Debian Patches

Status for jakarta-jmeter/2.13-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
01_improve_cli_help.patch Improves the help displayed on the command line Emmanuel Bourg <> no
02_disable-soap-sampler.patch Disable the SOAP sampler since it relies on the old Apache SOAP API which isn't packaged yet. This library is archived here:
Onkar Shinde <> not-needed
03_disable-jdbc-module.patch Disable the JDBC components since it relies on the excalibur-datasource library which is not packaged yet Onkar Shinde <> not-needed
05_ignore-jodd.patch Disable the JoddExtractor since jodd isn't in Debian yet Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
06_link-to-system-javadoc.patch Link the API documentation with the system Javadoc provided by the default-jdk-doc package Onkar Shinde <> not-needed
07_ignore-tika.patch Disable the code using Apache Tika until it's in Debian Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed
08_bouncycastle-1.51.patch bouncycastle 1.51
Fix FTBFS with bouncycastle >= 1.51. This is apparently fixed in the
development version of jmeter. The patch can be dropped with jmeter 2.14.
Markus Koschany <> yes 2015-11-29
09_httpcomponents-compatibility.patch Fix the compatibility with httpcomponents-client >= 4.3 Emmanuel Bourg <> no
10_xstream-compatibility.patch Remove the DOCTYPE to fix an error with XStream >= 1.4.9 (external entities are disabled) Emmanuel Bourg <> no
11_java9-compatibility.patch Fixes the compilations errors with Java 9 Emmanuel Bourg <> no
12_mongodb-compatibility.patch Fixes the compatibility with the version of the MongoDB Java Driver in Debian (untested! feedback welcome) Emmanuel Bourg <> no
jsoup-1.14.2.patch jsoup 1.14.2
Compatibility patch with jsoup 1.14.2
Markus Koschany <> not-needed 2021-09-09

All known versions for source package 'jakarta-jmeter'
