Debian Patches

Status for ignition-physics/5.1.0+ds1-4.2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0002_use_system_gtest.patch USe system gtest Jose Luis Rivero no 2021-12-18
limit_compiler_threads_in_FAKE_INSTALL_test.patch Force FAKE install test to use 1 compilation thread ARM build if failing in the FAKE install test without more details. The
possible root cause if the big amount of memory used by the software and the
multiple threads spawned by the ExternalProject in CMake.
Jose Luis Rivero <> not-needed 2022-02-14
relax-test-expectations-for-ppc64.patch Relax test expectations to make ppc64 happy Jose Luis RIvero <> no 2022-02-14

All known versions for source package 'ignition-physics'
