Debian Patches

Status for festvox-suopuhe-lj/1.0g-20051204-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
fix-text2wave Make text2wav work with the Finnish voices. (Closes: #495114)

This fixes a SIOD ERROR: wrong type of argument to get_c_val
when using text2wav or just speaking silence: (SayText "")

Apparently the function can't be applied to a nil value.
funcname Fix the definition of 'suo_fi_lj_diphone, it was being
overridden by the next definition.
paths only use the default voice dirs and don't complain if the voices are missing no
sync-damaged-env Apparently this causes a 'SIOD damaged env' warning when invoking
'festival --tts'. See #432019.

All known versions for source package 'festvox-suopuhe-lj'
