Lintian tag information: empty-binary-package (type: warning)

Description (from lintian-explain-tags)

This binary package appears to be empty, and its description does not say
that it's a metapackage or a transitional package. This is often due to
problems with updating debhelper *.install files during package renames or
similar problems where installation rules don't put files in the correct

If the package is deliberately empty, please mention in the package long
description one of the phrases "metapackage", "dummy", "dependency
package", or "empty package".

Previously, Lintian also accepted the use of "virtual package". This was
removed to avoid overloading the term. If you have been relying on the
phrase "virtual package" to avoid this warning, please replace it with one
of the others.

Visibility: warning
Show-Always: no
Check: files/empty-package

Show affected packages