Debian Patches

Status for ldapscripts/2.0.8-2

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
02_debian_config.patch Debian-specific changes in ldapscripts.conf and runtime In Debian we try to use some knowlege from other configs (see runtime.debian).
So I commented out some values here, and add notes for Debian users.
I've alo commented usage of some tools, suggested, but not really needed for
common work.
Inclusion of runtime.debian added to runtime file.
Alexander Gerasiov <> not-needed
03_fix_manpages.patch Fix in manpage to prevent lintian warning. Lintian dislike too long lines in manpage, so I've added non-significal space
in filter example.
Alexander Gerasiov <> not-needed
05_mktemp.patch Use more secure tempfile creation Upstream uses buggy-way to create temp files. It is vulnerable to several
attack technics. But he likes it, because of portablity.
As we have mktemp(1) here in Debian, we will use it.
Alexander Gerasiov <> not-needed
07_fix_log_perm.patch no

All known versions for source package 'ldapscripts'
