Debian Patches

Status for anki/2.1.15+dfsg-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
no-version-nag Disable check for new upstream version The Debian packaged anki should not keep notifying the user about new upstream
versions. For the user, Debian is upstream and new versions of the package
would be found through the usual channels (e.g. aptitude).
Andreas Bombe <> not-needed
paths Set file paths to the installed locations Currently the locale files are diverted from the upstream location, so the
directory for the gettext files is simply set to /usr/share/locale.
Andreas Bombe <> not-needed
default-locale Use getlocale(LC_MESSAGES) for default interface locale It will use LANG if LC_MESSAGES is not set and return no locale if neither is
set. Using getdefaultlocale() will yield possibly undesired locales if other
LC_* fields are set.
Andreas Bombe <> no
uninline-javascript Replace minified Javascript with references to libjs packages The Javascript packages in the original anki.js are minified versions
of JQuery and other packages without their corresponding sources.
The dfsg repackaging of the source archive removes this content,
so this patch adds hooks into files provided by the relevant libjs-*
packages. The provided "plot.js" file is a concatenation of three
files from the FLOT software, so this patch pulls in all three of
them from the libjs-jquery-flot package.
Andreas Bombe, Julian Gilbey not-needed
fix-mpv-args.patch Fix mpv arguments to prevent failures In mpv 0.31.0, it started interpreting its arguments strictly, such
that you must pass the option value after an equals sign. As a
result of this, anki started incorrectly calling mpv and crashing
with a warning about the version of mpv being too old. This patch,
backported from a newer version of anki, corrects this problem.
Harlan Lieberman-Berg <> no debian
fix-html-unescape.patch no

All known versions for source package 'anki'
