "title": "opm-models: Request for removal to allow migration of newer opm-(common,grid,simulators,upscaling) pkgs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-04 15:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088037, "source": "clementine", "severity": "serious", "title": "clementine: FTBFS: error: ������������ may be used uninitialized [-Werror=maybe-uninitialized]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-30 10:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1088040, "source": "freesas", "severity": "serious", "title": "freesas: FTBFS: cp: cannot create directory '.pybuild/cpython3_3.13_freesas/build/freesas/': No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-22 13:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1088041, "source": "lavacli", "severity": "serious", "title": "lavacli: FTBFS: E assert 'usage: lavac...te, update)n' == \"usage: lavac..., 'update')n\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-22 15:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088044, "source": "xawtv", "severity": "serious", "title": "xawtv: FTBFS: error: passing argument 2 of ������XawListChange������ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 16:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1088056, "source": "gimp-plugin-registry", "severity": "serious", "title": "gimp-plugin-registry: Not compatible with gimp 3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-12 18:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1088060, "source": "debian-design", "severity": "serious", "title": "debian-desktop-graphics: Remove gimp plugin dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-22 17:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1088063, "source": "gimp-texturize", "severity": "serious", "title": "gimp-texturize: Not compatible with gimp 3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-13 10:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088080, "source": "xsane", "severity": "serious", "title": "xsane: Stop building gimp plugin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 14:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1088081, "source": "sane-frontends", "severity": "serious", "title": "sane-frontends: Stop building gimp plugin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-11 07:12:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088093, "source": "nvptx-tools", "severity": "grave", "title": "gcc-14-offload-nvptx: offload to nvptx-none completely broken", "affected_sources": [ "gcc-14" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:gcc-14" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 13:21:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1088094, "source": "nvptx-tools", "severity": "grave", "title": "gcc-13-offload-nvptx: offload to nvptx-none broken", "affected_sources": [ "gcc-13" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:gcc-13" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 13:21:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1088095, "source": "nvptx-tools", "severity": "grave", "title": "gcc-12-offload-nvptx: offload to nvptx-none broken", "affected_sources": [ "gcc-12" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:gcc-12" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 13:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1088119, "source": "animal-sniffer", "severity": "serious", "title": "animal-sniffer: FTBFS: dh_install: warning: Cannot find (any matches for) \"target/site/apidocs/*\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-23 18:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088120, "source": "antlr4", "severity": "serious", "title": "antlr4: FTBFS: dh_install: warning: Cannot find (any matches for) \"target/site/apidocs/*\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-23 18:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1088129, "source": "tiles", "severity": "serious", "title": "tiles: FTBFS: dh_install: warning: Cannot find (any matches for) \"src/target/site/apidocs/*\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-23 18:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088134, "source": "gitaly", "severity": "serious", "title": "gitaly: FTBFS: cannot find package \"github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 13:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088138, "source": "pytorch-ignite", "severity": "serious", "title": "pytorch-ignite: FTBFS: py3versions: empty set of versions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 03:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088140, "source": "swift-im", "severity": "serious", "title": "swift-im: FTBFS: Swiften/Parser/LibXMLParser.cpp:116:44: error: invalid conversion [...]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-23 19:57:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1088165, "source": "libgpiod", "severity": "normal", "title": "libgpiod FTCBFS: builds python extension for the build architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-24 13:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1088166, "source": "glibc", "severity": "normal", "title": "glibc fails to cross build for multilib architectures: dpkg-shlibdeps fails to find multilib libraries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 05:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088168, "source": "gimp", "severity": "serious", "title": "gimp 3 FTBFS on s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-05 23:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088172, "source": "weakforced", "severity": "serious", "title": "weakforced:FTBFS:build failure (undefined reference to `__atomic_load_16')", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-24 15:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088189, "source": "php-laravel-framework", "severity": "grave", "title": "php-laravel-framework: CVE-2024-52301", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-10 01:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1088195, "source": "openstreetmap-carto", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:openstreetmap-carto: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: node-carto (>= 0.18.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-24 20:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088198, "source": "mariadb", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:mariadb: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: libfmt-dev (>= 10.2.2) | libfmt-dev (< 10)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 05:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1088235, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "normal", "title": "autopkgtest-virt-qemu sometimes hangs when installing large number of build dependencies", "affected_sources": [ "podman" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:podman" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 12:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088237, "source": "rust-leptonica-sys", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-leptonica-sys: Bindgen layout tests failing on i386", "affected_sources": [ "rust-tesseract-sys" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:rust-tesseract-sys" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-27 10:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088238, "source": "rust-broot", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "rust-broot: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-29 19:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088255, "source": "parmed", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:parmed: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: python3-rdkit", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 14:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1088257, "source": "rst2pdf", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:rst2pdf: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: python3-fitz", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 09:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088266, "source": "netdata", "severity": "serious", "title": "netdata: ineffective Replaces due to /usr-move (DEP17)", "affected_sources": [ "netdata" ], "affected_packages": [ "netdata-core" ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-11-26 07:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088269, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "important", "title": "sbuild 0.87.1 fails on build dependencies missing from the host system", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-27 21:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088276, "source": "nohang", "severity": "serious", "title": "nohang: Missing dependency on sudo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-26 10:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088280, "source": "hurd", "severity": "normal", "title": "hurd: Component \"Arch: all\" currently not buildable on amd64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 09:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088285, "source": "software-properties", "severity": "critical", "title": "software-properties REMOVED from testing since October 23, 2024", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-30 14:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088290, "source": "nbdkit", "severity": "serious", "title": "libc6: On mips64el, nbdkit --help segfaults in printf()", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-13 11:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088292, "source": "ffproxy", "severity": "serious", "title": "ffproxy: Segfaults due to wrong type fixes", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 08:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088312, "source": "hyperkitty", "severity": "serious", "title": "hyperkitty: autopkgtest failure with Python 3.13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 09:12:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088376, "source": "tinycdb", "severity": "normal", "title": "tinycdb FTCBFS: forces the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 18:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088380, "source": "aplus-fsf", "severity": "serious", "title": "aplus-fsf: please remove obsolete Build-Depends: dh-buildinfo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 02:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1088388, "source": "structure-synth", "severity": "normal", "title": "structure-synth: please remove obsolete Build-Depends: dh-buildinfo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-28 06:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088392, "source": "etoys", "severity": "normal", "title": "etoys: please remove obsolete Build-Depends: dh-buildinfo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 02:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088393, "source": "uwsgi", "severity": "normal", "title": "uwsgi: please remove obsolete Build-Depends: dh-buildinfo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 21:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088395, "source": "debtags", "severity": "normal", "title": "debtags: please remove obsolete Build-Depends: dh-buildinfo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 02:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1088398, "source": "apt", "severity": "serious", "title": "libapt-pkg has fluctuating ABI", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 12:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1088400, "source": "libept", "severity": "serious", "title": "libept: FTBFS: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ������;������ token", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 18:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088402, "source": "python-apt", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-apt: VERSION_ID is optional in os-release", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-04 17:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088523, "source": "rocksdb", "severity": "serious", "title": "rocksdb: causes memory leak in oxigraph test", "affected_sources": [ "oxigraph" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:oxigraph" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 11:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088548, "source": "nwipe", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:nwipe: fails to migrate to testing for too long: FTBFS on 32 bits archs", "affected_sources": [ "forensics-extra" ], "affected_packages": [ "forensics-extra" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 14:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088550, "source": "asymptote", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:asymptote: fails to migrate to testing for too long: FTBFS on armel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-28 09:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1088553, "source": "quantlib-swig", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:quantlib-swig: fails to migrate to testing for too long: FTBFS on mips64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-05 21:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088554, "source": "glslang", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:glslang: fails to migrate to testing for too long: fails its own autopkgtest", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 11:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1088556, "source": "rocr-runtime", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:rocr-runtime: fails to migrate to testing for too long: Build-Depends missing on mips64el, riscv64 and s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-28 09:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088558, "source": "dkms", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:dkms: fails to migrate to testing for too long: triggers autopkgtest regressions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 06:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088568, "source": "rocminfo", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:rocminfo: fails to migrate to testing for too long: Build-Depends not available everywhere", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-28 12:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1088570, "source": "rhino", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:rhino: fails to migrate to testing for too long: triggers autopkgtest failures in dojo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-28 12:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1088572, "source": "git", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:git: fails to migrate to testing for too long: unresolved RC bug", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-28 12:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088612, "source": "r-bioc-genomicranges", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:r-bioc-genomicranges: fails to migrate to testing for too long: triggers autopkgtest failure in r-bioc-variantannotation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 10:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088634, "source": "r-cran-amap", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:r-cran-amap: fails to migrate to testing for too long: autopkgtest failure on i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-28 20:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1088641, "source": "python-apt", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-apt: VERSION_ID is optional in os-release", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-04 17:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088648, "source": "ruby-vips", "severity": "serious", "title": "vips: update to 8.16.0 causes regression in ruby-vips autopkgtest", "affected_sources": [ "vips" ], "affected_packages": [ "vips" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 19:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088650, "source": "live-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "Bookworm arm64 builds are broken with `--debian-installer live`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-30 20:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088678, "source": "iptables-netflow", "severity": "important", "title": "iptables-netflow-dkms: Does not build in Debian Bullseye on kernel 5.10.0-33-amd64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-08 02:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088680, "source": "iptables-netflow", "severity": "important", "title": "iptables-netflow-dkms: Does not build on kernel version 5.10.0-33-amd64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-08 02:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088689, "source": "zabbix", "severity": "grave", "title": "zabbix: CVE-2024-36467 CVE-2024-36468 CVE-2024-42326 CVE-2024-42327 CVE-2024-42329 CVE-2024-42330 CVE-2024-42331 CVE-2024-42332 CVE-2024-42333", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 16:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088717, "source": "fontmake", "severity": "serious", "title": "fontmake: FTBFS: E assert ['', ...] == ['', ...]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 19:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088720, "source": "muffin", "severity": "serious", "title": "muffin: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 17:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1088724, "source": "python-maturin", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-maturin: FTBFS: error: failed to select a version for the requirement `pep440_rs = \"^0.6.0\"`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-03 12:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1088728, "source": "xkeycaps", "severity": "serious", "title": "xkeycaps: FTBFS: error: passing argument 2 of ������XawListChange������ from incompatible pointer type", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-29 22:15:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1088729, "source": "tomoyo-tools", "severity": "critical", "title": "tomoyo-tools: tomoyo crashes kernel with LXC", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-30 00:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088741, "source": "mesa", "severity": "normal", "title": "mesa: update build-dep (wayland-protocols, use rustc-web in bpo)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-11-30 10:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088742, "source": "python-aiohomekit", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "python-aiohomekit: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-11-30 10:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088764, "source": "pocketsphinx-python", "severity": "serious", "title": "pocketsphinx-python: autopkgtest failure with Python 3.13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 17:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1088786, "source": "openjfx", "severity": "important", "title": "openjfx: fix ftbfs on riscv64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 12:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088787, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: create-remote-repo should create repo in salsa, not in alioth", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 13:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088798, "source": "kanboard", "severity": "grave", "title": "kanboard: CVE-2024-51747 CVE-2024-51748", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-01 17:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088816, "source": "simplesamlphp", "severity": "grave", "title": "Current version not supported", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 15:00:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088823, "source": "gpaw", "severity": "serious", "title": "gpaw: FTBFS: ImportError: cannot import name 'simps' from 'scipy.integrate'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 11:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1088827, "source": "python-voip-utils", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with Python 3.13: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'audioop'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-03 09:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088834, "source": "gretl", "severity": "serious", "title": "gretl: FTBFS: LaTeX Error: Command \\theHscript already defined", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 11:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088839, "source": "eye", "severity": "serious", "title": "eye has an undeclared file conflict on /usr/bin/eye", "affected_sources": [ "ruby-eye" ], "affected_packages": [ "ruby-eye" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 06:03:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088850, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: releng-tool -- Tool to tailor the building of packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-02 01:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088864, "source": "sasview", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: ImportError: cannot import name 'trapz' from 'scipy.integrate'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 01:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088865, "source": "dolfin", "severity": "serious", "title": "dolfin: autopkgtests fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 10:06:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088891, "source": "ezquake", "severity": "serious", "title": "ezquake: FTBFS: error: passing argument 1 of ������pcre2_substring_list_free_8������ from incompatible pointer type", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-02 16:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088900, "source": "debian-installer", "severity": "important", "title": "debian-installer: Weekly build 2024 12 02: no kernel found to install", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-02 18:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088903, "source": "nat-rtsp", "severity": "grave", "title": "nat-rtsp-dkms: Regression when upgrading from debian11 to 12", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-02 18:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088904, "source": "simplesamlphp", "severity": "grave", "title": "simplesamlphp: CVE-2024-52596 CVE-2024-52806", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-03 19:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1088908, "source": "tesseract", "severity": "normal", "title": "tesseract FTCBFS for armel: build vs host confusion", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 21:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088916, "source": "scons", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:scons: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: ldc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 09:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088922, "source": "onetbb", "severity": "important", "title": "Add cmake check for libatomic requirement when building with gcc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 12:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088925, "source": "python-easyenergy", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-easyenergy: FTBFS: Tries to access Internet during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-02 23:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088930, "source": "python3.13", "severity": "normal", "title": "python3.13: Differing test failures in binary-indep only and amd64 builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-03 04:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088932, "source": "structure-synth", "severity": "serious", "title": "structure-synth: FTBFS: usr/share/quilt/quilt.make: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 22:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1088953, "source": "open-build-service", "severity": "serious", "title": "open-build-service: FTBFS with make 4.4.1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 12:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1088971, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "serious", "title": "sbuild's autopkg tests fail", "affected_sources": [ "glibc", "sbuild" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:glibc", "src:sbuild" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 08:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1088983, "source": "kraft", "severity": "serious", "title": "kraft: KDE PIM transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-18 22:27:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1088984, "source": "kmymoney", "severity": "serious", "title": "kmymoney: KDE PIM transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 14:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1088988, "source": "pandas", "severity": "serious", "title": "pandas<->xarray data conversion issues", "affected_sources": [ "python-xarray" ], "affected_packages": [ "python3-xarray" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-05 14:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089013, "source": "openjdk-21", "severity": "minor", "title": "javadoc: API documentation builds are not always reproducible", "affected_sources": [ "java-common", "maven-javadoc-plugin" ], "affected_packages": [ "default-jdk", "libmaven-javadoc-plugin-java" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-09 11:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1089017, "source": "python-beartype", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-beartype: autopkgtest failure with Python 3.13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 22:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089024, "source": "libjpeg-turbo", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libjpeg-turbo: please build with libjpeg 8 API", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 14:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089034, "source": "cecilia", "severity": "grave", "title": "cecilia fails to start; it shows its logo, but doesn't proceed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-04 14:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089095, "source": "python-pbcore", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "python-pbcore: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-05 11:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089100, "source": "rust-yaxpeax-x86", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-yaxpeax-x86: FTBFS, unsatisfiable dependency on rust-yaxpeax-arch 0.2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-05 13:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089115, "source": "umis", "severity": "serious", "title": "umis: tracebacks normally fatal during autopkgtest runs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 06:12:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1089116, "source": "golang-github-containers-buildah", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-containers-buildah: CVE-2024-9676", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-05 20:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089156, "source": "wget2", "severity": "important", "title": "wget2: test suite fails on IPv6-only hosts", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-12 13:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089180, "source": "guzzle", "severity": "serious", "title": "guzzle: Failing tests with PHP 8.4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 07:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089185, "source": "liboqs", "severity": "grave", "title": "liboqs: CVE-2024-54137", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-06 20:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089192, "source": "golang-golang-x-net", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-golang-x-net: FTBFS: FAIL: TestNumICANNRules", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 06:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1089193, "source": "ros-image-transport-plugins", "severity": "serious", "title": "ros-image-transport-plugins: FTBFS: Could NOT find PythonInterp (missing: PYTHON_EXECUTABLE)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 12:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089194, "source": "wayvnc", "severity": "serious", "title": "wayvnc: FTBFS: ERROR: Dependency lookup for neatvnc with method 'pkgconfig' failed: Invalid version, need 'neatvnc' ['<0.9.0'] found '0.9.1'.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", 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"indi-spectracyber" ], "affected_packages": [ "indi-astromechfoc", "indi-astrolink4", "indi-dreamfocuser", "indi-spectracyber" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-08 20:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1089574, "source": "blender", "severity": "serious", "title": "blender:FTBFS:build failure on riscv (error: #error Please add support for your architecture in BLI_build_config.h)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 18:09:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1089598, "source": "dhcpcd", "severity": "serious", "title": "dhcpcd-base: Upgrade from bookworm (isc-dhcp-client) breaks DDNS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 15:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1089624, "source": "live-build", "severity": "minor", "title": "live-build: Remove obsolete modification to cryptsetup-initramfs conf-hook file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-10 05:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089634, "source": "python-rosettasciio", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-rosettasciio: B-D's on python3-all-dev, but doesn't build for all supported python3 versions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-10 09:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089636, "source": "libcap2", "severity": "serious", "title": "libcap2: FTBFS due to test suite failure on mips64el, powerpc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-10 16:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089665, "source": "lilypond", "severity": "serious", "title": "lilypond: please rebuild with imagemagick 7", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 16:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089669, "source": "python-muranoclient", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-muranoclient: Depends: python3-murano-pkg-check but it is not installable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-29 19:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089692, "source": "golang-ed25519-dev", "severity": "serious", "title": "remove golang-ed25519-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 01:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1089694, "source": "mpich", "severity": "serious", "title": "mpich: autopkgtest regression", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 19:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1089714, "source": "golang-github-nebulouslabs-ed25519", "severity": "serious", "title": "remove golang-github-nebulouslabs-ed25519", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 01:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1089717, "source": "python-thinc", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-thinc: Drop cython3-legacy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1089720, "source": "software-properties", "severity": "grave", "title": "software-properties-qt just crashes on start", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1089725, "source": "mediawiki", "severity": "serious", "title": "mediawiki: autopkgtest failure with php8.4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-21 07:30:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1089726, "source": "php-horde-db", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-horde-db: autopkgtest failure with php8.4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-11 21:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1089727, "source": "php-horde-mapi", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-horde-mapi: autopkgtest failure with php8.4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1089728, "source": "php-nesbot-carbon", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-nesbot-carbon: autopkgtest failure with php8.4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-05 13:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089763, "source": "mediawiki-extension-codemirror", "severity": "serious", "title": "mediawiki-extension-codemirror: autopkgtest failure with php-defaults (96)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1089764, "source": "mediawiki-extension-youtube", "severity": "serious", "title": "mediawiki-extension-youtube: autopkgtest failure with php-defaults (96)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1089765, "source": "mediawiki-skin-greystuff", "severity": "serious", "title": "mediawiki-skin-greystuff: autopkgtest failure with php-defaults (96)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1089766, "source": "php-db", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-db: autopkgtest failure with php-defaults (96)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 16:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089767, "source": "php-enum", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-enum: autopkgtest failure with php-defaults (96)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-17 21:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089768, "source": "php-horde-auth", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-horde-auth: autopkgtest failure with php-defaults (96)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1089769, "source": "php-horde-core", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-horde-core: autopkgtest failure with php-defaults (96)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1089770, "source": "php-horde-crypt", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-horde-crypt: autopkgtest failure with php-defaults (96)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1089771, "source": "php-horde-css-parser", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-horde-css-parser: autopkgtest failure with php-defaults (96)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1089772, "source": "php-horde-data", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-horde-data: autopkgtest failure with php-defaults (96)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1089773, "source": "php-horde-injector", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-horde-injector: autopkgtest failure with php-defaults (96)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1089774, "source": "php-horde-kolab-server", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-horde-kolab-server: autopkgtest failure with php-defaults (96)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1089775, "source": "php-horde-kolab-session", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-horde-kolab-session: autopkgtest failure with php-defaults (96)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1089776, "source": "php-horde-log", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-horde-log: autopkgtest failure with php-defaults (96)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1089777, "source": "php-horde-mime", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-horde-mime: autopkgtest failure with php-defaults (96)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1089778, "source": "php-horde-timezone", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-horde-timezone: autopkgtest failure with php-defaults (96)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1089779, "source": "php-horde-token", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-horde-token: autopkgtest failure with php-defaults (96)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1089800, "source": "ukui-session-manager", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:ukui-session-manager: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: libkf5screen-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-12 20:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089803, "source": "frr", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:frr: fails to migrate to testing for too long: FTBFS on s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-12 20:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089811, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers", "severity": "grave", "title": "linux-headers-6.12.3-amd64: aptitude install error processing package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 16:18:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1089814, "source": "intel-graphics-compiler2", "severity": "serious", "title": "libigdfcl2-dev has an undeclared file conflict on /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/igc-opencl.pc", "affected_sources": [ "intel-graphics-compiler" ], "affected_packages": [ "libigdfcl-dev" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 19:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1089817, "source": "kaidan", "severity": "serious", "title": "kaidan needs a Qt6 port with the KQuickImageEditor transition to Qt6", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 00:00:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1089824, "source": "nwall", "severity": "serious", "title": "nwall: doesnt work on utmp-less systems", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-13 10:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1089826, "source": "python-voip-utils", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-voip-utils: autopkgtest regression on s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 16:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1089845, "source": "starship", "severity": "serious", "title": "starship FTBFS: error: failed to select a version for the requirement `gix = \"^0.63\"`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-14 07:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089846, "source": "cmake", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:cmake: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-13 21:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1089877, "source": "cross-toolchain-base-mipsen", "severity": "serious", "title": "cross-toolchain-base-mipsen: Supporting rootless builds by default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 17:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089881, "source": "gcc-11-cross-mipsen", "severity": "serious", "title": "gcc-11-cross-mipsen: Supporting rootless builds by default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-03 16:57:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1089889, "source": "gcc-12-cross-mipsen", "severity": "serious", "title": "gcc-12-cross-mipsen: Supporting rootless builds by default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-03 16:57:21 +0000" }, { "id": 1089890, "source": "gcc-13-cross-mipsen", "severity": "serious", "title": "gcc-13-cross-mipsen: Supporting rootless builds by default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 18:09:23 +0000" }, { "id": 1089891, "source": "gcc-14-cross-mipsen", "severity": "serious", "title": "gcc-14-cross-mipsen: Supporting rootless builds by default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 18:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089896, "source": "scratch", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "scratch: stop calling dh_buildinfo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-14 13:06:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1089897, "source": "libept", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "libept: stop calling dh_buildinfo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-14 13:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089900, "source": "reqwest", "severity": "serious", "title": "reqwest: stop calling dh_buildinfo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 02:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089901, "source": "reqwest", "severity": "serious", "title": "reqwest: stop calling dh_buildinfo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 02:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1089906, "source": "leaktracer", "severity": "serious", "title": "leaktracer: stop calling dh_buildinfo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 03:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1089914, "source": "gpa", "severity": "serious", "title": "gpa: Keep out of testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 10:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1089915, "source": "djoser", "severity": "grave", "title": "djoser: CVE-2024-21543", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-30 00:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1089921, "source": "ghc", "severity": "important", "title": "ghc: Cherry-pick upstream patch to fix \"relocation R_LARCH_B26 overflow\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 08:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089928, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "RM: libmmap-allocator [mips64el ppc64el] -- ROM; Does not build on mips64el and ppc64el", "affected_sources": [ "libmmap-allocator" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:libmmap-allocator" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 03:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1089931, "source": "wondershaper", "severity": "grave", "title": "wondershaper: does not work at all with newer Linux versions (CBQ net scheduler)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 03:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1089934, "source": "tryton-server", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:tryton-server: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-17 07:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089935, "source": "lxd", "severity": "normal", "title": "lxd: Flaky tests causing FTBFS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-29 18:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1089964, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-470", "severity": "grave", "title": "nvidia-tesla-470-kernel-dkms: Build error with kernel 6.12", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 16:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1089970, "source": "sia", "severity": "serious", "title": "keep Sia out of testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1089981, "source": "swi-prolog", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:swi-prolog: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 06:03:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1089991, "source": "vcmi", "severity": "serious", "title": "[armel] FTBFS with undefined reference to `__atomic_fetch_add_8' due to opentbb cmake not adding -latomic", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 22:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090002, "source": "mmdebstrap", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "mmdebstrap: Use apt/dpkg from host for dependency resolution and unpack when building chroot for a different architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 20:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090007, "source": "lumino", "severity": "important", "title": "lumino: rebuild fails against node-typescript 5.0.4 from experimental", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 13:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090008, "source": "node-ansi-up", "severity": "important", "title": "node-ansi-up: rebuild fails against node-typescript 5.0.4 from experimental", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 13:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090009, "source": "node-babel7", "severity": "important", "title": "node-babel7: rebuild fails against node-typescript 5.0.4 from experimental", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 13:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1090010, "source": "node-cheerio", "severity": "important", "title": "node-cheerio: rebuild fails against node-typescript 5.0.4 from experimental", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 13:33:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1090011, "source": "node-css-select", "severity": "important", "title": "node-css-select: rebuild fails against node-typescript 5.0.4 from experimental", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 13:33:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1090013, "source": "node-jest", "severity": "important", "title": "node-jest: rebuild fails against node-typescript 5.0.4 from experimental", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 13:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090014, "source": "node-js-sdsl", "severity": "important", "title": "node-js-sdsl: rebuild fails against node-typescript 5.0.4 from experimental", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 13:36:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1090018, "source": "node-popper2", "severity": "important", "title": "node-popper2: rebuild fails against node-typescript 5.0.4 from experimental", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 13:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1090022, "source": "node-tap", "severity": "important", "title": "node-tap: rebuild fails against node-typescript 5.0.4 from experimental", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 13:39:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1090025, "source": "node-zrender", "severity": "important", "title": "node-zrender: rebuild fails against node-typescript 5.0.4 from experimental", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 13:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090027, "source": "rabbitmq-server", "severity": "grave", "title": "rabbitmq-server: broken with erlang 27", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 19:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090028, "source": "txtorcon", "severity": "normal", "title": "txtorcon: please remove the extraneous python3-mock build-dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 14:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090030, "source": "zabbix", "severity": "grave", "title": "zabbix: CVE-2024-36464", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 09:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1090038, "source": "tinydyndns", "severity": "serious", "title": "tinydyndns: FTBFS: Oops. Your getgroups() returned 0, and setgroups() failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-15 17:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090041, "source": "sddm-kcm", "severity": "serious", "title": "Writes runtime configuration to /usr/share", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 19:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1090049, "source": "haskell-yi-frontend-pango", "severity": "serious", "title": "RM: haskell-yi-frontend-pango -- RoQA; depends on gtk2; unpopular", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 01:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090064, "source": "rust-virtiofsd", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-virtiofsd: Cannot fulfill the build dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-01 21:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090073, "source": "nodejs", "severity": "serious", "title": "nodejs: FTBFS on riscv64: undefined reference to `v8::internal::trap_handler::RegisterDefaultTrapHandler()'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 05:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090076, "source": "rust-rebuildctl", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-rebuildctl: build depends librust-rebuilderd-common-0.20.0+default-dev but it is not installable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 17:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090078, "source": "firehol", "severity": "normal", "title": "firehol: unreproducible build because of PDF ID embedding", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 09:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090081, "source": "gcc-snapshot", "severity": "normal", "title": "gccrs ftbfs on hurd-amd64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 11:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090089, "source": "apper", "severity": "serious", "title": "apper: FTBFS: Some (but not all) targets in this export set were already defined.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 13:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090090, "source": "apt-transport-in-toto", "severity": "serious", "title": "apt-transport-in-toto: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'securesystemslib.gpg'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 13:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090096, "source": "diceware", "severity": "serious", "title": "diceware: FTBFS: ERROR: Invalid value `None` in intersphinx_mapping['http://docs.python.org/']. Expected a two-element tuple or list.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 21:15:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1090106, "source": "mystic", "severity": "serious", "title": "mystic: FTBFS: ERROR: Invalid value `None` in intersphinx_mapping['https://docs.python.org/3/']. Expected a two-element tuple or list.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 13:48:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1090110, "source": "ntopng", "severity": "serious", "title": "ntopng: FTBFS: ERROR: Invalid value `None` in intersphinx_mapping['https://docs.python.org/']. Expected a two-element tuple or list.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 13:48:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1090115, "source": "pdfposter", "severity": "serious", "title": "pdfposter: FTBFS: ERROR: Invalid value `None` in intersphinx_mapping['https://docs.python.org/']. Expected a two-element tuple or list.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 01:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090126, "source": "pyte", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyte: FTBFS: ERROR: Invalid value `None` in intersphinx_mapping['http://docs.python.org/']. Expected a two-element tuple or list.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 09:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090130, "source": "python-aioopenssl", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-aioopenssl: FTBFS: ERROR: Invalid value `None` in intersphinx_mapping['https://pyopenssl.readthedocs.org/en/latest/']. Expected a two-element tuple or list.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 21:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1090135, "source": "python-cai", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-cai: FTBFS: ERROR: Invalid value `None` in intersphinx_mapping['https://docs.python.org/']. Expected a two-element tuple or list.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-26 15:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090136, "source": "python-confection", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-confection: FTBFS: ERROR confection/tests - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'srsly.ujson.uj...", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 13:48:40 +0000" }, { "id": 1090165, "source": "python-tinyrpc", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-tinyrpc: FTBFS: ERROR: Invalid value `None` in intersphinx_mapping['http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/docs/']. Expected a two-element tuple or list.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 13:49:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090166, "source": "ripe-atlas-tools", "severity": "serious", "title": "ripe-atlas-tools: FTBFS: ERROR: Invalid value `None` in intersphinx_mapping['http://docs.python.org/']. Expected a two-element tuple or list.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 13:49:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1090176, "source": "unicrypto", "severity": "serious", "title": "unicrypto: FTBFS: E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mbedtls.exceptions'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 13:49:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1090190, "source": "amgcl", "severity": "serious", "title": "amgcl: FTBFS: The following tests FAILED: 13 - test_pyamgcl (Failed)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 06:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090191, "source": "averell", "severity": "serious", "title": "averell: FTBFS: beam/beam_load.c(206): Error loading module cowboy_middleware:", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 17:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090195, "source": "binutils-avr", "severity": "serious", "title": "binutils-avr: FTBFS: error: passing argument 1 of ������������strcpy������������ discards ������������const������������ qualifier from pointer target type", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 11:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090202, "source": "compton-conf", "severity": "serious", "title": "compton-conf: FTBFS: Could not find a package configuration file provided by \"lxqt-build-tools\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 03:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090204, "source": "coyote", "severity": "serious", "title": "coyote: FTBFS: autobuilder hangs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 21:15:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1090209, "source": "elixir-earmark-parser", "severity": "serious", "title": "elixir-earmark-parser: FTBFS: Mix requires the Hex package manager to fetch dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 16:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090210, "source": "editorconfig-emacs", "severity": "serious", "title": "editorconfig-emacs: FTBFS: many failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 10:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1090211, "source": "elixir-ex-doc", "severity": "serious", "title": "elixir-ex-doc: FTBFS: Mix requires the Hex package manager to fetch dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 17:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090212, "source": "elixir-makeup-c", "severity": "serious", "title": "elixir-makeup-c: FTBFS: Mix requires the Hex package manager to fetch dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 17:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090213, "source": "elixir-makeup-elixir", "severity": "serious", "title": "elixir-makeup-elixir: FTBFS: error: module NimbleParsec is not loaded and could not be found.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 17:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090214, "source": "elixir-makeup-erlang", "severity": "serious", "title": "elixir-makeup-erlang: FTBFS: Mix requires the Hex package manager to fetch dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 17:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090215, "source": "elixir-makeup", "severity": "serious", "title": "elixir-makeup: FTBFS: error: module NimbleParsec is not loaded and could not be found.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 17:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090216, "source": "erlang-bbmustache", "severity": "serious", "title": "erlang-bbmustache: FTBFS: bbmustache.erl:656:55: syntax error before: 'maybe'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 21:15:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1090219, "source": "fasttrack-archive-keyring", "severity": "serious", "title": "fasttrack-archive-keyring: FTBFS: make[1]: apt-key: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 18:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090222, "source": "forge", "severity": "serious", "title": "forge: FTBFS: error: no match for ������operator<<������ (operand types are ������std::basic_ostream������ and ������gl::GLenum������)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 00:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090225, "source": "freezegun", "severity": "serious", "title": "freezegun: FTBFS: E AssertionError: FakeDate(2013, 4, 9) != datetime.datetime(2013, 4, 9, 0, 0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 12:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090226, "source": "gfpoken", "severity": "serious", "title": "gfpoken: FTBFS: Couldn't open libEGL.so.1: libEGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 17:51:32 +0000" }, { "id": 1090229, "source": "globjects", "severity": "serious", "title": "globjects: FTBFS: error: ������������gl::BufferAccessMask������������ has not been declared", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 20:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1090230, "source": "golang-github-flowstack-go-jsonschema", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-flowstack-go-jsonschema: FTBFS: You may want to add a line in debian/fill.copyright.blanks.yml", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 15:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1090231, "source": "golang-github-iovisor-gobpf", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-iovisor-gobpf: FTBFS: You may want to add a line in debian/fill.copyright.blanks.yml", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 15:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090235, "source": "in-toto", "severity": "serious", "title": "in-toto: FTBFS: ImportError: cannot import name 'KEY_TYPE_ECDSA' from 'securesystemslib'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 17:51:39 +0000" }, { "id": 1090237, "source": "kaidan", "severity": "serious", "title": "kaidan: FTBFS: Could not find a configuration file for package \"Qt5Core\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 17:51:40 +0000" }, { "id": 1090244, "source": "lomiri-system-settings", "severity": "normal", "title": "lomiri-system-settings: debian/rules uses BUILDHOME without a real need", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-17 13:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1090245, "source": "lxqt-branding-debian", "severity": "serious", "title": "lxqt-branding-debian: FTBFS: Could not find a package configuration file provided by \"lxqt-build-tools\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 17:51:47 +0000" }, { "id": 1090248, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418: FTBFS: error: ������������const struct drm_mode_config_funcs������������ has no member named ������������output_poll_changed������������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 22:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090250, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-450", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-450: FTBFS: error: ������������const struct drm_mode_config_funcs������������ has no member named ������������output_poll_changed������������", "affected_sources": [ ], 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false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 13:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090259, "source": "rabbitmq-server", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-amqplib: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ "php-amqplib" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:php-amqplib" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-18 03:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090260, "source": "php-net-publicsuffix", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-net-publicsuffix: FTBFS: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: idn_to_ascii(): Argument #1 ($domain) must not be empty", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-18 00:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1090262, "source": "pwdsphinx", "severity": "serious", "title": "pwdsphinx: FTBFS: ValueError: Unable to find libequihash", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-01 11:03:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1090266, "source": "python-babel", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-babel: FTBFS: AssertionError: assert '8.1.2016' == '8. tammik. 2016'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 22:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090267, "source": "python3.13", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-cffi: FTBFS: E TypeError: bad argument type for built-in operation", "affected_sources": [ "python-cffi" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:python-cffi" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-03 10:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090269, "source": "python-cogent", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-cogent: FTBFS: E ImportError: Numba could not be imported.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 17:54:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1090271, "source": "python-feather-format", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-feather-format: FTBFS: error: too few arguments to function ������������int _PyLong_AsByteArray(PyLongObject*, unsigned char*, size_t, int, int, int)������������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 17:54:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1090272, "source": "python-executing", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-executing: FTBFS: E AssertionError: assert is None", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 15:18:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1090274, "source": "python-foobot-async", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-foobot-async: FTBFS: E TypeError: 'Timeout' object does not support the context manager protocol", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 17:54:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1090276, "source": "python-inline-snapshot", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-inline-snapshot: FTBFS: E assert 5 == 4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 16:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090279, "source": "python-loompy", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-loompy: FTBFS: E ImportError: cannot import name '_typeconv' from 'numba.core.typeconv'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 17:54:18 +0000" }, { "id": 1090280, "source": "python-mypermobil", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-mypermobil: FTBFS: E AssertionError: MyPermobilAPIException not raised", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 17:54:19 +0000" }, { "id": 1090282, "source": "python-passlib", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-passlib: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 14:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090284, "source": "python-pynndescent", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-pynndescent: FTBFS: E ImportError: Numba could not be imported.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 17:54:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1090285, "source": "python-pyfakefs", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-pyfakefs: FTBFS: INTERNALERROR> ValueError: '/<>' is not in the subpath of '/<>'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 20:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1090287, "source": "qlipper", "severity": "serious", "title": "qlipper: FTBFS: Could not find a package configuration file provided by \"lxqt-build-tools\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 17:54:25 +0000" }, { "id": 1090290, "source": "qtnetworkauth-everywhere-src", "severity": "serious", "title": "qtnetworkauth-everywhere-src: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 21:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090291, "source": "rhvoice", "severity": "serious", "title": "rhvoice: FTBFS: error: 'uint32_t' is not a member of 'utf8'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 23:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090292, "source": "numba", "severity": "serious", "title": "resampy: FTBFS: E ImportError: Numba could not be imported.", "affected_sources": [ "resampy" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:resampy" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 11:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1090293, "source": "golang-goptlib", "severity": "serious", "title": "riseup-vpn: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ "riseup-vpn" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:riseup-vpn" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-04 17:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090294, "source": "rust-async-std", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-async-std: FTBFS: error: creating a shared reference to mutable static is discouraged", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 02:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090295, "source": "rabbitmq-server", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-bunny: FTBFS: dh_auto_install: error: dh_ruby --install /<>/debian/ruby-bunny returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ "ruby-bunny" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:ruby-bunny" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-26 15:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090303, "source": "rust-stackdriver-logger", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-stackdriver-logger: FTBFS: error: couldn't read `src/../../Cargo.toml`: No such file or directory (os error 2)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-17 13:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090308, "source": "stumpwm", "severity": "serious", "title": "stumpwm: FTBFS: make[2]: *** [Makefile:26: stumpwm.texi] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-16 21:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090336, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: leaks env variables when using $environment_filter", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 07:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090342, "source": "freerdp2", "severity": "serious", "title": "freerdp2: Should not be included in Debian because we ship freerdp3 instead", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 01:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1090356, "source": "python-pypump", "severity": "grave", "title": "python-pypump: does not work at all with recent IPython", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 01:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1090358, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: please pre-set config variables with their defaults", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 07:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090360, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: running autopkgtests is broken", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-17 14:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090361, "source": "nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules", "severity": "grave", "title": "linux-headers-6.12.5-amd64: aptitude install fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-17 14:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090372, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "important", "title": "sbuild: Missing Recommends: iproute2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 07:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090382, "source": "ruby-fuubar", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:ruby-fuubar: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-17 20:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090386, "source": "libunwind", "severity": "serious", "title": "cannot install wine32:i386: Depends: libunwind8:i386 but it is not going to be installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 00:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090395, "source": "binutils", "severity": "minor", "title": "binutils-doc: examples.tar.gz archive metadata includes build user uid", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 13:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1090399, "source": "barbican", "severity": "normal", "title": "barbican: FTBFS: buildsystem=python_distutils is obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 09:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090403, "source": "cinder", "severity": "normal", "title": "cinder: FTBFS: buildsystem=python_distutils is obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 08:36:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1090406, "source": "cloudkitty", "severity": "normal", "title": "cloudkitty: FTBFS: buildsystem=python_distutils is obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 16:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090414, "source": "glance", "severity": "normal", "title": "glance: FTBFS: buildsystem=python_distutils is obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 16:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1090420, "source": "horizon", "severity": "normal", "title": "horizon: FTBFS: buildsystem=python_distutils is obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 16:39:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1090427, "source": "keystone", "severity": "normal", "title": "keystone: FTBFS: buildsystem=python_distutils is obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 16:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090430, "source": "magnum", "severity": "normal", "title": "magnum: FTBFS: buildsystem=python_distutils is obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 15:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090433, "source": "manila", "severity": "normal", "title": "manila: FTBFS: buildsystem=python_distutils is obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 15:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1090450, "source": "neutron", "severity": "normal", "title": "neutron: FTBFS: buildsystem=python_distutils is obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 18:03:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1090451, "source": "nova", "severity": "normal", "title": "nova: FTBFS: buildsystem=python_distutils is obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 12:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090456, "source": "openstack-trove", "severity": "normal", "title": "openstack-trove: FTBFS: buildsystem=python_distutils is obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 11:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090484, "source": "python-ddt", "severity": "normal", "title": "python-ddt: FTBFS: buildsystem=python_distutils is obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 10:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090560, "source": "python-os-win", "severity": "normal", "title": "python-os-win: FTBFS: buildsystem=python_distutils is obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 08:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090611, "source": "python-saharaclient", "severity": "normal", "title": "python-saharaclient: FTBFS: buildsystem=python_distutils is obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 09:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090692, "source": "remote-logon-config-agent", "severity": "normal", "title": "remote-logon-config-agent: FTBFS: buildsystem=python_distutils is obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-18 11:28:29 +0000" }, { "id": 1090717, "source": "linux", "severity": "grave", "title": "Corruption of Lexar NM790 NVMe drive with Linux 6.5+", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-18 12:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090730, "source": "slurm-wlm", "severity": "serious", "title": "slurm-wlm: not built on buildd", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 09:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090753, "source": "miniupnpd", "severity": "grave", "title": "miniupnpd-nftables: fails to start: nft_init.sh logic check failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-18 17:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090770, "source": "runit", "severity": "serious", "title": "runit: depends on unsatisfiable dh-buildinfo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 11:54:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1090773, "source": "o2", "severity": "serious", "title": "o2: uses removed --with buildinfo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 00:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090775, "source": "csound", "severity": "serious", "title": "csound: uses removed --with buildinfo", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 17:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1090786, "source": "geventhttpclient", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "geventhttpclient: please drop python3-six from the build dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 06:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1090801, "source": "sane-backends", "severity": "important", "title": "sane-backends: FTBFS on non-Linux architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 17:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090806, "source": "ghc", "severity": "normal", "title": "ghc unimplemented SMP memory barriers on hppa architecture", "affected_sources": [ "haskell-ghc-lib-parser" ], "affected_packages": [ "haskell-ghc-lib-parser" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 15:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090807, "source": "haskell-ghc-lib-parser", "severity": "normal", "title": "Fwd: ghc unimplemented SMP memory barriers on hppa architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-19 14:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090816, "source": "dcontainers", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:dcontainers: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: dh-dlang (>= 0.6.2)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 17:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090817, "source": "dlang-libevent", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:dlang-libevent: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: default-d-compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 09:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090818, "source": "dlang-openssl", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:dlang-openssl: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: default-d-compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 09:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090819, "source": "votca", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:votca: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: librdkit-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 05:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090858, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "normal", "title": "autopkgtest-build-qemu fails mounting /boot/efi twice in bookworm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 10:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090862, "source": "ruby-actionpack-action-caching", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-actionpack-action-caching: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: :149:in `require': cannot load such file -- mocha/setup (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-24 13:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090863, "source": "ruby-fakeweb", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-fakeweb: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: NoMethodError: undefined method `any_instance' for URI::RFC2396_Parser:Class", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 11:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090864, "source": "ruby-feedparser", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-feedparser: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: :86:in `require': cannot load such file -- mocha/setup (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-24 14:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090865, "source": "ruby-fuzzyurl", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-fuzzyurl: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: :86:in `require': cannot load such file -- mocha/setup (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-24 14:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090866, "source": "ruby-gelf", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-gelf: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: :86:in `require': cannot load such file -- mocha/setup (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-24 14:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090867, "source": "ruby-metriks", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-metriks: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: :86:in `require': cannot load such file -- mocha/setup (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-24 14:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090868, "source": "ruby-mobile-fu", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-mobile-fu: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: :149:in `require': cannot load such file -- mocha/setup (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-24 14:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1090869, "source": "ruby-net-scp", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-net-scp: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: :86:in `require': cannot load such file -- mocha/setup (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 11:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090870, "source": "ruby-net-sftp", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-net-sftp: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: :86:in `require': cannot load such file -- mocha/setup (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-24 14:42:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1090871, "source": "ruby-net-ssh-multi", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-net-ssh-multi: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: :86:in `require': cannot load such file -- mocha/setup (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-24 14:42:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1090872, "source": "ruby-mini-magick", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-mini-magick: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: Failure/Error: expect(described_class.cli_version).to match(/^\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+-\\d+$/)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 11:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1090873, "source": "ruby-puppetlabs-spec-helper", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-puppetlabs-spec-helper: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: Failure/Error: it { expect(output[0]).to match(/spec_prep/) }", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 23:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1090874, "source": "ruby-rack-rewrite", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-rack-rewrite: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: :86:in `require': cannot load such file -- mocha/setup (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-24 14:42:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1090875, "source": "ruby-redis-activesupport", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-redis-activesupport: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: :86:in `require': cannot load such file -- mocha/setup (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 12:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090876, "source": "ruby-redis-rack", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-redis-rack: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: :86:in `require': cannot load such file -- mocha/setup (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 12:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090877, "source": "ruby-redis-rails", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-redis-rails: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: :86:in `require': cannot load such file -- mocha/setup (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 12:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090878, "source": "ruby-responders", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-responders: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: :86:in `require': cannot load such file -- mocha/setup (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-24 14:42:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1090879, "source": "ruby-test-construct", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-test-construct: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: :86:in `require': cannot load such file -- mocha/setup (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-24 14:42:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1090880, "source": "ruby-uuid", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-uuid: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: :86:in `require': cannot load such file -- mocha/setup (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-24 14:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090881, "source": "ruby-mail-room", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-mail-room: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: Failure/Error: @server.start", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 12:06:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1090882, "source": "sonic-pi", "severity": "important", "title": "sonic-pi: FTBFS with ruby-mocha 2: `require': cannot load such file -- mocha/setup (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 21:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090893, "source": "gcc-snapshot", "severity": "important", "title": "GCC trunk ftbfs on hurd-amd64, PTHREAD_MUTEX_SIZE not declared", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 17:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1090901, "source": "oxigraph", "severity": "serious", "title": "oxigraph: autopkgtest regression in testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 12:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1090910, "source": "libadwaita-1", "severity": "normal", "title": "libadwaita-1: autopkgtest fails in unshare sbuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 19:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1090932, "source": "dh-puredata", "severity": "serious", "title": "dh-puredata: autopkgtest fails with debhelper 13.22", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 08:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1090944, "source": "juce", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:juce: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-20 22:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090971, "source": "python-ring-doorbell", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:python-ring-doorbell: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-21 14:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1090972, "source": "bornagain", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:bornagain: fails to migrate to testing for too long: FTBFS on 5 release architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-21 14:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090973, "source": "mccode", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:mccode: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-21 14:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090980, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: golang-github-awslabs-soci-snapshotter -- A containerd snapshotter plugin which enables standard OCI images to be lazily loaded without requiring a build-time conversion step.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 01:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1090984, "source": "opensm", "severity": "serious", "title": "opensm: fails to build for arch:all", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 11:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091004, "source": "python-ring-doorbell", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-ring-doorbell: autopkgtest needs update for new version of python-pytest-asyncio", "affected_sources": [ "python-pytest-asyncio" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:python-pytest-asyncio" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 16:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091009, "source": "gnumeric", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnumeric: FTBFS: failed tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 08:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091010, "source": "dlang-libevent", "severity": "serious", "title": "dlang-libevent: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: libllvm16t64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 08:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1091011, "source": "golang-github-coreos-pkg", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-coreos-pkg: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && go test -vet=off -v -p 8 github.com/coreos/pkg/capnslog github.com/coreos/pkg/cryptoutil github.com/coreos/pkg/dlopen github.com/coreos/pkg/flagutil github.com/coreos/pkg/health github.com/coreos/pkg/httputil github.com/coreos/pkg/k8s-tlsutil github.com/coreos/pkg/multierror github.com/coreos/pkg/netutil github.com/coreos/pkg/progressutil github.com/coreos/pkg/timeutil github.com/coreos/pkg/yamlutil returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 12:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091012, "source": "cross-toolchain-base-mipsen", "severity": "serious", "title": "cross-toolchain-base-mipsen: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: linux-source-6.9 (>= 6.9.9)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 23:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091015, "source": "emscripten", "severity": "serious", "title": "emscripten: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:209: execute_after_dh_auto_build-indep] Error 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 08:33:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1091016, "source": "dask", "severity": "serious", "title": "dask: FTBFS: Handler for event 'html-page-context' threw an exception (exception: 'generate_nav_html')", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-06 16:06:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1091020, "source": "dcontainers", "severity": "serious", "title": "dcontainers: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: libllvm16t64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 17:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091022, "source": "dlang-openssl", "severity": "serious", "title": "dlang-openssl: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: libllvm16t64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 08:33:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1091023, "source": "cmake", "severity": "serious", "title": "cmake breaks lfortran autopkgtest", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 09:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091024, "source": "dojo", "severity": "serious", "title": "rhino breaks dojo autopkgtest", "affected_sources": [ "rhino" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:rhino" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 07:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091026, "source": "r-bioc-structuralvariantannotation", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-bioc-structuralvariantannotation: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: r-api-bioc-3.20", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 22:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091027, "source": "syslinux", "severity": "serious", "title": "syslinux: FTBFS: debug.c:91:5: error: implicit declaration of function ������printf������ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 09:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091029, "source": "pylint", "severity": "serious", "title": "pylint: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.13 3.12\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-29 13:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091032, "source": "emscripten", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-inwasm: FTBFS: wasm-ld-18: error: unknown argument: --no-growable-memory", "affected_sources": [ "node-inwasm", "node-yarnpkg" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:node-yarnpkg", "node-inwasm" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 11:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091033, "source": "parcimonie", "severity": "serious", "title": "parcimonie: FTBFS: Can't locate Module/Pluggable/Object.pm in @INC", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 09:30:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1091037, "source": "uglifyjs", "severity": "serious", "title": "uglifyjs: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:26: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 09:30:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1091039, "source": "onetbb", "severity": "serious", "title": "onetbb: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:50: override_dh_auto_build-indep] Error 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-02 01:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091041, "source": "r-bioc-edaseq", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-bioc-edaseq: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: r-api-bioc-3.20", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 22:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091042, "source": "taurus-pyqtgraph", "severity": "serious", "title": "taurus-pyqtgraph: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: python3-pylsp (< 1.11~), python3-qtconsole (< 5.6~), python3-spyder-kernels (< 2.6~)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 09:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091043, "source": "r-bioc-titancna", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-bioc-titancna: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: r-api-bioc-3.20", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 22:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091044, "source": "r-bioc-mutationalpatterns", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-bioc-mutationalpatterns: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: r-api-bioc-3.20", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 22:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091045, "source": "r-bioc-cummerbund", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-bioc-cummerbund: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: r-api-bioc-3.20", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 22:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091048, "source": "r-bioc-biovizbase", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-bioc-biovizbase: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: r-api-bioc-3.20", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 22:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091049, "source": "vala-panel-appmenu", "severity": "serious", "title": "vala-panel-appmenu: FTBFS: Package 'libxfce4ui-2', required by 'libxfce4panel-2.0', not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 09:36:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1091050, "source": "libjpeg", "severity": "serious", "title": "libjpeg: FTBFS: dpkg-buildpackage: error: dpkg-source -b . subprocess returned exit status 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 08:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091051, "source": "r-bioc-ensembldb", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-bioc-ensembldb: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: r-api-bioc-3.20", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 22:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091052, "source": "python-xrt", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-xrt: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: python3-pylsp (< 1.11~), python3-qtconsole (< 5.6~), python3-spyder-kernels (< 2.6~)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 12:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091053, "source": "r-bioc-genomicfeatures", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-bioc-genomicfeatures: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: r-api-bioc-3.20", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 21:12:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091054, "source": "r-bioc-ioniser", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-bioc-ioniser: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: r-api-bioc-3.20", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 21:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091055, "source": "pomegranate-clojure", "severity": "serious", "title": "pomegranate-clojure: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:14: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 19:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091057, "source": "sardana", "severity": "serious", "title": "sardana: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: python3-pylsp (< 1.11~), python3-qtconsole (< 5.6~), python3-spyder-kernels (< 2.6~)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 09:36:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1091059, "source": "kickoff", "severity": "serious", "title": "kickoff: FTBFS: Can't exec \"dh_buildinfo\": No such file or directory at /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/SequencerUtil.pm line 534.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 09:36:19 +0000" }, { "id": 1091060, "source": "r-bioc-purecn", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-bioc-purecn: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: r-api-bioc-3.20", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 22:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091062, "source": "osdsh", "severity": "serious", "title": "osdsh: FTBFS: ld: cannot find utils.o: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 09:36:21 +0000" }, { "id": 1091063, "source": "libamplsolver", "severity": "serious", "title": "libamplsolver: FTBFS: asl.h:22:10: fatal error: arith.h: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 00:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091064, "source": "open-adventure", "severity": "serious", "title": "open-adventure: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 09:36:23 +0000" }, { "id": 1091065, "source": "r-bioc-gviz", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-bioc-gviz: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: r-api-bioc-3.20", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 22:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091066, "source": "r-bioc-genomicfiles", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-bioc-genomicfiles: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: r-api-bioc-3.20", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 22:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091067, "source": "scala", "severity": "serious", "title": "scala: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:13: override_dh_auto_build] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 09:36:26 +0000" }, { "id": 1091068, "source": "tellico", "severity": "serious", "title": "tellico: FTBFS: The following packages have unmet dependencies: libksanecore6-1 : Breaks: libksanecore1 but 23.08.1-2+b1 is to be installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 14:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1091069, "source": "r-bioc-qtlizer", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-bioc-qtlizer: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: r-api-bioc-3.20", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 19:30:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091072, "source": "ruby-fakefs", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-fakefs: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 09:36:31 +0000" }, { "id": 1091073, "source": "meli", "severity": "serious", "title": "meli: FTBFS: Could not create log file in XDG_DATA_DIR: Os { code: 13, kind: PermissionDenied, message: \\\"Permission denied\\\" }", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 01:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091075, "source": "taurus", "severity": "serious", "title": "taurus: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: python3-pylsp (< 1.11~), python3-qtconsole (< 5.6~), python3-spyder-kernels (< 2.6~)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 09:36:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1091077, "source": "hackage-tracker", "severity": "serious", "title": "hackage-tracker: FTBFS: Can't exec \"dh_buildinfo\": No such file or directory at /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/SequencerUtil.pm line 534.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 09:36:36 +0000" }, { "id": 1091080, "source": "r-bioc-variantannotation", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-bioc-variantannotation: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: r-api-bioc-3.20", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 22:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091081, "source": "guiqwt", "severity": "serious", "title": "guiqwt: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: python3-pylsp (< 1.11~), python3-qtconsole (< 5.6~), python3-spyder-kernels (< 2.6~)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 13:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091091, "source": "wings3d", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:wings3d: fails to migrate to testing for too long: FTBFS on mips64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 12:24:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1091096, "source": "picom-conf", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:picom-conf: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: liblxqt1-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 17:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091097, "source": "qt5-ukui-platformtheme", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:qt5-ukui-platformtheme: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: libqt5xdgiconloader-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 15:06:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1091101, "source": "golang-github-biogo-hts", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-biogo-hts: FTBFS: bgzf_test.go:118: Expected error:read /tmp/TestEOF2778629558/002: is a directory got:readat /tmp/TestEOF2778629558/002: negative offset", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 16:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091102, "source": "golang-github-biogo-hts", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-biogo-hts: FTBFS on 32bit architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 16:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091109, "source": "libsemanage", "severity": "serious", "title": "libsemanage: FTBFS: semanageswig_wrap.c:4209:17: error: too few arguments to function ������SWIG_Python_AppendOutput������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 10:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091110, "source": "snapd-glib", "severity": "serious", "title": "snapd-glib: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && DEB_PYTHON_INSTALL_LAYOUT=deb LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 MESON_TESTTHREADS=1 meson test returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 16:54:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1091111, "source": "maven-debian-helper", "severity": "serious", "title": "maven-debian-helper: FTBFS: [javac] /<>/maven-debian-helper/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/plugin/internal/PlexusUtilsInjector.java:22: error: package org.eclipse.aether does not exist", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 00:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091112, "source": "kodi", "severity": "serious", "title": "kodi: FTBFS: make[4]: *** [build/swig/CMakeFiles/python_binding.dir/build.make:114: build/swig/AddonModuleXbmcwsgi.i.cpp] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-26 07:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091116, "source": "cbmc", "severity": "serious", "title": "cbmc: FTBFS: [\u001b[1;31mERROR\u001b[m] \tCannot access central (https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2) in offline mode and the artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:jar:3.7.0 has not been downloaded from it before.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 21:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091118, "source": "device-tree-compiler", "severity": "serious", "title": "device-tree-compiler: FTBFS: libfdt_wrap.c:5599:17: error: too few arguments to function ������SWIG_Python_AppendOutput������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-24 02:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091119, "source": "sptag", "severity": "serious", "title": "sptag: FTBFS: E: Build killed with signal TERM after 150 minutes of inactivity", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 16:54:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1091120, "source": "jax-maven-plugin", "severity": "serious", "title": "jax-maven-plugin: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:8: binary] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 16:54:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1091121, "source": "plplot", "severity": "serious", "title": "plplot: FTBFS: plplotcPYTHON_wrap.c:7070:17: error: implicit declaration of function ������t_output_helper������ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 17:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091122, "source": "calligraplan", "severity": "serious", "title": "calligraplan: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:10: override_dh_auto_configure] Error 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 16:54:19 +0000" }, { "id": 1091123, "source": "gnucash", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnucash: FTBFS: gnucash_core.c:10892:19: error: too few arguments to function ������SWIG_Python_AppendOutput������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 23:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091125, "source": "u-boot", "severity": "serious", "title": "u-boot: FTBFS: scripts/dtc/pylibfdt/libfdt_wrap.c:5581:17: error: too few arguments to function ������SWIG_Python_AppendOutput������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": 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"last_modified": "2025-01-27 10:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091132, "source": "jayway-jsonpath", "severity": "serious", "title": "jayway-jsonpath: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:7: override_dh_auto_build] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 16:54:29 +0000" }, { "id": 1091133, "source": "m2crypto", "severity": "serious", "title": "m2crypto: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.13 3.12\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 13:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091134, "source": "babeltrace2", "severity": "serious", "title": "babeltrace2: FTBFS: bt2/native_bt.c:4256:17: error: too 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], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 20:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091137, "source": "pandas", "severity": "serious", "title": "pandas<->xarray data conversion issues", "affected_sources": [ "python-xarray" ], "affected_packages": [ "python3-xarray" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-05 14:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091140, "source": "calligra", "severity": "serious", "title": "calligra: FTBFS: dh_install: error: missing files, aborting", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 19:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1091141, "source": "openqa", "severity": "serious", "title": "openqa: FTBFS: Can't open file \"/tmp/Ny0ZPgowdg/test.txt\": No such file or directory at ./t/25-downloader.t line 161.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 16:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1091144, "source": "libmaus2", "severity": "normal", "title": "libmaus2: ftbfs on arm64 prevents building biobambam2", "affected_sources": [ "biobambam2" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:biobambam2" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-05 11:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091145, "source": "camitk", "severity": "serious", "title": "camitk: FTBFS on arm64: build-dependency not installable: libinsighttoolkit5-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 14:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091147, "source": "arm-trusted-firmware", "severity": "serious", "title": "arm-trusted-firmware: FTBFS on arm64: ccsOcV8D.s: Error: 1 warning, treating warnings as errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 13:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091151, "source": "deblur", "severity": "serious", "title": "deblur: FTBFS on arm64: build-dependency not installable: sortmerna (> 4~)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 18:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091154, "source": "nfs-ganesha", "severity": "serious", "title": "nfs-ganesha: FTBFS on arm64: make: *** [debian/rules:35: binary] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 12:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091155, "source": "openqa", "severity": "serious", "title": "openqa: FTBFS on arm64: tools/test_containers_compose: line 1: docker: command not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 16:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1091156, "source": "cpptraj", "severity": "serious", "title": "cpptraj: FTBFS on arm64: make[2]: *** [Makefile:662: summary] Error 4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 18:03:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1091157, "source": "etlcpp", "severity": "serious", "title": "etlcpp: FTBFS on arm64: test_bit_stream_reader_big_endian.cpp:212:69: error: narrowing conversion of ������-91������ from ������int8_t������ {aka ������signed char������} to ������char������ [-Wnarrowing]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 23:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091159, "source": "ompl", "severity": "serious", "title": "ompl: FTBFS on arm64: dh_install: error: missing files, aborting", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-22 18:03:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1091161, "source": "gcc-14", "severity": "serious", "title": "g++14/g++-15 arm64 regression: 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"last_modified": "2025-01-16 07:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1091170, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: unsbale to update unshare chroots, or use them if $apt_update=0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 07:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1091193, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-470", "severity": "important", "title": "nvidia-tesla-470-driver can't build on linux-image-6.12.5-amd64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 16:24:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1091201, "source": "rust-sequoia-sqv", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sqv: Consider building with OpenSSL", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 12:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091220, "source": "rust-rustls", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-rustls: Upcoming update to env_logger v0.11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-01 12:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091222, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: reproducible build paths breaks developer workflows with default schroot configuration and purge_build_directory=\"successful\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 10:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091224, "source": "kjsembed", "severity": "serious", "title": "RM: kjsembed -- RoQA; Obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 16:15:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1091232, "source": "khtml", "severity": "serious", "title": "RM: khtml -- RoQA; Obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 23:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091236, "source": "patchelf", "severity": "serious", "title": "patchelf: FTBFS on armhf: ./simple: error while loading shared libraries: \u0011?[E\u0018?????\u0019?\u0004\u000f\u0007?CEI?\u0004\t??\u0003??8????\u00011?B??^?\u0004\u000f??$2??????: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 17:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091237, "source": "telegram-desktop", "severity": "serious", "title": "telegram-desktop: FTBFS on armhf: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:99: execute_before_dh_strip] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 17:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1091239, "source": "r-cran-rstanarm", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-cran-rstanarm: FTBFS on armhf: make[1]: *** [/usr/lib/R/etc/Makeconf:202: stan_files/continuous.o] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 17:57:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1091240, "source": "burp", "severity": "serious", "title": "burp: FTBFS on armhf: src/server/timer.c:169:53: error: passing argument 1 of ������localtime������ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 17:57:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1091243, "source": "id-utils", "severity": "serious", "title": "id-utils: FTBFS on armhf: walker.c:1190:14: error: passing argument 3 of 'hash_init' from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 17:57:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1091247, "source": "redisearch", "severity": "serious", "title": "redisearch: FTBFS on armhf: 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"ax25-apps: FTBFS on armhf: opentracdump.c:154:47: error: passing argument 1 of ������ctime������ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 01:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091251, "source": "ddate", "severity": "serious", "title": "ddate: FTBFS on armhf: ddate.c:234:24: error: passing argument 1 of ������localtime������ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 00:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091256, "source": "adjtimex", "severity": "serious", "title": "adjtimex: FTBFS on armhf: adjtimex.c:1641:24: error: passing argument 1 of ������ctime������ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 17:57:23 +0000" }, { "id": 1091257, "source": "mcl", "severity": "serious", "title": "mcl: FTBFS on armhf: mcxquery.c:1242:58: error: passing argument 4 of ������get_cls_id������ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 17:57:24 +0000" }, { "id": 1091258, "source": "gnushogi", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnushogi: FTBFS on armhf: ../../gnushogi/book.c:905:32: error: passing argument 1 of ������time������ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 23:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091261, "source": "macaulay2", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "macaulay2: FTBFS on armhf: make[3]: *** [Makefile:106: /<>/M2/usr-dist/arm-Linux-Debian-trixie/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/Macaulay2/Macaulay2Doc/.installed] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-27 14:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091264, "source": "nwipe", "severity": "serious", "title": "nwipe: FTBFS on armhf: prng.c:272:47: error: passing argument 2 of ������add_lagg_fibonacci_init������ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", 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"source": "ifmail", "severity": "serious", "title": "ifmail: FTBFS on armhf: hydra.c:1406:54: error: passing argument 4 of ������openfile������ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-05 17:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091273, "source": "dh-make-golang", "severity": "serious", "title": "dh-make-golang: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: cd _build && go test -vet=off -v -p 4 github.com/Debian/dh-make-golang returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-29 01:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091274, "source": "jss", "severity": "serious", "title": "jss: FTBFS on armhf: JSSOAEPParameterSpec.c:63:56: error: passing argument 4 of ������JSS_FromByteArray������ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 17:57:41 +0000" }, { "id": 1091275, "source": "form", "severity": "serious", "title": "form: FTBFS on armhf: compcomm.c:125:33: error: initialization of ������int *������ from incompatible pointer type ������WORD *������ {aka ������short int *������} [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 17:57:42 +0000" }, { "id": 1091276, "source": "kile", "severity": "serious", "title": "kile: FTBFS on armhf: configure fails to find Okular5", "affected_sources": [ ], 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"affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-06 20:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091279, "source": "w3cam", "severity": "serious", "title": "w3cam: FTBFS on armhf: cgi.c:96:21: error: passing argument 1 of ������gmtime������ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 17:57:48 +0000" }, { "id": 1091280, "source": "wmweather", "severity": "serious", "title": "wmweather: FTBFS on armhf: wmweather.c:701:14: error: passing argument 1 of ������time������ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": 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"affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 17:57:56 +0000" }, { "id": 1091289, "source": "libapache2-mod-python", "severity": "serious", "title": "libapache2-mod-python: FTBFS on armhf: tableobject.c:1203:5: error: initialization of 'Py_hash_t (*)(PyObject *)' {aka 'int (*)(struct _object *)'} from incompatible pointer type 'long int (*)(PyObject *)' {aka 'long int (*)(struct _object *)'} [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 17:57:57 +0000" }, { "id": 1091292, "source": "asymptote", "severity": "serious", "title": "asymptote: FTBFS on armhf: make[4]: *** [Makefile:14: hatch.png] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 16:12:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091293, "source": "haskell-warp", "severity": "serious", "title": "haskell-warp: FTBFS on armhf: make: *** [/usr/share/cdbs/1/class/hlibrary.mk:163: check-ghc-stamp] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 07:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091294, "source": "snek", "severity": "serious", "title": "snek: FTBFS on armhf: build-dependency not installable: gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 22:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091295, "source": "whowatch", "severity": "serious", "title": "whowatch: FTBFS on armhf: proc_plugin.c:427:19: error: passing argument 1 of ������ctime������ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 17:58:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091296, "source": "sptk", "severity": "serious", "title": "sptk: FTBFS on armhf: ../../bin/psgr/eps.c:70:44: error: passing argument 1 of ������localtime������ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 17:58:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091298, "source": "fbb", "severity": "serious", "title": "fbb: FTBFS on armhf: satupdat.c:664:38: error: passing argument 1 of ������time������ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 17:58:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1091300, "source": "firefox-esr", "severity": "serious", "title": "firefox-esr: FTBFS on armhf: warning: swgl@0.1.0: fatal error: error in backend: Do not know how to scalarize the result of this operator!", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 19:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091301, "source": "binutils-djgpp", "severity": "serious", "title": "binutils-djgpp: FTBFS on armhf: dh_auto_test: error: cd build/i386-pc-msdosdjgpp && make -j4 check returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 17:58:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1091302, "source": "libunwind", "severity": "serious", "title": "libunwind does not produce stack trace information on armhf", "affected_sources": [ "dovecot" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:dovecot" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 22:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091303, "source": "ntpsec", "severity": "serious", "title": "ntpsec: FTBFS on armhf: ../../ntpd/ntp_control.c:269:58: error: initialization of ������const long int *������ from incompatible pointer type ������long long int *������ [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, 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"status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-23 17:58:18 +0000" }, { "id": 1091311, "source": "ario", "severity": "serious", "title": "ario: FTBFS on armhf: preferences/ario-server-preferences.c:192:51: error: passing argument 1 of 'ctime' from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 23:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091312, "source": "erlang-bitcask", "severity": "serious", "title": "erlang-bitcask: FTBFS on armhf: c_src/bitcask_nifs.c:2500:38: error: passing argument 3 of ������������enif_get_ulong������������ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", 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"affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-24 14:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091357, "source": "trac-wikiprint", "severity": "serious", "title": "trac-wikiprint: tracpdf.admin/pdfbook/wikiprint do not load: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imp'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 00:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091370, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "sbuild: small inconsistency between sbuild and sbuild-update", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 07:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1091373, "source": "materia-kde", "severity": "serious", "title": "materia-kde: Theme support for Plasma 6 is not planned", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-24 21:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091379, "source": "frr", "severity": "normal", "title": "frr FTBFS on big endian architectures (with patch)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 17:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091383, "source": "pagure", "severity": "grave", "title": "pagure: CVE-2024-47515 CVE-2024-47516 CVE-2024-4981 CVE-2024-4982", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 08:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1091398, "source": "osmo-tetra,uml-utilities", "severity": "serious", "title": "osmo-tetra and uml-utilities have an undeclared file conflict on /usr/bin/tunctl", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 23:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091399, "source": "beanprice", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-beanprice has an undeclared file conflict on /usr/bin/bean-price", "affected_sources": [ "beancount" ], "affected_packages": [ "beancount" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 23:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091402, "source": "aflplusplus", "severity": "serious", "title": "aflplusplus FTBFS with Python 3.13 as default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 11:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091403, "source": "brian", "severity": "serious", "title": "brian FTBFS with Python 3.13 as default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 00:09:25 +0000" }, { "id": 1091407, "source": "ceph", "severity": "serious", "title": "ceph FTBFS with Python 3.13 as default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 15:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091409, "source": "gnucash", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnucash FTBFS with Python 3.13 as default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 23:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091410, "source": "kawari8", "severity": "serious", "title": "kawari8 FTBFS with Python 3.13 as default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 22:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091417, "source": "krita", "severity": "serious", "title": "krita FTBFS with Python 3.13 as default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 15:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091418, "source": "remmina", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:remmina: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-25 20:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091430, "source": "pyside2", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyside2 FTBFS with Python 3.13 as default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-04 19:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091434, "source": "qt6-webengine", "severity": "normal", "title": "qt6-webengine: Nonfree JS code in test file; pre-built binaries", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-27 00:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091435, "source": "percona-toolkit", "severity": "grave", "title": "percona-toolkit: CVE-2024-7701", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-30 17:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091440, "source": "swig", "severity": "serious", "title": "swig: autopkgtest regression in testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-26 11:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091443, "source": "gtg-trace", "severity": "normal", "title": "gtg-trace: does not honour 'nocheck' build option", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-27 00:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091444, "source": "openturns", "severity": "serious", "title": "Fails to build with swig 4.3.0", "affected_sources": [ "persalys" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:persalys" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 21:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091451, "source": "sfwbar", "severity": "serious", "title": "sfwbar beta should not ship in trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-26 16:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091452, "source": "phoc", "severity": "grave", "title": "Prevent testing migration until it uses a non-buggy, released version supporting wlroots 0.18", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 17:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091453, "source": "tuigreet", "severity": "serious", "title": "tuigreet - rust package updates.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 18:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091461, "source": "libical3", "severity": "normal", "title": "libical3 FTBFS on hppa and powerpc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 13:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091483, "source": "kile", "severity": "serious", "title": "kile: Kile does not start", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 16:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091485, "source": "python-aiobotocore", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-aiobotocore: FTBFS: Tries to access Internet during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-27 15:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091486, "source": "python-smhi", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-smhi: FTBFS: Tries to access Internet during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 22:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091487, "source": "kile", "severity": "serious", "title": "kile: Kile does not start", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 16:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091496, "source": "dns-root-data", "severity": "important", "title": "dns-root-data: will FTBFS during trixie support period", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 23:27:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1091497, "source": "golang-1.23", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-1.23: will FTBFS during trixie support period", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 00:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091498, "source": "golang-fsnotify", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-fsnotify: will FTBFS during trixie support period", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-04 17:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091499, "source": "gpgme1.0", "severity": "important", "title": "gpgme1.0: will FTBFS during trixie support period", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 13:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091500, "source": "golang-github-github-smimesign", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-github-smimesign: will FTBFS during trixie support period", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 23:27:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1091502, "source": "libsoup2.4", "severity": "serious", "title": "libsoup2.4: will FTBFS during trixie support period", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 20:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091503, "source": "requests", "severity": "important", "title": "requests: will FTBFS during trixie support period", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 23:27:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1091504, "source": "puppetdb", "severity": "important", "title": "puppetdb: will FTBFS during trixie support period", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 23:27:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1091505, "source": "ruby3.3", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby3.3: Tries to access Internet during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 22:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091514, "source": "yade", "severity": "serious", "title": "yade FTBFS with Python 3.13 as default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 18:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091516, "source": "vtk-dicom", "severity": "serious", "title": "vtk-dicom FTBFS with Python 3.13 as default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 01:30:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1091520, "source": "phing", "severity": "serious", "title": "There will be no further releases in the 2.x series", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-30 22:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091530, "source": "mina2", "severity": "grave", "title": "mina2: CVE-2024-52046", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-29 19:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091531, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp buildpackage --git-ignore-new inconsistent behavior if export-dir is set", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 09:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091543, "source": "danmaq", "severity": "serious", "title": "danmaq: danmaQ crashes and fails to run", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 12:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091556, "source": "pymatgen", "severity": "serious", "title": "pymatgen: FTBFS on i386: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:108: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 16:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091557, "source": "mariadb", "severity": "serious", "title": "mariadb: FTBFS on i386: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:146: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 10:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091560, "source": "tuigreet", "severity": "serious", "title": "tuigreet: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: error: /usr/share/cargo/bin/cargo build returned exit code 101", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 18:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091561, "source": "btrfs-compsize", "severity": "serious", "title": "btrfs-compsize: FTBFS on i386: radix-tree.h:51:9: error: unknown type name ������gfp_t������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 16:42:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1091564, "source": "mac-fdisk", "severity": "serious", "title": "mac-fdisk: FTBFS on i386: pdisk.c:469:13: error: implicit declaration of function ������strncmp������ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 16:42:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1091568, "source": "libmaus2", "severity": "normal", "title": "libmaus2: FTBFS on i386: ld: ./.libs/libmaus2.so: undefined reference to `libmaus2::posix::PosixFunctions::fstatSizeAndMode(int, long long&, unsigned char*)'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 20:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091569, "source": "receptor", "severity": "serious", "title": "receptor: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.13 3.12\" --name=receptorctl \"--before-test=cp -r {dir}/tests/mesh-definitions {build_dir}/tests/\" --dir receptorctl returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 20:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1091570, "source": "simbody", "severity": "serious", "title": "simbody: FTBFS on i386: tests fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 11:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091575, "source": "probabel", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "probabel: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 check \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 20:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091576, "source": "haskell-ghc-lib-parser", "severity": "normal", "title": "haskell-ghc-lib-parser: libghc-ghc-lib-parser-doc FTBFS on i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 16:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091577, "source": "rdfind", "severity": "serious", "title": "rdfind: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 check \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 16:42:21 +0000" }, { "id": 1091578, "source": "maxima", "severity": "important", "title": "maxima: FTBFS on i386: dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules build subprocess returned exit status 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-31 17:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091579, "source": "libevt", "severity": "serious", "title": "libevt: FTBFS on i386: message_handle.c:3033:14: error: passing argument 1 of ������libfcache_date_time_get_timestamp������ from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 11:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091581, "source": "chasen", "severity": "serious", "title": "chasen: FTBFS on i386: dpkg-gensymbols: error: some symbols or patterns disappeared in the symbols file: see diff output below", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 10:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091582, "source": "starship", "severity": "serious", "title": "starship: FTBFS on i386: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:15: override_dh_auto_build] Error 101", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-06 13:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091583, "source": "vkmark", "severity": "serious", "title": "vkmark: FTBFS on i386: dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-i686-linux-gnu && DEB_PYTHON_INSTALL_LAYOUT=deb LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 MESON_TESTTHREADS=8 meson test returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 11:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091585, "source": "gh", "severity": "serious", "title": "gh: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-30 16:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091586, "source": "qemu", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "qemu: FTBFS on i386: make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'b/data/tests/tcg/x86_64-linux-user/config-target.mak'. Stop.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-04 22:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091590, "source": "keepass2", "severity": "serious", "title": "keepass2: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:60: override_dh_clideps] Error 255", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 17:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091592, "source": "golang-github-adrg-xdg", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-adrg-xdg: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: cd _build && go test -vet=off -v -p 8 github.com/adrg/xdg github.com/adrg/xdg/internal/pathutil returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 03:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1091595, "source": "golang-go-patricia", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-go-patricia: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && go test -vet=off -v -p 8 github.com/tchap/go-patricia/patricia returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 15:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091596, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "serious", "title": "devscripts: FTBFS: ./test_uscan_mangle: line 351: cd: /tmp/shunit.flzoHA/tmp/uscan_mangle.co60Za/foo-2.0/baz: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-31 14:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091597, "source": "libnet-sip-perl", "severity": "important", "title": "libnet-sip-perl: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-29 01:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091598, "source": "fastapi", "severity": "serious", "title": "fastapi: FTBFS: tests failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 00:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091600, "source": "jsjac", "severity": "serious", "title": "jsjac: FTBFS: java.io.FileNotFoundException: jsjac.uncompressed.js (No such file or directory)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 17:36:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1091603, "source": "socat", "severity": "serious", "title": "socat: FTBFS: tests fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 17:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091604, "source": "python-debian", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-debian: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:59: test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-04 07:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091607, "source": "ruby-image-processing", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-image-processing: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: Vips::Error: addalpha: no property named `\u001a?\u0001'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 17:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1091609, "source": "rustc", "severity": "normal", "title": "rustc: FTBFS: dwz: debian/rust-llvm/usr/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/wasm-component-ld: .debug_info section not present", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 16:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091611, "source": "sagenb-export", "severity": "serious", "title": "sagenb-export: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-tox -i python{version} -p \"3.13 3.12\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 17:45:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1091620, "source": "python-xarray", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:python-xarray: fails to migrate to testing for too long: Build-Depends on numba which is RC buggy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 20:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091621, "source": "tardy", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:tardy: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 20:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091624, "source": "r-bioc-biocstyle", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:r-bioc-biocstyle: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 20:21:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1091628, "source": "php-twig", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:php-twig: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-28 20:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091629, "source": "librsvg", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:librsvg: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 12:24:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1091652, "source": "openjade", "severity": "serious", "title": "openjade: Supporting rootless builds by default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 04:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091656, "source": "ruby-amq-protocol", "severity": "important", "title": "ruby-amq-protocol: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error: expect(subject[:host]).to be_nil", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 19:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091657, "source": "ruby-chef-config", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-chef-config: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error: allow(File).to receive(:exists?).with(ChefConfig::Config.var_chef_dir).and_return(true)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 17:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091659, "source": "ruby-grape", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-grape: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: expected NoMethodError with message matching /^undefined method `x' for #$/, got # with backtrace:", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 17:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091660, "source": "ruby-handlebars-assets", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-handlebars-assets: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091662, "source": "ruby-mixlib-log", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-mixlib-log: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: NoMethodError:", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 02:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091663, "source": "ruby-whitewash", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-whitewash: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: /<>/lib/whitewash.rb:125:in `': undefined method `untaint' for an instance of String (NoMethodError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 17:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091664, "source": "vagrant", "severity": "serious", "title": "vagrant: FTBFS with ruby3.3: \"requires Ruby version >= 3.0, < 3.3.\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 21:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091665, "source": "pcl", "severity": "normal", "title": "pcl fails to build from source on hppa and sparc64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-29 12:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091668, "source": "debian-installer", "severity": "serious", "title": "debian-installer: Explicitly declare requirement for root", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-04 12:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091690, "source": "dclock", "severity": "normal", "title": "dclock: the -DXFT_SUPPORT compile flag missing from build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-29 21:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091692, "source": "jpeg-xl", "severity": "normal", "title": "jpeg-xl FTBFS on hppa", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2024-12-29 22:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091721, "source": "pbsuite", "severity": "serious", "title": "pbsuite: autopkgtest regression in testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-30 12:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091734, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "important", "title": "sbuild's setup-hook incorrecly handle security suite on mmdebstrap+unshare", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 07:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091735, "source": "radare2", "severity": "serious", "title": "radare2: FTBFS on armel: undefined reference to `__atomic_compare_exchange_8'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 17:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091736, "source": "ruby-moneta", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-moneta: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 03:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091737, "source": "ruby-rails-assets-underscore", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rails-assets-underscore: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 17:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091747, "source": "libvpd", "severity": "serious", "title": "libvpd-2.2-3 file loss during upgrade from bookworm to trixie due to /usr-move (DEP17)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-30 22:12:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1091749, "source": "tellico", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:tellico: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: libkf5cddb-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 01:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091752, "source": "openjdk-24", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:openjdk-24: fails to migrate to testing for too long: ftbfs on ppc64el and s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-30 20:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091753, "source": "snapd", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:snapd: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-30 20:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091754, "source": "structure-synth", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:structure-synth: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-30 20:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1091757, "source": "vm", "severity": "important", "title": "build breaks with .git directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2024-12-30 22:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091759, "source": "gst-plugins-bad1.0", "severity": "important", "title": "gst-plugins-bad1.0: FTBFS on hurd-any", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 13:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091775, "source": "hyprland", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS because unsatisfiable build dependency on libwlroots-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 21:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091778, "source": "uw-imap", "severity": "serious", "title": "uw-imap: should go away", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-01 22:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091794, "source": "golang-1.23", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-1.23: FTBFS randomly on mips64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 21:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091804, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: golang-k8s-cli-runtime -- Utility for building", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 19:03:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1091808, "source": "btm", "severity": "serious", "title": "btm: FTBFS: assertion `left == right` failed left: \"������������������������������������\" right: \"������������������������������������\\u{94d}������������\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 00:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091809, "source": "consensuscore", "severity": "serious", "title": "consensuscore: FTBFS: error: too few arguments to function ������������PyObject* SWIG_Python_AppendOutput(PyObject*, PyObject*, int)������������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 09:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091811, "source": "golang-github-caarlos0-env", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-caarlos0-env: FTBFS: env_test.go:265: unexpected error: unknown time zone Europe/Berlin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 15:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091812, "source": "openzwave-controlpanel", "severity": "serious", "title": "openzwave-controlpanel: FTBFS: webserver.cpp:56:10: fatal error: tinyxml.h: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-01 17:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091838, "source": "classified-ads", "severity": "serious", "title": "RM: classified-ads - RC-buggy, unmaintained, low-popcon", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 21:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091852, "source": "knxd", "severity": "serious", "title": "knxd: FTBFS: make[4]: *** No rule to make target 'all'. Stop.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-01 13:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091853, "source": "cowsql", "severity": "serious", "title": "cowsql: FTBFS on s390x: FAIL integration-test (exit status: 1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 16:12:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091860, "source": "taptempo", "severity": "serious", "title": "taptempo: flaky autopkgtest on some architectures: Tempo: 59 bpm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-04 16:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091861, "source": "pytango", "severity": "serious", "title": "pytango: flaky autopkgtest: Timeout, waiting for event", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 14:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091866, "source": "mmdebstrap", "severity": "normal", "title": "mmdebstrap: fails to install packages with priority required with --variant=buildd and suite <= bookworm", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-01 18:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091873, "source": "octave-statistics", "severity": "serious", "title": "octave-statistics: flaky autopkgtest: seems to hang and times out", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 12:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091874, "source": "liggghts", "severity": "serious", "title": "liggghts: flaky autopkgtest on ppc64el: times out", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-01 21:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091875, "source": "user-mode-linux", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:user-mode-linux: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: linux-source-6.11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 10:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091886, "source": "playonlinux", "severity": "grave", "title": "playonlinux: should depend on python3-pyasyncore", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 22:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091919, "source": "r-cran-seurat", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-cran-seurat: autopkgtest regression on riscv64 and s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-02 14:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091936, "source": "androguard", "severity": "serious", "title": "androguard: FTBFS: E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'colorama'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 10:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1091937, "source": "gnome-authenticator", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnome-authenticator: FTBFS: error: failed to select a version for the requirement `rust-argon2 = \"^1\"`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-02 18:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1091938, "source": "gyoto", "severity": "serious", "title": "gyoto: FTBFS: core_wrap.cxx:31768:41: error: too few arguments to function ������������PyObject* SWIG_Python_AppendOutput(PyObject*, PyObject*, int)������������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 16:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1091939, "source": "img2pdf", "severity": "serious", "title": "img2pdf: FTBFS: E assert None == 'unspecified'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-02 18:12:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1091940, "source": "kdevelop", "severity": "serious", "title": "kdevelop: FTBFS: The following REQUIRED packages have not been found: * LibKompareDiff2 (required version >= 5.1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 16:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091942, "source": "lbdb", "severity": "serious", "title": "lbdb: FTBFS: Tests m_mu fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-02 20:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1091943, "source": "onionshare", "severity": "serious", "title": "onionshare: FTBFS: E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'colorama'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-02 18:12:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1091944, "source": "wlroots", "severity": "serious", "title": "phoc: FTBFS: Package 'lcms2', required by 'wlroots-0.18', not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-02 18:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091945, "source": "org-roam", "severity": "serious", "title": "org-roam: FTBFS: error: (void-function emacsql-sqlite)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 21:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091946, "source": "projectreactor", "severity": "serious", "title": "projectreactor: FTBFS: Guice/NullInjectedIntoNonNullable]: null returned by binding at LocatorWiring but the 1st parameter of DefaultRepositorySystem.(DefaultRepositorySystem.java:127) is not @Nullable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-02 18:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091947, "source": "python-click-option-group", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-click-option-group: FTBFS: FAILED tests/test_click_option_group.py::test_missing_group_decl_first_api", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 10:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091948, "source": "rust-flume", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-flume: FTBFS: error[E0425]: cannot find value `_IS_BIASED` in this scope", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 11:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091950, "source": "slidge", "severity": "serious", "title": "slidge: FTBFS: E AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'enable'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 14:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091952, "source": "sqlfluff", "severity": "serious", "title": "sqlfluff: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'colorama'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-03 15:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1091953, "source": "warp", "severity": "serious", "title": "warp: FTBFS: error: failed to select a version for the requirement `async_zip = \"^0.0.16\"`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091960, "source": "xfce4-sntray-plugin", "severity": "serious", "title": "xfce4-sntray-plugin: FTBFS: mv: cannot stat '/<>/debian/tmp/usr/lib/xfce4': No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-02 18:12:24 +0000" }, { "id": 1091972, "source": "radare2", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:radare2: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-02 20:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1091973, "source": "dnspython", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:dnspython: fails to migrate to testing for too long: autopkgtest regression on s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 07:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1091999, "source": "parser", "severity": "serious", "title": "parser3-cgi: Contains incompatible license combination", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 10:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092005, "source": "christianriesen-base32", "severity": "serious", "title": "christianriesen-base32: debci failure with PHPUnit 11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 17:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092007, "source": "less.php", "severity": "serious", "title": "less.php: debci failure with PHPUnit 11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 23:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092008, "source": "matthiasmullie-path-converter", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-matthiasmullie-path-converter: debci failure with PHPUnit 11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 17:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092009, "source": "php-codesniffer", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-codesniffer: debci failure with PHPUnit 11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 17:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092040, "source": "diet-ng,gir-to-d,mir-core,mustache-d", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: D compiler ldc2 cannot compile programs", "affected_sources": [ "ldc" ], "affected_packages": [ "ldc" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 16:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092041, "source": "pwdsphinx", "severity": "serious", "title": "pwdsphinx: FTBFS: ValueError: ERROR: list of user names is bigger than 64KB. 65541", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 10:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092042, "source": "python-ewoksorange", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-ewoksorange: FTBFS: ewoksorange/tests/test_default_widget.py Fatal Python error: Aborted", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-04 00:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092043, "source": "python-processview", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-processview: FTBFS: processview/gui/test/test_process_manager.py Fatal Python error: Aborted", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-04 00:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092044, "source": "python-rsyncmanager", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-rsyncmanager: FTBFS: rsyncmanager/test/test_rsyncmanager.py sssssFatal Python error: Aborted", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-04 00:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092045, "source": "yuzu", "severity": "serious", "title": "yuzu: FTBFS: Could NOT find MbedTLS: (Required is at least version \"2.16\")", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 19:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092051, "source": "make-dfsg", "severity": "important", "title": "make-dfsg v4.4 massively slows down dpkg-buildpackage", "affected_sources": [ "rtpengine" ], "affected_packages": [ "rtpengine" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 20:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1092054, "source": "freesas", "severity": "serious", "title": "freesas ftbfs with Python 3.13 as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 17:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092057, "source": "kawari8", "severity": "serious", "title": "kawari8 ftbfs with Python 3.13 as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 22:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092058, "source": "ghmm", "severity": "serious", "title": "ghmm ftbfs with Python 3.13 as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 15:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092063, "source": "kdevelop-python", "severity": "serious", "title": "kdevelop-python ftbfs with Python 3.13 as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 23:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092065, "source": "obitools", "severity": "serious", "title": "obitools ftbfs with Python 3.13 as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 13:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092066, "source": "python-intbitset", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-intbitset ftbfs with Python 3.13 as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 11:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092068, "source": "swiftlang", "severity": "serious", "title": "swiftlang ftbfs with Python 3.13 as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 13:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092071, "source": "bornagain", "severity": "serious", "title": "bornagain ftbfs on at least arm64, i386 and ppc64el with test failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-04 10:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092072, "source": "brian", "severity": "serious", "title": "brian ftbfs with Python 3.13 as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 00:09:25 +0000" }, { "id": 1092074, "source": "krita", "severity": "serious", "title": "krita ftbfs with Python 3.13 as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 15:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092075, "source": "libsbml", "severity": "serious", "title": "libsbml ftbfs with Python 3.13 as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 19:06:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092077, "source": "openstructure", "severity": "serious", "title": "openstructure ftbfs with Python 3.13 as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 23:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092078, "source": "persalys", "severity": "serious", "title": "persalys ftbfs with Python 3.13 as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 00:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092080, "source": "pyside2", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyside2 ftbfs with Python 3.13 as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-04 19:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092081, "source": "virtualbox", "severity": "serious", "title": "virtualbox ftbfs with Python 3.13 as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 12:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092082, "source": "kodi", "severity": "serious", "title": "kodi ftbfs with Python 3.13 as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 16:54:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092083, "source": "mayavi2", "severity": "serious", "title": "mayavi2 ftbfs with Python 3.13 as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 11:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092085, "source": "yade", "severity": "serious", "title": "yade ftbfs with Python 3.13 as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 18:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092086, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "serious", "title": "autopkgtests: The autopkgtests' autopkgtests fail due to a new version of dpkg", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 09:36:18 +0000" }, { "id": 1092088, "source": "cwiid", "severity": "serious", "title": "cwiid ftbfs with Python 3.13 as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 16:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092089, "source": "ceph", "severity": "serious", "title": "ceph ftbfs with Python 3.13 as the default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 15:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092090, "source": "apt", "severity": "serious", "title": "dpkg,apt: apt autopkgtests fail with newer dpkg", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 18:09:24 +0000" }, { "id": 1092091, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "serious", "title": "sbuild: autopkgtests fail with new dpkg - test-pkg is not \"R����:no\"-safe", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 07:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1092092, "source": "lintian", "severity": "serious", "title": "lintian: autopkgtests fail with dpkg/1.22.13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-05 10:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092095, "source": "php-gettext", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-gettext: debci failure with PHPUnit 11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-04 17:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092102, "source": "kalarm", "severity": "normal", "title": "kalarm ftbfs on armel, hppa and other 32-bit platforms", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 20:12:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092111, "source": "php-image-text", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-image-text: debci failure with PHPUnit 11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 19:03:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092114, "source": "php-matomo-doctrine-cache", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-matomo-doctrine-cache: debci failure with PHPUnit 11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 00:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092117, "source": "symfony", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-pimple: debci failure with PHPUnit 11", "affected_sources": [ "php-pimple" ], "affected_packages": [ "php-pimple" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 07:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092121, "source": "libdemeter-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libdemeter-perl: FTBFS with PDL >= 2.096 (PDL::Filter::Linear removed)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 15:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092124, "source": "php-vlucas-phpdotenv", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-vlucas-phpdotenv: debci failure with PHPUnit 11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 11:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092141, "source": "awl", "severity": "serious", "title": "awl: debci failure with PHPUnit 11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 12:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092149, "source": "virt-firmware", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-virt-firmware: Missing dependency on python3-importlib-resources", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 04:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092152, "source": "bornagain", "severity": "serious", "title": "bornagain:FTBFS:build failed on riscv64 (Example.specular.GaussianBeams.persist test failed)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-05 12:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092153, "source": "release.debian.org", "severity": "important", "title": "relase.debian.org: Is riscv buildds fast enough?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 21:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092155, "source": "release.debian.org", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "release.debian.org: Proposal for arch-qualification rule: Limit max build time to X hours", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 21:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092156, "source": "xfce4-appfinder", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:xfce4-appfinder: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: libgarcon-1-0-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 11:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092157, "source": "xfce4-settings", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:xfce4-settings: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: libgarcon-1-0-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 11:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092158, "source": "xfce4-xkb-plugin", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:xfce4-xkb-plugin: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: libgarcon-1-0-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 10:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092160, "source": "doxygen", "severity": "minor", "title": "dh_doxygen should do nothing in nodoc build profile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-05 13:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092190, "source": "dgit", "severity": "serious", "title": "test suite incompatible with new Rules-Requires-Root default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 10:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1092191, "source": "golang-fsnotify", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-fsnotify: FTBFS: FAIL github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify/internal/ztest [build failed]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 19:45:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1092192, "source": "libei", "severity": "serious", "title": "libei: FTBFS: NameError: name 'Attribute' is not defined", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-06 15:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092195, "source": "lmdb", "severity": "normal", "title": "lmdb FTBFS on qemu-user chroots / emulation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-05 23:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092199, "source": "hg-git", "severity": "grave", "title": "mercurial-git: Extension fails on Mercurial launch with error", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-06 04:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092201, "source": "nng", "severity": "normal", "title": "nng ftbfs on hppa", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 19:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092202, "source": "kpatch", "severity": "serious", "title": "kpatch still b-d's on GCC 12, which should not be part of the trixie release", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 18:09:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1092204, "source": "odb", "severity": "serious", "title": "odb still b-d's on GCC 12, which should not be part of the trixie release", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 21:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092205, "source": "shim", "severity": "serious", "title": "shim still b-d's on GCC 12, which should not be part of the trixie release", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-06 06:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092206, "source": "libreoffice", "severity": "serious", "title": "libreoffice still b-d's on GCC 12 on i386, which should not be part of the trixie release", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 22:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092221, "source": "7kaa", "severity": "important", "title": "7kaa: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 14:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092222, "source": "aria2", "severity": "important", "title": "aria2: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 12:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092223, "source": "chromium-bsu", "severity": "important", "title": "chromium-bsu: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 10:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092224, "source": "galvani", "severity": "important", "title": "galvani: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 15:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092225, "source": "ganyremote", "severity": "serious", "title": "ganyremote: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 13:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092226, "source": "gtkhash", "severity": "important", "title": "gtkhash: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 11:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092227, "source": "grig", "severity": "serious", "title": "grig: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 06:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092228, "source": "jwm", "severity": "serious", "title": "jwm: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 23:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092229, "source": "lgeneral", "severity": "important", "title": "lgeneral: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 23:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092230, "source": "kanyremote", "severity": "serious", "title": "kanyremote: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 13:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092231, "source": "mp4h", "severity": "serious", "title": "mp4h: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 21:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092232, "source": "mpop", "severity": "serious", "title": "mpop: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 07:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092233, "source": "msmtp", "severity": "serious", "title": "msmtp: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 07:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092234, "source": "powertop", "severity": "serious", "title": "powertop: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 14:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092235, "source": "rifiuti2", "severity": "important", "title": "rifiuti2: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 11:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092236, "source": "silverjuke", "severity": "important", "title": "silverjuke: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 21:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092237, "source": "spek", "severity": "serious", "title": "spek: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 21:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092238, "source": "tango-icon-theme", "severity": "serious", "title": "tango-icon-theme: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 21:30:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092239, "source": "tuxfootball", "severity": "important", "title": "tuxfootball: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 15:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092240, "source": "uim", "severity": "serious", "title": "uim: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 16:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092242, "source": "xracer", "severity": "serious", "title": "xracer: FTBFS with gettext 0.23.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 22:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092247, "source": "gumbo-parser", "severity": "grave", "title": "libgumbo2: ABI broken without SONAME bump (affects HTML::Gumbo perl bindings: misses html element)", "affected_sources": [ "libhtml-gumbo-perl" ], "affected_packages": [ "libhtml-gumbo-perl" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 12:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092251, "source": "kmetronome", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "kmetronome: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-06 14:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092257, "source": "alsa-ucm-conf", "severity": "grave", "title": "alsa-ucm-conf: internal microphone unavailable after upgrading to 1.2.13-1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 02:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092262, "source": "purify", "severity": "serious", "title": "purify: FTBFS with spdlog 1.15", "affected_sources": [ "spdlog" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:spdlog" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 14:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092264, "source": "python-shapely", "severity": "normal", "title": "python-shapely FTBFS on hppa due to signalling NaN", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 06:09:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1092271, "source": "tahoe-lafs", "severity": "normal", "title": "tahoe-lafs: please remove python3-mock from the build-dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 11:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092276, "source": "daq", "severity": "serious", "title": "libdaq3 has an undeclared file conflict with libdaq2t64", "affected_sources": [ "daq" ], "affected_packages": [ "libdaq2t64" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-06 21:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092277, "source": "binutils-z80", "severity": "serious", "title": "binutils-z80: undeclared file conflict with binutils-aarch64-linux-gnu", "affected_sources": [ "binutils" ], "affected_packages": [ "binutils-aarch64-linux-gnu" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 16:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092279, "source": "rpi.gpio", "severity": "serious", "title": "rpi.gpio-common: /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/60-rpi.gpio-common.rules may get lost in upgrade due to /usr-move (DEP17)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-06 21:00:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092280, "source": "optee-client", "severity": "serious", "title": "tee-supplicant: loss of empty directory /lib/optee_armtz (DEP17 P6)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 11:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092281, "source": "libgpiv", "severity": "serious", "title": "libgpiv3t64 and libgpiv-mpi3t64 and an undeclared file conflict", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-06 21:00:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1092292, "source": "ifmail", "severity": "normal", "title": "ifmail: FTBFS on hppa and sh - error: passing argument 1 of ������time������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 23:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092293, "source": "mimalloc", "severity": "serious", "title": "mimalloc: 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CPUs - required for other packages.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 17:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092351, "source": "libphonenumber", "severity": "important", "title": "libphonenumber ftbfs with icu-76.1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 14:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092354, "source": "vtk9", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-vtk9: segfault on Python 3.13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 21:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092355, "source": "foot", "severity": "grave", "title": "foot crashes trying to display certain Unicode characters", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 14:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092360, "source": "python-demgengeo", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-demgengeo FTBFS: 'gettimeofday' was not declared in this scope", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 15:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092364, "source": "cluster3", "severity": "serious", "title": "cluster3: needs rebuild for Python 3.13 as default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 23:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092365, "source": "frog", "severity": "important", "title": "frog ftbfs with icu-76.1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 13:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092366, "source": "mbtserver", "severity": "important", "title": "mbtserver ftbfs with icu-76.1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092370, "source": "redis", "severity": "grave", "title": "redis: CVE-2024-46981 CVE-2024-51741", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 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"affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 01:30:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1092375, "source": "dita-ot", "severity": "serious", "title": "dita-ot: FTBFS: cp: cannot stat 'demo/fo/lib': No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092377, "source": "telegram-desktop", "severity": "serious", "title": "telegram-desktop: FTBFS: dbusinterface.hpp:170:3: error: lookup of ������_check_member_conflict_get_info������ in ������base::Platform::SystemMediaControls::Private::Player������ is ambiguous", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:54:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1092378, "source": "rust-sequoia-sq", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-sequoia-sq: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: librust-terminal-size-0.3+default-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 01:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092379, "source": "python-eventlet", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-eventlet: FTBFS: tests fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 09:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092380, "source": "cross-toolchain-base", "severity": "serious", "title": "cross-toolchain-base: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:446: stamp-dir/init-glibc] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:54:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1092381, "source": "lintian", "severity": "serious", "title": "lintian: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:29: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:54:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1092382, "source": "cl-sql", "severity": "serious", "title": "cl-sql: FTBFS: dh_install: error: missing files, aborting", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:54:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1092383, "source": "rust-rebuildctl", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-rebuildctl: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: librust-env-logger-0.10+default-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 01:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092384, "source": "krb5", "severity": "serious", "title": "krb5: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:111: override_dh_install-arch] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 19:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092385, "source": "apophenia", "severity": "serious", "title": "apophenia: FTBFS: ../../model/apop_loess.c:3386:19: error: conflicting types for 'invigauss_quick'; have 'double(void)'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 00:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092386, "source": "golang-refraction-networking-utls", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-refraction-networking-utls: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && go test -vet=off -v -p 8 -short github.com/refraction-networking/utls github.com/refraction-networking/utls/cpu github.com/refraction-networking/utls/testenv returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 19:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1092387, "source": "opensp", "severity": "serious", "title": "opensp: FTBFS: make[4]: *** [Makefile:391: install-pkgdataDATA] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 21:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092388, "source": "golang-1.22", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-1.22: FTBFS: tests fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 00:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092389, "source": "rust-numbat-cli", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-numbat-cli: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: librust-terminal-size-0.3+default-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 00:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092390, "source": "datalad", "severity": "serious", "title": "datalad: FTBFS: tests fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:54:19 +0000" }, { "id": 1092391, "source": "rust-safe-arch", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-safe-arch: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: /usr/share/dh-rust/bin/cargo test returned exit code 101", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:54:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1092392, "source": "python-xarray", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-xarray: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:43: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 15:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092393, "source": "rust-ripasso-cursive", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-ripasso-cursive: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: librust-terminal-size-0.3+default-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 03:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092394, "source": "birthday", "severity": "serious", "title": "birthday: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 test returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 08:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092395, "source": "ikiwiki", "severity": "serious", "title": "ikiwiki: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: libmagickcore-6.q16-3-extra", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 17:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092396, "source": "puppetserver", "severity": "serious", "title": "puppetserver: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:64: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 05:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092397, "source": "cross-toolchain-base-ports", "severity": "serious", "title": "cross-toolchain-base-ports: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:446: stamp-dir/init-glibc] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:54:25 +0000" }, { "id": 1092398, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "serious", "title": "autopkgtest: FTBFS: tests fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 09:36:19 +0000" }, { "id": 1092399, "source": "python-calendra", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-calendra: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.13 3.12\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:54:27 +0000" }, { "id": 1092402, "source": "sollya", "severity": "serious", "title": "sollya: FTBFS: miniparser.h:570:5: error: conflicting types for 'miniyyparse'; have 'int(void *)'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 16:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092403, "source": "dsdo", "severity": "serious", "title": "dsdo: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/cdbs/1/class/dict.mk:96: install/idanish] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 21:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1092404, "source": "haskell-cmark-gfm", "severity": "serious", "title": "haskell-cmark-gfm: FTBFS: make: *** [/usr/share/cdbs/1/class/hlibrary.mk:163: check-ghc-stamp] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 20:48:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092405, "source": "rust-rebuilderd-worker", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-rebuilderd-worker: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: librust-env-logger-0.10+default-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 02:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092406, "source": "ifeffit", "severity": "serious", "title": "ifeffit: FTBFS: strip: unable to copy file 'debian/libifeffit-perl/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.40/auto/Ifeffit/Ifeffit.so'; reason: Permission denied", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:54:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1092407, "source": "fnott", "severity": "serious", "title": "fnott: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: libwlroots-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 14:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092408, "source": "trackballs", "severity": "serious", "title": "trackballs: FTBFS: SDL_ttf.h:165:16: error: using typedef-name ������TTF_Font������ after ������struct������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 16:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092409, "source": "rust-lsd", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-lsd: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: librust-terminal-size-0.3+default-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 02:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092410, "source": "textual", "severity": "serious", "title": "textual: FTBFS: FAILED tests/test_focus.py::test_focus_chain - RuntimeError: There is no current event loop in thread 'MainThread'.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:54:38 +0000" }, { "id": 1092411, "source": "rust-xxhash-c-sys", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-xxhash-c-sys: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: /usr/share/cargo/bin/cargo test --all returned exit code 101", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:54:39 +0000" }, { "id": 1092412, "source": "likwid", "severity": "serious", "title": "likwid: FTBFS: make[2]: *** [Makefile:393: install_daemon] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 15:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092413, "source": "gecode", "severity": "serious", "title": "gecode: FTBFS: make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'ChangeLog'. Stop.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:54:40 +0000" }, { "id": 1092414, "source": "neovim", "severity": "important", "title": "neovim: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:129: override_dh_auto_test-arch] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 01:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092415, "source": "geotranz", "severity": "serious", "title": "geotranz: FTBFS: dh_install: error: missing files, aborting", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:54:43 +0000" }, { "id": 1092416, "source": "wmaker", "severity": "serious", "title": "wmaker: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 check \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 13:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092417, "source": "userv", "severity": "serious", "title": "userv: FTBFS: make[2]: *** [Makefile:80: install] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 21:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092418, "source": "xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin", "severity": "serious", "title": "xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: libgarcon-1-0-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 11:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092419, "source": "palo", "severity": "serious", "title": "palo: FTBFS: cp: cannot create regular file 'debian/palo/usr/share/doc/palo/README': Permission denied", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 01:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092420, "source": "python-tornado", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-tornado: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test -i python{version} -p \"3.13 3.12\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 22:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092421, "source": "rust-du-dust", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-du-dust: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: librust-terminal-size-0.3+default-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 01:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092422, "source": "symmetrica", "severity": "serious", "title": "symmetrica: FTBFS: ../../src/classical.c:58:1: error: number of arguments doesn't match prototype", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 11:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092423, "source": "gecode-snapshot", "severity": "serious", "title": "gecode-snapshot: FTBFS: make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'ChangeLog'. Stop.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:54:51 +0000" }, { "id": 1092424, "source": "flexml", "severity": "serious", "title": "flexml: FTBFS: cp: cannot create regular file 'debian/flexml/usr/share/doc/flexml/README': Permission denied", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:54:52 +0000" }, { "id": 1092425, "source": "shim-helpers-amd64-signed", "severity": "serious", "title": "shim-helpers-amd64-signed: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:9: override_dh_auto_install] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 23:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092426, "source": "psgml", "severity": "serious", "title": "psgml: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/common/targets.mk:42: testroot] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:54:54 +0000" }, { "id": 1092427, "source": "latex-cjk-chinese-arphic", "severity": "serious", "title": "latex-cjk-chinese-arphic: FTBFS: dh_install: error: missing files, aborting", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 16:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092428, "source": "tailspin", "severity": "serious", "title": "tailspin: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: librust-terminal-size-0.3+default-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 23:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092429, "source": "lastpass-cli", "severity": "serious", "title": "lastpass-cli: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 test returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 10:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092430, "source": "mysecureshell", "severity": "serious", "title": "mysecureshell: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [Makefile:110: install] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:54:57 +0000" }, { "id": 1092431, "source": "gopher", "severity": "serious", "title": "gopher: FTBFS: chmod: cannot access 'debian/gopher/etc/gopher.hlp': Permission denied", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 01:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092433, "source": "mwrap", "severity": "serious", "title": "mwrap: FTBFS: mwrap.l:10:10: fatal error: mwrap.hh: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:55:00 +0000" }, { "id": 1092434, "source": "xscavenger", "severity": "serious", "title": "xscavenger: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:99: stamp-binary] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 20:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1092435, "source": "mrb", "severity": "serious", "title": "mrb: FTBFS: dh_installman: error: open gitkeeper.8 failed: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 23:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092436, "source": "hyprpaper", "severity": "serious", "title": "hyprpaper: FTBFS: build-dependency not installable: libwlroots-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 19:55:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092437, "source": "ensmallen", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:ensmallen: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 20:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092438, "source": "elixir-lang", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:elixir-lang: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 20:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092439, "source": "erlang", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:erlang: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-07 20:21:03 +0000" }, { 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"affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 01:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092454, "source": "xen-tools", "severity": "critical", "title": "xen-tools: xen-create-image overwrites zoneinfo/Etc/UTC of host", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 04:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092458, "source": "breezy", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with Python 3.13: FAIL: breezy.tests.test_symbol_versioning.TestDeprecationWarnings.test_deprecated_method", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 19:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092459, "source": "rust-sequoia-sq", "severity": "important", "title": "Failed to resolve key, cannot be authenticated at the required level (0 of 120) running dpkg-buildpackage", "affected_sources": [ "dpkg" ], "affected_packages": [ "dpkg-dev" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 16:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092463, "source": "keyman", "severity": "important", "title": "keyman ftbfs with icu-76.1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 16:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092464, "source": "kbibtex", "severity": "important", "title": "kbibtex ftbfs with icu-76.1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 17:39:02 +0000" }, 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false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 21:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092473, "source": "gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf", "severity": "grave", "title": "applying Debian patches for the host architecture", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 17:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092474, "source": "po4a", "severity": "normal", "title": "po4a: Fails to extract all strings in bash.1/builtins.1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 10:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092476, "source": "python-demgengeo", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-demgengeo ftbfs with Python 3.13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 15:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092479, "source": "botch", "severity": "serious", "title": "botch: FTBFS in sid", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 10:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092480, "source": "cups", "severity": "normal", "title": "cups: FTBFS: testsuite timeouts on loong64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 11:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092486, "source": "rust-clap-complete-nushell", "severity": "serious", "title": "librust-clap-complete-nushell-dev is not installable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 14:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092490, "source": "firebird4.0", "severity": "serious", "title": "missing header files in the firebird-dev package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 12:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092493, "source": "wxglade", "severity": "grave", "title": "wxglade: Error on startup: Importing widget \"notebook.notebook\" failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 18:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092500, "source": "linux", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "linux-signed-arm64: please build the cavium thunderx mmc module", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 04:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092508, "source": "pyftdi", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyftdi: FTBFS: ImportError: cannot import name 'makeSuite' from 'unittest' (/usr/lib/python3.13/unittest/__init__.py)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 07:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092509, "source": "nml", "severity": "serious", "title": "nml: FTBFS: make[3]: *** [Makefile:24: 001_action8] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 19:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092510, "source": "python-freecontact", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-freecontact: FTBFS: ImportError: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libboost_python313.so.1.83.0: undefined symbol: PyObject_DelAttr", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 15:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092511, "source": "ufw", "severity": "serious", "title": "ufw: FTBFS: AttributeError: module 'unittest' has no attribute 'makeSuite'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 18:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092513, "source": "exaile", "severity": "serious", "title": "exaile: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pipes'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 20:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092514, "source": "elogind", "severity": "serious", "title": "libelogind tests fail with sbuild unshare backend", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 19:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092516, "source": "gramps", "severity": "serious", "title": "gramps: FTBFS: AssertionError: False is not true", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 23:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092517, "source": "python-pyngus", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-pyngus: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cgi'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 09:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092518, "source": "waagent", "severity": "serious", "title": "waagent: FTBFS: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct/azure-walinuxagent-logcollector.slice/collect-logs.scope/cpuacct.stat'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 20:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092519, "source": "ionit", "severity": "serious", "title": "ionit: FTBFS: AssertionError: Regex didn't match: \"ERROR:ionit:Failed to read JSON from '[^']*config/invalid-json/invalid.json': Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 3 column 1 \\\\(char 22\\\\)\" not found in \"ERROR:ionit:Failed to read JSON from '/build/reproducible-path/ionit-0.5.0/tests/config/invalid-json/invalid.json': Illegal trailing comma before end of object: line 2 column 19 (char 20)\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 12:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092520, "source": "prismatic-plumbing-clojure", "severity": "serious", "title": "prismatic-plumbing-clojure: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:27: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 21:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092521, "source": "pyqi", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyqi: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:6: binary] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 22:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092522, "source": "neuron", "severity": "serious", "title": "neuron: causes bmtk to ftbfs: TypeError: Not an iterable HocObject", "affected_sources": [ "bmtk" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:bmtk" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 20:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092524, "source": "ariba", "severity": "serious", "title": "ariba: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.13\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 19:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092525, "source": "libsmbios", "severity": "serious", "title": "libsmbios: FTBFS: AttributeError: module 'unittest' has no attribute 'makeSuite'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 19:45:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1092526, "source": "icu", "severity": "serious", "title": "icu: FTBFS: AttributeError: module 'unittest' has no attribute 'makeSuite'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 13:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092527, "source": "golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter", "severity": "important", "title": "golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 14:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092528, "source": "golang-github-safchain-ethtool", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-safchain-ethtool: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && go test -vet=off -v -p 8 github.com/safchain/ethtool github.com/safchain/ethtool/example returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 00:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092529, "source": "pyside6", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyside6: FTBFS: ValueError: 7 failures were not blacklisted and met the criterion 'FAIL! >= 3'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 15:06:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092530, "source": "daemontools", "severity": "serious", "title": "daemontools: FTBFS: make[2]: *** [Makefile:168: hasshsgr.h] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 06:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092531, "source": "rust-expectrl", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-expectrl: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: /usr/share/cargo/bin/cargo test --all returned exit code 101", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 04:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092532, "source": "terminator", "severity": "serious", "title": "terminator: FTBFS: SystemError: returned a result with an exception set", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 11:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092533, "source": "jupyter-client", "severity": "serious", "title": "jupyter-client: FTBFS: make[2]: *** [Makefile:55: html] Error 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 21:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092534, "source": "gnome-shell", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnome-shell: FTBFS: test failure in closeWithActiveWindows: assertion 'ri->version == ri->hash_table->version' failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 13:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092536, "source": "gnome-keysign", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnome-keysign: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:38: override_dh_auto_test] Error 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 23:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092537, "source": "libmeshb", "severity": "serious", "title": "libmeshb: FTBFS: test_polyhedra.c:7:10: fatal error: libmeshb7_helpers.h: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 01:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092538, "source": "linuxcnc", "severity": "serious", "title": "linuxcnc: FTBFS: emc/rs274ngc/gcodemodule.cc:746:5: error: ������gettimeofday������ was not declared in this scope", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 09:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092539, "source": "aioelectricitymaps", "severity": "serious", "title": "aioelectricitymaps: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.13\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 19:45:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1092540, "source": "python-ly", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-ly: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [Makefile:53: html] Error 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, 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3.13\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 03:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092544, "source": "python-pymzml", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-pymzml: FTBFS: mv: cannot stat 'debian/python3-pymzml/usr/lib/python3.13/dist-packages/test.dat.igzip': No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-08 19:45:39 +0000" }, { "id": 1092546, "source": "view3dscene", "severity": "serious", "title": "view3dscene: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:54: override_dh_auto_build-arch] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, 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warnings during apt setup", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 07:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1092562, "source": "unicode", "severity": "grave", "title": "unicode: fails after Python 3.13 upgrade", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 13:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092566, "source": "tdom", "severity": "normal", "title": "tdom FTBFS on hppa and powerpc due to 32-bit big endian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 03:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092567, "source": "puppetserver", "severity": "serious", "title": "puppetserver: update dependency version on ruby-concurrent (1.3.4 in experimental)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 05:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092570, "source": "ocaml-luv", "severity": "serious", "title": "ocaml-luv: autopkgtests regression", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 04:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092572, "source": "statsprocessor", "severity": "normal", "title": "statsprocessor FTCBFS: passes host compiler flags to the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 07:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092583, "source": "haskell-text-icu", "severity": "important", "title": "haskell-text-icu ftbfs with icu 76.1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 16:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092584, "source": "elixir-nimble-parsec", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:elixir-nimble-parsec: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 10:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092587, "source": "debusine", "severity": "serious", "title": "debusine: autopkgtests are flaky on s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 17:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092588, "source": "gpgme1.0", "severity": "important", "title": "gpgme1.0: FTBFS on x32", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 11:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092592, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: import-dsc does not correctly determine version for old (>20 year old) dsc files", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 16:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092611, "source": "checksecurity", "severity": "serious", "title": "checksecurity: piuparts testing shows a regression (blocks testing migration)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 20:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092614, "source": "cracklib2", "severity": "normal", "title": "please support building on GNU/Hurd", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-09 21:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092617, "source": "cairo-dock-plug-ins", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "cairo-dock-plug-ins: Drop unnecessary build dep cli-common-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 05:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092622, "source": "xsane", "severity": "serious", "title": "xsane: Dependency problem with libgimp2.0t64 package.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 14:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092623, "source": "runit", "severity": "normal", "title": "runit: multiple build defects, mostly cosmetic and blhc false positives", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 21:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092626, "source": "rust-cpufeatures", "severity": "normal", "title": "rust-cpufeatures: FTBFS: Cherry-pick upstream patch to fix \"`HWCAP_CPUCFG` not found in crate `libc`\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 03:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092627, "source": "pyracerz", "severity": "grave", "title": "pyracerz: Tracks fail to load: 'ConfigParser' object has no attribute 'readfp'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 11:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092630, "source": "mozjs128", "severity": "normal", "title": "mozjs128: Bump rustc build-dep to >= 1.76.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 00:30:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092634, "source": "libdbd-firebird-perl", "severity": "normal", "title": "libdbd-firebird-perl ftbfs with firebird4.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 09:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092635, "source": "flamerobin", "severity": "normal", "title": "flamerobin ftbfs with firebird4.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 15:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092637, "source": "rust-critical-section", "severity": "serious", "title": "please update to v1.2.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 03:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092638, "source": "openvdb", "severity": "normal", "title": "openvdb: huge build log on s390x due to test failure spam, package still builds successfully", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 10:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092642, "source": "saods9", "severity": "important", "title": "saods9 ftbfs, not linking against -lstdc++", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 12:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092644, "source": "alot", "severity": "serious", "title": "Fails to start: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mailcap'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 11:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092654, "source": "gcc-mingw-w64", "severity": "normal", "title": "gcc-mingw-w64 builds using GCC 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 17:48:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092655, "source": "emacs", "severity": "normal", "title": "emacs still builds using GCC 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 09:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092656, "source": "gcc-or1k-elf", "severity": "normal", "title": "gcc-or1k-elf builds using GCC 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 17:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092657, "source": "gcc-sh-elf", "severity": "normal", "title": "gcc-sh-elf builds using GCC 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 13:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092658, "source": "ghdl", "severity": "normal", "title": "ghdl builds using GCC 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 13:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092659, "source": "jpeg-xl", "severity": "normal", "title": "jpeg-xl builds using GCC 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 22:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092660, "source": "openjdk-8", "severity": "normal", "title": "openjdk-8 builds using GCC 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-10 00:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092661, "source": "openjdk-11", "severity": "normal", "title": "openjdk-11 builds using GCC 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 13:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092662, "source": "rocsolver", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "rocsolver: improve build parallelism Inbox", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 19:12:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092668, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: ctrl-c does not work after %s hook", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 15:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092673, "source": "nvidia-cuda-toolkit", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-cuda-toolkit-gcc: depends on g++-12", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 13:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092675, "source": "openjpeg2", "severity": "serious", "title": "openjpeg2: CVE-2024-56826", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 21:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092676, "source": "openjpeg2", "severity": "serious", "title": "openjpeg2: CVE-2024-56827", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 21:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092681, "source": "deepin-music", "severity": "serious", "title": "deepin-music: FTBFS with taglib 2.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 03:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092683, "source": "lomiri-thumbnailer", "severity": "serious", "title": "lomiri-thumbnailer: FTBFS with taglib 2.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 07:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092687, "source": "glasscoder", "severity": "serious", "title": "glasscoder: FTBFS with taglib 2.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 01:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092688, "source": "ocaml-taglib", "severity": "serious", "title": "ocaml-taglib: FTBFS with taglib 2.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:54:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1092690, "source": "ruby-api-pagination", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-api-pagination: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error: expect(response.header['Per-Page']).to eq('6')", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 18:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092691, "source": "ruby-cleanroom", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-cleanroom: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error:", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 18:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092692, "source": "ruby-dataobjects-sqlite3", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-dataobjects-sqlite3: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error: conn = DataObjects::Connection.new(CONFIG.uri)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 18:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092693, "source": "software-properties", "severity": "critical", "title": "software-properties-gtk: Does not start FileNotFoundError: '/usr/bin/apt-key'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 23:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092694, "source": "ruby-dataobjects", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-dataobjects: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: 35.2) Failure/Error: raise ArgumentError.new(\"+max_size+ should be a Fixnum but was #{max_size.inspect}\") unless Fixnum === max_size", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 18:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092695, "source": "ruby-gitlab-flowdock-git-hook", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-gitlab-flowdock-git-hook: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: :86:in `require': cannot load such file -- flowdock-git-hook (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 18:12:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092696, "source": "ruby-grib", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-grib: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error: @dims.each{|dim,len| expect(dim.typecode).to be_instance_of Fixnum}", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 15:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092697, "source": "ruby-nokogumbo", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-nokogumbo: FTBFS with ruby3.3: nokogumbo.c:492:27: error: ������rb_cData������ undeclared (first use in this function)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 18:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092698, "source": "ruby-puppet-syntax", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-puppet-syntax: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/rubygems/specification.rb:1477:in `rescue in block in activate_dependencies': Could not find 'getoptlong' (~> 0.1.0) among 115 total gem(s) (Gem::MissingSpecError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 22:36:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092699, "source": "ruby-puppetlabs-spec-helper", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-puppetlabs-spec-helper: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error: require 'puppet-syntax/tasks/puppet-syntax'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 23:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092700, "source": "ruby-rails-assets-markdown-it-diaspora-mention", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rails-assets-markdown-it-diaspora-mention: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 18:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092701, "source": "ruby-rails-assets-underscore", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rails-assets-underscore: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 18:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092702, "source": "ruby-rgfa", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rgfa: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Error: test_field_writer_H(TestRGFAFieldWriter): NoMethodError: undefined method `trust' for an instance of RGFA::ByteArray", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 18:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092703, "source": "ruby-roo", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-roo: FTBFS with ruby3.3: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error: expect(subject.instance_variables).to_not include(:@memoized_data)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 09:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092704, "source": "easytag", "severity": "serious", "title": "easytag: FTBFS with taglib 2.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 20:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092706, "source": "kodi", "severity": "serious", "title": "kodi: FTBFS: missing initializer for member ������_typeobject::tp_versions_used������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 21:12:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092707, "source": "mixxx", "severity": "serious", "title": "mixxx: FTBFS with taglib 2.0: test failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 21:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092708, "source": "ncmpcpp", "severity": "serious", "title": "ncmpcpp: FTBFS with taglib 2.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 01:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092713, "source": "mame", "severity": "normal", "title": "mame ftbfs on hppa", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 20:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092714, "source": "rust-easy-ext", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:rust-easy-ext: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 20:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092715, "source": "rust-oxhttp", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:rust-oxhttp: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 20:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092716, "source": "rebar3", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:rebar3: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-10 20:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092717, "source": "rebar", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:rebar: fails to migrate to testing for 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1092736, "source": "pv", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:pv: fails to migrate to testing for too long: FTBFS on arm64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 06:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092737, "source": "zutils", "severity": "serious", "title": "zutils: may delete gzip files when installed on bookworm (DEP17)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 12:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092741, "source": "nvidia-cuda-toolkit", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS on arm64: dpkg-shlibdeps: error: cannot find library libXfixes.so.3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 10:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092744, "source": "sssd", "severity": "serious", "title": "Not buildable on arches without valgrind", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 14:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092745, "source": "opensysusers", "severity": "serious", "title": "opensysusers: DEP17 diversions may delete systemd's systemd-sysuser", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092746, "source": "bpython", "severity": "serious", "title": "Autopkgtests fail with Python 3.13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 10:57:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1092748, "source": "dnarrange", "severity": "serious", "title": "Autopkgtests fail with Python 3.13: DeprecationWarning: 'maxsplit' is passed as positional argument", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 01:30:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092749, "source": "kineticstools", "severity": "serious", "title": "Autopkgtests fail with Python 3.13: ipdSummary output changed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 23:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092750, "source": "mosquitto", "severity": "serious", "title": "Autopkgtests fail with Python 3.13: certificate verify failed: Basic Constraints of CA cert not marked critical", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 20:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092752, "source": "pygrace", "severity": "serious", "title": "Autopkgtests fail: AssertionError: {'a': 1} != {}", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 21:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092753, "source": "pymilter", "severity": "serious", "title": "Autopkgtests fail with Python 3.13: AttributeError: module 'unittest' has no attribute 'makeSuite'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 17:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092754, "source": "pyspf", "severity": "serious", "title": "Autopkgtests fail with Python 3.13: AttributeError: module 'unittest' has no attribute 'makeSuite'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 16:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092755, "source": "python-pint", "severity": "minor", "title": "python-pint: References defunct `python_distutils` build system in d/rules", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 10:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092756, "source": "uwsgi", "severity": "serious", "title": "uwsgi: build against openjdk-21", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 21:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092757, "source": "python-ncclient", "severity": "minor", "title": "python-ncclient: References defunct `python_distutils` build system in d/rules", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 10:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092758, "source": "python-oauth2client", "severity": "important", "title": "python-oauth2client: Uses defunct `python_distutils` build system in d/rules", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 10:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092759, "source": "vdirsyncer", "severity": "minor", "title": "vdirsyncer: References defunct `python_distutils` build system in d/rules", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 10:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092766, "source": "python-redfish", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-redfish has an undeclared file conflict", "affected_sources": [ "python-ilorest" ], "affected_packages": [ "python3-ilorest" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 16:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092767, "source": "beanquery", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-beanquery has an undeclared file conflict on /usr/bin/bean-query", "affected_sources": [ "beancount" ], "affected_packages": [ "beancount" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 02:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092768, "source": "beanquery,django-pipeline", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-beanquery and python3-django-pipeline have an undeclared file conflict on /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/docs/conf.py", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 01:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092772, "source": "linux", "severity": "grave", "title": "linux-image-6.1.0-29-arm64: kernel OOPS when using nftables", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 07:36:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1092773, "source": "php-netscape-bookmark-parser", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-netscape-bookmark-parser: Depends on php-psr-log (<< 2~~)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 07:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092774, "source": "libfcgi", "severity": "grave", "title": "libfcgi: CVE-2025-23016", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 14:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092776, "source": "adios", "severity": "serious", "title": "adios: switch away from cython-legacy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 01:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092777, "source": "astra-toolbox", "severity": "serious", "title": "astra-toolbox: switch away from cython-legacy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 14:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092778, "source": "basemap", "severity": "serious", "title": "basemap: switch away from cython-legacy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 14:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092779, "source": "mlpy", "severity": "serious", "title": "mlpy: switch away from cython-legacy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 13:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092780, "source": "pybik", "severity": "serious", "title": "pybik: switch away from cython-legacy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 14:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092781, "source": "pyfftw", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyfftw: switch away from cython-legacy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 21:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092782, "source": "pygccjit", "severity": "serious", "title": "pygccjit: switch away from cython-legacy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 14:27:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1092784, "source": "python-feather-format", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-feather-format: switch away from cython-legacy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 14:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092785, "source": "python-libzim", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-libzim: switch away from cython-legacy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 22:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092786, "source": "chemps2", "severity": "serious", "title": "chemps2: switch away from cython-legacy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 14:30:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092787, "source": "strawberry", "severity": "normal", "title": "strawberry: Consider building with KDSingleApplication", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 19:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092788, "source": "taglib", "severity": "important", "title": "libtag-dev: cmake files requires file in libtag-c-dev", "affected_sources": [ "kid3", "strawberry" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:kid3", "src:strawberry" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 15:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092790, "source": "pyspread", "severity": "serious", "title": "Autopkgtests fail with Python 3.13: ValueError: bad escapechar or quotechar value", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 21:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092791, "source": "python-cobra", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: TypeError: GPR.__init__() takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments but 3 were given", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 16:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092793, "source": "python-pytray", "severity": "serious", "title": "Autopkgtests fail with Python 3.13: Task was destroyed but it is pending!", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 17:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092794, "source": "debputy", "severity": "important", "title": "dh-debputy: Unable to build CMake package in full integration mode", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 15:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092796, "source": "wireless-regdb", "severity": "serious", "title": "Autopkgtests fail with Python 3.13: OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 19:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092797, "source": "xonsh", "severity": "serious", "title": "Autopkgtests fail with Python 3.13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 17:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092800, "source": "git-buildpackage", "severity": "normal", "title": "git-buildpackage: gbp clone: do not defuse gitattributes by default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-11 19:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092802, "source": "skorch", "severity": "serious", "title": "Autopkgtests fail with Python 3.13: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'span'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 13:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092806, "source": "linux", "severity": "grave", "title": "linux-image-6.1.0-29-arm64: Oops: Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address ffff0000e1fb238c", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 07:36:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1092832, "source": "ruby-hdfeos5", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-hdfeos5: FTBFS with ruby3.3 (test failures)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 06:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092833, "source": "firefox-esr", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:firefox-esr: fails to migrate to testing for too long: FTBFS on armhf and mips64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 08:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092834, "source": "igraph", "severity": "serious", "title": "igraph fails to build with LTO and autopkg tests fail with stderr output", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 00:00:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092837, "source": "0ad", "severity": "important", "title": "0ad: FTBFS with fmtlib 11.1", "affected_sources": [ "fmtlib" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:fmtlib" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 17:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092838, "source": "ceph", "severity": "important", "title": "ceph: FTBFS with fmtlib 11.1", "affected_sources": [ "fmtlib" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:fmtlib" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 16:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092839, "source": "dolphin-emu", "severity": "important", "title": "dolphin-emu: FTBFS with fmtlib 11.1", "affected_sources": [ "fmtlib" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:fmtlib" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 16:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092840, "source": "doxygen", "severity": "important", "title": "doxygen: FTBFS with fmtlib 11.1", "affected_sources": [ "fmtlib" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:fmtlib" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 16:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092841, "source": "genomicsdb", "severity": "important", "title": "genomicsdb: FTBFS with fmtlib 11.1", "affected_sources": [ "fmtlib" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:fmtlib" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 16:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092842, "source": "gerbera", "severity": "important", "title": "gerbera: FTBFS with fmtlib 11.1", "affected_sources": [ "fmtlib" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:fmtlib" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 16:36:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1092843, "source": "mpd", "severity": "important", "title": "mpd: FTBFS with fmtlib 11.1", "affected_sources": [ "fmtlib" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:fmtlib" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 18:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092844, "source": "nheko", "severity": "important", "title": "nheko: FTBFS with fmtlib 11.1", "affected_sources": [ "fmtlib" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:fmtlib" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 16:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092845, "source": "nmodl", "severity": "important", "title": "nmodl: FTBFS with fmtlib 11.1", "affected_sources": [ "fmtlib" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:fmtlib" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 16:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092846, "source": "ntfs2btrfs", "severity": "important", "title": "ntfs2btrfs: FTBFS with fmtlib 11.1", "affected_sources": [ "fmtlib" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:fmtlib" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 16:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092847, "source": "opm-common", "severity": "important", "title": "opm-common: FTBFS with fmtlib 11.1", "affected_sources": [ "fmtlib" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:fmtlib" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 20:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092848, "source": "jami", "severity": "important", "title": "ring: FTBFS with fmtlib 11.1", "affected_sources": [ "fmtlib" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:fmtlib" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 01:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092849, "source": "transmission", "severity": "important", "title": "transmission: FTBFS with fmtlib 11.1", "affected_sources": [ "fmtlib" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:fmtlib" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 16:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092850, "source": "tremotesf", "severity": "important", "title": "tremotesf: FTBFS with fmtlib 11.1", "affected_sources": [ "fmtlib" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:fmtlib" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 22:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092851, "source": "tiny-initramfs", "severity": "grave", "title": "tiny-initramfs-core: Fails to be installed after migrating to /usr/libexec/tiny-initramfs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 02:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092853, "source": "phpmyadmin", "severity": "serious", "title": "phpmyadmin: autopkgtest failure with PHPUnit 11 on armel, armhf and i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 23:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092861, "source": "jinja-vanish", "severity": "normal", "title": "jinja-vanish: please run tests at build time", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 17:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092865, "source": "kodi", "severity": "serious", "title": "kodi: FTBFS with taglib 2.0 on 32 bit architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 01:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092866, "source": "gcc-15", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnat-15 20250112 ftbfs on armel/armhf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 15:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092867, "source": "pyglet", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyglet: Autopkgtests uses timing tests that fails on s390x (flaky?)", "affected_sources": [ "pillow" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:pillow" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 00:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092871, "source": "onboard", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS on riscv64: AssertionError: Lists differ: [['en_US.lm', 1]] != [['user.lm', 1]]", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 21:33:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092872, "source": "sssd", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS on s390x: No such file or directory: 'systemctl'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 14:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092874, "source": "evolution", "severity": "grave", "title": "evolution prints only empty pages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 10:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092876, "source": "dub", "severity": "grave", "title": "dub: Unable to install", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 08:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092877, "source": "debputy", "severity": "important", "title": "dh-debputy: CPPFLAGS concatenation issue breaks CMake builds in full integration mode", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 00:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092878, "source": "php-arthurhoaro-web-thumbnailer", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-arthurhoaro-web-thumbnailer: failing testsuite with PHPUnit 11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 15:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092879, "source": "phploc", "severity": "serious", "title": "phploc: not compatible with PHPUnit 11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 17:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092881, "source": "samba", "severity": "critical", "title": "libtevent0t64: breaks itself", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 11:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092888, "source": "sioyek", "severity": "serious", "title": "sioyek: FTBFS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-12 21:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092889, "source": "linux", "severity": "grave", "title": "linux-image-6.1.0-29-arm64: oops in nft_rhash_gc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 07:36:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1092890, "source": "mesa", "severity": "serious", "title": "mesa: regression in 24.3: software rendering crashes on ppc64el with segmentation fault", "affected_sources": [ "gst-plugins-base1.0", "kf6-bluez-qt", "kf6-kquickcharts", "lomiri-settings-components", "lomiri-system-settings", "lomiri-thumbnailer", "pyside2", "pyside6", "qtlocation-opensource-src" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:gst-plugins-base1.0", "lomiri-thumbnailer", "src:pyside6", "lomiri-system-settings", "src:pyside2", "kf6-bluez-qt", "kf6-kquickcharts", "src:qtlocation-opensource-src", "lomiri-settings-components" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 08:48:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092896, "source": "userv", "severity": "normal", "title": "userv ought to build reproducibly", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 00:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092904, "source": "dgit", "severity": "minor", "title": "dgit: Synopsis in --help does not list `push-built`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 14:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092908, "source": "invesalius", "severity": "serious", "title": "Autopkgtests fail: No such file or directory: '/home/debci/.config/invesalius/config.json'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 23:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1092909, "source": "arm-trusted-firmware", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "arm-trusted-firmware: Consider building imx8mp (i.MX 8M Plus) variants", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 01:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092915, "source": "agg", "severity": "serious", "title": "Linked packages depends on libagg2 (>= 2.6.0) but it is not installable", "affected_sources": [ "exactimage" ], "affected_packages": [ "exactimage" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 21:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092917, "source": "rust-xh", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "rust-xh: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 18:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092922, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "RM: rdkit [armel armhf i386] -- ROM; no longer built for 32bit", "affected_sources": [ "rdkit" ], "affected_packages": [ "rdkit" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 01:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092929, "source": "dgit", "severity": "normal", "title": "dgit: building packages using the debputy Build-Driver", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 08:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092936, "source": "agg", "severity": "serious", "title": "wrong package name in symbols file", "affected_sources": [ "exactimage" ], "affected_packages": [ "exactimage" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 21:09:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092945, "source": "glib2.0", "severity": "important", "title": "glib2.0: FTBFS with meson 1.7.0rc1: failed to load external entity \"glib/tests/tmpsample.xml\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 19:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1092948, "source": "gnupg2", "severity": "normal", "title": "GnuPG 2.4 built without tpm2daemon", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 08:15:23 +0000" }, { "id": 1092955, "source": "bfh-metapackages", "severity": "serious", "title": "bfh-metapackages: incorrect --rename flags in duplicated diversions (DEP17)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 06:09:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1092956, "source": "progress-linux-metapackages", "severity": "serious", "title": "progress-linux-container: incorrect --rename flags in duplicated diversions (DEP17)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 06:09:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1092959, "source": "check", "severity": "important", "title": "check: FTBFS with Upcoming TeXInfo 7.2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 17:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092962, "source": "ffmpeg", "severity": "important", "title": "ffmpeg: FTBFS with TeXInfo 7.2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-13 22:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092969, "source": "linux", "severity": "serious", "title": "linux: building dkms modules fails with x86_64-linux-gnu-ld: read in flex scanner failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 19:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1092981, "source": "pymatgen", "severity": "serious", "title": "Autopkgtests fail with Python 3.13: KeyError: 'l'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 05:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092982, "source": "pymatgen", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: sphinx-build segfaults", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 13:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092983, "source": "libosmo-sccp", "severity": "serious", "title": "libosmo-sccp fails autopkg tests, blocking python3-defaults", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 22:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1092987, "source": "vagrant", "severity": "serious", "title": "vagrant: free Vagrant versions no longer work with HashiCorp Cloud Platform's Vagrant registry", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 17:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1092993, "source": "tulip", "severity": "serious", "title": "tulip FTBFS with Python 3.13 as default", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 10:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092995, "source": "astra-toolbox", "severity": "serious", "title": "astra-toolbox: build-depends on unavailable nvidia-cuda-toolkit-gcc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 13:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1092997, "source": "cloud-init", "severity": "normal", "title": "cloud-init: build-depends on obsolete python3-pep8 (use pycodestyle)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 17:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1092998, "source": "pyvkfft-cuda", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyvkfft-cuda: rebuild for python3.13 as default python version", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 10:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093002, "source": "rng-tools-debian", "severity": "grave", "title": "rng-tools-debian: systemd service fails instead of skipping", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 00:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1093004, "source": "tuxfootball", "severity": "serious", "title": "tuxfootball FTBFS with gettext 0.22", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 21:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093006, "source": "cppad", "severity": "serious", "title": "cppad FTBFS on 32-bit", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 16:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093007, "source": "libreoffice", "severity": "grave", "title": "Print preview and pdf export only show blank pages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 10:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093011, "source": "music", "severity": "serious", "title": "music FTBFS on 32-bit", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 22:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093012, "source": "rust-wide", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-wide: FTBFS: no matching package named `bincode` found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 01:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093013, "source": "kate", "severity": "normal", "title": "No SQL plugin in debian package build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 07:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093017, "source": "python-cymem", "severity": "serious", "title": "Autopkgtests fail: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cymem.cymem'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 15:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093019, "source": "mupdf", "severity": "important", "title": "mupdf: FTBFS on mips64el: segmentation fault", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 16:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093020, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "RM: mupdf [mips64el] -- RoQA; build error; needs migration", "affected_sources": [ "mupdf" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:mupdf" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:36:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093025, "source": "at-spi2-core", "severity": "serious", "title": "at-spi2-core: bug with web form in firefox", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-14 19:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093027, "source": "k2pdfopt", "severity": "normal", "title": "k2pdfopt: FTBFS: implicit-function-declaration and int-conversion", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 22:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093031, "source": "rustc", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-analyzer has an undeclared file conflict on /usr/bin/rust-analyzer", "affected_sources": [ "rustup" ], "affected_packages": [ "rustup" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 21:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093034, "source": "python-redfish", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-redfish abuses Conflicts", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 18:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093035, "source": "coda", "severity": "serious", "title": "libcoda16 has an undeclared file conflict on /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcoda.so.16", "affected_sources": [ "coda" ], "affected_packages": [ "libcoda15" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 08:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093040, "source": "lomiri-clock-app", "severity": "serious", "title": "lomiri-clock-app: autopkgtest failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 11:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093041, "source": "cloud-init", "severity": "serious", "title": "cloud-init: please remove extraneous/obsolotete dependency on to-be-removed python3-pep8", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 18:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093042, "source": "git", "severity": "grave", "title": "git: CVE-2024-50349 CVE-2024-52006", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 14:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093043, "source": "dcmtk", "severity": "grave", "title": "dcmtk: CVE-2024-47796", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 14:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093047, "source": "dcmtk", "severity": "grave", "title": "dcmtk: CVE-2024-52333", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 14:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093048, "source": "git-lfs", "severity": "grave", "title": "git-lfs: CVE-2024-53263", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 08:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093051, "source": "spherepack", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-sphere: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'spherepack'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 15:12:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093052, "source": "rsync", "severity": "serious", "title": "rsync: Error in 3.2.7-1+deb12u1: \"Internal hashtable error: illegal key supplied!\" using -rH", "affected_sources": [ "release.debian.org", "security.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "security.debian.org", "release.debian.org" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 06:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093079, "source": "lava", "severity": "serious", "title": "lava-dev: please replace the dependency on pep8 with one on successor pycodestyle", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 21:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093086, "source": "rdkit", "severity": "serious", "title": "rdkit: FTBFS on big-endian architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 08:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093088, "source": "haskell-gtk", "severity": "serious", "title": "haskell-gtk: Keep leaf package out of testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 08:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093089, "source": "rsync", "severity": "serious", "title": "rsync: \"Internal hashtable error: illegal key supplied\" when preserving hardlinks (i.e also with --archive)", "affected_sources": [ "release.debian.org", "security.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "security.debian.org", "release.debian.org" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 06:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093091, "source": "broadcom-sta", "severity": "important", "title": "broadcom-sta-dkms: module fails to build for Linux 6.13: fatal error: net/lib80211.h: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 05:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093092, "source": "ezurio-qcacld-2.0-dkms", "severity": "serious", "title": "ezurio-qcacld-2.0-dkms: module fails to build for Linux 6.13: error: expected ',' or ';' before 'CRYPTO_INTERNAL'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 09:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093093, "source": "lttng-modules", "severity": "important", "title": "lttng-modules-dkms: module fials to build for Linux 6.13: error: 'struct file' has no member named 'f_count'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 09:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093095, "source": "rtpengine", "severity": "important", "title": "rtpengine-kernel-dkms: module fails to build for Linux 6.13: error: expected ',' or ';' before 'CRYPTO_INTERNAL'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 18:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093097, "source": "botch", "severity": "serious", "title": "botch: FTBFS with OCaml 5.3.0 (make[2]: *** [Makefile:278: test-man] Error 1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 06:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093098, "source": "falcosecurity-libs", "severity": "important", "title": "falcosecurity-scap-dkms: module fails to build for Linux 6.13: error: too many arguments to function 'class_create'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 09:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093099, "source": "coccinelle", "severity": "serious", "title": "coccinelle: FTBFS with OCaml 5.3.0 (make[2]: *** [Makefile:39: manual.pdf] Error 1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 19:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093100, "source": "coq-doc", "severity": "important", "title": "coq-doc: FTBFS with OCaml 5.3.0 (seems unrelated to OCaml)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 22:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093101, "source": "eliom", "severity": "serious", "title": "eliom: FTBFS with OCaml 5.3.0 (ppx needs porting)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 02:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093102, "source": "frama-c", "severity": "serious", "title": "frama-c: FTBFS with OCaml 5.3.0 (syntax error due to new \"effect\" keyword)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 01:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093103, "source": "haxe", "severity": "serious", "title": "haxe: FTBFS with OCaml 5.3.0 (needs update, not in testing)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 22:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093104, "source": "ocaml-merlin", "severity": "serious", "title": "ocaml-merlin: FTBFS with OCaml 5.3.0 (needs porting)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 07:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093105, "source": "ocaml-multicore-magic", "severity": "serious", "title": "ocaml-multicore-magic: FTBFS with OCaml 5.3.0 (packaging issue)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 07:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093106, "source": "ocaml-taglib", "severity": "serious", "title": "ocaml-taglib: FTBFS with OCaml 5.3.0 (error in C stubs, not in testing)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:54:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1093107, "source": "orpie", "severity": "serious", "title": "orpie: FTBFS with OCaml 5.3.0 (error: Unbound module \"Genlex\")", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 03:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093108, "source": "plplot", "severity": "important", "title": "plplot: FTBFS with OCaml 5.3.0 (error in C stubs)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 09:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093109, "source": "pplacer", "severity": "serious", "title": "pplacer: FTBFS with OCaml 5.3.0 (error in C stubs)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 01:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093110, "source": "sks", "severity": "serious", "title": "sks: FTBFS with OCaml 5.3.0 (FTBFS since OCaml 5.2.0 (#1073911), not in testing)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 01:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093111, "source": "tophide", "severity": "serious", "title": "tophide: FTBFS with OCaml 5.3.0 (Format-related change)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 00:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093112, "source": "why3", "severity": "serious", "title": "why3: FTBFS with OCaml 5.3.0 (syntax error due to new \"effect\" keyword)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 21:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093115, "source": "zfs-linux", "severity": "important", "title": "zfs-dkms: module fails to build for Linux 6.13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 17:36:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093125, "source": "rustc", "severity": "important", "title": "rustc: FTBFS on hurd-any", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 21:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093127, "source": "rapiddisk", "severity": "serious", "title": "rapiddisk-dkms: module fails to build for Linux 6.11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 14:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093131, "source": "open-infrastructure-system-tools", "severity": "serious", "title": "open-infrastructure-system-build: incorrectly duplicated diversions for /usr-move (DEP17)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 13:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093132, "source": "molly-guard", "severity": "serious", "title": "molly-guard: duplicated /usr-move diversions subtly wrong (DEP17)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 20:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093133, "source": "kf6-kguiaddons", "severity": "important", "title": "kf6-kguiaddons: FTBFS on hurd-any", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 19:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093144, "source": "openturns", "severity": "serious", "title": "openturns: FTBFS on amd64: build hangs", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-15 16:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093147, "source": "elixir-lang", "severity": "serious", "title": "elixir-lang:FTBFS:build failed ([31m** (ExUnit.TimeoutError) test timed out after 60000ms)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 17:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093151, "source": "gcc-14", "severity": "grave", "title": "libn32gcc-14-dev: Not installable on mips64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 07:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093153, "source": "faketime", "severity": "serious", "title": "xapian-omega autopkgtests and faketime on 32-bit", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 10:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093156, "source": "ucf", "severity": "serious", "title": "ucf: Unable to determine DPKG_FORCE keep file; aborts installation", "affected_sources": [ "nfs-utils" ], "affected_packages": [ "nfs-common" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 07:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093160, "source": "rsync", "severity": "grave", "title": "rsync: failed verification -- update discarded", "affected_sources": [ "release.debian.org", "security.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "release.debian.org", "security.debian.org" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 16:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093162, "source": "jenkins-debian-glue", "severity": "normal", "title": "jenkins-debian-glue-buildenv: please replace the \"pep8\" recommendantion with \"pycodestyle\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 11:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093165, "source": "vmdb2", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild-qemu: Creating arm64 unstable img fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 16:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093171, "source": "py-libzfs", "severity": "serious", "title": "py-libzfs: switch away from cython-legacy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 07:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093187, "source": "gambas3", "severity": "important", "title": "gambas3: FTBFS against poppler 25.01", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 14:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093188, "source": "tree-sitter", "severity": "grave", "title": "fails to compile: missing file .editorconfig", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 03:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093194, "source": "partclone", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:partclone: fails to migrate to testing for too long: FTBFS on s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 18:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093195, "source": "icmake", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:icmake: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 10:30:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093196, "source": "ruby-build", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:ruby-build: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 10:30:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1093197, "source": "wine", "severity": "serious", "title": "wine: FTBFS on arm*", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 10:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093198, "source": "parser", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "parser: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 17:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093199, "source": "parser", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "parser: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 17:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093200, "source": "linux", "severity": "serious", "title": "Some packages consistently FTBFS with EFAULT (Bad address) on most mips64el buildds", "affected_sources": [ "erlang", "firefox-esr", "git", "golang-1.22", "golang-1.23", "librsvg", "loupe", "mupdf", "rustc", "swayosd", "wings3d" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:mupdf", "src:wings3d", "src:erlang", "src:firefox-esr", "src:swayosd", "src:golang-1.23", "src:git", "src:librsvg", "src:golang-1.22", "rustc", "cargo", "src:loupe" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 20:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093201, "source": "rsync", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "rsync: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 10:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093203, "source": "packagesearch", "severity": "serious", "title": "packagesearch: Remove debtags, libept dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 18:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093207, "source": "rsync", "severity": "serious", "title": "rsync 3.2.7-1+deb12u1 fails when talking to Ubuntu 24.10 systems", "affected_sources": [ "release.debian.org", "security.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "security.debian.org", "release.debian.org" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 06:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093208, "source": "xpdf", "severity": "important", "title": "xpdf: FTBFS against poppler 25.01", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 09:33:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1093211, "source": "afnix", "severity": "normal", "title": "afnix: FTBFS: Add loongarch64 support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 13:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093214, "source": "luametatex", "severity": "important", "title": "luametatex needs to be rebuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 10:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093219, "source": "scribus", "severity": "serious", "title": "scribus: FTBFS against poppler 25.01", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 23:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093222, "source": "pam", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Minimizing build-arch for pam", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 02:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093229, "source": "plakativ", "severity": "serious", "title": "plakativ: FTBFS with fitz_old import", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 19:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093236, "source": "python-pyspike", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-pyspike: autopkgtest fails with new numpy 1:1.26.4+ds-13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 22:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093237, "source": "smuxi", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "smuxi: Please consider changing the mono-runtime build-dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 20:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093240, "source": "python-pdbfixer", "severity": "normal", "title": "python3-pdbfixer: please package v1.11", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 06:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093243, "source": "linux", "severity": "critical", "title": "linux-image-6.1.0-29-amd64 causes mariadb hangs", "affected_sources": [ "mariadb" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:mariadb" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 15:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093244, "source": "ruby-rackup", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rackup has an undeclared file conflict on /usr/bin/rackup", "affected_sources": [ "ruby-rack" ], "affected_packages": [ "ruby-rack" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 16:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093247, "source": "texlive-extra", "severity": "grave", "title": "texlive-extra: Migration blocker", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 10:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093251, "source": "texlive-lang", "severity": "grave", "title": "texlive-lang: Migration blocker", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-16 22:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093253, "source": "openjdk-21", "severity": "serious", "title": "openjdk-21: endless loop in armhf build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 13:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093254, "source": "apt", "severity": "grave", "title": "apt 2.9.22 breaks apt-cudf", "affected_sources": [ "dose3" ], "affected_packages": [ "apt-cudf" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 20:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093263, "source": "rsync", "severity": "serious", "title": "rsync: Error in rsync_3.2.3-4+deb11u2: \"Internal hashtable error: illegal key supplied!\" using -rH", "affected_sources": [ "release.debian.org", "security.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "security.debian.org", "release.debian.org" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 06:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093267, "source": "coreutils", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "Add option to run tests during build process ", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 06:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093270, "source": "halide", "severity": "serious", "title": "halide ftbfs for all binary-arch builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 20:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093275, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "serious", "title": "autopkgtest: flaky autopkgtest on riscv64: tests involving timeouts often fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 10:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093278, "source": "paraview", "severity": "serious", "title": "paraview needs a stricter python dependency", "affected_sources": [ "paraview" ], "affected_packages": [ "python3-paraview" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 21:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093282, "source": "kitinerary", "severity": "important", "title": "kitinerary: FTBFS against poppler 25.01", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 18:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093283, "source": "lomiri-ui-toolkit", "severity": "normal", "title": "lomiri-ui-toolkit: please remove the alternative build-dependency on \"pep8\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 11:39:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1093285, "source": "custodia", "severity": "serious", "title": "custodia: please remove the dependency on to-be-removed python3-pep8", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 20:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093293, "source": "cynthiune.app", "severity": "minor", "title": "cynthiune.app: Please update taglib build-dep package: libtagc0-dev => libtag-c-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 14:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093294, "source": "emms", "severity": "minor", "title": "emms: Please update taglib build-dep package: libtagc0-dev => libtag-c-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 14:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093296, "source": "gerbera", "severity": "minor", "title": "gerbera: Please update taglib build-dep package: libtag1-dev => libtag-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 14:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093297, "source": "libreoffice", "severity": "serious", "title": "libreoffice: FTBFS against poppler 25.01", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 22:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093300, "source": "manuskript", "severity": "serious", "title": "manuskript: Move to python3-pyqt5.qtwebengine", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 13:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093301, "source": "qgis", "severity": "serious", "title": "qgis: Get rid of qtwebkit dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 06:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093305, "source": "python-django-pyscss", "severity": "normal", "title": "python-django-pyscss: please drop the obsolete python3-simplejson build dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 17:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093306, "source": "python-tackerclient", "severity": "normal", "title": "python-tackerclient: please drop the unused build & runtime dependency on python3-simplejson", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 17:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093307, "source": "rabbitmq-server", "severity": "normal", "title": "rabbitmq-server: the build-dependency on python3-simplejson is not needed anymore since Python2.7", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 17:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093308, "source": "inkscape", "severity": "serious", "title": "inkscape: FTBFS against poppler 25.01", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 14:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093312, "source": "rsync", "severity": "serious", "title": "rsync: Error in rsync: \"Internal hashtable error: illegal key supplied!\" using -rH", "affected_sources": [ "release.debian.org", "security.debian.org" ], "affected_packages": [ "security.debian.org", "release.debian.org" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 06:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093320, "source": "binutils-m68hc1x", "severity": "serious", "title": "binutils-m68hc1x: FTBFS: Hunk #1 FAILED at 104.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 11:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093321, "source": "brial", "severity": "serious", "title": "brial: FTBFS: g++: error: @SIMD_CFLAGS@: linker input file not found: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 18:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093322, "source": "cafeobj", "severity": "serious", "title": "cafeobj: FTBFS: chmod: cannot access 'dumps/sbcl/cafeobj.sbcl': No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 18:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093323, "source": "automaton", "severity": "serious", "title": "chemicaltagger: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project uk.ac.cam.ch.wwmm:chemicalTagger:jar:1.6.2", "affected_sources": [ "chemicaltagger", "opsin", "oscar4" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:opsin", "src:chemicaltagger", "src:oscar4" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 08:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093324, "source": "coq-doc", "severity": "serious", "title": "coq-doc: FTBFS: No module named 'typing.io'; 'typing' is not a package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 22:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093325, "source": "crafty-books-medium", "severity": "serious", "title": "crafty-books-medium: FTBFS: install: cannot change ownership of 'debian/crafty-books-medium/usr/share/crafty/books.bin': Operation not permitted", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 19:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093326, "source": "crafty-books-medtosmall", "severity": "serious", "title": "crafty-books-medtosmall: FTBFS: install: cannot change ownership of 'debian/crafty-books-medtosmall/usr/share/crafty/books.bin': Operation not permitted", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 02:48:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093327, "source": "drbl", "severity": "serious", "title": "drbl: FTBFS: /bin/sh: 1: xxd: not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 10:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093328, "source": "crafty-books-small", "severity": "serious", "title": "crafty-books-small: FTBFS: install: cannot change ownership of 'debian/crafty-books-small/usr/share/crafty/books.bin': Operation not permitted", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 09:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093329, "source": "erlang", "severity": "serious", "title": "erlang: FTBFS: :error_handler.undefined_lambda/3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 18:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093330, "source": "fasttrack-archive-keyring", "severity": "serious", "title": "fasttrack-archive-keyring: FTBFS: gpg: Fatal: can't create directory '/sbuild-nonexistent/.gnupg': No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 18:57:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1093331, "source": "gdnsd", "severity": "serious", "title": "gdnsd: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 18:57:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1093332, "source": "gpsim-doc", "severity": "serious", "title": "gpsim-doc: FTBFS: Systemcall: 'latex \"gpsim.tex\"' finished with exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 18:57:14 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failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 22:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093339, "source": "libcatmandu-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libcatmandu-perl: FTBFS: Failed 4/178 test programs. 8/2133 subtests failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 19:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093340, "source": "libcatmandu-filestore-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libcatmandu-filestore-perl: FTBFS: Failed 1/19 test programs. 3/340 subtests failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 19:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093341, "source": "librdf-rdfa-generator-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "librdf-rdfa-generator-perl: FTBFS: Failed 1/4 test programs. 1/25 subtests failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 20:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093342, "source": "mailman-hyperkitty", "severity": "serious", "title": "mailman-hyperkitty: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'nntplib'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 18:57:27 +0000" }, { "id": 1093343, "source": "mkdocstrings", "severity": "serious", "title": "mkdocstrings: FTBFS: AttributeError: 'AutorefsPlugin' object has no attribute '_url_map'", 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"last_modified": "2025-01-30 22:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093346, "source": "automaton", "severity": "serious", "title": "opsin: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project uk.ac.cam.ch.opsin:opsin-core:jar:2.8.0", "affected_sources": [ "chemicaltagger", "opsin", "oscar4" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:chemicaltagger", "src:oscar4", "src:opsin" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 08:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093347, "source": "os8", "severity": "serious", "title": "os8: FTBFS: install: cannot change owner and permissions of ������������/<>/debian/os8/usr/share/os8/������������: Operation not permitted", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 18:57:31 +0000" }, { "id": 1093348, "source": "automaton", "severity": "serious", "title": "oscar4: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project uk.ac.cam.ch.wwmm.oscar:oscar4-recogniser-core:jar:5.2.0", "affected_sources": [ "chemicaltagger", "opsin", "oscar4" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:opsin", "src:chemicaltagger", "src:oscar4" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 08:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1093349, "source": "php-doctrine-instantiator", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-doctrine-instantiator: FTBFS: Failed opening required '/usr/share/php/Doctrine/Instantiator/autoload.php'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 22:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093350, "source": "poetry", "severity": "serious", "title": "poetry: FTBFS: AttributeError: 'Application' object has no attribute 'set_solution_provider_repository'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 15:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093351, "source": "php-matomo-doctrine-cache", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-matomo-doctrine-cache: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 00:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093352, "source": "psi4", "severity": "serious", "title": "psi4: FTBFS: error: could not find git for clone of qcelemental_external", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 18:57:36 +0000" }, { "id": 1093353, "source": "python-mne", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-mne: FTBFS: NumPy 2.0 AttributeError and other issues", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 21:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093354, "source": "pytorch-geometric", "severity": "serious", "title": "pytorch-geometric: FTBFS: Error: Python 3.13+ not yet supported for torch.compile", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 08:30:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093355, "source": "quantlib-swig", "severity": "serious", "title": "quantlib-swig: FTBFS: error: ������SampledCurve������ has not been declared in ������QuantLib������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 21:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093356, "source": "qcengine", "severity": "serious", "title": "qcengine: FTBFS: E ModuleNotFoundError: Python module pint not found.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 17:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093357, "source": "seqan3", "severity": "serious", "title": "seqan3: FTBFS: The following tests FAILED: 8356 - utility/views/enforce_random_access_test::enforce_random_access_test.adaptor (Failed)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 09:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093358, "source": "simplesnap", "severity": "serious", "title": "simplesnap: FTBFS: install: cannot change ownership of 'debian/simplesnap/usr/sbin/simplesnap': Operation not permitted", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 20:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093359, "source": "smiles-scripts", "severity": "serious", "title": "smiles-scripts: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 18:57:42 +0000" }, { "id": 1093360, "source": "sqwebmail-de", "severity": "serious", "title": "sqwebmail-de: FTBFS: 1 out of 13 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file newevent.html.rej", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 18:57:43 +0000" }, { "id": 1093361, "source": "testu01", "severity": "serious", "title": "testu01: FTBFS: error: too many arguments to function 'isaac'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 19:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093362, "source": "thunderbird", "severity": "serious", "title": "thunderbird: FTBFS: According to \"pip check\", the current Python environment has package-compatibility issues.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 10:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093363, "source": "uvloop", "severity": "serious", "title": "uvloop: FTBFS: AssertionError: Lists differ: [(>/debian/tome/etc/tome������������: Operation not permitted", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-17 20:12:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093365, "source": "vulkan-tools", "severity": "serious", "title": "vulkan-tools: FTBFS: error: ������������VK_DRIVER_ID_RESERVED_27������������ was not declared in this scope", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 14:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093366, "source": "vedo", "severity": "serious", "title": "vedo: FTBFS: Segmentation fault", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", 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"2025-02-03 18:24:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093382, "source": "lomiri-filemanager-app", "severity": "minor", "title": "lomiri-filemanager-app: Please update or remove build-dep libtag1-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 11:00:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093388, "source": "texlive-base", "severity": "important", "title": "texlive-xetex: XeLaTeX fails to build with \\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 23:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093399, "source": "gambas3", "severity": "normal", "title": "gambas3: FTBFS on armhf and armel", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, 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"affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 08:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093406, "source": "ruby-slim", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:ruby-slim: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 08:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093407, "source": "ruby-mathml", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:ruby-mathml: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 08:51:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1093408, "source": "rabbitmq-server", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:rabbitmq-server: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 08:51:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1093409, "source": "python-pypump", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:python-pypump: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 08:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093410, "source": "maven-resolver", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:maven-resolver: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 08:54:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093413, "source": "openmolcas", "severity": "serious", "title": "openmolcas: s390x autopkgtest failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 21:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093414, "source": "postgresql-17", "severity": "serious", "title": "postgresql-17: FTBFS/autopkgtest failure with tzdata 2025a due to minor changes of historical data", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 20:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093421, "source": "neomutt", "severity": "grave", "title": "neomutt: Appending emails to an mbox is now truncating this mbox making any older mails to disappear", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 13:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093423, "source": "mypy", "severity": "important", "title": "mypy: build fails on hurd-i386", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 08:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093433, "source": "php-pclzip", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-pclzip: Useless in Debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 12:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093434, "source": "pear-channels", "severity": "serious", "title": "pear-channels: Useless in Debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 17:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093436, "source": "debhelper", "severity": "serious", "title": "dh_auto_test: Can't exec \"'meson',\": No such file or directory at /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Dh_Lib.pm line 524.", "affected_sources": [ "eog-plugins", "gnome-dictionary", "gnome-video-effects", "libvirt", "livi", "systemd-udeb", "thunk-gen" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:thunk-gen", "src:gnome-video-effects", "src:systemd-udeb", "src:eog-plugins", "src:gnome-dictionary", "src:livi", "src:libvirt" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 08:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093438, "source": "debhelper", "severity": "serious", "title": "debhelper: dh_auto_test is failing for meson projects", 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"libatteanx-store-dbi-perl: FTBFS: Failed test 'no (unexpected) warnings (via done_testing)'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 19:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093441, "source": "libatteanx-store-lmdb-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libatteanx-store-lmdb-perl: FTBFS: Failed test 'no (unexpected) warnings (via done_testing)'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 19:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093442, "source": "libtest-fitesque-rdf-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libtest-fitesque-rdf-perl: FTBFS: Failed test 'no (unexpected) warnings (via done_testing)'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 19:27:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093443, "source": "msmtp", "severity": "serious", "title": "msmtp: FTBFS: FAIL: test-header-handling.sh", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 21:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093444, "source": "node-request", "severity": "serious", "title": "node-request: FTBFS: not ok 1011 should be strictly equal", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 16:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1093445, "source": "vcr.py", "severity": "serious", "title": "vcr.py: FTBFS: E AttributeError: 'VCRHTTPResponse' object has no attribute 'version_string'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 15:30:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1093447, "source": "gsequencer", "severity": "serious", "title": "libags7t64 shlibs still refer to libags7", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 23:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093451, "source": "php-doctrine-cache", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-doctrine-cache: Useless in Trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 21:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093457, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "RM: sigil [mips64el] -- NBS; no longer built on mips64el", "affected_sources": [ "sigil" ], "affected_packages": [ "sigil" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 04:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093461, "source": "php-cache-tag-interop", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-cache-tag-interop: Useless in Trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-18 21:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093470, "source": "fastapi", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-fastapi: installs spurious log.txt file at top of python3/dist-packages tree", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 18:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093471, "source": "fastapi", "severity": "serious", "title": "fastapi: does not specify license in debian/copyright", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 13:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093474, "source": "fastapi", "severity": "minor", "title": "fastapi: unnecessarily installs python3-multipart (>= 1) during build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 07:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093479, "source": "age", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:age: fails to migrate to testing for too long: tests cause FTBFS on mips64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 08:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093481, "source": "gumbo-parser", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:gumbo-parser: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 22:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093482, "source": "ruby-dalli", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:ruby-dalli: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 08:15:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1093487, "source": "php-console-table", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-console-table: Abandoned upstream", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 19:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093488, "source": "php-text-figlet", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-text-figlet: Useless in Debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 11:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093489, "source": "php-net-imap", "severity": "serious", "title": "Useless in Debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 09:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093491, "source": "php-date", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-date: 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"serious", "title": "php-xml-svg: Useless in Debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 09:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093495, "source": "php-mail", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-mail: Useless in Debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 12:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093496, "source": "php-fruitcake-php-cors", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-fruitcake-php-cors: Useless in Trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 10:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093498, "source": "php-di-invoker", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-di-invoker: Useless in Trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 12:00:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093501, "source": "php-text-password", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-text-password: Useless in Debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 08:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093506, "source": "gcc-or1k-elf", "severity": "serious", "title": "gcc-or1k-elf: FTBFS: configure: error: no usable dependency style found ", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 23:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093512, "source": "dh-python", "severity": "normal", "title": "dh-python: please double-check the \"sip python3-sipbuild\" cpython3_fallback", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 17:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093520, "source": "puma", "severity": "serious", "title": "puma: FTBFS: test failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 14:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093523, "source": "seafile-client", "severity": "serious", "title": "seafile-client: Build with QtWebEngine instead of obsolete QtWebKit", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 12:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093524, "source": "sqlobject", "severity": "serious", "title": "sqlobject: autopkgtest failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 16:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093526, "source": "psi-plus", "severity": "serious", "title": "psi-plus-webkit: Build with QtWebEngine instead of obsolete QtWebKit", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 18:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093528, "source": "nixnote2", "severity": "serious", "title": "nixnote2: Unmaintained upstream", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 03:27:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1093530, "source": "haskell-hcwiid", "severity": "serious", "title": "Removal notice: obsolete", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 17:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093534, "source": "kexi", "severity": "serious", "title": "kexi-web-form-widget: Drop QtWebKit-dependent pkg", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 21:09:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1093535, "source": "python-whiteboard", "severity": "grave", "title": "Doesn't work: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'future'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 17:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093536, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "buildd: version 0.88.2 fails to start - Can't use string (\"\") as an ARRAY ref", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 10:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093538, "source": "fonttools", "severity": "important", "title": "fonttools: circular build-dep", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-19 20:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093540, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": 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true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 08:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093550, "source": "webissues", "severity": "serious", "title": "webissues: Drop outdated, QtWebKit-dependent pkg", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093551, "source": "goldendict", "severity": "serious", "title": "goldendict: Do not release with Trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093556, "source": "dkms", "severity": "serious", "title": "dkms_autoinstaller no longer propagates errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 19:06:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1093564, "source": "libsoup3", "severity": "serious", "title": "libsoup3: FTBFS on riscv64: server-test fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 20:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093570, "source": "ruby-em-socksify", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-em-socksify: depends on to-be-removed hpsockd", "affected_sources": [ "hpsockd", "ruby-em-socksify" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:ruby-em-socksify", "src:hpsockd" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 10:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093582, "source": "automaton", "severity": "serious", "title": "libautomaton-java: inconsistent JAR and POM placement", "affected_sources": [ "chemicaltagger", "opsin", "oscar4" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:chemicaltagger", "src:oscar4", "src:opsin" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 08:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093585, "source": "llvm-toolchain-18", "severity": "serious", "title": "llvm-toolchain-18: autopkgtest failure on i386 after qualify-clang.sh rewrite", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 13:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093587, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "RM: libllvm-17-ocaml-dev [armhf] -- ANAIS; no longer built on armhf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": 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"affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 09:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093597, "source": "iaito", "severity": "grave", "title": "iaito: Error starting iaito: cannot open shared object file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 10:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093599, "source": "faketime", "severity": "serious", "title": "faketime threads racing in ftpl_init and ft_shm_init", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 19:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093605, "source": "patroni", "severity": "serious", "title": "patroni: autopkgtest 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"python-janus", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS and autopkgtests fail on armhf and riscv64: assert not _q._sync_mutex.locked()", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093622, "source": "ruby-tilt", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-tilt: autopkgtest regressions", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 11:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093623, "source": "krdc", "severity": "grave", "title": "krdc: RDP plugin missing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 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"last_modified": "2025-01-22 03:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093640, "source": "sigstore-go", "severity": "serious", "title": "golang-github-google-certificate-transparency: Missing B-D/D causing FTBFS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 19:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093641, "source": "oci-seccomp-bpf-hook", "severity": "serious", "title": "oci-seccomp-bpf-hook: FTBFS: copyright-scan Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 16:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093650, "source": "qemu", "severity": "normal", "title": "Prebuilt binaries in QEMU source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-20 21:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093655, "source": "linux", "severity": "important", "title": "linux-kbuild-6.12.5: Include tools/bpf/resolve_btfids in linux-kbuild package", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 19:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093661, "source": "mumble", "severity": "serious", "title": "mumble-server files in mumble client package conflict with mumble-server", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 00:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093680, "source": "debputy", "severity": "serious", "title": "dh-debputy: dh_debputy -a crashes when building 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"last_modified": "2025-01-21 12:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093693, "source": "gdcm", "severity": "normal", "title": "gdcm: Missing build-dep on default-jdk", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 14:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093698, "source": "thrift", "severity": "serious", "title": "thrift: Build-Depends on php-codesniffer that is unfit for release", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 23:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093700, "source": "pyacoustid", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyacoustid: test failures on s390x", "affected_sources": [ "eartag" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:eartag" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": 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"affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 15:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093727, "source": "fontmatrix", "severity": "serious", "title": "fontmatrix: Depends on QtWebKit", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 10:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093728, "source": "arc-gui-clients", "severity": "serious", "title": "arc-gui-clients: Depends on QtWebKit", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 18:24:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093732, "source": "texlive-base", "severity": "critical", "title": "texlive-base: Should not migrate to testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-21 22:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093742, "source": "plasma5support", "severity": "serious", "title": "libplasma-geolocation-interface-dev and libplasma-geolocation-interface6 have an undeclared file conflict", "affected_sources": [ "plasma-workspace" ], "affected_packages": [ "plasma-workspace", "plasma-workspace-dev" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 09:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093743, "source": "plaso", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-plaso has an undeclared file conflict on /usr/bin/psort", "affected_sources": [ "psortb" ], "affected_packages": [ "psortb" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": 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1093752, "source": "coot", "severity": "important", "title": "coot: fix ftbfs on riscv64 and mips64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 08:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093753, "source": "cantor", "severity": "serious", "title": "cantor: FTBFS with analitza 24.12.1: dh_install: error: missing files, aborting", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 08:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093765, "source": "gitsign", "severity": "serious", "title": "gitsign: binary-all FTBFS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 15:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093766, "source": "dpkg", "severity": "normal", "title": "dpkg-architecture should still call the build targets before the binary targets", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 14:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093771, "source": "lomiri-teleports-app", "severity": "serious", "title": "lomiri-teleports-app:FTBFS:build failed ( error: cannot find library libtdjson.so.1.8.38)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 15:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093777, "source": "python-returns", "severity": "serious", "title": "Autopkgtests fail on riscv64: hypothesis.errors.FailedHealthCheck: Data generation is extremely slow", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 16:30:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093781, "source": "enchant-2", "severity": "important", "title": "enchant-2: build tests fail on s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 18:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093784, "source": "itinerary", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:itinerary: unsatisfied build dependency in testing: libkpimpkpass-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 11:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093785, "source": "tryton-meta", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:tryton-meta: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 18:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093786, "source": "ruby-vips", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:ruby-vips: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 18:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093787, "source": "maven-install-plugin", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:maven-install-plugin: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 08:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093788, "source": "tokodon", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:tokodon: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 18:57:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1093789, "source": "rust-safe-arch", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:rust-safe-arch: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 18:57:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1093790, "source": "os-autoinst", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:os-autoinst: fails to migrate to testing for too long: FTBFS on ppc64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 19:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093791, "source": "maven", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:maven: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 08:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093792, "source": "recoll", "severity": "important", "title": "recoll: Unnecessarily build-depends on libqt5webkit5-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 19:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093794, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "RM: cutycapt/unstable [armel ppc64el riscv64 s390x] -- NBS; new build-dependency qtwebengine5-dev unavailable on some arches", "affected_sources": [ "cutycapt" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:cutycapt" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093809, "source": "runsnakerun", "severity": "serious", "title": "runsnakerun: runsnake fails to start", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-22 21:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093810, "source": "notepadqq", "severity": "serious", "title": "notepadqq: Unnecessary Build-Depends: libqt5webkit5-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 18:24:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093819, "source": "vim-command-t", "severity": "serious", "title": "vim-command-t: FTBFS with ruby3.3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 17:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093826, "source": "pillow", "severity": "grave", "title": "python3-pil: basic import fails", "affected_sources": [ "gajim", "lazygal" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:lazygal", "gajim" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 13:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093827, "source": "why3", "severity": "serious", "title": "why3 has an undeclared file conflict on /usr/lib/ocaml/why3", "affected_sources": [ "why3" ], "affected_packages": [ "why3-coq", "libwhy3-ocaml-dev" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 07:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093828, "source": "node-undici", "severity": "serious", "title": "libllhttp9.2 has an undeclared file conflict", "affected_sources": [ "libllhttp9.1" ], "affected_packages": [ "libllhttp9.1" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 12:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093840, "source": "nut", "severity": "grave", "title": "nut-monitor: Dependency to python3-zombie-telnetlib missing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 10:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093845, "source": "glslang", "severity": "serious", "title": "glslang-dev: autopkgtest regression in unstable: libraries from spirv.pc no longer sufficient to link a test program", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 14:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093860, "source": "kakoune", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "kakoune: LTO build requires more than 17GB of memory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 15:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093861, "source": "mame", "severity": "serious", "title": "mame: FTBFS on armel: ld.gold: out of memory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 15:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093862, "source": "mame", "severity": "serious", "title": "mame: FTBFS on mips64el: collect2: fatal error: cannot find ������ld������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 10:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093864, "source": "umbrello", "severity": "serious", "title": "umbrello: Unnecessary Build-Depends: libqt5webkit5-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 18:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093866, "source": "swift-im", "severity": "serious", "title": "swift-im: Unnecessary Build-Depends: libqt5webkit5-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 10:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093867, "source": "kdesignerplugin", "severity": "serious", "title": "kdesignerplugin: Unnecessary Build-Depends: libqt5webkit5-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 18:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093869, "source": "dh-python", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "pybuild setuptools: enable parallel building of extensions via DIST_EXTRA_CONFIG", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 16:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093877, "source": "mysql-8.0", "severity": "grave", "title": "mysql-8.0: CVE-2025-21555 CVE-2025-21559 CVE-2025-21540 CVE-2025-21543 CVE-2025-21546 CVE-2025-21490 CVE-2025-21491 CVE-2025-21497 CVE-2025-21500 CVE-2025-21501 CVE-2025-21503 CVE-2025-21505 CVE-2025-21518 CVE-2025-21519 CVE-2025-21520 CVE-2025-21522 CVE-2025-21523 CVE-2025-21529 CVE-2025-21531", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 22:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093879, "source": "virtualbox", "severity": "grave", "title": "virtualbox: CVE-2025-21533 CVE-2025-21571", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 19:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093880, "source": "clamav", "severity": "grave", "title": "clamav: CVE-2025-20128", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 22:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093881, "source": "mysql-connector-python", "severity": "grave", "title": "mysql-connector-python: CVE-2025-21548", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 19:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093890, "source": "xsok", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:xsok: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 23:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093891, "source": "tina", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:tina: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 21:06:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093893, "source": "mcl", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:mcl: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-23 21:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093895, "source": "binutils", "severity": "serious", "title": "\"objcopy -I ihex\" fails with \"invalid operation\"", "affected_sources": [ "sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw", "xen" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw", "src:xen" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 11:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093906, "source": "rust-cxx-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "rust-cxx-build: please update to v1.0.122", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 21:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093908, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers: CVE-2024-0150, CVE-2024-0147, CVE-2024-53869, CVE-2024-0131, CVE-2024-0149", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 00:03:21 +0000" }, { "id": 1093909, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx: CVE-2024-0131, CVE-2024-0147, CVE-2024-0149, CVE-2024-0150", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 00:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093910, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx: CVE-2024-0131, CVE-2024-0147, CVE-2024-0149, CVE-2024-0150", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 00:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093911, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418: CVE-2024-0131, CVE-2024-0147, CVE-2024-0149, CVE-2024-0150", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 00:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1093912, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-450", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-450: CVE-2024-0131, CVE-2024-0147, CVE-2024-0149, CVE-2024-0150", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 00:03:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1093913, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-460", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-460: CVE-2024-0131, CVE-2024-0147, CVE-2024-0149, CVE-2024-0150", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 00:03:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1093915, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla: CVE-2024-0131, CVE-2024-0147, CVE-2024-0149, CVE-2024-0150", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 00:03:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1093916, "source": "nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules: CVE-2024-0131, CVE-2024-0147, CVE-2024-0149, CVE-2024-0150", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 00:03:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1093917, "source": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-535", "severity": "serious", "title": "nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-535: CVE-2024-0131, CVE-2024-0147, CVE-2024-0149, CVE-2024-0150", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 00:03:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1093919, "source": "lomiri-messaging-app", "severity": "serious", "title": "lomiri-messaging-app: FTBFS: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 21:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093920, "source": "ruby-capybara", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-capybara: FTBFS: Capybara is unable to load `puma` for its server", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 16:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093921, "source": "ruby-hipchat", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-hipchat: FTBFS: Failure/Error: require 'mimemagic'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 01:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093922, "source": "ruby-file-validators", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-file-validators: FTBFS: Failure/Error: require 'mimemagic'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 01:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093923, "source": "ruby-joiner", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-joiner: FTBFS: undefined method `ignored?' for an instance of Gem::Specification (NoMethodError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 01:03:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093924, "source": "ruby-puma-worker-killer", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-puma-worker-killer: FTBFS: Could not find 'puma' (>= 2.7) among 109 total gem(s) (Gem::MissingSpecError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 01:03:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1093925, "source": "ruby-premailer-rails", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-premailer-rails: FTBFS: undefined method `ignored?' for an instance of Gem::Specification (NoMethodError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 01:03:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1093926, "source": "ruby-rails-html-sanitizer", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rails-html-sanitizer: FTBFS: NoMethodError: undefined method `html_document_fragment' for Rails::Dom::Testing:Module", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 01:03:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1093927, "source": "ruby-puppetserver-ca-cli", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-puppetserver-ca-cli: FTBFS: Failure/Error: csr.version = 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 15:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093928, "source": "ruby-roadie-rails", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-roadie-rails: FTBFS: undefined method `ignored?' for an instance of Gem::Specification (NoMethodError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 01:03:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1093929, "source": "ruby-rspec-rails", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rspec-rails: FTBFS: NameError: uninitialized constant RSpec::Rails::OpenStruct", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 14:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093930, "source": "ruby-rspec-parameterized", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rspec-parameterized: FTBFS: TypeError: Refinement#include has been removed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 01:03:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1093931, "source": "ruby-webpacker", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-webpacker: FTBFS: NameError: uninitialized constant CompilerTest::OpenStruct", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 16:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093932, "source": "rust-ascii", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-ascii: FTBFS: to_digit: invalid radix -- radix must be in the range 2 to 36 inclusive", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 10:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093933, "source": "rust-axum", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-axum: FTBFS: no matching package found - searched package name: `axum`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 02:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093934, "source": "rust-bounded-static", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-bounded-static: FTBFS: no matching package named `bounded-static` found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 02:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093935, "source": "rust-condure", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-condure: FTBFS: error[E0282]: type annotations needed for `&_`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 03:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093936, "source": "rust-stackdriver-logger", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-stackdriver-logger: FTBFS: failures: src/lib.rs - (line 9)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 04:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093937, "source": "rust-prr", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-prr: FTBFS: error[E0277]: can't compare `http::status::StatusCode` with `StatusCode`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 04:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093938, "source": "rust-test-case", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-test-case: FTBFS: no matching package named `test-case-macros` found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 02:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093939, "source": "rust-wasmtime", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-wasmtime: FTBFS: no matching package named `codespan-reporting` found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 02:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093940, "source": "samizdat", "severity": "serious", "title": "samizdat: FTBFS: undefined method `untaint' for an instance of String (NoMethodError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 01:03:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1093941, "source": "sonic-pi", "severity": "serious", "title": "sonic-pi: FTBFS: uninitialized constant SonicPi::MiniTest (NameError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 21:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093942, "source": "schleuder-gitlab-ticketing", "severity": "serious", "title": "schleuder-gitlab-ticketing: FTBFS: dh_auto_install: error: dh_ruby --install /<>/debian/schleuder-gitlab-ticketing returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 08:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093943, "source": "spamassassin", "severity": "important", "title": "spamassassin: FTBFS: Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 52 tests but ran 4.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 01:03:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1093948, "source": "gnustep-base", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnustep-base: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 09:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1093950, "source": "gnustep-gui", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnustep-gui: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 09:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093958, "source": "nwipe", "severity": "serious", "title": "misses hdparm dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 21:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093961, "source": "llvm-toolchain-19", "severity": "normal", "title": "obsolete build dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 10:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093964, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "RM: liquidsoap [armel armhf i386] -- NBS; build depends not available on 32 bit", "affected_sources": [ "liquidsoap" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:liquidsoap" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 16:21:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1093968, "source": "mosquitto", "severity": "grave", "title": "mosquitto: autopkgtest are flaky and often fail on amd64/arm64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 15:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093969, "source": "mutter", "severity": "grave", "title": "mutter: autopkgtest are flaky", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 14:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093970, "source": "dbuskit", "severity": "serious", "title": "dbuskit: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 21:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093973, "source": "gnustep-corebase", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnustep-corebase: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 10:36:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093974, "source": "gnustep-netclasses", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnustep-netclasses: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: conversions.m:18:9: fatal error: netclasses/NetTCP.h: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 10:36:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1093975, "source": "gnustep-performance", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnustep-performance: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 10:36:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1093976, "source": "pantomime", "severity": "serious", "title": "pantomime: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 10:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093977, "source": "rsskit", "severity": "serious", "title": "rsskit: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 10:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093978, "source": "universal-detector", "severity": "serious", "title": "universal-detector: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: DetectorTest.m:21:9: fatal error: Foundation/Foundation.h: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 10:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093980, "source": "universal-detector", "severity": "normal", "title": "universal-detector: FTCBFS: Uses the build architecture Objective-C compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 10:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093981, "source": "camera.app", "severity": "serious", "title": "camera.app: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 10:36:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1093982, "source": "camera.app", "severity": "normal", "title": "camera.app: FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 10:36:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1093983, "source": "cenon.app", "severity": "serious", "title": "cenon.app: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 09:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093985, "source": "charmap.app", "severity": "serious", "title": "charmap.app: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 09:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093986, "source": "cynthiune.app", "severity": "normal", "title": "cynthiune.app: FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 13:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093988, "source": "gnustep-sqlclient", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnustep-sqlclient: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 09:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093989, "source": "gomoku.app", "severity": "serious", "title": "gomoku.app: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 09:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093990, "source": "gorm.app", "severity": "serious", "title": "gorm.app: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 07:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093991, "source": "grr.app", "severity": "serious", "title": "grr.app: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 07:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093992, "source": "lynkeos.app", "severity": "serious", "title": "lynkeos.app: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 07:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1093993, "source": "lynkeos.app", "severity": "normal", "title": "lynkeos.app: FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 07:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093994, "source": "popplerkit.framework", "severity": "normal", "title": "popplerkit.framework: FTCBFS: hard codes the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093995, "source": "systempreferences.app", "severity": "serious", "title": "systempreferences.app: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 07:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1093997, "source": "unar", "severity": "serious", "title": "unar: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: CSCommandLineParser.h:21:9: fatal error: Foundation/Foundation.h: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 08:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1093998, "source": "unar", "severity": "normal", "title": "unar: FTCBFS: Uses the build architecture Objective-C compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 08:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094000, "source": "release-notes", "severity": "important", "title": "release-notes: fails to build on trixie (sphinx >= 6.0) due to 'extlinks' config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 14:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1094001, "source": "gnustep-dl2", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnustep-dl2: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lTrading: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 13:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094003, "source": "gworkspace", "severity": "serious", "title": "gworkspace: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: configure error", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 13:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094005, "source": "addresses-for-gnustep", "severity": "serious", "title": "addresses-for-gnustep: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 11:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094006, "source": "steptalk", "severity": "serious", "title": "steptalk: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: leaktest.m:6:9: fatal error: StepTalk/StepTalk.h: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 11:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094007, "source": "agenda.app", "severity": "serious", "title": "agenda.app: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: configure error", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 09:42:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1094008, "source": "gnumail", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnumail: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 09:42:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1094009, "source": "libpqtypes", "severity": "serious", "title": "Does anyone use libpqtypes? If not, let's remove it", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 17:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094015, "source": "xxhash", "severity": "important", "title": "xxhash FTCBFS when built on x86", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 17:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094019, "source": "python-qtpy", "severity": "normal", "title": "python-qtpy: Please reduce pyqt5 build-dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 23:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094026, "source": "restrictedpython", "severity": "grave", "title": "restrictedpython: CVE-2025-22153", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 21:12:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094031, "source": "spdlog", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "spdlog FTBFS with LTO enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094032, "source": "belcard", "severity": "serious", "title": "belcard: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libmbedcrypto7t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedtls14t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedx509-1t64 (>= 2.28.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094033, "source": "osmo-msc", "severity": "serious", "title": "osmo-msc: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libmbedcrypto7t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedtls14t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedx509-1t64 (>= 2.28.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094034, "source": "todoist-api-python", "severity": "serious", "title": "todoist-api-python: FTBFS: rm: cannot remove 'debian/*/usr/lib/*/*/LICENSE': No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094035, "source": "libosmo-abis", "severity": "serious", "title": "libosmo-abis: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libmbedcrypto7t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedtls14t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedx509-1t64 (>= 2.28.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1094036, "source": "vagrant-lxc", "severity": "serious", "title": "vagrant-lxc: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependency: libruby (< 1:3.2~) but 1:3.3~3.1 is to be installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1094037, "source": "osmo-bsc", "severity": "serious", "title": "osmo-bsc: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libmbedcrypto7t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedtls14t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedx509-1t64 (>= 2.28.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 20:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094038, "source": "graide", "severity": "serious", "title": "graide: FTBFS: ImportError: Failed to import test module: graide.testlist", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 11:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094039, "source": "python-dom-toml", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-dom-toml: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:9: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 21:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094040, "source": "pillow", "severity": "serious", "title": "pystray: FTBFS: distutils.errors.DistutilsError: Command '['/usr/bin/python3.12', '-m', 'pip', '--disable-pip-version-check', 'wheel', '--no-deps', '-w', '/tmp/tmpx5sdn4zk', '--quiet', 'Pillow']' returned non-zero exit status 1.", "affected_sources": [ "pystray", "pytrainer" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:pystray", "src:pytrainer" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 16:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094041, "source": "osmo-mgw", "severity": "serious", "title": "osmo-mgw: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libmbedcrypto7t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedtls14t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedx509-1t64 (>= 2.28.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1094042, "source": "nanoc", "severity": "serious", "title": "nanoc: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error: expect { subject }.to raise_error(Nanoc::Core::Errors::CannotGetCompiledContentOfBinaryItem, 'You cannot access the compiled content of a binary item representation (but you can access the path). The offending item rep is /foo (rep name :jacques).')", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 14:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094043, "source": "sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw", "severity": "serious", "title": "sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [Makefile:1017: hw/braintechnology-usb-lps/fx2lafw-braintechnology-usb-lps.fw] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 11:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094044, "source": "bcg729", "severity": "serious", "title": "bcg729: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libmbedcrypto7t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedtls14t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedx509-1t64 (>= 2.28.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 08:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094045, "source": "silkaj", "severity": "serious", "title": "silkaj: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p 3.13 returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1094046, "source": "linphone", "severity": "serious", "title": "linphone: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libmbedcrypto7t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedtls14t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedx509-1t64 (>= 2.28.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1094047, "source": "mrc", "severity": "serious", "title": "mrc: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:14: binary] Error 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 22:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094048, "source": "ruby-memory-profiler", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-memory-profiler: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1094049, "source": "redmine", "severity": "serious", "title": "redmine: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:20: override_dh_auto_configure] Error 18", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 12:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094050, "source": "sight", "severity": "serious", "title": "sight: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:20: override_dh_auto_configure] Error 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:19 +0000" }, { "id": 1094051, "source": "thin-provisioning-tools", "severity": "serious", "title": "thin-provisioning-tools: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: /usr/share/cargo/bin/cargo build returned exit code 101", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 09:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094052, "source": "postgresql-17", "severity": "serious", "title": "postgresql-17: FTBFS: ./build/./build/conftest.c:62:(.text.startup+0x9): undefined reference to `setproctitle'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 20:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094053, "source": "django-iconify", "severity": "serious", "title": "django-iconify: FTBFS: rm: cannot remove '/build/reproducible-path/django-iconify-0.4/debian/python3-django-iconify/usr/lib/*/dist-packages/LICENSE': No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 10:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094054, "source": "python-libcst", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-libcst: FTBFS: KeyError: 'setuptools_scm'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1094055, "source": "sass-spec", "severity": "serious", "title": "sass-spec: FTBFS: /build/reproducible-path/sass-spec-3.6.3/lib/sass_spec/test.rb:22:in `': uninitialized constant SassSpecRunner::MiniTest (NameError)", "affected_sources": [ "libsass" ], "affected_packages": [ "libsass" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 17:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094056, "source": "osmo-bts", "severity": "serious", "title": "osmo-bts: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libmbedcrypto7t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedtls14t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedx509-1t64 (>= 2.28.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:24 +0000" }, { "id": 1094057, "source": "python-easydev", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-easydev: FTBFS: RuntimeError: The Poetry configuration is invalid:", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 21:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094058, "source": "fonts-fork-awesome", "severity": "serious", "title": "fonts-fork-awesome: FTBFS: /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/fontcustom/options.rb:50:in `set_config_path': undefined method `exists?' for class File (NoMethodError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 21:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094059, "source": "python-qtawesome", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-qtawesome: FTBFS: ImportError: Failed to import test module: qtawesome", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 23:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094060, "source": "fcitx5-m17n", "severity": "serious", "title": "fcitx5-m17n: FTBFS: overrideparser.cpp:48:10: error: ������stable_sort������ is not a member of ������std������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 23:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094061, "source": "ruby-jaeger-client", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-jaeger-client: FTBFS: make: *** [debian/rules:8: binary] Error 25", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:29 +0000" }, { "id": 1094062, "source": "lime", "severity": "serious", "title": "lime: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libmbedcrypto7t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedtls14t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedx509-1t64 (>= 2.28.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 11:18:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1094063, "source": "feature-check", "severity": "serious", "title": "feature-check: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:22: execute_after_dh_auto_build-arch] Error 101", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 21:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094064, "source": "libosmo-netif", "severity": "serious", "title": "libosmo-netif: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libmbedcrypto7t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedtls14t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedx509-1t64 (>= 2.28.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:31 +0000" }, { "id": 1094065, "source": "anytree", "severity": "serious", "title": "anytree: FTBFS: RuntimeError: The Poetry configuration is invalid:", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 23:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094066, "source": "osmo-sgsn", "severity": "serious", "title": "osmo-sgsn: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libmbedcrypto7t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedtls14t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedx509-1t64 (>= 2.28.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:33 +0000" }, { "id": 1094067, "source": "vagrant-hostmanager", "severity": "serious", "title": "vagrant-hostmanager: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependency: libruby (< 1:3.2~) but 1:3.3~3.1 is to be installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1094068, "source": "ruby-jquery-ui-rails", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-jquery-ui-rails: FTBFS: NoMethodError: undefined method `exists?' for class File (NoMethodError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094069, "source": "rsyslog", "severity": "important", "title": "rsyslog: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 check \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 08:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094070, "source": "phosh-mobile-settings", "severity": "serious", "title": "phosh-mobile-settings: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: cd _build && DEB_PYTHON_INSTALL_LAYOUT=deb LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 MESON_TESTTHREADS=8 meson test --verbose returned exit code 4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 16:36:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094071, "source": "csaps", "severity": "serious", "title": "csaps: FTBFS: rm: cannot remove 'debian/python3-csaps/usr/lib/python3.*/dist-packages/CHANGELOG.md': No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:38 +0000" }, { "id": 1094072, "source": "ruby-sprockets", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-sprockets: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed: +:136:in `require': cannot load such file -- sass (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:39 +0000" }, { "id": 1094073, "source": "tupi", "severity": "serious", "title": "tupi: FTBFS: make[2]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:40 +0000" }, { "id": 1094074, "source": "glyr", "severity": "serious", "title": "glyr: FTBFS: build_doc.rb:43:in `
': undefined method `exists?' for class Dir (NoMethodError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 21:30:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094075, "source": "rust-upstream-ontologist", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-upstream-ontologist: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: librust-reqwest-0.11-dev : Breaks: librust-reqwest-dev (< 0.11.28~) but 0.11.27-6 is to be installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 12:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094076, "source": "awesomeversion", "severity": "serious", "title": "awesomeversion: FTBFS: rm: cannot remove '/build/reproducible-path/awesomeversion-24.6.0/debian/python3-awesomeversion/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/LICENCE.md': No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 20:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094077, "source": "django-graphiql-debug-toolbar", "severity": "serious", "title": "django-graphiql-debug-toolbar: FTBFS: rm: cannot remove '/build/reproducible-path/django-graphiql-debug-toolbar-0.2.0/debian/python3-django-graphiql-debug-toolbar/usr/lib/python3*/dist-packages/README.md': No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 11:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094079, "source": "xphyle", "severity": "serious", "title": "xphyle: FTBFS: EOFError: gzip process returned non-zero exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 16:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094080, "source": "msopenh264", "severity": "serious", "title": "msopenh264: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libmbedcrypto7t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedtls14t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedx509-1t64 (>= 2.28.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:46 +0000" }, { "id": 1094081, "source": "osmo-hlr", "severity": "serious", "title": "osmo-hlr: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libmbedcrypto7t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedtls14t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedx509-1t64 (>= 2.28.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:47 +0000" }, { "id": 1094082, "source": "density-fitness", "severity": "serious", "title": "density-fitness: FTBFS: density-fitness.cpp:37:10: fatal error: mcfp.hpp: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 10:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094083, "source": "bzrtp", "severity": "serious", "title": "bzrtp: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libmbedcrypto7t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedtls14t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedx509-1t64 (>= 2.28.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 11:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094084, "source": "python-colormap", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-colormap: FTBFS: RuntimeError: The Poetry configuration is invalid:", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 11:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094085, "source": "python-fonticon-fontawesome6", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-fonticon-fontawesome6: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.13\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 16:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1094086, "source": "ruby-shoulda-context", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-shoulda-context: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: ............................................................................./build/reproducible-path/ruby-shoulda-context-2.0.0/test/shoulda/../../exe/convert_to_should_syntax:34:in `
': undefined method `exists?' for class File (NoMethodError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:52 +0000" }, { "id": 1094087, "source": "tj3", "severity": "serious", "title": "tj3: FTBFS: NoMethodError: undefined method `exists?' for class File (NoMethodError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 13:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094088, "source": "transgui", "severity": "serious", "title": "transgui: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:6: override_dh_auto_clean] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:54 +0000" }, { "id": 1094089, "source": "linphone-desktop", "severity": "serious", "title": "linphone-desktop: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libmbedcrypto7t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedtls14t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedx509-1t64 (>= 2.28.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:54 +0000" }, { "id": 1094090, "source": "dbcsr", "severity": "serious", "title": "dbcsr: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu && make -j1 test ARGS\\+=--verbose ARGS\\+=-j1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 21:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094091, "source": "netsed", "severity": "serious", "title": "netsed: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j1 test returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:57 +0000" }, { "id": 1094092, "source": "mediastreamer2", "severity": "serious", "title": "mediastreamer2: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libmbedcrypto7t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedtls14t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedx509-1t64 (>= 2.28.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:36:58 +0000" }, { "id": 1094093, "source": "hippotat", "severity": "serious", "title": "hippotat: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [Makefile:52: stamp/cargo-build] Error 101", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 18:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094094, "source": "gdb-mingw-w64", "severity": "serious", "title": "gdb-mingw-w64: FTBFS: dh_missing: error: missing files, aborting", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 09:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094095, "source": "python-django-guid", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-django-guid: FTBFS: rm: cannot remove '/build/reproducible-path/python-django-guid-3.4.1/debian/python3-django-guid/usr/lib/python3*/dist-packages/CHANGELOG.rst': No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 10:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094096, "source": "git-reintegrate", "severity": "serious", "title": "git-reintegrate: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 test returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094097, "source": "munge", "severity": "serious", "title": "munge: FTBFS: sed: can't read /tmp/munge-test-16380/trash-directory.0110-munged-origin-addr/log-25935/munged.log.25935: No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 00:03:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094098, "source": "liquidctl", "severity": "serious", "title": "liquidctl: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.13\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 16:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094099, "source": "rocblas", "severity": "serious", "title": "rocblas: FTBFS: clang++-17: error: unable to execute command: Killed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1094100, "source": "libsgml-parser-opensp-perl", "severity": "important", "title": "libsgml-parser-opensp-perl: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 test TEST_VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 19:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094101, "source": "exchange-calendars", "severity": "serious", "title": "exchange-calendars: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.13\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1094102, "source": "giza", "severity": "serious", "title": "giza: FTBFS: make[6]: *** [Makefile:921: test-suite.log] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 19:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094103, "source": "python-apt", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-apt: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 22:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094104, "source": "vagrant-sshfs", "severity": "serious", "title": "vagrant-sshfs: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependency: libruby (< 1:3.2~) but 1:3.3~3.1 is to be installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1094105, "source": "bcmatroska2", "severity": "serious", "title": "bcmatroska2: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libmbedcrypto7t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedtls14t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedx509-1t64 (>= 2.28.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 11:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094106, "source": "belr", "severity": "serious", "title": "belr: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libmbedcrypto7t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedtls14t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedx509-1t64 (>= 2.28.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 11:18:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094107, "source": "pillow", "severity": "serious", "title": "pytrainer: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-tox -i python{version} -p 3.13 returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ "pystray", "pytrainer" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:pystray", "src:pytrainer" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 16:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094108, "source": "pdsh", "severity": "serious", "title": "pdsh: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 check \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1094109, "source": "yt", "severity": "serious", "title": "yt: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.13\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 11:39:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1094110, "source": "vagrant-cachier", "severity": "serious", "title": "vagrant-cachier: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependency: libruby (< 1:3.2~) but 1:3.3~3.1 is to be installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1094111, "source": "rust-glycin-utils", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-glycin-utils: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: librust-gufo-common-0.2+default-dev, librust-gufo-common-0.2+serde-dev, librust-zbus-5+async-io-dev (>= 5.2.0-~~), librust-zbus-5+p2p-dev (>= 5.2.0-~~)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:18 +0000" }, { "id": 1094112, "source": "python-construct-classes", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-construct-classes: FTBFS: rm: cannot remove 'debian/python3-construct-classes/usr/lib/python3*/dist-packages/LICENSE': No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 11:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094113, "source": "xdotool", "severity": "serious", "title": "xdotool: FTBFS: test_basic.rb:7:in `
': uninitialized constant MiniTest (NameError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1094114, "source": "ruby-webpacker", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-webpacker: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 16:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1094115, "source": "check-postgres", "severity": "serious", "title": "check-postgres: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:19: override_dh_auto_test] Error 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 19:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094116, "source": "ruby-fog-rackspace", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-fog-rackspace: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: + raises Excon::Error::Unauthorized", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:23 +0000" }, { "id": 1094117, "source": "wordnet", "severity": "serious", "title": "wordnet: FTBFS: debian/wn-for-goldendict.rb:134:in `progress': undefined method `=~' for an instance of Integer (NoMethodError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:24 +0000" }, { "id": 1094118, "source": "ruby-childprocess", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-childprocess: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: cannot load such file -- rubygems/mock_gem_ui", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 13:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094119, "source": "vagrant-mutate", "severity": "serious", "title": "vagrant-mutate: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependency: libruby (< 1:3.2~) but 1:3.3~3.1 is to be installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:26 +0000" }, { "id": 1094120, "source": "python-flickrapi", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-flickrapi: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.13\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:27 +0000" }, { "id": 1094121, "source": "blockdiag", "severity": "serious", "title": "blockdiag: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:28 +0000" }, { "id": 1094122, "source": "dqlite", "severity": "serious", "title": "dqlite: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 check \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 20:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094123, "source": "ruby-mongo", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-mongo: FTBFS: /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/gem2deb/metadata.rb:135:in `load_gemspec': E: cannot load gemspec mongo.gemspec (RuntimeError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:30 +0000" }, { "id": 1094124, "source": "python-tld", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-tld: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.13\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:31 +0000" }, { "id": 1094125, "source": "vagrant-libvirt", "severity": "serious", "title": "vagrant-libvirt: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependency: libruby (< 1:3.2~) but 1:3.3~3.1 is to be installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:32 +0000" }, { "id": 1094126, "source": "ngspetsc", "severity": "serious", "title": "ngspetsc: FTBFS: RuntimeError: The Poetry configuration is invalid:", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 07:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094127, "source": "libmodbus", "severity": "serious", "title": "libmodbus: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 check \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 17:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094128, "source": "vagrant-librarian-puppet", "severity": "serious", "title": "vagrant-librarian-puppet: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependency: libruby (< 1:3.2~) but 1:3.3~3.1 is to be installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1094129, "source": "belle-sip", "severity": "serious", "title": "belle-sip: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: libmbedcrypto7t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedtls14t64 (>= 2.28.0), libmbedx509-1t64 (>= 2.28.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:35 +0000" }, { "id": 1094130, "source": "coinor-symphony", "severity": "serious", "title": "coinor-symphony: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: make -j8 test \"TESTSUITEFLAGS=-j8 --verbose\" VERBOSE=1 returned exit code 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:36 +0000" }, { "id": 1094131, "source": "ctioga2", "severity": "serious", "title": "ctioga2: FTBFS: /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/Dobjects/Dvector_extras.rb:352:in `': undefined method `+' for class `Fixnum' (NameError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 20:37:37 +0000" }, { "id": 1094132, "source": "zarr", "severity": "serious", "title": "zarr: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: pybuild --test --test-pytest -i python{version} -p \"3.12 3.13\" returned exit code 13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 16:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094133, "source": "rust-tonic", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-tonic: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: /usr/share/dh-rust/bin/cargo test --no-fail-fast -- --skip codec::prost::tests::encode_too_big returned exit code 101", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 02:45:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1094134, "source": "nodejs", "severity": "grave", "title": "nodejs: CVE-2025-23083 CVE-2025-23085", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 20:12:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1094135, "source": "csound", "severity": "serious", "title": "csound: flaky autopkgtest on s390x: Csound tidy up: Illegal instruction", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 17:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1094137, "source": "testu01", "severity": "serious", "title": "testu01: autopkgtest regression: warning on stderr: pattern recipe did not update peer target 'fcoll-ltx-table-09.tex'.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 19:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094138, "source": "udptunnel", "severity": "serious", "title": "udptunnel: flaky autopkgtest on s390x: UDPTunnel communication failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-24 22:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094153, "source": "bochs", "severity": "normal", "title": "bochs: build without bcc/bin86?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 16:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094158, "source": "pdns", "severity": "normal", "title": "please switch build dependency from dnsutils to bind9-dnsutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 15:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094161, "source": "virtme", "severity": "serious", "title": "virtme: missing dependency on python3-pkg-resources", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 12:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094162, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "RM: scummvm [s390x] -- ROM; no longer builds on big-endian architectures", "affected_sources": [ "scummvm" ], "affected_packages": [ "scummvm" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094166, "source": "iptux", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "iptux FTBFS with LTO enabled", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 21:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094169, "source": "timbl", "severity": "serious", "title": "timbl: Missing build dependency on autoconf-archive", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 10:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094171, "source": "sbjson", "severity": "serious", "title": "sbjson: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 16:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094173, "source": "sbjson", "severity": "minor", "title": "sbjson: FTCBFS: unsatisfiable gobjc build-dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 16:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094178, "source": "sope", "severity": "serious", "title": "sope: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: dh_install errors", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 19:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094181, "source": "sus", "severity": "grave", "title": "susv5: installation failure", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 21:12:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094185, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "RM: mcl [armel armhf i386 hppa hurd-i386 powerpc sh4 x32] -- ROM; Does not build on 32 bit architectures any more", "affected_sources": [ "mcl" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:mcl" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094190, "source": "mesa", "severity": "grave", "title": "mesa-va-drivers: VAAPI fails to initialize", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 15:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094194, "source": "mypy", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:mypy: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-25 21:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094197, "source": "libfolia", "severity": "serious", "title": "libfolia: FTBFS almost everywhere: ../test-driver: line 112: 3579 Segmentation fault \"$@\" >> \"$log_file\" 2>&1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 12:09:41 +0000" }, { "id": 1094217, "source": "kdenlive", "severity": "serious", "title": "kdenlive: Missing dependency on qml6-module-org-kde-desktop (segfault on startup)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 15:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094221, "source": "firebird4.0", "severity": "serious", "title": "firebird4.0-server: fails to install", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 17:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094223, "source": "lazarus", "severity": "grave", "title": "lazarus-src-3.8: Package fails to install", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 13:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094233, "source": "llvm-toolchain-19", "severity": "serious", "title": "llvm-toolchain-19: autopkgtest regressions after qualify-clang.sh rewrite", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 11:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094235, "source": "mimalloc", "severity": "serious", "title": "libmimalloc3 has an undeclared file conflict", "affected_sources": [ "mimalloc" ], "affected_packages": [ "libmimalloc2.0" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 11:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094236, "source": "lomiri-session", "severity": "serious", "title": "lomiri-desktop-session and lomiri-keyboard have an undeclared file conflict on /usr/lib/systemd/user/lomiri-keyboard.service", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 14:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094238, "source": "libxml2", "severity": "grave", "title": "libxml2: CVE-2022-49043", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 15:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094239, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild-shell with unshare is not root", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 14:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094247, "source": "sysvinit", "severity": "important", "title": "sysvinit: explicitly depend on libcrypt-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 14:03:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094260, "source": "onetbb", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: ./test/tbb/test_mutex.cpp:109: FATAL ERROR: REQUIRE( n_transactions_attempted.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) ) is NOT correct!", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 15:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094269, "source": "mimalloc", "severity": "serious", "title": "pendulum: FTBFS on arm64: illegal instruction", "affected_sources": [ "pendulum" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:pendulum" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 09:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094271, "source": "rust-ruma-common", "severity": "grave", "title": "impossible to install: depends on missing crate html5ever v0.26", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-26 19:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094298, "source": "latte-dock", "severity": "serious", "title": "latte-dock needs a Plasma 6 port", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 18:24:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1094304, "source": "sogo", "severity": "serious", "title": "sogo: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: hard codes paths in debian/rules", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 22:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094308, "source": "looking-glass", "severity": "serious", "title": "Keep looking-glass out of stable releases", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 01:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094309, "source": "mercurial", "severity": "serious", "title": "mercurial: skip test-bookmarks-corner-case.t on riscv64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 10:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094312, "source": "paje.app", "severity": "serious", "title": "paje.app: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: hard codes path in debian/rules", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 22:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094320, "source": "lintian-brush", "severity": "normal", "title": "lintian-brush: please rebuild for Python 3.13", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 06:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094326, "source": "pytorch-cuda", "severity": "serious", "title": "pytorch-cuda: rebuild for libbenchmark transition required", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 00:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094329, "source": "unit-translator", "severity": "grave", "title": "utrans: Substitution in line 246 of /usr/share/utrans/backends/lsb directly leads to a syntax error", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 12:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094332, "source": "pylibtiff", "severity": "serious", "title": "pylibtiff: FTBFS with numpy 2.x (test failures)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 07:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094343, "source": "sass-spec", "severity": "serious", "title": "libsass: uninitialized constant SassSpecRunner::MiniTest (NameError) - autopkgtest failure with ruby 3.3", "affected_sources": [ "libsass" ], "affected_packages": [ "libsass" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 17:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094351, "source": "ucto", "severity": "serious", "title": "ucto: Missing build dependency on autoconf-archive", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 15:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094355, "source": "adun.app", "severity": "serious", "title": "adun.app: FTBFS with the GNUstep multiarch layout: hard codes paths in debian/rules", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 22:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094358, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "RM: rkward [armel ppc64el riscv64 s390x] -- NBS; new build dependency unavailable", "affected_sources": [ "rkward" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:rkward" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094359, "source": "spglib", "severity": "critical", "title": "spglib: autopkgtest failure blocking ruby3.3 transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 07:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094361, "source": "libtool", "severity": "serious", "title": "libtool shouldn't build depend on libltdl-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 13:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094365, "source": "pysequoia", "severity": "serious", "title": "pysequoia FTBFS: configure: plugin pyproject failed with: PEP517 plugin dependencies are not available. Please Build-Depend on pybuild-plugin-pyproject.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 20:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094369, "source": "aubio", "severity": "serious", "title": "aubio: FTBFS with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 19:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094370, "source": "bottleneck", "severity": "serious", "title": "bottleneck: FTBFS with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 15:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094371, "source": "libvigraimpex", "severity": "serious", "title": "libvigraimpex: FTBFS with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 17:36:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1094372, "source": "py-stringmatching", "severity": "serious", "title": "py-stringmatching: FTBFS with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094373, "source": "pyferret", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyferret: FTBFS with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 17:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1094374, "source": "pyopencl", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyopencl: FTBFS with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 22:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094375, "source": "scikit-fmm", "severity": "serious", "title": "scikit-fmm: FTBFS with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 18:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094376, "source": "scikit-misc", "severity": "serious", "title": "scikit-misc: FTBFS with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 16:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094377, "source": "xraylib", "severity": "serious", "title": "xraylib: FTBFS with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-10 05:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094380, "source": "wxpython4.0", "severity": "grave", "title": "displaycal: Displaycal does not start (3.9.14-1+b1, Jan 27, 2025)", "affected_sources": [ "displaycal-py3" ], "affected_packages": [ "displaycal" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 15:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094385, "source": "matplotlib,pandas", "severity": "serious", "title": "matplotlib, pandas: build-depend cycle, unable to bootstrap", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094386, "source": "openldap", "severity": "important", "title": "openldap FTCBFS: uses the build architecture compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 21:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1094387, "source": "gcc-15", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "gcc-15: passes --enable-multiarch twice for staged builds", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 12:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094400, "source": "libtool", "severity": "grave", "title": "libltdl-dev: uninstallable in unstable: Depends: automake-1.16 but it is not installable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 16:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094403, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "RM: py-stringmatching -- ROM; does not build with numpy 2.x and no longer needed by any other packages", "affected_sources": [ "py-stringmatching" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:py-stringmatching" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094414, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: The --purge-build=never option doesnt work with schroot", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-27 22:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094419, "source": "rust-serde-yml", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-serde-yml - serious concerns about these forks.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 00:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094421, "source": "emacs-dape", "severity": "grave", "title": "elpa-dape: missing dependency on sufficiently recent jsonrpc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 00:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094422, "source": "rust-libyml", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-serde-yml - serious concerns about these forks.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 00:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094442, "source": "gtk-layer-shell", "severity": "serious", "title": "gtk-layer-shell: Panels crash under xfce-wayland (labwc) with GTK >= 3.24.44", "affected_sources": [ "gtk+3.0", "waybar", "xfce4-panel" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:gtk+3.0", "xfce4-panel", "waybar" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 15:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094443, "source": "cvsdelta", "severity": "serious", "title": "cvsdelta: error: undefined method `exists?' for class File", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 18:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094444, "source": "lfortran", "severity": "serious", "title": "cmake breaks lfortran 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"last_modified": "2025-01-28 09:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094447, "source": "rainbows", "severity": "serious", "title": "rainbows: autopkgtest Failed: t0030-fast-pipe-response.sh t0032-close-pipe-to_path-response.sh t0035-kgio-pipe-response.sh t0200-async-response.sh t0201-async-response-no-autochunk.sh t0202-async-response-one-oh.sh", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 11:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094450, "source": "ruby-rails-assets-jquery.slimscroll", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rails-assets-jquery.slimscroll: Bundler::GemNotFound: Could not find rails-assets-jquery-3.5.1.gem for, 87s installation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 10:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094452, "source": "ruby-rails-assets-jquery.are-you-sure", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rails-assets-jquery.are-you-sure: [DEPRECATED] This Gemfile does not include an explicit global source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094454, "source": "ruby-rails-assets-jquery-colorbox", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rails-assets-jquery-colorbox: Bundler::GemNotFound: Could not find rails-assets-jquery-3.5.1.gem", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 10:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094459, "source": "ruby-rails-assets-corejs-typeahead", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rails-assets-corejs-typeahead: Bundler::GemNotFound: Could not find rails-assets-jquery-3.5.1.gem", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094462, "source": "ruby-mousetrap-rails", "severity": "serious", "title": "Bundler::GemNotFound: Could not find", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:48:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1094467, "source": "audacity", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "audacity: build with vst3sdk support", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 12:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094469, "source": "matplotlib", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-matplotlib: can't build package that depends on matplotlib due to numpy2 transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 15:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094473, "source": "rainbows", "severity": "serious", "title": "rainbows: broken with rack 3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 08:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094477, "source": "scipy", "severity": "serious", "title": "scipy FTBFS on mips64el with numpy 2.2.2: test failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 12:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094478, "source": "scipy", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS on mips64el: tests fail", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 12:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094479, "source": "ffc", "severity": "serious", "title": "dolfin: FTBFS with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ "dolfin" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:dolfin" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 12:36:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1094481, "source": "ruby-jquery-ui-rails", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-jquery-ui-rails: Bundler::GemNotFound: Could not find jquery-ui-rails-6.0.1.gem for installation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:48:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1094483, "source": "dh-rust", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dh-rust: please support install without dependent crates installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 22:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094486, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "RM: seafile-client [armel ppc64el riscv64 s390x] -- NBS; new build dependency unavailable", "affected_sources": [ "seafile-client" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:seafile-client" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:48:11 +0000" 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file -- rack/session/abstract/id", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094512, "source": "ruby-oauth2", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-oauth2: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/rubygems/specification.rb:1421:in `rescue in block in activate_dependencies': Could not find 'rack' (>= 1.2, < 3) among 131 total gem(s) (Gem::MissingSpecError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 11:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094513, "source": "ruby-omniauth-ultraauth", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-omniauth-ultraauth: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094514, "source": "ariba", "severity": "serious", "title": "ariba: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: python3-numpy-abi9, python3-numpy-abi9", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 21:18:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094515, "source": "ruby-raindrops", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-raindrops: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: :136:in `require': cannot load such file -- rack/lobster (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 22:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094516, "source": "ruby-rack-google-analytics", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rack-google-analytics: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1094517, "source": "ruby-omniauth-openid-connect", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-omniauth-openid-connect: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: :136:in `require': cannot load such file -- omniauth (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1094518, "source": "ruby-omniauth-ldap", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-omniauth-ldap: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error: require 'omniauth'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1094519, "source": "ruby-rack-flash3", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rack-flash3: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: :136:in `require': cannot load such file -- sinatra/base (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:51:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1094520, "source": "ruby-omniauth-tumblr", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-omniauth-tumblr: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error: require 'omniauth'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:11 +0000" }, { "id": 1094521, "source": "thin", "severity": "serious", "title": "thin: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependency: ruby-rack (< 3) but 3.0.8-2 is to be installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 10:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1094522, "source": "ruby-pry-rails", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-pry-rails: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: LoadError: cannot load such file -- rack/session/abstract/id (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1094523, "source": "ruby-sham-rack", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-sham-rack: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error: rack_response = @rack_app.call(rack_env(request, body))", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:54:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1094524, "source": "ruby-httpclient", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-httpclient: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.1\" failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1094525, "source": "ruby-has-scope", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-has-scope: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: :136:in `require': cannot load such file -- rack/session/abstract/id (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:16 +0000" }, { "id": 1094526, "source": "ruby-image-processing", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-image-processing: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1094527, "source": "ruby-browser", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-browser: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: :136:in `require': cannot load such file -- rack/session/abstract/id (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:18 +0000" }, { "id": 1094528, "source": "remctl", "severity": "serious", "title": "remctl: FTBFS: make[1]: *** [debian/rules:29: override_dh_autoreconf] Error 255", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 22:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094529, "source": "ruby-voight-kampff", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-voight-kampff: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: ruby-rails, ruby-rack (< 3.0)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:20 +0000" }, { "id": 1094530, "source": "ruby-omniauth-oauth", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-omniauth-oauth: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error: require \"omniauth\"", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:21 +0000" }, { "id": 1094531, "source": "ruby-omniauth-multipassword", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-omniauth-multipassword: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error: require 'omniauth'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1094532, "source": "camping", "severity": "serious", "title": "camping: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: /build/reproducible-path/camping-2.3/lib/camping/session.rb:31:in `included': uninitialized constant Rack::Session (NameError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 20:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094533, "source": "ruby-sinatra", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-sinatra: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependencies: ruby-rack (< 3.0), ruby-rack (< 3)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 10:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094534, "source": "ruby-capybara", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-capybara: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error: require 'sinatra/base'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 16:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094535, "source": "ruby-i18n-inflector-rails", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-i18n-inflector-rails: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: cannot load such file -- rack/session/abstract/id", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:26 +0000" }, { "id": 1094536, "source": "ruby-factory-bot-rails", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-factory-bot-rails: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: cannot load such file -- rack/session/abstract/id", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:27 +0000" }, { "id": 1094537, "source": "ruby-marcel", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-marcel: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": 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"affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:31 +0000" }, { "id": 1094541, "source": "live-manual", "severity": "serious", "title": "live-manual: FTBFS: dh_install: error: missing files, aborting", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:32 +0000" }, { "id": 1094542, "source": "ruby-omniauth-kerberos", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-omniauth-kerberos: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error: require 'omniauth'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:33 +0000" }, { "id": 1094543, "source": "ruby-omniauth-saml", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-omniauth-saml: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error: require 'omniauth'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:34 +0000" }, { "id": 1094544, "source": "ruby-adsf", "severity": "serious", "title": "nanoc: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependency: ruby-rack (< 3.0.0) but 3.0.8-2 is to be installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 11:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094545, "source": "ruby-rack-timeout", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rack-timeout: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:36 +0000" }, { "id": 1094546, "source": "ruby-webpacker", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-webpacker: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: :136:in `require': cannot load such file -- rack/session/abstract/id (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:37 +0000" }, { "id": 1094547, "source": "ruby-http-accept-language", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-http-accept-language: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error:", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:54:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1094548, "source": "camo", "severity": "serious", "title": "camo: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependency: ruby-rack (< 3) but 3.0.8-2 is to be installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:39 +0000" }, { "id": 1094549, "source": "ruby-omniauth-shibboleth-redux", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-omniauth-shibboleth-redux: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:40 +0000" }, { "id": 1094550, "source": "ruby-inherited-resources", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-inherited-resources: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: :136:in `require': cannot load such file -- rack/session/abstract/id (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:41 +0000" }, { "id": 1094551, "source": "ruby-excon", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-excon: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: :136:in `require': cannot load such file -- sinatra (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 15:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094552, "source": "ruby-rails-controller-testing", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rails-controller-testing: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: /usr/lib/ruby/3.3.0/bundled_gems.rb:69:in `require': cannot load such file -- rack/session/abstract/id (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:43 +0000" }, { "id": 1094553, "source": "ruby-warden", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-warden: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error: app = setup_rack(app, :session => Rack::Session::Pool).to_app", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:44 +0000" }, { "id": 1094554, "source": "ruby-sprockets", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-sprockets: FTBFS: unsatisfiable build-dependency: ruby-rack (< 3) but 3.0.8-2 is to be installed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:45 +0000" }, { "id": 1094555, "source": "ruby-typhoeus", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-typhoeus: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: \u001b[31mFailure/Error: require 'rack/handler/webrick'\u001b[0m", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 14:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094556, "source": "yard", "severity": "serious", "title": "yard: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: cannot load such file -- rack/server", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 22:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094557, "source": "ruby-ethon", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-ethon: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: \u001b[31mFailure/Error: require 'rack/handler/webrick'\u001b[0m", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:48 +0000" }, { "id": 1094558, "source": "ruby-rack-piwik", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rack-piwik: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:49 +0000" }, { "id": 1094559, "source": "ruby-haml-rails", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-haml-rails: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: :136:in `require': cannot load such file -- rack/session/abstract/id (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:50 +0000" }, { "id": 1094560, "source": "ruby-adsf", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-adsf: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: :136:in `require': cannot load such file -- adsf/live/version (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 11:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094561, "source": "ruby-vcr", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-vcr: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: cannot load such file -- rack/handler/webrick", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:52 +0000" }, { "id": 1094562, "source": "ruby-actionpack-xml-parser", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-actionpack-xml-parser: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: :136:in `require': cannot load such file -- rack/session/abstract/id (LoadError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:53 +0000" }, { "id": 1094563, "source": "ruby-omniauth-twitter", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-omniauth-twitter: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed: Failure/Error: require 'omniauth'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-28 20:00:54 +0000" }, { "id": 1094564, "source": "unicorn", "severity": "serious", "title": "unicorn: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": 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"severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rackup has an undeclared file conflict on /usr/bin/rackup", "affected_sources": [ "ruby-rack" ], "affected_packages": [ "ruby-rack" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 10:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094573, "source": "nfs-ganesha", "severity": "serious", "title": "nfs-ganesha has an undeclared file conflict on /usr/bin/sm_notify.ganesha", "affected_sources": [ "nfs-ganesha" ], "affected_packages": [ "python3-nfs-ganesha" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 16:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094599, "source": "onnxruntime", "severity": "serious", "title": "libonnxruntime1.20.1 has an undeclared file conflict on /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libonnxruntime_providers_dnnl.so", "affected_sources": [ "onnxruntime" ], "affected_packages": [ "libonnxruntime1.19.2" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 11:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094604, "source": "libgsf", "severity": "normal", "title": "libgsf: please don't build-depend on gobject-introspection-bin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 23:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094608, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "RM: partclone [s390x] -- ROM; FTBFS on s390x, due to endianness", "affected_sources": [ "partclone" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:partclone" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:51:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1094611, "source": "wasistlos", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "wasistlos: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 16:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094613, "source": "appstream", "severity": "minor", "title": "appstream: please don't build-depend on gobject-introspection-bin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 23:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094614, "source": "click", "severity": "normal", "title": "click: please don't build-depend on gobject-introspection-bin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 12:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094615, "source": "event-dance", "severity": "normal", "title": "eventdance: please don't build-depend on gobject-introspection-bin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 10:36:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1094616, "source": "gtk-layer-shell", "severity": "minor", "title": "gtk-layer-shell: please don't build-depend on gobject-introspection-bin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 11:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094617, "source": "libayatana-appindicator", "severity": "normal", "title": "libayatana-appindicator: please don't build-depend on gobject-introspection-bin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 12:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094619, "source": "open-coarrays", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: The generated control file differs from the actual one.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 10:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094620, "source": "libhinawa", "severity": "minor", "title": "libhinawa: please don't build-depend on gobject-introspection-bin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 05:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094621, "source": "libhinoko", "severity": "minor", "title": "libhinoko: please don't build-depend on gobject-introspection-bin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 11:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094622, "source": "libhitaki", "severity": "minor", "title": "libhitaki: please don't build-depend on gobject-introspection-bin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 12:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094623, "source": "libical3", "severity": "minor", "title": "libical3: please don't build-depend on gobject-introspection-bin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 20:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094624, "source": "packagekit", "severity": "minor", "title": "packagekit: please don't build-depend on gobject-introspection-bin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 12:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094625, "source": "pqmarble", "severity": "minor", "title": "pqmarble: please don't build-depend on gobject-introspection-bin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 12:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094626, "source": "umockdev", "severity": "minor", "title": "umockdev: please don't build-depend on gobject-introspection-bin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 06:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094627, "source": "vips", "severity": "minor", "title": "vips: please don't build-depend on gobject-introspection-bin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 12:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094628, "source": "libguestfs", "severity": "minor", "title": "libguestfs: please don't build-depend on gobject-introspection-bin", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 12:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094631, "source": "abydos", "severity": "serious", "title": "abydos: FTBFS with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 03:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094637, "source": "uwsgi-plugin-ruby", "severity": "serious", "title": "Rack plugin not compatible with Rack 3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 10:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094642, "source": "thrift", "severity": "serious", "title": "thrift build depends on thin which does not work with ruby-rack 3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-29 23:33:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094644, "source": "ruby-blade", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-blade: depends on obsolete package thin which is broken with ruby-rack 3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:51:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1094648, "source": "schleuder", "severity": "serious", "title": "schleuder: replace obsolete thin with puma", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 10:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094650, "source": "redmine", "severity": "serious", "title": "redmine: replace thin with puma as thin is broken with ruby-rack 3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 10:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094653, "source": "gnome-devel-docs", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnome-devel-docs: unmaintained upstream; upstream repository is archived and read-only", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 18:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094654, "source": "boost1.83", "severity": "serious", "title": "boost1.83: FTBFS in sid", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 19:03:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094655, "source": "debtags", "severity": "serious", "title": "debtags: Remove from unstable on Feb 28", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 18:24:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094659, "source": "php-net-ldap2", "severity": "serious", "title": "php-net-ldap2: autopkgtest failure: Failed asserting that 3 matches expected 2.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 13:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094685, "source": "aspell-sk", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:aspell-sk: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 08:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094686, "source": "selinux-python", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:selinux-python: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 08:06:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1094687, "source": "oxigraph", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:oxigraph: fails to migrate to testing for too long: FTBFS", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 08:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1094688, "source": "phoc", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:phoc: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 08:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094689, "source": "skimage", "severity": "serious", "title": "skimage: FTBFS on 32-bit architectures: test failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 15:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094690, "source": "astropy", "severity": "serious", "title": "astropy: FTBFS against numpy 2: test failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 15:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094692, "source": "singular", "severity": "serious", "title": "singular: maintainer-built binaries can't migrate to testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094695, "source": "ftp.debian.org", "severity": "normal", "title": "RM: ocaml-taglib -- ROM; FTBFS; deprecated upstream; no rdeps", "affected_sources": [ "ocaml-taglib" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:ocaml-taglib" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:54:14 +0000" }, { "id": 1094696, "source": "plplot", "severity": "serious", "title": "plplot: FTBFS on all architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 07:06:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094697, "source": "gemmi", "severity": "serious", "title": "gemmi: FTBFS with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 16:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094699, "source": "getfem", "severity": "serious", "title": "getfem: FTBFS with numpy 2.x: numpy.exceptions.AxisError", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 09:15:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094700, "source": "openmm", "severity": "serious", "title": "openmm: FTBFS with numpy 2.x: error: cannot convert ������PyObject*������ {aka ������_object*������} to ������const PyArrayObject*������ {aka ������const tagPyArrayObject_fields*������}", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 10:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094701, "source": "pairtools", "severity": "serious", "title": "pairtools: FTBFS on 32-bit with numpy 2.x: Python int too large to convert to C long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 10:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094702, "source": "python-ltfatpy", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-ltfatpy: FTBFS with numpy 2.x: `np.unicode_` was removed in the NumPy 2.0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 08:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094703, "source": "python-pomegranate", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-pomegranate: FTBFS with numpy 2.x: Error compiling Cython file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 15:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094704, "source": "r-cran-fastcluster", "severity": "serious", "title": "r-cran-fastcluster: FTBFS with numpy 2.x: tests failed", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 13:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094706, "source": "xrayutilities", "severity": "serious", "title": "xrayutilities: FTBFS with numpy 2.x: `np.asfarray` was removed in the NumPy 2.0 release", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 06:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094710, "source": "stella", "severity": "normal", "title": "stella FTCBFS: uses the build architecture pkg-config", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 07:54:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094712, "source": "libgetdata", "severity": "serious", "title": "libgetdata: FTBFS with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 11:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094713, "source": "mdtraj", "severity": "serious", "title": "mdtraj: autopkgtests fail with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 11:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094717, "source": "pybind11", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-pybind11 needs a source upload for NumPy 2", "affected_sources": [ "casa-formats-io", "rdkit", "reproject" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:casa-formats-io", "src:reproject", "src:rdkit" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 14:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094718, "source": "graph-tool", "severity": "serious", "title": "graph-tool: FTBFS with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 19:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094719, "source": "sinntp", "severity": "serious", "title": "sinnp: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'nntplib'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 16:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094720, "source": "liquidsoap", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with OCaml 5.3.0 (due to new \"effect\" keyword)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 18:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094725, "source": "ariba", "severity": "grave", "title": "Missing dependency on python3-pkg-resources", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 18:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094728, "source": "phonopy", "severity": "serious", "title": "phonopy: FTBFS with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 09:15:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1094729, "source": "java-comment-preprocessor", "severity": "normal", "title": "java-comment-preprocessor: New upstream version injected into Git - help needed to build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 14:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094732, "source": "fast-histogram", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with NumPy 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 08:39:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094734, "source": "ont-fast5-api", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS with NumPy 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 11:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094735, "source": "bind9", "severity": "grave", "title": "bind9: CVE-2024-11187 CVE-2024-12705", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 15:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094737, "source": "oxigraph", "severity": "serious", "title": "oxigraph: Depends on outdated bindgen: update to v0.71", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 12:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1094741, "source": "ruby-rails-assets-jquery", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rails-assets-jquery autopkgtest fails against rails 2: from experimental", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 16:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094742, "source": "ruby-rack-flash3", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-rack-flash3: Could not find 'rack' (~> 2.2, >= 2.2.4) - did find: [rack-3.0.8] (Gem::MissingSpecVersionError)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:51:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1094743, "source": "ruby-grack", "severity": "serious", "title": "fatal: unable to access 'http://localhost:6666/test.git/': Failed to connect to localhost port 6666 after 0 ms: Could not connect to server", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:51:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1094744, "source": "icdiff", "severity": "serious", "title": "icdiff autopkgtests fail with black 25.1.0 from experimental", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 17:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094745, "source": "re2", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "re2: please build python bindings as python3-re2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 12:03:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094746, "source": "re2", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "re2: please build python bindings as python3-re2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 19:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094749, "source": "astropy", "severity": "serious", "title": "astropy FTBFS on 32-bit with numpy 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 13:39:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1094757, "source": "pybdsf", "severity": "serious", "title": "pybdsf: FTBFS with numpy 2.x: error: ������PyArray_FLOAT������ undeclared", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 19:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094758, "source": "sep", "severity": "serious", "title": "sep: FTBFS with numpy 2.x: 'int_t' is not a type identifier", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 13:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094759, "source": "pybind11", "severity": "serious", "title": "casa-formats-io: FTBFS with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ "casa-formats-io", "rdkit", "reproject" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:rdkit", "src:reproject", "src:casa-formats-io" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 14:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094761, "source": "pybind11", "severity": "serious", "title": "reproject: FTBFS with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ "casa-formats-io", "rdkit", "reproject" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:rdkit", "src:reproject", "src:casa-formats-io" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 14:42:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094768, "source": "python-ase", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-ase: FTBFS with Numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-30 22:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094776, "source": "testssl.sh", "severity": "grave", "title": "testssl.sh: depends on transitional package dnsutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 05:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094783, "source": "ruby-sinatra", "severity": "serious", "title": "autopkgtest: smoke-test fails because of missing dependencies", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": 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Expected to find a manifest file in `app/assets/config/manifest.js`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:54:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1094797, "source": "crypt++el", "severity": "serious", "title": "crypt++el: invalid maintainer address", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 10:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094803, "source": "freecad", "severity": "normal", "title": "freecad: Clean target does not allow a rebuild", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 13:09:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094808, "source": "mdanalysis", "severity": "serious", "title": "mdanalysis: autopkgtests fail with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 12:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094811, "source": "devscripts", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: devscripts 2.25.1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 13:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094819, "source": "ruby-entypo-rails", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-entypo-rails: Expected to find a manifest file in `app/assets/config/manifest.js`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 13:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094820, "source": "libpng1.6", "severity": "serious", "title": "gtk4 needs dependency on libpng >= 1.6.45", "affected_sources": [ "gtk4" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:gtk4" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 18:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094821, "source": "spglib", "severity": "serious", "title": "spglib: autopkgtest failure on 32 bits blocking ruby3.3 transition", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 21:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094824, "source": "ruby-jquery-atwho-rails", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-jquery-atwho-rails: Expected to find a manifest file in `app/assets/config/manifest.js`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:54:19 +0000" }, { "id": 1094826, "source": "astropy-healpix", "severity": "serious", "title": "astropy-healpix: missing dependency on numpy abi", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 08:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094836, "source": "ruby-leaflet-rails", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-leaflet-rails: Expected to find a manifest file in `app/assets/config/manifest.js`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:54:26 +0000" }, { "id": 1094840, 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"severity": "serious", "title": "src:turtlefmt: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 20:09:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094860, "source": "cl-usocket", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:cl-usocket: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-01-31 20:09:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1094879, "source": "gnustep-gui", "severity": "normal", "title": "gnustep-gui FTCBFS: configures for the build architecture during dh_auto_clean", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 18:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094881, "source": "mimalloc", "severity": "grave", "title": "mtxrun: illegal instruction x86_64 (rorx usage, in libmimalloc)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 15:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094882, "source": "m1n1", "severity": "critical", "title": "m1n1: Makes M2 Pro/Max Macbook Pros unbootable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 19:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094883, "source": "astropy", "severity": "serious", "title": "astropy FTBFS on mips64el", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 12:09:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1094884, "source": "mathgl", "severity": "serious", "title": "mathgl FTBFS with numpy 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 00:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094887, "source": "balsa", "severity": "serious", "title": "balsa: Remove from Debian?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 16:36:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094892, "source": "bcnc", "severity": "grave", "title": "bcnc: Unable to run due to NameError", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 02:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094893, "source": "astropy-healpix", "severity": "serious", "title": "astropy-healpix FTBFS with numpy 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 08:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094894, "source": "sight", "severity": "normal", "title": "sight: FTBFS with ITK 5.4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 04:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094896, "source": "ants", "severity": "normal", "title": "ants: FTBFS with ITK 5.4 - new upstream ?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 04:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094898, "source": "luametatex", "severity": "grave", "title": "context: mtxrun running fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 12:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094899, "source": "libisal", "severity": "important", "title": "isa-l: re-enable build for s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 06:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094905, "source": "hickle", "severity": "serious", "title": "hickle: FTBFS with numpy 2.x: Unable to avoid copy while creating an array as requested", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 16:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094909, "source": "fast-histogram", "severity": "serious", "title": "fast-histogram: missing dependency on numpy abi", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 19:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094910, "source": "fpylll", "severity": "serious", "title": "fpylll: missing dependency on numpy abi", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 19:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094914, "source": "ecl", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:ecl: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 12:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094928, "source": "meep", "severity": "serious", "title": "meep: missing dependency on numpy abi", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 19:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094932, "source": "sphinx", "severity": "important", "title": "python3-sphinx: Segmentation fault trying to build libvigraimpex", "affected_sources": [ "libvigraimpex" ], "affected_packages": [ "libvigraimpex" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 17:33:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1094937, "source": "recode", "severity": "serious", "title": "recode FTBFS with nocheck profile: Python interpreter not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094938, "source": "ibm-3270", "severity": "serious", "title": "ibm-3270: FTBFS: AssertionError: 2104598264 not less than 2000000000.0 : Port 44233 is not bound", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 00:09:21 +0000" }, { "id": 1094939, "source": "freeipa", "severity": "serious", "title": "freeipa-client is not installable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 18:54:23 +0000" }, { "id": 1094940, "source": "urlextractor", "severity": "serious", "title": "urlextractor: not installable due to missing dnsutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 18:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094941, "source": "dlint", "severity": "serious", "title": "dlint: not installable due to missing dnsutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 17:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094942, "source": "dns-browse", "severity": "serious", "title": "dlint: not installable due to missing dnsutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 18:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094943, "source": "dnsvi", "severity": "serious", "title": "dnsvi: not installable due to missing dnsutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 18:24:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094944, "source": "freedombox", "severity": "serious", "title": "freedombox: not installable due to missing dnsutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 17:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094945, "source": "gnome-nettool", "severity": "serious", "title": "gnome-nettool: not installable due to missing dnsutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 17:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094946, "source": "ikiwiki-hosting", "severity": "serious", "title": "ikiwiki-hosting-web: not installable due to missing dnsutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 17:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094947, "source": "inxi", "severity": "serious", "title": "inxi: not installable due to missing dnsutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 17:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1094948, "source": "iodine", "severity": "serious", "title": "iodine: not installable due to missing dnsutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 19:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094949, "source": "libsocket-getaddrinfo-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libsocket-getaddrinfo-perl: not installable due to missing dnsutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 19:00:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094950, "source": "live-tasks", "severity": "serious", "title": "live-task-extra: not installable due to missing dnsutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 17:21:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1094951, "source": "lynis", "severity": "serious", "title": "lynis: not installable due to missing dnsutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 17:21:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1094952, "source": "systemtap", "severity": "serious", "title": "systemtap-client: not installable due to missing dnsutils", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 17:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094969, "source": "git", "severity": "serious", "title": "git: /usr/lib/git-core/git-remote-http is linked against incompatibly licensed OpenSSL", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 23:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094971, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "ITP: golang-github-moby-buildkit -- concurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-01 23:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094978, "source": "c++-annotations", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:c++-annotations: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 07:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094980, "source": "pmbootstrap", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:pmbootstrap: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 07:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1094982, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild --verbose -D does not show invocation of dpkg-source", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 08:18:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094984, "source": "python-meshplex", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-meshplex: FTBFS with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 06:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094985, "source": "python-meshio", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-meshio: FTBFS with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 06:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094986, "source": "dhewm3", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dhewm3: build some mods from the dhewm3-sdk github project", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-02 09:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094990, "source": "libselinux", "severity": "serious", "title": "puppet crash on trixie", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 02:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1094992, "source": "haskell-gtk3", 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"last_modified": "2025-02-03 09:06:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095004, "source": "lomiri-online-accounts-plugins", "severity": "serious", "title": "lomiri-online-accounts-plugins: Unsatisfiable Depends: libaccount-plugin-generic-oauth", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 15:48:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095005, "source": "lomiri-keyboard", "severity": "serious", "title": "lomiri-keyboard-greek: unsatisfiable dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 11:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095006, "source": "gumbo-parser", "severity": "serious", "title": "gumbo-parser: downstream soname bump", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", 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11:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095063, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: --make-binNMU requires -m, -e or -k but only -m is accepted and fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 10:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095066, "source": "libsdl3-mixer", "severity": "serious", "title": "libsdl3-mixer: not ready for a stable release", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 12:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095067, "source": "libnginx-mod-http-modsecurity", "severity": "important", "title": "libnginx-mod-http-modsecurity: FTBFS modsecurity not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 14:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095072, "source": "dcmtk", "severity": "grave", "title": "dcmtk: crashes orthanc with lastest security update", "affected_sources": [ "orthanc" ], "affected_packages": [ "orthanc" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 17:06:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095084, "source": "cython", "severity": "serious", "title": "cython: autopkgtests fail with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 18:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095085, "source": "pyrr", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyrr: autopkgtests fail with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 23:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1095088, "source": "python-deeptools", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-deeptools: autopkgtests fail with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 21:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095089, "source": "python-hdf5storage", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-hdf5storage: autopkgtests fail with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 17:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095090, "source": "python-pbcore", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-pbcore: autopkgtests fail with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 23:57:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1095091, "source": "python-qmix", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-qmix: autopkgtests fail with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 23:57:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1095092, "source": "pyusid", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyusid: autopkgtests fail with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 23:57:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1095093, "source": "sasdata", "severity": "serious", "title": "sasdata: autopkgtests fail with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 11:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095094, "source": "sasmodels", "severity": "serious", "title": "sasmodels: autopkgtests fail with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 11:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095095, "source": "sasview", "severity": "serious", "title": "sasview: autopkgtests fail with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 10:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095096, "source": "seaborn", "severity": "serious", "title": "seaborn: autopkgtests fail with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 23:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095099, "source": "suitesparse", "severity": "serious", "title": "suitesparse: autopkgtests fail with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 21:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095100, "source": "tomopy", "severity": "serious", "title": "tomopy: autopkgtests fail with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 23:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095102, "source": "vala-panel-appmenu", "severity": "serious", "title": "vala-panel-appmenu: unsatisfiable dependency on appmenu-gtk2-module", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 18:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095103, "source": "vala-panel-appmenu", "severity": "serious", "title": "appmenu-registrar: unsatisfiable dependency on appmenu-gtk2-module", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 18:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095104, "source": "unyt", "severity": "serious", "title": "unyt: autopkgtests fail with numpy 2.x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 22:27:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095105, "source": "python-biopython", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-biopython: FTBFS on s390x: ValueError: 1 Tutorial doctests failed: test_chapter_pdb_line_00071", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 15:18:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095111, "source": "apt", "severity": "serious", "title": "libapt-pkg has fluctuating ABI", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 12:48:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1095114, "source": "libconfig-model-dpkg-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libconfig-model-dpkg-perl: FTBFS: test failure with YAML::PP 0.38.1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 15:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095119, "source": "commons-jci", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: cannot find classes in janino, as some of its packages have changed in version 3.1.12", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-03 23:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095120, "source": "plasma-workspace", "severity": "serious", "title": "plasma-workspace: Non-existing Build-Depends", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 14:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095123, "source": "asmix", "severity": "serious", "title": "Should asmix be removed from unstable?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 01:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095129, "source": "chewmail", "severity": "serious", "title": "chewmail: Should chewmail be removed from unstable?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 06:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095130, "source": "fonts-freefont", "severity": "important", "title": "fonts-freefont: please reconsider the python3-pkg-resources build-dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 18:21:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095131, "source": "fonts-fantasque-sans", "severity": "important", "title": "fonts-fantasque-sans: please reconsider the python3-pkg-resources build-dependency", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 06:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095135, "source": "sbuild", "severity": "normal", "title": "sbuild: binary .changes file is missing the .orig.tar for new packages", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 08:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095142, "source": "jakarta-jmeter", "severity": "grave", "title": "jmeter: Unable to start: Provider org.xbill.DNS.spi.DnsjavaInetAddressResolverProvider not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 10:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095148, "source": "redmine", "severity": "serious", "title": "redmine: FTBFS: Could not find gem 'nokogiri (~> 1.16.4)' in locally installed gems.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 23:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095150, "source": "fpc", "severity": "serious", "title": "fp-compiler-3.2.2: fpc aborts compilation", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 08:27:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1095164, "source": "llvm-toolchain-19", "severity": "normal", "title": "tillitis-tkey-device-signer: fails to build on Ubuntu", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 22:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095174, "source": "autopkgtest", "severity": "normal", "title": "autopkgtest 5.43: regression while testing debian-edu-doc: build times out and fails with tmpfail", "affected_sources": [ "debian-edu-doc" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:debian-edu-doc" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 19:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095176, "source": "pcs", "severity": "serious", "title": "pcs: FTBFS in unstable: tests failures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 21:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095177, "source": "rust-wasmtime", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-wasmtime: FTBFS: no matching package named `cranelift-codegen` found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 03:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095180, "source": "kodi", "severity": "normal", "title": "kodi FTCBFS: passes host flags to the build compiler", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-04 20:54:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1095183, "source": "pcs", "severity": "serious", "title": "pcs: autopkgtest fails in unstable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 21:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095189, "source": "rust-gio-0.18", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-gio-0.18: Fails to build with glib 2.83", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 01:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095190, "source": "rust-glib-0.18", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-glib-0.18: Fails to build with glib 2.83", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 17:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095192, "source": "rust-atk-sys-0.18", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-atk-sys-0.18: autopkgtest failing with at-spi2-core 2.55.2", "affected_sources": [ "at-spi2-core" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:at-spi2-core" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 10:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095194, "source": "pam", "severity": "critical", "title": "hurd_no_setfsuid patch breaks pam_modutil_regain_priv", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending-fixed", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 17:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095202, "source": "nfs-utils", "severity": "serious", "title": "nfs-common: file loss in upgrade due to /usr-move (DEP17 P1)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 15:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1095209, "source": "python-assertpy", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "python-assertpy: please make the build reproducible", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 10:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095213, "source": "pycuda", "severity": "grave", "title": "python3-pycuda: uninstallable with the current version of python3-numpy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 12:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095214, "source": "pyopencl", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-pyopencl: uninstallable with the current version of python3-numpy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 16:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095215, "source": "silx", "severity": "grave", "title": "python3-silx: uninstallable with the current version of python3-numpy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 11:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095216, "source": "pybdsf", "severity": "grave", "title": "python3-bdsf: uninstallable with the current version of python3-numpy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 11:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095217, "source": "pyfai", "severity": "grave", "title": "python3-pyfai: uninstallable with the current version of python3-numpy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 08:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095225, "source": "mutter", "severity": "serious", "title": "mutter: cursor-tests failing with adwaita-icon-theme 48 Beta", "affected_sources": [ "adwaita-icon-theme" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:adwaita-icon-theme" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 16:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095229, "source": "getfem", "severity": "serious", "title": "getfem: FTBFS on s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 07:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095233, "source": "casacore-data-tai-utc", "severity": "grave", "title": "casacore-data-tai-utc: incompatible with numpy version currently in sid", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 12:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095240, "source": "cppgir", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:cppgir: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 19:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095241, "source": "xxhash", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:xxhash: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 19:45:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1095242, "source": "logwatch", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:logwatch: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 19:45:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1095243, "source": "golang-fsnotify", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:golang-fsnotify: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 19:45:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1095244, "source": "fhist", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:fhist: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 15:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095245, "source": "crun", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:crun: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 19:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095246, "source": "tools-deps-clojure", "severity": "serious", "title": "maven-resolver breaks tools-deps-clojure autopkgtest", "affected_sources": [ "maven-resolver" ], "affected_packages": [ "maven-resolver" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 08:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095247, "source": "ruby-dalli", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-dalli: autopkgtest regression on armel and armhf", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 20:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095251, "source": "guile-3.0", "severity": "serious", "title": "guile-3.0-libs fails to coinstall / violates Multi-Arch: same", "affected_sources": [ "lepton-eda" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:lepton-eda" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 20:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095254, "source": "android-platform-build", "severity": "normal", "title": "android-platform-build: diff for NMU version 1:10.0.0+r36-1.1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-05 21:27:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095259, "source": "pycuda", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-numpy: missing epoch in generated dependencies?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 01:03:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095263, "source": "cloop", "severity": "serious", "title": "cloop-src: module fails to build for Linux 6.1: error: ������struct request������ has no member named ������rq_disk������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 16:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095272, "source": "mimalloc", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:mimalloc: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 08:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095273, "source": "chuck", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:chuck: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 08:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095275, "source": "sogo", "severity": "serious", "title": "sogo-activesync silently overwrites files via directory symlinks", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 09:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095276, "source": "puppet-strings", "severity": "serious", "title": "puppet-strings: Please update to support yard 0.9.37", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 10:21:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095278, "source": "vpb-driver", "severity": "serious", "title": "vpb-driver-source: module fails to build for Linux 6.1: error: implicit declaration of function ������PDE_DATA������", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 10:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095281, "source": "pycorrfit", "severity": "serious", "title": "pycorrfit: missing dependency on numpy abi", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 11:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095282, "source": "pyscanfcs", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyscanfcs: missing dependency on numpy abi", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 20:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095283, "source": "aubio", "severity": "serious", "title": "aubio: FTBFS on ppc64el and powerpc", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 22:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095284, "source": "python-hdmedians", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-hdmedians: missing dependency on numpy abi", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 22:54:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095285, "source": "tiddit", "severity": "serious", "title": "tiddit: missing dependency on numpy abi", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 18:54:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095286, "source": "mariadb", "severity": "serious", "title": "mariadb: FTBFS with pcre2 10.45 due to incorrect case-insensitive regex test", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 15:39:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095287, "source": "gst-plugins-bad1.0", "severity": "serious", "title": "gir1.2-gst-plugins-bad-1.0: Conflicting files with pitivi on upgrade", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-06 12:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095290, "source": "macaulay2", "severity": "serious", "title": "macaulay's autopkg tests fail on i386 and s390x", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 04:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095301, "source": "adwaita-icon-theme", "severity": "serious", "title": "adwaita-icon-theme 48 Beta causes gtk4 tests to fail", "affected_sources": [ "-", "adwaita-icon-theme", "gtk4" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:gtk4", "src:adwaita-icon-theme", "-" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 16:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095304, "source": "adwaita-icon-theme", "severity": "serious", "title": "adwaita-icon-theme: 48 Beta triggers build & autopkgtest failures in gtk4 & mutter", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 00:42:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095323, "source": "scalapack", "severity": "normal", "title": "scalapack: test results ignored during s390x build", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 09:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095326, "source": "altos", "severity": "serious", "title": "altos: FTBFS: section `.data' will not fit in region `flash'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095327, "source": "atuin", "severity": "serious", "title": "atuin: FTBFS: error: failed to select a version for the requirement `reqwest = \"^0.11\"`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 15:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095328, "source": "astroml", "severity": "serious", "title": "astroml: FTBFS: failure in [doctest] astroML.density_estimation.empirical.EmpiricalDistribution", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 15:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095329, "source": "bfs", "severity": "serious", "title": "bfs: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 09:51:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095330, "source": "casacore-data-lines", "severity": "serious", "title": "casacore-data-lines: FTBFS: RuntimeError: PycArray: failed to load the numpy API", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 10:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095331, "source": "casacore-data-observatories", "severity": "serious", "title": "casacore-data-observatories: FTBFS: RuntimeError: PycArray: failed to load the numpy API", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 10:45:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095332, "source": "casacore-data-sources", "severity": "serious", "title": "casacore-data-sources: FTBFS: RuntimeError: PycArray: failed to load the numpy API", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 10:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095333, "source": "casacore", "severity": "serious", "title": "casacore: FTBFS: Could NOT find Python3 (missing: Python3_NumPy_INCLUDE_DIRS NumPy)", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 19:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095334, "source": "castle-model-viewer", "severity": "serious", "title": "castle-model-viewer: FTBFS: Fatal: Can't find unit CastleUtils used by castle_model_converter", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 00:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095335, "source": "ddclient", "severity": "serious", "title": "ddclient: FTBFS: autoreconf: error: automake failed with exit status: 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:10 +0000" }, { "id": 1095336, "source": "csound-plugins", "severity": "serious", "title": "csound-plugins: FTBFS: error: 'gmm::lapack_ipvt' {aka 'class std::vector'} has no member named 'get'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 21:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095337, "source": "deal.ii", "severity": "serious", "title": "deal.ii: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1095338, "source": "diamond-aligner", "severity": "serious", "title": "diamond-aligner: FTBFS: collect2: fatal error: cannot find 'ld'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:13 +0000" }, { "id": 1095339, "source": "deepdish", "severity": "serious", "title": "deepdish: FTBFS: AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'ComplexWarning'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 17:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095340, "source": "dnssecjava", "severity": "serious", "title": "dnssecjava: FTBFS: incompatible types: java.util.List cannot be converted to java.util.Iterator", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:15 +0000" }, { "id": 1095341, "source": "node-fontsource-lato", "severity": "serious", "title": "elixir-ex-doc: FTBFS: [ERROR] Could not resolve \"@fontsource/inconsolata/700.css\"", "affected_sources": [ "elixir-ex-doc" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:elixir-ex-doc" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 13:57:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095342, "source": "dub", "severity": "serious", "title": "dub: FTBFS: Error: Error executing /usr/bin/ldc2: Aborted", "affected_sources": [ "ldc" ], "affected_packages": [ "ldc" ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 20:15:12 +0000" }, { "id": 1095343, "source": "extra-data", "severity": "serious", "title": "extra-data: FTBFS: E AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'AxisError'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:17 +0000" }, { "id": 1095344, "source": "gimp-help", "severity": "serious", "title": "gimp-help: FTBFS: dh_autoreconf: error: ./autogen.sh returned exit code 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:18 +0000" }, { "id": 1095345, "source": "gmsh", "severity": "serious", "title": "gmsh: FTBFS: /usr/bin/ld: libgmsh.so.4.13.1: undefined reference to `dtrsv_'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:19 +0000" }, { "id": 1095346, "source": "python-libtmux", "severity": "serious", "title": "[python3-libtmux] Tries to import typing_extensions without a declared dependency", "affected_sources": [ "hexer" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:hexer" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 08:48:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095347, "source": "ijs", "severity": "serious", "title": "ijs: FTBFS: /bin/sh: 1: aclocal-1.16: not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:21 +0000" }, { "id": 1095348, "source": "iminuit", "severity": "serious", "title": "iminuit: FTBFS: AssertionError: E Not equal to tolerance rtol=0.1, atol=0", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1095349, "source": "libdbd-firebird-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libdbd-firebird-perl: FTBFS: Failed 44/98 test programs. 0/47 subtests failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 08:48:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095350, "source": "libjpeg9", "severity": "serious", "title": "libjpeg9: FTBFS: autoreconf: error: aclocal-1.16 failed with exit status: 2", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 13:51:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095351, "source": "libdbd-odbc-perl", "severity": "serious", "title": "libdbd-odbc-perl: FTBFS: Failed 1/42 test programs. 5/1086 subtests failed.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 19:00:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095352, "source": "libomemo-c", "severity": "serious", "title": "libomemo-c: FTBFS: error This file was generated by a newer version of protobuf-c which is incompatible with your libprotobuf-c headers.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:25 +0000" }, { "id": 1095353, "source": "libsignal-protocol-c", "severity": "serious", "title": "libsignal-protocol-c: FTBFS: #error This file was generated by a newer version of protobuf-c which is incompatible with your libprotobuf-c headers.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:26 +0000" }, { "id": 1095354, "source": "llvm-toolchain-17", "severity": "serious", "title": "llvm-toolchain-17: FTBFS: Host compiler does not support '-fuse-ld=gold'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 16:12:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095355, "source": "matplotlib", "severity": "serious", "title": "matplotlib: FTBFS: AttributeError: 'numpy.float64' object has no attribute 'convert_to'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:28 +0000" }, { "id": 1095356, "source": "mdp", "severity": "serious", "title": "mdp: FTBFS: E AttributeError: `np.longfloat` was removed in the NumPy 2.0 release.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:27:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095357, "source": "munipack", "severity": "serious", "title": "munipack: FTBFS: configure: Oak Leaf library not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:30 +0000" }, { "id": 1095358, "source": "napari-svg", "severity": "serious", "title": "napari-svg: FTBFS: E ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:31 +0000" }, { "id": 1095359, "source": "napari", "severity": "serious", "title": "napari: FTBFS: E ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:32 +0000" }, { "id": 1095360, "source": "nghttp2", "severity": "serious", "title": "nghttp2: FTBFS: Could not import extension rubydomain.rubydomain", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:33 +0000" }, { "id": 1095361, "source": "nxmx", "severity": "serious", "title": "nxmx: FTBFS: E AttributeError: `np.string_` was removed in the NumPy 2.0 release.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 20:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1095362, "source": "opm-common", "severity": "serious", "title": "opm-common: FTBFS: 99% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 194", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 19:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095363, "source": "ovn", "severity": "serious", "title": "ovn: FTBFS: ovs/build-aux/missing: line 81: aclocal-1.16: command not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:35 +0000" }, { "id": 1095364, "source": "orange-spectroscopy", "severity": "serious", "title": "orange-spectroscopy: FTBFS: `np.float_` was removed in the NumPy 2.0 release. Use `np.float64` instead.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:36 +0000" }, { "id": 1095365, "source": "libgettext-commons-java", "severity": "serious", "title": "pdfsam: FTBFS: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.pdfsam:pdfsam-i18n:jar:4.3.4", "affected_sources": [ "pdfsam" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:pdfsam" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 11:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095366, "source": "poke", "severity": "serious", "title": "poke: FTBFS: build-aux/missing: line 81: aclocal-1.16: command not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:38 +0000" }, { "id": 1095367, "source": "python-asyncclick", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-asyncclick: FTBFS: E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'trio'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:39 +0000" }, { "id": 1095368, "source": "pyscanfcs", "severity": "serious", "title": "pyscanfcs: FTBFS: E OverflowError: Python integer 65536 out of bounds for uint16", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 20:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1095369, "source": "python-dicompylercore", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-dicompylercore: FTBFS: AssertionError", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:41 +0000" }, { "id": 1095370, "source": "python-hdf5plugin", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-hdf5plugin: FTBFS: AttributeError: `np.alltrue` was removed in the NumPy 2.0 release.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:42 +0000" }, { "id": 1095371, "source": "python-dtcwt", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-dtcwt: FTBFS: E AttributeError: `np.asfarray` was removed in the NumPy 2.0 release.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:43 +0000" }, { "id": 1095372, "source": "python-hug", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-hug: FTBFS: E AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'bool8'.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:42:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095373, "source": "python-mrcz", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-mrcz: FTBFS: AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'product'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 21:15:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095374, "source": "python-pyorick", "severity": "serious", "title": "python-pyorick: FTBFS: ImportError: Failed to import test module: pyorick", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:45 +0000" }, { "id": 1095375, "source": "rst2pdf", "severity": "serious", "title": "rst2pdf: FTBFS: test_jpg_scaling fails", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:46 +0000" }, { "id": 1095376, "source": "refpolicy", "severity": "serious", "title": "refpolicy: FTBFS: make[2]: *** [Rules.modular:230: validate] Segmentation fault", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 07:00:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095377, "source": "ruby-active-model-serializers", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-active-model-serializers: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:48 +0000" }, { "id": 1095378, "source": "ruby-ahoy-email", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-ahoy-email: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:49 +0000" }, { "id": 1095379, "source": "ruby-arbre", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-arbre: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:50 +0000" }, { "id": 1095380, "source": "ruby-omniauth-rails-csrf-protection", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-omniauth-rails-csrf-protection: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:51 +0000" }, { "id": 1095381, "source": "ruby-omniauth-auth0", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-omniauth-auth0: FTBFS: Failure/Error: require 'multi_json'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:52 +0000" }, { "id": 1095382, "source": "ruby-omniauth-wordpress", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-omniauth-wordpress: FTBFS: Failure/Error: require 'multi_json'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:53 +0000" }, { "id": 1095383, "source": "ruby-redis-rails", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-redis-rails: FTBFS: failing tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:53 +0000" }, { "id": 1095384, "source": "ruby-redis-actionpack", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-redis-actionpack: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed. Exiting.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:54 +0000" }, { "id": 1095385, "source": "ruby-responders", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-responders: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed. Exiting.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:55 +0000" }, { "id": 1095386, "source": "ruby-sassc-rails", "severity": "serious", "title": "ruby-sassc-rails: FTBFS: ERROR: Test \"ruby3.3\" failed. Exiting.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:56 +0000" }, { "id": 1095387, "source": "rust-gio", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-gio: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: /usr/share/cargo/bin/cargo build returned exit code 101", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 17:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095388, "source": "rust-launchpadlib", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-launchpadlib: FTBFS: error[E0277]: the trait bound `HeaderName: http::header::map::as_header_name::AsHeaderName` is not satisfied because the trait comes from a different crate version", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 12:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095389, "source": "siege", "severity": "serious", "title": "siege: FTBFS: utils/missing: 81: aclocal-1.16: not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:15:59 +0000" }, { "id": 1095390, "source": "rust-sourceview5", "severity": "serious", "title": "rust-sourceview5: FTBFS: dh_auto_test: error: /usr/share/cargo/bin/cargo build returned exit code 101", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:16:00 +0000" }, { "id": 1095391, "source": "smartmontools", "severity": "serious", "title": "smartmontools: FTBFS: GNU Automake 1.10 (up to 1.16) is required to bootstrap smartmontools from SVN.", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:16:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095392, "source": "smart-open", "severity": "serious", "title": "smart-open: FTBFS: E: Build killed with signal TERM after 60 minutes of inactivity", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:16:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095393, "source": "sourmash", "severity": "serious", "title": "sourmash: FTBFS: error: failed to select a version for the requirement `rkyv = \"^0.7.44\"`", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:16:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095394, "source": "snakemake", "severity": "serious", "title": "snakemake: tests randomly failing or hanging", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 15:33:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095395, "source": "stow", "severity": "serious", "title": "stow: FTBFS: autoreconf: error: automake failed with exit status: 1", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-10 00:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095396, "source": "stacks", "severity": "serious", "title": "stacks: FTBFS: Make sure /usr/share/automake-*/tap-driver.sh exists and is linked", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:16:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1095397, "source": "vdr-plugin-remote", "severity": "serious", "title": "vdr-plugin-remote: FTBFS: error: invalid new-expression of abstract class type 'cLircRemote'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 18:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095398, "source": "tcpstat", "severity": "serious", "title": "tcpstat: FTBFS: /bin/sh: 1: aclocal-1.16: not found", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:16:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1095399, "source": "vitables", "severity": "serious", "title": "vitables: FTBFS: E AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'VisibleDeprecationWarning'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:16:08 +0000" }, { "id": 1095400, "source": "wxpython4.0", "severity": "serious", "title": "wxpython4.0: FTBFS: source not found: 'sip/siplib/sip_array.c'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:16:09 +0000" }, { "id": 1095401, "source": "freefem++", "severity": "serious", "title": "freefem++: autopkgtest regression in testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 12:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095402, "source": "pam-pkcs11", "severity": "grave", "title": "pam-pkcs11: CVE-2025-24531", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 21:39:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095405, "source": "apparmor", "severity": "serious", "title": "apparmor-notify: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cgitb'", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 15:03:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095420, "source": "mypy", "severity": "important", "title": "mypy: FTBFS on hurd-any and x32", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 17:42:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095423, "source": "qtbase-opensource-src", "severity": "serious", "title": "libqt5core5t64: Keepassxc crash after latest update when accessed from browser", "affected_sources": [ "keepassxc" ], "affected_packages": [ "keepassxc-full" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 17:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095432, "source": "kiwi", "severity": "serious", "title": "kiwi_10.2.9-1_amd64-buildd.changes REJECTED", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 21:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095433, "source": "mcron", "severity": "serious", "title": "mcron: Should mcron be removed from unstable?", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-07 20:30:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095443, "source": "qtbase-opensource-src", "severity": "serious", "title": "Segmentation fault in KeepassXC when retrieving credentials via browser extension", "affected_sources": [ "keepassxc" ], "affected_packages": [ "keepassxc-full" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 17:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095444, "source": "qtbase-opensource-src", "severity": "serious", "title": "libqt5core5t64: Crash quiterss at startup in getFeedThread", "affected_sources": [ "keepassxc" ], "affected_packages": [ "keepassxc-full" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 17:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095448, "source": "sysprof", "severity": "serious", "title": "sysprof: Fails to build on most architectures", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 21:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095452, "source": "runc", "severity": "normal", "title": "runc: FTBFS: Improve support for loongarch64", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 17:00:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1095456, "source": "ruby-responders", "severity": "grave", "title": "ruby-responders: autopkgtest regression with ruby-rack 3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 05:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095458, "source": "ruby-rails-assets-perfect-scrollbar", "severity": "serious", "title": "autopkgtest broken with ruby-sprockets 4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 06:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095462, "source": "sysprof", "severity": "serious", "title": "sysprof :FTBFS:build failed ( error: ������PERF_REG_EXTENDED_MASK������ undeclared (first use in this function))", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 21:15:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095463, "source": "ruby-rails-assets-markdown-it", "severity": "serious", "title": "autopkgtest broken with ruby-sprockets 4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 08:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095466, "source": "ruby-rails-assets-jquery-nicescroll", "severity": "serious", "title": "autopkgtest broken with ruby-sprockets 4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 08:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095468, "source": "numpy", "severity": "normal", "title": "numpy: FTBFS: Cherry-pick upstream patch to fix build error in _core/src/highway", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 08:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095471, "source": "minc-tools", "severity": "important", "title": "minc-tools: FTBFS with NetCDF 4.9.3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 17:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1095474, "source": "ncl", "severity": "important", "title": "ncl: FTBFS with NetCDF 4.9.3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 17:21:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1095475, "source": "paraview", "severity": "important", "title": "paraview: FTBFS with NetCDF 4.9.3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 17:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1095476, "source": "dh-dlang", "severity": "wishlist", "title": "dh-dlang: issue to build lix package using dh-dlang", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 11:24:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095478, "source": "vtk9", "severity": "important", "title": "vtk9: FTBFS with NetCDF 4.9.3", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 17:21:05 +0000" }, { "id": 1095481, "source": "ruby-rails-assets-jquery-fullscreen-plugin", "severity": "serious", "title": "autopkgtest broken with ruby-sprockets 4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 12:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095491, "source": "ruby-rails-assets-favico.js", "severity": "serious", "title": "autopkgtest regression with ruby-sprockets 4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 12:51:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1095493, "source": "reprepro", "severity": "serious", "title": "reprepro: Secondary index inconsistent with primary", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-10 03:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095495, "source": "xdot", "severity": "grave", "title": "xdot: Segmentation fault on start", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 13:51:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095496, "source": "java-common", "severity": "normal", "title": "java-common: please provide libjvm.so path for reverse build dependencies", "affected_sources": [ "uwsgi-plugin-java" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:uwsgi-plugin-java" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 15:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095499, "source": "ruby-rails-assets-emojione", "severity": "serious", "title": "autopkgtest ruby-sprockets 4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 14:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095502, "source": "ruby-rails-assets-autosize", "severity": "serious", "title": "autopkgtest broken with ruby-sprockets 4", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 15:06:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095505, "source": "libportal", "severity": "serious", "title": "libportal: FTBFS: TestRemoteDesktop::test_create_session: assert create_session_done_invoked", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 15:15:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095510, "source": "sos", "severity": "critical", "title": "sos: sosreport has the same version as the package already in the archive", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 21:54:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1095512, "source": "libpam-alreadyloggedin", "severity": "grave", "title": "libpam-alreadyloggedin does not work without utmp", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 17:45:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095518, "source": "llvm-toolchain-19", "severity": "serious", "title": "FTBFS: needs to depend explicitly on binutils-gold", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 18:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095522, "source": "catch2", "severity": "important", "title": "catch2: not built using hardening=+pie -- causes problems when used by packages that use it", "affected_sources": [ "spdlog" ], "affected_packages": [ "spdlog" ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 00:09:22 +0000" }, { "id": 1095526, "source": "python-ly", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:python-ly: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 21:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095527, "source": "yadifa", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:yadifa: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 21:45:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1095528, "source": "rust-zoxide", "severity": "serious", "title": "src:rust-zoxide: fails to migrate to testing for too long", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 22:03:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095535, "source": "kde-config-systemd", "severity": "grave", "title": "kde-config-systemd: Outdated, not compatible with plasma 6", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-08 23:36:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095537, "source": "389-ds-base", "severity": "serious", "title": "389-ds-base: Depends on rust-ahash-0.7 which is being removed from Debian", "affected_sources": [ "rust-ahash-0.7" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:rust-ahash-0.7" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 01:45:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095538, "source": "xemacs21", "severity": "serious", "title": "xemacs21: Uses autoconf2.13 which is being remove from Debian", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 01:57:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095578, "source": "pomegranate-clojure", "severity": "important", "title": "pomegranate-clojure: reproducibility regression because tools.build records timestamp", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 19:36:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095582, "source": "angelfish", "severity": "grave", "title": "missing dependency on qml6-module-qt5compat-graphical-effects", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 23:09:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095584, "source": "angelfish", "severity": "serious", "title": "missing build on mips64el blocks migration to testing", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 18:24:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095585, "source": "python-tz", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-pytz: Try to overwrite '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pytz/__init__.py'", "affected_sources": [ "python-tz" ], "affected_packages": [ "python3-tz" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 19:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095589, "source": "wnpp", "severity": "normal", "title": "O: haruna -- Video player built with Qt/QML on top of libmpv", "affected_sources": [ "haruna" ], "affected_packages": [ "src:haruna" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": true, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 14:21:06 +0000" }, { "id": 1095590, "source": "python-tz", "severity": "serious", "title": "python3-pytz has an undeclared file conflict", "affected_sources": [ "python-tz" ], "affected_packages": [ "python3-tz" ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 19:39:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095591, "source": "signalbackup-tools", "severity": "important", "title": "signalbackup-tools FTBFS everywhere but amd64: hard codes amd64 multiarch path in .install file", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 14:36:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095592, "source": "gem2deb", "severity": "normal", "title": "gem2deb is weird when cross building", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 14:36:04 +0000" }, { "id": 1095593, "source": "rem", "severity": "normal", "title": "rem FTCBFS: rebuilds with the build architecture toolchain during make install", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "done", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 17:30:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095595, "source": "libquotient", "severity": "serious", "title": "libquotient FTBFS with nocheck build profile: rm: cannot remove 'debian/tmp/usr/bin/quotest': No such file or directory", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 14:36:07 +0000" }, { "id": 1095608, "source": "uranium", "severity": "grave", "title": "cura: Crash at start due to new numpy", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "forwarded", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 20:21:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095611, "source": "parole", "severity": "minor", "title": "parole: Please update taglib build-dep package: libtagc0-dev => libtag-c-dev", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 19:00:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095616, "source": "golang-1.23", "severity": "serious", "title": "unsatisfiable golang-any in unstable", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": true, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 19:57:01 +0000" }, { "id": 1095619, "source": "courier,maildrop", "severity": "serious", "title": "courier-base and maildrop have an undeclared file conflict on /usr/bin/maildirkw", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": true, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": true, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-09 20:09:02 +0000" }, { "id": 1095633, "source": "vim", "severity": "serious", "title": "vim: FTBFS in stable: fails tests", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-10 01:33:03 +0000" }, { "id": 1095635, "source": "systemd-netlogd", "severity": "important", "title": "systemd-netlogd FTBFS on 32-bit with 64-bit time_t", "affected_sources": [ ], "affected_packages": [ ], "status": "pending", "affects_unstable": false, "affects_testing": false, "affects_stable": false, "affects_experimental": false, "last_modified": "2025-02-10 03:36:02 +0000" } ]