Debian Patches

Status for dbus-deviation/0.6.1+git20240205+f5e6774af579-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
drop-setup-requires.patch Drop the build-time dependency to setuptools extensions; use DEP-14 tag layout Andrej Shadura <> no 2019-09-20
drop-pipes.patch Remove usage of deprecated and removed pipes module
Python 3.13 removes a large amount of so called 'dead battery' libraries
from the standard library. As such, code that imports these libraries
will no longer work in Python 3.13, which is the targeted version for

This is the least intrusive patch that respect the spirit of the existing
code, which uses pipes only as a fallback in case shlex is not
Alexandre Detiste <> no debian 2024-11-20
drop-deprecated-setup.patch Drop deprecated stuff from Andrej Shadura <> no 2024-12-25

All known versions for source package 'dbus-deviation'
