Lintian tag information: unknown-section (type: warning)

Description (from lintian-explain-tags)

The "Section:" field in this package's control file is not one of the
sections in use on the ftp archive. Valid sections are currently admin,
comm, cli-mono, database, debug, devel, doc, editors, electronics,
embedded, fonts, games, gnome, gnu-r, gnustep, graphics, hamradio,
haskell, httpd, interpreters, java, javascript, kde, libdevel, libs, lisp,
localization, kernel, mail, math, misc, net, news, ocaml, oldlibs,
otherosfs, perl, php, python, ruby, rust, science, shells, sound, tex,
text, utils, vcs, video, web, x11, xfce, zope.

The section name should be preceded by either "contrib/", "non-free/" or
"non-free-firmware/" if the package is in the according archive area.

Please refer to Sections (Section 2.4) in the Debian Policy Manual for

Visibility: warning
Show-Always: no
Check: fields/section

Show affected packages