Debian Patches

Status for fflas-ffpack/2.4.3-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
do-not-cp-INSTALL-or-COPYING.patch Do not copy INSTALL or COPYING during doc build INSTALL does not exist when we build the package, leading to build failure,
and the extra copies of COPYING result in extra-license-file lintian
warnings. Neither file is actually referenced in the documentation.

Doug Torrance <> no 2018-10-02
no-test-echelon.patch Disable test-echelon yes debian upstream 2020-08-04
reproducible-build.patch Remove CXXFLAGS from fflas-ffpack-config script It might contain the build path if fdebug-prefix-map is used during build. no 2020-08-04

All known versions for source package 'fflas-ffpack'
