Debian Patches

Status for libapfloat-java/1.9.1-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
managing_test_dependency.patch Substituting old type "test-jar" with classifier "tests". Discussed on, this seems to be
a Debian-only issue.
Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2020-07-14
remove_test_that_fails_randomly.patch Removing a test that randomly fails The test testWait fails at random times. I have contacted Mikko Tommila
(upstream developer), who said that ``that test fails sometimes randomly. I
suppose it has something to do with the internals of Java's ForkJoinPool. The
test is by no means critical, you can remove it. The idea of the test is to
test that the ParallelRunner uses parallel threads optimally. But sometimes
ForkJoinPool creates more threads that you would expect it needs to, I don't
know why. And then the test can randomly fail. But it should only test optimal
thread allocation, not correctness of functionality.''
I am thus following the advice and removing the test.
Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2020-07-24
changing_names_of_generated_jars.patch Changing names of jars to conform to Debian Java policy Pierre Gruet <> not-needed 2020-07-25
fix_test_with_large_amount_of_ram.patch Fix test with large amount of RAM Mikko Tommila <> not-needed upstream 2020-11-18

All known versions for source package 'libapfloat-java'
