Debian Patches

Status for bliss/0.73-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
upstream-source-libbliss-system_wide_includes.patch system wide includes Make #include's that include package headers system wide rather
than local to avoid name collisions; meant to be submitted to the
upstream maintainer.
Jerome Benoit <> invalid debian 2016-04-23
upstream-source-CC2help2man.patch format usages and helps Attempt to format the help message of the bliss front-end program
wrt UN*X customs in view to employ help2man to generate a manpage;
meant to be submitted to the upstream maintainer team.
Jerome Benoit <> invalid debian 2016-04-24
upstream-autotoolization.patch upstream: autotoolization Attempt to provide an autotools chain for bliss;
meant to be submitted to the upstream team.
Jerome Benoit <> invalid debian 2020-12-25
debianization.patch debianization Meant to maintain a minimal debian/rules, to fix warnings,
to address Debian specific stuff in general.
Jerome Benoit <> not-needed debian 2016-03-31

All known versions for source package 'bliss'
