Debian Patches

Status for 2vcard/0.6-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01_change-perl-path.patch Change the perl path to the one used by Debian As of version 0.6, the default perl path is /usr/pkg/bin/perl. While
this is used by NetBSD's pkgsrc, on Debian the perl path must be
Riley Baird <> no 2015-12-13
02_fix-w3c-error.patch Remove the w3c validation notices from the documentation This is necessary to fix the lintian error privacy-breach-w3c-valid-html
Riley Baird <> no 2015-06-04
03_fhs-compliance.patch Make the installation paths match the FHS This patch changes the default installation locations so that they match
Debian's Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.
Similar changes were already made in previous versions of 2vcard; I just
transformed them into a patch.
Riley Baird <> no 2020-03-24

All known versions for source package '2vcard'
