Debian Patches

Status for bamtools/2.5.2+dfsg-6

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-ignore-thirdparty-and-fix-jsoncpp.patch ignore-thirdparty-and-fix-jsoncpp Debian Med Packaging Team <> not-needed 2012-11-07
shared_and_static.patch Build additional static lib Andreas Tille <> no 2020-05-27
typo.patch fix typo caught by lintian. Étienne Mollier <> yes 2023-12-15
filter_script.patch fix infinite loop on s390x, arm, ppc64el const std::string FilterTool::FilterToolPrivate::GetScriptContents()
loops indefinitely due to fgets() not setting eof flag if
the call returns data on those platforms.
The fgetc/ungetc calls then set/clear eof flag indefinitely.

diff --git a/src/toolkit/bamtools_filter.cpp b/src/toolkit/bamtools_filter.cpp
index 16a1b0d..9c2ea44 100644
Vladimir Petko <> yes debian upstream 2024-07-09
do_not_corrupt_output.patch bamtools crashes/corrupts output data on s390x The issue was detected in Ubuntu autopkgtests. The call to
bamtools revert -in sam_spec_example.bam -out out.bam
fails due to the buffer overflow detected
This is due to the write loop in
using single byte instead of sizeof(uint32_t) increment to
swap bytes in the integer data.
The output file on s390x is corrupted by the write operation.
bamtools crash with the hardening flags enabled.
Vladimir Petko <> yes debian upstream 2024-07-09

All known versions for source package 'bamtools'
