Lintian tag: undocumented-manual-page

Type: warning

Description (from lintian-explain-tags)

Symbolic links to the undocumented(7) manual page may be provided if no
manual page is available, but that is deprecated.

The lack of a manual page is still a bug, and if at all possible you
should write one yourself.

For help with writing manual pages, refer to the Man-Page-HOWTO, the
examples created by dh_make, or the /usr/share/doc/man-db/examples
directory. If the package provides --help output, you might want to use
the help2man utility to generate a simple manual page.

Please refer to Manual pages (Section 12.1) in the Debian Policy Manual
for details.

Visibility: warning
Show-Always: no
Check: documentation/manual
Renamed from: link-to-undocumented-manpage

Affected packages

source version binary tag type tag information count