Debian Patches

Status for libkarma/0.1.2-11

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
0001-make-package-cross-buildable.patch make-package-cross-buildable
libkarma fails to cross build from source, because it fails relinking
the library during make install. This is because it uses the build
architecture compiler there as dh_auto_install (unlike dh_auto_build)
does not pass cross compilers along. This relinking is entirely
unnecessary though and is due to depending on $(LIBDIR) which is always
modified. Turning that dependency into an order-only dependency avoids
the unnecessary relinking and thus makes libkarma cross buildable. It
also builds slightly faster.
Helmut Grohne <> no debian 2019-01-01

All known versions for source package 'libkarma'
