Debian Patches

Status for fcheck/2.7.59-27

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01_cfg_unix_oel.patch Convert config file to UNIX EOLs Francois Marier <> not-needed 2011-10-12
02_cfg_unix_paths.patch Use UNIX and Debian paths in config file Francois Marier <> not-needed 2011-10-12
03_cfg_gmt.patch Default to the GMT timezone Graham Simpson <> not-needed debian 2001-05-23
04_cfg_sha256.patch Switch to sha256 hash algorithm Francois Marier <> not-needed 2009-03-15
05_cfg_local_settings.patch Include a local settings file Francois Marier <> not-needed debian 2009-11-05
06_executable_cfg_path.patch Fix config file path in main script Anthony Towns <> not-needed debian 2003-02-28
07_executable_empty_dirs.patch Fix checking of empty directories Anthony Towns <> no debian 2003-02-28
08_executable_error_message.patch Improve error message when fcheck db is not writable Anthony Towns <> no debian 2003-02-28
09_upstream_changelog.patch Add historical upstream changelog not-needed 2000-11-07
10_fix_deprecation_warning.patch Remove assignment to deprecated $[ Francois Marier <> no debian 2012-02-18

All known versions for source package 'fcheck'
