Debian Patches

Status for cmake-format/0.6.13-6

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Allow-test-suite-to-run-out-of-tree.patch Allow test suite to run out-of-tree
... such as in .pybuild/python_X.Y/build.

This involves including on extra package in the installation but is mostly
bodging things to substitute `$PYBUILD_TEST_BASE_OVERRIDE` for `$PWD` when
hunting for test resources.
Ian Campbell <> not-needed 2020-05-01
0002-Disable-tests-which-don-t-make-sense-for-packaging.patch Disable tests which don't make sense for packaging
TestContribution and TestContributorAgreements are todo with managing upstream
PRs and the like.

TestCommandDatabase only makes sense at development time as a sanity check when
the version of cmake is fixed.
Ian Campbell <> not-needed 2020-05-01
0003-Do-not-install-ctest-to.patch Do not install ctest-to Ian Campbell <> not-needed 2020-05-01
0004-Compatibility-with-argparse-manpage.patch Compatibility with `argparse-manpage`
* Refactor construction of `argparse.ArgumentParser` into a `get_argparser()`
function in each binary.
* Set `prog` property (the default uses `sys.arg[0]` which breaks with
`argparse-manpage`, arguably this is an `argparse-manpage` bug).
* Set the `man_short_description` property based on the first line of the
description. This is used as a summary in the `NAME` section of the man page.
Ian Campbell <> yes 2020-05-01
0005-Correct-misspellings-in-command-line-option-descript.patch Correct misspellings in command line option descriptions & docs Ian Campbell <> yes 2020-10-04
0006-Update-TestConfigInclude._test_passed-to-support-Pyt.patch Update TestConfigInclude._test_passed to support Python 3.11
Update snippet from linked page
Ian Campbell <> yes 2023-01-08

All known versions for source package 'cmake-format'
