Debian Patches

Status for geogebra/

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update Little fix to an API glitch with FreeHEP Giovanni Mascellani <> no 2018-04-18
applet_export.diff Fix exporting as an applet
When exporting the worksheet as applet, use the classes distributed
by the upstream site (which have embedded dependencies).
Giovanni Mascellani <> no 2018-04-18
no_mac.diff Removes Mac OS X specific code. Giovanni Mascellani <> no 2018-04-18
version.diff Show Debian version
Patches GeoGebra in order to make the Debian version visible
along with the upstream one. Also, do not warn the user if
he's using an old version of GeoGebra.
Giovanni Mascellani <> no 2018-04-18
use_apache_commons_collections.diff Replaces collections15 with commons-collections. Emmanuel Bourg <> no 2018-04-18
fix_addURL.patch Fix addURL API for OpenJDK 9
In OpenJDK 9 the system ClassLoader is not an instance of
URLClassLoader anymore, which triggers a casting exception.
However, in Debian Geogebra is already statically linked to
all its dependencies, so there is no need to dynamically
update the classpath. So we comment out the faulty code.
Giovanni Mascellani <> no 2018-04-29
java11.diff fix the Java version -> double parsing to be more generic tony mancill <> no 2018-08-05
0008-Remove-EMFPlus.patch Remove EMFPlus support
Recent FreeHEP versions (>= 2.4) do not support EMFPlus any more, so
we remove its support as well. This is unlikely to bother a
significant amount of users.
Giovanni Mascellani <> no 2020-07-02
java17-compatibility.patch Fixes the compatibility with Java 17 Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed

All known versions for source package 'geogebra'
