Lintian tag: nmu-in-changelog

Type: warning

Description (from lintian-explain-tags)

The first line of the changelog entry for this package appears to indicate
it is a non-maintainer upload (by including either that string or the
string "NMU" and not saying that it's an acknowledgement), but the
changelog indicates the person making this release is one of the

If this was intended to be an NMU, do not add yourself as a maintainer or
uploader. Otherwise, please rephrase your changelog entry to not cause

Visibility: warning
Show-Always: no
Check: nmu
Renamed from: changelog-should-not-mention-nmu

Affected packages

source version binary tag type tag information count
git-publish 1.8.1-1 warning nmu-in-changelog [debian/changelog:1] 1
jdresolve 0.6.1-7 warning nmu-in-changelog [debian/changelog:1] 1
jerasure 2.0.0+2017.04.10.git.de1739cc84-2 warning nmu-in-changelog [debian/changelog:1] 1
jq 1.7.1-3 warning nmu-in-changelog [debian/changelog:1] 1
net-acct 0.71-11 warning nmu-in-changelog [debian/changelog:1] 1
python-crc 7.1.0-1 warning nmu-in-changelog [debian/changelog:1] 1
silo-llnl 4.11-6.1 warning nmu-in-changelog [debian/changelog:1] 1