Lintian tag: uses-deprecated-python-stdlib

Type: information

Description (from lintian-explain-tags)

The Python library flagged by this tag has been formally marked as

Please prepare for this deprecation and migrate away from this Python


Visibility: info
Show-Always: no
Check: languages/python/stdlib-deprecation

Affected packages

source version binary level tag count information
afdko 4.0.1+dfsg1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
afdko 4.0.1+dfsg1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
afdko 4.0.1+dfsg1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
afdko 4.0.1+dfsg1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
afdko 4.0.1+dfsg1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
aioftp 0.24.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) []
aioftp 0.24.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asynchat (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) []
alot 0.11-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 mailcap (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [alot/db/]
alot 0.11-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 mailcap (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [alot/commands/]
alot 0.11-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 mailcap (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [alot/settings/]
angrydd 1.0.1-14 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ansi 0.1.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ansible 11.2.0+dfsg-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ansible_collections/sensu/sensu_go/tests/unit/plugins/modules/]
ansible 11.2.0+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [ansible_collections/community/general/tests/integration/targets/mail/files/]
antlr 2.7.7+dfsg-14 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib/python/]
aoflagger 3.4.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [external/pybind11/pybind11/]
aoflagger 3.4.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [external/pybind11/pybind11/]
apt-clone 0.4.3+nmu3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
apt-forktracer 0.11 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
apt-offline 1.8.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
apt-offline 1.8.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [apt_offline_core/]
apt-venv 1.0.0-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
apt-xapian-index 0.56 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
arandr 0.1.11-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
arandr 0.1.11-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
arandr 0.1.11-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
arandr 0.1.11-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
arandr 0.1.11-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
arandr 0.1.11-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
arandr 0.1.11-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
arandr 0.1.11-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
arandr 0.1.11-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
arandr 0.1.11-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
argparse-manpage 4.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [examples/argument_groups/]
argparse-manpage 4.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_manpages/]
argparse-manpage 4.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [examples/raw-description/]
argparse-manpage 4.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [examples/old_format_file_name/]
argparse-manpage 4.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_manpages/]
argparse-manpage 4.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [examples/old_format/]
armnn 23.08-4.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/pyarmnn/]
arsenic 21.8-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/arsenic/]
asahi-fwextract 0.7.8-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
aseba 1.6.99+dfsg-9 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [examples/clients/python-dbus/]
assimp 5.4.3+ds-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [debian/]
assimp 5.4.3+ds-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [port/PyAssimp/]
astrodendro 0.2.0+dfsg1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [] 0.97+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [util/]
astropy-sphinx-theme 1.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_sphinx_theme/tests/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/commands/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/commands/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/commands/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/commands/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/commands/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/commands/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/]
astroquery 0.4.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/]
atropos 1.1.32+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
atropos 1.1.32+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
atropos 1.1.32+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
aubio 0.4.9-4.7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/lib/]
aubio 0.4.9-4.7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/lib/]
aubio 0.4.9-4.7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/lib/]
aubio 0.4.9-4.7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/lib/]
audioop-lts 0.2.1-3 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 audioop (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [tests/]
audioread 3.0.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 sunau (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [audioread/]
audioread 3.0.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 aifc (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [audioread/]
audioread 3.0.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 audioop (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [audioread/]
audiotools 3.1.1-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
audiotools 3.1.1-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
authheaders 0.16.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
authheaders 0.16.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
autoflake 2.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
autoflake 2.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
autoflake 2.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
autoflake 2.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
autoradio 3.6.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
autoradio 3.6.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
autoradio 3.6.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
autorenamer 0.6-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
bandit 1.7.10-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 crypt (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [examples/]
bandit 1.7.10-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [examples/]
barman 3.12.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [barman/]
barman 3.12.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [barman/]
barman 3.12.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [barman/]
barman 3.12.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [barman/]
barman 3.12.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [barman/]
bdist-nsi 0.1.5-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [bdist_nsi/]
bdist-nsi 0.1.5-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [bdist_nsi/]
bdist-nsi 0.1.5-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [bdist_nsi/]
bdist-nsi 0.1.5-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [bdist_nsi/]
bdist-nsi 0.1.5-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [bdist_nsi/]
bdist-nsi 0.1.5-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [bdist_nsi/]
bdist-nsi 0.1.5-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [bdist_nsi/]
bdist-nsi 0.1.5-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
bdist-nsi 0.1.5-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [bdist_nsi/]
bdist-nsi 0.1.5-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [bdist_nsi/]
beets 2.2.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [beetsplug/]
behave 1.2.6-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
behave 1.2.6-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tasks/_vendor/]
binwalk 2.4.3+dfsg1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
biomaj3 3.1.24-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
biomaj3-cli 3.1.11-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
biomaj3-core 3.0.28-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
biomaj3-daemon 3.0.24-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
biomaj3-process 3.0.19-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
biomaj3-user 3.0.12-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
biomaj3-zipkin 0.2.2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
bkchem 0.14.0~pre4+git20211228-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [bkchem/oasa/]
bkchem 0.14.0~pre4+git20211228-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
bluetooth-data-tools 1.23.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
boinc 8.0.4+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [samples/vm_wrapper/]
bookletimposer 0.3.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
bookletimposer 0.3.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
bookworm 1.1.2+git20210715-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [data/scripts/mobi_lib/]
boost1.83 1.83.0-4.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [libs/mpl/doc/src/docutils/]
bottleneck 1.4.2+ds1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
brebis 0.10-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
breezy 3.3.9-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
breezy 3.3.9-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [breezy/]
breezy 3.3.9-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
breezy 3.3.9-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
breezy 3.3.9-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [breezy/]
breezy 3.3.9-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [breezy/]
breezy 3.3.9-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
breezy 3.3.9-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [breezy/]
breezy 3.3.9-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
brial 1.2.12-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 uu (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [sage-brial/brial/]
brial 1.2.12-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sage-brial/]
brian information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [brian2/devices/cpp_standalone/]
brian information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [brian2/codegen/runtime/cython_rt/]
brian information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
brian information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [brian2/codegen/runtime/cython_rt/]
brian information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [brian2/codegen/runtime/GSLcython_rt/]
brian information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [brian2/codegen/]
brian information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [brian2/codegen/]
brltty 6.7-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Bindings/Python/]
btest 0.72-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
busco 5.5.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
buskill 0.7.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/packages/buskill/]
cached-ipaddress 0.6.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cachy 0.3.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cadabra2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [libs/pybind11/pybind11/]
cadabra2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cmake/modules/]
cadabra2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [libs/pybind11/pybind11/]
calypso 2.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
canadian-ham-exam 1.0.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cbflib 0.9.7+dfsg1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [py2cbf/]
cbflib 0.9.7+dfsg1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pycbf/]
cccl 2.2.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [libcudacxx/libcxx/utils/libcxx/test/]
cccl 2.2.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [libcudacxx/.upstream-tests/utils/libcudacxx/test/]
cccl 2.2.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [libcudacxx/libcxx/utils/libcxx/sym_check/]
cccl 2.2.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [libcudacxx/libcxx/utils/]
cccl 2.2.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [libcudacxx/.upstream-tests/utils/]
cccl 2.2.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [libcudacxx/.upstream-tests/utils/libcudacxx/sym_check/]
cccl 2.2.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [libcudacxx/.upstream-tests/utils/libcudacxx/sym_check/]
cccl 2.2.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [libcudacxx/libcxx/utils/libcxx/sym_check/]
ccsm 2:0.8.18-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ccsm 2:0.8.18-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ccsm 2:0.8.18-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cctbx 2024.10+ds2+~3.22.1+ds1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cctbx/web/]
cctbx 2024.10+ds2+~3.22.1+ds1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cctbx/web/]
cctbx 2024.10+ds2+~3.22.1+ds1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cctbx/web/]
cctbx 2024.10+ds2+~3.22.1+ds1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgitb (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cctbx/web/]
cctbx 2024.10+ds2+~3.22.1+ds1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [spotfinder/servers/]
cctbx 2024.10+ds2+~3.22.1+ds1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [spotfinder/servers/]
cctbx 2024.10+ds2+~3.22.1+ds1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [spotfinder/servers/]
cctbx 2024.10+ds2+~3.22.1+ds1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [libtbx/auto_build/]
cctbx 2024.10+ds2+~3.22.1+ds1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cctbx/web/]
cdist 7.0.0-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cdist 7.0.0-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cecilia 5.4.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cegui-mk2 0.8.7+git20220615-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cegui/src/ScriptModules/Python/bindings/distutils/]
cegui-mk2 0.8.7+git20220615-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cegui/src/ScriptModules/Python/bindings/distutils/]
ceilometer 1:23.0.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ceilometer/]
ceph 18.2.4+ds-13 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [qa/tasks/]
ceph 18.2.4+ds-13 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 crypt (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [qa/tasks/cephfs/]
ceph 18.2.4+ds-13 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/spdk/dpdk/buildtools/]
ceph 18.2.4+ds-13 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/jaegertracing/opentelemetry-cpp/third_party/benchmark/]
ceph 18.2.4+ds-13 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [qa/tasks/cephfs/]
ceph-iscsi 3.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cffsubr 0.3.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cffsubr 0.3.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cffsubr 0.3.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
changeme 1.2.3-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [changeme/scanners/]
check-manifest 0.50-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cheetah 3.4.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cheetah 3.4.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
chemps2 1.8.12-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [PyCheMPS2/]
chemps2 1.8.12-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [PyCheMPS2/]
chemps2 1.8.12-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [PyCheMPS2/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/grpc/src/src/python/grpcio/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/depot_tools/testing_support/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/skia/infra/bots/assets/skp/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [chrome/test/chromedriver/test/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/protobuf/python/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/real_world_impact/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/webdriver/pylib/test/selenium/webdriver/common/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [v8/tools/mb/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/grpc/src/tools/run_tests/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/depot_tools/external_bin/gsutil/gsutil_4.68/gsutil/gslib/vendored/boto/boto/ecs/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/wpt_tools/wpt/tools/wptserve/wptserve/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/libaom/source/libaom/test/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/pylint/pylint/reporters/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/grpc/src/tools/distrib/python/grpcio_tools/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/grpc/src/tools/run_tests/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/logilab/logilab/common/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/pycoverage/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/webdriver/pylib/test/selenium/webdriver/firefox/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/pycoverage/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/depot_tools/external_bin/gsutil/gsutil_4.68/gsutil/gslib/vendored/boto/tests/integration/ec2/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/libwebp/src/swig/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/logilab/logilab/common/ureports/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/protobuf/python/protobuf_distutils/protobuf_distutils/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/protobuf/python/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/grpc/src/src/python/grpcio_tests/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/depot_tools/external_bin/gsutil/gsutil_4.68/gsutil/third_party/apitools/apitools/base/protorpclite/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/depot_tools/external_bin/gsutil/gsutil_4.68/gsutil/third_party/crcmod/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [tools/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/grpc/src/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/angle/src/tests/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/protobuf/python/protobuf_distutils/protobuf_distutils/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/protobuf/python/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [ppapi/native_client/tools/browser_tester/browsertester/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/protobuf/python/protobuf_distutils/protobuf_distutils/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [v8/tools/release/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/grpc/src/src/python/grpcio_tests/tests/protoc_plugin/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [tools/json_schema_compiler/highlighters/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/jsoncpp/source/devtools/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/perfetto/python/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/libwebp/src/swig/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/pylint/pylint/reporters/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/grpc/src/tools/distrib/python/grpcio_tools/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/ipc_fuzzer/scripts/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/grpc/src/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/grpc/src/src/python/grpcio/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/depot_tools/external_bin/gsutil/gsutil_4.68/gsutil/third_party/crcmod/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/webdriver/pylib/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/valgrind/asan/third_party/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [tools/clang/scripts/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/logilab/logilab/astroid/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/depot_tools/external_bin/gsutil/gsutil_4.68/gsutil/gslib/vendored/oauth2client/oauth2client/contrib/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/grpc/src/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/logilab/logilab/astroid/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [components/crash/content/tools/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/grpc/src/src/python/grpcio/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/pycoverage/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/depot_tools/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/grpc/src/tools/distrib/python/grpcio_tools/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [chrome/enterprise_companion/test/service/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/logilab/logilab/common/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/protobuf/python/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/grpc/src/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/grpc/src/tools/distrib/python/grpcio_tools/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [chrome/updater/test/service/win/]
chromium 134.0.6998.35-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/protobuf/python/]
circuits 3.2.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [circuits/web/]
circuits 3.2.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 crypt (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [examples/web/]
citeproc-py 0.7.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
clblas 2.12-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/wrappers/python/]
clblas 2.12-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/wrappers/python/]
click-man 0.4.2-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [click_man/]
click-man 0.4.2-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [click_man/commands/]
click-man 0.4.2-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [click_man/commands/]
cmake-format 0.6.13-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [tangent/tooling/]
codraft 2.2.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
comedilib 0.11.0+5-1.3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [swig/python/]
command-not-found 23.04.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
commonmark-bkrs 0.5.4+ds-7.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
compreffor 0.5.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
compreffor 0.5.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
compreffor 0.5.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
condor 23.6.2+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/vendor/fmt-10.1.0/support/]
configobj 5.0.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
consensuscore 1.1.1+dfsg-7.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
consensuscore 1.1.1+dfsg-7.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
consensuscore 1.1.1+dfsg-7.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
coreapi 2.3.3-8 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [coreapi/codecs/]
coremltools 8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [coremltools/optimize/torch/_utils/]
coremltools 8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [coremltools/optimize/torch/palettization/]
cp2k 2024.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/start/python/]
cp2k 2024.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/start/python/]
cppimport 22.08.02-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cppimport/]
cppimport 22.08.02-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cppimport/]
cpplint 1.6.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cppman 0.5.7+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cpuset 1.6.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cram 0.7-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ctdopts 1.5-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cvc5 1.1.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [contrib/packaging_python/]
cwiid 0.6.91-11 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
cxxtest 4.4+git171022-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [admin/]
cxxtest 4.4+git171022-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [admin/]
cxxtest 4.4+git171022-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [admin/]
cxxtest 4.4+git171022-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [admin/]
cycle 0.3.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cyclograph 1.9.1-1.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cyclograph 1.9.1-1.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cyclograph 1.9.1-1.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cyclograph 1.9.1-1.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cyclograph 1.9.1-1.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cypari2 2.1.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cysignals 1.12.0~rc2+ds-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cysignals 1.12.0~rc2+ds-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [example/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Demos/libraries/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Distutils/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Debugger/Tests/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Demos/callback/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Distutils/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Build/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Build/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Distutils/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pyximport/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Demos/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Distutils/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Distutils/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Demos/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Distutils/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Demos/callback/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Demos/benchmarks/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pyximport/test/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pyximport/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Build/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Build/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pyximport/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Build/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Demos/libraries/]
cython 3.0.11+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/examples/tutorial/cython_tutorial/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pyximport/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Demos/benchmarks/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Distutils/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/examples/userguide/wrapping_CPlusPlus/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Demos/libraries/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/examples/tutorial/external/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Distutils/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/examples/userguide/parallelism/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Build/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Distutils/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pyximport/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Distutils/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Distutils/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Build/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Demos/callback/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Build/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/examples/quickstart/build/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Build/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Distutils/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pyximport/test/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Demos/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pyximport/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Debugger/Tests/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Demos/libraries/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Build/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Build/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Build/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Demos/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Demos/callback/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/examples/userguide/parallelism/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/examples/userguide/sharing_declarations/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Build/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/examples/tutorial/external/]
cython-legacy 0.29.37-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Cython/Build/]
dart 6.13.2+ds-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
dart 6.13.2+ds-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
dbf 0.96.005-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
dblatex 0.3.12py3-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
dblatex 0.3.12py3-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
dblatex 0.3.12py3-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
dblatex 0.3.12py3-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
dblatex 0.3.12py3-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
dbus-fast 2.33.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
dbus-python 1.3.2-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
dbus-python 1.3.2-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ddupdate 0.7.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ddupdate 0.7.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
deap 1.4.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [doc/code/tutorials/part_4/]
deap 1.4.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
deap 1.4.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [examples/gp/ant/]
debomatic 0.26-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
debomatic 0.26-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
debomatic 0.26-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
debomatic 0.26-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
debugpy 1.8.8+ds-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/debugpy/_vendored/pydevd/third_party/]
debugpy 1.8.8+ds-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/debugpy/_vendored/pydevd/]
defusedxml 0.7.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
deluge 2.1.2~dev0+20240910-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
deluge 2.1.2~dev0+20240910-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
deluge 2.1.2~dev0+20240910-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
denss 0.0.1+20200710gac8923a-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
devede 4.17.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
dhcpig 1.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
dials 3.22.1+dfsg3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/dials/precommitbx/]
dico 2.11-4.3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [dicoweb/dicoclient/]
diffuse 0.9.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [windows-installer/]
displaycal-py3 3.9.14-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [util/]
displaycal-py3 3.9.14-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [DisplayCAL/]
displaycal-py3 3.9.14-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [debian/]
displaycal-py3 3.9.14-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [debian/]
displaycal-py3 3.9.14-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [debian/]
displaycal-py3 3.9.14-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
displaycal-py3 3.9.14-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [DisplayCAL/]
displaycal-py3 3.9.14-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [debian/]
displaycal-py3 3.9.14-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [DisplayCAL/]
displaycal-py3 3.9.14-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [DisplayCAL/]
displaycal-py3 3.9.14-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [DisplayCAL/]
displaycal-py3 3.9.14-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [DisplayCAL/]
displaycal-py3 3.9.14-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [DisplayCAL/]
distcc 3.4+really3.4-10 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [include_server/]
distcc 3.4+really3.4-10 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [include_server/]
distlib 0.3.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
django-cas-server 2.1.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cas_server/tests/]
django-favicon-plus-reloaded 1.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
django-impersonate 1.9.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
django-impersonate 1.9.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [impersonate/]
django-js-reverse 0.9.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [django_js_reverse/]
django-yarnpkg 6.1.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [django_yarnpkg/]
django-yarnpkg 6.1.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [django_yarnpkg/]
dkimpy-milter 1.2.3-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
dkimpy-milter 1.2.3-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
dolfin 2019.2.0~legacy20240219.1c52e83-18 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
dumb-init 1.2.5-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
dumb-init 1.2.5-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
dxf2gcode 20240509-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ecflow 5.13.7-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [libs/pyext/]
edk2 2025.02-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [MdeModulePkg/Library/BrotliCustomDecompressLib/brotli/]
edk2 2025.02-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [BaseTools/Source/C/PyEfiCompressor/]
edk2 2025.02-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [MdeModulePkg/Library/BrotliCustomDecompressLib/brotli/]
edk2 2025.02-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [MdeModulePkg/Library/BrotliCustomDecompressLib/brotli/]
edk2 2025.02-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [MdeModulePkg/Library/BrotliCustomDecompressLib/brotli/]
emperor 1.0.4+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [emperor/]
empy 3.3.4-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
epoptes 23.08-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [epoptes/ui/]
epoptes 23.08-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [epoptes/ui/]
exabgp 4.2.22-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
expeyes 5.3.3+repack-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
fades 9.0.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
fail2ban 1.1.0-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [fail2ban/server/]
fail2ban 1.1.0-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [doc/]
fail2ban 1.1.0-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [fail2ban/server/]
fakesleep 0.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
fbless 0.2.3-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
fbless 0.2.3-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
feff85exafs 0.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [wrappers/old_python/]
ffcv 1.0.0+git20240202+ds-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ffcv/pipeline/]
ffcv 1.0.0+git20240202+ds-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
fife 0.4.2-9 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/chromium/build/android/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/MarkupSafe/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pylru/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/MarkupSafe/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/PyYAML/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptserve/wptserve/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/chromium/build/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/python-hglib/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/chromium/build/chromeos/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/chromium/build/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/MarkupSafe/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/lint/test/files/ruff/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/chromium/build/android/gyp/util/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/aom/test/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/marionette/harness/marionette_harness/tests/unit/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/runner/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/chromium/build/win/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/chromium/build/toolchain/win/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/support/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/PyYAML/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/python/dlmanager/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/config/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox 136.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/python-hglib/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/libwebrtc/build/toolchain/win/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/MarkupSafe/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/mozperftest/mozperftest/test/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/runner/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/lint/test/files/ruff/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptserve/wptserve/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/PyYAML/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/raptor/raptor/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/mozlint/test/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/mochitest/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/libwebrtc/build/win/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/support/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/config/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/marionette/harness/marionette_harness/tests/unit/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pyrsistent/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/libwebrtc/build/chromeos/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/PyYAML/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/libwebrtc/build/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/mochitest/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pyrsistent/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/libwebrtc/build/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/MarkupSafe/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/pytest/extra/setup-py.test/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/MarkupSafe/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/gyp/util/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/mozperftest/mozperftest/test/browsertime/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/mochitest/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/aom/test/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/python/dlmanager/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/libwebrtc/build/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/mozbase/mozrunner/mozrunner/devices/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pylru/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pyrsistent/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/py/testing/log/]
firefox-esr 128.8.0esr-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
flit 3.9.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [flit/]
flye 2.9.5+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
flye 2.9.5+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [flye/tests/]
flye 2.9.5+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
fontforge 1:20230101~dfsg-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pycontrib/FontCompare/]
fontpens 0.3.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
fonttools 4.55.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
fonttools 4.55.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
formiko 1.4.3-2.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
formiko 1.4.3-2.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
formiko 1.4.3-2.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
formiko 1.4.3-2.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
freeart 3.3.0+ds1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
freeart 3.3.0+ds1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
freeart 3.3.0+ds1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
freeart 3.3.0+ds1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
freecad 1.0.0+dfsg-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/Mod/CAM/CAMTests/]
freetype-py 2.5.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
freetype-py 2.5.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
freetype-py 2.5.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
freetype-py 2.5.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
freetype-py 2.5.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
freetype-py 2.5.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
frozenlist 1.5.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [packaging/pep517_backend/]
frozenlist 1.5.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [packaging/pep517_backend/]
frozenlist 1.5.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [packaging/pep517_backend/]
fs-uae-arcade 3.1.63-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [fsbc/]
fusion-icon 0.2.4-9 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
fusion-icon 0.2.4-9 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
galpy 1.8.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ganeti 3.1.0~rc1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [lib/]
ganeti 3.1.0~rc1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [lib/]
ganeti 3.1.0~rc1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [lib/http/]
gau2grid 2.0.7-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
gaupol 1.15-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
gaupol 1.15-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
gaupol 1.15-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
gaupol 1.15-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
gaupol 1.15-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
gausssum 3.0.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [debian/]
gdspy 1.4.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/]
gdspy 1.4.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
gdspy 1.4.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/]
genometools 1.6.5+ds-2.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [gtpython/]
genshi 0.7.9-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
genshi 0.7.9-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
geophar 18.10+dfsg1-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
getmail6 6.19.07-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
geventhttpclient 2.3.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
gfal2-bindings 1.13.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
gfal2-bindings 1.13.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
gfal2-bindings 1.13.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ghmm 0.9~rc3-11 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [HMMEd/]
ghmm 0.9~rc3-11 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ghmmwrapper/]
git-crecord 20230226.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
glueviz 1.22.0+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
gmplot 1.4.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/]
gnome-keysign 1.3.0-5.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
gnome-mousetrap 3.17.3-10 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
gnucash 1:5.10-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [gnucash/python/pycons/]
gnumed-client 1.8.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 mailcap (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [client/pycommon/]
gnumed-server 22.28-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 mailcap (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [server/pycommon/]
gobject-introspection 1.83.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [giscanner/]
gobject-introspection 1.83.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [giscanner/]
gobject-introspection 1.83.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [giscanner/]
gobject-introspection 1.83.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [giscanner/]
gobject-introspection 1.83.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [giscanner/]
gobject-introspection 1.83.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [giscanner/]
gobject-introspection 1.83.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [giscanner/]
gobject-introspection 1.83.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/scanner/]
gobject-introspection 1.83.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [giscanner/]
gobject-introspection 1.83.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [giscanner/]
gourmand 1.1.0+really1.1.0~rc3-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
gourmand 1.1.0+really1.1.0~rc3-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
gpaw 25.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [doc/platforms/Cray/]
gpaw 25.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [doc/platforms/BGQ/]
gpaw 25.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [doc/platforms/Cray/]
gpaw 25.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [doc/platforms/Cray/]
gpaw 25.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [doc/platforms/Cray/]
gpaw 25.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [doc/platforms/BGQ/]
gpaw 25.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [doc/platforms/Cray/]
gpyfft 0.7.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
grammalecte 2.1.2+ds2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [gc_lang/fr/dictionnaire/]
grammalecte 2.1.2+ds2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [gc_lang/fr/]
grammalecte 2.1.2+ds2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
grammalecte 2.1.2+ds2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [gc_lang/fr/dictionnaire/]
grammalecte 2.1.2+ds2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
graphviz 2.42.4-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [config/]
gridtools 2.3.8-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [_deps/pybind11-src/pybind11/]
gridtools 2.3.8-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [_deps/pybind11-src/pybind11/]
grpc 1.51.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/distrib/python/grpcio_tools/]
grpc 1.51.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
grpc 1.51.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/python/grpcio/]
grpc 1.51.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
grpc 1.51.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/distrib/python/grpcio_tools/]
grpc 1.51.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
grpc 1.51.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/python/grpcio/]
grpc 1.51.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/distrib/python/grpcio_tools/]
grpc 1.51.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/distrib/python/grpcio_tools/]
grpc 1.51.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/python/grpcio_tests/tests/protoc_plugin/]
grpc 1.51.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/python/grpcio_tests/]
grpc 1.51.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/python/grpcio/]
grpc 1.51.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
grpc 1.59.5-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [tools/run_tests/]
grpc 1.59.5-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/python/grpcio/]
grpc 1.59.5-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [tools/run_tests/]
grpc 1.59.5-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
gr-radar information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [examples/usrp/]
gr-satellites 5.5.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/]
guiqwt 4.4.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
guitarix 0.46.0+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/ampsim/circuit/]
guitarix 0.46.0+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/ampsim/circuit/]
guitarix 0.46.0+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/ampsim/]
guitarix 0.46.0+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [specmatch/]
guitarix 0.46.0+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/ampsim/]
gvb 1.4-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
gwakeonlan 0.8.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
h5py 3.13.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
h5py 3.13.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [examples/]
habluetooth 3.24.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
hamster-time-tracker 3.0.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [waflib/extras/]
healpy 1.18.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
healpy 1.18.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
healpy 1.18.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
healpy 1.18.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
healpy 1.18.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
healpy 1.18.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
hfst 3.16.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
hg-git 1.2.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/]
horizon 3:25.1.0-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [openstack_dashboard/management/commands/]
horizon 3:25.1.0-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [openstack_dashboard/]
hyperspy 1.7.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
hyperspy 1.7.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
hyperspy 1.7.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ibus 1.5.32~rc1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ibus-anthy 1.5.16-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
imexam 0.9.1-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
imexam 0.9.1-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/]
impacket 0.12.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [examples/]
influxdb-python 5.3.2-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [influxdb/tests/server_tests/]
intelhex 2.3.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
iotop 0.6-42-ga14256a-0.3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
iotop 0.6-42-ga14256a-0.3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ipmctl information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [edk2/BaseTools/Source/C/PyEfiCompressor/]
ipmctl information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 xdrlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [edk2/BaseTools/Scripts/]
ipy 1:1.01-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ipython-genutils 0.2.0-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
isenkram 0.66 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
isort 6.0.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/unit/profiles/]
isospec 2.2.1-4.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
isrcsubmit 2.1.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
itstool 2.0.6-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
jdcal 1.0-1.3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
jpy 1.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pysobug/]
jpy 1.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
jpy 1.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
jpy 1.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pysobug/]
jpy 1.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
jpy 1.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
jsonnet 0.20.0+ds-2.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/rapidyaml/rapidyaml/api/python/]
junos-eznc 2.7.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib/jnpr/junos/transport/]
jupyter-notebook 6.4.13-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [notebook/]
jupyter-notebook 6.4.13-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
jupyter-notebook 6.4.13-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
jupyter-notebook 6.4.13-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
jupyter-notebook 6.4.13-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 chunk (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/plat-irix6/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/plat-mac/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asynchat (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/java/org/python/indexer/data/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 audioop (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 audioop (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 uu (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asynchat (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 uu (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 xdrlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/email/mime/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 msilib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asynchat (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/plat-irix5/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [Lib/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 msilib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 uu (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/plat-irix6/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 sndhdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/java/org/python/indexer/data/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asynchat (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 smtpd (deprecated in Python 3.5.4, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/plat-mac/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [Lib/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 sunau (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 chunk (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asynchat (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/java/org/python/indexer/data/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 msilib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 msilib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/msilib/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/java/org/python/indexer/data/pkg/misc/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 sndhdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/email/mime/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 audioop (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 aifc (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [Lib/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/java/org/python/indexer/data/pkg/misc/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/plat-irix5/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/plat-mac/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 uu (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/email/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 uu (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/idlelib/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 aifc (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/distutils/command/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/2.7/distutils/tests/]
jython 2.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/2.7/test/]
kajongg 4:24.12.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
kajongg 4:24.12.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
kapidox 5.116.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [kapidox/]
kazam 1.4.5-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
keymapper 0.6.4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
khmer 3.0.0~a3+dfsg-9~0exp information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
khmer 3.0.0~a3+dfsg-9~0exp information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
khmer 3.0.0~a3+dfsg-9~0exp information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
khmer 3.0.0~a3+dfsg-9~0exp information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
kicad 9.0.0+dfsg-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [thirdparty/pybind11/pybind11/]
kicad 9.0.0+dfsg-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [thirdparty/pybind11/pybind11/]
kitchen 1.2.6-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
klaus 2.0.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [klaus/contrib/]
kleborate 2.4.1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
krank 0.7+dfsg2-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
kytos-utils 2019.2-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
labelme 5.6.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [labelme/cli/]
labelme 5.6.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
lammps 20250204+dfsg.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/eff/]
lammps 20250204+dfsg.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/eff/]
laundrify-aio 1.2.2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
lazyarray 0.5.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ledgerhelpers 0.3.10-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [tests/dogtail/]
lfm 3.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libapache2-mod-python information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [dist/]
libbde 20240502-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libcaes 0~20240413-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libcharon 5.0.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libcreg 20240419-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libcudacxx 2.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [libcxx/utils/libcxx/sym_check/]
libcudacxx 2.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [.upstream-tests/utils/]
libcudacxx 2.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [libcxx/utils/libcxx/test/]
libcudacxx 2.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [.upstream-tests/utils/libcudacxx/sym_check/]
libcudacxx 2.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [.upstream-tests/utils/libcudacxx/sym_check/]
libcudacxx 2.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [libcxx/utils/libcxx/sym_check/]
libcudacxx 2.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [.upstream-tests/utils/libcudacxx/test/]
libcudacxx 2.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [libcxx/utils/]
libdecaf 1.0.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libdecaf 1.0.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libesedb 20240420-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libevt 20200926-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libevt 20200926-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libevt 20200926-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libevtx 20240504-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libewf 20140816-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libewf 20171104-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libewf 20171104-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libewf 20171104-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libewf 20171104-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libewf 20171104-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libewf 20171104-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libfcrypto 0~20240414-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libfsapfs 20240429-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libfsext 20240501-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libfsfat 0~20240501-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libfshfs 20240501-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libfsntfs 20240501-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libfsxfs 20240501-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libfvde 20240502-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libfwnt 20240415-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libfwsi 20240423-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libgnatcoll-bindings 24.0.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python3/]
libgnatcoll-bindings 24.0.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libgnatcoll-bindings 25.0.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libkdtree++ 0.7.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python-bindings/]
libkdumpfile 0.5.4-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libkdumpfile 0.5.4-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libkdumpfile 0.5.4-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libkdumpfile 0.5.4-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libkdumpfile 0.5.4-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libkdumpfile 0.5.4-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libkdumpfile 0.5.4-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libkdumpfile 0.5.4-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libkdumpfile 0.5.4-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libkdumpfile 0.5.4-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libkdumpfile 0.5.4-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
liblarch 3.2.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
liblinear 2.43+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
liblinear 2.43+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
liblnk 20240423-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
liblouis 3.33.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libluksde 20240503-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libmodi 0~20240507-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libmsiecf 20181227-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libmsiecf 20181227-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libmsiecf 20181227-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libmsiecf 20181227-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libmsiecf 20181227-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libmsiecf 20181227-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libmsiecf 20181227-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libnatpmp 20230423-1.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libnatpmp 20230423-1.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libolecf 20181231-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libolecf 20181231-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libolecf 20181231-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libolecf 20181231-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libolecf 20181231-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libolecf 20181231-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libolecf 20181231-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libpff 20180714-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libpff 20180714-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libpff 20180714-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libpff 20180714-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libpff 20180714-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libpff 20180714-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libpff 20180714-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libphdi 0~20240508-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libpwquality 1.4.5-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libpwquality 1.4.5-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libpwquality 1.4.5-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libqcow 20240308-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libregf 20240421-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libsass-python 0.23.0-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libsass-python 0.23.0-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sassutils/]
libsass-python 0.23.0-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sassutils/]
libsass-python 0.23.0-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libsass-python 0.23.0-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libsass-python 0.23.0-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sassutils/]
libscca 20200717-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libscca 20200717-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libscca 20200717-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libsigscan 20240505-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libslow5lib 0.7.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [debian/]
libsmdev 20190315-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libsmdev 20190315-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libsmdev 20190315-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libsmdev 20190315-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libsmdev 20190315-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libsmdev 20190315-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libsmdev 20190315-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libsmraw 20240506-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libtcod 1.24.0+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libtcod 1.24.0+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libtcod 1.24.0+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
libvhdi 20240509-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libvmdk 20240510-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libvsapm 0~20240503-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libvsgpt 0~20240504-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libvshadow 20240504-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
libvslvm 20240504-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
lintian-brush 0.160 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lintian-brush/tests/debian-watch-file-is-missing/pypi/in/]
lintian-brush 0.160 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lintian-brush/tests/debian-watch-file-is-missing/native/in/]
lintian-brush 0.160 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lintian-brush/tests/debian-watch-file-is-missing/pypi/out/]
linuxcnc 2.9.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [share/qtvcp/panels/test_panel/]
linux-show-player 0.5.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 aifc (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lisp/backend/]
linux-show-player 0.5.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 sunau (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lisp/backend/]
lios 2.7.2-8 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
lios 2.7.2+git20221124-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
llvmlite 0.42.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
llvmlite 0.42.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
llvmlite 0.42.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
llvmlite 0.42.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
llvmlite 0.42.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
llvmlite 0.42.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
llvmlite 0.42.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
llvmlite 0.42.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
llvmlite 0.42.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
llvmlite 0.43.0-1~exp1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
llvmlite 0.43.0-1~exp1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
llvmlite 0.43.0-1~exp1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
llvmlite 0.43.0-1~exp1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
llvmlite 0.43.0-1~exp1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
llvmlite 0.43.0-1~exp1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
llvmlite 0.43.0-1~exp1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
llvmlite 0.43.0-1~exp1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
llvmlite 0.43.0-1~exp1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
llvm-toolchain-14 1:14.0.6-20 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [libcxx/utils/libcxx/test/]
llvm-toolchain-14 1:14.0.6-20 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [compiler-rt/lib/asan/scripts/]
llvm-toolchain-14 1:14.0.6-20 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [clang/utils/check_cfc/]
llvm-toolchain-14 1:14.0.6-20 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/]
llvm-toolchain-14 1:14.0.6-20 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [llvm/utils/]
llvm-toolchain-14 1:14.0.6-20 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [clang/utils/]
llvm-toolchain-14 1:14.0.6-20 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [libcxx/utils/libcxx/test/]
llvm-toolchain-14 1:14.0.6-20 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [compiler-rt/test/sanitizer_common/ios_commands/]
llvm-toolchain-14 1:14.0.6-20 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third-party/benchmark/]
llvm-toolchain-14 1:14.0.6-20 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [libcxx/utils/]
llvm-toolchain-14 1:14.0.6-20 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/]
llvm-toolchain-14 1:14.0.6-20 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [libcxx/utils/libcxx/sym_check/]
llvm-toolchain-14 1:14.0.6-20 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [libcxx/utils/libcxx/test/]
llvm-toolchain-14 1:14.0.6-20 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lldb/third_party/Python/module/pexpect-4.6/]
llvm-toolchain-14 1:14.0.6-20 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [clang/utils/]
llvm-toolchain-14 1:14.0.6-20 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/]
llvm-toolchain-14 1:14.0.6-20 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [libcxx/utils/libcxx/sym_check/]
llvm-toolchain-14 1:14.0.6-20 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lldb/test/Shell/]
llvm-toolchain-17 1:17.0.6-21 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/]
llvm-toolchain-17 1:17.0.6-21 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third-party/benchmark/]
llvm-toolchain-17 1:17.0.6-21 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/]
llvm-toolchain-17 1:17.0.6-21 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lldb/third_party/Python/module/pexpect-4.6/]
llvm-toolchain-17 1:17.0.6-21 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cross-project-tests/]
llvm-toolchain-17 1:17.0.6-21 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [clang/utils/check_cfc/]
llvm-toolchain-18 1:18.1.8-16 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lldb/third_party/Python/module/pexpect-4.6/]
llvm-toolchain-18 1:18.1.8-16 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/]
llvm-toolchain-18 1:18.1.8-16 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cross-project-tests/]
llvm-toolchain-18 1:18.1.8-16 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third-party/benchmark/]
llvm-toolchain-18 1:18.1.8-16 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/]
llvm-toolchain-18 1:18.1.8-16 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [clang/utils/check_cfc/]
llvm-toolchain-19 1:19.1.7-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [clang/utils/check_cfc/]
llvm-toolchain-20 1:20.1.0~+rc3-1~exp1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [clang/utils/check_cfc/]
llvm-toolchain-snapshot 1:20~++20250107094038+ea14bdb0356c-1~exp1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [clang/utils/check_cfc/]
logging-tree 1.9-1.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
lomiri 0.3.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/autopilot/]
lptools 0.3.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ludevit 9.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
lxml 5.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [doc/s5/ep2008/]
lxml 5.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
lxml 5.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
lxml 5.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
lybniz 3.0.4-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
lybniz 3.0.4-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Archive/Version 1/]
mailman3 3.3.8-3.4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 nntplib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/mailman/commands/]
mailman3 3.3.8-3.4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 nntplib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/mailman/commands/tests/]
mailman3 3.3.8-3.4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 nntplib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/mailman/runners/tests/]
mailman3 3.3.8-3.4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 nntplib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/mailman/runners/]
mailnag 2.2.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mailnag 2.2.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mailnag 2.2.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mailnag 2.2.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mailnag 2.2.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mailnag 2.2.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mako 1.3.8-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [examples/wsgi/]
mame 0.275+dfsg.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [3rdparty/portmidi/pm_python/]
mame 0.275+dfsg.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [3rdparty/portmidi/pm_python/]
mapdamage 2.2.2+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mapdamage 2.2.2+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
marisa 0.2.6-18 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [bindings/python/]
markupsafe 2.1.5-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
markupsafe 2.1.5-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
markupsafe 2.1.5-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mdanalysis 2.8.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [package/]
mdanalysis 2.8.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [package/]
mdtraj 1.10.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mdtraj 1.10.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mdtraj 1.10.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mdtraj 1.10.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mdtraj 1.10.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mdtraj 1.10.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mecab 0.996-15.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [debian/python/]
mediagoblin 0.9.0~dfsg-1~exp4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [mediagoblin/tests/]
mediagoblin 0.9.0~dfsg-1~exp4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [mediagoblin/tests/]
memory-allocator 0.1.3-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 6.9.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 6.9.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 6.9.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [contrib/python-zstandard/]
mercurial 6.9.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 6.9.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 6.9.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [contrib/python-zstandard/]
mercurial 6.9.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 6.9.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [contrib/python-zstandard/]
mercurial 6.9.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 6.9.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [contrib/python-zstandard/]
mercurial 6.9.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 6.9.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 6.9.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 6.9.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 6.9.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 6.9.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 6.9.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 6.9.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 6.9.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 7.0~rc0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 7.0~rc0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 7.0~rc0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [contrib/python-zstandard/]
mercurial 7.0~rc0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 7.0~rc0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 7.0~rc0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mercurial 7.0~rc0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [contrib/python-zstandard/]
mercurial 7.0~rc0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [contrib/python-zstandard/]
mercurial 7.0~rc0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [contrib/python-zstandard/]
mercurial-evolve 11.1.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mesa 25.0.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [.gitlab-ci/bare-metal/]
metaphlan 4.0.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [metaphlan/]
meteo-qt 3.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
meteo-qt 3.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
micropython 1.24.0+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [ports/cc3200/tools/]
milksnake 0.1.5-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [milksnake/]
milksnake 0.1.5-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [milksnake/]
milksnake 0.1.5-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [milksnake/]
milksnake 0.1.5-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [milksnake/]
milksnake 0.1.5-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [milksnake/]
minieigen 0.50.3+dfsg1-13 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mininet 2.3.0-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [util/vm/]
miniupnpc 2.2.8-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mirage 0.11.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mitmproxy 8.1.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [mitmproxy/contentviews/image/]
mlat-client-adsbfi 0.4.2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [mlat/client/]
mlat-client-adsbfi 0.4.2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [mlat/client/]
mlat-client-adsbfi 0.4.2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [flightaware/client/]
mlat-client-adsbfi 0.4.2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [mlat/client/]
mlpy 3.5.0+ds-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mlpy 3.5.0+ds-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mlpy 3.5.0+ds-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mnemosyne 2.11+ds1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [science_server/]
mnemosyne 2.11+ds1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [mnemosyne/web_server/]
monajat 4.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
monajat 4.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
monajat 4.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mono information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [external/bockbuild/bockbuild/]
mono information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [external/bockbuild/packages/]
montage 6.1+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/MontagePy/]
montage 6.1+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/MontagePy/]
mopidy 3.4.2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/]
mopidy-local 3.2.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [mopidy_local/]
morfessor 2.0.6-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/mozbase/mozrunner/mozrunner/devices/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/wheel/wheel/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/mozbase/moznetwork/tests/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/wheel/wheel/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/mozbase/mozdebug/mozdebug/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pylru/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pyrsistent/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/wheel/wheel/cli/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/mozlint/test/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/wheel/wheel/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/PyYAML/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/wheel/wheel/vendored/packaging/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/config/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/MarkupSafe/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/python-hglib/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/pytest/extra/setup-py.test/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/python/aiohttp/aiohttp/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/mozperftest/mozperftest/test/browsertime/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/MarkupSafe/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [python/mozbuild/mozbuild/action/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/aiohttp/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/mozbase/mozgeckoprofiler/mozgeckoprofiler/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptserve/wptserve/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/mozperftest/mozperftest/test/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/PyYAML/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pyrsistent/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/aiohttp/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/runner/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/py/testing/log/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/MarkupSafe/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/python/dlmanager/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/mozperftest/mozperftest/fzf/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pyrsistent/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/mozbase/mozrunner/mozrunner/devices/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs115 115.21.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/wheel/wheel/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/PyYAML/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/python-hglib/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/py/testing/log/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/config/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/MarkupSafe/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/mozperftest/mozperftest/test/browsertime/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptserve/wptserve/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/MarkupSafe/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/mozperftest/mozperftest/test/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pyrsistent/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/mozbase/mozrunner/mozrunner/devices/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pylru/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/MarkupSafe/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/mozlint/test/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/PyYAML/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/runner/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pyrsistent/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/python/dlmanager/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pyrsistent/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/pytest/extra/setup-py.test/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mozjs128 128.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
mpi4py 4.0.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
mpi4py 4.0.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
mpi4py 4.0.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
mpi4py 4.0.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
mpi4py 4.0.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
mpi4py 4.0.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
mpi4py 4.0.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
mpi4py 4.0.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
mpi4py 4.0.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
mpi4py 4.0.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
mpi4py-fft 2.0.6-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mpi4py-fft 2.0.6-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mpich 4.2.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [modules/ucx/test/apps/]
mpich 4.3.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [modules/ucx/test/apps/]
mpl-scatter-density 0.7-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [mpl_scatter_density/tests/]
mpl-scatter-density 0.7-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mrmpi 1.0~20140404-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
mrpt 1:2.14.7+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [scripts/clang_git_format/clang_git_format/]
mrtrix3 3.0.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib/mrtrix3/dwibiascorrect/]
mrtrix3 3.0.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib/mrtrix3/]
mrtrix3 3.0.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib/mrtrix3/]
mrtrix3 3.0.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib/mrtrix3/_5ttgen/]
mrtrix3 3.0.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib/mrtrix3/]
mrtrix3 3.0.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [bin/]
mrtrix3 3.0.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib/mrtrix3/_5ttgen/]
multiprocess 0.70.17-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
multiprocess 0.70.17-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
munkres 1.1.4-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
mypy 1.15.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [mypyc/lib-rt/]
mypy 1.15.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [mypyc/lib-rt/]
mysql-connector-python 9.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [mysql-connector-python/tests/]
mysql-connector-python 9.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [mysqlx-connector-python/tests/]
mysql-workbench 8.0.41+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [plugins/wb.admin/backend/]
mysql-workbench 8.0.41+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ext/scintilla/qt/ScintillaEditPy/]
mysql-workbench 8.0.41+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [library/forms/swig/]
nabu 2024.2.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [nabu/stitching/utils/]
nagiosplugin 1.3.2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [doc/]
nagiosplugin 1.3.2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
nb2plots 0.7.2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
nb2plots 0.7.2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
nbclassic 0.3.2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
nbgitpuller 1.0.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ndms2-client 0.1.3-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [ndms2_client/]
netifaces 0.11.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
netifaces 0.11.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
nextpnr 0.7-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [3rdparty/pybind11/pybind11/]
nextpnr 0.7-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [3rdparty/pybind11/pybind11/]
nfsometer 1.9-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
nfstest 3.2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
nfstest 3.2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
nipy 0.6.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/]
nitime 0.11-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/]
nordugrid-arc-nagios-plugins 2.0.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
notmuch 0.38.3-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [bindings/python/]
notmuch 0.39~rc1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [contrib/python-legacy/]
nova 2:30.0.0-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [nova/scheduler/filters/]
novnc 1:1.3.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
npm2deb 0.3.0-13 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
npm2deb 0.3.0-13 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
nrpe-ng 0.2.0-1.3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ntplib 0.3.3-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/fcompiler/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/fcompiler/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/tests/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/fcompiler/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/_core/tests/examples/cython/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/fcompiler/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/fcompiler/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/tests/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/fcompiler/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/swig/test/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/fcompiler/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/fcompiler/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
numpy 1:2.2.3+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [numpy/distutils/command/]
ocrfeeder 0.8.5-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/ocrfeeder/util/]
ofxstatement 0.9.2-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-intesasp/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [_ofxstatement-germany/germany_postbank/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-iso20022/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-raiffeisencz/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-de-triodos/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-lansforsakringar/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-be-kbc/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-otp/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-postfinance/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-austrian/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [_ofxstatement-germany/germany_1822direkt/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-fineco/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-be-triodos/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-dab/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [_ofxstatement-paypal/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-consors/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-unicreditcz/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-lfs/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-is-arionbanki/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-latvian/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-polish/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-czech/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-al_bank/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-be-keytrade/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-russian/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-be-ing/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-de-ing/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-bubbas/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-mbank-sk/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-seb/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-airbankcz/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-be-argenta/]
ofxstatement-plugins 20210310+nmu2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ofxstatement-lithuanian/]
olm 3.2.16+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib/curve25519-donna/]
onioncircuits 0.8.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
openbabel 3.1.1+dfsg-11 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [scripts/python/]
openbabel 3.1.1+dfsg-11 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [scripts/python/]
openbabel 3.1.1+dfsg-11 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [scripts/python/]
openbabel 3.1.1+dfsg-11 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [scripts/python/]
openscad 2021.01-8 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [scripts/]
opensubdiv 3.6.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
opensubdiv 3.6.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
opentsne 1.0.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
opentsne 1.0.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
opentsne 1.0.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
opentsne 1.0.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
orange3 3.38.1-2.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
orange3 3.38.1-2.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
orange3 3.38.1-2.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
orange3 3.38.1-2.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
oscrypto 1.3.0-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [dev/]
oz 0.17.0-5.5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
oz 0.17.0-5.5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pacparser 1.4.5-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/pymod/]
pagekite information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [scripts/legacy-testing/]
pagekite information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [scripts/legacy-testing/]
pagekite information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [scripts/legacy-testing/]
pagekite information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [pagekite/]
pagekite information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [scripts/legacy-testing/]
pagekite information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [pagekite/]
pagekite information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [scripts/legacy-testing/]
pairtools 1.1.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [pairtools/cli/]
pairtools 1.1.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [pairtools/lib/]
pam-python 1.1.0~git20220701.1d4e111-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/]
paramiko 3.5.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
paramiko 3.5.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
paramiko 3.5.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
paramiko 3.5.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
paraview 5.13.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [VTK/Utilities/Maintenance/]
paraview 5.13.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Utilities/Maintenance/]
paraview 5.13.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [VTK/Utilities/Maintenance/]
parmed 4.3.0+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pcbasic 2.0.7-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [make/]
pcbasic 2.0.7-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 chunk (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [pcbasic/basic/devices/]
pcbasic 2.0.7-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [make/]
pcbasic 2.0.7-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 msilib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [make/]
pcp 6.3.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/python/]
pdfarranger 1.11.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pdfposter 0.8.1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pdfposter 0.8.1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
petsc 3.22.3+dfsg1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
petsc4py 3.22.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [demo/legacy/wrap-cython/]
petsc4py 3.22.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
petsc4py 3.22.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
petsc4py 3.22.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
petsc4py 3.22.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [demo/legacy/wrap-cython/]
petsc4py 3.22.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
petsc4py 3.22.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
petsc4py 3.22.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
pexpect 4.9-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
photofilmstrip 4.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
photofilmstrip 4.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
photofilmstrip 4.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
photofilmstrip 4.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
photofilmstrip 4.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
photofilmstrip 4.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
photofilmstrip 4.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
photofilmstrip 4.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
picard 2.13.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [resources/]
picard 2.13.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [resources/]
picard 2.13.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [resources/]
picard 2.13.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [resources/]
picard 2.13.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [resources/]
pigpio 1.78-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pillow-sane 2.9.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [debian/PILcompat/]
pillow-sane 2.9.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [debian/PILcompat/]
pipenv 2024.0.1+ds-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pipenv/patched/pip/_internal/locations/]
pipenv 2024.0.1+ds-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pipenv/patched/pip/_internal/locations/]
pipenv 2024.0.1+ds-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pipenv/patched/pip/_internal/locations/]
pipenv 2024.0.1+ds-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pipenv/patched/pip/_internal/locations/]
pius 3.0.0-8 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pivy 0.6.9~a0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pivy 0.6.9~a0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pivy 0.6.9~a0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pivy 0.6.9~a0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pivy 0.6.9~a0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pivy 0.6.9~a0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pivy 0.6.9~a0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pivy 0.6.9~a0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pivy 0.6.9~a0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pivy 0.6.9~a0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pivy 0.6.9~a0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pivy 0.6.9~a0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pivy 0.6.9~a0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
plastex 3.0-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [plasTeX/Renderers/PageTemplate/simpletal/]
plip 2.4.0+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
plover 4.0.0~rc5-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [linux/appimage/]
pocketsphinx-python 1:0.1.15-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pocketsphinx-python 1:0.1.15-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pocsuite3 2.0.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [pocsuite3/pocs/]
pocsuite3 2.0.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [pocsuite3/modules/listener/]
podcastparser 0.6.10-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
poetry 2.0.1+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/fixtures/directory/project_with_transitive_directory_dependencies/]
porechop 0.2.4+dfsg-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
porechop 0.2.4+dfsg-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
porechop 0.2.4+dfsg-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
porechop 0.2.4+dfsg-8 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
porechop 0.2.4+dfsg-8 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
porechop 0.2.4+dfsg-8 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
portalocker 2.2.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pplpy 0.8.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
prewikka 5.2.0-2.3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
prewikka 5.2.0-2.3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [prewikka/views/idmefnav/]
prewikka 5.2.0-2.3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
prewikka 5.2.0-2.3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
prewikka 5.2.0-2.3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
prewikka 5.2.0-2.3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [prewikka/web/]
primecountpy 0.1.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
printrun 2.0.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [printrun/]
printrun 2.0.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
proglog 0.1.9-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
prospector 1.10.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/tools/pyroma/testdata/pkg1/tests/]
prospector 1.10.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/tools/pyroma/testdata/pkg1/ignored_pkg/]
prospector 1.10.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/tools/pyroma/testdata/pkg1/this_one_is_fine/]
prospector 1.10.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/tools/pyroma/testdata/]
psautohint 2.4.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
psautohint 2.4.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
psautohint 2.4.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
psautohint 2.4.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
psautohint 2.4.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
psi4 1:1.3.2+dfsg-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conda/]
psychopy 2023.2.4+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
psychopy 2023.2.4+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [psychopy/app/coder/]
psycopg2 2.9.10-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
psycopg2 2.9.10-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
psycopg2 2.9.10-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
psycopg3 3.2.5-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [psycopg_c/]
psycopg3 3.2.5-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [psycopg_c/]
pwntools 4.14.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pwntools 4.14.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pwntools 4.14.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
py3c 1.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [test/]
pyacidobasic 3.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyaes 1.6.1-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pybigwig 0.3.23+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pybik 3.0-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pybik 3.0-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pybik 3.0-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pybik 3.0-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pybik 3.0-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pybik 3.0-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pybik 3.0-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pybik 3.0-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pybik 3.0-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pybik 3.0-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pybik 3.0-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pybind11 2.13.6-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pybind11/]
pybind11 2.13.6-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pybind11/]
pybj 0.2.6-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pybj 0.2.6-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pybj 0.2.6-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pybj 0.2.6-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pybj 0.2.6-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pybtex 0.24.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pybtex 0.24.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pycairo 1.26.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pycairo 1.26.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pycairo 1.26.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pycairo 1.26.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pycairo 1.26.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pycairo 1.26.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pycares 4.4.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pycdio 2.1.1-1.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pycdio 2.1.1-1.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pycifrw 4.4.6-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/Programs/]
pycryptodome 3.20.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pycryptodome 3.20.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pycryptodome 3.20.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyct 0.5.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pyct/]
pycxx 7.1.8-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Demo/Python2/]
pycxx 7.1.8-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pycxx 7.1.8-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pycxx 7.1.8-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pydispatcher 2.0.7-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyemd information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyemd information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyephem 4.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyethash 0.1.27-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyferret 7.6.5-9 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyferret 7.6.5-9 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyferret 7.6.5-9 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyfltk 1.3.9+repack-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyfltk 1.3.9+repack-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyfltk 1.3.9+repack-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyfltk 1.3.9+repack-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyfribidi 0.12.0+repack-12 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyfribidi 0.12.0+repack-12 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyfribidi 0.12.0+repack-12 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyfribidi 0.12.0+repack-12 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyfribidi 0.12.0+repack-12 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyfzf 0.3.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pygame 2.6.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pygame 2.6.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pygame 2.6.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pygame 2.6.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pygame 2.6.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pygame 2.6.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pygame 2.6.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pygame 2.6.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pygopherd 3.0.1-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [simpletal/]
pygresql 1:6.1.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pygresql 1:6.1.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyhoca-gui information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyicu 2.14-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyinotify 0.9.6-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [python3/]
pyinotify 0.9.6-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [python2/]
pyinotify 0.9.6-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [python2/examples/]
pyinotify 0.9.6-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyinotify 0.9.6-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyinstaller 6.12.0+ds-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyinstaller 6.12.0+ds-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyjunitxml 0.7-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pylibmc 1.6.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pylint 3.3.4-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/functional/r/regression_02/]
pylint 3.3.4-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [doc/data/messages/d/deprecated-module/]
pylint 3.3.4-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/functional/r/regression_02/]
pylint 3.3.4-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/functional/r/regression_02/]
pylint 3.3.4-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/functional/r/regression_02/]
pylint 3.3.4-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [tests/functional/a/access/]
pylint 3.3.4-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/functional/d/deprecated/]
pylint-flask 0.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pymad 0.11.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pymad 0.11.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pymca 5.9.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/PyMca5/PyMcaMath/fitting/specfit/]
pymca 5.9.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/PyMca5/PyMcaMath/fitting/specfit/]
pymca 5.9.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/PyMca5/PyMcaIO/sps/]
pymca 5.9.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/PyMca5/PyMcaIO/specfile/]
pymca 5.9.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/PyMca5/PyMcaIO/edf/]
pymca 5.9.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/PyMca5/PyMcaMath/mva/py_nnma/]
pymca 5.9.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/PyMca5/PyMcaIO/sps/]
pymca 5.9.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/PyMca5/PyMcaGraph/ctools/_ctools/]
pymca 5.9.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/PyMca5/PyMcaIO/edf/]
pymca 5.9.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/PyMca5/PyMcaPhysics/xas/_xas/]
pymca 5.9.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/PyMca5/PyMcaIO/specfile/]
pymecavideo 8.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/]
pymia 0.1.9-2.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pymia 0.1.9-2.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pymoc 0.5.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pymol 3.0.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [modules/web/examples/]
pymol 3.0.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pymol 3.0.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pymol 3.0.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pymol 3.0.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pymol 3.0.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pymol 3.0.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pymol 3.0.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [modules/pymol/]
pymol 3.0.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pymol 3.0.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [examples/devel/]
pymol 3.0.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pymol 3.0.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pymol 3.0.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/tests/system/]
pymol 3.0.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pymol 3.0.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pymol 3.0.0+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [examples/devel/]
pympler 1.1+dfsg1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [pympler/util/]
pymssql 2.3.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [dev/]
pymssql 2.3.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pymssql 2.3.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pymssql 2.3.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [dev/]
pymssql 2.3.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [dev/]
pymssql 2.3.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pynag 1.1.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pynormaliz 2.21+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pynormaliz 2.21+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pynormaliz 2.21+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyopencl 2024.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pyopencl/compyte/ndarray/]
pyopencl 2024.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pyopencl/compyte/ndarray/]
pyopencl 2024.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pyopencl/compyte/ndarray/]
pyopengl 3.1.7+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyppd 1.1.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyppd 1.1.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pypureomapi 0.8-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extra_tests/cffi_tests/cffi0/snippets/distutils_package_1/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Doc/includes/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asynchat (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 msilib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/3/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Misc/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asynchat (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 msilib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Tools/webchecker/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/PC/VS9.0/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib_pypy/hpy/devel/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/PC/VS9.0/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asynchat (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 sunau (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 uu (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 msilib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/PC/VS9.0/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 msilib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 msilib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Tools/msi/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [rpython/tool/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Misc/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pypy/module/_hpy_universal/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/idlelib/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/plat-irix5/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 xdrlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Misc/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pypy/module/_hpy_universal/_vendored/hpy/devel/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 smtpd (deprecated in Python 3.5.4, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [pypy/tool/tb_server/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pypy/module/_hpy_universal/_vendored/hpy/devel/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Misc/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/PC/VS9.0/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 msilib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/3/msilib/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 uu (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Mac/Modules/qt/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 aifc (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Tools/faqwiz/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 sndhdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/email/mime/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Tools/scripts/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 msilib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Mac/Modules/launch/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Tools/scripts/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 audioop (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Mac/Demo/sound/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extra_tests/cffi_tests/cffi0/snippets/distutils_module/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 sndhdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pypy/module/_hpy_universal/_vendored/hpy/devel/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib_pypy/hpy/devel/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extra_tests/cffi_tests/cffi0/snippets/infrastructure/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/plat-irix6/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 nntplib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Tools/msi/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Demo/cgi/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 audioop (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 msilib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/msilib/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extra_tests/cffi_tests/cffi0/snippets/distutils_package_2/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 msilib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Tools/msi/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 audioop (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 aifc (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Mac/Demo/sound/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib_pypy/hpy/devel/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Misc/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asynchat (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib_pypy/_cffi_ssl/_cffi_src/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 msilib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Tools/msi/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/plat-mac/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/plat-irix5/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/plat-irix6/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/plat-mac/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 sunau (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib_pypy/hpy/devel/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pypy/module/_hpy_universal/test/_vendored/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/email/mime/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib_pypy/_cffi_ssl/_cffi_src/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 chunk (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Mac/Modules/osa/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 msilib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Tools/msi/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/plat-mac/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 nntplib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [lib-python/3/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 uu (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 chunk (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Tools/nuget/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asynchat (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Demo/tkinter/guido/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Doc/includes/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Tools/nuget/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pypy/module/_hpy_universal/_vendored/hpy/devel/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 uu (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/email/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Demo/cgi/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extra_tests/hpy_tests/_vendored/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 audioop (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [cpython27/Lib/test/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cpython27/Lib/distutils/command/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pypy3 7.3.19+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib-python/3/distutils/tests/]
pyqso 1.1.0-8 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [pyqso/]
pyqt-qwt 1.02.02-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyqt-qwt 1.02.02-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyqwt3d 0.1.8-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyranges 0.0.111+ds-8 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyreadstat 1.2.8-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyrle 0.0.33-4.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyroma 4.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pyroma/]
pyrsistent 0.20.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyscanfcs 0.3.6+ds-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyscanfcs 0.3.6+ds-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [misc/]
pyscanfcs 0.3.6+ds-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [misc/]
pyscard 2.2.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/smartcard/Examples/wx/apdumanager/]
pyscard 2.2.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/smartcard/Examples/wx/cardmonitor/]
pyscard 2.2.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/smartcard/Examples/wx/readerviewer/]
pysdl2 0.9.17+dfsg-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [.ci/]
pysendfile 2.0.1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [test/]
pysendfile 2.0.1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asynchat (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [test/]
pyserial 3.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [examples/]
pyserial 3.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [examples/]
pyserial 3.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [examples/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [examples/utils/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyside2 5.15.16-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_scripts/]
pyspf 2.0.14-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pysqm 0.4.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pysubnettree 0.36-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pysurfer 0.11.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [surfer/]
pysurfer 0.11.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [surfer/tests/]
pysvn 1.9.22-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Import/pycxx-7.1.9/Demo/Python2/]
pysvn 1.9.22-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Import/pycxx-7.1.9/]
pysvn 1.9.22-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Import/pycxx-7.1.9/]
pysvn 1.9.22-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Import/pycxx-7.1.9/]
pysvn 1.9.22-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Import/pycxx-7.1.9/Demo/Python3/]
pytest-dependency 0.5.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/c_parser/preprocessor/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 nntplib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [Lib/test/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 msilib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [Lib/msilib/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 msilib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [Lib/test/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.12 3.12.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/c_parser/preprocessor/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Lib/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3.13 3.13.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Tools/c-analyzer/distutils/]
python3-openid 3.2.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgitb (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [examples/]
python3-openid 3.2.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgitb (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [examples/]
python3-openid 3.2.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [examples/djopenid/server/]
python3-simpletal 5.2-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-aalib 0.4-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-aalib 0.4-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-aalib 0.4-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-acora 2.5-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-aenum 3.1.15-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-aioesphomeapi 25.1.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-aiopulse 0.4.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-aiortc 1.6.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 audioop (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/aiortc/codecs/]
python-aiortc 1.6.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 audioop (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/aiortc/codecs/]
python-alignlib 0.1.1+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-alignlib 0.1.1+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-altgraph 0.17.4+ds-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-apsw information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-argon2 21.1.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-argon2 21.1.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-argon2 21.1.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-assertpy 1.1-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-avro 1.12.0+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lang/py/]
python-azure 20250304+git-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sdk/core/azure-servicemanagement-legacy/]
python-azure 20250304+git-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sdk/cosmos/azure-mgmt-documentdb/]
python-azure 20250304+git-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/azure-sdk-tools/ci_tools/conda/]
python-backcall 0.2.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-biotools 1.2.12-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-bitbucket-api 0.5.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-braintree 4.31.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/integration/]
python-bsddb3 6.2.9-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-bsddb3 6.2.9-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-bsddb3 6.2.9-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-bsddb3 6.2.9-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-bsddb3 6.2.9-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-bsddb3 6.2.9-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-bsddb3 6.2.9-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-bsddb3 6.2.9-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-btrees 6.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-btrees 6.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-btrees 6.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-btrfs 14.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-bumps 1.0.0a13-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-calmjs 3.4.2-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/calmjs/tests/]
python-calmjs 3.4.2-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/calmjs/]
python-calmjs 3.4.2-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/calmjs/]
python-calmjs 3.4.2-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/calmjs/]
python-calmjs 3.4.2-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/calmjs/]
python-calmjs 3.4.2-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/calmjs/tests/]
python-calmjs 3.4.2-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/calmjs/tests/]
python-calmjs 3.4.2-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/calmjs/tests/]
python-calmjs 3.4.2-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/calmjs/]
python-casacore 3.5.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-casacore 3.5.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-casacore 3.5.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-casacore 3.5.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-cassandra-driver 3.29.2-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-cassandra-driver 3.29.2-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-cassandra-driver 3.29.2-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-cassandra-driver 3.29.2-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-cassandra-driver 3.29.2-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-cbor 1.0.0-1.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-cbor 1.0.0-1.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-cffi 1.17.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/cffi0/snippets/distutils_package_1/]
python-cffi 1.17.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [demo/]
python-cffi 1.17.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/cffi0/snippets/distutils_package_2/]
python-cffi 1.17.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [demo/]
python-cffi 1.17.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [demo/]
python-cffi 1.17.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/cffi0/snippets/distutils_module/]
python-cffi 1.17.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/cffi0/snippets/infrastructure/]
python-cigar 0.1.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-clickhouse-driver 0.2.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-cloudkittyclient 5.2.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cloudkittyclient/v2/]
python-cmarkgfm 0.8.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/cmarkgfm/]
python-cmarkgfm 0.8.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/cmarkgfm/]
python-coloredlogs 15.0.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-coloredlogs 15.0.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [coloredlogs/converter/]
python-confluent-kafka 1.7.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-convertertools 0.6.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-coverage 7.6.0+dfsg1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-coverage 7.6.0+dfsg1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-crcmod 1.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-crcmod 1.7+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-csa 0.1.12-1.3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-cups 2.0.4-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-dateutil 2.9.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-dcos 0.2.0-10 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [dcos/]
python-dcos 0.2.0-10 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [dcos/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [asynchat/asynchat/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asynchat (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [smtpd/smtpd/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 nntplib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [nntplib/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [smtpd/smtpd/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/tests/]
python-deadlib 3.13.0-5 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [distutils/distutils/command/]
python-deeptoolsintervals 0.1.9-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-devialet 1.5.7-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-dicttoxml 1.7.16-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-dirq 1.8-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-discord 2.5.0+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 audioop (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [discord/]
python-django 3:4.2.19-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-django-babel 0.6.2-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [django_babel/management/commands/]
python-django-debreach 2.1.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/]
python-django-debreach 2.1.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [debreach/]
python-django-dynamic-fixture 4.0.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-django-extensions 3.2.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-django-extensions 3.2.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-django-extensions 3.2.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [django_extensions/management/commands/]
python-django-postgres-extra 2.0.8-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-dmidecode 3.12.3-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/]
python-dmidecode 3.12.3-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/]
python-dmidecode 3.12.3-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/]
python-dropbox 12.0.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-dsv 1.4.1-13 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-easygui 0.98.1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-easysnmp 0.2.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-easysnmp 0.2.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-echo 0.5-2.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-editor 1.0.3-10 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-enet 0.0~vcs.2022.12.26.git-0.3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-enet 0.0~vcs.2022.12.26.git-0.3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-enigma 0.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-enmerkar 0.7.1-8 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [enmerkar/management/commands/]
python-epc 0.0.5-5.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-escript 5.6-10 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [site_scons/]
python-escript 5.6-10 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [escriptcore/py_src/symbolic/]
python-espeak 0.5-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-ewah-bool-utils 1.2.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-ewah-bool-utils 1.2.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-ewah-bool-utils 1.2.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-ewah-bool-utils 1.2.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-feather-format 0.3.1+dfsg1-8 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-feather-format 0.3.1+dfsg1-8 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-feather-format 0.3.1+dfsg1-8 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [feather/]
python-feather-format 0.3.1+dfsg1-8 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [feather/]
python-fedora 1.1.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-firehose 0.5-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-flanker 0.9.15-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [flanker/mime/message/]
python-fnv-hash-fast 0.5.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-freecontact 1.1-9 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-fsquota 0.1.0+dfsg1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-ftputil 5.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-gammu 3.2.4-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-getdns 1.0.0~b1-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-getdns 1.0.0~b1-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-gevent 24.11.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-gevent 24.11.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-gevent 24.11.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-gevent 24.11.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 smtpd (deprecated in Python 3.5.4, removed in Python 3.12) [src/greentest/3.9/]
python-gevent 24.11.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-gevent 24.11.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [src/greentest/3.9/]
python-gevent 24.11.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-gevent 24.11.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [src/greentest/3.9/]
python-gevent 24.11.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-gevent 24.11.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asynchat (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [src/greentest/3.9/]
python-gevent 24.11.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [src/greentest/3.9/]
python-gevent 24.11.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [src/greentest/3.9/]
python-gnuplot 1.8-9 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-grpc-tools 1.14.1-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-grpc-tools 1.14.1-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-grpc-tools 1.14.1-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-guess-language 0.5.2-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-gwebsockets 0.7-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-hdf5storage 0.1.19-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-hglib 2.6.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-hjson 3.1.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-http-parser 0.9.0+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-http-parser 0.9.0+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-http-parser 0.9.0+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-hug 2.6.0-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [hug/]
python-hug 2.6.0-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [hug/]
python-hug 2.6.0-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [tests/]
python-hypothesis 6.127.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [hypothesis-python/tests/ghostwriter/]
python-igor 0.3-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-imgviz 1.7.5+ds-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-iowait 0.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-ipfix 0.9.7-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-isc-dhcp-leases 0.10.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-jedi 0.19.1+ds1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [test/examples/init_extension_module/]
python-jenkinsapi 0.3.13-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [examples/low_level/]
python-jenkinsapi 0.3.13-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [jenkinsapi/utils/]
python-jieba 0.42.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-jpype 1.5.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setupext/]
python-jpype 1.5.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setupext/]
python-jpype 1.5.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setupext/]
python-jpype 1.5.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setupext/]
python-jpype 1.5.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setupext/]
python-jpype 1.5.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setupext/]
python-jpype 1.5.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setupext/]
python-jpype 1.5.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setupext/]
python-jpype 1.5.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setupext/]
python-jpype 1.5.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setupext/]
python-kyotocabinet 1.23-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-ldap3 2.9.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-ldap3 2.9.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-legacy-cgi 2.6.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgitb (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [tests/]
python-legacy-cgi 2.6.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [tests/]
python-libdiscid 2.0.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/]
python-libdiscid 2.0.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/]
python-libguess 1.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-libtrace 1.6+git20180219-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib/natkit/]
python-libtrace 1.6+git20180219-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib/ipp/]
python-libtrace 1.6+git20180219-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-libtrace 1.6+git20180219-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib/plt/]
python-libtrace 1.6+git20180219-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib/pldns/]
python-logutils 0.3.5-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-lzo 1.15-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-lzo 1.15-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-lzo 1.15-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/]
python-lzo 1.15-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-lzo 1.15-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-lzo 1.15-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-macholib 1.16.3+ds-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-maggma 0.70.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/stores/]
python-marathon 0.13.0-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [itests/steps/]
python-mbed-host-tests 1.4.4-11 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [mbed_host_tests/host_tests_conn_proxy/]
python-memoize 1.0.3-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-mrcz 0.5.7-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [mrcz/]
python-msgpack 1.0.3-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-msgpack 1.0.3-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-multi-key-dict 2.0.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-murmurhash 1.0.9+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-murmurhash 1.0.9+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-mysqldb 1.4.6-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-ncclient 0.6.17-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-ncls 0.0.63-hotfix+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-nmap 0.7.1-0.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-notify2 0.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-nss 1.0.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-nss 1.0.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-nss 1.0.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-nss 1.0.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-nss 1.0.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-nss 1.0.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-nss 1.0.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-nss 1.0.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [test/]
python-ntc-templates 3.5.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-numpysane 0.41-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-oauth2client 4.1.3-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [oauth2client/contrib/]
python-odf 1.4.2-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [contrib/html2odt/]
python-odf 1.4.2-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [contrib/html2odt/]
python-offtrac 0.1.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-omegaconf 2.3.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_helpers/]
python-omegaconf 2.3.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [build_helpers/]
python-openflow 2021.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-openstep-plist 0.4.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-opentype-sanitizer 8.2.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-opentype-sanitizer 8.2.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-opentype-sanitizer 8.2.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-opentype-sanitizer 8.2.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-oslo.versionedobjects 3.4.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [oslo_versionedobjects/]
python-overrides 7.7.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-packbits 0.6-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pager 3.3-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-parasail 1.3.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-parasail 1.3.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-parsley 1.3-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-passlib 1.7.4-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [passlib/_setup/]
python-pbr 6.1.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/tests/testpackage/pbr_testpackage/]
python-pbr 6.1.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/tests/testpackage/pbr_testpackage/]
python-pbr 6.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pbr 6.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pbr/]
python-pdbfixer 1.9-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [pdbfixer/]
python-peachpy 0.0~git20211013.257881e-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-peachpy 0.0~git20211013.257881e-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-peachpy 0.0~git20211013.257881e-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pex 1.5.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pex/]
python-pex 1.5.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pex/commands/]
python-pex 1.5.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pex/]
python-pgmagick 0.7.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pgpdump 1.5-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-phply 1.2.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pip 25.0+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/pip/_internal/locations/]
python-pip 25.0+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/pip/_internal/locations/]
python-pip 25.0+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/pip/_internal/locations/]
python-pip 25.0+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/pip/_internal/locations/]
python-plac 1.4.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asynchat (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-plac 1.4.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-plyer 2.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [plyer/platforms/linux/]
python-pmw 2.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [Pmw/Pmw_2_1/docsrc/]
python-pmw 2.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [Pmw/Pmw_2_1/docsrc/]
python-pmw 2.1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-prctl 1.8.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-proliantutils 2.16.2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [proliantutils/tests/ilo/]
python-psycopg2cffi 2.9.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [psycopg2cffi/_impl/]
python-ptk 1.3.8+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pure-python-adb 0.3.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [test/]
python-pybedtools 0.10.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pybedtools 0.10.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pybedtools 0.10.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pybedtools 0.10.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pybedtools 0.10.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pybedtools 0.10.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pycdlib 1.12.0+ds1-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pycosat 0.6.6+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pyds9 1.8.1-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pyds9 1.8.1-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pyeclib 1.6.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pyeclib 1.6.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [test/]
python-pyeclib 1.6.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pyeclib 1.6.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pyftpdlib 2.0.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asynchat (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [pyftpdlib/]
python-pygit2 1.16.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pygit2 1.16.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pygit2 1.16.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pygit2 1.17.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pygit2 1.17.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pygit2 1.17.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pygtrie 2.2-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pyhcl 0.4.4-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pyknon 1.2-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pyld 2.0.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pylibdmtx 0.1.10-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pylibdmtx/]
python-pyo 1.0.5-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 aifc (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [pyo/lib/]
python-pyo 1.0.5-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pyorick 1.5-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pyperform 1.86-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pypubsub 4.0.3-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/development/]
python-pyqtgraph 0.13.7-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pyqtgraph/examples/py2exe/]
python-pyqtgraph 0.13.7-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pyqtgraph 0.13.7-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/]
python-pyqtgraph 0.13.7-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pyqtgraph 0.13.7-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/]
python-pyrdfa 3.6.4+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgitb (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [scripts/]
python-pyrdfa 3.6.4+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [scripts/]
python-pyrss2gen 1.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pysam 0.23.0+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [linker_tests/link_pre_489/]
python-pysam 0.23.0+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [linker_tests/link_pre_489/]
python-pysaml2 7.5.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/saml2/]
python-pyscss 1.4.0-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [scss/src/]
python-pyscss 1.4.0-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [scss/]
python-pyscss 1.4.0-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [scss/src/]
python-pyscss 1.4.0-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pyscss 1.4.0-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pysnmp4 4.4.12-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [pysnmp/carrier/asyncore/]
python-pysnmp4 4.4.12-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [pysnmp/carrier/asyncore/]
python-pysnmp4 4.4.12-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [pysnmp/carrier/asyncore/]
python-pysnmp-lextudio 5.0.26-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [pysnmp/carrier/asyncore/]
python-pysnmp-lextudio 5.0.26-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [pysnmp/carrier/asyncore/]
python-pysnmp-lextudio 5.0.26-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [pysnmp/carrier/asyncore/]
python-pyspike 0.8.0+dfsg-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-pytest-toolbox 0.4-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pytest_toolbox/]
python-pywebview 5.0.5+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [examples/todos/]
python-qrencode 1.2-8 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-rapidjson 1.4-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-rcssmin 1:1.1.2-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-rcssmin 1:1.1.2-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-recurring-ical-events 3.3.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-rencode 1.0.6-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-reno 4.1.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [reno/]
python-reno 4.1.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [reno/]
python-reno 4.1.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [reno/]
python-requirements-detector 1.2.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/detection/syntax_error/]
python-requirements-detector 1.2.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/detection/test4/]
python-requirements-detector 1.2.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/detection/syntax_error/]
python-requirements-detector 1.2.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/detection/test4/]
python-requirements-detector 1.2.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/detection/test4/]
python-requirements-detector 1.2.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/detection/test4/]
python-requirements-detector 1.2.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/detection/test4/]
python-requirements-detector 1.2.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/detection/test4/]
python-requirements-detector 1.2.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/detection/test4/]
python-requirements-detector 1.2.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/detection/test4/]
python-requirements-detector 1.2.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/detection/syntax_error/]
python-rjsmin 1.2.0+dfsg1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-rjsmin 1.2.0+dfsg1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-rx 4.0.4-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/]
python-schedutils 0.6-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-sdnotify 0.3.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-selenium 4.24.4+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [test/selenium/webdriver/common/]
python-selenium 4.24.4+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-selenium 4.24.4+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [test/selenium/webdriver/firefox/]
python-selenium 4.24.4+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [test/selenium/webdriver/remote/]
python-setuptools-gettext 0.1.10-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools_gettext/]
python-simplenote 2.1.4-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-simpy 2.3.1+dfsg-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-smoke-zephyr 2.0.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [smoke_zephyr/]
python-socksipychain 2.1.2-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) []
python-spoon 1.0.6-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-sqt 0.8.0-9 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-sqt 0.8.0-9 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-sqt 0.8.0-9 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-srp 1.0.22-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-srp 1.0.22-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-ssdeep 3.4.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-stem 1.8.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-sysv-ipc 1.1.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-taskflow 5.9.1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [taskflow/engines/action_engine/]
python-taskflow 5.11.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [taskflow/engines/action_engine/]
python-threadpoolctl 3.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/_openmp_test_helper/]
python-threadpoolctl 3.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/_openmp_test_helper/]
python-threadpoolctl 3.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/_openmp_test_helper/]
python-threadpoolctl 3.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/_openmp_test_helper/]
python-threadpoolctl 3.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/_openmp_test_helper/]
python-threadpoolctl 3.1.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/_openmp_test_helper/]
python-tidylib 0.3.2~dfsg-9 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-tinycss 0.4-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-tinyrpc 0.6-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [tinyrpc/transports/]
python-tktreectrl 2.0.2-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-ttystatus 0.38-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-txi2p-tahoe 0.3.7-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-u2flib-server 5.0.0-1.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-u2flib-server 5.0.0-1.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-ua-parser 0.18.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-ua-parser 0.18.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-ua-parser 0.18.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-ulid-transform 1.2.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-untokenize 0.1.1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-versioneer 0.29-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [test/demoapp-script-only/]
python-watcherclient 4.5.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [watcherclient/common/]
python-weblogo 3.8.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgitb (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [weblogo/]
python-weblogo 3.8.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [weblogo/]
python-webob 1:1.8.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/webob/]
python-webob 1:1.8.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [tests/]
python-wget 3.2-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-whisper 1.1.4-2.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [contrib/]
python-whisper 1.1.4-2.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-wilderness 0.1.10-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [examples/fakegit/]
python-wilderness 0.1.10-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [examples/fakedf/]
python-ws4py 0.5.1+dfsg1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-wsaccel 0.6.3-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-wsaccel 0.6.3-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-x2go information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/source/]
python-x2go information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [x2go/]
python-xmlrunner 3.2.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-xmlsec 1.3.14-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-xmlsec 1.3.14-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-xmlsec 1.3.14-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-xmltodict 0.13.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-x-wr-timezone 1.0.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-yamlordereddictloader 0.4.0-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-yappi 1.6.10-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-yappi 1.6.10-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-yaswfp 0.9.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-yubico 1.3.3-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-yubico 1.3.3-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-yubico 1.3.3-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-zaqarclient 2.8.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [zaqarclient/transport/]
python-zstandard 0.23.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-zstandard 0.23.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-zstandard 0.23.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-zstandard 0.23.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-zstandard 0.23.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
python-zstandard 0.23.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pythran 0.17.0+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pythran/tests/cython/]
pythran 0.17.0+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pythran/tests/cython/]
pythran 0.17.0+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pythran/tests/cython/]
pythran 0.17.0+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pythran/tests/cython/]
pythran 0.17.0+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pythran/tests/test_distutils/]
pythran 0.17.0+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pythran/tests/test_distutils_packaged/]
pytorch 2.6.0+dfsg-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [test/cpp_extensions/open_registration_extension/]
pytorch 2.6.0+dfsg-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [test/cpp_extensions/python_agnostic_extension/]
pytorch 2.6.0+dfsg-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/setup_helpers/]
pytorch-audio 2.6.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [test/torchaudio_unittest/functional/]
pytorch-audio 2.6.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/setup_helpers/]
pytorch-audio 2.6.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pytorch-vision 0.21.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pytorch-vision 0.21.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pytsk 20231007-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pytsk 20231007-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pytsk 20231007-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pytsk 20231007-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pytzdata 2020.1+dfsg-10 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pytzdata/commands/]
py-ubjson 0.16.1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
py-ubjson 0.16.1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
py-ubjson 0.16.1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
py-ubjson 0.16.1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
py-ubjson 0.16.1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyusb 1.2.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyvkfft 2024.1.4+ds1-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyvkfft 2024.1.4+ds1-3.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyvows 3.0.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pyvows/]
pyvows 3.0.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pyvows/]
pywavelets 1.4.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyws66i 1.1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [pyws66i/]
pyxid 1.0-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyxrd 0.8.4-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pyxrd/file_parsers/]
pyxrd 0.8.4-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [mvc/support/]
pyyaml 6.0.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyyaml 6.0.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyyaml-env-tag 0.1-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
pyzor 1:1.1.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qbrz 0.23.2+bzr1665-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [extras/]
qemu 1:9.2.2+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [roms/u-boot/tools/binman/]
qemu 1:9.2.2+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [roms/u-boot/tools/patman/]
qemu 1:9.2.2+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [roms/u-boot/scripts/dtc/pylibfdt/]
qemu 1:9.2.2+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [roms/u-boot/tools/dtoc/]
qemu 1:9.2.2+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [roms/u-boot/tools/binman/]
qiime 2024.5.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 crypt (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [qiime2/core/tests/]
qiime 2024.5.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [qiime2/core/archive/]
qiime 2024.5.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [qiime2/sdk/]
qiime 2024.5.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [qiime2/core/]
qpack 0.0.19-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
qr-tools 2.1~bzr52-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/protobuf/python/protobuf_distutils/protobuf_distutils/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/protobuf/python/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/pycoverage/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/real_world_impact/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/chrome/test/chromedriver/test/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/dawn/third_party/gn/dxc/build/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/libwebp/src/swig/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/wpt_tools/wpt/tools/wptserve/wptserve/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/jsoncpp/source/devtools/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/binary_size/libsupersize/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/protobuf/python/protobuf_distutils/protobuf_distutils/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/pycoverage/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/valgrind/asan/third_party/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/protobuf/python/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/blink/tools/blinkpy/web_tests/breakpad/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/openscreen/src/buildtools/checkdeps/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/ipc_fuzzer/scripts/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/clang/scripts/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/pyelftools/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/gn/misc/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/json_schema_compiler/highlighters/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/dawn/third_party/dxc/tools/clang/utils/check_cfc/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/protobuf/python/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/v8/tools/release/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/protobuf/python/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/pycoverage/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/build/win/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/protobuf/python/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/scripts/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/protobuf/python/protobuf_distutils/protobuf_distutils/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/v8/tools/mb/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/webdriver/pylib/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/components/crash/content/tools/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/ppapi/native_client/tools/browser_tester/browsertester/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/libwebp/src/swig/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/perfetto/python/]
qt6-webengine 6.8.2+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/buildtools/checkdeps/]
qtcreator 15.0.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/libs/3rdparty/winpty/ship/]
qtcreator 15.0.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/tools/icons/]
qtcreator 15.0.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/tools/icons/]
qtcreator 15.0.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/tools/icons/]
qtcreator 16.0.0~rc1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/tools/icons/]
qtcreator 16.0.0~rc1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/tools/icons/]
qtcreator 16.0.0~rc1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/libs/3rdparty/winpty/ship/]
qtcreator 16.0.0~rc1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/tools/icons/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/protobuf/python/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/webdriver/pylib/selenium/webdriver/firefox/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/angle/third_party/vulkan-loader/src/scripts/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/blink/tools/blinkpy/third_party/wpt/wpt/tools/wpt/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/pycoverage/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/glslang/src/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/pycoverage/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/pyelftools/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/binary_size/libsupersize/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/binary_size/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/webrtc/tools_webrtc/ios/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/pycoverage/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/ipc_fuzzer/scripts/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/build/android/gyp/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/real_world_impact/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/perfetto/src/trace_processor/python/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/blink/tools/blinkpy/third_party/wpt/wpt/tools/wpt/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/pdfium/testing/tools/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/angle/third_party/vulkan-tools/src/scripts/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/protobuf/python/compatibility_tests/v2.5.0/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/protobuf/python/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/build/win/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/build/toolchain/win/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/binary_size/libsupersize/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/protobuf/python/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/tlslite/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/protobuf/python/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/blink/tools/blinkpy/third_party/wpt/wpt/tools/wpt/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/scripts/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/webrtc/tools_webrtc/libs/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/tlslite/tlslite/integration/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/ppapi/native_client/tools/browser_tester/browsertester/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/clang/scripts/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/buildtools/checkdeps/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/crashpad/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/components/crash/content/tools/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/build/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/gn/tools/gn/misc/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/build/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/md_browser/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/mako/examples/wsgi/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/cr/cr/base/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/ninja/src/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/v8/tools/node/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/mb/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/json_schema_compiler/highlighters/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/v8/tools/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/build/chromeos/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/webrtc/tools_webrtc/mb/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/build/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/crashpad/crashpad/build/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/net/tools/testserver/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/jsoncpp/source/devtools/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/build/android/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/mako/examples/bench/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/build/android/pylib/base/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/blink/tools/blinkpy/third_party/wpt/wpt/tools/wptserve/wptserve/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/blink/tools/blinkpy/common/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/sublime/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/boringssl/src/util/bot/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/v8/tools/mb/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/ninja/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/tools/clang/scripts/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/blink/tools/blinkpy/common/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/blink/tools/blinkpy/web_tests/breakpad/]
qtwebengine-opensource-src 5.15.18+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/3rdparty/chromium/net/data/websocket/]
quisk 4.2.32-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [perseuspkg/]
quisk 4.2.32-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) []
quisk 4.2.32-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [afedrinet/]
quisk 4.2.32-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [soapypkg/]
quodlibet 4.6.0-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [gdist/]
quodlibet 4.6.0-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [gdist/]
quodlibet 4.6.0-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [gdist/]
quodlibet 4.6.0-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [gdist/]
quodlibet 4.6.0-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [gdist/]
quodlibet 4.6.0-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [gdist/]
quodlibet 4.6.0-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [gdist/]
quodlibet 4.6.0-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [gdist/]
qutip 5.1.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
radiotherm 2.1.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ragout 2.3-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ragout 2.3-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ragout 2.3-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ragout/tests/]
ranger 1.9.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
rdiff-backup 2.2.6-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
rdiff-backup 2.2.6-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
rdiff-backup 2.2.6-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
rdiff-backup 2.2.6-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/]
rdkit 202409.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Code/Demos/boost/EBV_err/]
rdkit 202409.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Code/Demos/boost/numpy/]
rdkit 202409.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Code/Demos/boost/cross_module/]
rdkit 202409.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Code/Demos/boost/python_objs/]
rdkit 202409.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Code/Demos/boost/python_objs/]
rdkit 202409.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Code/Demos/boost/cross_module/]
rdkit 202409.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Code/Demos/boost/overloads/]
rdkit 202409.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Code/Demos/boost/cross_mod_err/]
rdkit 202409.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Code/Demos/boost/numpy/]
rdkit 202409.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Code/Demos/boost/cross_mod_err/]
rdkit 202409.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Code/Demos/boost/overloads/]
rdkit 202409.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Code/Demos/boost/smartPtrsAndIters/]
rdkit 202409.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [Code/Demos/boost/EBV_err/]
readucks 0.0.3-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
readucks 0.0.3-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
readucks 0.0.3-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
redis-py-cluster 2.0.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/]
reglookup 1.0.1+svn296-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/experimental/]
reglookup 1.0.1+svn296-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
reglookup 1.0.1+svn296-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/experimental/]
renpy 8.3.4+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [launcher/game/]
retroarch 1.20.0+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/ps3/ps3py/]
rmlint 2.10.2-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [gui/]
rmlint 2.10.2-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [gui/]
ros2-colcon-core 0.18.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [colcon_core/distutils/commands/]
ros2-colcon-python-setup-py 0.2.9-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [colcon_python_setup_py/package_identification/]
ros-catkin-tools 0.9.4+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/system/resources/catkin_pkgs/python_tests_err/]
ros-catkin-tools 0.9.4+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/system/resources/catkin_pkgs/python_tests/]
ros-catkin-tools 0.9.4+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/system/resources/catkin_pkgs/python_pkg/]
ros-catkin-tools 0.9.4+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ros-catkin-tools 0.9.4+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/system/resources/catkin_pkgs/python_tests_targets/]
ros-image-pipeline 1.17.0-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [camera_calibration/src/camera_calibration/]
rows 0.4.2~0-2.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
ruff 0.0.291+dfsg1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [crates/ruff_linter/resources/test/fixtures/flake8_tidy_imports/]
ruff 0.0.291+dfsg1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [crates/ruff_linter/resources/test/fixtures/flake8_tidy_imports/]
ruff 0.0.291+dfsg1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [crates/ruff_linter/resources/test/fixtures/flake8_bandit/]
ruff 0.0.291+dfsg1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [crates/ruff_linter/resources/test/fixtures/flake8_tidy_imports/]
ruff 0.0.291+dfsg1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [crates/ruff_linter/resources/test/fixtures/flake8_logging_format/]
ruff 0.0.291+dfsg1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [crates/ruff_linter/resources/test/fixtures/flake8_tidy_imports/]
ruff 0.0.291+dfsg1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [crates/ruff_linter/resources/test/fixtures/flake8_tidy_imports/]
ruff 0.0.291+dfsg1-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [crates/ruff_linter/resources/test/fixtures/flake8_tidy_imports/]
sabctools 8.2.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sabctools 8.2.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sabctools 8.2.3-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
safeeyes 2.1.9-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [safeeyes/]
safeeyes 2.1.9-1.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [safeeyes/]
sagemath 9.5-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sage/src/sage_setup/command/]
sagemath 9.5-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sage/src/sage_setup/command/]
sagemath 9.5-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sage/build/]
sagemath 9.5-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sage/src/sage_setup/command/]
sagemath 9.5-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sage/src/sage_setup/command/]
sagemath 9.5-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sage/src/sage_setup/command/]
sagemath 9.5-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sage/src/]
sagemath 9.5-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sage/src/sage_setup/command/]
sagemath 9.5-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sage/pkgs/sagemath-standard/]
sagemath 9.5-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sage/pkgs/sage-conf_pypi/]
sagemath 9.5-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [sage/build/sage_bootstrap/]
sagemath 9.5-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sage/src/sage_setup/command/]
sagemath 9.5-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sage/src/sage_setup/command/]
sagemath 9.5-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sage/pkgs/sage-conf_pypi/]
sagetex 3.6.1+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
salmid 0.1.23-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
salt-pepper 0.5.5-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
salt-pepper 0.5.5-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
salt-pepper 0.5.5-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sasview 6.0.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/sphinx-docs/source/]
sasview 6.0.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/sphinx-docs/]
sasview 6.0.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/sphinx-docs/]
sasview 6.0.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [docs/sphinx-docs/]
scikit-build 0.18.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [skbuild/command/]
scikit-build 0.18.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [skbuild/utils/]
scikit-build 0.18.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [skbuild/command/]
scikit-build 0.18.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [skbuild/utils/]
scikit-build 0.18.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tests/]
scikit-build 0.18.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [skbuild/]
scikit-build 0.18.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [skbuild/command/]
scikit-build 0.18.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [skbuild/utils/]
scikit-build 0.18.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [skbuild/command/]
scikit-build 0.18.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [skbuild/]
scikit-build 0.18.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [skbuild/utils/]
scikit-build 0.18.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [skbuild/]
scikit-build 0.18.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [skbuild/command/]
screenkey 1:1.5-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
scribus 1.6.3+dfsg-0.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgitb (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [scribus/plugins/scripter/python/]
scummvm 2.9.0+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [devtools/packaging/scripts/android/]
sdaps 1.9.8-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sdaps 1.9.8-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sdaps 1.9.8-0.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
seafile 9.0.12-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
seahorse-adventures 1.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
searx 1.1.0+dfsg1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [searx_extra/update/]
searx 1.1.0+dfsg1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [debian/ionicons/]
seascope 0.9+8a669e0e-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
segyio 1.8.3-1.2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/docs/]
sepp 4.5.5+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sepp-package/sepp/]
sepp 4.5.5+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sepp 4.5.5+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sepp 4.5.5+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sepp-package/sepp/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/config/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pkg_resources/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/config/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/config/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [pkg_resources/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/config/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
setuptools 75.8.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [setuptools/command/]
sfepy 2021.4-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sfepy 2021.4-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sfepy 2021.4-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sfepy/discrete/fem/]
sfepy 2021.4-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sfepy 2021.4-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sgp4 2.22-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
show-in-file-manager 1.1.4-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
siconos 4.4.0+dfsg-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cmake/]
sigil 2.2.1+dfsg-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [cmake_extras/]
simgrid 3.36-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
simple-ccsm 2:0.8.18-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
simple-ccsm 2:0.8.18-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
simple-ccsm 2:0.8.18-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
simplejson 3.19.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
simplejson 3.19.3-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sip4 4.19.25+dfsg-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sip4 4.19.25+dfsg-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sip4 4.19.25+dfsg-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sip6 6.10.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sipbuild/]
sip6 6.10.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sipbuild/]
sip6 6.10.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sipbuild/]
sip6 6.10.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [sipbuild/]
siridb-connector 2.0.8-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
slepc 3.22.2+dfsg1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
slepc4py 3.22.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
slepc4py 3.22.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
slepc4py 3.22.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
slepc4py 3.22.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
slepc4py 3.22.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
slepc4py 3.22.2-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [conf/]
slixmpp 1.8.6-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [examples/]
smartypants 2.0.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
snack information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
sogo 5.11.2-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [Scripts/]
solarwolf 1.5+dfsg1-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [dist/]
sorted-nearest 0.0.39+dfsg-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sphinx-rtd-theme 3.0.2+dfsg-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sphinxtrain 1.0.8+5prealpha+1-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
sptag 0.0~git20230612.2ffaec6+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sptag 0.0~git20230612.2ffaec6+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sptag 0.0~git20230612.2ffaec6+ds-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
spyder 6.0.3+ds-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
spyne 2.14.0-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [spyne/server/twisted/]
spyne 2.14.0-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [bin/]
sra-sdk 3.0.9+dfsg-7 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [ngs/ngs-python/]
srst2 0.2.0-13 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
stdeb 0.10.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [stdeb/]
stdeb 0.10.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [stdeb/]
stdeb 0.10.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [test_data/py2_only_pkg/]
stdeb 0.10.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [test_data/py3_only_pkg/]
stdeb 0.10.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [stdeb/]
stdeb 0.10.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [stdeb/command/]
stdeb 0.10.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
stdeb 0.10.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [test_data/py2_only_pkg/]
stdeb 0.10.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [test_data/simple_pkg/]
stdeb 0.10.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [test_data/py3_only_pkg/]
stdeb 0.10.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [stdeb/command/]
stdeb 0.10.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [stdeb/command/]
stdeb 0.10.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [stdeb/command/]
stdeb 0.10.0-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [stdeb/command/]
stegcracker 2.1.0-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [stegcracker/]
stgit 0.19-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
stookalert 0.1.4-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
stookwijzer 1.5.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
streamtuner2 2.2.2+dfsg-2.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [contrib/]
streamtuner2 2.2.2+dfsg-2.1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) []
subdownloader 2.1.0-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [scripts/distribution/]
subversion 1.14.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asynchat (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/server-side/svnpubsub/svnpubsub/]
subversion 1.14.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [subversion/bindings/ctypes-python/]
subversion 1.14.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [subversion/bindings/ctypes-python/]
subversion 1.14.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [subversion/bindings/ctypes-python/]
subversion 1.14.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [subversion/bindings/ctypes-python/]
subversion 1.14.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [subversion/bindings/ctypes-python/]
subversion 1.14.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/server-side/svnpubsub/svnpubsub/]
subversion 1.14.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [subversion/bindings/ctypes-python/]
subversion 1.14.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [subversion/bindings/ctypes-python/]
subversion 1.14.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [subversion/bindings/ctypes-python/]
sugar-pippy-activity 76-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sugar-pippy-activity 76-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
sunpinyin 3.0.0~rc2+ds1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
sunpinyin 3.0.0~rc2+ds1-5 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/]
suricata 1:7.0.8-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [suricata-update/]
suricata 1:7.0.8-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [suricata-update/]
suricata 1:7.0.8-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [suricata-update/]
suricata-update 1.3.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
suricata-update 1.3.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
suricata-update 1.3.4-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
swiftlang 5.10.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [llvm-project/libcxx/utils/libcxx/sym_check/]
swiftlang 5.10.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [llvm-project/clang/utils/]
swiftlang 5.10.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [llvm-project/libcxx/utils/libcxx/sym_check/]
swiftlang 5.10.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [llvm-project/clang/utils/check_cfc/]
swiftlang 5.10.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [llvm-project/lldb/third_party/Python/module/pexpect-4.6/]
swiftlang 5.10.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [llvm-project/cross-project-tests/]
swiftlang 5.10.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [llvm-project/lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/]
swiftlang 5.10.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [llvm-project/lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/lang/objc/objc-new-syntax/]
swiftlang 5.10.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [llvm-project/lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/]
swiftlang 5.10.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/asan/scripts/]
swiftlang 5.10.1-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [llvm-project/third-party/benchmark/]
swiglpk 5.0.10-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
syllabipy 0.2-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
syncplay 1.7.3+repack1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
syncthing-gtk information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
syncthing-gtk information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
tahoe-lafs 1.20.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [src/allmydata/]
teeworlds 0.7.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [scripts/]
teeworlds 0.7.5-2 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [scripts/]
tensorflow 2.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tensorflow/python/tpu/profiler/]
tensorflow 2.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/toolchains/preconfig/ubuntu16.04/gcc7_manylinux2010-nvcc-cuda10.0/windows/]
tensorflow 2.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tensorflow/tools/docs/]
tensorflow 2.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tensorflow/python/ops/]
tensorflow 2.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [tensorflow/lite/testing/]
tensorflow 2.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tensorflow/]
tensorflow 2.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tensorflow/lite/tools/pip_package/]
tensorflow 2.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tensorflow/]
tensorflow 2.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tensorflow/lite/python/]
tensorflow 2.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tensorflow/python/framework/]
tensorflow 2.3.1-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [tensorflow/python/tools/]
termbox 1.1.2+dfsg-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
termbox 1.1.2+dfsg-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
terminator 2.1.4-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
terminator 2.1.4-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
terminator 2.1.4-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
terminator 2.1.4-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
terminator 2.1.4-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) []
testrepository 0.0.21-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testrepository/]
testrepository 0.0.21-3 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testrepository/]
texext 0.6.7-6 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [texext/tests/plotdirective/]
thrift 0.19.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib/py/]
thrift 0.19.0-4 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib/py/]
thrift 0.20.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib/py/]
thrift 0.20.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [lib/py/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pyrsistent/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/libwebrtc/build/toolchain/win/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/pytest/extra/setup-py.test/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/MarkupSafe/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/libwebrtc/build/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/mochitest/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/libwebrtc/build/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/mozperftest/mozperftest/test/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/mozperftest/mozperftest/test/browsertime/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/aom/test/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/mochitest/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/PyYAML/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pyrsistent/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/config/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/third_party/py/testing/log/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/python/dlmanager/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/MarkupSafe/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 telnetlib (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/mozbase/mozrunner/mozrunner/devices/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/mochitest/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/lint/test/files/ruff/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/python-hglib/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [comm/taskcluster/comm_taskgraph/transforms/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptserve/wptserve/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [testing/raptor/raptor/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [python/mozlint/test/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pyrsistent/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/runner/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pylru/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/gyp/util/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/PyYAML/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/marionette/harness/marionette_harness/tests/unit/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/support/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/libwebrtc/build/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/MarkupSafe/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/libwebrtc/build/android/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/libwebrtc/build/chromeos/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/libwebrtc/build/win/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:128.8.0esr-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/MarkupSafe/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/support/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 imghdr (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/marionette/harness/marionette_harness/tests/unit/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/aom/test/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/PyYAML/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pip/pip/_internal/locations/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 pipes (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [third_party/python/dlmanager/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/MarkupSafe/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/pylru/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/MarkupSafe/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/python-hglib/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/runner/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 cgi (deprecated in Python 3.11, removed in Python 3.13) [testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptserve/wptserve/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/PyYAML/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [tools/lint/test/files/ruff/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 overridden uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/command/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/command/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/_distutils/tests/]
thunderbird 1:135.0-1 information uses-deprecated-python-stdlib 1 distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10, removed in Python 3.12) [third_party/python/setuptools/setuptools/]

Output limited to the first 5000 results.