Lintian tag: pkg-js-tools-test-is-empty

Type: warning

Description (from lintian-explain-tags)

The specified file is empty. This means that no test is played during

Please set a significant test in this file (see

Visibility: warning
Show-Always: no
Check: languages/javascript/nodejs

Affected packages

source version binary tag type tag information count
node-cross-fetch 4.0.0+ds-2 warning pkg-js-tools-test-is-empty [debian/nodejs/test] 1
node-dabh-diagnostics 2.0.2-5 warning pkg-js-tools-test-is-empty [debian/tests/pkg-js/test] 1
node-i18next-http-backend 2.4.1+ds-2 warning pkg-js-tools-test-is-empty [debian/nodejs/test] 1
node-whatwg-fetch 3.6.2-7 warning pkg-js-tools-test-is-empty [debian/nodejs/test] 1