Debian Patches

Status for leiningen-clojure/2.10.0-5

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-Build-in-offline-mode-with-local-repo.patch Build in offline mode with local repo Elana Hashman <> no 2017-12-21
0002-Update-LEIN_JAR-location-to-match-installed-jar.patch Update LEIN_JAR location to match installed jar Elana Hashman <> no 2017-12-21
0003-Build-leiningen-core-offline.patch Build leiningen-core offline Elana Hashman <> no 2019-02-24
0004-Use-debian-versions.patch Use Debian versions.=================================================================== no
0005-Ensure-active-profiles-respects-unmerging.patch [PATCH] Ensure :active-profiles respects unmerging, say via lein pom/java
Although a project's :active-profiles metadata is not currently part
of the publically specified API, it can be useful in middlewares.

Previously init-profiles, which is used by unmerge-profiles carried
over the :active-profiles from the incoming project, and since
:active-profiles is built solely via conj, this ended up not removing
profiles that were being unmerged. To fix that, just clear the active
profiles in init-profiles before it rebuilds them.
Rob Browning <> not-needed upstream, 2024-11-25
0006-Disable-pedantic-abort.patch Disable pedantic abort option in project.clj
This fixes the build aborting because of maven-resolver and maven-resolver-1.6
installing the same artifact. Likely a temporary situation due to the transition
of this package to a later version, eventually.

Jérôme Charaoui <> not-needed 2024-12-02
0007-Invoke-dh-clojure-adjust-project-when-requested.patch Invoke dh-clojure adjust-project when requested
When DEB_DH_CLJ_LEIN_BUILD=true in the environment add
to the classpath unless DEB_DH_CLJ_LEIN_OVERRIDE_JAR is also defined,
in which case, add its value to the classpath instead. The override
makes it possible for dh-clojure-lein to test itself during its build.

When working with a project, look for
debian.dh-clojure-lein.inject/adjust-project (defined by the
dh-clojure jar). If found (usually because dh-clojure is installed),
invoke that function both before plugins, and after any middleware, as
part of dh-clojure's Leiningen support. See dh-clojure-lein(7) in the
dh-clojure package for additional information.
Rob Browning <> no 2024-12-17

All known versions for source package 'leiningen-clojure'
