Debian Patches

Status for buteo-syncml/0.5.15-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
1001_Fix-hardcoded-tmp.patch Fix hardcoded temporary directoryAbstract:
A number of tests hardcode /tmp and use it for temporary data which is not
guaranteed to be writable during package builds leading to failed tests. Use
the TMPDIR environment variable instead and fall back to /tmp if not set.
Guido Berhoerster <> yes
1002_Fix-lib-version.patch Fix incorrect library version in tests Guido Berhoerster <> yes
2001_Disable-DataSync__ClientWorkerTest.patch Disable ClientWorkerTest unit tests Several unit tests in ClientWorkerTest fail because worker.isConnected()
returns false. This happens because OBEXClientWorker::process() returns
prematurely after sending an OBEX CONNECT because OBEX_HandleInput() returns 0
which according to the libopenobex documentation should only happen in case of
a timeout but in reality also happens in case of a EAGAIN, EINTR or EWOULDBLOCK
when reading or writing to the server. In the unit tests this happens due to a
race condition when the client tries to read a response from the server before
it is ready. This seems to be more of an issue with libopenobex than with
syncml since the OBEX_HandleInput() takes a timeout argument and is only
documented to return 0 in case of exceeding that timeout.
Guido Berhoerster <> not-needed
2002_Disable-OBEXTransportTest.patch Disable OBEXTransportTest unit tests The OBEXTransportTest::testClientSend unit test hangs for unknown reasons. Guido Berhoerster <> not-needed
1003_src-Fix-typos-in-debug-warning-messages.patch [PATCH] src/: Fix typos in debug/warning messages. Mike Gabriel <> no 2024-06-06

All known versions for source package 'buteo-syncml'
