Debian Patches

Status for e-antic/2.0.2+ds-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
upstream-harden-systemwise-local_header.patch upstream: systemwise local header Make the local header `local.h' systemwise. Jerome Benoit <> yes vendor, Debian 2022-02-27
debianization.patch debianization Meant to maintain a minimal debian/rules, to fix warnings,
to address Debian specific stuff in general.
This is a Debian centric patch.
Jerome Benoit <> not-needed vendor, Debian 2022-02-20
debianization-tests-freeze.patch debianization: tests: freeze Meant to freeze a test that actually fails to build due to
current mitmatches between the `cereal' material as pacakaged
in Debian and the one actually embedded by upstream.
This is a Debian centric patch.
Jerome Benoit <> not-needed vendor, Debian 2022-02-20

All known versions for source package 'e-antic'
