Debian Patches

Status for gfan/0.6.2-6

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
set_locale_test_0008.patch force LC_ALL=C when sorting output of test 0008 Order used by sort is locale-dependent.
Also, remove 1st and last lines. It removes the lines containing `{` and
`Q[a,b,c]` - monomials are still all present. Otherwise getting the orders to
agree is a tough call.
Cédric Boutillier <> invalid 2020-11-13
dont_forget_flags_debian.patch Use CXXFLAGS/LDFLAGS exported by dpkg-dev Doug Torrance <> invalid 2020-11-13
fix_spelling_errors.patch Doug Torrance <> invalid 2020-11-13
fix_other_warnings_clang.diff fix some warnings emmitted by clang - typo in macro
- type warning in format strings
Cédric Boutillier <> invalid 2020-11-13
make_tests_return_error.patch Nonzero return code if tests fail invalid 2020-11-13
64_bit_int.patch Use int64_t instead of signed long int for 64-bit integer typedef On 32-bit architectures, longs are only 32 bits. The resulting overflow
was causing an infinite loop in the 0602ResultantFanProjection test.
Doug Torrance <> no debian 2020-11-12
find-name.patch Properly terminate while loop when finding application name. Anders Nedergaard Jensen <> invalid debian 2021-11-21

All known versions for source package 'gfan'
