Debian Patches

Status for libnetsds-kannel-perl/1.300-7

Patch Description Author Forwarded Bugs Origin Last update
1002_fix_use_default_smsc.patch Fix use default_smsc Jonas Smedegaard <> no 2011-05-13
1001_silence_warning.patch silence warning checking undefined dlr_msg Jonas Smedegaard <> no 2010-04-28
1003_fix_use_dlr_url.patch Fix set dlr-url in send() and preserve dlr_id as fallback. Multiple flaws was discovered in the send() DLR handling.
dlr_url parameter was ignored, unconditionally using default dlr-url.
msgid was set to dlr_url, and not (separately) configurable.
Additionally, the documented parameter dlr-url was ignored and instead
dlr_id was expected. dlr_id was the valid parameter until Kannel 1.1.6
where it was replaced with dlr_url.
This patch fixes above:
* uses msgid parameter or avoids msgid in generated dlr_url.
* uses dlr_url parameter or dlr_id parameter or default dlr_url.
Jonas Smedegaard <> no 2011-05-13
auto-gitignore Update .gitignore from Debian packaging branch
The Debian packaging git branch contains these updates to the upstream
.gitignore file(s). This patch is autogenerated, to provide these
updates to users of the official Debian archive view of the package.

[dgit (9.14) update-gitignore]

All known versions for source package 'libnetsds-kannel-perl'
