Debian Patches

Status for hsetroot/1.0.5-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
36.patch [PATCH] Fix atom name used when clearing previous background
Inherited from Fluxbox' bsetroot, the atom used to clean previous a
previous background contains a typo: `_XROOTMAP_ID` instead of
`_XROOTPMAP_ID`. This results in the cleaning never done, which I
assume would leak the previous backgrounds.

Checking the Debian archive, only hsetroot, bsetroot, pcmanfm and
spacefm are using `_XROOTMAP_ID`. They all seem to derive from
bsetroot. On the other hand, many software are using `_XROOTPMAP_ID`,
including xscreensaver and fvwm (both written at a time where people
know how all this works).

Fix #35
Vincent Bernat <> no 2021-08-29

All known versions for source package 'hsetroot'
