Debian Patches

Status for indigo/1.2.3-3.1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
library_dir_and_name.patch Give the libraries some kind of soname. Unfortunately we need to fiddle with the build scripts itself
to fix linkages! Remember this when you add more libraries.
Link the tools to the shared libraries of indigo. Don't include
local header copies of system wide installed libraries.

Michael Banck <> no
tinyxml_fix_undefined_symbol.patch ??? Michael Banck <> no
java_wrappers.patch Fix pathnames and shell for java wrappers. Michael Banck <> no
xlocale_ftbfs_fix.patch no
pixman_fix_library_name.patch no
indigo-deco_build_fix.patch no
fix_ftbfs.patch Use getString() The api public String getString(long offset, boolean wide) was removed
in the latest version of libjna-java. The call with 'false' should now
use getString(), and the ones with 'true' should use getWideString().
Sudip Mukherjee <> no debian

All known versions for source package 'indigo'
