Debian Patches

Status for kephra/

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Fix-for-bug-767041.patch Removed logical error in if condition so that cache settings are getting populated before being used in
subsequent code.
Partha Pratim Mukherjee <> yes debian upstream vendor 2014-11-02
02-change-icon.diff use 'wxpl.icon' instead of 'proton.xpm' due to missing copyright Fabrizio Regalli <> not-needed 2014-04-06
pod-fixes.patch add encoding to POD and fix over/item sequence pod2man errors:
"Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Bäcker'. Assuming UTF-8"
"You can't have =items (as at line 230) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item"
gregor herrmann <> yes upstream vendor 2014-04-06
encoding.patch convert share/config/global/data/search.yml from latin1 to utf8.
Otherwise kephra fails to start with an error about
"... does not map to Unicode"
gregor herrmann <> yes upstream vendor 2014-11-02
syntax-checks.patch fix various issues caught by syntax check. Étienne Mollier <> no 2022-06-21
typos.patch fix typos caught by lintian. Étienne Mollier <> no 2022-06-21

All known versions for source package 'kephra'
