Lintian tag information: groff-message (type: warning)

Description (from lintian-explain-tags)

A manual page provoked warnings or errors from the man program. Here are
some common ones:

"cannot adjust" or "can't break" are issues with paragraph filling. They
are usually related to long lines. Justifying text on the left hand side
can help with adjustments. Hyphenation can help with breaks.

For more information, please see "Manipulating Filling and Adjusting" and
"Manipulating Hyphenation" in the Groff manual (see info groff).

"can't find numbered character" usually means that the input was in a
national legacy encoding. The warning means that some characters were
dropped. Please use escapes such as \[:a] as described on the groff_char
manual page.

Other common warnings are formatting typos. String arguments to .IP
require quotes. Usually, some text is lost or mangled. See the groff_man
(or groff_mdoc if using mdoc) manual page for details on macros.

The check for manual pages uses the --warnings option to man to catch
common problems, like a . or a ' at the beginning of a line as literal
text. They are interpreted as Groff commands. Just reformat the paragraph
so the characters are not at the beginning of a line. You can also add a
zero-width space (\&) in front of them.

Aside from overrides, warnings can be disabled with the .warn directive.
Please see "Debugging" in the Groff manual.

You can see the warnings yourself by running the command used by Lintian:

man --warnings -E UTF-8 -l -Tutf8 -Z <file> >/dev/null

Please refer to the groff_man(7) manual page and the groff_mdoc(7) manual
page for details.

Visibility: warning
Show-Always: no
Check: documentation/manual
Renamed from: manpage-has-errors-from-man

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