Lintian tag information: backgrounded-test-command (type: error)

Description (from lintian-explain-tags)

This package declares a Test-Command that backgrounds
itself with an ampersand. That is not a good idea.

In the autopkgtest framework, the return value determines whether a test
was successful. It is therefore fundamental to the testing process.
Unfortunately, that value is being ignored here.

This test only fails when a message printed to stderr wins a race with the
autopkgtest harness. While that may result in an accurate (but unreliable)
detection of some test failures, a review of archive-wide autopkgtest data
shows no failures for backgrounded test commands.

Many incidents of this tag are based on a faulty command that invokes
xvfb-run for GUI programs. It was likely adopted from an existing package.

Please drop the ampersand at the end of the Test-Command.

Please refer to Bug#988591 and for details.

Visibility: error
Show-Always: no
Check: testsuite

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