Debian Patches

Status for dkms/3.0.10-8+deb12u1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-default-built_module_name-0-to-PACKAGE_NAME.patch [PATCH] default built_module_name[0] to $PACKAGE_NAME
$module is not yet set in add_source_tree
Andreas Beckmann <> no 2023-03-27
0002-man-clarify-dkms-add-arguments.patch [PATCH] man: clarify 'dkms add' arguments Andreas Beckmann <> no 2023-03-30
0003-print-a-warning-if-proc-is-not-mounted.patch [PATCH] print a warning if /proc is not mounted Andreas Beckmann <> no 2023-03-31
0004-use-echo-n-as-fallback-for-log_daemon_msg.patch [PATCH] use 'echo -n' as fallback for log_daemon_msg
the final newline is supplied by log_end_msg
Andreas Beckmann <> no 2023-03-22
0005-use-log_action_msg-instead-of-log_daemon_msg-w-o-log.patch [PATCH] use log_action_msg instead of log_daemon_msg w/o log_end_msg Andreas Beckmann <> no 2023-03-17
0006-dkms_autoinstaller-skip-autoinstall-if-headers-are-m.patch [PATCH] dkms_autoinstaller: skip autoinstall if headers are missing
align the behavior with dkms_common.postinst which also skips the build
step if headers are not available

Before this change the following installation order succeeds (while
linux-headers-... is *not* installed) (Debian syntax):
apt install linux-image-... && apt install ...-dkms
while the opposite order causes a failure:
apt install ...-dkms && apt install linux-image-...
After this change both ways succeed.
Andreas Beckmann <> no 2023-03-22
0007-prepare_build-use-return-code-77-if-skipping-due-to-.patch [PATCH] prepare_build: use return code 77 if skipping due to BUILD_EXCLUSIVE_*

error code 9 is used at multiple locations throughout the dkms code
to indicate different unrelated errors

error code 77 has been used by GNU autotest for skipped tests and was
later adopted by other testing frameworks
Andreas Beckmann <> no 2023-03-17
messaging.patch no
version-sort.patch no
BUILD_EXCLUSIVE_CONFIG.patch add BUILD_EXCLUSIVE_CONFIG support build exclusion depending on kernel features being present/absent,
Andreas Beckmann <> yes
spelling.patch spelling corrections
Andreas Beckmann <> no
reinstate-enroll.patch Upstream pull request incorrectly drops enroll-key option When a brand new secureboot key is created, and it hasn't been
previously enrolled as a mok key, it will be rejected by the
kernel. After creating a new key, one should be enrolling it.
fix-builtin-archive-dkms-coinstallation.patch Allow co-installing in-archive and builtin dkms Fix regression preventing co-installing in-archive dkms packages with
kernels that built-in identical or newer versions of the same dkms
Dimitri John Ledkov <> no

All known versions for source package 'dkms'
