Lintian tag information: source-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number (type: warning)
Description (from lintian-explain-tags
A source NMU should have a Debian revision of "-x.x" (or "+nmuX" for a
native package). This is to prevent stealing version numbers from the
Maybe you didn't intend this upload to be a NMU, in that case, please
double-check that the most recent entry in the changelog is byte-for-byte
identical to the maintainer or one of the uploaders. If this is a local
package (not intended for Debian), you can suppress this warning by
putting "local" in the version number or "local package" on the first line
of the changelog entry.
Please refer to NMUs and debian/changelog (Section 5.11.2) in the Debian
Developer's Reference for details.
Visibility: warning
Show-Always: no
Check: nmu
Show affected packages