Debian Patches

Status for gtk+3.0/3.24.48-4

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
016_no_offscreen_widgets_grabbing.patch Don't let offscreen widget do grabbing Cody Russell <> yes upstream 2011-11-30
017_no_offscreen_device_grabbing.patch Do not allow devices in an offscreen hierarchy to take grabs. Robert Carr <> yes upstream 2011-11-30
060_ignore-random-icons.patch Don't list images from unknown directories in icon cache
After GTK 2.12.0, gtk-update-icon-cache fails if there is a PNG file
placed directly in /usr/share/icons/hicolor (not in a correct
subdirectory like 48x48/apps).

this change is no longer necessary:
"I believe a slightly different fix that I did some time ago fixes this
too." --Matthias Clasen, 2008-02-16 04:43:10 UTC
Loic Minier <> yes debian upstream 2007-10-21
reftest_compare_surfaces-Report-how-much-the-images-diffe.patch reftest_compare_surfaces: Report how much the images differ
In unattended/non-interactive/autobuilder environments where the images
are not trivially accessible, this provides a way to distinguish between
totally different rendering and more subtle issues.
Simon McVittie <> yes 2021-02-13
reftests-Allow-minor-differences-to-be-tolerated.patch reftests: Allow minor differences to be tolerated
Based on an earlier patch by Michael Biebl, with additional inspiration
from librsvg's reftests.

Each .ui or .node reftest can have an accompanying .keyfile file
like this:


If the image differs, but the number of pixels that differ is no more
than tolerated-diff-pixels and the differences are no more than
tolerated-diff-level, then we treat it as a success with warnings, save
the .diff.png for analysis, and use g_test_incomplete() to record the
test-case as "TODO".
Simon McVittie <> yes 2021-02-13

All known versions for source package 'gtk+3.0'
