Debian Patches

Status for beancount/2.3.6-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update Remove links for the bean-web template Nicolas Dandrimont <> no 2018-05-01
0002-make-test_version-more-lax-to-accept-non-git-hg-vers.patch make test_version more lax to accept non git/hg versions Stefano Zacchiroli <> no 2018-09-30
0003-Remove-failing-test-for-now.patch Remove failing test for now "Dr. Tobias Quathamer" <> no 2020-09-06
backport/bpo-0004-parser-Remove-line-count-limit-from-strings.patch parser: Remove line count limit from strings
The idea behind enforcing the limit was to detect instances where the
user forgot a closing quote. However, for how a beancount ledger is
usually structured, it is very hard to hit the line count limit before
the ledger contains an unrelated quote character that get interpreted
as the closing quote.

There are multiple reports about the limit being to low to for valid
input, for example in the case of long plugin configuration strings,
and the limit is not effective in detecting invalid ledgers. Remove
the limit.
Daniele Nicolodi <> no 2023-10-08
backport/bpo-0005-setup-Fix-indentation.patch setup: Fix indentation Daniele Nicolodi <> no 2023-11-19
backport/bpo-0006-setup-Move-pytest-and-pdfminer-to-extra_requires.patch setup: Move pytest and pdfminer to extra_requires
Switch from the pdfminer2 to the pdfminer-six fork of the original
pdfminer. The former does not seem to be actively maintained and ships
a broken script.

Fixes #788.
Daniele Nicolodi <> no 2023-11-19
backport/bpo-0007-Run-examples-tests-in-CI.patch Run examples tests in CI Daniele Nicolodi <> no 2023-11-19

All known versions for source package 'beancount'
