Debian Patches

Status for cracklib2/2.9.6-5.2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
install-debian-python-modules.patch install Debian specific Python modules Jan Dittberner <> no
libcrack2-error-safer-check-variant.patch add a safer check variant Markus Wanner <> no debian
improve_test_737040.patch improve Python test to cover low level FascistCheck Jan Dittberner <> no debian
CVE-2016-6318.patch CVE-2016-6318: Stack-based buffer overflow when parsing large GECOS field It is not safe to pass words longer than STRINGSIZE further to cracklib
so the longbuffer cannot be longer than STRINGSIZE.
Salvatore Bonaccorso <> not-needed debian vendor, 2016-08-16
overflow-processing-long-words.patch The input word is guaranteed to be at most STRINGSIZE-1 in length. One of the mangle operations involves duplicating the input word, resulting in
a string twice the length to be accommodated by both area variables.

diff -rupN 3/lib/rules.c 3-patched/lib/rules.c
Howard Guo <> no debian 2016-08-17
fix-musl-linux-any-build no
python3.12-support.patch Fix build against Python 3.12 The build-time test suite still used the obsolete assertEquals function -
which was obsolete and got dropped from Python 3.12. Use the replacement
instead so we can build with Python 3.12.
Olivier Gayot <> yes debian 2023-11-30
python3.13-unittest.patch no

All known versions for source package 'cracklib2'
