Debian Patches

Status for autoconf-archive/20220903-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Fix-AX_HAVE_QT.patch Fix AX_HAVE_QT
The AX_HAVE_QT macro uses an uninitialized shell variable
am_have_qt_qmexe. Fix it.
Helmut Grohne <> no 2022-10-01
0002-Fix-ax_python_devel-serial-32-fails-with-current-pyt.patch Fix ax_python_devel serial 32 fails with current python3
The faulty code was introduce in commit df89f6cdaade38f3c1c9987be0c5a57c96fc1730

The current code tuple(sys.version_info) gives the 5-tuple (3, 10, 7, 'final', 0) while
the former code sys.version.split()[0] would give the 3-tuple (3, 10, 7).
So, at first glance, the current code tuple(sys.version_info) should be replaced by

A patch that applied to the current ax_python_devel serial 32 is attached.
Jerome Benoit <> yes debian upstream 2022-11-18

All known versions for source package 'autoconf-archive'
