Debian Patches

Status for intellij-community-idea/183.5153.4-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
java21-stub-decompiler-fails-on-enums.patch [java] IDEA-323038 Stub decompiler fails on enums in Java 21-ea builds Java 21 compiler adds the method parameter section to mandated methods like valueOf
in enums (see JDK-8292275). The new thing is that mandated method parameter may have
no name. It's unexpected for stub decompiler, which fails with NullPointerException.
Tagir Valeev <> not-needed debian upstream upstream, 2024-01-24
fix-platform-util-compilation.patch Added patches to java files to explicit function casting Saif Abdul Cassim <> not-needed
remove-apple-awt-api.patch Remove usage of the apple.awt package (not in Debian) Saif Abdul Cassim <> not-needed
remove-kotlin-classes.patch Removes usage of Kotlin based classes that can't be built yet Saif Abdul Cassim <> not-needed
asm-compatibility.patch Fixes the compatibility with the version of ASM in Debian Saif Abdul Cassim <> not-needed
gradle-build-scripts.patch Added the build.gradle files so that this project can be built with gradle Saif Abdul Cassim <> not-needed
java17-compatibility.patch Fixes the compatibility with Java 17 Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
java21-compatibility.patch fully quialify org.jetbrains.concurrency.Promise.State Java 19 introduced java.util.concurrent.Future.State enum,
causing the following error:
/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/platform/core-api/src/org/jetbrains/concurrency/ error: reference to State is ambiguous
public final State getState() {
both enum org.jetbrains.concurrency.Promise.State in Promise and enum java.util.concurrent.Future.State in Future match
Vladimir Petko <> not-needed debian 2024-01-15

All known versions for source package 'intellij-community-idea'
