adwaita-qt |
1.4.2-3 |
libadwaitaqt6-1/1.4.2-3+b4 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _Z41qRegisterNormalizedMetaTypeImplementationIN7Adwaita13ColorsPrivate12AdwaitaColorEEiRK10QByteArray@Base and 11 others ( [symbols]
7 |
adwaita-qt |
1.4.2-3 |
libadwaitaqt6-1/1.4.2-3+b4 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _Z41qRegisterNormalizedMetaTypeImplementationIN7Adwaita13ColorsPrivate12AdwaitaColorEEiRK10QByteArray@Base and 12 others ( [symbols]
2 |
adwaita-qt |
1.4.2-3 |
libadwaitaqt6priv1/1.4.2-3+b4 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN9QtPrivate17MetaObjectForTypeIN7Adwaita10AnimationsEvE18metaObjectFunctionEPKNS_18QMetaTypeInterfaceE@Base and 31 others ( [symbols]
2 |
adwaita-qt |
1.4.2-3 |
libadwaitaqt6priv1/1.4.2-3+b4 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN12QHashPrivate4DataINS_4NodeIP7QWidget15QHashDummyValueEEE8detachedEPS6_@Base and 32 others ( [symbols]
7 |
adwaita-qt |
1.4.2-3 |
libadwaitaqtpriv1/1.4.2-3+b4 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN5QListI7QStringEC1ERKS1_@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
9 |
arpack |
3.9.1-1.2 |
libparpack2t64/3.9.1-1.2+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol mpifcmb5_@Base and 5 others ( [symbols]
3 |
atf |
0.21+git20240225+0c62cf9d569d-1 |
libatf-c-1/0.21+git20240225+0c62cf9d569d-1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol atf_tc_set_resultsfile@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
9 |
bglibs |
2.04+dfsg-6.1 |
libbg2/2.04+dfsg-6.1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol iopoll@Base ( [symbols]
8 |
bglibs |
2.04+dfsg-6.1 |
libbg2/2.04+dfsg-6.1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol iopoll@Base and 9 others ( [symbols]
1 |
binutils | |
libgprofng0/ |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol ABS_PP_CODES@Base and 2574 others ( [symbols]
1 |
binutils | |
libgprofng0/ |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol ABS_PP_CODES@Base and 2570 others ( [symbols]
3 |
chasen |
2.4.5-44 |
libchasen2/2.4.5-44+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt8_Rb_treeINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEESt4pairIKS5_lESt10_Select1stIS8_ESt4lessIS5_ESaIS8_EE10_M_insert_IS8_NSE_11_Alloc_nodeEEESt17_Rb_tree_iteratorIS8_EPSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseSK_OT_RT0_@Base ( [symbols]
1 |
chasen |
2.4.5-44 |
libchasen2/2.4.5-44+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNKSt5ctypeIcE8do_widenEc@Base ( [symbols]
3 |
chemps2 |
1.8.12-3.1 |
libchemps2-3t64/1.8.12-3.1+b3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN7CheMPS216DMRGSCFrotations9open_fileEPlS1_S1_iiNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE@Base ( [symbols]
6 |
cwiid |
0.6.91-10 |
libcwiid1t64/0.6.91-10 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol cwiid_listen@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
9 |
diagnostics |
0.3.3-12.4 |
libdiagnostics0t64/0.3.3-12.4+b3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN11diagnostics15level_to_stringENS_7Level_tE@Base and 23 others ( [symbols]
1 |
diagnostics |
0.3.3-12.4 |
libdiagnostics0t64/0.3.3-12.4+b3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN11diagnostics15level_to_stringENS_7Level_tE@Base and 24 others ( [symbols]
5 |
diagnostics |
0.3.3-12.4 |
libdiagnostics0t64/0.3.3-12.4+b3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN11diagnostics15level_to_stringENS_7Level_tE@Base and 21 others ( [symbols]
3 |
double-conversion |
3.3.0-1 |
libdouble-conversion3/3.3.0-1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN17double_conversion6Bignum12AssignUInt64Em@Base and 2 others ( [symbols]
1 |
double-conversion |
3.3.0-1 |
libdouble-conversion3/3.3.0-1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNK17double_conversion6Double20NormalizedBoundariesEPNS_5DiyFpES2_@Base ( [symbols]
2 |
dxflib |
3.26.4-1 |
libdxflib3/3.26.4-1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN10DL_WriterA10strReplaceEPccc@Base and 235 others ( [symbols]
9 |
elfutils |
0.192-4 |
libdebuginfod1t64/0.192-4 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol init_handle@Base and 2 others ( [symbols]
9 |
elpa |
2022.11.001-3 |
libelpa19/2022.11.001-3+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol __aligned_mem_MOD___copy___iso_c_binding_C_funptr@Base and 146 others ( [symbols]
6 |
fermi-lite |
0.1+git20190320.b499514-1 |
libfml0/0.1+git20190320.b499514-1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol fm_verbose@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
9 |
fermi-lite |
0.1+git20190320.b499514-2~0exp |
libfml0/0.1+git20190320.b499514-2~0exp |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol fm_verbose@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
8 |
fermi-lite |
0.1+git20190320.b499514-2~0exp |
libfml0/0.1+git20190320.b499514-2~0exp+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol fm_verbose@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
1 |
flxmlrpc |
0.1.4-6 |
libflxmlrpc1/0.1.4-6+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN6XmlRpc11XmlRpcValueixERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE@Base and 9 others ( [symbols]
3 |
flxmlrpc |
0.1.4-6 |
libflxmlrpc1/0.1.4-6+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN6XmlRpc11XmlRpcValueixERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE@Base and 8 others ( [symbols]
6 |
g810-led |
0.4.3-3 |
libg810-led0/0.4.3-3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt11__copy_moveILb0ELb0ESt26random_access_iterator_tagE8__copy_mIPKSt6vectorIN11LedKeyboard8KeyValueESaIS5_EEPS7_EET0_T_SC_SB_@Base and 2 others ( [symbols]
9 |
gatb-core |
1.4.2+dfsg-13 |
libgatbcore3/1.4.2+dfsg-13+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN4gatb4core4kmer4impl12KxmerPointerILm128EE4nextEv@Base and 146 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
lib32asan6/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol __interceptor___tls_get_addr@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
lib32gphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 4275 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
lib32gphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 4274 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
lib32gphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 15701 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
lib32gphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 15800 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
lib32gphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 4270 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
lib32gphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 15821 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
lib64asan6/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol __interceptor___tls_get_addr@Base and 3 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
lib64gphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 4298 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
lib64gphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 15753 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libgphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 4282 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libgphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 15801 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libgphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 15767 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libgphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 4288 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libgphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 15699 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libgphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 4282 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libgphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 15794 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libgphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 4290 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libgphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 4289 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libgphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 4282 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libgphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 15700 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libgphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 4274 others ( [symbols] |
3 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libgphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 15674 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libgphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 15787 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libgphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _D3std9exception__T12errnoEnforceTbVAyaa68_2f6275696c642f726570726f64756369626c652d706174682f6763632d31312d31312e352e302f7372632f6c696270686f626f732f7372632f7374642f737464696f2e64Vmi950ZQGlFNfbLQGcZb@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libn32gphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 4290 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libn32gphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 15870 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libx32asan6/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol __interceptor___tls_get_addr@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
2 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libx32gphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 15820 others ( [symbols]
2 |
gcc-11 |
11.5.0-1 |
libx32gphobos2/11.5.0-1 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 4296 others ( [symbols] |
2 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
lib32gphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5060 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
lib32gphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 16944 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
lib32gphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 16918 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
lib32gphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 16841 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
lib32gphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5058 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
lib32gphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5064 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
lib64gphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 16892 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
lib64gphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5095 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libgphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5059 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libgphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5085 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libgphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 16781 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libgphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 16942 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libgphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5098 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libgphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5099 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libgphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 16840 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libgphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5104 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libgphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5057 others ( [symbols] |
2 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libgphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5078 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libgphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 16899 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libgphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 16938 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libgphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 16918 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libgphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 16824 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libgphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5104 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libgphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _D4core5cpuid26_sharedStaticCtor_L1071_C1FNbNiNeZv@Base ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libgphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _D4core5cpuid26_sharedStaticCtor_L1071_C1FNbNiNeZv@Base ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libn32gphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5086 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libn32gphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 17003 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libx32gphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5081 others ( [symbols] |
2 |
gcc-12 |
12.4.0-2 |
libx32gphobos3/12.4.0-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 16950 others ( [symbols]
2 |
gcc-13 |
13.3.0-9 |
lib32gphobos4/13.3.0-9 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5122 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-13 |
13.3.0-9 |
lib32gphobos4/13.3.0-9 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 16903 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-13 |
13.3.0-9 |
libgphobos4/13.3.0-9 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5157 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-13 |
13.3.0-9 |
libgphobos4/13.3.0-9 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5163 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-13 |
13.3.0-9 |
libgphobos4/13.3.0-9 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 16918 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-13 |
13.3.0-9 |
libgphobos4/13.3.0-9 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5163 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-13 |
13.3.0-9 |
libn32gphobos4/13.3.0-9 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 16980 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-13 |
13.3.0-9 |
libn32gphobos4/13.3.0-9 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5144 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-14 |
14.2.0-9 |
libasan8/14.2.0-9 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol __interceptor___tls_get_addr_opt@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-14 |
14.2.0-9 |
libasan8/14.2.0-9 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol __interceptor_shmctl@Base ( [symbols]
2 |
gcc-14 |
14.2.0-9 |
libcc1-0/14.2.0-9 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt6vectorINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEESaIS5_EE17_M_realloc_appendIJRKS5_EEEvDpOT_@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
3 |
gcc-14 |
14.2.0-9 |
libgphobos5/14.2.0-9 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5359 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-14 |
14.2.0-9 |
libgphobos5/14.2.0-9 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5385 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-14 |
14.2.0-9 |
libgphobos5/14.2.0-9 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 16228 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-14 |
14.2.0-9 |
libgphobos5/14.2.0-9 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5385 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-14 |
14.2.0-9 |
libgphobos5/14.2.0-9 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 5380 others ( [symbols] |
1 |
gcc-14 |
14.2.0-9 |
libgphobos5/14.2.0-9 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol CPU_ALLOC@Base and 16209 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gcc-14 |
14.2.0-9 |
libobjc4/14.2.0-9 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol end@Base ( [symbols]
1 |
gensio |
2.8.6-1 |
libgensio6t64/2.8.6-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol base_gensio_accepter_alloc@Base and 295 others ( [symbols]
9 |
gensio |
2.8.6-1 |
libgensio6t64/2.8.6-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol check_os_funcs_free@Base and 6 others ( [symbols]
9 |
gensio |
2.8.6-1 |
libgensio6t64/2.8.6-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol gensio_glib_funcs_alloc@Base ( [symbols]
9 |
gensio |
2.8.6-1 |
libgensio6t64/2.8.6-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol alloc_gensio_avahi_poll@Base and 12 others ( [symbols]
9 |
gensio |
2.8.6-1 |
libgensio6t64/2.8.6-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol ax25_addr_encode@Base and 194 others ( [symbols]
9 |
gensio |
2.8.6-1 |
libgensio6t64/2.8.6-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN7gensios12do_to_stringB5cxx11EPNS_11gensio_addrEb@Base and 53 others ( [symbols]
9 |
gensio |
2.8.6-1 |
libgensio6t64/2.8.6-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN7gensios10MDNS_Watch4freeEPNS_20MDNS_Watch_Free_DoneE@Base and 60 others ( [symbols]
9 |
gensio |
2.8.6-1 |
libgensio6t64/2.8.6-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN7gensios12gensio_allocENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERNS_8Os_FuncsEPNS_5EventE@Base and 184 others ( [symbols]
9 |
glew |
2.2.0-4 |
libglew2.2/2.2.0-4+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol __GLEW_3DFX_multisample@Base and 3886 others ( [symbols]
9 |
glew |
2.2.0-5 |
libglew2.2/2.2.0-5 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol __GLEW_3DFX_multisample@Base and 3886 others ( [symbols]
8 |
glew |
2.2.0-5 |
libglew2.2/2.2.0-5+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol __GLEW_3DFX_multisample@Base and 3886 others ( [symbols]
1 |
glibmm2.68 |
2.82.0-1 |
libglibmm-2.68-1t64/2.82.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN3Gio11InputStream10read_asyncEPvjRKN4sigc4slotIFvRSt10shared_ptrINS_11AsyncResultEEEJEEERKS4_INS_11CancellableEEi@Base and 733 others ( [symbols]
1 |
glibmm2.68 |
2.82.0-1 |
libglibmm-2.68-1t64/2.82.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZTIN9__gnu_cxx7__mutexE@Base and 6 others ( [symbols]
1 |
glibmm2.68 |
2.82.0-1 |
libglibmm-2.68-1t64/2.82.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN4Glib11format_sizeEyNS_15FormatSizeFlagsE@Base and 178 others ( [symbols]
1 |
glibmm2.68 |
2.82.0-1 |
libglibmm-2.68-1t64/2.82.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN4Glib11format_sizeEyNS_15FormatSizeFlagsE@Base and 115 others ( [symbols]
1 |
glibmm2.68 |
2.82.0-1 |
libglibmm-2.68-1t64/2.82.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN3Gio11InputStream10read_asyncEPvjRKN4sigc4slotIFvRSt10shared_ptrINS_11AsyncResultEEEJEEERKS4_INS_11CancellableEEi@Base and 143 others ( [symbols]
1 |
glibmm2.68 |
2.82.0-1 |
libglibmm-2.68-1t64/2.82.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZTIN9__gnu_cxx7__mutexE@Base and 151 others ( [symbols]
1 |
glibmm2.68 |
2.82.0-1 |
libglibmm-2.68-1t64/2.82.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZTIN9__gnu_cxx7__mutexE@Base and 19 others ( [symbols]
1 |
glibmm2.68 |
2.82.0-1 |
libglibmm-2.68-1t64/2.82.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN4Glib11format_sizeEyNS_15FormatSizeFlagsE@Base and 158 others ( [symbols]
1 |
glibmm2.68 |
2.82.0-1 |
libglibmm-2.68-1t64/2.82.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN3Gio11InputStream10read_asyncEPvjRKN4sigc4slotIFvRSt10shared_ptrINS_11AsyncResultEEEJEEERKS4_INS_11CancellableEEi@Base and 581 others ( [symbols]
1 |
glibmm2.68 |
2.82.0-1 |
libglibmm-2.68-1t64/2.82.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZTIN9__gnu_cxx7__mutexE@Base and 7 others ( [symbols]
1 |
glibmm2.68 |
2.82.0-1 |
libglibmm-2.68-1t64/2.82.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZTISt19_Sp_make_shared_tag@Base ( [symbols]
1 |
gl-image-display |
0.20-2 |
libgl-image-display0/0.20-2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN12Fl_Gl_Window12as_gl_windowEv@Base and 32 others ( [symbols] |
9 |
gpsd |
3.25-4 |
libqgpsmm30t64/3.25-4+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN5QListI7QStringE13detach_helperEi@Base ( [symbols]
9 |
gtkmm4.0 |
4.16.0-1 |
libgtkmm-4.0-0/4.16.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN3Gdk10FrameClock11get_timingsEx@Base and 920 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gtkmm4.0 |
4.16.0-1 |
libgtkmm-4.0-0/4.16.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN3Gdk10FrameClock11get_timingsEx@Base and 691 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gtkmm4.0 |
4.16.0-1 |
libgtkmm-4.0-0/4.16.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN3Gdk10FrameClock11get_timingsEx@Base and 34 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gtkmm4.0 |
4.16.0-1 |
libgtkmm-4.0-0/4.16.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZTIN9__gnu_cxx7__mutexE@Base and 228 others ( [symbols]
1 |
gtkspellmm |
3.0.5+dfsg-5 |
libgtkspellmm-3.0-0v5/3.0.5+dfsg-5+b3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZSt16__do_uninit_copyIN4Glib17Container_Helpers12ListIteratorINS1_10TypeTraitsINS0_7ustringEEEEEPS4_ET0_T_S9_S8_@Base ( [symbols]
6 |
imagemagick |
8: |
libmagick++-7.q16hdri-5/8: |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN6Magick5Color10quantumRedEd@Base and 12 others ( [symbols]
1 |
imagemagick |
8: |
libmagick++-7.q16hdri-5/8: |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN6Magick5Color10quantumRedEf@Base and 12 others ( [symbols]
2 |
jpeg-xl |
0.9.2-10 |
libjxl0.9/0.9.2-10+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN3jxl6extras10SetupFrameEP16JxlEncoderStructP29JxlEncoderFrameSettingsStructRK14JxlFrameHeaderRKNS0_17JXLCompressParamsERKNS0_15PackedPixelFileEjjjRj@Base and 6 others ( [symbols]
3 |
kactivities-stats |
5.115.0-2 |
libkf5activitiesstats1/5.115.0-2+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZTSSt23_Sp_counted_ptr_inplaceIN11KActivities8ConsumerESaIvELN9__gnu_cxx12_Lock_policyE1EE@Base ( [symbols]
2 |
kdiagram |
3.0.1-1 |
libkchart6-3/3.0.1-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt8_Rb_treeIdSt4pairIKd4QPenESt10_Select1stIS3_ESt4lessIdESaIS3_EE24_M_get_insert_unique_posERS1_@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
1 |
kdsoap |
1.9.1+dfsg-5 |
libkdsoap1/1.9.1+dfsg-5+b3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN9QtPrivate19QVariantValueHelperI10KDDateTimeE8metaTypeERK8QVariant@Base ( [symbols]
3 |
kdsoap |
1.9.1+dfsg-5 |
libkdsoap-server1/1.9.1+dfsg-5+b3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN18QMetaTypeIdQObjectIP12KDSoapServerLi8EE14qt_metatype_idEv@Base ( [symbols]
9 |
keyman |
17.0.326-1 |
libkeymancore1/17.0.326-1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt10_HashtableINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIDsSt11char_traitsIDsESaIDsEEESt4pairIKS5_S5_ESaIS8_ENSt8__detail10_Select1stESt8equal_toIS5_ESt4hashIS5_ENSA_18_Mod_range_hashingENSA_20_Default_ranged_hashENSA_20_Prime_rehash_policyENSA_17_Hashtable_traitsILb1ELb0ELb1EEEE21_M_insert_unique_nodeEjjPNSA_10_Hash_nodeIS8_Lb1EEEj@Base and 26 others ( [symbols]
3 |
keyman |
17.0.326-1 |
libkeymancore1/17.0.326-1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt10_HashtableINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIDsSt11char_traitsIDsESaIDsEEESt4pairIKS5_S5_ESaIS8_ENSt8__detail10_Select1stESt8equal_toIS5_ESt4hashIS5_ENSA_18_Mod_range_hashingENSA_20_Default_ranged_hashENSA_20_Prime_rehash_policyENSA_17_Hashtable_traitsILb1ELb0ELb1EEEE21_M_insert_unique_nodeEmmPNSA_10_Hash_nodeIS8_Lb1EEEm@Base and 28 others ( [symbols]
2 |
keyman |
17.0.326-1 |
libkeymancore1/17.0.326-1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt10_HashtableINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIDsSt11char_traitsIDsESaIDsEEESt4pairIKS5_S5_ESaIS8_ENSt8__detail10_Select1stESt8equal_toIS5_ESt4hashIS5_ENSA_18_Mod_range_hashingENSA_20_Default_ranged_hashENSA_20_Prime_rehash_policyENSA_17_Hashtable_traitsILb1ELb0ELb1EEEE21_M_insert_unique_nodeEmmPNSA_10_Hash_nodeIS8_Lb1EEEm@Base and 26 others ( [symbols]
3 |
kf6-bluez-qt |
6.6.0-3 |
libkf6bluezqt6/6.6.0-3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZSt19piecewise_construct@Base ( [symbols]
4 |
kf6-bluez-qt |
6.7.0-1 |
libkf6bluezqt6/6.7.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZSt19piecewise_construct@Base ( [symbols]
4 |
kf6-kguiaddons |
6.7.0-1 |
libkf6guiaddons6/6.7.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN23KWindowInsetsController11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv@Base and 17 others ( [symbols]
9 |
kf6-kirigami |
6.7.0-1 |
libkirigami6/6.7.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZGVN8Kirigami8Platform26PlatformThemeChangeTracker16s_blockedChangesE@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
9 |
kf6-kirigami |
6.7.0-1 |
libkirigamilayouts6/6.7.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZGVZN9QMetaType21registerConverterImplI5QListIP10QQuickItemE9QIterableI13QMetaSequenceEEEbSt8functionIFbPKvPvEES_S_E10unregister@Base and 8 others ( [symbols]
9 |
kf6-kirigami |
6.7.0-1 |
libkirigamiplatform6/6.7.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZGVN8Kirigami8Platform26PlatformThemeChangeTracker16s_blockedChangesE@Base and 9 others ( [symbols]
9 |
kf6-kirigami |
6.7.0-1 |
libkirigamiprimitives6/6.7.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZGVN8Kirigami8Platform26PlatformThemeChangeTracker16s_blockedChangesE@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
9 |
kf6-knewstuff |
6.6.0-2 |
libkf6newstuffcore6/6.6.0-2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt8__detail11__synth3wayE@Base ( [symbols]
5 |
kf6-knewstuff |
6.6.0-2 |
libkf6newstuffcore6/6.6.0-2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZTISt19_Sp_make_shared_tag@Base ( [symbols]
2 |
kf6-knewstuff |
6.7.0-1 |
libkf6newstuffcore6/6.7.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt8__detail11__synth3wayE@Base ( [symbols]
5 |
kf6-knewstuff |
6.7.0-1 |
libkf6newstuffcore6/6.7.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZTISt19_Sp_make_shared_tag@Base ( [symbols]
2 |
kf6-kpackage |
6.6.0-1 |
libkf6package6/6.6.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt10_HashtableI7QStringS0_SaIS0_ENSt8__detail9_IdentityESt8equal_toIS0_ESt4hashIS0_ENS2_18_Mod_range_hashingENS2_20_Default_ranged_hashENS2_20_Prime_rehash_policyENS2_17_Hashtable_traitsILb0ELb1ELb1EEEE21_M_insert_unique_nodeEjjPNS2_10_Hash_nodeIS0_Lb0EEEj@Base ( [symbols]
3 |
kf6-kpackage |
6.7.0-1 |
libkf6package6/6.7.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt10_HashtableI7QStringS0_SaIS0_ENSt8__detail9_IdentityESt8equal_toIS0_ESt4hashIS0_ENS2_18_Mod_range_hashingENS2_20_Default_ranged_hashENS2_20_Prime_rehash_policyENS2_17_Hashtable_traitsILb0ELb1ELb1EEEE21_M_insert_unique_nodeEjjPNS2_10_Hash_nodeIS0_Lb0EEEj@Base ( [symbols]
3 |
kf6-krunner |
6.7.0-1 |
libkf6runner6/6.7.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN7KRunner13RunnerManager15queryingChangedEv@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
9 |
kf6-ktexteditor |
6.6.0-1 |
libkf6texteditor6/6.6.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNK4Kate9TextBlock9startLineEv@Base ( [symbols]
9 |
kfilemetadata-kf5 |
5.115.0-2 |
libkf5filemetadata3/5.115.0-2+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt6vectorIN13KFileMetaData6WriterESaIS1_EE17_M_realloc_appendIJS1_EEEvDpOT_@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
9 |
kjsembed |
5.115.0-2 |
libkf5jsembed5/5.115.0-2+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNK10QStringRef7compareE13QLatin1StringN2Qt15CaseSensitivityE@Base ( [symbols]
3 |
kopeninghours |
22.12.3-1 |
libkopeninghours1/22.12.3-1+b4 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt6vectorIN13KOpeningHours8IntervalESaIS1_EE17_M_realloc_appendIJRKS1_EEEvDpOT_@Base ( [symbols]
1 |
kosmindoormap |
22.12.3-1 |
libkosm1/22.12.3-1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt6vectorIN3OSM3WayESaIS1_EE17_M_realloc_appendIJS1_EEEvDpOT_@Base and 3 others ( [symbols]
1 |
kosmindoormap |
22.12.3-1 |
libkosmindoormap1/22.12.3-1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt6vectorIN13KOSMIndoorMap15PlatformSectionESaIS1_EE17_M_realloc_appendIJS1_EEEvDpOT_@Base and 10 others ( [symbols]
1 |
kpmcore |
24.08.2-1 |
libkpmcore12/24.08.2-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt10_HashtableI7QStringS0_SaIS0_ENSt8__detail9_IdentityESt8equal_toIS0_ESt4hashIS0_ENS2_18_Mod_range_hashingENS2_20_Default_ranged_hashENS2_20_Prime_rehash_policyENS2_17_Hashtable_traitsILb0ELb1ELb1EEEEC1IPKS0_EET_SH_jRKS7_RKS5_RKS1_St17integral_constantIbLb1EE@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
3 |
kproperty |
3.2.0-2 |
libkpropertywidgets3-4/3.2.0-2+b3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt7__cxx114listI7QStringSaIS1_EE6uniqueEv@Base ( [symbols]
9 |
kpublictransport |
23.04.3-1 |
libkpublictransport1/23.04.3-1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt6vectorI7QStringSaIS0_EE17_M_realloc_appendIJS0_EEEvDpOT_@Base and 27 others ( [symbols]
9 |
kpublictransport |
23.04.3-1 |
libkpublictransportonboard1/23.04.3-1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt6vectorIPKN16KPublicTransport13OnboardStatusESaIS3_EE17_M_realloc_appendIJRKS3_EEEvDpOT_@Base ( [symbols]
9 |
kservice |
5.115.0-2 |
libkf5service5/5.115.0-2+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNK12KConfigGroup9readEntryI10QByteArrayEET_PKcRKS2_@Base ( [symbols]
6 |
kxmlgui |
5.115.0-2 |
libkf5xmlgui5/5.115.0-2+b3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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3 |
kxmlgui |
5.115.0-2 |
libkf5xmlgui5/5.115.0-2+b3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNK12KConfigGroup9readEntryI10QByteArrayEET_PKcRKS2_@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
6 |
libappimage |
1.0.4-5-4 |
libappimage1.0abi1t64/1.0.4-5-4 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNK5boost10filesystem4path11parent_pathEv@ABI_1.0_1 ( [symbols]
2 |
libblkio |
1.5.0-2 |
libblkio1/1.5.0-2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN3std3sys3pal4unix4args3imp15ARGV_INIT_ARRAY17hcb9d48ee0a1e38d6E@Base ( [symbols]
1 |
libblkio |
1.5.0-2 |
libblkio1/1.5.0-2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN3std3sys3pal4unix4args3imp15ARGV_INIT_ARRAY17h107b5516d5bcc4d8E@Base ( [symbols]
1 |
libblkio |
1.5.0-2 |
libblkio1/1.5.0-2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN3std3sys3pal4unix4args3imp15ARGV_INIT_ARRAY17ha47914fddd9562a8E@Base ( [symbols]
1 |
libblkio |
1.5.0-2 |
libblkio1/1.5.0-2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN3std3sys3pal4unix4args3imp15ARGV_INIT_ARRAY17hce911dd199c1f973E@Base ( [symbols]
1 |
libblkio |
1.5.0-2 |
libblkio1/1.5.0-2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN3std3sys3pal4unix4args3imp15ARGV_INIT_ARRAY17h34e4eddfabc5545dE@Base ( [symbols]
1 |
libblkio |
1.5.0-2 |
libblkio1/1.5.0-2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN3std3sys3pal4unix4args3imp15ARGV_INIT_ARRAY17h611a3ebb13afa63eE@Base ( [symbols]
1 |
libcdio |
2.1.0-4.2 |
libiso9660++0t64/2.1.0-4.2+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt6vectorIPN7ISO96604StatESaIS2_EE17_M_realloc_appendIJS2_EEEvDpOT_@Base ( [symbols]
9 |
libcgns |
4.2.0-1~exp1 |
libcgns4.2/4.2.0-1~exp1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol __cgns_MOD___copy___iso_c_binding_C_funptr@Base and 5 others ( [symbols]
1 |
libde265 |
1.0.15-1 |
libde265-0/1.0.15-1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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6 |
libde265 |
1.0.15-1 |
libde265-0/1.0.15-1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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1 |
libde265 |
1.0.15-1 |
libde265-0/1.0.15-1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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1 |
libde265 |
1.0.15-1 |
libde265-0/1.0.15-1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt12_Vector_baseIiSaIiEED1Ev@Base and 3 others ( [symbols]
1 |
libfastahack |
1.0.0+dfsg-11 |
libfastahack0/1.0.0+dfsg-11+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt6vectorI15FastaIndexEntrySaIS0_EE17_M_realloc_appendIJRKS0_EEEvDpOT_@Base and 2 others ( [symbols]
4 |
libgc |
1:8.2.8-1 |
libgc1/1:8.2.8-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol end@Base ( [symbols]
1 |
libgc |
1:8.2.8-1 |
libgc1/1:8.2.8-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol end@Base ( [symbols]
1 |
libgenome |
1.3.11+svn20110227.4616-6 |
libgenome0/1.3.11+svn20110227.4616-6+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt6vectorIN6genome10gnLocationESaIS1_EE17_M_realloc_appendIJRKS1_EEEvDpOT_@Base and 11 others ( [symbols]
1 |
libgsecuredelete |
0.3-3.2 |
libgsecuredelete0/0.3-3.2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol gsd_async_operation_error_get_type@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
8 |
libgsecuredelete |
0.3-3.2 |
libgsecuredelete0/0.3-3.2+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol gsd_async_operation_error_get_type@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
1 |
libheif |
1.19.3-1 |
libheif1/1.19.3-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZTIN9__gnu_cxx24__concurrence_lock_errorE@Base and 7 others ( [symbols]
2 |
libhtp |
1:0.5.49-1 |
libhtp2/1:0.5.49-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol htp_config_set_number_headers_limit@Base ( [symbols]
9 |
libica |
3.9.0-2 |
libica3/3.9.0-2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol ICA_DRBG_SHA512@LIBICA_3.0.0 and 126 others ( [symbols]
1 |
libkdegames |
4:22.12.3-1 |
libkf5kdegames7/4:22.12.3-1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZThn8_N17KgDeclarativeViewD0Ev@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
1 |
libkexiv2 |
24.08.2-1 |
libkexiv2qt6-0/24.08.2-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN5Exiv29ValueTypeIjE11setDataAreaEPKhj@Base and 6 others ( [symbols]
3 |
libkf5kexiv2 |
23.04.2-2 |
libkf5kexiv2-15.0.0/23.04.2-2+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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6 |
libkf5kexiv2 |
23.04.2-2 |
libkf5kexiv2-15.0.0/23.04.2-2+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN5Exiv29ValueTypeIjE11setDataAreaEPKhj@Base and 7 others ( [symbols]
3 |
libkolabxml |
1.2.1-5 |
libkolabxml1v5/1.2.1-5+b4 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN5boost9unordered6detail15prime_fmod_sizeIvE6moduloILj100663319EEEjj@Base and 29 others ( [symbols]
3 |
libkomparediff2 |
4:24.08.2-1 |
libkomparediff2-6/4:24.08.2-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt6vectorIjSaIjEE17_M_default_appendEj@Base ( [symbols]
3 |
libkysdk-applications | |
libkysdk-applications/ |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZThn8_N3kdk12KAboutDialogD0Ev@Base and 5 others ( [symbols]
1 |
libkysdk-applications | |
libkysdk-applications/ |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZThn24_N3kdk12KInputDialog11changeThemeEv@Base and 33 others ( [symbols]
1 |
libkysdk-applications | |
libkysdk-applications/ |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZThn24_N3kdk11KMenuButton11changeThemeEv@Base and 29 others ( [symbols]
1 |
libkysdk-base | |
libkysdk-base/ |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZTIN9__gnu_cxx7__mutexE@Base and 5 others ( [symbols]
1 |
libkysdk-base | |
libkysdk-base/ |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt8__detail18__to_chars_10_implIjEEvPcjT_@Base and 7 others ( [symbols]
1 |
libkysdk-base | |
libkysdk-base/ |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt8__detail18__to_chars_10_implIjEEvPcjT_@Base ( [symbols]
1 |
libkysdk-base | |
libkysdk-base/ |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt8__detail18__to_chars_10_implIjEEvPcjT_@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
1 |
liblangtag |
0.6.7-1 |
liblangtag1/0.6.7-1+b2 |
overridden |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _lt_string_expand@Base ( [symbols] |
9 |
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0.11.1-2 |
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error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt6vectorIbSaIbEE13_M_insert_auxESt13_Bit_iteratorb@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
1 |
libliftoff |
0.5.0-1.1 |
libliftoff0/0.5.0-1.1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol core_property_index@Base and 4 others ( [symbols]
9 |
libofa |
0.9.3-21 |
libofa0/0.9.3-21+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN3TNT7Array1DIfED1Ev@Base and 4 others ( [symbols]
9 |
libopenmpt |
0.7.9-1 |
libopenmpt0t64/0.7.9-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN9__gnu_cxx24__concurrence_lock_errorD0Ev@Base and 15 others ( [symbols]
2 |
libowfat |
0.32-5 |
libowfat0t64/0.32-5 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol alt_curread@Base and 40 others ( [symbols]
9 |
libprelude |
5.2.0-5.6 |
libpreludecpp12t64/5.2.0-5.6+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt6vectorIN7Prelude10ConnectionESaIS1_EE17_M_realloc_appendIJS1_EEEvDpOT_@Base and 2 others ( [symbols]
9 |
librandomx |
1.1.10-3 |
librandomx0/1.1.10-3+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt6vectorIN7randomx7MacroOpESaIS1_EED1Ev@Base and 3 others ( [symbols]
9 |
libraw |
0.21.3-1 |
libraw23t64/0.21.3-1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt12_Vector_baseIhSaIhEED1Ev@Base and 3 others ( [symbols]
9 |
libraw |
0.21.3-1 |
libraw23t64/0.21.3-1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt12_Vector_baseIhSaIhEED1Ev@Base and 3 others ( [symbols]
9 |
libsepol |
3.7-1 |
libsepol2/3.7-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol LIBSEPOL_3.6@LIBSEPOL_3.6 and 1 others ( [symbols]
9 |
libseqlib |
1.2.0+dfsg-11 |
libseqlib2/1.2.0+dfsg-11+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN4Json10CharReaderD0Ev@Base and 26 others ( [symbols]
1 |
libssw |
1.2.5-1 |
libssw1/1.2.5-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt7__cxx1115basic_stringbufIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED0Ev@Base and 2 others ( [symbols]
1 |
libubootenv |
0.3.5-0.1 |
libubootenv0.1/0.3.5-0.1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol consume_event@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
9 |
libunistring |
1.2-1 |
libunistring5/1.2-1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol libunistring_gl_LDBL_MAX@Base ( [symbols]
1 |
libunivalue |
1.1.1+20191112-3 |
libunivalue0/1.1.1+20191112-3+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt6vectorI8UniValueSaIS0_EE17_M_realloc_appendIJRKS0_EEEvDpOT_@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
9 |
libvpd |
2.2.9-1 |
libvpd-2.2-3/2.2.9-1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZSteqIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEbRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIT_T0_T1_EEPKS5_@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
1 |
libxc |
5.2.3-1 |
libxc9/5.2.3-1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol __xc_f03_lib_m_MOD___copy___iso_c_binding_C_funptr@Base and 5 others ( [symbols]
9 |
libxc |
5.2.3-1 |
libxc9/5.2.3-1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol __xc_f90_lib_m_MOD___copy___iso_c_binding_C_funptr@Base and 5 others ( [symbols]
9 |
litehtml |
0.6-1.2 |
liblitehtml0t64/0.6-1.2+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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1 |
litehtml |
0.6-1.2 |
liblitehtml0t64/0.6-1.2+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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2 |
litehtml |
0.6-1.2 |
liblitehtml0t64/0.6-1.2+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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2 |
litehtml |
0.6-1.2 |
liblitehtml0t64/0.6-1.2+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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3 |
litehtml |
0.6-1.2 |
liblitehtml0t64/0.6-1.2+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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1 |
llvm-toolchain-14 |
1:14.0.6-20 |
libomp5-14t64/1:14.0.6-20 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol omp_get_interop_int@VERSION and 13 others ( [symbols]
6 |
llvm-toolchain-16 |
1:16.0.6-27 |
libomp5-16t64/1:16.0.6-27+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol VERS1.0@VERS1.0 and 33 others ( [symbols]
1 |
llvm-toolchain-16 |
1:16.0.6-27 |
libomp5-16t64/1:16.0.6-27+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol VERS1.0@VERS1.0 and 10 others ( [symbols]
1 |
llvm-toolchain-16 |
1:16.0.6-27 |
libomp5-16t64/1:16.0.6-27+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol VERS1.0@VERS1.0 and 10 others ( [symbols]
1 |
llvm-toolchain-16 |
1:16.0.6-27 |
libomp5-16t64/1:16.0.6-27+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol VERS1.0@VERS1.0 and 33 others ( [symbols]
1 |
llvm-toolchain-17 |
1:17.0.6-18 |
libomp5-17t64/1:17.0.6-18 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol VERS1.0@VERS1.0 and 35 others ( [symbols]
1 |
llvm-toolchain-17 |
1:17.0.6-18 |
libomp5-17t64/1:17.0.6-18 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol VERS1.0@VERS1.0 and 35 others ( [symbols]
1 |
llvm-toolchain-18 |
1:18.1.8-12 |
libomp5-18/1:18.1.8-12 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol VERS1.0@VERS1.0 and 37 others ( [symbols]
1 |
llvm-toolchain-18 |
1:18.1.8-12 |
libomp5-18/1:18.1.8-12 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol VERS1.0@VERS1.0 and 37 others ( [symbols]
1 |
llvm-toolchain-19 |
1:19.1.4-1 |
libclang1-19/1:19.1.4-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol LLVM_19@LLVM_19 and 2 others ( [symbols]
9 |
llvm-toolchain-19 |
1:19.1.4-1 |
libomp5-19/1:19.1.4-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol VERS1.0@VERS1.0 and 71 others ( [symbols]
3 |
llvm-toolchain-19 |
1:19.1.4-1 |
libomp5-19/1:19.1.4-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol __kmpc_dispatch_deinit@VERSION and 3 others ( [symbols]
6 |
llvm-toolchain-snapshot |
1:20~++20241008102056+4d218caa7716-1~exp1 |
libclang1-20/1:20~++20241008102056+4d218caa7716-1~exp1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol LLVM_19@LLVM_19 and 4 others ( [symbols]
4 |
llvm-toolchain-snapshot |
1:20~++20241008102056+4d218caa7716-1~exp1 |
libomp5-20/1:20~++20241008102056+4d218caa7716-1~exp1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol VERS1.0@VERS1.0 and 73 others ( [symbols]
3 |
llvm-toolchain-snapshot |
1:20~++20241008102056+4d218caa7716-1~exp1 |
libomp5-20/1:20~++20241008102056+4d218caa7716-1~exp1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol __kmpc_dispatch_deinit@VERSION and 3 others ( [symbols]
3 |
lomiri-api |
0.2.1-1 |
liblomiri-api0/0.2.1-1+b3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt6vectorINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEESaIS5_EE17_M_realloc_appendIJS5_EEEvDpOT_@Base and 2 others ( [symbols]
9 |
lzo2 |
2.10-3 |
liblzo2-2/2.10-3+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol lzo1c_decompress_asm@Base and 11 others ( [symbols]
1 |
mbedtls |
3.6.2-3 |
libmbedcrypto16/3.6.2-3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol mbedtls_aesce_crypt_ecb@Base and 5 others ( [symbols]
1 |
mbedtls |
3.6.2-3 |
libmbedcrypto16/3.6.2-3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol mbedtls_padlock_has_support@Base and 2 others ( [symbols]
1 |
mousepad |
0.6.3-1 |
libmousepad0/0.6.3-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol mousepad_history_paste_add@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
9 |
mpsolve |
3.2.1-10.1 |
libmps3t64/3.2.1-10.1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZSt18__do_uninit_fill_nIPN3mps6formal8MonomialEjS2_ET_S4_T0_RKT1_@Base ( [symbols]
3 |
mpvqt |
1.0.0-1 |
libmpvqt1/1.0.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN17QArrayDataPointerI8QVariantE17reallocateAndGrowEN10QArrayData14GrowthPositionEiPS1_@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
3 |
mujoco |
2.2.2-3 |
libmujoco2.2.2/2.2.2-3+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNKSt8_Rb_treeINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES5_St9_IdentityIS5_ESt4lessIS5_ESaIS5_EE4findERKS5_@Base ( [symbols]
1 |
mysql-8.0 |
8.0.40-1 |
libmysqlclient21/8.0.40-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol mysql_binlog_close@libmysqlclient_21.0 and 6 others ( [symbols]
8 |
nettle |
3.10-1 |
libnettle8t64/3.10-1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _nettle_sha256_compress_n_armv6@NETTLE_INTERNAL_8_9 and 1 others ( [symbols]
2 |
nettle |
3.10-1 |
libnettle8t64/3.10-1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _nettle_aes_invert_c@NETTLE_INTERNAL_8_9 and 18 others ( [symbols]
1 |
nettle |
3.10-1 |
libnettle8t64/3.10-1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _nettle_aes128_decrypt_s390x@NETTLE_INTERNAL_8_9 and 37 others ( [symbols]
1 |
nettle |
3.10-1 |
libnettle8t64/3.10-1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _nettle_ghash_set_key_arm64@NETTLE_INTERNAL_8_9 and 5 others ( [symbols]
1 |
ngspice |
43+ds-1 |
libngspice0/43+ds-1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN5dualsdvIddLi0ELi0ENS_4dualIdEEEET3_RKNS1_IT_EERKNS1_IT0_EE@Base ( [symbols]
3 |
oakleaf |
0.0.1-3 |
liboakleaf0/0.0.1-3+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol __fluxmean_MOD___copy_iso_fortran_env_Event_type@Base and 44 others ( [symbols]
9 |
okular |
4:24.08.2-2 |
libokular6core2/4:24.08.2-2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIDiSt11char_traitsIDiESaIDiEE9_M_mutateEjjPKDij@Base ( [symbols]
2 |
opus |
1.5.2-2 |
libopus0/1.5.2-2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol celt_pitch_xcorr_edsp@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
2 |
p8-platform | |
libp8-platform2/ |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt6vectorINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEESaIS5_EE17_M_realloc_appendIJRKS5_EEEvDpOT_@Base and 3 others ( [symbols]
9 |
poppler |
24.08.0-3 |
libpoppler-qt5-1t64/24.08.0-3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZTIN9__gnu_cxx7__mutexE@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
1 |
poppler |
24.08.0-3 |
libpoppler-qt5-1t64/24.08.0-3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZTISt19_Sp_make_shared_tag@Base ( [symbols]
1 |
poppler |
24.08.0-3 |
libpoppler-qt5-1t64/24.08.0-3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZTIN9__gnu_cxx7__mutexE@Base and 2 others ( [symbols]
1 |
poppler |
24.08.0-3 |
libpoppler-qt6-3t64/24.08.0-3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt8__detail11__synth3wayE@Base and 3 others ( [symbols]
1 |
poppler |
24.08.0-3 |
libpoppler-qt6-3t64/24.08.0-3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZTIN9__gnu_cxx7__mutexE@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
1 |
poppler |
24.08.0-3 |
libpoppler-qt6-3t64/24.08.0-3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt8__detail11__synth3wayE@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
1 |
qca2 |
2.3.9-1 |
libqca-qt5-2/2.3.9-1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZSt19piecewise_construct@Base ( [symbols]
4 |
qca2 |
2.3.9-1 |
libqca-qt6-2/2.3.9-1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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4 |
qca2 |
2.3.9-1 |
libqca-qt6-2/2.3.9-1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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5 |
qoauth |
2.0.1~1-3 |
libqoauth2/2.0.1~1-3+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN8QMapDataI10QByteArrayS0_E7destroyEv@Base and 2 others ( [symbols]
6 |
qoauth |
2.0.1~1-3 |
libqoauth2/2.0.1~1-3+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN8QMapDataI10QByteArrayS0_E7destroyEv@Base and 2 others ( [symbols]
3 |
qr-code-generator |
1.8.0-1.2 |
libqrcodegencpp1/1.8.0-1.2+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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2 |
qr-code-generator |
1.8.0-1.2 |
libqrcodegencpp1/1.8.0-1.2+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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7 |
qscintilla2 |
2.14.1+dfsg-1 |
libqscintilla2-qt5-15/2.14.1+dfsg-1+b4 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt11_Deque_baseIlSaIlEE17_M_initialize_mapEj@Base and 13 others ( [symbols]
3 |
qscintilla2 |
2.14.1+dfsg-1 |
libqscintilla2-qt5-15/2.14.1+dfsg-1+b4 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt11_Deque_baseIlSaIlEE17_M_initialize_mapEm@Base and 13 others ( [symbols]
6 |
qscintilla2 |
2.14.1+dfsg-1 |
libqscintilla2-qt6-15/2.14.1+dfsg-1+b4 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt11_Deque_baseIlSaIlEE17_M_initialize_mapEj@Base and 16 others ( [symbols]
3 |
qscintilla2 |
2.14.1+dfsg-1 |
libqscintilla2-qt6-15/2.14.1+dfsg-1+b4 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZNSt11_Deque_baseIlSaIlEE17_M_initialize_mapEm@Base and 15 others ( [symbols]
6 |
qtconnectivity-opensource-src |
5.15.15-2 |
libqt5bluetooth5/5.15.15-2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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3 |
qtscxml-everywhere-src |
5.15.15-2 |
libqt5scxml5/5.15.15-2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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9 |
qtwebengine-opensource-src |
5.15.17+dfsg-5 |
libqt5pdf5/5.15.17+dfsg-5 |
error |
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2 |
qtwebengine-opensource-src |
5.15.17+dfsg-5 |
libqt5pdf5/5.15.17+dfsg-5 |
error |
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3 |
qtwebengine-opensource-src |
5.15.17+dfsg-5 |
libqt5webenginecore5/5.15.17+dfsg-5 |
error |
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1 |
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5.15.17+dfsg-5 |
libqt5webenginecore5/5.15.17+dfsg-5 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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1 |
qtwebengine-opensource-src |
5.15.17+dfsg-5 |
libqt5webenginecore5/5.15.17+dfsg-5 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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1 |
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5.15.17+dfsg-5 |
libqt5webenginecore5/5.15.17+dfsg-5 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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1 |
qtwebengine-opensource-src |
5.15.17+dfsg-5 |
libqt5webenginecore5/5.15.17+dfsg-5 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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1 |
qwtplot3d |
0.2.7+svn191+gcc7-3 |
libqwtplot3d-qt5-0/0.2.7+svn191+gcc7-3+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN5Qwt3D9qwt3d_ptrINS_5ScaleEE13destroyRawPtrEv@Base and 8 others ( [symbols]
5 |
qwtplot3d |
0.2.7+svn191+gcc7-3 |
libqwtplot3d-qt5-0/0.2.7+svn191+gcc7-3+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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1 |
qwtplot3d |
0.2.7+svn191+gcc7-3 |
libqwtplot3d-qt5-0/0.2.7+svn191+gcc7-3+b3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN5Qwt3D9qwt3d_ptrINS_5ScaleEE13destroyRawPtrEv@Base and 11 others ( [symbols]
1 |
rem |
1.0.0-2 |
librem1/1.0.0-2+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol aac_header_decode@Base and 83 others ( [symbols]
9 |
rocfft |
6.1.2-1 |
librocfft0/6.1.2-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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1 |
rocsolver |
5.5.1-6 |
librocsolver0/5.5.1-6+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZTIN3fmt3v1012format_errorE@Base and 2 others ( [symbols]
1 |
rtfilter |
1.1-4 |
librtfilter1/1.1-4+b3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol align_alloc@Base and 16 others ( [symbols]
7 |
rtfilter |
1.1-4 |
librtfilter1/1.1-4+b3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol align_alloc@Base and 22 others ( [symbols]
2 |
ruby3.2 |
3.2.3-1 |
libruby3.2/3.2.3-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol rb_gc_disable_no_rest@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
6 |
ruby3.2 |
3.2.3-1 |
libruby3.2/3.2.3-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol rb_gc_disable_no_rest@Base and 3 others ( [symbols]
3 |
seafile |
9.0.11-1 |
libseafile0t64/9.0.11-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol seafile_encryption_info_get_pwd_hash@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
9 |
secsipidx |
1.3.2-2.1 |
libsecsipid1t64/1.3.2-2.1+b3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol crosscall1@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
6 |
secsipidx |
1.3.2-2.1 |
libsecsipid1t64/1.3.2-2.1+b3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol crosscall_ppc64@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
1 |
secsipidx |
1.3.2-2.1 |
libsecsipid1t64/1.3.2-2.1+b3 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol crosscall_s390x@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
1 |
silly |
0.1.0-8.1 |
libsilly/0.1.0-8.1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN5SILLY15PNGImageContext4readEPhm@Base and 68 others ( [symbols]
4 |
silly |
0.1.0-8.1 |
libsilly/0.1.0-8.1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN5SILLY15PNGImageContext4readEPhj@Base and 68 others ( [symbols]
1 |
silly |
0.1.0-8.1 |
libsilly/0.1.0-8.1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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2 |
silly |
0.1.0-8.1 |
libsilly/0.1.0-8.1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN5SILLY15PNGImageContext4readEPhm@Base and 68 others ( [symbols]
2 |
spandsp |
0.0.6+dfsg-2.1 |
libspandsp2t64/0.0.6+dfsg-2.1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol sqrtu32_u16@Base ( [symbols]
2 |
sphde |
1.4.0-5.1 |
libsphde1t64/1.4.0-5.1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol __TM_begin@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
1 |
telepathy-logger-qt |
17.09.0-1 |
libtelepathy-logger-qt5/17.09.0-1+b4 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN18QMetaTypeIdQObjectIP23QDBusPendingCallWatcherLi8EE14qt_metatype_idEv@Base and 3 others ( [symbols]
9 |
tinygltf |
2.9.3+dfsg-2 |
libtinygltf6d/2.9.3+dfsg-2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN8tinygltf5ModelC1Ev@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
6 |
tlsh |
4.8.2+ds-0.1 |
libtlsh4/4.8.2+ds-0.1+b5 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _Z21convert_special_charsPcS_ji@Base ( [symbols]
3 |
tomlplusplus |
3.4.0+ds-0.2 |
libtomlplusplus3t64/3.4.0+ds-0.2+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZN4toml2v34impl9formatter12print_stringESt17basic_string_viewIcSt11char_traitsIcEEbbb@Base ( [symbols]
9 |
tuiwidgets |
0.2.1-1 |
libtuiwidgets0a/0.2.1-1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
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1 |
tuiwidgets |
0.2.1-1.1~exp1 |
libtuiwidgets0t64/0.2.1-1.1~exp1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZTIN9__gnu_cxx24__concurrence_lock_errorE@Base and 17 others ( [symbols]
1 |
wolfssl |
5.7.2-0.1 |
libwolfssl42t64/5.7.2-0.1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol AltNameDup@Base and 50 others ( [symbols]
9 |
yaml-cpp |
0.8.0+dfsg-6 |
libyaml-cpp0.8/0.8.0+dfsg-6+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZGVZN4YAML3Exp9AmpersandEvE1e@Base and 87 others ( [symbols]
2 |
yaml-cpp |
0.8.0+dfsg-6 |
libyaml-cpp0.8/0.8.0+dfsg-6+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZGVZN4YAML3Exp9AmpersandEvE1e@Base and 40 others ( [symbols]
2 |
yaml-cpp |
0.8.0+dfsg-6 |
libyaml-cpp0.8/0.8.0+dfsg-6+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZGVZN4YAML3Exp9AmpersandEvE1e@Base and 59 others ( [symbols]
1 |
yaml-cpp |
0.8.0+dfsg-6 |
libyaml-cpp0.8/0.8.0+dfsg-6+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZGVZN4YAML3Exp9AmpersandEvE1e@Base and 86 others ( [symbols]
3 |
yaml-cpp |
0.8.0+dfsg-6 |
libyaml-cpp0.8/0.8.0+dfsg-6+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZGVZN4YAML3Exp9AmpersandEvE1e@Base and 104 others ( [symbols]
1 |
zimg |
3.0.5+ds1-1 |
libzimg2/3.0.5+ds1-1+b2 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol _ZTIN9__gnu_cxx7__mutexE@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
2 |
zycore-c |
1.4.1-2.1 |
libzycore1.4t64/1.4.1-2.1+b1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol ZyanStringAppendDecU32@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
3 |
zycore-c |
1.5.0-1 |
libzycore1.5/1.5.0-1 |
error |
symbols-file-contains-current-version-with-debian-revision |
on symbol ZyanStringAppendDecU32@Base and 1 others ( [symbols]
3 |