Debian Patches

Status for eximdoc4/4.98-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Make-docbook2texi-executable-name-configurable.patch Make docbook2texi executable name configurable Some systems, e.g. Debian, install the docbook2x variant of the
docbook2texi command as docbook2x-texi. Make the executable name
configurable in the Makefile.
Andreas Metzler <> no vendor 2022-07-24
0002-info-direntry-description-and-infodir-category.patch info: direntry description and infodir category Set both description for directory entry and infodir category. Andreas Metzler <> yes vendor 2022-07-24
0003-Set-info-filename.patch Set info filename Set filename of generated texi file, and adapt Makefile to expect the
correct output filename.
Andreas Metzler <> no vendor 2022-07-24
0010-fixbrokenlinks.diff fix some broken links in the documentation. Andreas Metzler <> no 2023-10-21
0030-reproducible-build.diff Pull build-timestamp from debian/changelog. Chris Lamb <> no debian vendor 2015-04-28

All known versions for source package 'eximdoc4'
