Lintian tag information: control-interpreter-without-predepends (type: error)

Description (from lintian-explain-tags)

The package contains a preinst maintainer script that uses an unusual and
non-essential interpreter but does not declare a Pre-Depends on the
package that provides this interpreter.

preinst scripts should be written using only essential interpreters to
avoid additional dependency complexity. Please do not add a Pre-Depends
without following the policy section 3.5.

Please refer to Binary Dependencies - Depends, Recommends, Suggests,
Enhances, Pre-Depends (Section 7.2) in the Debian Policy Manual and
Dependencies (Section 3.5) in the Debian Policy Manual for details.

Visibility: error
Show-Always: no
Check: scripts
Renamed from: preinst-interpreter-without-predepends

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