Debian Patches

Status for django-session-security/2.6.7+dfsg-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
disable_pycco Disable pycco pycco is not available on Debian. Disable it.

Jean-Michel Nirgal Vourgre <> no 2014-07-19
no-external-images Remove external image from documentation This package creates a potential privacy breach by fetching data from an
external website at runtime. These resources must be removed.

Jean-Michel Nirgal Vourgre <> no 2019-01-04
enable-tests.patch Fix for tests. unittest_data_provider not available in debian ( + test_script tests
has driver issue, so test_script been disabled and need further investigation.
Yogeswaran Umasankar <> no 2024-02-09

All known versions for source package 'django-session-security'
