Debian Patches

Status for gadap/2.0-17

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
libdap-conf.patch FIX: dap-config no longer prints 'libdap', which breaks configure
Alastair McKinstry <> no
libdap-namespace.patch FIX: libdap now requires the namespace 'libdap'
Alastair McKinstry <> no
test-errors.patch FIX: patch needed for tests to build.
Alastair McKinstry <> no
pkg-config.patch Add gadap.pc pkg-config file to gadap
Alastair McKinstry <> no
libtirpc.patch Switch to the TI RPC implementation Aurelien Jarno <> no
libdap-pkg-config.patch # AC_CHECK_DODS([ ACTION-IF-FOUND [, ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND]]]) no

All known versions for source package 'gadap'
