Debian Patches

Status for jmol/16.2.15+dfsg-1

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
java9-compatibility.patch Changes for compatibility with Java 9 Besides the JSpecView error caused by
changes to DefaultMutableTreeNode in Java 9 there is an error caused by
the use of* classes (replaced by equivalent classes in
javax.sound.sampled in the patch), and another one during the generation
of the javadoc caused by the use of a debug method named '_()' (fixed by
setting the source level to 1.7).
Emmanuel Bourg <> not-needed debian 2021-09-11
addAll_return_type.patch changing the return type of Lst.addAll to comply with the one of List in OpenJDK-21. Pierre Gruet <> yes debian 2023-09-29
Lst_conversion.patch solving a non-working implicit conversion during the Debian build Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2024-04-26

All known versions for source package 'jmol'
