Debian Patches

Status for brainparty/0.61+dfsg-7

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
change-config-file-path.patch change config file path
Save and load the config file, .brainparty, in the user's $HOME
Markus Koschany <> no 2012-12-28
path2data.patch adjust data path location. Dmitry Smirnov <> not-needed 2012-12-22
make.patch improve upstream Makefile Dmitry Smirnov <> not-needed 2013-05-01
unbundle-ttf.patch unbundle freesans.ttf and use system fonts-freefont-ttf Dmitry Smirnov <> not-needed 2012-12-20
disable-fistrun-prompt.patch disable dialog on first run. When application started for the very first time it display
"firstrun.png" with the following text:
Hey! Thanks for playing
Brain Party - a fun brain
game for all the family.
Brain party is also available
for the iPhone/iPod Touch,
and if you buy it through the
App Store you help fund
future development.
Go on, take a look - it's
really cheap!
Maintainer feel that such advertising is inappropriate and therefore
disabling it with this patch.
Dmitry Smirnov <> not-needed 2012-12-20
fix-FTBFS-with-GCC-4.9.patch fix FTBFS with GCC 4.9 Markus Koschany <> no 2014-05-05
reproducible-build.patch Sort object files for deterministic linking order Reiner Herrmann <> no
gcc-6.patch Fix FTBFS on GCC 6 by removing use of hash_set class James Cowgill <> no debian
BPMiniGame_SymbolicLogic.patch BPMiniGame_SymbolicLogic Markus Koschany <> no debian 2019-02-16

All known versions for source package 'brainparty'
