Debian Patches

Status for libdata-stag-perl/0.14-3

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
fix_manpage_names.patch removes .pl extensions to match the modified program names in /usr/bin This patch is Debian-specific and only removes the .pl extension of the names.
However, the upstream author has been informed that this patch is applied.
David Paleino <> not-needed 2016-05-29
no-sf-logo.patch docs: drop remote loading of logo This poses a privacy breach when the documentation is viewed locally
This is the homepage which is probably published via anyway, so
not something the author needs to fix per se.
Damyan Ivanov <> not-needed 2016-05-29
fix_pod_errors.patch fix POD errors most of these are misplaces/missing =over
plus a mistyped N<..> instead of B<..>
Damyan Ivanov <> yes upstream 2016-05-29
more_pod_errors.patch fix even more pod errors Florian Schlichting <> yes 2016-05-29
more_spelling_fixes.patch more spelling fixes gregor herrmann <> yes upstream vendor 2016-05-30

All known versions for source package 'libdata-stag-perl'
