Lintian tag: debian-upstream-obsolete-path

Type: error

Description (from lintian-explain-tags)

Upstream metadata is stored under an obsolete path.

Upstream MEtadata GAthered with YAml (UMEGAYA) is an effort to collect
meta-information about upstream projects from any source package with a
publicly accessible VCS via a file called debian/upstream/metadata.

Older versions of this specification used debian/upstream-metadata.yaml or
debian/upstream as meta-information storage file.

You should move any such file to debian/upstream/metadata.

Visibility: error
Show-Always: no
Check: debian/upstream/metadata

Affected packages

source version binary tag type tag information count
libint 1.2.1-6 error debian-upstream-obsolete-path [debian/upstream] 1
psicode 3.4.0-6 error debian-upstream-obsolete-path [debian/upstream] 1